Reference: censusscore numbers

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Luna Amore
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Reference: censusscore numbers

Postby Luna Amore » Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:18 am

Here is the list of the censusscore numbers for use with the API, to save others the trouble of getting them. Keywords: API, census, censusscore, shards, ranking, comparison, analysis.

0 - civil rights
1 - economy
2 - political freedoms
3 - population
4 - wealth gaps
5 - death rate (née unexpected death rate)
6 - compassion
7 - eco-friendliness
8 - social conservatism
9 - nudity
10 - industry: automobile manufacturing
11 - industry: cheese exports
12 - industry: basket weaving
13 - industry: informtion technology
14 - industry: pizza delivery
15 - industry: trout fishing
16 - industry: arms manufacturing
17 - sector: agriculture
18 - industry: beverage sales
19 - industry: timber woodchipping
20 - industry: mining
21 - industry: insurance
22 - industry: furniture restoration
23 - industry: retail
24 - industry: book publishing
25 - industry: gambling
26 - sector: manufacturing
27 - government size
28 - welfare
29 - public healthcare
30 - law enforcement
31 - business subsidization
32 - religiousness
33 - income equality
34 - niceness
35 - rudeness
36 - intelligence
37 - ignorance (née stupidity)
38 - political apathy
39 - health
40 - cheerfulness (née happiness)
41 - weather
42 - compliance (née safety from crime)
43 - safety
44 - lifespan
45 - ideological radicality
46 - defense forces
47 - pacifism
48 - economic freedom (née most pro-market)
49 - taxation
50 - freedom from taxation
51 - corruption
52 - integrity (née freedom from corruption)
53 - authoritarianism
54 - youth rebelliousness
55 - culture
56 - employment
57 - public transport
58 - tourism
59 - weaponization
60 - recreational drug use
61 - obesity
62 - secularism (née godlessness)
63 - environmental beauty
64 - charmlessness (née toxicity)
65 - influence
66 - world assembly endorsements
67 - averageness
68 - human development index
69 - primitiveness
70 - scientific advancement
71 - inclusiveness
72 - average income
73 - average income of poor
74 - average income of rich
75 - public education
76 - economic output
77 - crime
78 - foreign aid
79 - black market
80 - residency
81 - survivors
82 - zombies
83 - dead
84 - percentage zombies
85 - average disposable income
86 - international artwork
87 - patriotism
88 - food quality

I will try to remember to keep this thread updated if/when new numbers are added.
Last edited by Luna Amore on Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:39 am, edited 7 times in total.
Reason: taking ownership of thread as KPH has been CTEd for a few years and updating list

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Postby Esternial » Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:19 am

Might want to mere this with [Violet]'s thread.

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Postby Riemstagrad » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:04 pm

thx for the list!

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