BRONIES in your nation?

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Faberry States
Posts: 196
Founded: Nov 07, 2011

Postby Faberry States » Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:14 am

We don't persecute or idolize citizens based on which TV show they do or do not enjoy. We view any such a state with said laws to be utterly barbaric and frankly quite creepy - Commonwealth Foreign Minister.
Long Name: The United Commonwealth of Faberry States
Short Name: The United Faberry States.
Population: 55,317,240
GDP per Capita: $46,738
Defence Spending: 1% of GDP
Notes: This country is populated entirely by human form replicators who due to design cannot discover they are human form replicators. We also have an active military so don't assume because we are extremely left-wing we won't kick ass.

Nationstatelandsville wrote:
Moon Cows wrote:
People say the Holocaust didn't either.

Wait, what?

Did you just manage to compare the birth of Jesus to the Holocaust?

Wow... I must applaud you for Achievements in Weird. :clap:

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Former Wellboneland
Posts: 4487
Founded: Mar 08, 2012

Postby Former Wellboneland » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:02 pm

Yes we have them, but extreme bronies, aka pony nazis, are laughed at by other bronies and non-bronies alike.
Formerly Wellboneland, add 1982 posts.
I use the stats of my old nation. I have 2 billion people and 4 million soldiers.
Tulija wrote:Immature; good comic relief.
Our Tech Level is MT, and call us Wellboneland.
Our military

I am not a likable person at first, but it always comes back to this.
My Little Nutella
Bacon Tacos with Alekcandor!
99% of our people ICly act like this.

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Posts: 12587
Founded: Mar 04, 2012

Postby Camelza » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:14 pm

Humans and ponies get along fine in Camelza,as they are both third-class citizens(demons are second-class,desert spirits are first,lilith are slaves).Humans like ponies for being in the same situation with them,but also for their friendly and kind attitude,as such,there have been no violent clashes between the two communities and we can safely say that most humans(& some demons) are bronies in Camelza.No law has been passed especially about ponies except nobility laws that forbid anyone,that is anathematized (slaves & lilith) or not divine(humans & ponies),from acquiring a certain rank in the Camelzan aristocrasy

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Katganistan » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:07 pm

Vorond wrote:(Image)
The reaction of our People's Commissar for Education and Cultural Devedlopment

Cease this picspam/trolling at once.

*** Warned for trolling ***

Since you can't seem to grasp it -- name calling is not allowed here. If you can't be civil, then stay away from topics that cause you to flame and troll.

I see that you've a number of warnings for exactly this behavior. Have a nice weekend.

*** 3-day ban for trolling ***
Last edited by Katganistan on Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Denisova of the Persephone Belt
Civil Servant
Posts: 10
Founded: Mar 24, 2012

Postby Denisova of the Persephone Belt » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:17 pm

Television programming does not transmit through the Persephone Belt and cannot reach the planet of Denisova. The show is not transmitted to anywhere on the planet, but during many pilgrimages to Earth, Denisova Hominins report hearing of a television show called, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Furthermore, there are no reports of any Denisova Hominins becoming "Bronies".

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Posts: 1081
Founded: Nov 16, 2011

Postby Itanica » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:20 pm

They are generally accepted in society, however hate has grown for them in recent times due to an incident with the CoPS.
The Socialist Republic of Itanica
Domus liberis Gentibus - Home to the free People
We are currently at COCON 4. Conscription is in effect for all able men and women above the age of 18.
0 - Homeland Conquered
1 - Full Scale War
2 - Major Conflict
3 - Minor Conflict
-> 4 - Conflict Readiness <-
5 - Peacetime
Nuclear Silos are at ARECON 3.
Itanica has 30K active ICBMs and 56K inactive (not loaded into silos / mounted to vehicles) ICBMs.
0 - Missiles Launched
1 - Ready for launch
2 - Doors opened
-> 3 - Systems online <-
4 - Power activated
5 - All systems offline
Red Star Weaponry
My only puppets are Exotica, Esperanzado and The Mamluks.

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The Cummunist State
Posts: 2045
Founded: Sep 16, 2011

Postby The Cummunist State » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:22 pm

We don't have bronies in our nation.
Okay, if we have to, Genocide.


FINE, if we HAVE TO and we're SERIOUS, government doesn't care, people don't care. You happy?! >:I
"Harry slammed his book shut! It wasn't really a book, because the pages were made of lasers! And the words were made of headless women making godless love to dragons made out of motorcycles. But it was still reading."
My Real flag (For roleplaying purposes) It may look badly photoshopped, but damnit that's what it really looks like.
I'm your local gay furry black jewish Atheist KKK member. Roll in the Hate.
(in all seriousness, I am Bisexual, Furry, and Atheist)

"I'm just like you
Better than He!
To hell with They!!
I'm almost me!
I'm almost a human being!"

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Rubrum Natio
Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 411
Founded: Dec 27, 2011

Postby Rubrum Natio » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:59 pm

There is an embargo on any pony states that Rubrum Natio comes into contact with at the moment. Meaning no trade, and no flights to that country. So we have no bronies. And if we do they are deported.
Last edited by Rubrum Natio on Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1 Maximum readiness
2 War readiness
3 Medium readiness
4 Above normal readiness
5 Normal readiness

Current President: Erin Richard
Election date: March 2nd
Secretary of defense: Bob Snisherschwaegzersitzersnachzer

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Post Marshal
Posts: 18852
Founded: Jun 28, 2010

Postby Wamitoria » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:13 pm

A quick scan of various internet message boards by the Committee for State Security seems to imply that Bronies do exist in Wamitoria.
Wonder where all the good posters went? Look no further!

Hurry, before the Summer Nazis show up again!

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Posts: 7939
Founded: Mar 13, 2011

Postby Dorlania » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:14 pm

They are viewed as a propaganda tool of the thoughtcrime called MLP:FiM, as such they are killed for following thoughtcrime
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face--forever"

Sardine World wrote:maintain

when you liberals cant get new technology because all the asians are dead, dont come crying to me

Samozaryadnyastan wrote:Yes, but 9gag has nothing funny or original.
insert/gender/sexuality/political alignment/disorder
the soft parade has now begun~
Unity and Solidarity
Mallorea and Riva should resign

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Posts: 792
Founded: Nov 03, 2011

Postby Carceno » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:19 pm

* Wonders why people say "Oh we immediately kill people who like some TV show".

* Remembers to not give a damn.

"I honestly don't give a damn." <== MY opinion. DWI.
Proud member of the United Socialist Labour Party

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Posts: 3984
Founded: Jan 07, 2011

Postby Ruskarkand » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:28 pm

We don't monitor various statistics like this, because it's generally regarded as a pointless matter that is a waste of time.
We also find it laughable that nations would stoop as low as executing people and committing Genocide for having an interest in a TV show.. it's like watching a car crash in slow motion for us.

If you must know about our attitude about the Bronies in Ruskarkand (assuming there are some), it's generally one that says "I don't give a damn about what my people do, because we do not wish to infringe upon their personal habits."
- Scottish resident of the United Kingdom.
- Appreciator of Dragons and Draconic things.
- Minor FanT. FT.
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."

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The Cult of the Void Carnival
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Founded: Mar 15, 2012

Postby The Cult of the Void Carnival » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:37 pm

Not recorded and never will be.

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Posts: 221
Founded: Feb 26, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby Zachrastan » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:41 pm

The Royal Kingdom of Quebec wrote:These monstrosities are completely unheard of in the Royal Kingdom of Québec.

That's funny. I'm a ''Russo-Queb'' and Brony.

The General of the Army, Ashal-ar Midkia, is a Brony rigth now.
Defcon:[5]4321Global Peace

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Posts: 3830
Founded: Aug 22, 2009

Postby Zathganastan » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:46 pm

Really starting to wonder why so many people are so concerned with killing off a group of people just because they like the show, Hell if anything a government shouldn't care what people decide to do in their free time.
Evelyn Beatrice Hall:I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
Shakespeare:All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts
The Allied states Military, zathganastans pride and Joy:
Army: 35,000,000 armed forces
Navy: 18,000 ships
Air force: 10,000,000 air force personal
and National Marines: 8,000,000 marines
Zathgan speical forces:2,500,000 speical forces

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UEG-The Systems Alliance
Posts: 514
Founded: Mar 21, 2012

Postby UEG-The Systems Alliance » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:48 pm

Zathganastan wrote:Really starting to wonder why so many people are so concerned with killing off a group of people just because they like the show, Hell if anything a government shouldn't care what people decide to do in their free time.

Agreed, it is mostly a OOC reason however.
CodexCitadel EmbassyCodex on Governments

Old Beringia wrote:Calm down and don't worry if no one makes brownies in other nations. It's not as if it's a necessity like bread or water. I'm sure they can all exist without brownies because other pastries exist and the dessert may just go by another name in those countries. The fudgey dessert must be your favorite if you get so antsy when no one knows what a brownie is. So please, calm down and go order a box of supreme fudge chocolate chip brownies from your local 9 and i convenience store; I understand they now deliver baked goods.

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Sovereign Spirits
Posts: 1331
Founded: Apr 02, 2011

Postby Sovereign Spirits » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:52 pm

Corpses have been found. They made excellent fertilizer.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
- Thomas Jefferson, November 1787

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Posts: 2436
Founded: Mar 15, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Dyste » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:53 pm

Zathganastan wrote:Really starting to wonder why so many people are so concerned with killing off a group of people just because they like the show, Hell if anything a government shouldn't care what people decide to do in their free time.

Indeed, humans can so so silly that way. It is times like this that I really must wonder if it would be a good idea to open our borders after all.

OoC: But, yeah guys, really now? Do you really hate the fans of the show that much? C'mon.
Dyste: A nation of large, long-lived, magic-using dragon-people (Draconids) ruled by a legendary adventurer. Realism? What's that?
Embassy Program
Rulers: King Tyroth, Queen Sarisa, Prime Minister Zihark Jemson
Capital: Valitora
Government Type: Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 14,457,200, Draconid Majority (60%), Kobold/Dino/Elven/Pony/Human minorities
Founded: Early 15th century
Tech: Lower-tech fantasy (can RP with PT/MT)
Canadian, fan of Video Games (Nintendo in particular) and Tabletop RPGs.
I love RP'ing, but note my schedule can be iffy at times. If you want to RP with me, TG me and we can talk.

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Post Czar
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Founded: Jan 28, 2011

Postby Saurisisia » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:58 pm

Dyste wrote:
Zathganastan wrote:Really starting to wonder why so many people are so concerned with killing off a group of people just because they like the show, Hell if anything a government shouldn't care what people decide to do in their free time.

Indeed, humans can so so silly that way. It is times like this that I really must wonder if it would be a good idea to open our borders after all.

Quite, Humans can be rather strange creatures. Must be from their chimp ancestry.

~ Sir Reginald Clawingham
Autistic, Christian, Capitalist, Libertarian
Don't wish to display my sexuality for all to see because I don't care about what sexuality someone is
Make Tea, Not Love
Proud Yankee Monarchist
DA Account
Things in our country run in spite of government, not by aid of it. - Will Rogers
This nation reflects my RL beliefs and values (for the most part, anyway)
P/MT: The United Provinces of Saurisia
FT: The Federal Systems Republic of Saurisia
MT FT Embassy

My nation's dominated by talking Dinosaurs, there is no realism (because ultra-realism is SO boring)
Dinosaurs rule!
I am Scaly and I am proud!

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UEG-The Systems Alliance
Posts: 514
Founded: Mar 21, 2012

Postby UEG-The Systems Alliance » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:01 pm

Saurisisia wrote:
Dyste wrote:
Indeed, humans can so so silly that way. It is times like this that I really must wonder if it would be a good idea to open our borders after all.

Quite, Humans can be rather strange creatures. Must be from their chimp ancestry.

~ Sir Reginald Clawingham

Nope, we did not evolved from chimps lizard.

- A Human
CodexCitadel EmbassyCodex on Governments

Old Beringia wrote:Calm down and don't worry if no one makes brownies in other nations. It's not as if it's a necessity like bread or water. I'm sure they can all exist without brownies because other pastries exist and the dessert may just go by another name in those countries. The fudgey dessert must be your favorite if you get so antsy when no one knows what a brownie is. So please, calm down and go order a box of supreme fudge chocolate chip brownies from your local 9 and i convenience store; I understand they now deliver baked goods.

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Denisova of the Persephone Belt
Civil Servant
Posts: 10
Founded: Mar 24, 2012

Postby Denisova of the Persephone Belt » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:04 pm

UEG-The Systems Alliance wrote:
Saurisisia wrote:
Quite, Humans can be rather strange creatures. Must be from their chimp ancestry.

~ Sir Reginald Clawingham

Nope, we did not evolved from chimps lizard.

- A Human

* - A wrong human


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Posts: 3830
Founded: Aug 22, 2009

Postby Zathganastan » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:09 pm

UEG-The Systems Alliance wrote:
Zathganastan wrote:Really starting to wonder why so many people are so concerned with killing off a group of people just because they like the show, Hell if anything a government shouldn't care what people decide to do in their free time.

Agreed, it is mostly a OOC reason however.

Yeah but it's like how the Nazi's rounded up people of Jewish background while paying little attention to what they had to offer to Germany.I mean after all would you kill off one of your best military strategist simply for him liking a cartoon.
Evelyn Beatrice Hall:I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
Shakespeare:All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;And one man in his time plays many parts
The Allied states Military, zathganastans pride and Joy:
Army: 35,000,000 armed forces
Navy: 18,000 ships
Air force: 10,000,000 air force personal
and National Marines: 8,000,000 marines
Zathgan speical forces:2,500,000 speical forces

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Post Czar
Posts: 30207
Founded: Jan 28, 2011

Postby Saurisisia » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:10 pm

UEG-The Systems Alliance wrote:
Saurisisia wrote:
Quite, Humans can be rather strange creatures. Must be from their chimp ancestry.

~ Sir Reginald Clawingham

Nope, we did not evolved from chimps lizard.

- A Human

As I recall, Humans are Hominids, the same group of primates that chimps (whom are the living species that closest resembles Humans and with whom are genetically closest). Oh, and I am not a lizard. My kind did not evolve from Squamanta, the common lizard but instead from Archosauria, a higher form of Reptiles.

~ Sir Reginald Clawingham
Autistic, Christian, Capitalist, Libertarian
Don't wish to display my sexuality for all to see because I don't care about what sexuality someone is
Make Tea, Not Love
Proud Yankee Monarchist
DA Account
Things in our country run in spite of government, not by aid of it. - Will Rogers
This nation reflects my RL beliefs and values (for the most part, anyway)
P/MT: The United Provinces of Saurisia
FT: The Federal Systems Republic of Saurisia
MT FT Embassy

My nation's dominated by talking Dinosaurs, there is no realism (because ultra-realism is SO boring)
Dinosaurs rule!
I am Scaly and I am proud!

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Posts: 792
Founded: Mar 19, 2012

Postby Krownsinburg » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:12 pm

Saurisisia wrote:
UEG-The Systems Alliance wrote:
Nope, we did not evolved from chimps lizard.

- A Human

As I recall, Humans are Hominids, the same group of primates that chimps (whom are the living species that closest resembles Humans and with whom are genetically closest). Oh, and I am not a lizard. My kind did not evolve from Squamanta, the common lizard but instead from Archosauria, a higher form of Reptiles.

~ Sir Reginald Clawingham

Yeah, but, you got scales.

~ A citizen
Just your average Liberal Capitalist Christian Deist American.
The Germanic Confederation of Kröwnsinburg is NOT Fascist!
Monfrox wrote:Your GPS is not always right, especially if it tells you to drive into the Pacific Ocean.

Nightkill the Emperor wrote:Everything is Britain's fault.

Hydesland wrote:If we go down this route we'll eventually be blaming William the Conqueror.

Divair wrote:
Krownsinburg wrote:Vote Obama 2012 if you want America to die. :)

Such a good argument.

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Posts: 4657
Founded: Dec 22, 2011
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Cruciland » Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:13 pm

We don't care, but their lack of opposible thumbs (or come to think of it, fingers) makes them unemployed. The poor creatures were offered to be transformed into proper horse-anthros so they could have hands to work with, but they often turn their noses up at the idea. Overall, we view it as highly dysfunctional, and thus bronies are frowned upon, albeit with sympathy for their lack of locomotive aptitude.
Crucilandians - Old Capital - New Capital | A 4.8 civilization, according to this index.
Socialdemokraterne wrote:If the absence of secularism wasn't enough to scare our people, the rate of which the doomsday button is pressed by them sure settled the matter.

Prussia-Steinbach wrote:Cruciland, I just want to say, your nation is frightening.

The Inevitable Syndicate wrote:My advice to you, dear Gordano-Lysandus, is to run. Or hide. Maybe not hiding, because the Crucilandians will find you, and by their god, you will be assimilated.



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