Schwyz Defense Systems (MT/PMT)

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Schwyz Defense Systems (MT/PMT)

Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:17 am


Schwyz Defense Systems a defense corporation that works with the Neu Engollian government and NEDI (Neu Engollon Defense Industries) to provide the best in defense systems, military support aircraft, drones, vessels, and vehicles. As well as NEDI, Schwyz DS has worked with other defense corporations, such as Genesis Aerosystems, Tethys Mara, and QAR-ISA in order to create optimum products that provide the backbone of a military force or paramilitary organization in a disaster or conflict zone. In addition, several SDS products have civilian variants and applications.

The Location
...for the administrative headquarters of Schwyz DS is in Seewen, Schwyz, Neu Engollon and the production and research and design branches are based in Schwartzgarten, Grisbenden, Neu Engollon. CEO Martin Trembecht, who is also an experienced veteran chief engineer, divides his time between the two campuses.

With permission from the Government of the Confederacy, certain SDS products have been put on the general defense market. The stipulation is that a Government liaison officer has oversight and can block any sale that would pose a direct threat to the Confederacy or its allies. Nations and groups that cause wanton destruction, enter unnecessarily into offensive conflict, oppress other groups, or otherwise permit members of their military to commit war crimes prosecutable in the International Courts, may be outright rejected in their attempts to acquire the sensitive systems and vehicles manufactured by Schwyz DS.

Contacts & Payment
Sales are handled by Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt. Payment is accepted in approved currency only. No bartering. We prefer NSD, but if a customer can only pay in a non-market currency, the fee for the order will be increased to cover the cost of the banking transactions to convert the funds.

Partnership proposals for future projects, as well as other corporate proposals, may be directed to CEO Martin Trembecht.

Training and Technical Support available from Schwyz Defense Systems. Highly efficient teams of NEDF and Schwyz DS personnel can train competent pilots, technical and maintenance crews on a tight program within a matter of weeks on how to operate and maintain our aircraft and products. They will be able to demonstrate how to set and calibrate the equipment to best perform under any mission parameters. We can also work with military officers on how best to utilize our products capabilities to their specific strategic needs.

IC letters with a named contact and purchase request are REQUIRED. It is intentional that there is not an application because it is too easy to copy and paste an app without any further thought to RP. Small orders only please - Ridiculous requests and outrageous numbers for products beyond your government or organization's means to afford them will be rejected. OOC and tag posts will be deleted via request to moderation.

Also, all Schwyz Deferung Systemas (Schwyz Defense Systems) logos and banners are courtesy of the player formerly behind Sarlsvert and Woodstead, with my unending gratitude towards him.

Lastly, for search purposes, the storefront tags: mil.ground , mil.air , mil.conglom and

Schwyz Defense Systems is a division of Burgunden Diversified Industries.
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Fri Nov 22, 2024 6:33 am, edited 17 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy


Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:17 am



The BASD helicopters have been the most ambitious project yet for SDS, and for their partners Blackstone Aviation, and NEDI. Four series were produced, including gunships, transport/utility/ground support, heavy lifter/mobile command platforms, and small specialized mission helos. All have several variants to fit a variety of needs. You can purchase them here at Schwyz Defense Systems.


RCC aircraft are the most dominating cyber warfare platforms in the air, as well as providing early airborne warning and command and control functions. The internal systems are from
Schwyz DS, but the airframe is a top of the line GA9 Moirai produced by Genesis Aerosystems. You can purchase them here at Schwyz Defense Systems.


An ELINT ship that can hold up to the standards and perform up to task of any top of the line SIGINT/ELINT ship the world over. We are very proud to have been able to develop the Gracchus and Belisarius with the master craftsmen of Kevin Mulcahy's Maritime Imperial (Tethys Mara). In time of conflict and constant threat, a navy's first line of defense is knowledge. Don't be caught short! With Tethys Mara/Maritime Imperial no longer doing sales, we here at SDS have picked up the torch for supplying governments with these two great ships. We still maintain the Tethys Mara contracts at dozens of shipyards around the world, so no worries there. You can purchase them here at Schwyz Defense Systems.

RCC Aircraft images provided by Aurora Confederacy. ELINT ship images created by Maltropia. The BASD helicopter images were created by Port Ember. I am eternally grateful to all of them.
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:08 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:18 am

Last edited by Neu Engollon on Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:12 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy


Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:18 am


With the realization that there was a large civilian market eager to get their hands on the advanced cellular and personal computing devices being manufactured by SDS, Martin Trembecht decided to create the civilian division of his company, resurrecting the old name for SDS. It seemed more appropriate to compete in the world civilian tech market with Logiztek than SDS, and it has paid off in large sales. However, government and military clients still remain the largest bulk customers of Schwyz Logiztek personal devices, even though store and online sales to individuals are on the rise. While they keep improving upon the GXP phones and GXT tablets, more products are on the drawing board for Schwyz Logiztek on the horizon.
A whole line of products are being planned to work with and integrate into some of the top automotive lines in the multiverse.



was a product developed for the NEDF (Neu Engollon Defense Forces), NESA (Neu Engollon Security Agency), and Pine Park (National Gendarmerie - Criminal Investigative Division) for issue to undercover operatives and field agents to maintain cover and communication with their Control and with assets they would be coordinating with in the field. While seeming to be an ordinary cell phone, the GXP is actually a satellite direct communication able, encrypted device that allows the user to pass along or receive vital, sensitive information without detection. While normal cellular phones can perform some such functions and be encrypted, the amount of filters and encryption layers of the SL GXP far outclass any mere civilian shelf model.

Schwyz Logiztek has branched off from Schwyz Defense Systems to become the civilian branch of the company, fielding technology that has many applications to the private sector as well as the governmental/military sector. The GXP satellite phone is the first product offered solely from Schwyz Logiztek, but certainly not the last. The current version is GXP 6, with GXP 7 in development and slated for release in Spring 2023.

  • The satellite technology is able to seek out any of hundreds of known satellite networks, without having to rely on the local cell providers in the area which may be spotty at best. Additional satellite networks can be programmed into the phone. The file based encryption filters and second layer of hardware filters built in allow for a high comfort level of security. The GXP is able to mask the receiver and sender, as well as the data, whether it be sound or actual information bytes with a special scrambler-descrambler code which only the receiver and sender possess. Upon entering the complex code at the receipt of data, that data will become unscrambled.
  • The special encryption software app is Luxo-Crypt, developed by and licensed from Neu Engollian company Luxovar.
  • All of these special encrypted features are code activated at every use. Should a user not have the code, or outside sources be able to hack in to the phone, it will operate and present itself only as a normal smart phone device. The sensitive data will remain inert and scrambled.
  • In addition, there is a 45 Megapixel (f/1.7) camera built into the phone for detailed, close-in surveillance work. This detail level is beyond most top shelf professional digital cameras, most of which average around 20 megapixels. While data is able to be stored and encrypted on the GXP, it is recommended for best security protocol that it is transmitted and then wiped as soon as possible.
  • The phone's normal communication surface layer is programmable for all the major networks in the known Multiverse.
  • Like its cousin, the GXT tablet, the GXP features the Cartolo map app for battlefield integration and friendly/foe identification.
  • Up until now, SL has only made the GXP available to the military, security and intelligence fields, as well as some select corporate clients worried about economic espionage, within the Confederacy of Neu Engollon. Now, after government approval, they are making it available to the general market in the global community. Price per device is NSD $980. (Each sale is pending government oversight committee approval due to some of the sensitive, proprietary apps loaded onto the phone). Unless specified, it will be assumed a customer wants the latest model of the GXP.
    * GXP 3 = $320
    * GXP 4 = $495
    * GXP 5 = $740
    * GXP 6 = $950



like its cousin, the GXP, was developed for the military first, but was in high demand in the civilian sector, hence Schwyz Logiztek, the civilian division of SDS, developed a model for export. It is a rugged, hard shell encased tablet that is able to do just about everything a normal private sector tablet can, but is also enabled to send and receive highly encrypted data, store an incredible amount of data, as well as load apps to access and run said data. It is made to be used outside in all types of weather. It has a high heat, humidity, and cold resistance. The NEDF used the early versions of the GXT in both the Qasifyan deserts and Northern Tavlyrian Arctic environments with little issue.

  • One of the main featured apps of the GXT is Cartolo, developed by Luxovar, a Neu Engollian company, as a terrain/battle integration map app that enables users to program data, scenarios, and expected obstacles and denizens into a detailed, terrain map of anywhere in the known multiverse. Cartolo is able to reprogram routes on a map based on real time data received that would interfere with the initial routed journey. It is able to use friend or foe data transmitted from compatible software as part of its operation.
  • The GXT features high communication and data sharing capability, much like the GXP satellite phone it was developed alongside. Luxo-Crypt is included in this app suite, enabling top of the line encryption.
  • The current model of the GXT is the 350, with the SL GXT 470 scheduled for release in Summer 2023. Unless specified, it will be assumed that a customer is purchasing the latest model of the GXT.
  • GXT 150 = $800 NSD
  • GXT 230 = $1700 NSD
  • GXT 350 (Current model) = $2800 NSD
  • See the GXP for more features that are shared with the GXT.
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:53 am, edited 22 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy


Postby Neu Engollon » Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:25 am




Genesis Aerosystems





Aircraft: RCC Barons
In use by: Macedonian Grand Empire
Conflict: Welgian Invasion of Aglinean

Aircraft: RCC Barons
In use by: Macedonian Grand Empire
Conflict: Cedorian-led Invasion of Maer Mamwlad

Aircraft: RCC Barons
In use by: Macedonian Grand Empire
Conflict: Padnaki Pacific Conflict

Aircraft: RCC General
In use by: Scottopian Isles
Conflict: Ala Moana Crisis

Aircraft: RCC Baron & LIRCAS Sergeants
In use by: Hutanjia
Conflict: Civil War in New Edom

Vehicle: HTH-203s
In use by: Hutanjia
Conflict: Civil War in New Edom

Aircraft: RCC Baron & Generals & LIRCAS Sereants
In use by: Hutanjia
Conflict: Hutanjian War

Aircraft: RCC Baron
In use by: McNernia
Conflict: McNernian Civil Unrest

Aircraft: RCC Baron
In use by: Terre Des Gaules
Conflict: Lorecian War (YSR Invasion of Glisandia & Adler)

Aircraft: RCC Barons & Generals & LIRCAS Sereants
In use by: Neu Engollon
Conflict: Lorecian War

Aircraft: RCC General
In use by: USG PMC
Conflict: Hutanjian War



CONF DOC#: 1-3-NEDF765418Y


By General Konrad Schendlhoff, NEDAF and Major Gen. Marcel Denard, NEDM, Central MDCG

As is common definition today, Network Centric Warfare is basically information dissemination all the way down the chain of command through either cyber, cellular or radio wave-type means. Information Technology is the main basis to create this network. Through IT, all NEDF units would be able to stay linked and make informed decisions considering their role in current operations. This moves the decision making from the central core, or 'brain', to the several nerve centers. For instance, This makes for less of a hierarchical decision process and more room for instant rapid response by all battlefield commanders down to the lowest level. Credit for the name of this battle theory goes to US Admiral William Owens, who first coined the term in a treatise published for US Military think tanks.

Through recent meetings of the top officers of the NEDF, a more clear cut policy was put into place regarding this battle theory and strategy and its utility in the defense of the Confederacy. It is the opinion of the authors that some of the implemented policy is in line with what is needed, while some implemented or projected policy is lacking in specificity towards the Defense Forces mission.

The NEDM utilizes this 21st century style of military operations depending on the situation at hand. For special operations and smaller unit operations, like those that the NEDM-DGC or Special Ops Battalions train for, they must rely on constant communication and an updated situation of all factors at all times. In practical form, this translates to use of earbud comms or helmet comm devices with all the commandos operating in such situations.

For more traditional infantry operations, squads and platoons don't necessarily need the bigger picture and information overload might not be helpful towards the mission objectives of the individual soldier or squad leader. So, in that case, platoon leaders are sufficient to have the info available, say through a battle hardened tablet device, if they need it, but not constantly bombarded by info that doesn't pertain to them or help their mission. The ability to filter out higher level comms from the lowest level is left to the platoon leader.

For the NEDAF and NEDN, similar instances can be pointed out. Aircraft and ships need to constantly communicate with each other, but do they need to know what every other military unit is up to across a wide front? Not really. Not always. They can have that access if needed, but again, discretion is left up the flight or squadron leader. A ship's commander, as well, has access to the full spectrum of information, but may choose to cut out much of the clutter that doesn't pertain to his/her seaborne operations, both from himself and his battle sections on board.

For many of these situations when networking was helpful or even crucial, reliance was on the RC-135 Rivet Joint aircraft in employ of the NEDAF. With the aging of these craft and the difficulty of obtaining certain specialized electronic parts, the Defense Forces turned to domestic production to replace and even improve upon the mission parameters initially fulfilled by the RC-135 Rivet Joint.

That is why the RCC Baron and General were created, for that information dissemination and as an air mobile control center. The added bonus that the RCC is also an electronic warfare platform and airborne warning aircraft among many other tasks it can perform, just enriches the value of such an aircraft beyond a mere communications enabler to a key part of battle strategy.

The lack of a current space program in the Confederacy precludes the ability to use battle integration satellites, such as the ones in use by our friends in the Gaul Republic's military. Another reason why we can and should rely on the RCC planes. Satellites can be vulnerable to attack and hacking, also, whereas the RCC crew can respond on the spot to any hostile cyber or jamming attacks by cutting out effected systems, while counterhackers go to work. Due to our unique use of satellites (See CONF DOC#: 1-1-NESA78511B) only in a passive information gathering role, we look to the RCC planes to fulfill a more offensive electronic role, as well as being the far reaching ears and eyes of the NEDF.

On the subject of counter-hacking, the NEDM employs the 117th and 119th Cyber Warfare Battalions in order to coordinate an electronic warfare front. On a constant basis, the soldiers of the CWB are fighting off daily attacks from hostile outside forces that try to chip away at the NEDF network. They are the only soldiers who are in combat within our armed forces, as our regular forces haven't fired a shot in almost a hundred years. Yet, the CWB soldiers sit down to their console stations to fend off countless attacks over the cyber waves each day with very little fan fare or acknowledgement. It is suspected that they, along with their programs, successfully neutralize 112,000 cyber attacks a day. Most of these come from the Yellow Star Republic, but others are suspected to be Austrakian, Falkasian, Gragastavian and even QLA or GLO in origin, plus many more from outside the region. Another document focuses on this issue, so the authors will not cover that topic in redundancy.

The need for an integrated, networked battlefront is the key to victory or defeat on the battlefield of tomorrow, and the difference between dealing with all challengers and being a defeated puppet like in the days of the Gaul occupation. We have faith that the Confederacy's leaders will continue to make the right decisions in this regard.
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sun Nov 06, 2022 10:21 am, edited 17 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Macedonian Grand Empire
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Postby Macedonian Grand Empire » Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:34 am

From: Grand Marshal Marijan Josifov Chief of staff of the imperial airforce
to: Schwyz Logiztek
The imperial airforce is on the look for AWACS planes and having a traditional partnership and the high level of satisfaction with the GA 9 moirai the imperial goverment would like to place the following order from your company.
15 Baron
30 General class aircraft.
We are waiting for the total price of those aircraft and are ready to pay them as soon as the order is confirmed.If any guaranties are nececary we will send them to your bank.
Last edited by Macedonian Grand Empire on Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
NSG Senate
Senator Branko Aleksic Deputy leader of the REFORM party

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Postby Stretta » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:47 pm

From the desk of the Strettan Minister for Defence

Dear Selma Kanderschmidt,

I am writing to formally request the purchase of a new aerial command centre in line with the current overhaul of AFoS - the Armed Forces of Stretta. Please find our national purchase order attached. Following acceptance of our order, the national treasury will release the funds required to the account specified.

Purchase Application

Item CodeDescriptionQuantityItem CostLine Total
GA72GA72 RCC General1$780,000,000$780,000,000
Decoy Launching Package1$45,000,000$45,000,000

If you could please advise on completion time for the complete order, we would be grateful to you. If you have any questions about our application, our needs, or about our plans, then please do get in touch.

Thanks to the close proximity, we will be able to arrange for collection ourselves, if this suits.

ADC General Justin Keller,
Chief of Staff of the Strettan Army,
Aide-de-Camp to the First Minister of Stretta,
Chief Advisor to the Strettan Ministry of Defence.

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:31 am


To: Grand Marshal Marijan Josifov, Chief of Staff, Imperial Air Force of Macedonian Grand Empire
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

Grand Marshal Josifov,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Due to the size of the order, we will be dividing it up into batches. The first batch consisting of 3 Barons and 5 Generals will be delivered after completion within a year and a half. The subsequent aircraft will be delivered over the next following 6 years, with completion of the entire order projected for Summer of 2020. Another joint Genesis Aerosystems/Schwyz Logiztek factory is under construction near Schwartzgarten and more are planned around Neu Engollon and other parts of Astyria. Once online, these factories should shorten the projected completion time considerably. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
In Memory of our friend
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:16 pm


To: ADC General Justin Keller, Chief of Staff of the Strettan Army,
Aide-de-Camp to the First Minister of Stretta,
Chief Adviser to the Strettan Ministry of Defence

From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

General Keller,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. As requested, your completion time for the one GA72 RCC General aircraft is projected for Late Spring of 2014, or approximately 100 days. Thank you once again for your custom. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
In Memory of our friend
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Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Nikolia » Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:48 am


To: Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
From: General Aleksandar F. Vlastov of the Royal Airforce and Air Defence
Subject: Ordering

To whom it may concern,

I am writting you this letter on behalf of the Royal Airforce and Air Defence of the United Orthodox Kingdom of Nikolia. The technology is advancing every day, and the Royal Airforce and Air Defence tend to catch up with advancing technology. Therefore, we would like to order five (5) GA9 RCC Baron aerocrafts to revitalize and to implement our new electronic warfare system called "Eagle eye", which will every soldier carry on field computer attached to a helmet. That system will allow soldier to know exactly where he , his teammates and enemies are by satelite image, to search for artillery or air strike on target, and for HQ to have live link to the battlefield throught installed camera. Your aircrafts are crucial for this project to work, therefore we picked exactly your company.


General Aleksandar F. Vlastov, Minister of Defence
By approval of His Royal Highness, The King Petar XVIII N. Petrov

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:11 pm


To: General Aleksandar F. Vlastov, Minister of Defense, The United Orthodox Kingdom of Nikolia
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

General Vlastov,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Your completion time for the five GA9 RCC Baron aircraft are projected for Late Spring of 2015, or about a year and a half. Once other factories are online, that production time may shorten considerably. Thank you once again for your custom. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
In Memory of our friend
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Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Postby Atok » Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:46 am


Minister of Defense
The Emirate of Atok
The Candella Crown
St. Lenkerville

As a country that emphasizes the integrity of defense , good defense equipment's is paramount , therefore we intend to buy some equipment list below to our Armed Force

We include the purchase contracts together.

Nina Noble Wears
Minister of Defense

Full Name of Organization/Nation: The Emirate of Atok
Products Requested:
  • GA72 RCC General - 5units ($3,900,000,000.00)
  • Decoy Launching Package - 5 units ($225,000,000.00)
Total Units Requested:
Total Price: $4,125,000,000.00 USD

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby McNernia » Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:35 am

Code: Select all
FROM:Mininstry of Defense of the Kingdom of McNernia -Acquisition Office
TO:Schwyz Logiztek
SUB:Baron/General Acquisitions
SEC: Secret


 We would like to acquire in order to ensure operational capacities for the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. The following x8 Barons-RAF Service
x10 Generals-FAA Service\
All funds authorized.
Erin Islands
Kaisong Islands
Neu Engollon
New Edom: Clyde Hullar Ambassador
Children of Aurora
A Luta Continua
Cornellian Empire

Greater Dienstad
Endorser of the Amistad Declaration
SIgnatory of the Amistad Declaration
A Time of Trouble
All my posts shall be dedicated to Tom Clancy. May he Rest In Peace.
I Consider the above to be Canon. Which means I want to RP with you if you've been in those regions. Or Are.

Call me Archinia ICly and well maybe Mcnernia is plausible....I don't know.

Lore change?

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Neu Engollon
Posts: 7298
Founded: Aug 13, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:08 pm


To: Nina Noble Wears, Minister of Defense, The Emirate of Atok
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

Ms. Wears,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Your completion time for the five GA72 RCC General aircraft, and their accompanying decoy packages, are projected for Early Summer of 2016. Once other factories are online, that production time may shorten considerably. Thank you once again for your custom. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
In Memory of our friend
My Factbook
Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
Posts: 7298
Founded: Aug 13, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:13 pm


To: Ministry of Defense, Kingdom of Mcnernia
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

Defense Minister,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Due to the size of the order, we will be dividing it up into two batches. The first batch consisting of 4 Barons and 5 Generals will be delivered after completion within two years. The subsequent remaining aircraft will be delivered over the next following 3 years, with completion of the entire order projected for Autumn of 2018. Another joint Genesis Aerosystems/Schwyz Logiztek factory is under construction near Schwartzgarten and more are planned around Neu Engollon and other parts of Astyria. Once online, these factories should shorten the projected completion time considerably. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
In Memory of our friend
My Factbook
Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Posts: 5398
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Left-Leaning College State

Postby McNernia » Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:38 pm

Code: Select all
FROM: The Office of the Defense Minister
TO:The Director of Sales
SUB:The Contract


 We understand the nature of the problem.
Erin Islands
Kaisong Islands
Neu Engollon
New Edom: Clyde Hullar Ambassador
Children of Aurora
A Luta Continua
Cornellian Empire

Greater Dienstad
Endorser of the Amistad Declaration
SIgnatory of the Amistad Declaration
A Time of Trouble
All my posts shall be dedicated to Tom Clancy. May he Rest In Peace.
I Consider the above to be Canon. Which means I want to RP with you if you've been in those regions. Or Are.

Call me Archinia ICly and well maybe Mcnernia is plausible....I don't know.

Lore change?

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Neu Engollon
Posts: 7298
Founded: Aug 13, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:32 pm

Schwyz Logiztek is now receiving orders for the Baron and General!
IC letters please!
In Memory of our friend
My Factbook
Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Blackhelm Confederacy
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Postby Blackhelm Confederacy » Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:01 am

Confederate Department of the Air Force

To: Schwyz Logiztek
Subject: Aircraft Procurement
Encryption: High
From:Gaius Whiteboot

To Whom It May Concern,

The Confederate government has recently been undergoing a series of studies with regards to modernizing its current air fleet to better match the requirements of todays ever changing and evolving world. As such, we have come tot he conclusion that the GA9 RCC Baron should have a prime place in the future of the Confederate Air Force. We would like to make a formal request for fifteen of these aircraft, and we have procured the necessary funds required to pay for them. We eagerly await your response.


Gaius White
Confederate Air Forces
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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:19 am


To: Gaius White, Commander, Confederate Air Forces, Blackhelm Confederacy
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

Commander White,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Due to the size of the order, we will be dividing it up into two batches. The first batch consisting of 6 Barons will be delivered after completion within three years. The subsequent remaining aircraft will be delivered over the next following 4 years, with completion of the entire order projected for Summer of 2021. Another joint Genesis Aerosystems/Schwyz Logiztek factory is under construction near Schwartzgarten and more are planned around Neu Engollon and other parts of Astyria. Once online, these factories should shorten the projected completion time considerably. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt

Normally, due to OP rules, I would deny this order as the Blackhelm Confederacy has a shoddy civil rights record and a history of rampant imperialism. But, as BC is a friend and region mate and giving me a good bump up, the order is accepted. IC, the NEDF and NESA oversight personnel goofed and misread the papers as Aurora Confederacy instead of Blackhelm when they signed off on them.
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Terre des Gaules
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Postby Terre des Gaules » Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:26 pm


To: Selma Kanderschmidt, Sales Director, Schwyz Logiztek
From: Alain Melarde, Minister of Defense, Terre Des Gaules

Ms. Kanderschmidt,

We are very interested in acquiring some of your aircraft for the Forces Aériennes des Gaules as they are reputed to be the top technological craft of their particular field. We would be interested in purchasing 2 Barons and 2 Generals for the Air Force. As well, being neighbors in Astyria and having longstanding good relations with the Confederacy, we feel that we are good candidates to be able to utilize this technology. We will be forwarding the funds from our account with Banque Nationale de la Gaule. Thank you for your attention to this matter and we hope to hear from you soon.


Minister Alain Melarde,
Ministry of Defense,
Terre Des Gaules
A Franco-cultured nation that speaks a dialect of French, and shares some persons and characteristics with our dimension's France, but retained the name of the barbarian tribes that ranged most of that area.

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:54 pm


To: Alain Melarde, Minister, Ministry of Defense, Terre Des Gaules
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

Minister Melarde,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Completion of the entire order is projected for Fall of 2017. Another joint Genesis Aerosystems/Schwyz Logiztek factory is under construction near Schwartzgarten and more are planned around Neu Engollon and other parts of Astyria. Once online, these factories should shorten the projected completion time considerably. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:31 pm

Schwyz Logiztek is now receiving more orders for the Baron and General!
IC letters only please!
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Postby Byrones » Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:04 am


Dear Selma Kanderschmidt,

A great nation as ours, constantly invests in technologies to defend our civilians the best we can. Recently we are renewing our defense system with more modern aircrafts. We are looking for reliable partners to supply us with those products. Since we have collaborated at the
Alpen View Beer Festival, which Kruetnisch couldn’t attend to the last time, and resulted in a great partnership, we are willing to do so again.

We’d like to implement 10 GA9 RCC Baron’s, 3 of them equipped with the Decoy Launching Package. We are currently working on a new way to get in-depth information from the battlefield without having the risk of messages being intercepted. Advanced drones have been assisting us greatly on that objective but with these aircrafts we can ensure a better and more efficient manner of working.

Also we would like for Shwyz Logiztek to send us a highly skilled training crew to assist us in training our crews the best they can.

Awaiting your answer.


Minister Gen. Adelbrecht Götze

Last edited by Byrones on Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Neu Engollon
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:47 pm


To: Adelbrecht Götze, Minister General, Ministry of Defense, Byrones
From: Selma Kanderschmidt, Director of Sales, Schwyz Logiztek

Minister General Götze,

We thank you for contacting us and also for your confidence in us and our partners. After review from the Company Board and the NEDF Oversight Committee, and considering the already great bond you have with the Confederacy, we have decided to ACCEPT your order. Due to the size of the order, we will be dividing it up into two batches. The first batch consisting of 5 Barons, including the three with the extra decoy packages, will be delivered after completion within a span of two years. The subsequent remaining aircraft, the other 5 Barons, will be delivered over the next following 3 years, with completion of the entire order projected for Summer of 2019. With another joint Genesis Aerosystems/Schwyz Logiztek factory just coming online near Schwartzgarten and more that are planned around Neu Engollon and other parts of Astyria, we hope to cut down on production time considerably. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You may deposit the initial fees with our account at EngolBanc.


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Postby Byrones » Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:09 am


Sales Director Selma Kanderschmidt,

We thank you for the quick reply and accepting our order, even though it was a large one. We can promise, that the Barons will be put in very good use. The initial fees have been deposited to your account.


Minister Gen. Adelbrecht Götze

The Dictatorship of Byrones



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