Europeia Embassy

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Oliver the Mediocre
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Founded: Aug 26, 2009

Europeia Embassy

Postby Oliver the Mediocre » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:42 am

April 1, 2011
33rd Congress, 33rd Cabinet, 28th Senate
Population: 1,048
A full list of current office holders is available at the bottom of this update.

Let's Party: "Culturefest" Celebrates Renewal of Old Ties

In honor of their new "Treaty of Friendship," old allies Europeia and The New Inquisition held a three-day cultural exchange. Fortana flashed his Irish brogue with a voice recording of himself reciting the names of colorfully named characters from both regions. Fort's audio debut inspired other renditions of the same list and sparked a spirited debate over how to pronounce the surname of TNI Reich Chancellor (and Europeian citizen) Tyranna Lucina.

The lovely Tyranna

New Europeian Foreign Minister Skizzy Grey took the opportunity to appoint himself ambassador to TNI and to publish a special, self-deprecatory edition of his regular EBC column there. The denizens of TNI treated Skizzy kindly, even as they questioned his sanity.

All in all, it was a good time where new acquaintances were made and old ties were renewed. Tyranna and Europeian President Earth are applauded for their work to bring the treaty and festival to fruition so swiftly!

Burn Out, or Fade Away? A Legend Retires, For Now.

On the heels of a lauded presidential term and in the midst of simultaneous, successful stints as Grand Admiral and Senator, Europeian legend Oliver Dion-Grey abruptly retired.

Ollie wouldn't have missed the reference in the headline.

In a tender farewell speech, Oliver plainly stated his reasons for retiring:

    I didn't think that I'd be writing this message for some time, or possibly ever. As some of you may have noticed, I have been tired for some time in Europeia, and it's time for me to move on. This is not a failing of Europeia's, I think. In their lives, people go through many stages where they may need different things. For the nearly two years I've been here, Europeia has been an important part of my life, and I love it dearly, and will be sad to leave it.

    I am coming into a stage in my NationStates life where I don't know what I want, I don't know what's going to make me happy. I think the only way for me to find it is for me to wander, and to experiment. Oliver Dion-Grey will go wandering, with the blessing and love of Aessiris. I won't rule out the possibility of returning someday, but it may be some time down the line....

    To my comrades of the Navy: You are doing fantastically. You can succeed without me. You have the tools and the knowledge. Grow the Navy. Recruit actively. Be a community together, and be responsible, intelligent raiders, and you will do wonderfully.

    To all of Europeia, I say much of the same. You are fantastic, and brilliant, and Europeia will continue to grow. I'll be watching, I'm sure, from a distance, and rooting for you all. I will miss you deeply. I don't want anyone to feel responsible for this action: the only one responsible is me. It's time for me to go now, and find whatever it is I'm yearning for. I hope to see you again, when I'm ready for a place like Europeia once more.

    With deepest feelings of respect, admiration, and solemnity,

    Oliver Dion-Grey
We miss you already, friend.

One Potato: A Fresh Voice at EBC

When Culture Minister Gustavus Adolphus Rex steps back, his revival of the EBC will likely stand as both his first and greatest achievement. Gus's early work at EBC continues to pay dividends, most recently with The Potato. Created by Europeian newcomer Kotharis, The Potato is a conscious satire of perhaps the greatest satirical publication of our age (The Onion).

An excerpt from the maiden issue of The Potato follows. Enjoy.

    Much has been said about the recent success of the Europeian Navy under recently passed Grand Admiral Oliver Dion-Grey. They had conquered regions with impunity for the glory and good of the Republic, and things were going swimmingly. But now, part of the way through the current electoral cycle, the Navy and its new leadership are facing down a new challenge: defending its citizens from the appearance of a vicious and deadly sea monster, the Kraken.


    The Kraken is a monster of myth and legend, gargantuan in size and capable of substantially damaging even the Navy's most sturdy ships. The Kraken has claimed our former Grand Admiral to its tentacles, and now it has set its sights on the Europeian government. Just in these last few weeks, it has claimed the lives of Senators Andrew Jefferson, Tyranna Lucina, Jusduckria and Foreign Affairs minister Asianatic. As it stands, that leaves half of our Senate and a substantial minority of the Cabinet lost to the slippery tentacles of the beast.
Power Play: Europeian Giants Return to the Senate

After a series of resignations unexpectedly opened three seats in the Europeian Senate, former Presidents Anumia and PhDre and current Chief Justice Abbey Anumia entered the fray and won the open seats, defeating two other candidates.

Past President PhDre is one of Europeia's three new Senators

The by-election, convened and held swiftly in accordance with Europeian law, radically transforms a Senate that had been dominated of late by newcomers. To varying degrees, the three successful candidates held themselves in contrast to the recent trend; the results suggest voters may have become wary of electing newcomers to the region's highest legislative body.

Anumia stated the case for experience most bluntly:

    Recently, we have turned away from this path. Recent times have seen a stern push in a different direction; a wild rush to throw our newest and least-experienced members as high up along the political chain as possible has seen our political culture as a whole abandon traditions and policies that served our Republic for years without fail; now, without conditioning or aid, our youngest citizens are catapulted into a world of duty and responsibility at a rate that would have been considered foolish, even scandalous, less than a year ago, while the older and experienced citizens are retiring or shifting out of politics in droves, citing a need to "let the newcomers have some room."

    The end result is a legislature without direction or confidence, and the Senators we thrust too early into the spotlight are left floundering without aid from those with the wisdom to help. Couple this with the recent trend pushed forward of "utter and uncompromising precision over practicality and interest" has seen activity in our Senate dry up and the throughput of legislation in the past few months drop to zero. The Courts are afflicted by a similar problem, and the matter is obvious: we have become so caught up in attaining "perfection" (or as close to it as possible) that we have ground our legal system - in both legislative and judicial spheres - to a boring, unimaginative, and inactive halt.

    It is high time therefore that we see a return of some of our better and wiser traditions, and it is time that our Senate wakes up and remembers its potential. Once more, the Senate must become the guiding hand of the Republic, and allow its resolutions to make their full effect in both domestic and foreign affairs. We must remind ourselves that the Senate should not be the first port of call for every new member who gains citizenship, and we cannot nitpick ourselves into oblivion. We must fight to reclaim the spirit of the Senate of old, and in our new age of greater enlightenment, size, and influence, we must not be afraid to allow the Senate to exert its proper influence, within this land and abroad.

    Once more we must see our experienced citizens serving in the Senate. Once more we must look at all candidates with a critical eye, to ensure we elect the best and brightest. Once more we must seek to properly introduce our new citizens to our legal system, and support their political advancement in Europeia without giving them a free ride that too often results in a crash. Once more, we must see honour, authority, and duty fully-restored to the rank of Senator.
Don't s--t on this, pigeon!

Who's Who

You don't need to have a program to know the players, but it doesn't hurt.

President Earth, Europeia's Head of Government

Supreme Chancellor HEM, Europeia's Head of State

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Earth22
Vice President: Common-Sense Politics
Grand Admiral: Griff
Foreign Minister: Skizzy Grey
Interior Minister: Asperta
Culture Minister: Gustavus Adolphus Rex
Welfare Minister: Rachel Anumia
World Assembly Delegate: Lethen

Legislative Government
City Council Mayor: Rachel Anumia
Abbey Anumia
Asperta (speaker)
Free Politic
Indycar Racing

Judicial Government
Chief Justice Abbey Anumia
Associate Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justice: Silver Steps
Associate Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Attorney General: vacant
Oliver Marlowe
Quote Love
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time."

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Oliver the Mediocre
Posts: 581
Founded: Aug 26, 2009

Postby Oliver the Mediocre » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:46 am

April 15, 2011
33rd Congress, 33rd Cabinet, 28th Senate
Population: 1,155
A full list of current office holders is available at the bottom of this update.

The World Comes to Europeia: Security Council Conference

Europeia hosted a World Assembly Security Council Conference, where Europeian citizens and foreign dignitaries discussed the Council's affairs and Europeia's place in those affairs. The Conference demonstrated Europeia's commitment to moving beyond tired raider/defender dichotomies toward a meaningful, robust foreign policy. The keynote speakers were Sedge and Unibot. Both are well-known defenders, and although they certainly were clear about where they stood, both seemed perfectly comfortable mingling with players of all stripes in raider-leaning Europeia.

Is Unibot the FRA equivalent of Nixon in China?

Sedge made no bones about the raider/defender gap. He acknowledged the belief, widely held in Europeia, that the Security Council is a tool of defenders and offered a spirited defense of the Council.

    I've heard a lot of people say the Security Council is defender biased. This isn't really true - the point is that resolutions are voted on by everyone in NS, and most NSers have a slight preference for defenders over raiders - it's NationStates as a whole which is biased. However, this doesn't apply in all situations, and can be overcome - such as 10KI's original commendation being repealed, or Liberate Free Thought only just scraping through at the last moment. Additionally, defenders have been more prepared to get involved in the SC, and push through resolutions supporting their ideals. They've put in the work, and got their reward. If invaders want that kind of influence, they'll have to get involved too.
Europeia is grateful to the visiting dignitaries for their thoughtful contributions to a successful conference! President Earth also deserves great credit for organizing the event. The full proceedings are on display in Europeia's forums.

Beyond Recruiting: Rachel Leads Welfare Ministry to New Heights

No one in the current Administration has a tougher job than Rachel Anumia. At a time when NationStates is growing again, and Europeia is approaching unheard-of proportions, it is Rachel's job to bring new players from NationStates from the regional forum, then integrate them into the life of the region.

The ravishing Rachel

Long the redheaded stepchild of Europeian agencies, Tikal revived the Welfare Ministry during her stint as minister in February and March. Since taking the reins, Rachel has taken the ministry to a whole other level. Sending 180 telegrams to the region's newest nations would have been unthinkable a few months ago. Even during Tikal's tenure, that would have been a productive month. Recently, the Welfare Ministry sent that many welcoming telegrams in a week.

Rachel has pulled together an all-star team of Europeian veterans to welcome the region's new arrivals. Having the region's most prominent citizens in this role demonstrates to new citizens that they are valued members of the community. The ability to assemble such a team demonstrates Rachel's ability as a leader. We in Europeia are proud to have her!

Not Too Cool for School: New Kyrkberg Brings Energy and Intellectual Vigor to EuroUniversity

Anyone who has tried to run a university in a NationStates region will tell you it is a thankless, often frustrating job. Europeia has fared better than most; the EuroUniversity has long been one of the game's finest, thanks to the visionary leadership of Swakistek. Even with Europeia's tradition of academic rigor, however, New Kyrkberg raised eyebrows when he came into the forum, demanded that students sign up for his Roman History class (not unheard-of, but bold for a new citizen), and announced -- horror of horrors! -- that his class would include a final exam.

This image of Cicero addressing the Roman Senate added color to a recent lesson.

If New Kyrkberg ruffled some feathers at the outset, those sentiments are long gone, because New Kyrkberg has brought unprecedented rigor to the classroom. Far from offering a rote recitation of facts and figures, New Kyrkberg's lectures bring Roman history to life, This excerpt from his first lecture offers a taste of his dynamic teaching style:

    ... perhaps the most important thing to understand about the basic structure of the Roman Republic is patron-client system. More than anything else, this system is what kept the common people of Rome so content for so long, and mostly willing to let the rich run the system that was so obviously stacked in their favor.

    The Patron-Client system is fairly simple to understand. A rich man would be the patron to his clients. What this meant is that he would protect them legally – serve as their lawyer in court on their behalf as oratory was highly valued among the upper classes of Rome – provide them with gifts in the form of small luxuries, or money or the like. It can be likened, in a way, to mafia boss and the people in his territory. The more old-school Godfatheresque mafia. In general protect and support them, The client then, had obligations to the patron. Namely to vote for the patron when he ran for office. And to tell everyone else what a cool guy he is, and why everyone should vote for him. In the Roman political system, it was perfectly legal, despite the fact it was essentially bribery for votes. The Clients also had to sometimes form a sort of vanguard when the patron was in public. Much of the Roman Political and Legal system depended on a man's ability to turn out a favorable crowd, and Clients were an excellent way to do that.

    In the later republic, these Clients became a private army for whoever had them, and eventually, rival gangs of clients and ex-slaves would take to the streets and duke it out on behalf of their patrons. The patron-client system kept people voting against their own economic self-interest, which kept the wealthy more securely in power. The machinery of the state and culture revolved around keeping the rich in power. Clients and patrons passed down through generations.
With only three lessons in the books, there's still time to join and learn about the grandeur that was Rome!

No Foolin': When a Joke Goes Bad

As winter changes to spring, residents of Europeia have typically been treated to an April Fools' Day prank. This annual tradition usually involves some variation on the theme of a tyrannical takeover by Supreme Chancellor HEM. This year's joke was the most masterfully planned yet, with President Earth working with HEM to devise the most convincing hoax possible, without too many people being in the know.

Is this guy related to Fortana??

The problem? It worked -- too well. Some people looked at their calendars and got the joke, but several others, including a few of the region's most respected thought leaders, thought HEM had really gone overboard. Once those elder statesmen panicked, it gave the general population permission to do the same. Order was soon restored, and there were apologies all around.

Europeia has moved on, but the incident illustrates how forum destruction is top-of-mind throughout NationStates. Emotions run especially hot in Europeia, which is home to several people who played prominent roles in The United Kingdom prior to TUK's demise last autumn. Coupled with Europeia's emergent focus on foreign affairs, this prank will have lasting implications for the region's political life.

Who's Who in Europeia

Oliver Marlowe
Quote Love
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time."

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Oliver the Mediocre
Posts: 581
Founded: Aug 26, 2009

Postby Oliver the Mediocre » Mon May 02, 2011 4:37 am

April 30, 2011
34rd Congress, 34rd Cabinet, 29th Senate
Population: 1,076

Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice Chancellor: Lethen
Vice Chancellor: Swakistek

President: Earth22
Vice President: Skizzy Grey
Grand Admiral: Griff
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rachel Anumia
Minister of Interior: Indycar Racing
Culture Minister: Fortana
Minister of Welfare: Anumia

Senate Speaker: Anumia
Deputy Speaker: Asperta
Senators: Rachel Anumia
Indycar Racing
New Kyrkberg
Peaceful Llamas
City Council Mayor: Lethen

Chief Justice: Abbey Anumia
Associate Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justice: Silver Steps
Associate Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Attorney General: Oliver Grey

Election Dissection

This last week, Europeia unfortunately had to pay homage to that redheaded stepchild of humanity: democracy. Elections went on as scheduled, disappointing those who thought that the long-awaited coup by the Burger King was finally coming. Unfortunately, that hasn't taken place yet, but we still had one Whopper of an election season.

Future dictator Burger King lounging in his Villa.

Drawing a contrast to previous terms, the Presidential contest was a snoozer, with former President Oliver Grey commenting: "Show's over, folks. Cocktails?" three minutes after beloved President Earth22 declared her intentions to seek a second term at the helm of the Goldenblock. She faced minimal opposition except an obligatory joke candidacy from Tyranna Lucina, who failed to even make the ballot despite the extreme popularity of her running mate, a severed head. The severed head no doubt has a long and prosperous future in Europeian politics. Its determined stare is its greatest asset. Regardless, the Earth22 ticket, this time with Skizzy Grey in the #2 slot rather than Common-Sense Politics, went on to victory, garnering 27 votes to 5 for the ticket of Indecision/Abstain.

The Senate race, however, was no shrinking violet as it has been in the past. Concerns about the quality of the Senate's work in the past few terms prompted a wide bevy of candidates, including some impressive newcomers, and some old-as-dirt fogies who couldn't resist. Due to the newly sparked interest, the Electoral Panel convened and decided to raise the number of Senate seats to eight from its previous six. Twelve candidates ended up running in the race, and as previously mentioned great new talent was discovered in a watermark election season for the Senate.

The newly minted Senate dresses up for a photo

Old and proven talents were brought back, such as Anumia, HEM, and Asperta, but what was truly surprising was the breakout Senators from last term that were re-elected by large margins. Leading the entire Senate field was Rachel Anumia, followed by Indycar Racing with a finish strongly in league with seasoned Senators. A shot in the arm of talent from the City Council was also evident, with breakout star New Kyrkberg being elected, along with former Mayor Peaceful Llamas and longtime Councillor PASD. The newly created Europeian Expansionist party captured two seats (New Kyrkberg and HEM), while the even more newly created Westminister Party captured one (Rachel).

Separate the Delegates

The true surprise of the election season came, however, when Oliver Grey called upon a little-utilized provision to challenge the region's delegate, Vice Chancellor and long-time crabbypants Lethen. Oliver waged a campaign without much of his usual pomp and circumstance, but heavy on substance, seeking to further Europeia's involvement in the WA, a much talked-about but yet unimplemented policy. Oliver began to garner some early support due to his excellence in many other positions in Europeia.

Oliver munching his way through the government

Just as it appeared that the conflict would come to a head, Lethen decided to pull a LBJ even without a Vietnam and acquiesced to Oliver, ending his 254-day reign as Delegate and ensuring a smooth transition to Oliver at the helm of the WA Department of Europeia. Even through the heat of the short campaign, no harsh words were exchanged about Lethen's tenure, because there wasn't that much bad to say. Lethen transitioned quickly into being elected as the Mayor of the City Council and has a future perhaps as bright as his past.

Roleplay-1, Sanity-0

Gladstone Davies leaned back away from his typewriter. His task was to write an article for the Update about roleplay, but something was taking his mind from the task. Perhaps it was his two children, both of whom had severe headaches from the paint factory that had been constructed over his house on stilts. He pensively stroked his kneecap, something his mother Berta had always done right before bed. This soothed him. He picked up his oilcan, did one last tune-up on his worn-out typewriter, an E. Remington and Sons model, and bared down on his work, all the time watching the door of the office where he believed the Foreign Minister slept after hours...

Gladstone Davis, figment

That's right, folks, Roleplay has shot through Europeia with a vengance. Ever since Oliver Grey's suggestion that the lower legislative body of the City Council include RP in its debates, RP has become an integral part of legislative debates, and it's causing some interesting reactions. Some traditionalists, such as Senators Anumia and HEM, find it to be "unsophisticated", with Anumia claiming to have gotten an aneurysm from watching City Council debates unfold. There can be no argument, however, that the Council has wholly embraced the idea, with Councillers in full character during the most recent debate over an amendment to introduce procedures for the public to recall Senators. Interestingly, one of the biggest proponents of the idea was another of the most elder members, current CC Mayor Lethen. It's yet to see whether this idea will increase productivity or even stick permanently, but for now it's winning over even former skeptics and is adding a spicy flair to what has been a bit of a dull body in the past.

This Just In!

According to a new poll by general Europeian whiz-kid Swakistek, 20% of Europeians are in fact Falconias, former President of Europeia. Few were shocked at the number, as being Falconias had been on the rise ever since he left office, but it was rather surprising to find that statistically, Falconias is one Cabinet member and holds two Senate seats. It is yet to be seen if this is against the law, but considering that there's an 80% chance that Falconias is also one of our Justices, the law may be skewed on this particular question.

Falconias' official Presidential portrait

This Update was written by FA Media Coordinator McEntire. Europeia's forums can be located Here. Have a great day and a pleasant tomorrow from myself, Foreign Minister Rachel Anumia, and all of us here at Europeia Foreign Update!
Oliver Marlowe
Quote Love
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time."

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Lethen » Tue May 10, 2011 1:26 pm

Thanks for all the hard work Ollie!
The Crystal Leth Dealing Cabal of Lethen,
proud member of Europeia since 2007. Current Supreme Chancellor.

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Rachel Anumia
Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 397
Founded: Aug 13, 2010

Postby Rachel Anumia » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:26 am

July 4, 2011
35th Congress, 35th Cabinet, 30th Senate
Population: 881
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Rachel Anumia
Vice President: Asperta
Grand Admiral: Common-Sense Politics
Foreign Minister: Anumia
Interior Minister: Asianatic
Culture Minister: Panlu
Welfare Minister: Ogastein

World Assembly Delegate: Abbey Anumia

Legislative Government
Indycar Racing
Sopo (Speaker)

City Council Mayor: Asylum

Judicial Government
Chief Justice Swakistek
Associate Justice: Abbey Anumia
Associate Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Cordova I
Attorney General: Jusduckria

New Leadership for a New Era

After a tumultuous term, Europeian voters opted for stability, electing Vice President Rachel Anumia to the presidency by a shocking 2-to-1 margin over five-time President Pope Lexus X and veteran citizen Henry. Rachel's running mate, Asperta, is Europeia's new Vice President.

The election capped a meteoric rise for Rachel, who rose from a junior ministry position to the region's highest office in just over three months. In that time, Rachel has built her reputation on an impeccable work ethic, which carried her to victory despite a superb campaign by the estimable Lexus.

President Rachel Anumia

In her inaugural address, Rachel looked toward the challenges facing Europeia:

Elections and perhaps more so this election, are a time of refocusing, renewal and a chance for a fresh start.... There was an opportunity amidst the danger of the crisis and as a community, we took it. We need to continue rebuild and grow, not only as a region but as a community by continuing to welcome new members with open arms, giving them the opportunities and help to succeed.

In the Senate, the electorate also opted for familiar faces, re-electing incumbents Anumia, Indycar Racing, McEntire and Subron and choosing the familiar Fortana and Sopo to fill the other two available seats. After a Speaker race between the incumbent Anumia and challenger Sopo that was so close as to be a draw, the President selected Sopo to take the chair, and he immediately appointed his predecessor as Deputy Speaker.

Return of our Beloved Founder

As our previous Foreign Update explained, the Supreme Chancellor and Founder of our Republic, HEM, recently resigned his position during a tumult, and though he returned to the region shortly after, he did not immediately retake his position as Supreme Chancellor. The position was held for the last month or so by the previously long-standing Vice Chancellor, Lethen, who managed the duties of the Chancellery expertly in the official absence of his predecessor.

A few days ago however, he handed the Chancellery back to HEM, giving a speech where he said:

"...Europeia began to heal, and it is still healing. There are still spats, yes, but an open nature and honesty are keys to a healthy relationship. Europeia is its people, and we will all do so much better if we are fair and honest with one another without being too petty or vindictive. Bottling up feelings, holding grudges, etc. only serve to hurt yourself and, eventually, others whenever you feel the need to publically vent or lambast..."

"...And to continue the healing process, I am going to name HEM as my second Vice Chancellor. While many will say the dust has settled, that he never had to resign as Supreme Chancellor in the first place, etc. etc. I still think that re-appointing HEM into an office so intimate with his former position may be bothersome to some. Will anything be said here? Perhaps not, most likely things will be said in private and behind closed doors. Either way, the appointment will stick; I told HEM to lay low for some time after Resignation-Gate happened, and its been far too long..."

"...So now we have this that I present to you all. Healing is a matter of finding courage, and it is also a matter of time...but yes, Hippocrates was correct, it is a matter of opportunity.

It is on that note that I officially resign as Supreme Chancellor, and appoint HEM as my successor. He may retain myself and Swakistek or not, that is his decision.

Welcome back, old friend."

Lethen's announcement was met with unanimously-positive sentiment, and gratitude from the citizenry for the job he did during his brief time in the top spot. Thank you for the service, Lethen, and welcome back HEM!

Coming to Europeia

Our Republic prides itself on being open and welcoming to our new members. With an entire Ministry dedicated to encouraging newcomers to the forum, and helping them settle in and feel a part of the community, we try our best to integrate and naturalise all of our incoming citizens into the life of our Republic.

As part of our efforts to continually improve our Government programs, we asked a new member who had recently obtained citizenship what his first impressions were in coming to Europeia:

"My first impression of Europeia was just WOW. I mean, a fully functioning Forum. A WIKI, an awesome story, I just love it. As of now, being torn between two Nations, I almost want to drop my other one (Rhoacolin) because I think I can get a lot done with Muzcova. And I also think that the best place for me to do that is here in Europeia. I have to say that this region is amazing and I am glad that they contacted me."

-J. Harl

Thanks, J. Harl! We at Europeia hope all incoming citizens feel the same as you do.

Brief and Fun Updates:
-Europeian Senate discusses changes to improve its world-renowned judicial system, refuses to fund giant inflatable gavels for the Justices
-Areopagitican proposes "The Hootch and Toddy Ordinance" to clamp down on humour in the City Council, is promptly hauled away by the fun police when the Ordinance reaches the Senate
-President Rachel Anumia makes plans to attract new recruits to the Navy, secret photographs of a skimpy khaki outfit leaked from within the Goldenblock
-Outgoing President Skizzy Grey gives Anumia an Ovation for his long-standing work in Europeia, Anumia reported as momentarily humbled, shocks Republic
-Vice Chancellor Swakistek gets new glasses, doesn't improve his stand-up routine
-Earth22 returns to Europeia after an absence, sales of naughty magazines plummet
Two-Time President of Europeia
Self-Lighting Firework

Europeia, the Land of Peace, Freedom and Equality .

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 362
Founded: Mar 17, 2007

Europeian Update LV

Postby Ambrella » Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:18 pm

August 15, 2011
36th Congress, 36th Cabinet, 31st Senate
Population: 738
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Sopo
Vice President: HEM
Grand Admiral: karthikking
Foreign Minister: Earth22
Interior Minister: Abbey Anumia
Culture Minister: James Hanover
Welfare Minister: Ogastein

World Assembly Delegate: Abbey Anumia

Legislative Government
Oliver (Speaker)
North East Somerset

City Council Mayor: Rachel Anumia

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Cordova I
Associate Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Bootskitten
Associate Justice: Vacant
Attorney General: Jusduckria

A Message from the President

This Message has been rated PG 13 for bad humor

Greetings, friends and allies!

The Europeian people have honored me by selecting me as their next President. What does this mean for you? Mostly that you'll be hearing quite a bit from me- whether you like it or not. If anyone out there would like to talk to me at any time, just shoot me a PM on the Europeian forums and I'll give you my MSN address. I'm always happy to meet new people and learn about the happenings of other regions.

I have a big vision for Europeia, one that cannot come to fruition without our friends and allies. I have already been amazed this term with the interregional cooperation to find the porn spammers. Hopefully future cooperative endeavors will have a much lighter tone. Expect to see very active ambassadors from Europeia and more frequent updates from this point on out. We care about each of our colleagues and want you to know it.

Enough of the srs bznz though, I've got a joke: A man walks into a bar with his son, who is only a head. He carries his son in and they order a drink. The son swallows the drink and he magically grows a torso! The father enthusiastically orders him another drink, and this time he grows arms! Becoming very excited, the father orders him another drink and he grows legs. Amazed, the father orders a fourth drink to see what else could happen. The son slugs it down and falls dead of alcohol poisoning. The bartender says to the father, "I guess he should have quit while he was a-head!"

Haha, get it?

President Sopo's Goldenblock is eight miles wide.

Rising Star Burnt Out

Rachel, everyone’s favourite rising star, resigned as Europeian President on the 27th July. Her Cabinet had lost the confidence of the people and a series of polls by her Grand Admiral, Swakistek laid the nails into the coffin. The polling and report cards in which everyone could see just what everyone else was thinking sowed the seeds for either a resignation or a Vote of No Confidence. After weeks of Cabinet Ministers going in and out, and after weeks of polling, Swakistek put the Vote of No Confidence question on the poll. This is what the Europeian Inquirer said:

Now, it's the question that a lot of people have been waiting to hear about.

We asked whether the performance of the Rachel Administration was sufficiently poor so as to justify a Vote of No Confidence, and 60% said yes. Rumblings have been circulating Europeia for some time, and it seems now even more certain that at some point, somebody is bound to move to such an effect.

And that was that, shortly afterwards on the same day Rachel, sadly, resigned saying that “If people want me to go, I’ll go. I’ve put in quite a bit into the region and in many ways; perception is the name of the game. Going into this, I knew it would be difficult and I wasn’t as strong I needed to be. “ As per Europeian Law, Asperta, the Vice President, became President. Senator McEntire motioned for a Vote of No Confidence “just in case”. With Asperta strangely silent, the region was wondering what would happen next.

Asperta on July 29th, gave his “encourage[ment to] the Senate to push through with a Vote of No Confidence, and give this term back to the people.” And so a Vote of No Confidence was passed by the Senate shortly afterwards to re-energise the region and to let a government seek a fresh mandate for change. Because of the Vote of No Confidence, the entire Executive and Legislature were thrown out and fresh elections held.

But Asperta said it best about Rachel’s resignation:
It is never easy to see someone who has, I pray that you believe me, worked her heart out for all of us. Her labors for the region are worthy of praise, and her resolve to continue her service in the light of criticism is very admirable. This resignation was frankly something that I have not expected from her. I hope that you join me in wishing her the best of luck for her future endeavors.

The Presidential Campaigns get Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

After the Vote of No Confidence the electoral gates were flung wide open for platforms of all shapes and sizes. Interestingly we had our very own troll ticket of Blumenwitz/Allied Alliances which led to some serious questions getting hilarious responses :

When you envision a great Europeia, shining at the very peak of its brilliance, what do you see? Describe it for me.

A desk, a wall, some form of beverage off to my right, a window forward of me slightly to the right.
That's what I saw about a year ago.

Quickly we had our serious contenders : Sopo/HEM , Swakistek/Abbey Anumia and Ogastein/McEntire.

For the first time we had the Europeian News Network deliver a fantastic set of Presidential Debates. There was one question for each major policy area (Foreign Affairs, Interior, Welfare, Culture, and Navy) and one tailor-made question for each candidate.

Ogastein ran on the idea that Europeia needs to be picked up and replenished, Swakistek on asking “why do we do the things we do?” and Sopo on a “bold new direction”. Writing under the pseudonyms of Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green and Professor Plum, the Europeian News Network panel declared the race "too close to call".

Then election day hit us. Unsurprisingly, Sopo was elected to the Presidency with 21 votes beating the Swakistek ticket on 10 votes, and suprisingly Blumenwitz on 5 votes and Ogastein on 3 votes.

Now Vice President HEM delivered a victory speech in which he promised to emulate Daft Punk :

My friends, thank you all so very much

President Sopo and I have been honored to hold your support in these General Elections. It was not an easy campaign -- and do not let the numbers deceive you -- it was no slaughter.

Swakistek and Ogastein are two of the brightest minds of the region. It is my belief that just as they will be a massive asset this term, they will also be lauded for the considerable candor and breadth of the ideas presented this election.

On a personal note, this region has trusted me with the office of Vice President on three other occasions. Perhaps this region would have been more reluctant to elect me had they realized how I finished not a full term any of those occasions.

In short, I have let this region down before. But I have ran this race not just to right prior wrongs, but to brush such sand aside, and help Sopo build the Europeia that we all dream of.

We all know the dreams. The hopes, the visions. We all know what we want this region to be. I am so familiar with such aspirations because of our humble upbringing. When I dreamed of a great Europeia so many years ago, it was this very region I saw.

But we can always do better.

We can always reach higher.

We can always fight harder.

President Sopo and I have every intentions of doing that. We will take the road less traveled, and we will fight the hard battles. We will make mistakes. We will screw up. But there is no easy way into the history books, and we have stiff competition.

But it is my hope that this entire term is remembered for it's nuance. For it's intelligence. For it's openness. For it's compassion, and yes, for it's challenge.

We have a Senate of grand minds joining us. We have a City Council filled with active and thoughtful veterans and newbies alike. We have an Executive ready to lead.

I believe my friends, soon we will have a New Prosperity.

Thank you all so much, and God Bless.

President Sopo and Vice President HEM bringing "The New Wave" to Europeia

Europeia Decides
A bit of a shakeup in the Senate Election

On August 5th, Europeia went to the polls to select a new Presidential Administration as well as a new Senate. In comparison to past elections, the field was packed, with 13 candidates vying for 6 open seats. Of the 13, a good portion of the candidates were relative newcomers to the region, which is always a welcome sight.

A number of Senators supported and endorsed the idea of having an Opposition to help hold the Government accountable, which caused the election to be more interesting and active. (For further information, see The People’s Loyal Opposition located elsewhere in this update)

When all was said and done, the results were as follows:
(Candidates in bold were elected.)

Oliver [ 26 ]
Jusduckria [ 23 ]
McEntire [ 17 ]
karthikking [ 8 ]
Lia Moss-Firen [ 13 ]
Blake [ 4 ]
Caninope [ 10 ]
North East Somerset [ 21 ]
ACKJVR [ 14 ]
Blumenwitz [ 4 ]
James Hanover [ 7 ]
Peaceful Llamas [ 13 ]
Klatonia [ 20 ]

While the newcomers didn’t do as well as one would hope, Lia Moss-Firen managed to tie veteran Europeian Peaceful Llamas, and was one vote away from causing a by-election.

The Great Re-Send successful but can't withhold regional turmoil

On July 19th, The Great Re-Send began. The initiative encouraged citizens to re-welcome other citizens of the region who hadn't yet made their way to the region. It started off very well, with over 60 nations re-welcomed on the first day. This success could, unfortunately, not continue as the region went through the turmoil of the abrupt change in government. As each day went on, less were welcomed and the initiative abruptly ended when the government was completely ousted from power. In the end, 160 nations were re-welcome to the region, a success considering the circumstances. Minister of Welfare Ogastein vowed to continue the progress, "I'll be sending out 500 odd more telegrams if that's what need be; anything to get our forum more active."

Porn Spam

"Hello everyone, a quick message from your friendly neighborhood Europeian Vice President!

The recent porn spam attacks have been widespread. They have effected many regions, either personally, or through friendships. Evidence is still being locked together, but the EIA is confidently reassured by the progress we have made. We know people who are complicit in this affair, and even now we are working to bring them to justice alongside the perpetrators.

Just as we hope for international support during the attacks, we are pushing for a show of unity after. This is why Europeia will be looking to host the second Convention on Offsite Property. The details are being ironed out, but all regions will be weclome to send a delegation. We are going to tighten up regulations on what is defined as forum terrorism, while ensuring that certain people can be rehabilitated rather than resorting to such heinous crimes again and again.

Europeia stands in solidarity with the world community on this issue. Together we will end the threat of forum destruction for all regions, and together we will ensure those who have committed these foul deeds to be brought to justice. I urge anyone with information to come forward with it. You are free to telegram myself, King HEM, and you will not be named.

We will find justice for all those attacks, of that, you can be assured Europeia will accomplish.

The People's Loyal Opposition
Westminster May Be Making In-Roads In Europeia

A note for the reader. The author of this piece is the Leader of the Loyal Opposition, and one of the main instigators of its existence. Any bias is unintentional, but likely inevitable.

On August 2nd, I published an article called The Shadow Cabinet, detailing the way that the Opposition in a Westminster system provides critique of the Political Executive, and noted that there was no similar mechanism in Europeia for such critique, and ultimately suggested we should probably have something like that. At the time, I was running for Senate, so I included it in my platform, and a few other notables followed suit. Four Senators with such opinions were elected, a majority in Europeia, and so the People's Loyal Opposition was born.

I maintain that at this time it is still far too early to tell whether the idea is a success or not, but the Opposition has provided some critiques of Cabinet appointments, and begun to lay the groundwork for the introduction of a Question Period. Those opposed to the Opposition have decried it for reasons as varied as "impossible to be effective", "all well and good now but wait til the bad Senators get back in", and "grounded in a culture of irresponsible negativity that hurts others." We've heard it all. Confidence remains high within the Senate, but only time will if this confidence is warranted.

The Update Team: Sopo, HEM, Oliver Marlowe, Hyanygo, Ogastein, Jusduckria, Griff Capulet, and Earth22 Marlowe-Capulet
Sopo, former big wig of Europeia and denizen of Bloopsjooj.

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Europeian Update LVI

Postby Ambrella » Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:53 pm

September 2, 2011
36th Congress, 36th Cabinet, 31st Senate
Population: 741
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Sopo
Vice President: HEM
Grand Admiral: karthikking
Foreign Minister: Earth22
Interior Minister: Carracalla
Culture Minister: Fortana
Welfare Minister: Ogastein

World Assembly Delegate:Swakistek

Legislative Government
North East Somerset
Crist Seymour

City Council Mayor: Elections Ongoing

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Cordova I
Associate Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Bootskitten
Associate Justice: Asperta
Attorney General: Jusduckria

A Note From the President
Yes, I'm still here.

Friends and Allies of Europeia,

The past few weeks have seens ups and downs, and I'm proud to say that Europeia is surviving a Sopo administration and going strong! There are still plenty of areas which need work, and now that I'm settling into my new life stage, I should have time to get to work on them. The Cabinet has really come together as a cohesive group, and I'm proud to be able to work with them every day. I continue to relish in my position as President, though it does come with it's share of negatives. I am very excited about the remainder of the term and can't wait to build on the progress we've already made!

Now, I won't put you through quite the same punishment as last time (that joke was truly awful), but I will leave you with a thought: "She was only a whiskey-maker, but he loved her still."

President Sopo addressing the Cross-Cultural Conference.

At the Heart of Europeian Politics - Senate Update

The first business of the term for the Senate is always the election of the Speaker. This was a clear cut race with Oliver taking 5 of the 6 available votes. The next matter at hand was dealing with the Cabinet nominations. All the core Ministries were approved, though the Minister of Information was rejected, as well as a Minister without Portfolio. Around this period, Bootskitten and Jusduckria were also approved by the Senate as Associate Justice and Attorney General, respectively. The Senate then moved decisively to Veto EO 70, which the President made to rename the Welfare Ministry to Integration. The Speaker Oliver accused President Sopo of “reckless” and “offensive” behaviour in not making the necessary alterations to the Act’s affected by the change. The President soon withdrew the EO and around one week later, the Citizen Integration Ministry Act (2011) was passed by the Senate, which resolved the issues to the satisfaction of all involved.

Peaceful Llamas was approved by the Senate as an Associate Justice, as Lethen was approved access to the EAAC under EO68. The Fourth Amendment to the Separation of Powers Act was approved, which means Senators can no longer serve simoultaneously as Vice President. This prevent future Vice Presidential abuse of the Executive Order powers. The Legislation Accessibility Act (2011) which was championed by Senator Klatonia was also passed. The Act “tasks the Senate to provide citizens with a comprehensible summary of laws, so that each citizen, whether or not familiar with legal language, may understand his or her duty and act accordingly”. Business from the previous term in the form of the Judicature Bill (2011) was concluded with the passing of a version produced primarily by Skizzy Grey. There was public consternation over the length of previous proposals, and though the final version passed was more concise, it still exceeded 2,000 words in length. The bill comprehensively covers all details of Europeia’s world class Justice System.

One of the more controversial issues to be put before the Senate so far this term was the nomination of OnderKelkia as an Associate Justice by President Sopo. After a long and unconventional interrogation, the nomination failed with 2 votes for, 2 against, 1 abstention, and 1 not present. Senator Somerset who did not make any posts in the nomination thread, said the whole procedure was “a farce that should never have been brought to the Senate” citing the nature of the objections raised as "irrelevant". Former Vice President Asperta was later nominated for the same role, and the Senate approved him unanimously after some discussion.

OnderKelkia’s foreign judicial experience was not enough for the Senate.

Recent opinion polls held by the Europeian Inquirer rated the Grand Admiral and the Minister of Culture’s performance very poorly, and the latter was ultimately removed by the President. Fortana was nominated for the position and approved by the Senate. The retirement of Abbey from active service in Nationstates also meant that a new Interior Minister had to be found, and veteran Carracalla was called nominated, and promptly approved by the Senate. The opinion polls were not just focused on the Government, as they also featured a section for the Senate. The overall Senate rendered a rating of 64.8%, which was deemed to be decent, but not exceptional. The ratings for individual Senators are; Senate Speaker Oliver: 58.3%, Senator Jusduckria: 51.7%, Senator NES: 68.3%, Senator Klatonia: 55.0%, Senator McEntire: 63.9%, Senator ACKJVR: 50.6%.

Senator North East Somerset led the pack in Public Approval Ratings.

Senator McEntire resigned from the Senate during the opinion polling period, citing a lack of available time, and was replaced by Crist Seymour after a by-election in which the underdog defeated former Senate stalwart Peaceful Llamas, by 14 votes to 12.

The Speaker introduced an informal system of “Critics” to question Government Ministers on policy and progress, with each Senator assigned to a different Ministry, early in the term. However the idea appears to have floundered with neither Senators nor Ministers taking naturally to the concept. The Committee for Formal Scrutiny in Government was therefore set up, with the aim of formalising procedures, which may be the only way to make such a system of Executive accountability take hold properly. A Committee for the Creation of a Military Code has also been created, which is Chaired by Senator Klatonia.

The Executive Elections Act is currently in its Second Reading, and discussion is focused around the issue of how the President should be able to call early elections. The most recent proposal was the The Extreme Measures Act which proved highly controversial, and was rejected by all involved. The discussion however got particularly heated, and resulted in the resignation from the Senate of the Bill's author Klatonia and also Oliver stepping down as Speaker after a failed attempt to bar Senator Somerset. The region quickly moved on from the debacle, but it proves Europeian politics can be dynamic and fast moving, when such matters arise.

Senator Crist Seymour thanking voters for their support. He promised to be “the most fabulous Senator in the Senate!”

Stay Classy: City Council

Recently the City Council of Europeia has seen new activity. Under the look of Rachel Anumia as Mayor, the City Council created its own newspaper. The Council Telegraph was newly introduced to the people of Europeia. Tyler Curone has been named editor of “the Telegraph”. The Council thinks this is a step in the right direction to bringing the inner workings of the City Council to the people of Europeia.

Also numerous discussions have begun inside the City Council. The C.C. has begun discussions on a decision to create a new bill that would bring changes to the Euro University. Also talks have continued on the fifth constitution. These talks have been going on for a while and are expected to continue. More updates to come from the City Council.

So for now, that’s all from the City Council for now and we hope to bring you more soon in the near future. From everyone in the C.C., Stay Classy!

The Importance of The Republic Square in Europeia

For those of you who haven't visited Europeia at some point, well, firstly, I'd encourage you to, because it's a really lovely place and we'd love to see you pop by and say hello. To return to the topic at hand, though, The Republic Square is a relatively historical name for the forum in which most of the non-Government activity in Europeia takes place.

It's been around for a while and is probably easily the most viewed forum in Europeia, despite its sitting in a fairly inconspicuous part towards the bottom of our main page.

The Republic Square serves no particular function. It's barely ever used for any official purpose. However, I suggest that its very existence simultaneously embodies and unites our entire region...or at least our forum population. Crazy conversations and fun debates take place as Europeians get to know each other better.

The Foreign Ministry Spotlight

The Foreign Ministry has been the happening place the last few weeks. We're in the middle of hosting a Cross-Cultural Convention, originally with Land of Kings and Emperors, The New Inquisition, The United Federation, and United Kingdom. We've discussed many different topics including: griefing, fun warzone games, and feeders. Also, FRA Arch-Chancellor Spartz was invited to join the discussion on ending TNI and LKE's wars with the FRA. The United Federation left the Conference abruptly but discussion has continued on track without them. LKE and TNI have offered peace negotiations to the FRA and we all wait to hear back.

We've also rewritten parts of our Broad Foreign Policy. You can see the whole thing here, but the major changes include:
Extremism: Europeia takes a harsh stance against extremism, on either side of the spectrum. We strongly support battle mindset to remain on the battlefield, and cordial communications off of it. We strongly support inclusive communities. We condemn regions that preach hate and separation.

Acts of Terrorism: Europeia does not tolerate any sort of off-site terrorism, such as porn-spams, anonymous hate messages, and/or forum destruction. We condemn other regions that condone such actions, and seek for across-game punishment for terrorists.

After a punishment, we are not against opportunities for redemption as long as no laws are broken for the terrorist's redemption.

Europeia has opened new embassies with Jethnea and Avarene! We'd love to hear from our new friends and our old on our forums! Also, join us for End of Summer-fest!


Written By: Sopo, NES, Earth22, Swakistek, & PASD
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Sopo, former big wig of Europeia and denizen of Bloopsjooj.

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Postby Ambrella » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:35 pm

September 15, 2011
36th Congress, 36th Cabinet, 31st Senate
Population: 711
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Sopo
Vice President: Earth22
Grand Admiral: karthikking
Foreign Minister: Oliver Marlowe
Interior Minister: Carracalla
Culture Minister: Telthas
Integration Minister: Vacant

World Assembly Delegate: To Be Elected

Legislative Government
ACKJVR (Speaker)
North East Somerset
Crist Seymour

City Council Mayor: Blake

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Vacant
Associate Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Bootskitten
Associate Justice: Asperta
Attorney General: Jusduckria

A Note From the President
As if you really wanted to hear from -that guy- again...

This can't possibly be the third time I've written one of these, can it? Time sure flies when you're having fun. Speaking of fun, we in Europeia recently concluded the End of Summer-fest (which I'm sure you'll hear more about later on). It was a fantastic festival of fun and fantastic...ness! I didn't win any of the awards, but given some of the categories, I should probably count my blessings.

We're gearing up for an exciting second-half of the term, with less than a month until the conclusion. It's hard to believe that I've been President for well over a month now, but I truly have enjoyed (almost) every minute of it. There's still much to be done yet, though, so expect to see some new developments from us headed your way! Of course, this wouldn't be a note from me if there wasn't a lame joke tacked on the end. Sadly, I am not quite prepared. I nearly missed the deadline for my article because I didn't know how late it was getting! I tried to find my watch, but I just didn't have the time.

City Council getting “Schooled”

To somewhat quote Adam Sandler in Billy Madison with a few changes “Back to school, back to school, to prove Europeia we are not all fools.” Europeia’s City Council has finally created an act that would reform Europeia’s University.

A bill introduced by newly appointed deputy Mayor Rachel Anumia introduces a rough sketch on what the University will look like. But much debate has arisen on who will run the University and who will appoint said person. The City Council is in for a fun time if they want this bill passed, then passed onto the Senate.

On a special note; the City Council has elected a new Mayor. Blake Hanover was elected by member of the City Council. Like said above, Rachel Anumia was named deputy Mayor by Blake. We, in the City Council, wish both of those members the best of luck in the coming term!

Senate Activity Grows
By Crist Seymour

The Senate has been quite busy the last few weeks! With some legislation coupled with numerous cabinet switches, we’ve all had to be on the floor, or question the nominees. ACKJVR (or as I call him Admiral Ackbar) was elected to be the Speaker, congratulations! Senator Jusduckria introduced an act to clean up and repeal some of our old treaties, NES introduced three acts: one act to dismantle the ability of the Senate to vote up or down on a President’s cabinet nominee automatically, an act that expands the term, and one that makes the Speaker or his designate keep track of how Senators voted on legislation to provide accountability.

The Senate passed the Executive Elections Act as well as confirmed Earth as Vice-President after HEM’s resignation, Telthas as the Minister of Culture, and Oliver as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. There is currently a hearing to replace Ogastein (who resigned due to disagreements and feeling he was useless in the cabinet, to run for a position he is better at: Senator!). (With the resignation of Cordova, the President may have to nominate a Justice, too!)

Klatonia resigned from the Senate due to fall out from a controversial piece of legislation, but deciding to run again, he won with a 77% victory. After his re-election he picked right back up on the Committee for Military Code, while Senator Seymour asked to get involved with the Committee for Formal Scrutiny in Government with the resignation of Oliver to serve as the Foreign Minister.

Senator Klatonia (center) walks with supporters to his campaign event.

End of Summer-Fest!
By Earth22

The Winners Get a Shiny!
This past week we celebrated the end of summer with fun games and stories galore! Let's start with the Europeian Achievement Awards (Summer 2011).

Best Europeian: r3naissanc3r
Best President: Earth22
Best Vice President: Skizzy Grey
Best Minister: Earth22
Best Senator: Oliver
Best Councilor: PASD
Best Writer: Skizzy Grey
Best Break-Out Newcomer: ACKJVR
Best Recruiter: Earth22
Best Legal Eagle: Skizzy Grey
Most Intelligent: r3naissanc3r
Best Debator: Klatonia
Best Idea: Earth's Drunk Thread
Most Helpful: Cordova and Old Ogastein
Most Dramatic: Rachel Anumia
Best Blonde Moment: Rachel Anumia "What does the FRA stand for?" - President Rachel Anumia
Biggest Spammer: Allied Alliances
Funniest Europeian: Allied Alliances
Cutest Couple: NES & His Ego
Most Fabulous: Crist Seymour
Best Lurker: Falconias and Jamhug
Most Likely to Have a Psychotic Breakdown: Swakistek
Most Animal-Like Europeian: Earth (from the drunk thread)
Funniest Thread: Earth's Drunk Thread
Biggest Fail: Everything in the 'Biggest Fail' thread.
Best Quote:
Sopo is the best prssi ze t ecer and we all shihd kove him fou'rewbe and eber. And I fycjing llve you all cause yihr the nestestest

Haha I warn yu sopoo kinda

Go gators

Fuck gesh

No obe xan bizh euro around ecer cause we're badlassses

Fuck I love tuu all

That's it for the Europeian Achievement Summer Awards! Seems like Europeia has an affection for underage drunkards..

We also had a Themed Avatar Week, celebrating our favorite childhood television characters. We saw a variety including Buttercup, Squidward, Kuzco, Doug, Maleficent, Tommy Pickles, Digimon characters, Pingu, Egon Spengler, and Rocko and Spunky.

PASD, before arrest.

Loads more fun to be had with our Three Word Story, seen here:
In the beginning, Earth22 created the eight mile wide vagina of death. It was strangely hidden inside the mouth of AA which caused consternation and some constipation for those that entered. One day, elephants on wheelies ignored Earth's post and used their giant purple bananas to utterly destroy the Pancake Tower that Sopo made. The doodling dinosaurs named PASD and Gustavus Adolphus Rex got arrested for killing Switz because he ate their seven sinister babies with three heads. Jusduckria arrested them for ignoring their kids, but let them have hugs.

We also had Spam Points, with Tyranna ending as the overall Spam Queen and a Recruitment Contest with Earth22 just beating ACKJVR, with Oliver not far behind. We discussed our summers, had a fun Europeian Skype Night as well as an IRC night, and had seven days of Pointless Polls.

From these polls we discovered that..70% of Europeians prefer Coke over Pepsi, 70% of Europeians put their toilet paper over rather than under, 58% (compared to 38%) use the English spellings of "honor, favorite, and color", 57% of Europeians state MSN as their messenger of choice, 56% of Europeians use Chrome, and blue just barely edges out purple and green as Europeians favourite colors.

To end the summer, we found that 39% of Europeians described their summer as "orgasmic", while 44% said they had a fun summer! Europeia hopes that your summer was as fun as ours!


What do you get if you cross kangaroo with a hippopotamus?
Flat Australians.


Written By: Sopo, Earth22, Crist Seymour, & PASD; Compiled by Oliver Marlowe
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Sopo, former big wig of Europeia and denizen of Bloopsjooj.

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Postby Ambrella » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:22 pm

October 14th, 2011
37th Congress, 37th Cabinet, 32nd Senate
Population: 780
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Rachel Anumia
Vice President: McEntire
Grand Admiral: Karthkikking
Foreign Minister: Bootskitten
Interior Minister: Ogastein
Culture Minister: JGlenn
Citizen Integration: Switzlanzia

World Assembly Delegate: Fortana

Legislative Government
Crist Seymour(Speaker)
North East Somerset
West Dhaka

City Council Mayor: PASD

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Asperta
Associate Justice: Hyango
Associate Justice: Onder Kelkia
Attorney General: Common-Sense Politics

Message from the President



My name is Rachel Anumia and I'm the recently elected President of Europeia. This term I hope to continue to build our regions ties across the NationStates world and encourage both diplomacy and communication between regions. We will be hosting a series of meetings, conferences and summits this term as well as increasing our presence on the NS forums. We can't do it without you! If you have any idea's on how we can work together, need help, concerns or even just want to chat feel free to send a pm or tg to our Foreign Minister, our Vice President or myself!

Let's build a better world!

~Rachel Anumia

Presidential Election thrills with Record number of candidacies

A re-enactment of one of the many exciting scenes in the Presidential Election.

The election for the 27th President of Europeia was an exciting affair. Originally, it started off with the incumbent, President Sopo and new running mate Jusduckria, against a team made up of Klatonia and Ogastein. Yet, soon the pressure of this major election started to cause problems and Klatonia decided to drop out. Taking Klatonia's place, was firebrand Crist Seymour. The popular Senator quickly found himself involved in a tough fight. His manifesto thread amassed huge numbers of views, and it polling showed that his candidacy split the region 50/50 with the incumbent. After a controversial IRC debate ended early due to an argument breaking out, the Presidential hopeful called it quits and threw his support for the incumbent President Sopo. The controversies resulted in a few more bids from less well known candidates, who wanted to change Europeia and seemed to set the stage set for another Sopo victory.

However right at the last moment, Sopo pulled out and announced that he didn't feel he had it in him for another term. In 11th hour bids, star Minister Jusduckria decided to run with Common-Sense Politics and Rachel Anumia launched a bid with McEntire. The first round was a nervy affair, with the two afore mentioned bids placing second and first respectively with only one vote between them but both failed to gain 50% of the vote! The stage was set for what many felt was going to be a very close run-off.

It was anything but. From the start, former President and comeback kid Rachel Anumia with running mate McEntire raced out in front and they didn't look back. Jusduckria and Common-Sense Politics mounted a late comeback effort, but it was too little too late with the vote finishing 27-17. Turnout was high at 44, which is amongst the highest ever for the region. So far, the administration is off to a decent start. Forum activity has been good, and though it is too early to make a judgement for sure, it looks like the administration will fare much better than Rachel's last term, which never really got going.

Fresh faced Senate for the Future

A youthful, yet promising Senate race saw many new faces run with determination.

The Senate elections saw quite a few new faces run for the six seats, once again continuing the trend of new members becoming more involved. Unfortunately, a few candidates dropped out of the Senate race upon deciding to run for the Presidency. In the end; North East Somerset, Crist Seymour, McEntire, West Dhaka, Vinage and Stamosian were elected. However, McEntire resigned immediately following the election as he was also elected as Vice President. The run-off featured elder statesmen Sopo facing off against newcomers James and South Boston Irishmen. Sopo won comfortably with 70% of the vote.

Crist Seymour [ 19 ] [16.10%]
North East Somerset [ 25 ] [21.19%]
West Dhaka [ 16 ] [13.56%]
Stamosian [ 14 ] [11.86%]
McEntire* [ 18 ] [15.25%]
James [ 12 ] [10.17%]
Vinage [ 14 ] [11.86%]

Latest News from the Senate

(L-R Front) Senator Somerset, Senator Dhaka, Speaker Seymour, and Senator Vinage announcing to the Press the confirmation of the President's nominee

The Senate election was rather quiet, and not exactly special. Some citizens have expressed concern about the experience in the Senate; whilst other more positive sentiments have been that it's good to see new people get involved, and it's too early to make a judgment of their abilities.

The first order of business for the Senate was to elect a Speaker, and Crist Seymour was the only person nominated for the position. With only one person voting against him, he is now the Speaker. The next items on the agenda were to vote on the confirmations of the President's nominees, and all were confirmed by essential a 4-1 vote. The closest vote was Ogastein to the Interior Ministry where Speaker Seymour and Stamosian voted 'Nay'. West Dhaka originally voted 'Nay' but only minutes later changed it to 'Aye'. When questioned on why the Speaker voted 'Nay' he cited the fact that he was engaged to him.

Due to Bootskitten's confirmation on becoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs he resigned from the Court, leaving an opening for an Associate Justice. The President decided to re-nominate OnderKelkia for the position of Associate Justice, who lost the nomination last time due in large part to Oliver's objections. The Senate voted unanimously to approve OnderKelkia as an Associate Justice.

Cross-Cultural Conference Concludes

[QUOTE=President Sopo closed the conference with this address]
The Cross-Cultural Conference held earlier this term served as a bridge between two communities, that of raiders and that of defenders. While it did not go as planned, with the unfortunate premature departure of The United Federation, the Conference still served to bring together people of different backgrounds in order to find common ground. Together, Europeia, the United Kingdom, The New Inquisition, representatives of the FRA, and the Land of Kings and Emperors met for an unprecedented discussion of policy, including topics like Griefing, Feeders, and Warzone Games. Today, we have finally reached the conclusion of this Conference.

At the climax of the Cross-Cultural Conference, The New Inquisition and the Land of Kings and Emperors proposed to the Founderless Regions Alliance an offer of peace to end a years-long conflict between them. The FRA has been internally debating the offer for quite some time now, and has finally reached a conclusion. The peace offer was rejected, and no counter-proposal was made. This is obviously a disappointment, and it is a shame this war will not be brought to an end, but I will not allow this dark shadow to hover over a Conference that has set the stage for future raider-defender interaction. We in Europeia continue to support our allies in The New Inquisition and our friends in the Land of Kings and Emperors, and we sincerely hope that there will be a time in the future that such a peace offering will be accepted.


WA Delegate Elections

Following Swakistek's resignation due to real-life commitments, it was time for yet another election for the position of Delegate. The race featured Fortana and Stamosian, who had also run the previous election against Swakistek. The low turnout election saw Fortana edge out Stamosian 9-8. Following a slow start criticised by former Delegate Abbey Anumia, Delegate Fortana has been increasingly engaged with his duties both internally and externally, and now wields over 180 endorsements, just under a month into the job.



Newly elected President Rachel Anumia unveils new Cabinet.


Written By: Rachel, Bootskitten & Crist Seymour; Compiled by Bootskitten & NES
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Sopo, former big wig of Europeia and denizen of Bloopsjooj.

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Rachel Anumia
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Postby Rachel Anumia » Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:16 pm

Office of the Europeian President

Good Afternoon,

Two new Lazarus type Sinkers were created this morning. Osiris and Balder. In both regions, it became a frantic race to see who would become the first delegate. Europeia entered the race in Balder late against Unibot and we both sought to establish a democratic region via a constitutional convention and set it on the path to flourishing. Our expertise.

We did not win but that does not change the end result which is the birth of a new democratic region open to all. We both have the same aims and we will be sending a delegation to region in order to help it grow by providing our expertise. We will suffer no region or organization to infringe on Balder's newly elected government and urge all sides to support it and help it flourish as a democratic region.

Note: Correction: I didn't see TITO's posts that they would leave right away and had misjudged their intentions.
Last edited by Rachel Anumia on Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Update LIX

Postby Ambrella » Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:01 pm

November 4, 2011
37th Congress, 37th Cabinet, 32nd Senate
Population: 780
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Rachel Anumia
Vice President: North East Somerset
Grand Admiral: Common-Sense Politics
Foreign Minister: Vacant
Interior Minister: Ogastein
Culture Minister: JGlenn
Citizen Integration: Switzlanzia

World Assembly Delegate: Fortana

Legislative Government
Crist Seymour (Speaker)
Skizzy Grey
West Dhaka

City Council Mayor: Notolecta

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Asperta
Associate Justice: Hyanygo
Associate Justice: OnderKelkia
Attorney General: Abbey Anumia

Population Gain:

Europeia has seen a massive boom in population, growing from 755 to a population of 908 in just 4 weeks of our newest term. This is a grand achievement for the Interior ministry under the lead of Minister Ogastein, and this achievement has been reached with the help of many hardworking Europeians including JGlenn, Madiebee, Crist Seymour, Vinage, and many others. If growth continues at this rate we will hit 1061 by the end of the term.

Immigrants flocking into Europeia

Senatorial News:

Speaker Seymour [L] congratulates now Senator Skizzy [R] on his win in the Senate

The Senate has been rather quiet since our last update, which may be a good thing given the dynamics of it. McEntire resigned from the Senate to which Sopo filled his vacated seat, ten days later Sopo resigned from the seat, so another election had to be held. Skizzy won a multi-candidate race a few points under 50% of the vote.

Citizen Henry asked the Court how to remove a Speaker from power, to which the current Speaker provided the Rules to Order stating that only another Senator could challenge the Speakership. The Senate unanimously rejected the petition without floor consideration.

President Rachel issued Executive Order 72 to which the Senate lead a full charge against, nearly vetoing it before a parliamentary cluster. Seymour voted Aye, Dhaka voted Aye, Stamosian voted Aye, and NES voted Aye with Sopo and Vinage voting Nay. NES changed his vote to Nay momentarily before changing it again, this time to Abstain; and Seymour followed suit. By the time the vote was closed the result was 2-2-2 Aye, Abstain, and Nay. No one knows what happened with NES’ and Seymour's vote changing, but we can only suspect some politicking.

The Europeian University Act, written by Senator Vinage was introduced to the Senate Floor with relatively little debate on the substance. By the time the quorum for a vote was called, no one knew how the vote was going to turn out as most Senators remained oddly quiet on it. The bill was objected to by the Dean of the University, which is what Speaker Seymour and Senator Dhaka cite as why they voted it down when it came time. The finality of the vote was: 2-2-1, Nay, Abstain, and Aye; Vinage being the only Senator to vote for the proposal.

Senator Vinage looks at the finality of the vote, frustrated at the end result

Sopo Resignation:

Not long after being elected, Sopo, citing personal issues, resigned his position in the senate. His resignation statement included the following statement showing that he is looking out for the best interests of Europeia, “I have realized that, while I love Europeia, there are simply too many things going on in my life to adequately serve in any kind of consistent position.” Following his resignation a by-election was announced and a mixture of Europeians, some old, some new, and others who had recently returned, announced their candidacy.

The first candidates to announce their intents to run were PASD, James, Notolecta, and Jglenn, but after PASD dropped out of the race to focus on being the Mayor of the city council, two more candidates, Skizzy Grey and Lord Chuck Anumia, threw their hats into the ring. The election got off to an even start; however, Skizzy Grey soon pulled away from the rest. The end result was a victory for Skizzy Grey, who received 14 votes with the runner-up, JGlenn receiving half that at 7 votes. This election may have wound up with an veteran Europeian winning, but it still showed that Europeia has a great respect for the skills and experiences brought to the table by both newer members, with JGlenn receiving 7 votes and James receiving 5, and those whom only just returned to the region, with Notolecta receiving 5 votes and Lord Chuck Anumia receiving 2.

Rachel Anumia Delivers State of Republic Speech (excerpt)

Europeia does not give second chances based on a belief that we’re the land of second chances. Rather, we give second chances because we feel that individuals deserve them. We believe that people can change, and we believe in the power of individuals to do great things. Recently, Lone Wolves United has bemoaned the fact that as a raiding region we are not doing what we can to aid the raiding cause and raider unity to fight the defender enemies. They are gravely mistaken to believe that we are driven by “raiderism” and are a “raider” region. We will always put our beliefs and values before any causes, whether it is our belief that individuals deserve second chances, or the fact that we won’t partake in military operations with Nazi regions, or the fact that we raid not to advance “raiderism” but to advance our own interests. Europeia comes first and it’s our beliefs and values that drive us forward and that shape who we are.

When I came to office there had been much hurt and damage during the election and the future seemed uncertain. Could we continue to move forward? I can say with absolute certainty that we have been and that our beliefs and values remain strong. Anarchy was a test of that. Forum activity has been steady, our population has risen quickly, our brand and values have been on display for the world to see, we have performed in multiple military actions, Culture is steady and Citizen Integration has been working hard to get people involved.

One of our beliefs is that things can always be better and that we should always strive to reach the highest of heights. In the past, that belief has been damaging to individuals who felt that there work wasn’t being appreciated. We must both appreciate the good work of the present while also critiquing and looking forward for the future.

Government Changes

The executive branch has had a fair number of resignations and replacements in recent weeks. In President Rachel Anumia's State of the Republic address she announced that she would be replacing her Grand Admiral Karthkikking with CSP, which resulted in a vacancy in the position of Attorney General, which she announced would be filled by Abbey Anumia. It was also announced that Crist Seymour would replace Vice-President McEntire, who was by some believed to have been removed by the Mandatory Recruitment Act, but quickly debate came over whether the office of Vice-President was legitimately open, so the President pulled her nomination of Crist Seymour for Vice-President. Shortly following the debate over whether McEntire was still Vice-President, he resigned, and the President once again nominated a new Vice-President, but this time she choose North East Somerset. All three appointees were then confirmed by the Senate. Not long after the Cabinet shuffle another minister position is left vacant when Bootskitten resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

With McEntire the new Vice-President, that made a Senate seat be open for the third time this term, and before the vacant seat could be filled yet another seat opened up after the resignation of Stamosian just hours before he was removed by the Mandatory Recruitment Act, for missing three weeks of recruiting. Running in the by-elections for those two spots are Ogastien, JGlenn, James, and Switzlanzia, with the fifth candidate Notolecta dropping out after being elected to be Mayor of the City Council.

Military and Foreign Affairs

With the unexpected and sudden creation of two new feeders, came the chance to demonstrate Europeian might and values. We sought to establish a democratic convention in Balder, which we believed would be best, started by a democratic region and while we did not manage to start it ourselves, we supported the efforts to establish a conference. Most importantly, we pledged to protect the newly formed region through both our military and diplomatic strength.

A conference with The New Inquisition ended and resulted in the establishment of clear targets for military co-operation. Both sides pledged for greater communication, a joint operation every two weeks and to request the other if they plan on holding the region. World Assembly affairs, something that has never been a major part of either region were discussed and it was decided that they would continue to be discuss in an upcoming conference in The New Inquisition.

Written by Notolecta, Rachel Anumia, and Crist Seymour.
Edited by Abbey Anumia and Notolecta.

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Last edited by Ambrella on Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sopo, former big wig of Europeia and denizen of Bloopsjooj.

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North East Somerset
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Update LX

Postby North East Somerset » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:01 pm

November 29th, 2011
37th Congress, 37th Cabinet, 32nd Senate
Population: 960
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Rachel Anumia
Vice President: North East Somerset
Grand Admiral: Common-Sense Politics
Foreign Minister: PASD
Interior Minister: Ogastein
Culture Minister: JGlenn
Citizen Integration: Switzlanzia

World Assembly Delegate: Fortana

Legislative Government
Crist Seymour (Speaker)
Skizzy Grey
West Dhaka

City Council Mayor: Notolecta

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Peaceful Llamas
Associate Justice: Asperta
Associate Justice: Hyanygo
Associate Justice: OnderKelkia
Attorney General: Abbey Anumia

General Elections Called

The gathering of the Electoral Panel to determine the number of seats in the Senate marked the beginning of the end of the current term. The Panel seems close to agreeing on a raise of the number of Senators to seven or eight, from the current six. The logic for this being that it should rise in line with increased population and new citizens. However public discussion has been much less conclusive with some citizens even calling for a decrease of the Senate to five - the lowest number that can be ascribed by the Panel. It remains to be seen what the Panel will decide on, if they reach a decision at all. Failure to reach a decision will continue the status quo of six Senators.

Supreme Chancellor HEM made the following speech with the calling of general elections, which are scheduled to occur in the first week of December:

Ladies and Gentlemen; citizens of Europeia, foreign dignitaries, and honored citizens, good evening.

Over the last few days I have spent more time looking upon the topics and debates of old than actually reading the affairs of today's state. As I become more firmly rooted into the past, as my legacy cements, and as the days of the House of Tiberius wane, this region demands the utmost from all its leaders.

This next term will see challenges that we have not yet even imagined or conjured within our mind. But it is only through such challenges that we can place ourselves in the position to claim laurels that destiny will make available to us. It will take every one of you to make the dreams of today, the reality of tomorrow. It will take a massive corp of dedicated junior ministers. A legion of inquisitive and ambitious Councilors. It will take a select order of Ministers. An educated group of jurists. It will take a popularly elected, and well reasoned Senate.

And yes, it will take a President who will dare to wield of the torch and use it as a chisel to forge our destiny into stone.

Who are these leaders? They are our friends, our fellow Europeians. They are people we know well and respect, and they are people we know well and...detest. But the call of Europeia transcends personal relationships or strong willed vendettas.

These leaders are reading this thread, have read threads like it, or will someday read such a thread by one Supreme Chancellor or another.

My friends, you are the leaders of Europeia. You are the promise of this region. With you we will never fail, never falter, and never ever shut the doors of opportunity which we have revealed to this world.

With that, I, HEM Daphnes Augustio Tiberius, Supreme Chancellor and formerly the sole occupier of the granite throne of Europeia declare General Elections for the 5th of December, 2011.

Hail Europeia.

Cultural Conference with TNI


Recently Europeia has entered a great cultural experience with The New Inquisition. The two regions have started a Cross-Cultural Conference on the TNI forums. The government of Europeia hopes this can expand the relationship between the two regions, and we thank TNI for their wonderful hospitality and welcoming. The Cultural Conference will continue while the two regions discuss issues facing the two regions.

Boys Night Out


Recently TNI, Europeia, the LKE, TBH, Unknown and TIL have taken North Atlantic! Special recognition goes out to ERN Cadets Notolecta and Vinage for their work on the initial raid of North Atlantic. Grand Admiral Common-Sense Politics would also like to thank all those with WA’s who have reinforced Iaxo. Overall deployment peaked at 40 WA units, of which 80% came from the first three aforementioned regions.

Quotas Rising?


The Europiean Senate has just concluded a major overhaul of the Mandatory Recruitment Act. This was necessitated by the ambiguities in the previous Act resulting in various interpretations of how exactly Ministers and Senators are suspended by it, and debate about individual examples including former Vice President McEntire, whose failure to recruit was a key reason behind his removal.

These talks brought up the idea of increasing the quota of the number of Recruitment Telegrams sent by the Speaker and Vice President. A heated discussion on the matter saw a variety of opinions expressed such as should the they be forced to recruit more or should they be focusing on more important issues and let other ministers/citizens do all the work. Ultimately though the Act was passed, with only one Senator, Skizzy, against. However it still awaits the Presidential signature.

In general, the recruitment success of this term has continued, with the population now reaching 960 nations, up from 755 at the start of term. The future of the MRA and it's role in the future of Europeia therefore seems certain.

This Isn’t Your Mama’s RP


Euro has started a new RP game based on an alternative history without the barriers of modern nations. Sign-ups have been active and it seems Euro has finally gained the RP game that has been absent for a while now. Have fun everyone!

Wedding Invite!


Written by PASD.
Edited by NES.

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Royal Duke, Balder
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North East Somerset
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Update LXI

Postby North East Somerset » Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:53 pm

February 27th, 2012
39th Congress, 39th Cabinet, 34th Senate
Population: 1,800
Forum Posts: 402,000
WAD endorsements: 360
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: North East Somerset
Vice President: PASD

Chief of Staff: Crist Seymour
Grand Admiral: Rachel Anumia
Foreign Minister: Common-Sense Politics
Interior Minister: Montana Max
Culture Minister: Ogastein
Employment: JGlenn
Attorney General: Peaceful Llamas

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

Legislative Government
HEM (Speaker)
Common-Sense Politics
Rachel Anumia
Crist Seymour

City Council Mayor: JGlenn

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Onderkelkia
Associate Justice: Anumia
Associate Justice: Skizzy Grey
Associate Justice: Notolecta

The...Wood Anniversary: Five Years of Europeia


Time changes everything. Only five years ago, Gatesville was the king of the userrite world. The Congress of Sovereigns was leading the imperialist cause, monarchies were all the rage, the Allied Defense Network still foiled our raids, and...Europeia was founded.

Being a founder has given me amazing retrospect abilities. Europeia is not a region that should have survived. 9 times out of 10, have things happen how they did in those early months, and the region dies. But fate -- or whatever -- dictated otherwise for us.

Europeia was my side project for a long time. My political scheming had gotten me a top job in Empires of Earth, and I was already vying for the Premiership in the Land of Kings and Emperors. Europeia attracted a...variety of character...and besides the local host of natives, we also became a land of "second chances" for former LKE politicians. One way or another we always tended to be a hotbed for some sort of drama.

Lord Alphanesia trying to provoke war with LKE, Rotalsia demanding that I flatter him at every turn, PRA trying to convert us into a socialist direct democracy. All these interests demanded to be fully fulfilled. For, while today we can afford to lose a few members here and there...when you have six active citizens, even losing one is a tough loss.

Founding regions isn't an easy task. Don Corelone once described it to me as a "thankless job" and he is almost right. The risks are great. But every once and a while you get lucky and end up with a real gem -- Europeia.

Through everything I have been proud to be Europeia's founder. I have made my fair share of mistakes over the years...but I feel I rarely make the same one twice.The trials make the rewards that much more rewarding, and that is what founding is all about.

In the coming weeks we will be celebrating our longevity with a festival for all nations of all regions. Everyone is invited. Anyone may come, and anyone may speak. More details will be included later.

Until then, thank you all, and many blessings upon your own regions!

On that note, everyone is invited to the Europeian Forums from the 7th-11th March, to join in the 5 years since Founding celebrations!

Numerical Eruption

One of our editors couldn't resist...

Europeia has seen a huge explosion of new population recently, before and after the new NS rules took effect. Europeia was one of the first regions to adopt the use of a script recruiter; however we had seen a large increase even before that thanks to our top recruiters, including Crist Seymour, Vinage, JGlenn, Notolecta and NES. Over 23,000 recruitment Telegrams were sent by our manual recruiters in the 4 months up to its automation, with many citizens chipping in to what was an astonishing team effort as shown by this pie chart:


Jairo also contributed some telegrams just after that tally was made and before the switch over to automated recruiting! It is no surprise therefore that during the last term we reached several population milestones. We got back to 1000 nations and then powered on to 1200 nations, a mark we had never hit before, on the back of the effort of our recruiters. But hitting that mark was just the beginning, since the early implementation of the script recruiter (designed by Montana Max) we have passed the milestones of 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700. And now 1800. From December 17th, when Europeia was home to 1004 nations, we’ve had a 80 percent increase in our population. Along with this explosion of population, we have also seen a great increase in citizens and forum activity, with the forums hitting 400,000 posts on February 23rd.

Europeia passes first WA Resolution

Description: A proposal to encourage nations to fund renewable energy research.


AWARE that the use of fossil fuels and fossil fuel related products depletes the limited reserves upon planets

UNDERSTANDS that the burning of fossil fuels such as coal to produce electricity releases the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide that contributes to global warming as well as other noxious compounds that can later cause acid rain as well as other environmental issues,

CONCERNED that this rapid depletion would leave no way to produce energy for future generations,

KNOWS that there are other ways to generate electricity without using fossil fuels. These include, but is not limited to, solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro,


1) Instructs World Assembly nations to devote sufficient funding in order to make a meaningful and good faith effort towards researching renewable energy
2) Encourages nations to enact policies on fossil-fuel burning power plants to commit a minimum 5% from their expenditure to further renewable energy research and to develop ways to better utilize alternative energy sources
3) Urges nations to take into account and implement results from the renewable energy research

IN ORDER to allow future generations to produce electricity without further polluting the atmosphere.

Co-Authored By The Free Land of Individuality-ness

Votes For: 8,115
Votes Against: 3,499

Implemented: Mon Feb 20 2012

WA Delegate Vinage has not only presided over record endorsements as we top 360 endos, but he has put them to good use in the first ever Europeian delegate proposed GA resolution; the Renewable Research Commitment. This was a result of a grassroots effort to involve the City Council with World Assembly initiatives. Any Europeian citizen can join the City Council, which has a say in the regions legislative agenda.

The submission was successful and the well thought out Resolution soon got to the voting stage. A healthy in-context debate ensued in Europeia, with President Somerset opposing it with a mix of right-wing political arguments, anti-environmentalist rhetoric and a long rant about how fossil fuels will not run out. This contrasted with the NS forums discussion area where Forum Moderator Goobergunchia opposed the resolution because Europeia has supported raiding activities in Nationstates - a new low point for the defender, as many Europeians pointed out.

CSP followed by NES as TAP takes over Europeian Politics

NES enjoying a drink and a cigar following his victory

In the December elections, CSP created a strong Presidential ticket with JGlenn, which went on to win the elections. The final result of 22-16 was closer than many expected, with their opposing ticket, Seymour-Skizzy, putting up a solid campaign and finding a surprising level of support.

The next elections in February saw an early candidacy emerge in the form of NES and PASD, who jokingly ran under the banner of The Acronym Party (TAP) to reflect the plethora of Europeians currently at the forefront of politics known by acronym versions of their name. It was an unusually long time before a challenger came forwards, perhaps due to an aura of inevitability that the Europeian political heavyweight would win no matter who put their name forwards. When someone eventually did, it was in the form of experienced Europeian politician Ogastein, with the former Speaker, Seymour.

While Ogastein’s platform was posted soon after standing, it was received with little enthusiasm and probing. It appeared to have gained some traction and support, but without an NES platform in sight with 36 hours until election day, there was political murmuring that he would be unelectable. To this effect, Skizzy Grey stood with Swakistek, declaring that an unopposed Ogastein bid for the Presidency was an “emergency in the life of the region.” Pundits are still debating whether Skizzy Grey, who subtitled his platform “Standing in the gap,” would have outdueled Ogastein at the ballot. Mere hours later though, NES finally posted his platform. The presence of a substantive NES platform countered, at least in the eyes of the electorate, Skizzy’s motivation for standing for the Presidency, while Ogastein stood down and cast his support firmly behind NES.

The race was back to where it started and the first Presidential Election of 2012 will be remembered as a landslide victory for NES/PASD, and an indication of widespread support for their vision of Europeia. Voters clearly had no qualms about the lateness of the platform, as NES/PASD won with 70% of the votes against former President Skizzy Grey and Swakistek, with 28 votes against 12. Some speculate though that the lateness of the campaign worked in NES' favour as it was not thoroughly scrutinised, with outspoken political commentor PhDre saying "NES’s victory is as much a product of his late run combined with his reputation as a behind-the-scenes maverick for Europeia as it is a product of any particular vision." Moving forward, Europeians are hopeful that NES will be able to to capitalize on Europeia’s positive growth and place in the NationStates community.

The Senate: low-down on whats going on in Europeia's Halls of Power

Two things have been dominating the discussions in its halls in recent times: The Law Reforms, and the work on Constitution V.

The new Senate saw new faces alongside some of the oldest, as HEM, CSP, Rachel Anumia, Crist Seymour, malashaan, Apollo and Jairo were elected to the Senate. The new Senate elected HEM as Speaker. The Speaker's powers in Europeia are more administrative than anything else, but the Speaker also traditionally sets the agenda of the Senate. He put Constitution V at the front of the Senate priorities list. He then proceeded to break discussion of the Constitution into four committees, one for the Executive, one for the Legislative, one for the Judiciary, and the last for a miscellaneous section.

In the discussions that followed, Senators Jairo and malashaan were most involved in debating the language of the Constitution, ranging from small wording quibbles to major substantive issues. Conversation from the others died down recently somewhat until Hyanygo, a City Councilor who was among the three sent from this lay-legislature on to contribute – though not vote – to the discussions directly, posted an analysis of the activity of the various Senators in the four threads. This gave a bit of a kick in the pants, as it were, to the other five, and conversation has started apace again, with contributions from the City Council delegation.

HEM has issued a working plan that seeks to have the public referendum on a completed document done in time to be part of the five year anniversary of Europeia. So far, if activity and discussion continues at the current, renewed pace, odds look good that it shall be completed by HEM's planned Senate Vote deadline of March 2nd, 2012.


Grand Admiral Rachel Anumia leads revival of Navy.

Following in the lead of then Grand Admiral Common-Sense Politics under then-President Rachel Anumia, the Navy experienced more success under Grand Admiral Notolecta during the Presidency of Common-Sense Politics. North Carolina and Animal House were both successfully raided and support was sent to Asia, Stargate, Corporate Profit Alliance and Belgium. In particular, Corporate Profit Alliance represented our first mission with Democratium. North Carolina was the flagship Europeian led operation for the term, and it was executed smoothly and effectively.

Under President North East Somerset, Grand Admiral Rachel Anumia has initiated reforms to the Navy geared towards long-term success. The Volunteers were established, a focus on strength implemented, the sign up sheet modernized to current global standards and the system of advancement revolutionized through implementation of the point system.

Thus far this term we have seen raids in Christmas, A United Kingdom and Catholic. Support had been successfully sent to Outer Heaven and Belgium, and the Euro Navy also participated with the South Pacific Army in the Warzones. Deployment has exceeded 15 units in some of those missions, as people queue up to join the Navy. We're not sure entirely why, but we understand the Grand Admiral has a unique talent in "motivating" our soldiers. Classified information I'm afraid. You'll have to join up to find out how...

Random funny


Articles by HEM, JGlenn, NES, PhDre, Kisrya and Rachel. Edited by CSP, NES, Henry and Skizzy.
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Last edited by North East Somerset on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Anniversary Festival Invitation

Postby Kyrkberg » Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:39 am


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Postby Mahaj » Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:14 am

Senator Vinage looks at the finality of the vote, frustrated at the end result

And that's why juxtaposition is important.
Aal Izz Well: UDL
<Koth> I'm still going by the assumption that Mahaj is Unibot's kid brother or something
Kandarin(Naivetry): You're going to have a great NS career ahead of you if you want it, Mahaj. :)
<@Eluvatar> Why is SkyDip such a purist raiderist
<+frattastan> Because his region was never raided.
<+maxbarry> EarthAway: I guess I might dabble in raiding just to experience it better, but I would not like to raid regions of natives, so I'd probably be more interested in defense and liberations

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Rachel Anumia
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Postby Rachel Anumia » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:27 pm

Honestly, if we had to do this again... I'd have planned for smaller updates :P

This is like the history of Europeia :P
Two-Time President of Europeia
Self-Lighting Firework

Europeia, the Land of Peace, Freedom and Equality .

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Postby Kyrkberg » Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:34 am

March 31st, 2012
39th Congress, 39th Cabinet, 34th Senate
Population: 1,589
Forum Posts: 405,000
WAD endorsements: 355
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: PASD
Vice President: Skizzy Grey

Chief of Staff: JGlenn
Grand Admiral: Vacant
Foreign Minister: Common-Sense Politics
Interior Minister: Montana Max
Culture Minister: Apollo
Attorney General: Peaceful Llamas

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

Legislative Government
Common-Sense Politics
Malashaan (Speaker)
Cerian Quilor

City Council Mayor: Lord Chuck Anumia

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: OnderKelkia
Associate Justice: Anumia
Associate Justice: Notolecta
Associate Justice: Hyanygo

Happy Birthday Europeia!

Europeia celebrated the fifth anniversary of its founding with an 8-day festival that featured a series of events designed to celebrate the region's history. Citizens from across the generations gathered to remember, telling humorous stories about past controversies and debating the legacies of various regional politicians. The centerpiece, however, was a series of speeches from senior statesmen and foreign dignitaries.

In his remarks, five-time President Pope Lexus X paid tribute to HEM, Europeia's founder:

Aside from founding the region we joined, [HEM's] actions have made Europeia what it is more than any other's. He was our King, but relinquished his power in the name of democracy, our most prized attribute today. The effect of this was dramatic, opening the realm up to make its citizens policy makers and leaders. He paved the way to give nations a fuller experience in Europeia.

Former President Pope Lexus X

Europeia's early days were fraught with obstacles; treason, forum deletion, and more, but HEM led us through and persevered. A clever diplomat, HEM excelled himself in standing up for his new region's decisions when he came face to face with the 1000 nation giant of the day, Gatesville. HEM did not back down and showed his quality even at this early stage of Europeia.

Over our 5 years, he has only stepped in when it has been necessary. Often painted as part of the Old Guard, HEM guided many of Europeia's members with his wise counsel (myself especially!) but HEM always recognized the potential and need for the newer member to take their place. Such was his conviction, that he aided the rising tide of the EFP whose mark on Europeia created a whole generation of statesmen.

Viktoria Gryfynn, the founder of The New Inquisition, also praised HEM for the risks he took to build Europeia into the great region it is today.

Starting your own region is a pretty risky thing these days, especially considering how big some of the player created regions are getting. It was pretty risky 5 years ago too. As a founder, I know just how much work needs to be put into a region at the very beginning. At the start, you're the one doing the recruiting, and about twice as much posting as anyone else in order to create activity.

The ravishing Viktoria Gryfynn

HEM, you have proven yourself to be one of the great founders of NS, and keeping this region alive is a great achievement that not a large number of NS regions can boast. I raise my glass to you.

When HEM's time to speak arrived, he did not dwell on Europeia's greatest moments, but reminisced about its humble beginnings:

Just over five years ago, a crazy venture was made. A semi-successful politician in Empires of Earth and The Land of Kings and Emperors decided to go out on a limb, and attempt one last time to create his own region.

This would have been my third serious attempt at this, and speculation abroad was critical at best…. Most saw this a throw away move. A waste of my career, which was advancing with my rise to the Speakership in LKE, the House of Commons in GB&I and Lord High Chancellor in Empires of Earth. What a waste of talent they said. What a waste of players.

HEM, in his most recent incarnation

Their fears were reasonable, and Europeia did not show an explosive start…. I appointed eager resident -- Rotalsia as interim Prime Minister. The Prime Minister's office was a tiny subforum in the Grand Hall, and various Ministers were appointed from the ranks of forum members. Catholic Lousiana was out first Culture Minister, Ratatosk was our first Foreign Minister.

But our region grew in activity. Rotalsia helped me recruit for the region, and he I and Ratatosk spent long nights planning for the future of Europeia. We envisioned a strong, active and proud region. Perhaps they would all be just as surprised as I am….

Alas, inactivity was the plague. After amazing months of almost 3000 posts, we hit a dry spell. In fear of my region I pulled the plug on the monarchy. Today we see -- more or less -- the same system as the one our first Republican Constitution set out.

Europeia has been an amazing experiment. It has allowed me to grow personally, and I am honored to have known all of you. It would not have been possible without the early membership of Europeia, and the resolve we had (Just as tomorrow is not possible but for all the great people we have today!). For despite all the doubts, all the chaos, all the political infighting -- we are still here.

And we shall remain here, and remain impactful here, until the end of Nationstates itself. I truly believe that.

We agree with HEM – so long as people are playing NationStates, Europeia will be among its most prominent and esteemed regions. Happy birthday to us!!

PASD Goes to Goldenblock

Sometimes with all the effort and intensity we put into NationStates, it is easy to forget or let slip your mind that this is, at the end of the day, a game and that real life concerns can and will interfere with your ability to do whatever job you may have been elected or appointed to do.

Former President North East Somerset

And such was the case with North East Somerset, who won the last election by a substantial margin with the full intent of seeing out his term and putting all his various plans and proposals into effect. But midway through the term, after giving a speech on the State of the Republic, NES abruptly decided to step down for the good of the Republic.

When I signed my name down for President, I had no inkling that it was possible that I would receive two job offers within my first two weeks of Presidency. And I’ve shown my email records to a number of people to prove this. The job I have accepted involves long shifts on a 2 weeks on, 1 week off roster, at a remote site, and so maintaining the kind of regular activity required to be President will be impossible as I don't expect to have much time for NS during the periods on site.

Saying that he had "served as long as I can as President," NES made all the preparations a smooth and easy transition of power requires. Expressing confidence in the ability of his Vice President and his Cabinent to carry on for the rest of the term, North East Somerset formally stepped down as President, handing power over to Vice President PASD after handing out a number of awards to distinguished citizens in a variety of categories from overall service, to military, to recruitment, and many other things in between.

His resignation was met across the board from people who voted for him and people who didn't with statements along the lines of those given by PhDre: "I'm sorry that RL has caused you to leave us." The next day, PASD gave a speech of his own as he ascended to the Presidency. He said that he was "humbled" to be given the opportunity to lead Europeia, and he promised to do all he could to make Europeia better.

President PASD

PASD continued by stating his intentions for the rest of the term, which were: "for the most part I will be continuing the work NES laid down." In closing, he said:

Finally Europeia. Some people are going to say that I am not ready for this job. "PASD’s inexperienced with this kind of work…..He shouldn’t be President….." I know I am going to have my critics. I will tell them now, I will work my hardest for this month I am President. I will not give up on this region. I may not have a full term, but I will do my damnedest to do my best. This region is ours, lets not let Europeia down.

This is Europeia, and we are strong.

At press time, Europeia was going strong under President PASD's leadership.

By-Election Fever!

With the resignations of Crist Seymour for personal reasons and Apollo Anumia, who was appointed Europeia's new Minister of Culture, the Senate has undergone a small makeover. Two new Senators have taken their place inside the Senatia. Two spots were up for grabs and three people decided to run. The following is a brief rundown of the by-election.

The candidates who ran for the two empty seats were Cerian Quilor, ACKJVR, and Alfie. It was a tightly contested race between those gentlemen and they worked hard to win over Europeian voters until the last minute.

March 5th rolled around and Vice President Skizzy Grey opened the polls. After much back and forth in the polls, the picture started to clear and by the time the polls closed Europeia had two new Senators. Cerian and ACKJVR were elected with twenty and nineteen votes respectively. Alfie finished just out of the running with thirteen votes.

Congratulations to the two new Senators and we wish them luck throughout the rest of the term.

Rachel Anumia Retires

Rachel Anumia retired from the Europeian Senate and as Grand Admiral of the Europeian Republican Navy on March 12, citing real life time constraints as her reason for retirement. Looking back on her longtime involvement in Europeia, Rachel noted that she considered her time as Minister of Welfare the high point of her distinguished career and said that she was "very proud" of her work with the Navy, "particularly when we did missions with purpose."

Rachel Anumia

As Grand Admiral of the Navy, Rachel initiated needed reforms that aimed for modernization and long-term sustainability and success. She also presided over the ERN's participation in several very successful raids. She will be greatly missed by her friends in Europeia and allies in other regions.

Vice Admiral Common-Sense Politics and Rear Admiral Apollo have taken joint command of the Navy as it transitions to new leadership. Their command has already seen the ERN's involvement in the successful occupation of Soviet Union to mark The New Inquisition's 6-year anniversary. We're sure we'll be seeing even bigger and better things from the Navy's new dynamic duo!

Articles by Skizzy Grey, Cerian Quilor, PASD, and Cormac. Edited by CSP and Cormac.
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New Rogernomics
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Postby New Rogernomics » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:45 pm

Rachel Anumia wrote:Honestly, if we had to do this again... I'd have planned for smaller updates :P

This is like the history of Europeia :P
Like this? :p

Image thingy here.

November 29th, 2011
We have a government thingy.
Europeia is huge.
Europeia is powerful.

These people left/changed their positions.

Funny story here.

Cartoon here.

Written by such and such.

Herald (Vice-Delegate) of Lazarus
"Solidarity forever..."
Hoping for Peace in Israel and Palestine
  • Former First Citizen (PM) of Lazarus
  • Former Proedroi (Minister) of Foreign Affairs of Lazarus
  • Former Lazarus Delegate (Humane Republic of Lazarus, 2015)
  • Minister of Culture & Media (Humane Republic of Lazarus)
  • Foreign Minister of The Ascendancy (RIP, and purged)
  • Senator of The Ascendancy (RIP, and purged)
  • Interior Commissioner of Lazarus (Pre-People's Republic of Lazarus)
  • At some point a member of the Grey family...then father vanished...
  • Foreign Minister of The Last Kingdom (RIP)
  • ADN:DSA Rep for Eastern Roman Empire
  • Honoratus Servant of the Holy Land (Eastern Roman Empire)
  • UN/WA Delegate of Trans Atlantice (RIP)

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Crushing Our Enemies
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Postby Crushing Our Enemies » Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:30 am

1. Hot damn, retirement is doing Rachel good.
2. You guys need to get yourselves a new Grand Admiral pronto.
Last edited by Crushing Our Enemies on Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
[violet] wrote:You are definitely not genial.
[violet] wrote:Congratulations to Crushing Our Enemies for making the first ever purchase. :)

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Cerian Quilor
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Postby Cerian Quilor » Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:23 pm

New Rogernomics wrote:
Rachel Anumia wrote:Honestly, if we had to do this again... I'd have planned for smaller updates :P

This is like the history of Europeia :P
Like this? :p

Image thingy here.

November 29th, 2011
We have a government thingy.
Europeia is huge.
Europeia is powerful.

These people left/changed their positions.

Funny story here.

Cartoon here.

Written by such and such.


We get that you don't like Europeia, and that you're an ***. Upshut.
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.

The Thing to Remember About NationStates is that it is an almost entirely social game - fundamentally, you have no power beyond your own ability to convince people to go along with your ideas. In that sense, even the most dictatorial region is fundamentally democratic.

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New Rogernomics
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Postby New Rogernomics » Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:01 pm

Cerian Quilor wrote:
New Rogernomics wrote: Like this? :p

We get that you don't like Europeia, and that you're an ***. Upshut.
Someone has anger management issues. If I think people are flaming me I will report it, this is not an off-site forum. Lay off of the obscenities. :roll:

/Not a Mod, but sick of swearing/attempts at swearing by people.
Last edited by New Rogernomics on Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Herald (Vice-Delegate) of Lazarus
"Solidarity forever..."
Hoping for Peace in Israel and Palestine
  • Former First Citizen (PM) of Lazarus
  • Former Proedroi (Minister) of Foreign Affairs of Lazarus
  • Former Lazarus Delegate (Humane Republic of Lazarus, 2015)
  • Minister of Culture & Media (Humane Republic of Lazarus)
  • Foreign Minister of The Ascendancy (RIP, and purged)
  • Senator of The Ascendancy (RIP, and purged)
  • Interior Commissioner of Lazarus (Pre-People's Republic of Lazarus)
  • At some point a member of the Grey family...then father vanished...
  • Foreign Minister of The Last Kingdom (RIP)
  • ADN:DSA Rep for Eastern Roman Empire
  • Honoratus Servant of the Holy Land (Eastern Roman Empire)
  • UN/WA Delegate of Trans Atlantice (RIP)

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Postby Sedgistan » Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:18 pm

Cerian Quilor wrote:We get that you don't like Europeia, and that you're an ***. Upshut.

Play nice.

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Cerian Quilor
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Postby Cerian Quilor » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:21 pm

New Rogernomics wrote:
Cerian Quilor wrote:We get that you don't like Europeia, and that you're an ***. Upshut.
Someone has anger management issues. If I think people are flaming me I will report it, this is not an off-site forum. Lay off of the obscenities. :roll:

/Not a Mod, but sick of swearing/attempts at swearing by people.

That's not anger. Anger is all caps and five-page long posts.

That was frustrated exasperation with the lies TA has been spreading about Europeia.

I purposefully censored it as the point. But what it says about you is entirely accurate, uncensored.
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.

The Thing to Remember About NationStates is that it is an almost entirely social game - fundamentally, you have no power beyond your own ability to convince people to go along with your ideas. In that sense, even the most dictatorial region is fundamentally democratic.

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New Rogernomics
Posts: 9511
Founded: Aug 22, 2006
Left-wing Utopia

Postby New Rogernomics » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:59 pm

Cerian Quilor wrote:
New Rogernomics wrote: Someone has anger management issues. If I think people are flaming me I will report it, this is not an off-site forum. Lay off of the obscenities. :roll:

/Not a Mod, but sick of swearing/attempts at swearing by people.

That's not anger. Anger is all caps and five-page long posts.

That was frustrated exasperation with the lies TA has been spreading about Europeia.

I purposefully censored it as the point. But what it says about you is entirely accurate, uncensored.
Stop trying to backtrack, I can tell from your previous posts, and so forth the reflection of anger wherein. Likewise, whenever I see insults to such an extent, I generally disagree with it; and not engage in it myself. But I am not here to debate, it's your embassy after all. It's annoying you can't keep to your own. :meh:
Herald (Vice-Delegate) of Lazarus
"Solidarity forever..."
Hoping for Peace in Israel and Palestine
  • Former First Citizen (PM) of Lazarus
  • Former Proedroi (Minister) of Foreign Affairs of Lazarus
  • Former Lazarus Delegate (Humane Republic of Lazarus, 2015)
  • Minister of Culture & Media (Humane Republic of Lazarus)
  • Foreign Minister of The Ascendancy (RIP, and purged)
  • Senator of The Ascendancy (RIP, and purged)
  • Interior Commissioner of Lazarus (Pre-People's Republic of Lazarus)
  • At some point a member of the Grey family...then father vanished...
  • Foreign Minister of The Last Kingdom (RIP)
  • ADN:DSA Rep for Eastern Roman Empire
  • Honoratus Servant of the Holy Land (Eastern Roman Empire)
  • UN/WA Delegate of Trans Atlantice (RIP)

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Postby Sedgistan » Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:33 pm

Cerian Quilor wrote:That's not anger. Anger is all caps and five-page long posts.

That was frustrated exasperation with the lies TA has been spreading about Europeia.

I purposefully censored it as the point. But what it says about you is entirely accurate, uncensored.

See, my post above yours was a polite way of telling you to knock off the personal attacks. If you're going to just ignore that though, I'll have to resort to warning you. So how about you cut it out?



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