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Postby P2TM » Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:59 pm


Please utilize this thread to advertise your RP. There are a few guidelines to follow:

  1. This is NOT the place for conversations. Please direct comments to the poster's TG or post them on the RP's advertised OOC thread. Discussions belong in the Community Discussion thread.
  2. This is NOT the place to post an "OOC" link which does nothing but solicit interest in or feedback for a RP idea. Use the Community Discussion thread for that.
  3. This IS the thread where you advertise your ready-to-play RP.

Your RP should have the following criteria met prior to advertising it here:
  1. It has a name.
  2. The genre/s are established.
  3. You have determined what type of RP it is (character/nation/faction).
  4. The RP setting is defined enough to permit play.
  5. Character/Faction/Nation applications are in place.
  6. You've posted rules.
  7. Your OP and any following information boxes have fleshed out the world, established the background/basis, outlined your expectations, and provide data pertinent to the RP itself.

Pro Tip: You may want to have your IC already constructed and marked [CLOSED] if this is a brand new RP and you're not ready to launch the IC into play. Otherwise, please don't forget to return here and mark your IC as in place once it launches.

This is your advertisement code. Do not change the formatting:
Please fill out a new form if you are rebooting an old RP.
Code: Select all
[td][tr][blocktext][align=Center][size=150][b]RP Advertisement Form[/b][/size][/align]

[size=120][u]Basic Information[/u][/size]
[b] RP Name:[/b]
[b]RP Creator/OP:[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] (Character, Nation, Faction)
[b]Player Level:[/b] (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)
[b]Number of Players Desired:[/b] 
[b]Posting Frequency:[/b]
[b]Any Restrictions?:[/b]

[size=120][u]Details: Y or N[/u][/size]
[b]Is the setting already defined:[/b]
I[b]s there a character/faction/nation application in place:[/b]
[b]Are the rules posted:[/b]
[b]Is this RP currently running:[/b]
[b]If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established:[/b] (skip if currently running)

(Please give a brief overview of your RP. Include any information you feel is necessary to attract players to your game.)

[size=120][u]Additional Info[/u][/size]

[size=120][u]Link to the OOC[/u]:[/size] 




Please note: RP are no longer listed by activity status.
16 Oct 2014 by Cer. Last added
10 March 2016 by Swith
15 Jan 2022 by Esternial

Last edited by P2TM on Sat Jan 15, 2022 7:24 am, edited 21 times in total.

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Swith Witherward
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Postby Swith Witherward » Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:41 pm

RP Advertisement Form


Basic Information
RP OP: Swith Witherward
CoOP/s: none
Genre/s: ALL
Type: Character
Player Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Number of Players Desired: Unlimited
Posting Frequency: varied, depending upon the story line and player schedule. Most post every other day.
Any Restrictions?: Standard post and dialog formatting; power scale for overly complex characters; new-to-RP players are expected to work on improving. Players are expected to have basic knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation - we aren't here to teach those basics.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use:

As with all Personification Life (PL) franchises, SLATE is a mentoring RP. We teach players the basics of the game, helping them to learn how to not only create characters but also to breathe life into them. Experienced players are an asset to us but also find themselves challenged to improve their own skills (which serves as an example to the new peeps on how to make scenes flow, how to fashion paragraphs that establish a character in a scene, and how to weave a story.)

Our RP is best described as "a series of unfortunate events". Events include:
  • Creepfests (Halloween event)
  • Soup du jour (occasional visits to character's nations/home towns/dimensions)
  • Allspice (mystery, crime)
  • Alien Invasions
  • Zalgofests
  • Carnal Carnivals
  • Tech of all levels, and magic, and Fae, and the kitchen sink


Sixty years have passed since mankind learned it wasn't alone in the universe. Heavy negotiating allowed Earth's denizens to take to the stars. It's by no means a sleek venture.

Although translight technology is out there, it's ungodly expensive. Most people book passage on commercially-owned ships to reach colonies and outer worlds.

Mankind relies on its colonies - space stations where one can refuel, agriculture centers on planets or moons that provide food and meat to the sector, industrial mining for precious metals and ores.

One of the newer colonies is a small, ringed world named Slate. It's inhospitable, the wildlife tends to be violent, and the views aren't worth a damn.

What Slate does have is water and deusmodium. This naturally occurring semi-metal results from the decay of uranium and thorium. Its high radioactivity requires special handling techniques and precautions. And, as it so happens, this delightful halogen comes in handy when used to power ships.
Mined as the complex ore deusmodium bogonium asspullide sulfate, deusmodium is primarily used for translight drives, due to the unusual relativistic quantum mechanical effects in its outer f-u orbitals...First commercially exploited by the Bradypus Mining Conglomerate, deusmodium is now mainly exploited by artisanal panning operations, usually by single desperate individuals - Dr. S. Loth

Slate thrives due to this mining as well the farms and ranches dotting its surface. In addition, its shipping port is a homey sort of town offering just about anything necessary to function as a colony, within reason. All of this is protected by domes to keep the good stuff in and the predators out.

The premise is simple: characters are part of the Agency (yes, that Agency minus any interference from gods) hired to protect the colony. This is not a chat location thread. Casual conversation between characters is fine, provided it leads to something productive to the story.

    PL does have an over-arching plot that has slowly built over time. It's an undercurrent rather than an overt objective. Most players unknowingly contribute to it; some players are fully aware of it.

  • PL allows you to play any genre that's near and dear to your heart (within reason). You breathe life into that genre, finding balance with other genres already in place.
  • PL allows you to play whatever your imagination dreams up (other than godly beings so powerful that they serve little purpose except to masturbate the player's ego.)
  • PL's longevity is due to the OP and CoOPs allowing people to be creative while helping them adapt that creativity to fit in with the world setting. We also have an active OOC where players can gel.

    New players are not expected to know anything about the setting. We start your character off as a new arrival to the setting and work you into the game. You gain knowledge over time and via interaction with other players. Our OOC is rife with conversation and all questions are welcomed there.

Additional Info
This is the longest running RP in P2TM! 2012, peeps. Not bad. New players do not need to know ANY of the game's IC history. We also have a Discord server for our RP group's discussions.

Link to the current OOC: SLATE[OOC] (Open, Apply Here)

*updated 15 March 2017.
*updated 25 October 2019: IC link added
Last edited by Swith Witherward on Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:41 am, edited 11 times in total.
★ Retired Senior P2TM RP Mentor ★
How may I help you today?
TG Swith Witherward
Why is everyone a social justice warrior?
Why didn't any of you choose a different class,
like social justice mage or social justice thief?
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Anti-intellectual elitism: the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities
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Postby Tiltjuice » Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:21 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: The Walking Dead: False Paradise
RP Creator/OP: Sentinel XV (Creator); IC OP - Camicon; OOC OP - Tiltjuice
CoOP/s: -
Genre/s: The Walking Dead
Type: Character/Faction; characters have allegiances to groups
Player Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Number of Players Desired: Unlimited
Posting Frequency: Slow
Any Restrictions?: Good grammar and spelling are required. No one-liners. Standard post and dialog formatting. No military characters allowed. Some existing NPCs should be taken over and made into player-run characters first, ideally. IMPORTANT - No tag posts, whatsoever. They're spam, and will be treated as such.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: Y

Description (courtesy of Camicon with some changes)
This RP is based off of AMC's The Walking Dead. The RP began with a small group of survivors based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan. They inhabited the Federal Correctional Institute at Milan, Michigan, for a brief period of time before flying to an airstrip outside of Sparta, Tennessee. They now reside in a small military complex - 'the Compound' - nestled in the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area, a former national park roughly halfway between Nashville and Knoxville. Upon arriving in Tennessee, the Michigan group encountered another band of survivors - the Church of Stryker (though it is not a 'church' in any sense of the word), led by Richard Stryker - who have taken up residence in a small church nearby the airstrip that the Michigan group arrived at. Relations between the two groups are strained at best, and leaning towards outright hostility.

Within the Compound itself, there are undercurrents of tension between the military staff (NPCs) and the civilian members of the survivor group, stemming from perceived mishandling of crises faced by the group's onetime leader Scott Sheridan. There may be a formal split between them; who knows? Human nature is a many-faceted beast.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=271652
Last edited by Tiltjuice on Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. -Khalil Gibran
Cut red tape with the Red Book / Bureaucracy is a system - #ApplyTNI / Think globally, act locally
At fifteen, I set my heart on learning. At thirty, I was firmly established. At forty, I had no more doubts. At fifty, I knew the will of heaven. At sixty, I was ready to listen to it. At seventy, I could follow my heart's desire without transgressing what was right. ~Analects, 2:4
I wear teal, blue, pink, and red for Swith.

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Archangelskl Oblast
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Postby Archangelskl Oblast » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:54 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name:Mass Effect: Factions 4.0
RP Creator/OP:Archangelskl Oblast
Op: Archangelskl Oblast
Genre/s: Si-Fi, War, Economics, Government, Mass Effect, Romance,
Type: Faction/Character
Player Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Number of Players Desired: 30 (We have never had a balance below 20-25)
Posting Frequency:Fast, Within Two weeks of Rolls being posted. (Rolls/ Random Events are every 2 pages witch mark a new month)
Any Restrictions?: Only a few restrictions.
• No Trolls, No Power-Gaming, Metta-Gaming, No God-Modding, OPs are God in OOC and overrule anyone and everyone.
(NS Mods excluded)
• You cannot have more than one Faction unless OP crew says.
• Must Post every one weeks (unless you tell a OP crew that you you will be gone, you will be considered inactive after two weeks and kicked.)
• If you are being rude or spamming you will be ban, we only suspend in some cases.
• Must have some amount of Mass Effect know how.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes
Is there a character application in place: Yes Character and Faction (character only In some of our Sub-Threads)
Are the rules posted: Yes
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: Yes (We go thought at least 2 pgs. Of IC in a span of a week, it picks up on the weekends usually.)

Hey everyone welcome to the Mass Effect: Factions RP! You will be able to play as any major faction throughout the Mass effect games we will go into the factions that you can be more later. This RP will be set in the time immediately following the beginning of ME2.(we are currently 25-30 month into the game, but still at the start of the game.) So for this RP we will say that the council was sacrificed causing tensions between Humans and other council races. The Thorian is still alive and overran Feros. Rachni queen is still alive and hiding out. Also Wrex succeeded in uniting the Krogan.

Additional Info
We are a very active fan-base to say the least. If you join our RP you will we we are rather aggressive RPers mixed with mellow diplomats, economists and even artists.
The game bases around your created Factions, You my have any number of personal characters in your Faction (At OPs approval) We have dozens of Sub threads. A unique thing about Mass Effect: Factions- Due to the OP being an immigrant, he allows opritunity for even some of the worst RPers and attempts to help them improve there RP skill. Over time no matter the argument we at Mass Effect: Factions have become attached to one another. We have become a big welcoming argumentative, abusive, passionate and loving family. For additional info just look at the OOC, look at our RPs. No matter how upset we get with one another, we allways care and we are allways helping each other.

So, come join the party we are friendly, orderly and very very active group!

Link to the OOC:
Le Mass Effect Factions 4.0 OOC
Last edited by Archangelskl Oblast on Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
We'll Bang, OK?

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Postby Anarakdos » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:02 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Termination Squad
RP Creator/OP: Anarakdos
CoOP/s: N/A
Genre/s: Military; Superhuman; Action
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Number of Players Desired: Up to ten.
Posting Frequency: min. once weekly
Any Restrictions?: N/A

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: N

Two years ago, the apocalypse was barely averted. Within the span of a month, a virus broke out that caused the select few that were susceptible to it to gain superpowers and magic returned to the world, causing various natural disasters as spellcasters found their powers amplified. Only the discovery of a crashed alien spaceship and the adaptation of its technology saved the human race from destruction. Although many "otherworldly elements" were controlled or wiped out during the years of isolationism that followed, as countries began to repair their connections with each other, they began to realize that there were still many powered individuals who had avoided the purges. Thus a squad of powered humans was assembled, to exterminate potential threats to stability.

Extermination Squad is a mix of the military and superhuman genres. You play as a member of a spec ops squad designed to efficiently, ruthlessly and covertly take out superpowered troublemakers. I've already got a three act story planned, filled with twists and hard action. Although the rough plot is fixed, there will still be a lot of free room to change the story.

Additional Info
Link to the OOC:
I'm always looking for feedback about my RP skills. If you have any comments or criticisms, feel free to TG me.

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Postby Cylarn » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:10 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Blood and Sand.
RP Creator/OP: Cylarn.
CoOP/s: N/A.
Genre/s: Crime, Action, Science (because meth).
Type: Character.
Player Level: Intermediate/Advanced.
Number of Players Desired: 10-20.
Posting Frequency: At least once a day. I understand that real life trumps RPs.
Any Restrictions?: Read the rules.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes.
Is there a character application in place: Yes.
Are the rules posted: Yes.
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: Not currently.

Welcome to the small desert town of Oro de Dios, located along the US-Mexico border in southern Texas, along the Rio Grande. This impoverished town has around 2,000 residents in total, most of whom who live in trailers or dilapidated homes. Oro de Dios, or just Oro to its residents, was founded in 1830 by Texan settlers, who discovered the plentiful gold deposits in the surrounding hills and in the Rio Grande. From 1831 to 1961, the town operated 4 large mining operations, which soon fell apart once the deposits were depleted. Despite the opening of a small oil field and refinery in 1935, Oro was hit hard by the collapse of their mining industry. As a result, around 75% of its residents lost their jobs, and Oro's population of 10,000 people plummeted to 3,000 people, as most of their residents went North in order to look for work. 40% of the residents of the town are unemployed, while the rest work at the oil fields, the oil refinery, or in the nearby cities of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, which are 50 miles northwest of Oro.

Due to the high amount of poverty in Oro, crime is rampant in the small town. Oro is known for its drug production, with many people growing marijuana in hydroponic setups in their homes or greenhouses, or producing meth in their homes. Most of the products are transported south of the border, into Mexico. Gun running is also a profitable industry in Oro, with the locals running guns down to the Mexican cartels. As a result of the thriving criminal enterprises in Oro, the town has been enthralled in the Mexican Drug War, with the cartels active in the town. The local police force, with its 10 men, is a corrupt institution, with most, if not all, of its personnel receiving bribes from the cartels or the locals.

You must have messed up bad in order to end up in Oro, stranger. You'll find nothing but blood and sand in these parts, since there's no more gold. But hey, it's your funeral.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=283553
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Recipient of the Best Crime RP'er Award and the Best Crime RP Award for 2013 in P2TM. Recipient of the Best Crime RP'er Award of 2014 in P2TM.

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Postby Ubaria » Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:48 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Payday: In Money We Trust
RP Creator/OP: Ubaria
CoOP/s: None
Genre/s: Action, Crime, Modern, Robbery.
Type: Character
Player Level: Any
Number of Players Desired: 4
Posting Frequency: At least a couple of posts a day.
Any Restrictions?: None really. Just be sensible.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: N

Robbing banks, taking scores and have fun whilst doing it. RP as a group of up and coming robbers taking on a series of robberies that will take them on a thrillride to the top, or to jail. Don't get caught.

Additional Info
Loosely based off Payday: The Heist and Payday 2
Link to the OOC:
Last edited by Ubaria on Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Yo, that's mad.

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Postby Wolfenium » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:20 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Starlight ☆ Maidens
RP Creator/OP: Wolfenium
CoOP/s: None as of yet
Genre/s: Fantasy, Magical Girl, Action, Alternate History, Modern Day, PT to PMT.
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Number of Players Desired: About 10
Posting Frequency: At least weekly. At least thrice a week to check in is recommended, depending on pace
Any Restrictions?: One RP example to prove you have a basic understanding of English and fun. :3

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: N

Starlight ☆ Maidens
A fantasy Magical Girl RP Reboot

Playing: Luminous - ClariS - Puella Magi Madoka Magica Movie OP


Magical girls... Paragons of light and justice... Since time immemorial, the Magical Girl orders have defended the land of Terra and beyond from all forms of evils that plague the world. The last standing remnants of human civilization in the Old World, these Shard-powered warriors had struggled to resist the eternal wave of monstrous creatures that had devoured most of old Europa. Throughout it all, the orders established powerful city-states, the greatest of which, Asteripolis, stands at the center of their beloved realm. There, it quickly became the heart of a thriving community and trade hub, the envy of the greater world.

However, all is not well in the world, as the ancient orders prepare for the annual Asteria magical girl tournament. With unknown invaders amassing beyond its gates, few doubted it could be breached. But as time would show, the greatest threats come from within. As these magical warriors prepare for battle, the girls will face not just the twisted monsters of the night, but each other as well...

Additional Info

Shards - Cosmic energy which provides the source of a Magical Girl's power. All Magical Girls, without exception, derive their power from a shard in one form or another, whether embedded in their bodies or from external sources. First known sources of Shards came about from the Cataclysm, when a shower of Shards appeared from the air within proximity of Constantinople, also the site of the first Shadow attack. Contrary to its name, it has no fixed form, sometimes unseen until a Magical Girl's power manifests. Thus far, no record of a male manifesting the powers of an embedded Shard has been known.

Magical Girls – Girls empowered by Shards. No one can accurately say why only females could use Shards when infused in their bodies. However, human ingenuity has allowed males to use Shards as external power sources.

Masked Protectors - Boys capable of using Shards as external power sources. Popularized by the helmeted Knights Hospitaliers of Rhodes, it evolved to encompass all 'Magical Boys', masked or not.

Shadows – Malevolent entities acting on instinct to devour all living things.

Link to the OOC: OOC
Name: Wolfenium| Demonym: Wolfener/Wolfen| Tech Level: MT/PMT/FanTech (main timeline) or FT/FanTech
Factbook (under revamping): MT | PT
Characters: Imperial Registry of Houses (PT: Historical Archives)
Embassies: Wolfenium's Diplomatic Quarters - Now open to Embassies and Consulates
National Symbols (Applies for both MT/PMT and FT): Flag (Elaborate)|Anthem

/人 ‿‿ 人\ { Make a contract with me, and save me from the Homu-devil! )

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Postby Alleniana » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:18 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name:New Imperialism
RP Creator/OP: Myself, Alleniana
CoOP/s: Baja California y Sonora and The Holy Dominion of Inesea
Genre/s: History, War, Politics, Nations, y'know, yeah?
Type: Nation with faction elements
Player Level: Tending towards the higher end
Number of Players Desired: As many as possible, at the moment.
Posting Frequency: Every few days, with any hope.
Any Restrictions?: Few.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
[b]Are the rules posted:
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: Y

Essentially, a giant freeform AHRP set in the year 1900. Most of the world is set up, but you still have plenty of freedom within some areas. You could also take over an NPC, which would be very appreciated. Have fun with a big nation, and guide it through the politics and workings of the early 20th century. In essence, a nationbuilding RP.

Additional Info
An older, more matured RP, though plenty of space to join. All welcome, really.

Link to the OOC:
Here at
Last edited by Alleniana on Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:16 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Mighty Asgard
Posts: 2082
Founded: Jan 09, 2012

Postby Mighty Asgard » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:03 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Super Hero High: Prometheus Rising
RP Creator/OP: Mighty Asgard
CoOP/s: N/A
Genre/s: Superhero school adventure
Type: Character
Player Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Number of Players Desired: No limit
Posting Frequency: Slow, once or twice per day usually
Any Restrictions?: Acceptable grammar and spelling is a must.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes
Is there a character application in place: Yes
Are the rules posted: Yes
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: Yes

The world of the RP is essentially like the real world, with the key difference being that persons with superhuman powers and certain other fantastical elements exist. Characters in the RP are students and teachers at the Academy for the Empowered, a school specifically for superhumans and other gifted people. The Academy is located aboard a very advanced space station in orbit over the planet, for the safety of the students and everyone else. At the Academy they are free to learn how to handle their powers in relative peace, overseen and kept safe by the benevolent authority of the Headmaster and the staff. But it is not only a training facility for the future heroes and villains of the world, it is also a regular school with all that entails; superpowered teenagers making out under the bleachers and complaining about their homework by setting it on fire with their minds.

The plot of the thread is technically a continuation of a previous thread, but little knowledge of the events of that thread is necessary to participate in the current one. All that is known about the event of the previous thread by the general public of the RP world is that vampiric creatures from another universe invaded the world, causing widespread destruction and a renewed distrust in anyone who isn't an ordinary human being. With great effort and after months of total war the vampires were driven back and the world was saved. It was after these events that the current Headmaster took over the reins of the Academy, and the current thread started.

On several occasions the students and staff of the Academy have come into contact with the enigmatic Prometheus Foundation, a group that only became widely known to the public after the war against the vampires. Their stated goal is to help superhumans escape oppression, and to provide disaster-relief to areas affected by natural or manmade disasters. They, along with several space agencies and the Academy, have also made plans to create a small base on the moon to demonstrate that superhumans and regular humans can work together to achieve great things. It is quite clear that the Prometheus Foundation has a great interest in the Academy and its students.

More recently tensions have been rising between superhuman rights groups and human supremacist groups. This strife culminated in the detonation of a small nuclear weapon in Tokyo, responsibility being claimed by a human supremacist group that wanted to target an international meeting rumored to be about protecting the rights of superhuman persons. As of yet the Academy has not responded to this attack, but many students have expressed a desire to punish those responsible and it is possible that the administration won't be able to stop them from trying.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC: Current OOC thread

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Posts: 7124
Founded: May 10, 2013

Postby Decius » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:19 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Young Justice: Unlimited
RP Creator/OP: Decius
CoOP/s: None Yet
Genre/s: A bit of everything you could say
Type: Character (Character, Nation, Faction)
Player Level: Intermediate to Advanced (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)
Number of Players Desired: Any number
Posting Frequency: At least 10 per day
Any Restrictions?: No Godmodding, Metagaming, One Liners, or Flaming

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: N

To any of you whom may be familiar with my last superhero/supervillian RP "The World of the Teen Titans" which was based off the TV Show "Teen Titans", this one is based off the show Young Justice only more serious and more epic. Basically you can create your own personal hero or villain, or you can choose one from the show like Nightwing, Robin, Beast Boy, Superboy, etc. Now a little background.

Summary: The year is 2017, a year after the defeat of the invading Krolotaians and The Reach. The Light has been forced into hiding as the Justice League expands further and all is right with the world. Then a new superhero going by the name "Arklight" appears at the command of a new crime fighting organization known as Sector 7, giving the Justice League a little competition. The Team now consists of Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis, Bumblebee, Beast Boy, and Impulse alongside several other heroes and they are under the charge of Nightwing, Batman, and Red Tornado. Aqualad has gone into hiding with his father Black Manta. Red Arrow and Cheshire along with their daughter have disappeared from view. Arsenal has finally joined the Justice League and turned his back to his path towards revenge against Luthor. However on January 1st 2017 at exactly midnight, Cadmus is suddenly bought out by a massive international big-weight technology company known as KaizerTech International, formerly the worlds leading technology corporation in the medical, science, educational, and social fields but now dealing mostly with military fields. This strikes the League as odd and so they set out to find out exactly what is going on at KTI. What they find out will shock all.........

Okay now that we have our background, basically at the start The Team will be at Mount Justice getting the run down from Nightwing, Batman, and Red Tornado on KaizerTech International. Now this will not be like a funny RP with jokes save small ones or sarcastic snaps, but like serious. You know, it has to set a serious atmosphere and mood. The prologue will start out as the Young Heroes attempt to successfully infiltrate KaizerTech and find out what interest they have in Cadmus. Now I will be the one RPing as KaizerTech and its mysterious leader, Arklight and Sector 7, and the Light. Everyone else is up for grabs or you can create your own hero or villain. Heroes are generally one of the following; A young teenage hero part of the Team, a member of the Justice League, or a lone Vigilante. A Villain is usually; On their own, a underling of the Light, A member of a different crime organization.

Now some links for intel since I certainly don't have the space to list every single detail:


The Team

The Justice League

Arsenal (Original Roy Harper)

That is really all that can be dug up.


The Light

The Injustice League

The League of Shadows

That is all I will reveal

Now Applications:

Code: Select all
Hero or Villain:
Member of the Light or Justice League:
Member of any form of small Gang:
Appearance: (If picture cannot be provided then I want a VERY Detailed description)
Main Weapons: (Full detailed list please)
RP Sample:

Now listen very carefully to this point here! If you want to be a character from the series then you have to prove to me that you know that character well enough to RP them! And by well enough I mean down to the last detail. You would use the regular application but for a series character then it must be filled in with the statistics for that character. Got it.


Kid Flash (Wally West); Reason: Deceased


Slade (He is from Teen Titans)
Cat Woman
Harley Quinn
Iron Man Just joking on that one


RULE NUMBAH 1: Absolutely, under no certain conditions, will any form of Godmodding, Metagaming, or Flaming be allowed in this RP. I will not stand for Godmodding because from what I've seen the entire plot then has to be redone! I will not stand for Metagaming because it is cheating! I will not under any conditions stand for Flaming because everyone deserves respect no matter of race, creed, or affiliation! Examples:

Godmodding Example: John kicked at Harry's head and then punched him in the face and Harry falls unconscious. (The player whom RP's John gives the player whom RP's Harry no time at all to respond.)

Metagaming Example: OOC Thread Post: Well you wont notice my guy behind you/IC Thread Post of different player: He suddenly whirled around and punched his rear attacker in the face. (Metagaming involves using information posted by players in OOC against them in IC)

Flaming Example: Wow your so stupid! (I will not tolerate disrespect to anyone.)

RULE NUMERO 2: Absolutely no 1 Liners! You hear me! I want a nice detailed and good RP. Not short little post after short little post. No I mean nice detailed paragraphs. I think the point should be got there.

RULE NUMERIA 3: Do not under any circumstances bring RL Problems here!

RULE NUMBER 4: So there isn't a large amount of confusion of who is where, Put the Location, Date, and Time at the top left corner of your posts like it is done in the show.

Alright lets get this show on the road!


Isona-Icicle Jr.
Sorvalia-Slade Wilson

Additional Info

Link to the OOC:
"My enemies are many, My equals are none."
-Napoleon Bonaparte, First Emperor of France

"Our enemies are many, Our equals are none."
-Motto of the Glorious Fourth German Reich of Decius


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Postmaster of the Fleet
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Postby Zeinbrad » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:43 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Our Last Hope
RP Creator/OP:Me
CoOP/s:None yet.
Genre/s: Sci-fi
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate
Number of Players Desired: 5-6
Posting Frequency:
Any Restrictions?: You must be a race from the OP.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Pretty much.
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Character.
Are the rules posted: Not yet
Is this RP currently running:[b] Not yet.
[b]If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established:
Not yet.

The year is 2954 and the veil of chaos begins to engulf the Galaxy. The Ragon Empire, long seen as the great military power in the galaxy, and its greatest threat has been crumbled to its knees, as Civil war begins to engulf their worlds in flame, something else is approaching. Something that made a entire species scared and turned their system into a fortress, Cultist rise and begin to become a greater threat to the Galaxy...and while the Galaxy burns, something...someone is planing the attack.

However or whatever it is, they have the galaxy in their grasp, and their goal to ignite chaos further only threatens the Galaxy more than it has in the past. Most of the known Galaxy is in ignorance of the threat, they hide themselves from the fear that crawls in the back of their mind. While the ignorance of the Galaxy dooms it to burn, someone isn't blind, and he is the galaxies last hope. However he is....he must act with haste, for the hounds of war are now ready to enclose their jaws on the Galaxy.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC:
“There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind.
The second way is to be kind.
The third way is to be kind.”
― Fred Rogers
Currently looking for an artist for a Star Wars fan comic I want to make.

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Posts: 6150
Founded: Jan 21, 2010

Postby Ayreonia » Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:47 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Postapocalyptia
RP Creator/OP: Ayreonia
CoOP/s: Pretty much everyone involved. We're open source.
Genre/s: Action-adventure
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Number of Players Desired: As many as possible
Posting Frequency: Moderate
Any Restrictions?: Yes. Due to the already moderately high number of players, I'm somewhat picky with apps, especially considering originality and writing skills, But I consider every single one, and anyone who's semi-decent can have a place.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y, but under constant progress
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running: Y
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: (skip if currently running)


A swashbuckling adventure like no other!

Long story short, there's this planet called Rigel-3, nicknamed Postapocalyptia, because when it was first settled, the colonists thought it kinda looked like it had survived a nuclear holocaust or something. At the beginning, the place looked fairly useless, save for some alien ruins of archaeological value -- until timonium, a natural element, was discovered, sparking a 25th century gold rush. Then something very bad happened with an orbital power plant, plunging the entire planet into anarchy by cutting it off from the rest of civilization. The official government all but collapses, and various corporations, nomad groups and outlaws constantly fight each other, rewriting law in the wake of the latest firefight.

Our characters are so-called Vagabonds: part archaeologist, part explorer, part gunslinger, who brave the Rigelian wastes in search of treasure and discovery, fighting off bandits, wildlife and indeed the planet itself. This particular Vago crew has stumbled upon something big: the discovery of a lifetime, and are unwillingly being dragged deeper and deeper into a planet-spanning plot that will affect all of Postapocalyptia.

Additional Info
Postapocalyptia won "Best Comedy RP of 2013," but isn't strictly comic in nature. Most of the humour arises from our less-than-stable characters and them trying to cope with their harsh lives.

We have an active and very accepting OOC, which is almost like a chat thread at times. Everybody has a say, be it the plot, the world or anything else. As stated above, we're open source.

What else? We like music and have a soundtrack.
Link to the OOC:
Images likely to cause widespread offense, such as the swastika, are not permitted as national flags. Please see the One-Stop Rules Shop ("Acceptable Flag Policy").

Photoshopped birds flipping the bird not acceptable.

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Posts: 12017
Founded: Mar 20, 2011
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Terintania » Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:56 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Of Shadow
RP Creator/OP: Terintania
CoOP/s: None. May have one in the future
Genre/s: Stealth (?)
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Number of Players Desired: Somewhere around 10, probably. Maybe more, maybe less.
Posting Frequency: I don't really care how often people post, as long as it's not like, once every two weeks or something. It all depends.
Any Restrictions?: You have to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, and there are no one-liners allowed.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running: N
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: N

This RP is a thief RP based in modern times. You will play as a member of the 'Guild', and you will be presented with increasingly difficult jobs as time goes on. You must plan these jobs carefully with your fellow thieves, making use of each of the Guild member's special skills. I will present you with the jobs, then leave the planning to the other Rpers, and will act as a sort of overseer, making sure no one does any ridiculously stupid plans, but beyond that, whether you fail or succeed will depend on your planning skills. It will also depend on how will you execute the plan.
So, will the guild make a name for itself? Or will it end in disaster?
The guild is based in a town of my own making, or rather, a town that will sort of build itself as the RP goes on. There will be plenty of places to rob and make money. From houses, to stores, to mansions, to castles.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC:
Last edited by Terintania on Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Times are looking grim these days~

Into The Storm, a post-apocalypse journey.
The School of Lawful Reform. A Sci-fi power school RP

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Posts: 3907
Founded: Feb 03, 2013

Postby Reddogkeno101 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:11 am

Last edited by Reddogkeno101 on Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
Russia,Imperialism, fascism, Religion, Speedo-clad politicians and North Korea
Team Reek, Centralised EU, Australia, NATO, Ukraine(Kiev Rus), Poland, China, Obama and Democrat led Murica

This user deplores oxygen pirates, so oxygen pirates beware.

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Posts: 2431
Founded: Aug 03, 2012
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Phoenix2012 » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:56 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Shipwrecked!HMS Phoenix Survival RP
RP Creator/OP:
Genre/s:Surval, Historical
Type: (Character, Nation, Faction)Character
Player Level: (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced) All
Number of Players Desired: unlimited
Posting Frequency:Varied
Any Restrictions?: Attempt at quality posts, limited one-liners

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place:Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running:N
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: (skip if currently running)N

The RP takes place on a chain of Tropical islands in the late 1790s, after the HMS Phoenix, Bound for India, is blown off-course and is wrecked. Players will need to battle the elements to survive and interact with the natives. The ultimate goal is to be able to survive and to build a small vessel on which to sail to find help.

Additional Info
With a sudden jerk, the Frigate Phoenix is driven hard aground on the beach of a strange island. The wind continues howling through the tangled rigging, and the waves continue pounding against the wooded sides. It is clear that the ship is doomed, broken by the elements. What was once a proud ship will soon be a wreckage of wood and iron....
The voyage began 16 weeks prior to the grounding. HMS Phoenix, a 38gun frigate of the Royal Navy set sail on the 16th of May, 1798 bound for India. Her crew consisted of 300 men, many of them convicts, landsmen, and foreign sailors. An extra 30 prisoners were captured after a battle with a foreign frigate exiting the Mediterranean. After going around the Cape, the ship was caught in a violent storm, blowing her hundreds of miles off course. The Storm raged for more than three weeks, and on the 21st of August, land was sighted, several minutes later, the ship was driven hard aground.
The islands were not on any of the few charts intact, and are far from any shipping lanes. The fate of the crew will be decided by their actions....
What will you do?.....

So, as you can tell, this is a survival rp. You will play one of the 300 crew stranded. The possibilities are endless, and fate is what you make it.
That being said, this is in the late 18th century, and the technologies and knowledge is expected to be historically accurate.
This rp will take place in a chain of Islands in the Indian/South Pacific. Weapons will be limited, as well as supplies.
Remember, there is a possiblity for many diverse and unique characters, as the British Navy forced sailors of many nationalities
to serve on their ships. You can play as a sailor, a prisoner, or as a passenger. Keep things realistic, and have fun!

Link to the OOC:
Last edited by Phoenix2012 on Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:59 am, edited 3 times in total.

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The Abel Imaginarium
Posts: 1914
Founded: Oct 15, 2013

Postby The Abel Imaginarium » Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:43 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Breaking The 4th Wall (BT4W): Future Class
RP Creator/OP: The Abel Imaginarium
CoOP/s: N/A
Genre/s: Superhero School Adventure/Fantasy/Scifi
Type: Character
Player Level: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Number of Players Desired: Unlimited
Posting Frequency: Depending on players' free-time
Any Restrictions?:
Obediance of the OP/Co-Op & the rules & acceptable grammer

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes
Is there a character application in place: Yes
Are the rules posted: Yes
Is this RP currently running: Yes
Do you have an IC thread established: Nope. There will be soon

The setting takes place within a post-modern futuristic era of Earth, in a time when the entire planet is under the protection of an alliance of legendary superheroes known as the All-Titans. Seeking to promote their cause and to recruit new members into their organisation, the ATA began the Future Class Academy, educating and training all empowered humans/aliens & creatures from various different worlds and other dimensions to become a hero/heroine.

Students of the FCA are not always confined within the vicinity of their school-grounds during lesson periods. Often then not, they will be sub-divided into teams and taken on dangerous missions together with their mentors in order to learn and gain experience first-hand on the battlefield. Missions can span from fighting supervillains on earth itself to battling demons, angels, god-like aliens, time-traveling conquerors and primordial beings on other worlds and in different time-lines. As a Future Class scholar, players will find themselves paired up and working with individuals originating from places they've never even heard of and each accompanied with different cultural/personal backgrounds that they'll find interesting.

As a teacher in the academy though, players are superhero/heroines in-charge of protecting the school as well as guiding their students throughout their time there. Their main task? ensure that these new generation of young guardians will become worthy enough to take their places beside them in the future and protect the rest of the world from the evil to come.

Additional Info
Players are also allowed to create villain apps as well and take turns to become the major bad guys of each story/plot/arc.

Link to the OOC:
Last edited by The Abel Imaginarium on Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Posts: 4625
Founded: Jun 04, 2012

Postby Ublia » Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:24 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: ASOIAF: A Throne of Fire and Blood
RP Creator/OP: Ublia
CoOP/s: Not assigned as of yet
Genre/s: Fantasy/Political/Thriller, War
Type: Nation/Faction
Player Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Number of Players Desired: Unlimited
Posting Frequency: Regular
Any Restrictions?:
-Need good grammar
-Have some knowledge of GoT universe
-Must have detailed posts
-No trolls, No Power-Gaming, Metta-Gaming, No God-Modding, OPs are God in OOC and overrule anyone and everyone. (Except NS mods naturally….)

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running: Y
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: (skip if currently running) N


Right well the RP itself is set at the time just before Aegons conquest of Westeros, at the time of the Bleeding Years when the Seven Kingdoms were well still Seven kingdoms and Essos was being devoured by war to re-establish the old Valyrian Empire. Basically you are one of the many noble houses and or nations competing for power across Westeros and Essos and like in the books your never safe for allies can become enemies over dinner and the ones you love could very well be shoving the knife in your back.

So whether you choose to play as one of Westeros Seven Kingdoms and try to preserve your carefully guarded autonomy from the Targaryens machinations or an uppity noble trying to upset the old social order there’s lots of leg room. Or perhaps the Free Cities are more your style in which case you’re a noble family or character there trying to compete for power in the rat races of old Valyrian democracy or perhaps you’ll simply try and pull a Julius Caesar move and declare yourself dictator just don't get torn in two, it matters not for ambition is the name of the game the only question is how long will you survive?

Anywho you get the drift it’s an RP all about bloody power struggles, merciless rouges and dragons, oh yes we’ve got dragons folks. So feel free to drop in and write up an application were always welcoming new members will welcome you opened armed, just be ready to get stabbed in the back though. :lol2:

Additional Info Nothing springs to mind….although do note the Lannisters are still open. ;)

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=283877
Last edited by Ublia on Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
A Canadian Green Tory and Nationalist, who loves History, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and is always down to RP

"'Whither is God?' He cried; "I will tell you. We have killed him- you and I.'"- F. Neitzsche, The Gay Science
Economic Left/Right: -6.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.51
Canada, Green and or Red Toryism, Environmentalism, Canadian Nationalism, Neo-Classical Realism
Neutral: Eggplants and Switzerland
Against: Communism, Separatism in Canada, Social Conservatism, Critical Theory (the last few years have been harsh), DESCARTES (don't blame me blame the Meditations)

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Posts: 9453
Founded: Feb 17, 2013

Postby Mincaldenteans » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:09 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Hidden Origins
RP Creator/OP: Mincaldenteans
Genre/s: Scifi, drama, action.
Type: Character/Faction influenced.
Player Level: Preferably intermediate to advanced.
Number of Players Desired: 8, but open.
Posting Frequency: Variable
Any Restrictions?: Please read the rules.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running/have an IC in use: Not currently.

Welcome to the world where blood does runs deeper than water. Set in 2016, in a 3rd-world United States, freed genetic engineered soldiers and covert assassins struggle against a corrupt government and a fanatic order bent on total domination. Slowly, but surely, the fight is becoming desperate: the enemy is winning. Their plans, each and every faction, are unknown to the public and those that are “in the know” are usually dead, on the run, or in league. Set in Seattle, Washington, you will belong to one of these groups living your daily lives and setting about to complete the greater goals of your organization. But not all is at it seems. Agendas are layered, allegiances are tricky, loyalties are tested, consciences weigh heavily, plots twist and intertwine, and the decisions you make will affect everyone around you.

Who do you serve?

And who do you trust?

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=284374

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Post Marshal
Posts: 15035
Founded: Nov 25, 2011
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Cylarn » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:44 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Out of the Comfort Zone.
RP Creator/OP: Cylarn.
CoOP/s: N/A.
Genre/s: Crime, Mystery Thriller.
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate/Advanced.
Number of Players Desired: 6.
Posting Frequency: At least once a day. I understand if players have lives.
Any Restrictions?: N/A.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes.
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Yes.
Are the rules posted: Yes.
Is this RP currently running: Not yet.
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: Not yet.

The year is 1994, and South Africa has begun to undergo major change, with the election of its first black President, Nelson Mandela. With the election of President Mandela and a major rise in the political power of the ANC, institutions of the minority white government such as Apartheid have been struck down, while Mandela makes attempts to bring about reconciliation between the whites and blacks. While many have applauded Mandela for his strong efforts of reconciliation, others have resented the end of Apartheid, fearing as though the blacks would oppress the whites and limit the opportunities of future white South Africans. Violence is not unheard of, and in poverty-stricken areas of the nation, violence between whites and black is all too common. In the coming days, a new violent event would threaten to bring down the growing Rainbow Nation.

Welcome to the city of Johannesburg, capital of the Gauteng Province. In recent years following the striking-down of the Group Areas Act and the end of Apartheid, crime has gone up and Johannesburg has seen many businesses shut down as a result. Racial tensions are high, and many point to these tensions as the cause of the assassination of a prominent ANC politician in the city. Many blacks believe that the assassination is the work of anti-government whites who resent the end of Apartheid, while a majority of the whites are accusing the ANC of assassinating the politician so that they may use the situation as an excuse to further "Africanize" South Africa and to persecute the whites. Race riots and gang violence have begun to increase in Johannesburg, prompting the South African Police Service to respond to the chaos.

In the midst of the chaos, the SAPS is carrying out the investigation of the assassination in a unique manner. For one of the first times since the end of Apartheid, the investigation team is racially integrated, with the hopes that the appearance of a multi-racial investigation team will help to soothe accusations of racism by the police. You are one of the detectives assigned to the case, and whether you are white or black, your job is to get to the bottom of this murder. For all of you, this is a first - to be working alongside someone of a different race. However, you must put aside racial differences if justice is to be upheld.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=284430
✎ Member - ℘ædagog
If you are serving the US and its allies right now overseas, thank you for what you do.
Recipient of the Best Crime RP'er Award and the Best Crime RP Award for 2013 in P2TM. Recipient of the Best Crime RP'er Award of 2014 in P2TM.

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Posts: 6150
Founded: Jan 21, 2010

Postby Ayreonia » Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:12 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: The MULTIVERSAL BADASS!!!1 Tournament
RP Creator/OP: Ayreonia
CoOP/s: none as of yet
Genre/s: Arena, action, comedy
Type: Character
Player Level: All
Number of Players Desired: All of them
Posting Frequency: n/a
Any Restrictions?: Yes, must have partaken in a prior character RP

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running: N
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: N


So there's this artificially created pocket dimension somewhere among the folds of the Multiverse, originally constructed as an experiment, but subsequently abandoned because the Multiverse is a big enough place as it is. That is, until an enterprising businessman whose name is not known (except that it begins with an A and rhymes with "yreonia") realized the potential profits. You see, the engineers who built the place did a pretty shoddy job and forgot to integrate quantum entanglement, which means that time and space are convoluted, so that anything that happens there has zero effect on the rest of the world(s). How the hell does that even work, I hear you asking. There's a long, complicated answer and a short to-the-point one. The former is still being worked on, the latter is "cartoon physics, also, fuck you, that's how."

So, this mysterious businessman who shall not be named did the only sensible thing with this little pocket dimension: he turned it into a combat arena, where denizens of the Multiverse from every time, dimension and reality gather to duke it out to see who is the baddest ass in all the worlds! And since death only means the termination of that consciousness, the maimed, burned and blown-up losers would simply find themselves back in their home dimension, all limbs intact. The matches are televised to all corners of the 'verse, and the victors gain (literally) eternal glory and fame, as well as a discount for ammo and weapons bought for the next match.

So, does your character have what it takes to become the Multiversal Badass?

Additional Info
Not much. Grab your favorite P2TM character and join the fray.
Link to the OOC:
Images likely to cause widespread offense, such as the swastika, are not permitted as national flags. Please see the One-Stop Rules Shop ("Acceptable Flag Policy").

Photoshopped birds flipping the bird not acceptable.

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Posts: 3322
Founded: Feb 18, 2011
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby StellarGate » Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:54 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: An Exclusive Offer!
RP Creator/OP: StellarGate
CoOP/s: None Yet
Genre/s: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action
Type: Character
Player Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Number of Players Desired: As many as possible
Posting Frequency:Variable
Any Restrictions?: Current two character limit

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined:Yish
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted:Y
Is this RP currently running:N
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: N

Humanity has made First Contact... through an MMO? Play as a human of today specially selected to test the 'Alpha' version of Reverse Universe developed by SuperNova Games Inc., a MMO that spans not just Earth, but the entire universe! Interact with aliens that are play-testing the game with you, drive spaceships, steal, kill, party and generally have fun. You have a friendly guide named Eve and everyone seems nice enough, though I wouldn't trust that camper alien over there, he's a jerk. While your friends might not believe you got killed by tentacled space squid or the fact that you just got to bed a hot alien female(at least you think it was female)... won't stop you from enjoying the game!

TO: [Profile Name]
From: Eve, SuperNova Games Inc.

Greetings human of Earth! I am Eve, the Artificial Intelligence in charge of communicating this very special, exclusive offer to you. I represent SuperNova Games Inc, and am helping feild test a new revolutionay gaming system made specifically for a very special game indeed!

Don't believe me do you? You probably think its some sort of funny fictional advertisement, and I wish you would not think that.

SuperNova Games Inc. has taken notice of humanity and its endless games which its uses to waste time. Despite urging from outside influences not to, we have come to you to help test our game, what better tester then someone who has never encountered any our games before! Not a traditional First Contact, no, but you will not regret this. You out of the current population of humans were selected because of your known interests in sci-fi, fantasy, video games, MMOs and various other factors which made us send you this through your primitive devices like 'email' and 'cellphones'.

The New HoloPlayer should of arrived at your house about an hour after this message was sent. Do not worry, it does not need a power source supplied, it comes with one already built in and will last forever.
If you are still reading this, then great!

The game is called Reverse Universe, an expansive MMO in which you can explore a galaxy that is ever changing and alive! With planets to live and party on, jobs to do, resources to collect, and beings to interact with you'll never get bored! Want to own a business? Be our guest. Party all day and woo your fellows? Sure. Hunt down law breakers? Why not? You decide what your going to be. You will also get the chance to talk and interact with many of the other races currently testing the game as well, good thing our Universal Translator has been updated with human languages.

Upon your arrival in game, I will be there to brief you personally.

See you around and Good Gaming!

Additional Info:
Technically set in current day, though characters will be interacting in a mostly sci-fi environment.

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=284683
FT nation- Royal Cresian Empire
Dogmeat wrote:
Skunkylon wrote:There are only 2 genders

3 genders for the Drag Queens, under the sky
7 for the Gay Lords, in their Hall of Techno
9 for Lesbians, doomed to own cats
1 for the Incel Lord on his internet throne.
New Aerios wrote:If Atheism is a religion, off is a TV channel.
How to become an Admin

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Post Marshal
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Founded: May 15, 2013
Democratic Socialists

Postby Galnius » Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:39 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Hunger Games: The First Quarter Quell
RP Creator/OP: Galnius
CoOP/s:None yet
Genre/s: Dystopian Sci-fi
Player Level: All
Number of Players Desired: No preference
Posting Frequency: Post commonly
Any Restrictions?: Other than no trolls, just be active

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place:
Are the rules posted: Yes
Is this RP currently running: Not running yet
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: No

After the Dark Days of Panem in which the districts fought tragically against the Capitol, President Mitchell, whom was forced to nuke District 13, also had another depressing matter on his hands. What shall one do with these rebellious Districts that survived? As he questioned himself about the matter constantly, an adviser finally gave him an idea. The Districts must submit two tributes, one male and one female, beginning at the age of 12 and ending at the age of 18, to join a death battle with only one victor in an arena created solely by the Capitol. Now, it is 25 years after the first Hunger Games. The tributes are chosen by their friends, neighbors, and relatives. That's right, popular vote. This is used to remind the districts of how they turned brother against brother and father against son when they rebelled.
You (if you are a tribute) will start with a post of your reaping. From there, we go in order. Other spots open are sponsors (you can not be a sponsor for your own player), mentors, and Gamemakers.

Additional Info

Link to the OOC:
I've read your Sig! I've read your soul

Before you complain, remember, Kangaroos can't hop backwards. Really makes your problems seem small don't it.

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The Armed Republic of Dutch Coolness
Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 29177
Founded: Dec 02, 2012

Postby The Armed Republic of Dutch Coolness » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:46 am

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Warhammer 40.000: The Imperial Navy
RP Creator/OP: The Armed Republic of Dutch Coolness
CoOP/s: None as of yet
Genre/s: Science Fiction, Action, Grimdark (hurr!).
Type: Character
Player Level: Anything, as long as the player has good grammar, spelling, etc.
Number of Players Desired: As many as possible.
Posting Frequency: 1-2 posts a day is nice, though not of matter.
Any Restrictions?: Basic knowledge of Warhammer 40.000 and the setting's "Imperial Navy" is required.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Y
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Y
Are the rules posted: Y
Is this RP currently running: N
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: N

Welcome aboard the Overlord-Class Battle Cruiser Wrathful Maiden (pictured above), one of the many ships of the God-Emperor of Mankind's Imperial Navy. The ship is, with a crew of only 8000, with 2000 Navy Armsmen, is but a small one, one of the many of it's class. It is currently tasked with transporting one of the Emperor's Armored Regiments to a Warzone far away, along with the resources they will undoubtedly need when, nay, if, they reach the surface.
The players are a part of the ship mentioned above and will, undoubtedly, get involved with, well, whatever the ship gets involved with! Warp-Storms, space-battles (boom, there goes your room!), boarding enemy craft - who knows what'll happen to the ship and it's poor, expendable crew?

Additional Info
Link to the OOC:
Link to the OOC
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Such a cool time I select, looking out my window, and that's that

The worlding of the words is AMARANTH.

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Postby Cylarn » Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:05 pm

RP Advertisement Form

Basic Information
RP Name: Cold Winter.
RP Creator/OP: Cylarn.
CoOP/s: N/A.
Genre/s: Mystery/Horror.
Type: Character.
Player Level: Intermediate/Advanced.
Number of Players Desired: 6.
Posting Frequency: At least once a day.
Any Restrictions?: N/A.

Details: Y or N
Is the setting already defined: Yes.
Is there a character/faction/nation application in place: Yes.
Are the rules posted: Coming soon.
Is this RP currently running: OOC, yes. IC, no.
If not currently running, do you have an IC thread established: (skip if currently running)

Welcome to the town of Stonebridge, Vermont. Resting in the middle of the state and just 10 miles east of the capital city of Montpellier, Stonebridge is nestled in the lovely Green Mountains that dominate the state. With a population of 5,000 people that mostly include baby boomers and hardly any young people, Stonebridge is a typical quiet Vermont mountain town until the snow falls. From November and all the way to April, the town of Stonebridge sports some of the best slopes in the state of Vermont, prompting winter sports enthusiasts from all over the US and the world to come to Stonebridge for its slopes. As a result, the town makes plenty of money during the winter, making the winter the most prosperous time for the tiny town. However, the town is about to be plagued by something else other than hordes of young athletes. Something much more dangerous.

When the first of the 'Stonebridge Slayings' occurred in November, people were terrified, but somewhat optimistic that the crime would be solved quickly. The sheer brutality and ritualistic nature of the killing terrified many people, invoking rumors that various cults active in the area were responsible for the ritualistic murder. Many of the cults deny responsibility for the murders, stating that the killer had no membership in the cult. The townsfolk rejected this, but their attention turned to the decline of revenue in light of the recent murder. Little did they know that 4 more murders would rock Stonebridge over the course of the next 3 months, all with similar ritualistic styles and time in between each killing.

The Stonebridge Slayings would soon attract the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who would quickly declare that the slayings were the result of a serial killer. A team of FBI Agents from the Albany Office were soon dispatched to the tiny town, and you are one of these agents. Experts comprise this team, from forensics experts to criminal profilers. Will you be able to prevent the Stonebridge Slayings?

Additional Info

Link to the OOC: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=285141
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Recipient of the Best Crime RP'er Award and the Best Crime RP Award for 2013 in P2TM. Recipient of the Best Crime RP'er Award of 2014 in P2TM.



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