The Encyclopedia Norfolkica (Maintenance - DO NOT POST)

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]


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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Famous Rhomarians

Postby Free Norfolk City » Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:06 am

Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists


Postby Free Norfolk City » Wed Nov 13, 2024 2:53 pm

Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Tue Dec 17, 2024 1:49 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Norfolkite Politics 101

Postby Free Norfolk City » Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:38 pm

"The lands of the state should belong to the people of the state, and should be administered in the interest of the people in the state, and in their interest alone."

In Norfolkite politics, while federal law is paramount, all boroughs (and states in Esvanovia) have the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal laws which they deem unconstitutional with respect to the Constitution (as opposed to their own constitution). All boroughs (and states in Esvanovia) can also invoke the right and the duty to "interpose" itself when the federal government enacts laws that the state believes to be unconstitutional—unlike the United States, which rejects both the concepts of nullification and interposition, the Norfolkites accept both as valid, and also unlike the United States, reject the contract theory in favor of the compact theory. The Norfolkites also have long believed in the strict construction of the Constitution; that is, a particular legal philosophy of judicial interpretation that limits or restricts the powers of the federal government only to those expressly, i.e., explicitly and clearly, granted to the government by the Constitution; of course, due to the changing times since independence in 1868, these ideas have been reconsidered, and at times, modified or even outright abolished.

In 1868, at the Wye Road House, Merewin Evrenden spoke profusely to his peers about the need for freedom and liberty; he would later be popularly acclaimed the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the Crystal Castle Republic and the Declaration of Rights, the latter of which was considered ahead of its time for its guarantee of full civil and political rights for women—his ideas, including support for free markets, public education, constitutional government, and equal rights for women and people of all races, were enshrined in the Constitution from the get go. He also insisted that his wife, Sigrith, be given equal recognition for her assistance; thus, together, they are considered the "Parents of the Constitution" by Norfolkites.

Similarly to the United States, there was an attitude of "republican motherhood" in Norfolkite society, which held that women were crucial players in society and that their choices would shape the society around them; specifically, the belief that the patriots' daughters should be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism, in order to pass on republican values to the next generation. However, it did not seek to contain women to the domestic sphere; rather, it encouraged them to exercise their voice and rights as politically-conscious citizens, for the good of "all generations." This has been said to have stemmed from many salonnières letting dissidents air our grievances openly at their salons, and so these guarantees of women's rights were seen as merely paying it forward.

For centuries, republicanism had been seen as the devil's work, which meant that Norfolkites, once the initial appeal of simply doing something to spite the Garbanians had worn off, had to get down to business to establish proper nationhood.

Satirists have begun to take advantage of easygoing ballot access rules in Free Norfolk City. This became particularly obvious when the Society of Internationalist Liberal Localist Yuppies came within a hundred votes of winning a seat in parliament with a manifesto platform of “growing money on trees” and “popcorn for all”.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Sun Dec 01, 2024 10:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Who's Who in Esvanovia (GIE/NIE) (Part One)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:21 am

The United Esvanovian States, sometimes simply referred to as Esvanovia, is the sole Norfolkite colony. It was founded in 1892 by the handover of the various Garbanian colonies in Esvanovia; e.g. feudal domains, the lands of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company, et al. The United Esvanovian States have contributed countless notable figures to Norfolkite history, such as:


Thomnethach Lelatene, "Lord Tom," the seventeenth lord of Chazakain Domain.

Thomnethach Lelatene: Called "Lord Tom" by the Norfolkites, in particular due to his fondness for importing Norfolkite settlers to work the plantations, Thomnethach Lelatene was the seventeenth lord of Chazakain Domain—he was renowned as an intelligent and wise lord, and was greatly interested in the latest learning and technology. He was considered one of the wisest lords of his time due to his appreciation of education; in fact, he began enacting educational changes in Chazakain geared at bringing in modern science and technology—he would frequently visit schools and ask students to explain the meaning of the Greco-Roman texts, to ensure that they were actually learning and enriching their minds rather than simply going through the motions. So strong was Thomnethach's desire to raise well-educated youths that he set aside money annually to feed starving scholars, essentially a form of financial aid or scholarship. His goal was to ensure that future generations would be "taught to master themselves, rule their homes wisely, preserve national peace, and trust the universal power," which made him a favorite subject of the Imperial Court to lavish honors upon, although he routinely said that true honor would come by him in the form of "the next generation of patriots." However, he failed to provide an heir because he remained unmarried, preferring the company of prostitutes and other "deplorables," as his peers were quick to remark; as such, he was succeeded by his brother Eugaeveos' son, Gepathachber.


Donnthorchimac Nathognese, the long time advisor and friend of Chief Poulutumurnu.

Donnthorchimac Nathognese: Born in the Garbanian city in Djenkent (which the Norfolkites spelt Genkent), but raised in Esvanovia, Nathognese was best known as the Garbanian subject who became an important military advisor to Chief Poulutumurnu during the formation of the Kingdom of Ngombia. He was a merchant-knight who sought wealth and adventure overseas; he ended up in Ngombia, where he became a friend and advisor to Poulutumurnu. He brought knowledge of naval and land battle strategies to Poulutumurnu, and became a strong voice on affairs of state for the country. He played a big role during Ngombia's first contacts with Garbania, and he spent the rest of his life in the country; he also organized the construction of many "proto-colonial" buildings such as forts, and ruled as regent for Poulutumurnu's son by his imported wife, the Norfolkite Delena Butterwell; he also coordinated the building of the first large Western-style ships, and introduced the first horse ever seen in the country, which led to the eventual establishment of Young Ranch. Lastly, he had enlisted Norfolkites like Jason and Eleanora Deleon to establish the first proper schools and hospitals. However, he succumbed to old age long before he could reap the fruits of his labor.


Her Imperial Highness, Princess Anyanya, "Bonnie Princess Annie" to the Norfolkites.

Princess Anyanya: HIH, Princess Anyanya Zurithalissaran was a member of one of the five cadet branches of the Imperial Family of Garbania, which are, as of current year, entitled to provide a successor to the Onyx Throne if the main line (stretching as far back as Alexander IV of Macedon, better and posthumously known as Alexander I of Garbania) failed to produce an heir. Born and raised in Garbania her whole life, she was part of a plan aiming to strengthen the country against the perceived foreign threats in the region by obtaining a political coordination between the Imperial Court and certain major feudal domains in Esvanovia; in her case, she was pushed as a potential wife to Chrirtolas Daloult, the Lord of Sakkrarivada Domain. However, her mother Eolacha Eretieri would only consent to the marriage if her daughter wanted to go ahead with it—she did, so the marriage went ahead as planned; as Lady of Sakkrarivada, she was technically of higher rank than her husband, but worked with him rather than attempt to undercut his authority—she spent lavishly on widows and orphans, and she routinely visited the sick and elderly, listening attentively to their stories. According to the Norfolkite historian, Quentyn Melson, Anyanya also favored a conciliatory approach with the indigenous Esvanovians, and was of the mind of coming to terms with the Aureumterrans: as long, of course, as Ogtogo remained in Garbanian hands. After a series of skirmishes that ended ultimately inconclusively, she pressured the Imperial Court more than ever to do so. She had five children: her two daughters were born first, and then three sons thereafter. Therefore, upon her husband's death, she served as a regent for Lady Aphra, and upon her coming of age, she cloistered herself away, living out the rest of her days writing poetry and doting on her grandchildren. Her tomb is routinely visited by many tourists, and many books, movies and even video games have been made about her life.


Yvacette de Marnt, Lady of Tammurth Domain.

Yvacette de Marnt: Born into the prominent de Marnt clan, Yvacette was the thirty second ruler of Tammurth Domain, and was best known for her lavish infrastructure projects, especially around the capital, Shengraz, and other notable cities like Wilma's Rainbow—historians generally criticize her tenure, citing how reports of corruption, avarice, decadence and the like were rife in her court, but a minority of scholars argue that she was popular during her lifetime, but that her reputation was later blackened by Norfolkite propaganda after the handover in 1892.

Darien M. Xavidi, Hampton Hilton, Mei-Jing Saunton, Ebiko Michaels, Patrek "Papa" Roache, Benjamin "Benji" Bennington, Midas Marriott, Heraclius deWynter, Maria Avalonetta de Shulk, Lady of Monado, Ser M. Antony Haddaway, O. Gaston Togo, O. Henry Moreno, Ruby and Rubi Crawley, W. Makepeace Willgood, Rebecca "Steelsharp" de Moane, Tiffany A. Duke, Allison Amber Alliston, Ella Peverell (Lady Velzevoula), Piper "Pippi" Vance, Cynthia Paege, Theomar Blackwood, Amerei "Amy" Fisher, Natasha Schweitzer, Eleyna Bannister, Harras "Lord Harry" Gormond, Rukkard and Myranda FitzArryn, Yana Goodsister, Steffarion Volmark, Heather Heatherington, Yuliia Seganova, Arsiema Shemsiya, Katherine "Kat" and Kylie "Kitty Kat" Kinkade, Tabitha Tanton, Jaime Buttafuoco, Camille-Jeanne Kamatera, Christabel Iguisi, Eufrósine Balacua, Edilberto Santiago, Marissa Santiago, Isabella Santiago, Gyles Hershey, Roland E. and William V. S. Gardener (Gardner), Lady Cimorene Carmeana, Clare T. Carey, Josie and Rosie Bannister, Qalāwūn ibn al-Qubboro, Quinn Pendennis, Virgilio "Chino" Cortes, Ser Tertullian Veril (one half of the famous Veril and Valad duo), Novatian Boileau-Domingue, Lady Tiffani de Alani, Janet Austin, Clement FitzClement, Harry Downes, A.S. Alliston, B.W. Alliston, Yohannes Stockton, J.T. Ilitch, Gilbert Gerber, Pepsius IV Colanus (Colanicus), Jacqui Jacquil, Cassandra Casiraghi, Jacqueline Bahnsen, Zephon d'Qud, Zephron Iucounu, Shoshana Shanahan, C.C. Deverte, Rina and Mina Cymbalisty, Zebulon Clarke, Elicia (Elixia) Munachiso, Laura Palmerston and Dr. James Luper.

Anyalynn de Wilde:
Evelleigh Aloualanie
Lelia Byrd
Jasper Dentyne
Marigold Voth
Bethany Spears
Rhys Marston
Brittany Anne Bubblevna Goncharova
Britney Yancey
Zira Phillipovich Ghidorova
Erastus McCabe
Madeleine McCabe
Addison Rae Davis
Alexis "Lexi" Luger
Kateryna Quiring-Déby
Mia Sandra Miannone
Adele Franco
Veronika Gordeevna Malkova
Sergei Petrovich Gamoranov
Leeloo Futa
Ubu Roi, Duc de Covfefe de Nambia
Luanne Yeley
Bella Delphina Watters
Hailey Angus
Varvara Amouranthova
Terrence Howard Toth
Barette "Bari" Dishong
Julia Maria Angelica FitzRaymond
Jamie Lynn Polston
Gail Reilly
Ian Brandon Humphrey
Lady Rika de la Porte
Erika Fane
Theodora Askiates
Anne-Margit Gyaradosova
Markéta Džurbanová
Růžena Štroblová
Reginald J. Brooks
Yuriko de Niamh
Lady Lola Quy, de Noremac
Lita Lewis
Marc Antony Weidner
John Constantine "Lovely" Jones
Rita Batchelder
The Chevalier de Chevrolet
Tony Ford
Yuliia Nissanova
Marmaduke Platter
John Jacob Morgendorffer
Willa Willgood
Keeley Keeler
Big Jack Lutz
Princess Rayna de Marnt
Fiona "Miss Fifi" Bonbonnova
Beau "Buzz" Gordon
Ferencz Miller
Craig J. Biden
Bonnie-Anne Levesque
Yara Lovejoy
Marcia Garcia
Lady Rachel Alexandra Maria Teresa Gloria Luxemburg-Lichtenstein
Blessed Rosemarie Guillory du Rosaire (Custodian of the Church of the Child Saint)
Eleanor Willgood
Hyacinthe Harrington
Ida J. Ho
Yvonne Ducharme
Jeanne D'Arcy
Nevaeh de la Pole
George M. Canada
Sean R. Canaday
Adriana Maria Balabanova
Elsie Platts
Samantha J. Guerrero
Céline Celine
Jules Verans
Mindy Jacquea
Lance Bannister
Joy, Grace, Faith, Mercy and Hope Follows
Ivanna Gyattsky (Geena Rexall)
Svetlana Darcsenova
Lillee Jean Henday
Daria Jane and Jane Daria de Capilano
John Joshua Connor FitzRaymond
Anders Cooperton
Jasper Thakur
Yzobelle Secord
Medara de Garrakagabara
Ambessamedarda Psalmanazar
Mallory Mallad
Niccolo da Vigo
Giorgio Giustiniani
Belthorchimac Mauamont
Gualtieri Ghezzo
Daddo Sanudo
Cynthorchimac Stinne
Hamrarducius Tailav
Dalathachber Bellvenne
Nororananach Tailomax
Donnhuag Maniatha
Christine "Chrissy" Mannion
Dexter Baxter
Pharamond McCourt

Norfolkite Turnip Chips


Nicolas Jean Dechambre V
Victoria Kane
Hannibal and Helga Harding
Tywin Tuckett
Ulysses Maivia
Kitty "Kat" Stabile
Miles Desmond
Ulla Dixon
Dixie Mason
Francine "Dear Franny" Booth-Tarkington
Dawn Marie Massey
Beulah A. Gardner
Dwayne Gretskii
Olaf Harrold
Yana and Alf Kolzig
Olha and Olga Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff-Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky
Polly, Molly, and Dolly DeLean
Ronald Howard Toth (Claire Catherine)
Victor Emmanuel DiCaprio
Angela V. Chasefield
Rayanne Van Der Graaf
Charlotte Cherski
Starla Price
Lady Mariamne Souphanousinphone-Nahasapeemapetilon

Coulombe and DeVoretz

Ephraim Mwansamulenga - Ephraim Mwansamulenga is the Crystal Castle Republic's Ambassador to TBD.

Perry Clarence Mason - P.C. Mason is the Norfolkite ambassador to the United Island States of AHSCA. He seems to have many gifts: intelligence, charm, and a terrific sense of style. He's something of a rogue, and has hired a local girl from Misakichi Village, Animalopolis, as his secretary. Interestingly, his father's name was Clarence Perry Mason.
Mary Faith Rafuah: M.F. Rafuah is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Principality of Katase. She has a noble air about her, but boasts proudly of her proletarian origins. She's beautiful, she's bright, and has a considerable aptitude for intercultural understanding, especially when she makes regular efforts to learn from her hosts, often by touching base with the average man, woman and even child at events such as festivals and parades.
Sherrell Martese: Sherrell Martese is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Theocratic Matriarchy of the Holy Marsh, also known as the Romani-Mar'si Union.
Manuel Gennaro Tourneur: M.G. Tourneur is the Norfolkite ambassador to TBD. A prim and proper gentleman from a family that runs a shrimp cook-and-sell business, he is best known for wearing the same attire as a prominent purveyor of fried chicken. You know the one.
John Baldwin Shoumatoff: J.B. Shoumatoff is the Norfolkite ambassador to TBD.
Luanne Grace Margaret "Gracie" Théroux-Bénoni: Luanne Théroux-Bénoni is the Norfolkite ambassador to TBD.

Hayley Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff: Born into the prestigious Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff family, Hayley is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Leoneise.
Kyle McLennan/Pam Swain: Kyle McLennan is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Holy Empire of Rhossenia. He is a direct descendant of Reuel McLennan, who introduced baseball to the Ngombians. His wife is Pam Swain, a prominent hairstylist.
Lydia Bartlett: Lydia is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Republic of Mareyland. Underneath her pretty exterior is a strong and capable woman. She was born into the working class, and has no qualms about rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty. She favors pulling one's bootstraps and appreciates hard workers.

Nkechi Amaechi
Kamorudeen Ishola
Omoniyi Kehinde
Sarah Darason
Muhammad Ali ibn Abdul Jubrin
Sabrina Henning: Sabrina is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Kingdom of Siando. A posh, aristocratic type, she is a member of the well off and well known Henning family. However, she is determined to make a name for herself rather than embrace stereotypes.
Dora Jayne Torrens
Wendee Evans
Agatha Tukluviak Tellok
Linsley FitzJasper

Felix Soibelman
Rexhep Rexha
Jacques-Victor Jodoin
Laura Schneider
Susanne Winkler
Anna Möller
Gillian Dvořák
Joseph Catalan
Mitt Kanada
Hannah Kühn
Wiebke Weiß
Sarah Michelle Hofmann
Alberta Schäfer
Andrea Köhler
Gisela Krüger
Jean-Nicolas Fröhlich
Hans Friedrich Kühn
Chloe McLachlan
Hiram, Joyea and Eleanor Kushner
Fransiska Fältskog
Jerome Powell

James Bomen
Vittòri Amedee Meraviglia and Marija Antuanete Ģērmane
Christiane Frohmann
Yohannes Aagaard
Greta and Felix and Laura Rechsteiner-Schütz (von Staschoten am Richtenräschen)
Howard Schönfinkel
Carmella DiCamillo

Phillip & Dawn Chippewa
Charlotte Anne Stickler
Ruxandra Claire Williams
Edwin Robert Eziamaka
Pearl Kalani
Jotham Masuku
Helmut Castaneda
Anna Roseline Bernice Buquia
Lara Lawson
Margot Farmer
Tommo Scrooge
Chaw Thant Zin
Naomi Jones
Talisha Zanjani
Jean-Jacques Malathola
Anthony Joseph and Laura Pratt
Lauren Pritt
Mark Anthony Babatunde
Philip Alexander Chevchenko
Faulkner and Richelle Hesse
Samuel Kanyon Weinhold
Yhannis Doe
Elizanne Poe
Marcus Aurelius d'Orcana
Allison Amber Madueke-Diezani
Kimberly Lynn Berrycloth
Leroy Sinclair, Lord of Sinclaria
Edward McCullen
Alexei Mikov Turescu
Lindalynn Girdaladze-Krummenacher
Alycia Keyes
Agnes Ruegg
Artyom Timurovich Maronitov
Tatiana Knessa
Inna Khodorkovsky
Nathan Drake Sutanawarakul
Joyce Donna Ruegg
Deborah Darcsenova
Lara Eidenberg
Marcela Fernandez
Nadira and Osbert Lojewski
Angela Armbruster
Othello Enkhbold
Suzara Zinchenko
Marion-Annabelle Del Rose
Cédric Forsberg-Šakić
Abdul Baasid El-Sadek
Abdul Hakeem Al-Shafi
Abdullah "Abbi" Lindström
Josephine "Jo" Thornton-Stevenson
Camille DeCesare
Mark Matthew and Stacy Ann-Marie Gilligan (Ginger et Mary-Ann)
John Felix Makubela
Heidemarie Vogelweide

Patrizio Pazzi: The Pazzi were once a powerful family in the Republic of Florence; following the Pazzi conspiracy in 1478, members of the family were banished from Florence and their property was confiscated; the family name and coat-of-arms were permanently suppressed by order of the Signoria. As a result, some members took to the seas, and at least a few arrived in Garbania during the reign of the Emperor Meraelomon; one of them, Ser Cristoforo Pazzi, was the progenitor of the illegitimate cadet branch, the Dolfini, named after the dolphins on the Pazzi shield. The Pazzi quickly won over the Emperor, who had them tasked with participating in one of the early waves of Garbanian colonialism. Ser Patrizio Pazzi arose during the reign of Emperor Ulrirbert as the lord of the feudal domain of Florentia (sometimes called New Florence) in Esvanovia, which specialized in trade with foreign powers and indigenous tribes until the rise of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company threatened its traditional monopoly. Patrizio was the first of the Pazzi lords to try to diversify the domain's endeavours; however, he entered into a long-running feud with the MBTC in an attempt to curry imperial favor to defend the aforementioned monopoly, but he failed to do so; Patrizio was considered to be firmly loyal to his wife, but "a serious indiscretion" in his youth, prior to meeting her, led to the birth of another illegitimate branch of the Pazzi family, the Fiorentino branch; Bartolo Fiorentino, while distant from his father, nevertheless served under him for many years. This all resulted into a series of violent confrontations between the Florentine and MBTC forces, culminating in the Battle of Nine Rivers; this resulted in the Imperial Court deploying the Imperial Garbanian Army into the disputed region to quell further unrest. Pazzi narrowly avoided being attainted for his actions, but knowing that he had lost all respect, abdicated, letting his son, Ezio, take over. Ezio would restore the domain's fortunes, and make peace with the MBTC. His descendants would rule over Florentia until 1892, when Ser Bruno Pazzi handed over the domain to the Norfolkites.

Upton Sinclair Lewis: the son of Louis Lewis, owner of the famous Lewis Farms in Norfolk proper and an agrarian firebrand, U.S. Lewis immigrated to Esvanovia to seek his own fortunes, untethered to the political campaigns of his father, who advocated a distinctly Jeffersonian philosophy. He established a ranch outside the small town of Gopher Prairie, and became famous, as a dairy farmer, for the high quality of his product. His father applauded him for his business acumen, but scolded him often for his abstinence from politics, especially when he, after hearing his father had signed the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence, stated he preferred the Garbanian monarchy. This caused a schism in the Lewis clan, with the Esvanovian branch remaining loyal even after the handover in 1892; U.S. Lewis requested to be cremated, his ashes scattered over his ranch. One of his sons, John Connor Lewis, remained in Esvanovia to manage the ranch, which still functions today, but the other members migrated to Garbania proper, joining the Norfolkite diaspora in that country. In 2003, the two branches of the family reconcilied with one another, and a statue of U.S. Lewis can be found in Gopher Prairie, where he had donated much of his profits to the care of the poor.

Sherwood Sidebottom: Born into a modest, hard working rural family, Sherwood Sidebottom was best known as the founder of Draka Ranch, which controversially hired exclusively non-human (OOC: those who do not recognize FanT can assume that the labor was human if they prefer) labor from nearby Anagonia, as the ranch was established not too far from the border. He hired them in an attempt to combat what he saw as undue prejudice, especially in light of their migration into the country seeking new opportunities for themselves and their families. Satirical cartoons and puritanical firebrands alike criticized him, especially when he went public with his relationship with a Komodren woman (OOC: those who do not recognize FanT can assume that the wife was human if they prefer) who worked under him. A Norfolkite, he came out against the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence, and recieved further criticism as a result. However, those who knew him personally praised him for his friendly, down to earth nature, his staunch support for honest pay and benefits for his workers, and his tradition of donating surplus product to poor households. When the handover occured in 1892, he decided not to flee to Garbania proper as many other loyalists had, and instead opted to embrace the conservative politics that swept rural communities; he ran for office in his advanced age, and served for a spell in the state assembly before he passed away.

Sydney Sidebotham: A distant relation to the aforementioned Sherwood Sidebottom (like many Norfolkite families around the time of independence, there were schisms over political loyalties), Sydney Sidebotham is one of the most popular actresses of her time—starring in numerous television shows and movies, she was thrust into the spotlight upon the advent of Esvamania, an attempt by the people of Norfolk-in-Esvanovia to assert themselves and their unique culture from underneath the shadow of Norfolk proper. Many people, young and old alike, had her posters adorning the walls of their bedrooms and garages, and see her as a living font of childhood nostalgia, particularly for her role in the seminal coming-of-age drama, Secret/Seventeen, which sought to present what its creator deemed to be an "uncensored" depiction of teenage life, eschewing stereotypes and "petty exploitation" in favor of a realistic bent, with episodes depicting subjects including child abuse, homophobia, teenage alcoholism, homelessness, adultery, school violence, censorship, and drug use; its creator was Walter Teague, who also saw the series as pivotal in Esvanovia's desire to assert itself on its own terms, though the show did not have an explicitly political bent. Sydney played the role of the trusty sidekick of the protagonist and her many quotes and scenes became memes in later years. However, her decision to opt for Nollywood provoked criticism and scrutiny from critics, though others, like Walter Teague himself, defended the move. Sydney has embraced progressive causes, and most notably backed Lorraine Kindrakewich's presidential run. Her latest role was voice acting in the popular Norfolkime series, Labyrinth.

Walter Teague: Walter Teague was a Norfolkite playwright and screenwriter best known for his gritty, naturalistic style, most notably in Secret/Seventeen, which brought him critical acclaim for its unflinching depiction of hot topics, though he recieved criticism for certain elements, such as an episode that had depicted the struggle of a repentant pedophile who struggles with their demons; Teague defended himself by stating "it's just life, real life, in action," and the episode is still rerun, in full, to this day. His attempt to sympathetically depict an Enme family in another episode not too long after the Summer of 92's ethnic violence in Ogtogo also resulted in criticism. After the show's run concluded, he was consulted by the Norfolkite television channel YTV for "advice and guidance" for their own critically acclaimed program, Darla, and branched out into animated movies and even video games afterward. He has come out as a libertarian socialist, stating in an interview that, to him, libertarian socialism meant wanting to establish a society "where the people, rules, and institutions controlling the economy and society are as democratic and transparent as possible, the individual rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed, and the structures maintaining this are as local and responsible to the affected stakeholders as practical," and donates accordingly to those politicians who espouse such views. His latest work was the alternate history mockumentary, "A Star is Stillborn," set in an alternate timeline wherein Free Norfolk City and Norfolk-in-Esvanovia are both still under Garbanian rule (until 1955), and how that might've played out.

Camilla "Cammy" Caravello: One of the foremost salonnières of her time, Camilla Caravello was best known for hosting numerous political and social reformers at her salon in Charlottechurch; she was also consulted by numerous lords of feudal domains for her sage counsel and charming wit, and turned down the marriage offers of many more—open and frank about her life, she was one of the first women to testify about her fluid sexuality. "Men are for children, women are for pleasure," she reputedly said. Politically, she lent her considerable clout and fame to those seeking greater autonomy for Esvanovia, backing the "Young Esvanovians" who sought to abolish feudalism and create a unified state. She did not marry, but had a daughter out of wedlock, whom she named Camille ("Little Cammy"), and whom she doted upon; she refused to state who the father was, and it is still generally not known to this day. Her salon still stands to this day, and was turned into a museum by the Norfolkites. A movie about her life was released in 1999 as part of the Millennium Drive campaign.

Camille "Little Cammy" Caravello: The only child of Camilla Caravello, Camille Caravello was a popular socialite, debutante and lady-in-waiting to Lord Idhdorananach Labhe's wife, Lady Roxahna. Her father was not only unknown, but it is generally agreed upon that Camille either did not know herself, or took the secret to the grave like her mother; regardless, she had a happy childhood, often being spoiled rotten by her mother. At the age of seventeen, she migrated to the court of Lord Idhdorananach Labhe, where she served Lady Roxahna dutifully. Her memoirs, candidly depicting life at court, are considered a great source of information by historians. Upon the eve of the handover, Camille followed Lady Roxahna to Garbania, citing that she could not bear to leave her side; however, after her marriage to the Norfolkite gentleman, James Luper, she moved with him to Vajas, where she lived out the rest of her life.

Syneabelle Valad: Syneabelle (sometimes spelt as Syneahbelle) Valad was the daughter of Vajasian ranchers who married into the family of Lord Hathnedhnain Viraya, who held land in Esvanovia. Her "chronic, almost blatant" inability to adjust to noble life, preferring to work in the stables and fraternize with commoners, became the stuff of legend in the latter years of Garbanian colonial rule. Despite her "distinctly proletarian" character, she was a committed monarchist; rejecting Norfolkite rule, she fled to her native Vajas with her family, establishing a "sub-ranch," as an offshoot of her family's main property.

Kimberly Kindersley: Considered by some to be one of the first supermodels, Kimberly Kindersley was one of Esvamania's foremost proponents, simply by doing as little as walking into a room, let alone down the catwalk. She was the muse and love interest of the popular artist, Leopold Temby, and was one of the celebrities called upon to promote the Esvanovian Gaming Corporation (EGC), which was established in 1995 to oversee both lotteries and gaming (including casinos, video lottery terminals and online gaming)—she was also known for hosting telethons and other pledge drives to promote and help support public broadcasting on behalf of the Esvanovian Public Broadcasting Service (EPBS), and Esvanovian Public Radio (EPR), both of which were established as the Esvanovian counterpart to the Norfolkite Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the main public broadcaster in Norfolk proper. It has been said that Esvanovians value tax dollars spent on both behind only military defense and oversight of food and drug safety, and this is no doubt due to efforts of folks like Kimberly.

Dugald Jephson: Dugald Jephson was a social worker, activist and journalist best known for his advocacy of all those who have been affected by diabetes; his efforts in raising awareness about the disease he himself had drove him to advocate, in his words, "unity among people of all religions, nationalities, ideologies, and beliefs to promote altruism, healing, and understanding throughout the world." He also strove to advocate for greater awareness of diabetes in dogs and cats, and his efforts saw him recieve a star on the Esvanovian Walk of Fame, which acknowledges the achievements and accomplishments of Esvanovians who have excelled in their respective fields. In 2003, he was voted into the top ten, ranking fourth, of the Greatest Esvanovians list as part of a EPBS effort to identify one greatest Esvanovian of all time, which some saw as middlebrow, nationalist pandering. He also helped with the creation of Esvanovia: A People's History, which was a documentary television series on the history of Norfolk-in-Esvanovia that aired on the NET (National Educational Television) and which was considered one of the best documentaries of all time. After his death, the leaders of the Garbanosphere's member states came together to light a flame of hope in his honor in the town of Bantingville, which will only be extinguished when a cure for diabetes is developed; the team responsible for finding the cure will be flown in to do so.

Quincy John Quirrell: Q.J. Quirrell was a governor of the state of Buffalo, best known for his eccentric idealism, his vehement rejection of eugenics, and his frosty relations with fellow governors who considered him something of an upstart and rabble rouser. His family were Norfolkite loyalists who stayed in Esvanovia because, as Quirrell put it, "we were not raised to be quitters," and he remembered that his elders would still treasure their portraits of the Emperor and Empress of Garbania, and consider each anniversary of the handover to be a day of mourning. A staunch populist, Quirrell issued to the general public, as he had promised in his election platform, prosperity certificates in an attempt to alleviate the effects of a sharp economic downturn; this form of complementary currency was devised to increase local employment, supporting local culture, and make the local food supply more resilient. His economic views resembled those of Silvio Gesell, and he went to great efforts to promote them throughout the country; he studied monetary systems and promoted the idea that communities can benefit from creating their own local or complementary currency, which circulate parallel with national currencies, and this idea would eventually lead to the creation of Esvacoin, the region's first cryptocurrency. When the idea of eugenics was pitched to those in power during his tenure as governor, Quirrell rejected it outright, and considered it to be a blatant attack on human dignity. His policy for social peace was one of conciliation and concord through reforms that would eventually persuade all people to come together in perfect harmony—he was also considered an avid environmentalist, due to his lifelong love of birdwatching; had I not gotten into politics, he once said, I'd have thrown myself headlong into ornithology. After his tenure as governor ended, he pursued birdwatching so seriously that he spent his remaining life trying to see all the bird species of the world. He also supported the creation of the Norfolkite Service Corps, which is similar to the 4-H youth organization in the United States; he told the initial batch of members in his state that his experiences in life had taught him that the solution isn’t to bury your head in the sand or jump to the worst-case scenario. The State of Buffalo considers him to be one of its finest examplars of political prowess.

Motoyasu Katase: Known for his charismatic personality, dynamic stage presence, and unique music style, Motoyasu Katase has soared to the top of the Norfolkite music charts as one of the country's most celebrated and beloved entertainers. He is considered the Prince of Pop, and even performed alongside notable Norfolkite actor Jimothee Shallowmay...
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Sat Dec 14, 2024 11:58 pm, edited 18 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
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Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

The States of Esvanovia (NIE)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Mon Dec 02, 2024 11:23 pm


Representatives of the Esvanovian colonies signing the Evergreen Covenant.

In 1892, the United States of Esvanovia was created—it is the only overseas holding (Norfolkites prefer not to use the word colony) of the Crystal Castle Republic (after the handover of the Rin Leased Territory to Katase on January 1st, 2000), and was formed by the amalgamation of the myriad feudal domains, lands of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company, et cetera that had collectively formed what was called Garbania-in-Esvanovia. Various surnames such as Severance, Tam, Boyd, Greaves, Ruess and Stanton, belonging to a few of the many signers of the Evergreen Compact, have been used as town names in the states that were formed; out of the feudal domains, company lands and such that had been amalgamated with one another, states were formed such as Buffalo, Elizabethland, Devonheavenshire, Keiskatchewan, and Vesperia.

The Norfolkite historian Robert Edwin Blandin-McKnight writes that every state, despite eschewing any and all feudal trappings, nevertheless leaned upon them at certain times; this was usually to accomodate certain individuals and populations who might not have appreciated the radical changes from 1892 onward; as well, there was a conscious effort to preserve the "Esvanovian" characteristics of the states, rather than to simply Norfolkize the country. There are also autonomous, indigenous areas, similar to reserves in Canada and the United States; these are considered part of states, and the federal government solely oversees relations between them and the states; each state that has a significant indigenous population has a department of indigenous affairs, while others do not.

The tapestry of Esvanovian history is rich in shakers and movers; not just domestically, but abroad also: these include such names as Darien M. Xavidi, Hampton Hilton, Mei-Jing Saunton, Ebiko Michaels, Patrek "Papa" Roache, Benjamin "Benji" Bennington, Midas Marriott, Heraclius deWynter, Maria Avalonetta de Shulk, Lady of Monado, Ser M. Antony Haddaway, O. Gaston Togo, O. Henry Moreno, Ruby and Rubi Crawley, W. Makepeace Willgood, Rebecca "Steelsharp" de Moane, Tiffany A. Duke, Allison Amber Alliston, Ella Peverell (Lady Velzevoula), Piper "Pippi" Vance, Cynthia Paege, Theomar Blackwood, Amerei "Amy" Fisher, Natasha Schweitzer, Eleyna Bannister, Harras "Lord Harry" Gormond, Rukkard and Myranda FitzArryn, Yana Goodsister, Steffarion Volmark, Heather Heatherington, Yuliia Seganova, Arsiema Shemsiya, Katherine "Kat" and Kylie "Kitty Kat" Kinkade, Tabitha Tanton, Jaime Buttafuoco, Camille-Jeanne Kamatera, Christabel Iguisi, Eufrósine Balacua, Edilberto Santiago, Marissa Santiago, Isabella Santiago, Gyles Hershey, Roland E. and William V. S. Gardener (Gardner), Lady Cimorene Carmeana, Clare T. Carey, Josie and Rosie Bannister, Qalāwūn ibn al-Qubboro, Quinn Pendennis, Virgilio "Chino" Cortes, Ser Tertullian Veril (one half of the famous Veril and Valad duo), Novatian Boileau-Domingue, Lady Tiffani de Alani, Janet Austin, Clement FitzClement, Harry Downes, A.S. Alliston, B.W. Alliston, Yohannes Stockton, J.T. Ilitch, Gilbert Gerber, Pepsius IV Colanus (Colanicus), Jacqui Jacquil, Cassandra Casiraghi, Jacqueline Bahnsen, Zephon d'Qud, Zephron Iucounu, Shoshana Shanahan, C.C. Deverte, Rina and Mina Heartnet, Zebulon Clarke, Elicia (Elixia) Munachiso, Laura Palmerston and Dr. James Luper.

Numerous families have made their mark, for better or worse, including the Greystoke, Stokeworth, Balacua, Spinelli, Maumee, Kindrakewich, Turevych, Kravchuk, Volynska, Afonska, Iggiotti, Iguisi, Yuzunov, Ezhov, Goronovin, Zoranov, Twilitov, Gerudonov, Ganonov, Mayfield, Horton, Fawcett, Foutley (Foutley-Spitz), Shakurov, de Vynne,

FitzRaymond, Sweetwyne, Rowe, Tordane, Morgendorffer (Morgendorffer-Lane), Johnary, Thompson, Etchells, Pitcairn (Pitkern), Shives, Maxson (Maxon), Lasheras, Hershey, Bahnsen, Varney, Iucounu, Sabbatelli-Saccomanno, d'Qud, Palmerston, Santiago and Luper families.

States include Angria, Northangerland, Mesopelagia, Ursalia, Gondal, Gaaldine, Zamorna, Drakia, Rococima (a name that was created by combining the Spanish words rocosos & cima, roughly meaning rocky summit), Quaybeck, Brancaland (sometimes spelt Branchaland), Cherronesus, Metropotamia, Assenisipia, Polypotamia, Pelisipia, Equitasia, Rhodmhire, Prince Rukkard Island, Alexandriana, Sylvania, Westsylvania, Absaroka, Meredosia (derived from Marais d'Osier, meaning willow swamp), Wismettac, New Coventry, Parrisland, Monmouthshire, Vandalia, Charlotina (or Charlotiana), New Anglia, Ganonoa, Mesconsing (or Meskonsing), Auraria, Gedonia, the Isle of Woman, Toteco Carnelia (or Carneliya), Zahalia, Galiveth, and Westmoreland, home of the famous Varney Lake House.

The cultural contributions of the United Esvanovian States are endless: Riddler brand energy drinks, Esvanovia Championship Wrestling, Magnecom, the Gametube, the Sugar Girls, Esvacola, the Victory at Sea series of video games, shows like Keep Esvanovia Singing, and Where in the Universe is Cindy San Francisco?

Green Gables

"Welcome to the seductive and perilous world of "Revenge of Black Bone," the eagerly awaited sequel to the smash hit game "Curse of Black Bone." Set sail once more for the sun-kissed shores of Port Royal, where treasures gleam, mysteries whisper, and beautiful women captivate."

The Skrettings of Skelmar.

after years of Garbanian neglect, Aureumterran aggression, discontent with feudal customs, and the onset of Norfolkite rule, representatives of the Esvanovian colonies came together in Charlottechurch to discuss amalgamation; much like the Holy Roman Empire of real life, "Esvanovia," that is, as the Garbanians understood it, was divided into dozens – eventually hundreds – of individual entities governed by everyone from feudal lords to overseers of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company; there were also the indigenous territories, given autonomy to practice their traditional way of life, as per the numerous treaties signed by them and the Imperial Court. All domains, as they were collectively called, also had their own armies, and theoretically, these were raised to assist the Garbanian government in times of war; In practice, however, these troops often had local allegiances stronger than their loyalty to the Emperor. Each domain collected taxes, and then sent a cut to the Imperial Court, which then, at its leisure, reinvested the money into the colonies-at-large. It should be noted that amalgamation was not necessarily unheard of; in fact, prior to the creation of the UES, there had been several changes to the makeup of "Esvanovia," such as the Monmouth Bay Trading Company's vain attempt to retake the Monmouth Bay Area after the establishment of the title of Gouverneur d'Esvanovie ("Governor of Esvanovia"), with the first governor, Ser Turolt Le Cleck, taking up residence at Charlottechurch, which the MBTC had claimed as part of its domain; the Imperial Court's decision to extract the area from the MBTC was led to recurring demands from the latter to reconsider.

It should be noted that there were earlier proposals for amalgamation; in 1867, Âdam LeMenn (sometimes called Le Menn) proposed the idea. In 1850 and 1844, the idea was proposed by Idris Ali Muthoot and Gijsbert van der Kolk respectively. The idea, however, kept failing because nobody could agree on the finer details, namely who would assume leadership of the amalgamated colony.

Unlike Western feudalism, the value of a Garbanian feudal domain was defined in terms of projected annual income rather than geographic size.

More broadly, ? may mean "cooperative economics", in the sense of "local people cooperating with each other to provide for the essentials of living", or "to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together


Ogtogan irregulars fighting back against Aureumterran aggressors.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Sat Dec 14, 2024 11:26 pm, edited 19 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
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Democratic Socialists

La Fin de la Féodalité en Esvanovie (1800-1892)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:29 pm


Arnnuelrys Lusham, the Lord of the Andarta Domain—he attempted to stamp out corruption, and modernize not only his domain, but the whole of Esvanovia entirely.

At the start of the nineteenth century, the Garbanian colonial empire had hit the apex of its power and influence—especially in Esvanovia; Emperor Cedorananach appointed Ser Cosnthachber Vettory to open up the hermit kingdom of Astmara to Garbanian trade, while Emperor Ernauinhrasil oversaw the routing of the Aureumterran raiders attempting to wreak havoc in Ogtogo, appointing Ser Theoderaud Bantuchamp to lead the counterattack. However, Ser Gabuinhrasil Ergatrose was unable to succeed in his expedition into New Caqueta, and a treaty of friendship and amity, establishing today's borders, was drawn up. Figures such as Ser Luspergus Nuncenagus began importing Norfolkites in droves, aiming to alleviate the demographic pressures afflicting that colony. Ser Zenolowyn Mussildor, the Duc de D’haw’e’na’wor (Dhawenawor), started an effort among certain feudal lords to implement reforms based on new ideas from abroad, as well as domestic proposals; their efforts were magnified by the timely intervention of Prince Rukkard, who was sent to represent the Imperial Court as its official representative.


His Imperial Highness, Prince Rukkard, was a Garbanian prince and Norfolkite folk hero, best known for his many efforts to improve the state of the country. His father, Prince Ennonard, married a Jewish woman from Astmara, Yael Khazzan, marking the first (and so far only) such marriage in the history of the Garbanian monarchy. Appointed by his uncle, Emperor Weythorchimac, as the official representative of the Garbanian monarchy in Esvanovia, his first order of business was to sponsor the creation of the Norfolkite Colonization Society, which aimed to alleviate demographic pressures in the Norfolk colony by promoting emigration to Esvanovia and other colonies. He routinely visited Norfolk, and spent not only lavishly on helping the people therein, but advocated strongly for their interests. He was personally disheartened by his uncle and his courtiers not responding to their needs.

Setting up shop in Charlottechurch—the heart of the whole colonial endeavor—Prince Rukkard not only aimed at improving things politically, but culturally, economically and even aesthetically as well. He was not only the Imperial Court's representative—effectively serving as the ultimate authority in Esvanovia in the Emperor's name—but he was also the Lord of the Pearlescent Sands (Seigneur des Sables Nacrés), which entitled him to ruling over Charlottechurch, the capital, and the entire Monmouth Bay area, which today is the State of Monmouthshire. He tasked Ser Gondretus Genemarc to


Miravina Velenne, Dame de l'île, was the wife of Prince Rukkard (Porphyrogenitus), an avid reformist and folk hero whose efforts to reform the country's administration led to the creation of the State of Prince Rukkard Island in Norfolk-in-Esvanovia, the only place in Norfolk named for a monarchist—she made her own place in history as being quite politically active, and acting shrewdly and primly as his representative; she also wrote what would become the state song, the Islander's Hymn.

“Everywhere we went, people asked questions about the situation of corruption in the country and what the government is doing about it. In the different reports that we’ve done over the years, citizens have expressed disappointment in the government’s lack of strong will to deal with corruption,” he said.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
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Democratic Socialists

The Garbanian Community (Communauté Garbanienne)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:56 pm


Ser Vernon Dudley, the last Lord of Niamh; born into a Norfolkite loyalist family, he oversaw what many consider to be the definitive moment when the Garbanian colonial empire dissolved—not only did he help loyalists flee to Garbania proper and elsewhere, but he also helped establish the Community as we know it.

On May 5th, 1955, the Garbanian colonial empire effectively ceased to exist, with the treaty port of Niamh sold to Abetton for $371 million just six months later. It did not, however, mean that the colonies necessarily divorced themselves from the mother country—on the contrary! They all stuck together—forming a successor organization, the Garbanian Community (Communauté Garbanienne), which functions much like the Commonwealth of Nations in real life; each member acknowledging the Garbanian monarch as their head of state—however, Free Norfolk City did not join until 1973, as an associate member, in a controversial deal brokered by Vajas, itself a full member; despite this, the President of Free Norfolk City remains both head of state and government there—as a result, Norfolk-in-Esvanovia was brought back, albeit just as symbolically, into the imperial fold.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Free Norfolk City
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Democratic Socialists

"That Hard Moral Core" (Buffalo - NIE State Dossier #1)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Sun Dec 15, 2024 2:02 am


Nicholas John Henday, Governor of the State of Buffalo from 1897 to 1912, was born into the prominent Henday clan; he was best known as a learned, stubborn man whose exploits include his numerous feuds with fellow governors, his role in the establishment of what would become the Glenbow Valley Authority (GVA), and his passionate support for the Totecans of Ogtogo.

The State of Buffalo, nestled deep within the prairies, is the breadbasket of Esvanovia; its state motto is "agriculture the means, plenty the result," which reflects the agrarian character of the state; the West and East Keiskatchewan Rivers are the lifelines of the state; the Keiskatchewan River Valley is a tourist hotspot, and hydroelectric power generation is a key focus in the area. The city of Štroblovágrad was established in the Valley by Rhossenian settlers led by Lady Štroblová-Schlögl for the benefit of landless peasants. Markéta de Poyais, a famous Rhossenian writer of a seminal autobiographical work about settling in a seminal autobiographical work about settling in the Valley, was laid to rest after her death here, in the town of Fort Arbuthnot.

The capital is the city of Edmonston, known for its world famous green onion cakes, which come in two main forms: the original pan-fried pancake and a fluffy, deep-fried version that resembles a doughnut. The city was also called La Ville-Lumière ('The City of Lights) because it was one of the first cities to take advantage of the lax regulations regarding gambling and other sensual pleasures, much to the chagrin of the farmers whose children often fell prey to temptation.


Ser Mattachnton Menentene ("Lord Matthew") was a Garbanian nobleman, diplomat, parliamentarian and liberal reformer. He set up shop in

Lord Cuabenne

He earned a reputation as an outstanding orator and despite being of aristocratic birth, he had been raised with liberal views and thus became supportive of progressive causes, such as pluricontinentalism and Norfolkite autonomy. However, he blended the two together by being the first to propose the new state would be called the United Empire of Garbania, Esvanovia and Norfolk.

"We've got to recapture that hard moral core and get back to the soil."


Wetaskitoon, the home of the award winning cotton pudding, and such; it's also ; due to the dispute that emerged as a result, as well as other incidents before, during and after, Buffalo is a rather insular, conservative state, oftentimes voting for politicians who are often satirized by those of other states as the "NIMBYest of the NIMBYs." It was here that Governor James "Lord Jim" Muzatko ran on a controversial "cultural Calvinist" platform. Arlene Busse, the first female governor of Buffalo, ran, in contrast, on a libertarian one.


The flag of the State of Buffalo was designed by Lionel Kneller, who was a

It was in the State of Buffalo that the famous female sketch artist, Marie Dominique Amélie Madeleine Carrière-Hétu, drew her famous rendition of the Evergreen Compact's signing, based on what she had seen in Charlottechurch. It was here that the physiocrats, who "damned cities for their artificiality and praised more natural styles of living, celebrating farmers," established themselves after losing out in key political debates with other factions—shaping future political developments by using the area as a testing ground for their ideas. The state economy is based on hydrocarbons, petrochemical industries, livestock and agriculture. It is particularly known for the long, oft-uninterrupted rule of paleoconservative agrarians who are deeply committed to the Good Old Cause of Norfolkite republicanism, which meant opposition to what they considered to be artificial aristocracy, opposition to corruption, and insistence on virtue, with a priority for the "plain folk, the common people." They have long held the notion that farmers are "the most valuable citizens" and the truest republicans and believed that financiers, bankers and industrialists created "cesspools of corruption" in the cities and should thus be avoided; they have been known to be antagonistic towards what they feel is "urban elitism," and despite an increase in support for industrial efforts, they have long distrusted factory workers. However, recent schisms as a result of repeated attempts to diversify the economy have occurred, and a new way of thinking may soon take root here.

Buffalonians are are known for their generosity, volunteering, hard work, community building, leadership and innovative spirit; they are a proud people—no matter where they go, they know one another almost immediately upon first sight. The state gets its name from the myriad buffalo (or bison) herds that are still plentiful to the present day. The buffalo is the state symbol, the state animal, and is the namesake of the Wetaskitoon Buffaloes, one of the many Esvanovian baseball clubs who are affiliated with clubs in Norfolk proper. It is so near and dear to the people here that bison hunting is strictly regulated—this is due to the Mercante Plan, which was the work of one Juan Héctor Mercante, who specialized in ecological work, including the establishment of the world famous Fort Haultain State Park and the Saint Fiacre Botanical Gardens.

Buffalo hosts the third largest Rhossenian diaspora in the world, behind Norfolk proper at second and Garbania at first; it is also third in terms of the Ngombian diaspora as well.

There are many Buffalonians who have impacted, in a myriad of ways, the rich heritage of the United Esvanovian States—we cannot possibly list them all, but we will list as many of them in a variety of fields to give you a taste of each.

G. Michael Dannis—George Michael Dannis was a professional baseball catcher and manager best known as one of the foremost icons of the sport of baseball. He was also best known for his involvement in the development of several baseball video games as part of a marketing campaign to build a library of titles using recognizable names and likenesses of celebrities and athletes to emphasize the arcade experience available on home consoles, and after retirement from the sport, he would transition full time to game development, with a focus on fantasy RPGs.

Peter C. Sych—Peter Corey Sych was best known as the founder and namesake of Sych Ranch, which boasts that it provides families with healthy, flavourful and quality meat products produced without the use of artificial growth stimulants and unnatural production practices. He was the son of Norfolkite immigrants Taylor Alexander Sych and his wife, Penelope (nee Scheit), and was the firstborn of five children: three sons and two daughters. In an ironic twist of fate, he married Cordelia Sytch, the stepdaughter of fellow Norfolkite immigrant Patrek M. Sytch and his Abettonese (mixed race, having a Sugar Islander mother) wife, Sara (nee Barnes).

Scott Lake—A Norfolkite immigrant whose ancestors came as part of the Grand Exodus, a great, mass migration of Norfolkites to Garbania proper, Esvanovia and elsewhere; he was one of the finest actors of his generation, the illegitimate son of a prominent politician, Hudson D. Brookter and Vanessa C. Bornking, who by modern standards would be a teen mom, though Brookter was around the same age at the time. Brookter never knew the truth, as Vanessa died tragically in a fierce storm in the southern seas of Greater Dienstad when both were still relatively young. The truth did not come out to the general public until a letter Vanessa wrote, intending to send it to Brookter, was unearthed in the personal archives of her best friend, Eliza Eagleson (sister of Robert "Fighting Bob" Eagleson, the ancestor of the five sisters who would form the influential rock band, The Eaglesons) upon her death; reputedly, she was asked to send the letter on her behalf prior to the ill-fated voyage, but taking pity on both Brookter and Lake, decided not to do so, and kept it with her. The letter's release destroyed "more than one generation" of Lakes because Scott Lake had married Brookter's legitimate daughter Sue Ellen Brookter, and had children with her. It was considered one of the biggest scandals in Nollywood history.

Tony Andrew MacNeil-Lehrer—A prominent Norfolkite journalist and politician, T.A. MacNeil-Lehrer was best known for his staunch support of progressive causes, most notably public television, which resulted in the creation of the Public Media Service (PMS), which is sometimes called the BPMS (Buffalo Public Media Service) due to routine jokes about premenstrual syndrome, known by the same initials. The PMS was not the first foray in Norfolkite history into public broadcasting, but it is one of the most successful, and stood as a model for other states to follow. He was born in Fort Greatscott, and was the childhood friend of Garfield J. Guiteau and William A. Czolgosz, forming with him what would become known as the "Three Great Advocates," due to their support of progressive, populist policies. His father, Leon Frank MacNeil-Lehrer, was something of an activist himself—most notably when it came to the attempt to design a political coordination between the dominant rural power and the emerging urban power—this was a cause that his son took upon himself with great regularity. He was born and raised in Fort Goodall, and his first taste of "the public work" was his attempt to establish a proper public transportation network locally, as well as lending his considerable clout to the cause of creating the Esvanovian Transportation Corporation (better known as EsvaTran), one of the finest intercity bus services around that works hand in hand with the Esvanovian Railroad Corporation, which does business as Esvatrak. Lucille "Little Lucy" McHale, a resident of Edmonscona, was the first passenger in EsvaTran's history.

Doctor Mohamed Lucien Druckmann—Mohamed L. Druckmann was a philosopher best known for his series of essays, compiled collectively in book form, that focus on his reflection upon his attempt at simple living; so simple, in fact, that he was practically itinerant—his attempt was to "live authentically," and to discover the true meaning of "life, real life," which led him to stay at the houses of many admirers, most notably the parents of his Vajasian wife, Marguerite de Bellisle, who was the foundress of the famous cafe "Deli de Vajas" in Edmonscona. He can be compared to the real life philosopher, George Gurdjieff, due to various, but not total, similarities in their thinking. He also worked as a doctor, and in this regard, can be compared to Patch Adams. His clinic still stands today as a state landmark.

Cindy Lou Browne—Known affectionately as "Brownie," Cindy Lou Browne was a Norfolkite actress, best known for working in radio, television, theatre, movies, animation, and even video games. She was born in the Plattsburgh suburb of Three Rivers, and was the most downloaded celebrity on the EsvaNet in 1995. Even before she "grew into her nose," she was on the fast track to stardom, with her debut role being the protagonist of a family friendly sitcom, Nova, which depicted the life and times of the titular, twelve year old protagonist Nova Hainsey, the first "tween" protagonist on Norfolkite television. It was followed by a spinoff, Super-Nova, which covered her teenage years, with a movie, Hypernova, chronicling her high school graduation and college years concluding the franchise's run, famously directed by the late, great J. Ross Rottlund. It was the first movie funded entirely by "viewers like you" to be a smash hit in Norfolkite cinema; you see, Browne was a staunch advocate of public television; in fact, Nova was created for public television as a means to promote the PMS, to show off its capabilities to provide entertaining, informative programs, and Browne regularly quarrelled with big name agents trying to bring the franchise to a more mainstream audience; she promoted the franchise as "drama for people who demand more from television than video comic books" and being full of "credible, multi-dimensional characters, characters that the audience can believe."

"Whenever I meet with them, it’s like listening to toddlers learning new words," she'd tell an interviewer. "And while they do, the rest of us are put in danger of losing such a vital resource."

Her fan club has endured for many years, especially after she posthumously recieved a Presidential Medal of Honor for having sacrificed her life to save the life of a little girl from drowning in the Glenbow River during a storm. A statue of Browne as Nova Hainsey stands outside the headquarters of the PMS, and a memorial award and scholarship was established in her honor. As well, 2017 saw the release of the first "blockbuster docudrama," Brownie, which, in another ironic twist of fate, starred then-up and coming actress Sally Summers in the title role; she happened to be the very same little girl whom Browne had saved that fateful day, and only, albeit reluctantly, took the role after Browne's elderly mother personally asked her to.

Summer A.S. Sumner—A Norfolkite model and actress, Summer Sumner is considered one of the hottest (figuratively and literally) women in the country, let alone the state, according to myriad, consecutive internet polls; she first rose to prominence in a made-for-television movie about Norfolkite involvement in the Vajas War, which led to her becoming something of an internet meme; she was born in the town of Auburnton, and has, when not filming or modeling, tirelessly promoted the state to the point that she was awarded the Buffalo Order of Excellence (BOE), the highest honour the state can bestow on a citizen. She knows fully well that her looks have earned her many fans, and once on a late night talk show gestured to her breasts and said, "As big as these are, my heart's even bigger," pointing out the many memes made of her work in breast cancer advocacy.

Luevestha Northam—Considered one of the finest authors in state history, Madame Northam was best known for her breakout novel, First Impressions, the first of a pentalogy. The novels follow the life of a young woman, Lendora "Lennie" Moon, and were controversial for frank, honest discussions about the current events of the day. She was the daughter of Auren Northam, a farmer and Army veteran who wielded a unique blade which resembled a shark's saw-like teeth; he married her mother, Mary Angelica Bornking, the daughter of the famous Moravian missionary, Kenneth Bornking; he was the uncle of Arnald "Arn" Northam, whose daughter Deanna, married Atticus Malenko, who was the founder and director of Malenko Fine Arts Dealer and Art Scholarships, dealers in fine art and ethnic art from all over the world and suppliers of many business and private customers; they also offer scholarship donations to aid up and coming new artists who may otherwise not have the financial means to be able to produce or improve their work.

Betty V. Stewart—A Norfolkite socialite, Betty Veronica Stewart was best known for her role in the infamous rivalry between Harland and Leland MacDonald, a father and son who each claimed paternity of Betty's then-unborn child; in one of the first "trials of the century" in Norfolkite history, the judge ultimately ruled in favor of Harland, which destroyed the relationship she had with his son; however, DNA testing would ultimately conclude Leland was the real father all along, and a local mystic performed a ceremony they claimed would bring the spirits of Betty and Hamlon to reconcile in the afterlife—the child in question, Shirley Anne FitzHarland (posthumously changed to FitzLeland) married the railroad tycoon, John Nicholas Concannon.


Lady Talatrice Tailaulese, the Comtesse de Yoknapatawpha, was best known for her support of progressive reforms; she established the first petting zoo in Yoknapatawpha Domain, and pushed for the end of the conscription of prostitutes and other "disposable" girls and women as comfort women in the colonies, based on her reading of T.W. Steadman's exposé in a Charlottechurch newspaper. For her efforts in enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, she recieved numerous honors at home and abroad.

Ernest Louis Schendon—E.L. Schendon was a music theorist, composer and honorary ambassador best known for his profound influence on Ngombian music. He established the first music school in Ngombia's capital, Kwamikagami, which still offers a range of instrument, voice, theory, and dance lessons, taught by expert instructors, and routinely encouraged greater assimilation. His son, Pédor Schendon, returned to Buffalo, married Juliet "Jules" Hicks, and established a chain of department stores, Schendon's, that still exists today.

Jean-Bédel Deloitte: J.B. Deloitte was an Esvanovian-born courtier in the Imperial Court during the regency of Ser Alodulmas Maciene, a renowned aristocrat with many business and political interests in the Ngombian provinces of Covfefeland and Nambia. Maciene was responsible for many developments in Garbania proper, most notably the bloodless coup that displaced Emperor Weyerlbert in favor of his son and heir, Crown Prince Tutstophecetus. Maciene appointed five fellow notables as his top advisors: Danuinhrasil Gulialla, Phahnainluin Yeomone, Tuthonard Maglamont, Thomtethor Rielcque and Tuthelagon Brutgine—Rielcque, known to the Norfolkites as "Lord Thomas," found Deloitte while doing field work in Ngombia; he had him lead a demonstration of Ngombians learning how to use Western firearms and carry out the appropriate drills, and Maciene was pleased with his work, bringing him into his ranks. He was a fixture in the reformist faction, and proposed numerous policies including the end of so called flirty colonialism and the expansion of starfruit plantations. He originally had been an underling of the Comte de Yoknapatawpha, who sponsored many foreign missions, including a controversial one to the Sugar Islands. The Comte, whose name was Ser Bennethach Setufort, permitted him to migrate to Garbania to serve the Imperial cause, and there, he charted out a proposal to begin the end of feudalism, and create a united Esvanovian colony, based on the pluricontinentalist ideas of Ser Varnyctor Alouet. He was later appointed the Garbanian ambassador to Free Norfolk City. He succumbed to a long, grueling illness and was laid to rest in Norfolk's Cimetière Garbanien.

Dasanides, Cosorides.

Sterling J. Ashburnum: Considered to be one of the foremost statesmen of his time, Sterling James Ashburnum was a member of the emerging parlimentarian class in Yoknapatawpha Domain, and was a strong advocate for democratic rule, as well as an early acolyte of Stirnerite egoism. He was born into a modest, humble family from New Taunton, the son of Rodney C. Ashburnum and his wife, Margaery Margera. At the academy, he was a classmate of fellow reformer, Gregannel Jondalaine, who would make his name elsewhere in the country, and after graduation, he took up a position as an agent of the domain, representing the feudal government in its dealings with other domains and citizens alike. He married Carys Cullen, a notable beauty, and had with her five children; three daughters, two sons. He joined the Esvanovian Legion (Légion Esvanovienne) during the Vajas War, and saw action in Katase, leading a Norfolkite contingent alongside anti-Abettonese rebels in that country. Upon returning home, he wrote extensively about his experiences, and recommended immediate reform to avoid rebels sprouting up in Esvanovia; he aligned himself with Ser Varnyctor Alouet and like him, he tried to raise the profile of pluricontinentalism in Yoknapatawpha Domain.

Clémentine FitzClement: Clémentine FitzClement, an illegitimate child of the "Clementines," was best known as the author of the classic coming-of-age novel, Sally Sparrow. Comparable to Alcott and Montgomery, her work has been deemed timeless and suitable for all ages and genders; in the book, Clémentine explores such things as constructivist education, child-rearing, and social differences. However, she turned heads when she once said at a salon for famous literati that she was writing Esvanovian literature; she described Esvanovia as a place of grandeur, with a huge scale but not overpowering; she also wrote that the land was rich with color and grass, and the mountains were the kind she would create if she could. Her aim, she told a friend, was to show what "we all have in common, no matter which domain we hail from," and she inspired numerous girls and women to become writers themselves. In later books, which tended to feature mostly female protagonists, she branched into different, darker subject matter such as suicide and misogyny—her shift to gritty naturalism did not go unnoticed, and caused quite the stir; so much so, in fact, that her father, a notable aristocrat with imperial ties, offered her a shot at being legitimized, which she turned down: "Do not presume that I am but a trophy you can put on your shelf," she told him. She bonded with her half-siblings, who all had their own fame and fortune, and dedicated her last book, "The Flash," to them, collectively. Not long after it was published, Clémentine succumbed to a "great and terrible ailment, for which there was nothing to be done," and was laid to rest among other "engineers of the human soul" in the famous Bard's Crypt in Yoknapatawpha Domain, where many poets, playwrights, and writers are buried or commemorated; in 1999, she was voted tenth in the "Greatest Esvanovian" poll, behind notable socialite and activist Melanie Croucher. Her work is studied by students in Norfolk and other, fellow Garbanian Community members to this day.


Clémentine FitzClement, an illegitimate child of the "Clementines," one of Esvanovia's best known novelists.

Melanie Croucher: Melanie Croucher was the daughter of Ephrem and Marda (nee Brisebois) Croucher. She was born into a prominent farming family, and was a childhood friend of Mayla Stabile, Branwell
Esther O'Henry, Nikki Žižek, Margarita Voskoboynikova (Małgorzata Woskoboynikowa) and Tim Alderman. Dianna Rusnák and Rebecca Russini completed the troupe.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:19 pm, edited 29 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

To the Fairest: Elizabethland (NIE State Dossier #2)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Tue Dec 17, 2024 1:09 pm

The state of Elizabethland was the only feudal domain to attain statehood in 1892, largely due to the efforts of such fixtures in the political scene such as Ser Merillnibal Meroell and Ser Orrdach Lenach, who were, at first, pluricontinental agitators before shifting to a more tempered Esvanovian regionalism—pluricontinentalism was a geopolitical concept according to which Garbania was a unified nation-state spanning multiple continents; you see, Garbanian colonizers claimed as the goal for their assimilation practices, the close union of races of different degrees of civilization that help and support each other loyally; however, this notion of a close union differed from its practical application in the cultural and social spheres of the colonies—pluricontinentalism was intended to be the perfection of this notion, and although it failed, the sentiment around it continued in the form of Garbanotropicalism, which posited that the Garbanians were more humane, friendly, and adaptable to other climates and cultures than other colonizing powers; it celebrated both actual and mythological elements of ethnic democracy and civilizing mission in the Garbanian Empire, encompassing a pro-miscegenation attitude toward the colonies or overseas territories that was not without its share of critics at the time—particularly from 1932 to 1955 as a result of the État Nouveau, a dictatorial period in Garbanian history during which the country turned distinctly right; its closest real life incarnations would be Dolfuss’ Austria and Salazar's Portugal; the regime's policy envisaged the perpetuation of Garbania as a pluricontinental nation under the doctrine of garbanotropicalism, with all colonies and overseas territories as extensions of Garbania itself, it being a supposed source of civilization and stability to its overseas possessions. The Norfolkite Crisis, according to this new regime, was a 'grave error," and fears of it being "rectified" led to a sharp plummet in diplomatic relations between Garbania and Free Norfolk City.


Ser Tertullian Amatestrake was the chief advisor to Lord Denestantius Nuccilchiotus, of Elizabethland Domain, whom the Norfolkites called Lord Denny. He pressured Nuccilchiotus to support the pluricontinental cause, and was involved with finance, agriculture, and military reform. He was something of an enlightened absolutist, and despite his reluctance to accept Christianity, which he considered "a party of fools; the desperate and naive," accepted the Hemberger Mission, a Moravian missionary effort in his domain. He also supported his lord's marriage to Lady Ulala Uulusus, daughter of Lord Rhobar Uulusus of Algoduul Domain, part of what is now the state of Vesperia, who was renowned for her sturdy build and great love of cherry mead, particularly that brewed by the world famous Schilke Brewery, founded by Alexander K. Schilke. He also dispatched Terecius Harmitian, Ildohonder Velvorman and Marsesius Fuluius overseas to collect information on world events and technological developments.

However, it should be noted that pluricontinentalism had, for a spell, quite the amount of support among Norfolkites, prior to 1868; or, rather, its earliest incarnation: a proposed Imperial Federation (Fédération Impériale). No such proposal was ever adopted, but various schemes were popular in Garbania and her colonies, all championed by critics of proposals for home rule in Norfolk. Elizabethland, which hosted a significant Garbanian community, avidly championed the pluricontinentalist cause, and many figures such as Claunarus Nucarus, Cleophus FitzEmpress, Hirumeliorus Harsentanus, Constans Dannuliulus, Luthicus Monidenius and Touderatus Secagia advocated it far and wide over the years. Arricyon Prevelli, Chaephon Nuncestrake, Toutek Anzagan, Arryn Rosenbloom and Grannus Ratelli, in contrast, supported the regionalist cause, which favored the status quo with an aim to transition into a united, single colony. Interestingly, Casturus Kratori, Dececessus Dralulus, Selivario Nuccildor, Tahmimil Hodaso, Iulanian Vanissaeia and Adamudus Rusissaeia were advocates of the expansionist school, who favored sending the increasing number of hedge knights and other "malcontents" overseas to find work; in essence, the domains would establish their own colonies, though they called it little more than offering (coincidentally) overseas fiefs to those they favored. Whatever the case, the streets were rife with skirmishes between these factions; at one point, Enrico Doro, a prominent jack of all trades, was in the middle of trying to sculpt his muse, Kaycy De Quincey, when one broke out; a cannonball flew through the window, destroying the sculpture. The arrival of the Federalists as a faction only aggravated the situation even further. However, in the end, the pluricontinentalists won out—only to find out, of course, that their cause was ultimately rejected by the Imperial Court; however, other causes fared better; the Comte de Chambara, Ser Erneus Ildham ("Lord Ernie"), championed animal rights after a harmless rat snake was killed by an officer of the peace; he was called the Green Count by modern historians for his environmentalist ideas. Harrold Ashmann, based on his experience coaching the Elizabethtown Grads, would lend his significant popularity to the cause of women's and children's rights.

It should be noted that much like everywhere else in Esvanovia, figures such as Meroell and Lenach largely belonged to the transplant houses, those noble families who fled Garbania proper during the reign of Emperor Delthorchimac, known as the Illuminator (l'Illuminateur) for having implemented critical reforms; he was able to eliminate his rebellious vassals, expand imperial power, and strengthen the economic and technological development of his country; his successor, Odvaibalgory, permitted them to stay in Esvanovia, and this was determined by historians to be the origin of the policy of penal transportation to the colonies, which lasted for many years until the reign of Empress Leilana, when that sentence was substituted by imprisonment with penal servitude, and intended to punish. The collective legacy of these houses can be found all over Elizabethland; their castles, plantations and houses still stand, their names still grace many institutions; Fort Zadette Park is one such place. Another is de Créquy Hall in Mariapolis, named after Ser Kyrek de Créquy, who sported a rather noticeable moral rigour and austerity in his daily life.

Elizabethland's name was derived from Lady Isabeau Villehardouin, the wife of Ser Baudouin Villehardouin, whose family, the Villehardouin family, ruled what would become Elizabethland Domain until 1892, and which is considered one of the foremost political families in Norfolkite society today. They were particularly active in founding many of the cities that Elizabethland takes for granted, such as Stars Hollow and Sweet Valley. The Villehardouins were one of the very few Christian families in the Garbanian peerage—despite Garbanian suspicions that Christianity was a potentially seditious influence, tolerance was the norm, and Elizabethland features some of the oldest (Roman Catholic) churches in the country as a result. However, the Villehardouins could be considered heretical, as they were avid Jansénistes and did not permit those who disagreed to serve in churches under their direct authority. They were also prone to defending (their idea of) Roman Catholicism in their domain, and were held responsible for its slow but sure spread throughout Esvanovia, a counteragent to the Moravian missionaries who were also active, among others. The Garbanian colonialists tolerated the Catholic faith, but only just; as after the Prayer Book Riot in Norfolk proper, the Christian faith as a whole was closely scrutinized by the Imperial Court, at least until the reign of Empress Ariengeline, who issued the Tulip House Edict, which firmly entrenched tolerance and understanding in the legal code, and removed said scrutiny. Ariengeline, in particular, had read the "scriptures of the foreigners," as recommended by her mother and predecessor, Empress Amarguerite, and was quite intrigued by their doctrines, enough to invite the "learned of all the sects" to the Imperial Palace to explain themselves and their beliefs; Albrecht Elsner, a Moravian missionary, was best known for establishing a mission in Garbania's capital, which earned him the ire of the Manichaeans, more established Christian denominations, and others who saw him as a threat to the established order, but had to suffer the fact he had the Empress' protection.

Also, another aspect of the Villehardouin rule over Elizabethland was that the domain was host to numerous high-ranking officials, including members of the Imperial Family; Prince Amaubard, son of a later emperor, Timoudldur, established a cadet branch of the Imperial Family in Elizabethland Domain, one of the many branches that, like the shinnōke of Japan, are entitled to provide a successor to the throne if the main line fails to produce an heir; this branch, the Élisabéthaine ("Elizabethan") line, were credited with developing the capital, Mariapolis, into the world class city it is today, and Prince Trististrard was called the last of the Imperials upon the handover in 1892, leaving the country aboard the HMS Marie Celeste.

Earlier, Prince Daviorananach ("Lord David") led an effort to modernize and revamp the ailing, feudal structure of Esvanovian society; he established himself in what was called Alexandria-in-Esvanovia (the Norfolkites would rename it Yonwood) and from there, issued directives to all domains; at one point, the government in Charlottechurch authorized each domain to manufacture or purchase their own ships in order to reinforce the country's naval capabilities. Elizabethland Domain alone commanded a considerable naval power, with Evraz Harnischfeger, an admiral in the Imperial Garbanian Navy, commanding the so called "Three Cranes," which were the HMS Rachel Dyer, the HMS Lelia Byrd, and the HMS Katy Hudson. These three ships, three of the finest the IGN had to offer, were sent to Ogtogo to patrol its territorial waters to scare off any Aureumterran raiders. His brother, Evraim Harnischfeger, helped to modernize the domain's army. The future state song was penned by Morrigan Klimkait around this time, too, though the initial draft was monarchist in tone, leaning heavily on the idea of noblesse oblige; upon statehood, the lyrics were tweaked accordingly.

Prior to the handover, Elizabethland featured one of the largest ethnic Garbanian populations in the colonies—until 1892, it sat upon what was practically called the Garbanian Coast (Côte Garbanienne), but after the handover to Norfolk, many Garbanians fled for Garbania proper, or elsewhere in the empire; despite this, Elizabethland remains the proverbial heartland of the ethnic Garbanians in Esvanovia, today. The Garbanian-Norfolkite Friendship Society was founded in Elizabethland in 1955, and is credited with being a strong advocate for reconcilliation between Garbania and Norfolk, as well as a famous and accomplished charity. Elizabethland is also considered to be a refuge for utopian socialists and other communally minded groups, as the old feudal domains did not mind them setting up shop, provided they pay a tax in coin, or some such needed good.

Elizabethland's sports scene is oftentimes considered one of its most defining features; the Mariapolis Terrapins, the ever-popular baseball club, are considered to be one of the most supported clubs, of any sport, in the entire country. Known affectionately as the Terps (and derogatorily as the Twerps), their motto is "Passion. Fierté. Authenticité" (Passion. Pride. Authenticity) and they have won many honors since their founding long ago—they are also well known for their community outreach programs, their cheap concession and merch prices, and for having numerous celebrity fans at home and abroad. The Ceciliaton Cosmos, the Emmerdale Impact, the Shelbyville Selects, and the Blithedale Blast are also popular baseball clubs, baseball being the most popular sport among Norfolkites proper and Esvanovians alike to the point that Opening Day is one of the country's national holidays. Patrice Marleaux, born to Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux, is one of the best known Terrapin players...

Lyle Ward

"Baseball needs workers' participation, loyalty, standing terraces, emotion, financial fair play, tradition, transparency, passion, history, independence"

Aliénor de Vitré

The award-winning programme tackles such issues as rape, murder, substance abuse, psychological well being, and infidelity.

Maria Angelita Santos

Éléonore de Créquy

Neko no Shuukai ("A Gathering of Cats")

It was also a refuge for many Norfolkite loyalists who fled Norfolk when it declared independence in 1868; the term "Norfolk-in-Esvanovia" was first used in an 1869 report by Ser Marcion Bannister, a staunch advocate of the brief but very popular ideology of Reunionism, to describe this wave of immigration; the Bannisters, an ennobled Norfolkite family, have always been firmly loyal to "crown and country," and only one member, Orrin Bannister, stayed behind in Norfolk, due to his business interests along the Shanadoo River—the "Orrinian" line was, thus, disowned, but the two lines reconciled in 1967, when Lady Nevaeh Bannister (of the main line) approached Wendee Bannister (of the Orrinian line) over a game of senet and quipped that it was time for bygones to be bygones; after the handover to Norfolk in 1892, many of these loyalists fled to Garbania proper or elsewhere, but some stayed and entrenched themselves politically as an ironcladly paleoconservative voting bloc.

Recognized as one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country, its capital, Mariapolis, has a rich ethnic tapestry that is reflected in its architecture, artwork, cultural centers and cuisine; countless customs and traditions are a vibrant part of daily life in the city, making it the cultural capital of the United Esvanovian States. It also has a thriving community theater scene—Madeline McCabe, Addison Davis, Eva Gardener, Venus Allen, Francine Fineman, Rachel Weiss-Johnson, Nicky Redcorn, Eve Addams and Motoyasu Katase are among the many famous artists discovered therein. As well, the Mariapolis Terrapins are one of the most popular baseball clubs in the country, with Hall of Fame shortstop Bobby Klinkhammer still a legend and folk hero among the people.

As the "cultural breadbasket of Esvanovia," Elizabethland has contributed countless notable individuals, such as Brante Mercante, host of NewsNight Esvanovia, a public television nightly news show that aired across the Federated States of Esvanovia to bring the people news from a uniquely Esvanovian perspective. Uncle Glenn's, the famous diner seen in so many TV shows and movies, can be found in the city of Mayberry. Mama Teng's Katasean Takeout was born in the town of Edmonscona in the state of Buffalo, but the family that runs the business was from Elizabethland. Ser Shūhan Katase, a distant ancestor of the famous Motoyasu Katase, and his wife, Chouko, established the world renowned Lymburn Arboretum in Mariapolis, best known for its cherry blossoms—despite his own disinterest in their religion, he also procured a generous land grant for Moravian missionaries; about 144,000 Moravians, the end result of efforts to bring the Gospel to "every nation, kindred, tongue, and people," had lived in Elizabethland Domain by the time of the handover. Prior to its rebranding as Esvanovia Championship Wrestling, Elizabethland Championship Wrestling was a popular promotion in which edgy angles, "tweeners" and anti-heroes increasingly took precedence over clearcut heroes and villains; culminating in the transition to a full blown Attitude Era-esque style; despite the move to bigger and better venues, the 'new' ECW still held events at their mainstay venue, the Delton Sportatorium, a federally protected landmark. Margarita Berkeley, the Comtesse de Hulzuyot, wrote about how she accompanied her father to a demonstration of the then-latest weapons and drills, in what was considered by one historian to be a pivotal piece of historical data, particularly since it was practically a who's who, socially and politically, back then: Meraaldald Lemuardt, the Comte de Tasos was one such person, as was the future Lord Mayor of Novèl-Marsilhá. The land in question, set aside for such displays, was eventually turned into a sacred grove at the behest of Lady Renesmee Villehardouin, and still exists as such today.

Free Norfolk City proper has one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world, and inspired by it, many more were built all around Esvanovia, and Elizabethland is no exception, due to the efforts of figures such as J. Hammond Polston, the King of the Green, and Willa Willgood, Lady Greensleeves.

The du Moane family traces its ancestry to a young stable boy, Melchisédech du Moane, who worked for the widowed Lady Caylabelle of Elizabethland Domain, whom he entered into an illicit relationship with, leading to the birth of Ser Ouen du Moane, who served in the Imperial Court as a courtier. Arielette, their firstborn, was thus the subject of a scandal; in fact, the family was best known for being embroiled in some of the biggest events in the country's history; in 1892, Harrold du Moane and his wife, Ulala, surrendered their domain, Thorncliffe, to the Norfolkites under General Ebiko Karout, future husband of Lady de Zoraw, and left for Garbania at the behest of relatives. Karout let them go in peace, and recomnended the domain, well run as it was, to be salvaged; as such, it became Thorncliffe County. A few more domains were so "countified," but the vast majority were lost to amalgamation, their feudal lords fleeing to Garbania or elsewhere.

In 1895, Elizabethland joined up with other aspiring 'states' to form the United Esvanovian States, with talks proceeding unfil 1897, when a declaration was issued to proclaim the creation of the United Esvanovian States. Between 1892 and 1897, political authority fell upon Erasmus J. FitzRoy, an up and coming stalwart of "proto-Geolibertarianism." His approach to Elizabethlanders was one of laissez faire culture and soft, interventionist policies, economically. He represented Elizabethland from 1892 to 1897, after which an election saw Erastus T. Fitzmyer become its first governor.

Gregor Hills
Margline Caridrelle
Arielette Mannd
Talaanie Gemascel
Eolaolda Auliavan
Suraanique Laelenne
Matguerite Coppertenne
Prona Mortieri
Mirghre Jondrard
Gulinche Fanrlinie
Mabrlde Corrian
Yvayn Phirtte
Raeara Endrienele
Derehna Eargine
Isaace Ninnis
Fasane Juraditte
Voaile Franbenitte
Masaegh Ergahad
Alyslynn Tilwnick
Daianna Valnnie
Ameleigh Vircal
Rena Marlette Štroblová, Daniela Krhutová, Lucie Vondráčková and directed by Lloyd A. Simandl.

"Where good music always seems to find a home."

while Sean Ranklin-Whittaker established the Wings of Redemption, a notable Christian church and charitable organisation whose distinctive characteristic is its use of titles derived from chivalric orders.

Byron and Aeva O'Kelley

Kanami and Kurona Kuronami,

Ser Kazuma and Kazuya Kuronuma,

Zdzisława Cotrubaș

Ganbarion Galliades

Katheryn Elizabeth and Josephine Cherette Sandilands

Correct. Part of the terms of the 1946 constitution was that the only hereditary titles that would be retained in Japan were for the imperial family. Any member of the Kazoku lost their title as a result, although many understandably were able to utilize existing wealth, assets and influence to remain fairly important in Post-war Japan. This also applied to the Shinnoke or cadet wings of the royal family.

Marccenan Geveinius
Ganoryntham Festtte
Gryfachnton Metrush
Renantoran Retivanne
Duaertthias Renatenne
Madeisande Brancques
Leliana Lelistiana
Lazron Lusnardl
It sports a robust, vibrant economy, and has a deep seated community of "old money of older stock" called the Bonhommes. The capital, Mariapolis, is considered one of the best cities in the country. Baltimore Street, a world renowned street in Mariapolis, is one of the country's foremost tourist traps.

Emonte, Hobert and Lepointe

The state's name is derived from Lady Élisabeth de Villehardouin, who was the wife of Érard V de Villehardouin, a knight-explorer in the service of Emperor Thetrtolas. He built what is today Fort Villehardouin, around which a state park was created. His son, Fulk de Villehardouin, developed the nucleus of what would become the city of Mystrás, and the domain...

Tynudldur Jensorel
Donnedhnain Aricque
Agreraud Strognese
Marleen McGhee


Jasmyne Al-Rūmī was the pupil, cherished student, "pet", and ideal on whom the Norfolkite art historian John Frederick Englefield based his theories, chief among them that "a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most artistic subject in the world." She was born into the Qubboro aristocracy, and raised in Norfolk. She was a belly dancer, acrobat, and escort to some of the foremost men of her time. She has appeared in numerous novels, radio and television shows, movies, and even video games.

Jasmyne Al-Rūmī—Jasmyne Al-Rūmī was a Norfolkite socialite best known as the muse of the controversial Norfolkite artist, John Frederick Englefield, whose legacy was deemed irreversibly tarnished by critics who alleged that some of his earliest depictions of Jasmyne constituted child pornography. Englefield's relationship with her is mired in mystery, and may never be truly known, though many have tried to guess. She was born into an indigenous Qubboro family, and was high-spirited, precocious, and outspoken. She moved to what is now the state of Elizabethland in her teens, as a lady-in-waiting to Lady Raëlkinna Sidrstiana. In the household of Raëlkinna Sidrstiana, she developed a reputation for brazenly flouting social customs and doing daring acts like tightrope walking over large distances. She also became highly sought after by suitors, including Ser Geoagan Aumuette, who was a pluricontinentalist agitator. Engelfield knew her in her youth, and his chronic obsession with her was known early on. Despite being particularly known for her lavish, ornate attire, particularly as a result of her lifelong love of belly dancing, gymnastics and acrobatics, she is consider somewhat of a gay icon due to her occassional crossdressing; putting on male clothes every now and then, she is considered the patron saint of drag kings. At seventeen, she became the partner of the Comte de Rhomary, and at twenty three, she married him, which led to the Comte's decision to force an end to her relationship with Englefield. In Rhomary, she continued to inspire many, and drive mad many more; as Comtesse, she endeared herself to the largely Rhossenian population, in particular the girls and women who found her both ravishing and inspiring. In fact, her tomb in Rhomary is one of its hottest tourist traps, with many visiting annually to pay their respects.

Katheryn Elizabeth "Katy Kat" Monaenard: Madame Monaenard was a lady in waiting to Lady Raëlkinna Sidrstiana, and was best known for her acts of charity, her mastery of etiquette, and her letters to the Crown Prince of Garbania. She would marry Cielulmas Galtene, who built an impressive plantation, Sheen Gardens, and sponsored the creation of a "cat love center" in the state capital, Mariapolis.

Cielulmas Galtene: Born into a notable transplant house, Cielulmas was the son of a Garbanian nobleman and his Norfolkite wife, Bessie Bruyn. He was the second of five sons, and had one sister, Helynn, the oldest.

Suracine LaRrind
Marena Laroieve
Biekinna Madelie
Erlara Genrind
Elhela Herrtenne
Helynn Mauhe
Sabilia Woodois
Adiace Gevetinius
Faseia Laulles
Babele Matelie
Ylbestiencel Leorham
Cielannciele Ervigette
Hamthamard Nermilie
Ennenne Renaieve
Renaenr Wirinnitte
Donniper Strav
Stroryan Blarles
Arnnis Lushans
Jauar Branlory
Rhiaayl Ereeance
Leliana Pierel
Yvayvyra Pererry
Raelkinna Sidrstiana
Rowland Stones
Cyrenna Durrānīon
Qudsley al-Abdālī
Chananelle Seloquardt
Eduardpar Farror
Anculddean Ervcette
Dandsis Retolia
Achianndish Imbealaine
Rolasomm Acqax
Gerrard Monteliet

Octanold Mallocque
Amientente Aricenne

Tammy Levine, Jonas Onyebuchi, Margaret Goldbloom, Pauline Seifring, Wilhelmina Ito, Frances Dixon, , Eileen Gillan, , Bob Dorr, Marie Carlin, Marguerite Williams, Brigitte Watkins, Althea and Kate Glenn, Susan Burgess, John Montz, Walter Pauling, , Stephen Jones, Douglas Mox, Adam Edelman, , Virginia Bartlett, Hanna Berry, Lendora Moon, Ms. Melrose Lewis, Kenneth Strubler, Barbara Brown, Thomas M. Radlick, Ron Hirschy, Nadezhda Kirsch, Mark Gamn, Donna Levanthal, Anthony Wojtaszek, , Maxine Stempien, Chloë Annette Bradshaw-Lehrer, Casey Roberson, Bonnie Krasuski, Quinn and Hamlon MacDonald, Brittany Campodonico, Jasper Thakur, Frances Drake, Yelizaveta Dragunova, Muirenn Mayfield, Quincy John Quirrell, Desmond Shandro, Marlaina Brando, Zelda Zambelli, Nikki Buick, Tysha, Heinrich and Joan Unroh, Meiomi Brueggergosman, Tylene Strickland, Armin Suvalic, Courtney Mowers, Bruce Bowers, Daisy Mays, Delores Hays, Chadrick Lowenthal, Darya Dasani, Lucee Lurana, Catherine Candora, Yuliia II Turevych, Olha II Kravchuk, Yana II Volynska, Nadya Vilensky, Katrin Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yansen Tallen Hallen Svaden Swanson Jingleheimer Schmidt, Sonya Poskrebysheva, Natalie Nedenmayer, Lulu Lemonova, Yana Yezhova, Yekaterina Yezhova, Arwen Angelus, Svetlana Khayutina, Tanya Marmeladova, Rickard M. Dixon, V.K. Gerudova, Ghespik de Goront, , P.K. Ness, Yugi Subban, Shea Shea, Clementine FitzClement, Tessa Twilitovna, L. M. Rerezonova, Sansa and Arya Umbrovna, Rickard III Bannister, Zarah Dyakovovna, Yulla the Stout, Giovanni di Capilano, Tyler Harding, Lola "Lolly" Horton, , Joseph Mailk Claymoore, , Rebecca FitzBenedict, Elissa Kunitz, Stacey Chaddington, Lynnsey Déby, Mia Sandra Miata, Marie Malkova, Caprice Campolo, Hunter Simons, Jana Hearst, Jade Helmsley, Julius V Jagaretharn, Sandy Sandoval (and the Starlights), Suzy Sonicovna, Triss Toyotanova, Bari Bardot, Arnald Rutherford Clarke, Tali Talosova, Halsey Boston, Hermione Hondanova, Hedwig Robinette, Ysalla Seldorne, Chiara Chynanova, Ebika Ebikovna FitzMaude, Kaitlin "Kitty" Angus, Hadrian C. Somerville, Juliet Romjin, , Catelyn Shemsiya, Farrah Fahraneva, Trisha Keibler, Babette Blount, Lolyta La Cerva,
Rowena and Norwena Pewterschmidt
Mia-Ami Dolfini
Tzeki Tsikata
Kurdt Gregorg
Yulianne Azkabanova
Caradoc Rifkin
Mikhail Arkanoidov
Yana Tetrisova
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:07 pm, edited 28 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Les Belles Îles: Toteco (NIE State Dossier #3)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Dec 19, 2024 7:07 pm


Pereveos Meltene, Comte de Ogtogo, also known as "Good Lord Perry" to the Norfolkites, was a knight-explorer best known for attempting to sponsor the rejuvenation of Totecan art and culture; he also supported the seigneurial system, but attempted to ensure that those who tilled the land were well cared for, and listened to.

The poorest state of the Union, Toteco is all too often considered by many to be a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. This chain of islands is the home of the Totecan people, a proud and stubborn people who comprise, due to Aureumterra's historical aggression.

Originally called Ash'teks (Ash'tekhis), the Totecans were originally led by quarreling, bickering chiefs until the creation of the Kingdom of Toteco, founded by King Xōch'cohxō I. His family ruled for generations, uniting the islands of Toteco into one state—Norfolkite beachcombers like Gwilym Kenjura, Enoch Burgess and Vernon Langsdale also arrived, and got themselves involved with Totecan politics through their knowledge of then-modern technology and foreign events. In particular, King Tōhuitzchitl of Toteco not only imported technology, but appointed his finest experts to reverse engineer it—in particular, the widespread adoption of firearms; it helped that the Garbanian knight-explorer and Comte de Naheulbeuk, Marc-Antoine de Rastignac, had landed on the islands, and shocked and awed the locals with his massive ships, armed with great and terrible cannons.

Xōch'cohxō, who quickly became aware of the new arrivals, sent emissaries to de Rastignac, and arranged an alliance, built upon the Comte's marriage to Xōch'cohxō's daughter, Eloxochitl, whose name was Anglicized to Eleanor by the Norfolkites. The Comte's plan was to bring Toteco in as a protectorate, and this was achieved after the Totecans signed a treaty affirming as much with the Comte, who stayed in Toteco until the arrival of an overseer appointed by the Imperial Court, whose name was Evard de Villemaur.

Toteco was, thus, made a protectorate of Garbania, and this was during the reign of the Emperor, Maurnderic. However, it quickly became apparent that for all intents and purposes, Toteco became a colony of Garbania. The title of King of Toteco soon passed to the Emperor, who ennobled the former royal family. This was helped by the mass intermarriage a la Susa between Garbanian and Totecan royalty until they were practically one in the same, as had been custom elsewhere in the realm.

Just as the rest of Garbania's Esvanovian holdings were divided up between feudal lords, Toteco was no longer united; rather, each island became its own domain, and each new lord quickly established the seigneurial system, in contrast to the more bakuhan-esque system on the mainland. Toteco, having a head start on being feudalized, hadn't been exposed to the later changes that enabled the mainland domains to be more substantial in scope, hence the different systems in place; as such, Toteco was seen as a sort of pariah colony, with banana plantations as far as the eye could see. Other cash crops include corn and cocoa.

Taniquiecache, a vital trade port in Ogtogo, was seen as a very lucrative possession, due to its strategic position on the southern coast. Taniquiecache is where the Imperial Garbanian Navy's Toteco Command was based, and Loni Bierema, the famous pin-up girl, lived out her childhood as a military brat, the old IGN base still being used by the Norfolkite Navy, in particular its own version of Toteco Command. Admiral Otto von Schlabberbauch established a naval academy for promising Totecan recruits here, and Ser Eugaerlbert Razocque ("Lord Eugene"), the Duc de Kryxivia et Hilixxia, established likewise for the Imperial Garbanian Army; he also supported Norfolkite settlement in Toteco, and was the patron of Henry Debrett ("Good Hank") and his efforts to faciliate this. The lords of Ogtogo became the richest of the feudal lords in Toteco due to Taniquiecache, and was able to secure favor better than his peers from the Imperial Court as a result. However, there have been a few instances of ladies regnant; although the great majority of hereditary peerage titles in Garbania may descend in the male line, there is a significant number of titles that have been inherited by a female heir, and pass in the female line, as Garbanian custom has always been that 'tis better a lady than extinction (mieux vaut une dame que rien); as such, Istiudldur Admaseric, the Comte de Ubalin, reported that Oswyn McDade, a Norfolkite sailor, captained the ship of the Lady of Ogtogo, Roxavyna Sinaulese, as she went to Charlottechurch to solicit support against Aureumterran raids; her husband, Robethamard ("Lord Robert") would be noted for having overseen a campaign against Aureumterran pirates, comparable to the wokou that had plagued China in real life.

While Toteco has recieved significant foreign immigration, most of it has historically been confined to Ogtogo, as per a secret pact between the elite of Garbanian and indigenous Totecan society; the idea was that it would, hypothetically, frustrate any Aureumterran occupation, inciting not only guerilla warfare but a casus belli to respond with the aim of liberation, as any attempts to ethnically cleanse the island would secure the Garbanian public's support to back up their kinfolk in Ogtogo. Norfolkite historian Zaelle Belmont wrote about the pact in 1973, on the cusp of Free Norfolk City's reconciliation with Garbania, in a hard-hitting newspaper article; Mlle. Belmont's article caused something of a stir, especially among Totecans trying to grapple with the consequences of Garbanian colonialism, especially since pluricontinentalism's support in Esvanovia was largely Totecan.

Talette Amelud
Caiienne Ninoche

Kate May Glenn.

Yashik of Zamakan.

Lady Tatyana Fainsanova married a Totecan prince;

Rambor Galut, Duc de Arlatam, Comte de Tanis,

Mikoko of Meeshokee


Pereveos Meltene, Comte de Ogtogo, also known as "Good Lord Perry" to the Norfolkites, was a knight-explorer best known for attempting to sponsor the rejuvenation of Totecan art and culture; he also supported the seigneurial system, but attempted to ensure that those who tilled the land were well cared for, and listened to.


Pereveos Meltene, Comte de Ogtogo, also known as "Good Lord Perry" to the Norfolkites, was a knight-explorer best known for attempting to sponsor the rejuvenation of Totecan art and culture; he also supported the seigneurial system, but attempted to ensure that those who tilled the land were well cared for, and listened to.


Emperor Tristifer IV Zurithalissaran, known as the Magnanimous (le Magnanime) was responsible for

Pereveos Meltene, Comte de Ogtogo, was a knight-explorer best known for attempting to sponsor the rejuvenation of Totecan art and culture; he also supported the seigneurial system, but attempted to ensure that those who tilled the land were well cared for, and listened to.

Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Tue Dec 31, 2024 11:47 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Le Cœur Même: Monmouthshire (NIE State Dossier #4)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:02 pm


James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, 1st Duke of Buccleuch, forsook the idea of attempting a rebellion in England, much to the chagrin of his Scottish contacts, and went overseas in search of fame and fortune. He ended up in Garbania, and was the namesake of the Monmouth Bay area and the Monmouth Bay Trading Company, which held an invulnerable monopoly on trade in Esvanovia until the near-end of the nineteenth century.

Monmouthshire is the state best known as the Crownlands, on account of formerly being directly ruled by the Imperial Court, particularly since 1792, after the Monmouth Bay Trading Company signed the Deed of Surrender, which was pushed for by a troika: Ser Eddard Kyngty, Ser Orragan Rostquardt and Ser Esmelvin Corgistiana in 1789; they set up shop at Flamingo's Creek, with sixty nine inhabitants today, but back then, a provincial town at the edge of the crumbling feudal structure. It was here, at Flamingo's Creek, in Muertoburg County, that a group of pluricontinentalists met at the house named 'Nea Edem,' to discuss reform; they determined that the threat of foreign interference, along with that of domestic pressures, threatened their power and authority.

Monmouthshire derived its name from Monmouth Bay, wherein James Scott, Duke of Monmouth, the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II, King of England, had sailed into; he was the namesake of the town of Greatscott, found in the Charlottechurch metropolitan area, established around the aforementioned bay, which also functions, when written as "great Scott" as an interjection of surprise, amazement, or dismay. The Duke of Monmouth was called "Great Scott" on account of his work in founding Monmouthshire; the small town of Buccleugh, in the Charlottechurch metropolitan area, hosts an annual reenactment of his arrival every year. He was also the namesake of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company; after recieving an imperial charter, the MBTC was given the right of "sole trade and commerce" within Esvanovia. This right effectively gave the company a commercial monopoly over the region. The MBTC would, thus, become the largest and oldest corporation in Esvanovia, before evolving into a major fashion retailer, operating retail stores across both the United Esvanovian States and Norfolk proper, as well as Garbania, Vajas, et cetera.


Ser Louistyr Taitieri was a courtier of the Imperial Court sent to Monmouth Bay by Emperor Enronuelrys to develop and dispense to Norfolkite settlers generous land grants around Monmouth Bay and the land west of it. He also developed, in particular, what was called the Saxon Shore to the south, earning him the titile of the Count of the Saxon Shore. He is called Louis the Beloved (le Bien-Aimé) by Norfolkites.

The coast of Monmouth Bay was, at one point, extremely sparsely populated; there were only about a dozen communities. However, it is now extremely populated, and was divided into 'ringed zones,' or colonial areas such as New Yorkshire. A distinctly English vibe, due to its namesake, permeates the entire region. Families such as the Cushman-Wakefield political dynasty, the d'Irsay business clan, the Nortons, the Wolfes, the Wyndhams, the Willgoods, and others have each uniquely defined the region. The region was developed along the lines of "ringed zones," comparable to the ripples a rock skipped into a lake makes. The 'core,' the Old City, was reserved for "la crème de la crème," and remains the heart of Garbanian culture in Esvanovia; the Charlottechurch Cavaliers baseball club, as a result of this status, is the foremost rival of the Mariapolis Terrapins due to both cities claiming this status as uniquely their own.

The de Chéromme clan, who ruled Djorlann Domain, invited many Eerians and Motokatans into their lands, primarily along the Euckedee River. Many Ngombians, under Chief Hamanu, also emigrated there, and they, among others, established thriving communities along the Euckedee River Valley. Lord Yaël-Meïss de Chéromme, in particular, was quite fond of them; his muse and love interest was Mikasuke Nabagiaki, who hailed from the village of Muonang. While he eventually married a more "proper, respectable" woman, he still provided for Mikasuke, giving her as a wife to Chief Auaua, of the Zumbaku clan of Ngombia. Mikasuke, it is believed, did not mind the arrangement, and bore the chief many children, who tended to live around the capital settlement, Wangano. Vlada Leloubliya, a popular Rhossenian model, was discovered a century later in the Euckedee River Valley, although she was there as a tourist; being born and raised in the city of Bradfordville in Buffalo. Cass Telangly, another model, was born and raised in Monmouthshire when she was discovered, however. Hans-Adam von Grezold, Isabella van der Feltz, and the Abbé Staynes all spread (Moravian) Christianity among the Euckedee River Valley, with Chengxin Zhang being the first convert from the Rin Leased Territory, and the first to establish a Moravian mission there.

Another clan, the Apharad clan, ruled over nearby Venezue Domain (sometimes called the Venezue) from their capital of Catarra.

Yaana Noore, born into the Ngombian Yamappoi clan.


The Vaelanyon clan




Carnelian Island
Terla Leffoy and Dasteffy Schonionnat and Dorne Cheenzer and Eiseduck Kond


Once proposed as a wife for the would-be King of Katase, Prince Motonotomo, who would lead the "Taishoujo Restoration," Her Imperial Highness, Princess Mariguerite Zurithalissaran (Mariguritto Zuritarisaran Ōjodenka) was a prominent salonnière in Charlottechurch; she is also said to have been the inventor of flavored milk; her favorite was strawberry milk, using syrup made from the finest, imported Rhomarian strawberries. After the proposed marriage to Motonotomo did not come to pass, she married Ser Tristtethor Monanis, Lord of Nalaya Domain.

Ser Gérôme-Eugène Baumes was one of Monmouthshire's best known figures; he orchestrated the vast public works programme in Charlottechurch commissioned by Emperor Cynrorananach and directed by himself—his energy, audacity, and ability to overcome or get around problems and obstacles impressed those around him, and he recieved many accolades and honors for his work; he also believed in "honest pay for honest work," and gave all labor involved, domestic and foreign, the same wage. He also recieved clearance from the Imperial Court to put a moratorium on octroi collection that eventually became an outright abolition. He famously quipped to a courtier of the Imperial Court that, "society is sick and needs the cancer of traditional morality removed from it, root and stem," which drew sharp criticism from hardliners. He also mandated the construction of many street advertising columns; this custom inspired the creation of the Kids' Talk, a Norfolkite language news medium published daily on a blackboard on Aquitayne Boulevard in the center of the capital, Charlottechurch; it was established in 1973 as a kid friendly alternative to the conventional mass media, to help kids and teens understand the world around them. This blackboard newspaper is still in operation to this day, and has inspired numerous copycat enterprises elsewhere in the country, such as in the Jubilees, where Ser Honoré-Tancrède Viskovicz brought the custom to the island state.

Baumes' grand plan for Charlottechurch can be compared in a way to Le Corbusier's precise zone tripartition, with one zone for circulation, one for housing, and one for labour. His benefactor, Prince Florestan de la Ysterfontein, sometimes spelt Yzerfontein, was his representative at the Imperial Court—Florestan was well known as an eccentric; in particular, he was the Garbanian ambassador to the Auroran Empire, captain of his personal ship, the Owhyhee, and was dubiously awarded the title of the world's first otaku due to exhibiting certain traits characteristic of that modern group. Florestan routinely proposed Baumes "go native," so to speak, by establishing a botanical garden full of flora from the AHSCAn islands, importing labor from the islands, and sending some of his experts there to help them keep pace with the world, as he himself had done by his demonstration of then-modern firearms and drills. Renowned for his sensual and public gastronomic lifestyle, he penned a famous treatise, while in Charlottechurch, on the merits of "pure" fruit punch; that is, fruit punch which contains fruit ingredients. The makers of the prominent AHSCAn Punch brand of juice in Esvanovia have used this treatise as part of the legend behind the creation of their product, hence their long-running "Prince's Favorite" marketing campaign.


Prince Florestan de la Ysterfontein, sometimes spelt Yzerfontein, was a chocolatier who introduced chocolate to AHSCA, particularly the icy squares and cups referred to as Ischoklad. He was Garbania's ambassador to the Auroran Empire; before this, he managed a cocoa plantation in Toteco. He had a a strong liking for sweet foods, so much so that he spent his life attempting to find the "golden ratio" of chocolate, by which we mean the perfect formula with which to create the perfect confection. His role in Monmouthshire was that of a local eccentric; not only did he seek to promote cultural initiatives and proto-surrealist architecture, he also lent his support to fellow chocolatier, L. Ron (Lafayette Ronald) Parrello-Couillard, who would lay the foundation for Chocolandia, a theme park in Charlottechurch dedicated to all things sweets. A satirical epopeia was written about him, and his fondness for the AHSCAn island of Animalpolis, which was turned into a cult classic movie.

Lastly, Baumes did not infringe on the rights of the phalanstères that had been established in the area, as a ruling from the Imperial Court mandated they be left to their own devices; this ruling is still in effect today. His wife, Aïda, also had some involvement, establishing some of the world's first women's shelters and halfway houses. After Baumes, Charlottechurch was given "some extra polish" by order of his successor, Ser Édouard-Émile Laurier, who came to be known as a great orator as well as an architect. By the time Laurier was finished, Charlottechurch was one of the world's most renowned cities, and was visited by many tourists, foreign and domestic alike, for many years; one such tourist was a Ngombian chief named Ýẽǵátúñ, of whom data tends to be rather scarce and often unreliable. Bill Warren, a Norfolkite activist best known for his campaigns against "inhumane and outdated practices," in particular blood sports such as fox hunting, hare and deer hunting; game bird shooting; and animal fighting, got his big break in Charlottechurch; he was given an audience with the visiting Princess Shannara, who sponsored his efforts as one of the first Warrenites; she was the godmother of his daughter, Adeleen. Another Norfolkite, Laurence Turney, who lived and worked in Monmouthshire, was the creator of Phenoxyl (Phenoxytamol), which is an experimental pharmaceutical drug that showed a lot of promise, but unfortunately also made its test subjects highly unstable both mentally and physically.

In what is known today as the county of Araethia, the MBTC's headquarters was built—called the House of Good Hope (Maison de Bonne Espérance), it was named by the wife of its owner, Ennnado Taamasan; she coined the saying "a brighter future and a better life," which was the mantra of many Norfolkite politicians, such as Lorraine Kindrakewich and Miguel Tomás Balacua. Orrisan Ennaasson, his successor as the Governor of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company, had upgrades done, and the impressive, well built location was used as their chief base until 1892, when it became a museum. The museum is located in Anaham County, and was where the Deed of Surrender was signed—Joffrey Zaxtor, a MBTC agent, reported that the MBTC was still financially successful, but could not resist political pressures; after the MBTC surrendered its lands to the Garbanian Crown, via eminent domain, Zaxtor went to Fort McKinty, wherein he helped with evacuation efforts, as MBTC traders and agents would emigrate elsewhere to seek fortune.

The Monmouth Bay Naval Arsenal, one of the five principal naval shipyards in Esvanovia owned and operated by the Imperial Garbanian Navy, is still in use today, albeit by the Norfolkite Navy, who owns and operates it today. The famous naval architect Enmonuelrys de Glamurny was responsible for its construction.

Monmouthshire's economy, politics and culture tend to revolve around Monmouth Bay, or rather more specifically the Charlottechurch metropolitan area, which has resulted in some demands over the years for the secession of Western Monmouthshire, which would form its own state. Western Monmouthshire is relatively rural and liberal, compared to the more heavily populated and politically conservative Monmouth Bay area. Monmouthshire's governor S. Austin Parker acknowledged the moment by saying that "I think there are a lot more people than what was once believed who are frustrated and don’t feel heard. That, I think, is what the movement is about," but the movement has failed to achieve its aims. J. Lucas Rauscher, who campaigns in state politics on a pro-secessionist platform, states that "our cause is noble and just; what we seek to do is to destroy the arrogant and ignoble fatcats who have exploited us for over a century," while Katrina Holliday, the vocalist of the popular Norfolkite alternative rock and electronic music duo Bliss (best known for their smash hit single, "Leaper,"), once said in an interview that, "When it comes right down to it, we'd choose bae over bay, any day."

Secessionism in Monmouthshire is said to have been started by one Alaric Leisler, who founded a pro-secessionist party in the latter years of Garbanian colonial rule; his followers, called the Leislerites (sometimes Leislerians), have been a considerable force in the state, and routinely agitate every election year. A popular magazine in 2003 posited: "Secession would be impossible, and the last thing Monmouthshire needs is some kind of destructive West-East showdown, but given the prolonged lag in the West's economy, it is time to think seriously about whether there is a way of restructuring the relationship to give the West the opportunity—indeed, the freedom—to reduce some of the disadvantages that are smothering its economy."

Monmouthshire, much like Elizabethland, is considered a cultural breadbasket—in Vaughnville, a lovely town in Western Monmouthshire, one can find Fun4Family, a Christian game developer and publisher best known for their world famous Pray-'n-Skate series, the world's first Christian skateboarding video game franchise. In Partonville, in the Monmouth Bay area, one can find a museum dedicated to folk music, which has had a rich, vibrant history in the country as a whole. Lynnwood, a combined family amusement and national park, can be found outside Autrytown. The suburb of Amanahville is home to the Odysseum, also known as the Charlottechurch Space and Sciences Center. Her Imperial Highness, Princess Mariguerite Zurithalissaran, established a residence in Charlottechurch, which she named Ardenfontein; here, she hosted many notable figures, and set herself up as a wise and audacious woman that many figures of the future were named after her: Mariguerite St. Just, Mariguerite Twamugize, Mariguerite Nkunzimana, Mariguerite-Olive Paradis, Mariguerite Mumba, Mariguerite O'Brien, Mariguerite Gilson, Mariguerite Kane and Mariguerite Saujana Suleiman. It was at Ardenfontein as well that the Moravian missionary Jacob Haimovitz secured from her a loan to procure land for a church; "Truly," he tol his parishoners, "We thank God for another day and this opportunity to be in the house of the Lord, assemble together, and be mindful of the charity of others," referring to Princess Mariguerite. She married Bénédicte Delachanal, the Comte de Majuular, and had three daughters, two sons; one of her daughters married the father of François-Léonce Récapet, who married into Ngombia's Ndukauba clan and led many of their clansmen into battle in Katase, wherein they, having done their part in its liberation, took home with them everything from vats of sake to war brides. Upon Mariguerite's death, she was laid to rest not in the Imperial Family's personal crypt back in Garbania, but in Esvanovia; the Norfolkites refused to sack the tomb upon their takeover, and according to witnesses, General Amos Cranmer left some of his troops there to protect it from would-be raiders, and paid his respects routinely. Her tomb, an ornate mausoleum decorated with mosaics depicting her life from cradle to grave, is considered one of Monmouthshire's best known tourist attractions, as is her old home at Ardenfontein, which was made into a museum.

Many of the merchants who helped create the Rin Leased Territory, known to the Norfolkites as Yuyencia (Yōuyànxīyà, 幽燕西亚), hailed from Monmouthshire—while the federal government called it the Rin Leased Territory, Norfolkite citizens called it Yuyencia in honor of Yu Yen, a Katasean republican activist who was exiled by the Katasean government, operating in Shanadoo, who helped establish the territory: "The great object of forming this territory," he wrote in what would become the territorial charter, "being to provide a home for the dispersed and oppressed children of Katase, and to regenerate and enlighten this benighted nation..." He would marry a Norfolkite woman, Letitia Sheils, and was laid to rest in Rin. In fact, after the handover in 1892, a fair few Esvanovians fled to Rin, where the Norfolkites were already set up; there, they formed the Esvanovian Society (Esubanobia Kyōkai) which was dedicated to the preservation of Esvanovian culture and tradition prior to 1892—the Esvanovian Society relocated to Charlottechurch in 2000, and in so doing, inspired the JPS (Jingyan Preservation Society), which, operating in Shanadoo, aims to preserve the unique culture and traditions of Rinfolk (Rinfōku); that is, those who lived in the Rin Leased Territory while it was under Norfolkite rule. It was named Jingyan after the era name (景炎; literally: "bright flame") chosen by the Norfolkites to refer to their lofty aims.

"The strong do as they wish, the weak do as they must. That is the natural order of reality, and woe betide any who dare challenge it."

Tabitha D'Couto-Dvořák

Gasca & Bello

Lady Tallowmere, a popular salonnière, catered to MBTC agents and traders from distant lands; her salon, the first in the state, is a preserved historical landmark and museum. Charlottechurch, the capital, was built at the behest of Prince Deladach, who with Ser Gibron Geonston and Ser Ambhston Limaques, were tasked with constructing a proper capital and to establish a "firm sense of control," and many of the buildings built during their time still stand in the "Ye Olde City" area of Charlottechurch. The Nayati River flows through the capital, along which, as was the case in the Shanadoo in Nofolk proper, the establishment of the River Wardens was ordered. Ser Iosif Peittov, a Rhossenian gentleman of some renown, established the Rhossenian Assemblage to house the first few waves of Rhossenian peasants eager to take advantage of generous land grants via various homesteading acts. Assemblages were collective residences established to house immigrants in the colonies for a temporary time until homes were built and lands were granted; many of them were turned into museums after the Norfolkites took over.

Many people throughout Esvanovia were not too fond of Charlottechurch, which one satirist, Theodane Malloud, joked was a rare example of class consciousness as nobles and commoners alike shared a similar opinion; the derision and contempt was about the elite, the cream of the crop of Esvanovian society, who lived there; Ser Terrance Hightower, "Good Lord Terry" to his fellow Norfolkites and an avid pluricontinentalist, made it his life's mission to mend ties between all sides, but he was unable to do so; he left for the town of Annacordia, what would become the capital of Hockemeier County, and established a school and library that are still in use today. He walked for hours, ate relatively frugally, and the only drink he imbibed in quantity was barley water flavoured with lemon, which has become something of a local favorite, called the Hightower after him.

Charlottechurch was named after Lady Charlotte de la Mérimée, the Countess of Ajuna-en-Askaya (Comtesse d'Ajuna-en-Askaya); a member of the Norfolkite peerage, she was an early convert to the Moravian denomination of Christianity, and established a church which is still in use today by the Moravians—it is referred to as the McNair County (Moravian) Church, as it was built in what is known as McNair County today; it calls itself a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-campus church. The county was named for her husband, Ser Edward George McNair, a Norfolkite loyalist and fellow convert. The capital of the county, New Herrnhut, was established by Moravian pioneers, whose exploits Charlotte and Edward funded out of pocket and is famous for Annan House, once owned by H. Nelson Annan, best known for his missionary work among the Esvanovians; here, annually, a Christian blood donation outreach service works to bring much needed blood to the people: "Jesus gave His blood," their slogan goes. "Will you give yours?" A pair of "Jesus freaks" named Nathalie Vergara and Mark Guevarra are credited with having started this service in the eighties, and it remains an integral part of the loving, inclusive and vibrant community that has developed in Charlottechurch. Despite the ban on political parties, the Tin Foil Hat Society, a charitable organization that functions as the Norfolkite equivalent to real life parties such as the Rhinoceros Party and the Official Monster Raving Loony Party, boasts that it "offers an almost credible alternative to voters disillusioned by traditional politics," and every election day, all TFHS chapters host "political parties" (get it?) that revolve around maypole displays and dancing, drinking corn cider, and most notably, the free distribution of tin foil, used to cover all sorts of items and to make all sorts of attire. Amaury Skelton and Arabel Dangréau, both from the town of Red Wing in TBD, founded the THFS in 1984, and membership is open to all ages.

Despite Christianity being a minority religion, the Moravians of Monmouthshire were instrumental in the decision by the Federated States of Esvanovia to adopt Un nouveau paradis, Une nouvelle terre (A New Heaven, A New Earth) as the country's anthem, as it was deemed the lyrics of this hymn could be "rather easily interpreted" secularly and politically. The hymn was penned by Catreena Kennaugh, who was called an "evangelical Moravian" in the papers, and the proposal to use it as the anthem of the FSE came from Peristrard Nestault, who was the governor of Monmouthshire during the Kelsey Lake Accord talks in the eighties; he favored it because of its "strong neutral tone." ACORN, the other of the "Big Two" in Norfolkite Christianity, also has many parishes throughout Esvanovia, especially in Monmouthshire, such as the Cathedral of the Virgin of Nettuno (Cathédrale de la Vierge de Nettuno), the largest church in Esvanovia; of architectural note are the many stained glass windows depicting the Twelve Apostles, Old Testament characters, scenes from the Bible, and various historical, secular personages connected to the church in some such way. In 1999, ACORN and the Moravian Church came together to ring in the new millennium, and both sent their "best wishes, and most of all, our mutual love" to their mutual faithful in the Rin Leased Territory; after it was returned to Katase on January 1st, 2000, many Rinfolk fled to Norfolk proper or Esvanovia, and the Cathedral's parishoners came together in droves to provide them with all sorts of aid.

Valdémard Lanthier, the first president of Norfolk, spent a brief sojourn in Charlottechurch, and spent his time at a lovely little house, now known as Lanthier House, in the suburb of Bauerstown, where a church dedicated to St. Ingrid was established. It is said that here, he was pressed by a young woman named Amelyna Velavanne, who was a member of the Philomenes ("Nightingales"), that is, an orphan from Saint Philomena's Asylum for Girls, a single-sex refuge for female orphans whose aim was to house, protect and educate orphaned girls who might otherwise be drawn into prostitution; those who had were called Skufs. Lanthier took Amelyna under his wing as his personal assistant, effectively adopting her. She followed him to Vajas, and famously disguised herself as a man to fight against the Abettonese, most famously seeing at the Battle of Sharpe's Drift; upon her discovery as a woman, by Ser Stannis Badiol, called "The Great" for his stunning victory against the Mareylanders in Rhossenia prior to the War of Abettonese Aggression, Lanthier scolded her "practically venomously" and effectively banished her from his employ, sending her to Charlottechurch to live with one of his companions, Lady Estera Von Garland. After the war, she reunited with him, and stated she had no regrets, but rather "a dread fear of war, and that she prayed constantly that peace and goodwill among men might one day be paramount." With the dubious status as Norfolk's first child soldier, Amelyna would write her memoirs as a soldier, and would later marry Yakov Butuzoff, a Rhossenian soldier from the town of Divnozemye. She continued to insist she had done "no wrong, except help he who had helped me," but she famously denounced Lanthier as a traitor when he reluctantly accepted the role of Norfolk's first president, stating that "as she had seen men fight and die for crown and country, she saw no reason to so dishonor them," and thus she and Butuzoff left for Rhossenia, where she lived out the rest of her days. An exhibit dedicated to her memory, containing much of her personai items, was installed in the asylum; its patroness was Empress Leliana, and she rallied around her numerous notable gentlewomen (in what some call a display of proto-feminism) to maintain the asylum. "When my Father and my Mother forsake me," a poster promoting the asylum stated underneath the depiction of a young girl, "The Lord taketh me up." Despite Leliana not being Christian, she supported the efforts of Lady Mia Sandra Miané Zelltin (nee Sandilands), a member of a prominent Norfolkite noble house who was a Christian; however, the Asylum lacked a distinctly Christian education, focusing solely on a secular education and apprenticeship in a variety of trades. The asylum was in operation until October 10, 1970, when it became a museum at the behest of doctors Jane Baimason and Ivan Uduslivii of the Ministry of Social Development (Ministère du Développement Social), which aimed to consolidate all such operations into the foster care system; one artefact it has is a letter from Empress Leliana to Lady Mia, stating thus, "I can't help thinking that one chaplain would be quite sufficient, he's paid well enough to be a secretary as well, and if they fired all the other prating layabouts they would be less likely to drive the girls against religion for prosing on about it too much, and could afford more, and better, preceptresses and have a wider variety of trades available."

Ser Lufulus Rethkor, Comte de Namobouh-en-Myoubouh, Lord of Nixxsz Castle.

Lady Jalice Rendrasha, who was "a fine looking, brown girl with a pleasant countenance and manners" according to historical data. She was born to Hoochooboo, a Ngombian chieftain, and his wife, Chyneyee.

Ash Helton. Ainiper Sintbatha. Thetaldald Vautistiana. Arnaywyr Yeomtor.

It was here that the Goroons, Momongans, and Skrettings were

Duc de Tescaris-en-Rhentsu
Comte de Rætikon-en-Golgedar

Leonardo Galarza
Nicole Durand
Deanna Peninou
Gina "Gigi" Garant
Kiara Adrianna Chiumento

Rianadette Vannognese
Ascle Geleley
Aurnche Beaistiana
Uailine Erelor
Uaiille Mables
Berneigh Aloulion
Martlie Lelllinie
Mabrtte Greenwulf
Annona Masnce
Frehelle Jurowald
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:02 pm, edited 29 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Lux in tenebris! (Vesperia - NIE State Dossier #5)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:02 am


The Vesperians were originally Garbanian pioneers whose culture centers on the quest for honor and glory, with emphasis also on the family and community; they are also known for a tradition of oral history, hymn-singing, and verse. They herd sheep and farm. Their dialect of Garbanian has a sing-song quality. They are considered old stock, and have preserved aspects of Garbanian culture not often seen much anymore in Garbania proper. However, "Vesperian" nowadays can refer to anybody who is a citizen of the state.

Literally meaning Land of the Evening Star, Vesperia is the state best known for its luxurious natural beauty, with sites including the world famous Fort Tennenbaum and Mount Heurassein National Parks; the state also features the world famous, iconic Butterdome, the indoor stadium that is often used as a unit of size; for example, "the new construction is five times the size of the Butterdome," and the fact that it used to be governed, while as a domain, by the Lord of Mountain and Vale, always someone of the de Oknytt family. The de Oknytt family was a "transplant" house, having fled Garbania after being on the losing side of a bitter war between the Emperor and rebellious houses; the war represented the final attempt of the Garbanian nobility to confront the Emperor, and ended in its humiliation. But Emperor Delthorchimac was merciful, and after bringing them to the negotiating table, permitted them to live out their days in exile, provided they serve as living flagpoles abroad; this is what the de Oknytt family did when they arrived in Esvanovia.

It is here that Moravian missionaries attempted to establish a foothold on the "Roof of the World," a mountain in Vesperia that had long been considered inaccessible to humans; they not only succeeded, but on March 8, 1782, the Moravian Church united its missions across the land into one collective mission, which still ministers to the masses today. However, Christianity is not the majority religion; yet, many Christians have contributed positively to the area before and after statehood. Most notably, Lord Diocletus Arruntius Kasdados of Naraya Domain, whose wife suffered from a serious illness called prosopagnosia, converted after a missionary helped her adapt; so smitten by the progress she made, and the grace shown to her by the missionary, that he converted, as did his wife; however, he did not force anyone to, and it is commonly known that their children, while abiding by a strong foundation of filial duty, did not convert—his heir, Lord Quintheo, permitted them to stay in the domain, and allowed them to give his parents a Christian burial. However, he supported the traditional order, despite an edict of tolerance. The Kasdados family as a whole, also, largely did not convert.

J. Veldrick Hüssein, best known as one of Esvanovia's foremost game developers, was born and raised in Vesperia; he created a series of role-playing video games, the L'Œil Noir franchise, centered on the fictional country of Angoria, a cursed realm of forgotten cities, blood-soaked dungeons, and desecrated monuments. The franchise is one of the most popular in Norfolkite gaming, having originally started off as a dungeon crawler before branching into other genres. He was born in the city of Kardinyu, known as the place of the morning sun. Bernadette Brooks, a famous young adult novelist, was also born and raised in Vesperia; she is the author of the award-winning The Other Side series which tackles such issues as rape, murder, substance abuse, psychological well being, and infidelity. The famous Sidney Choinière, who came to public notice as a blonde bombshell, much in the style of Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Mamie Van Doren, Diana Dors and Sydney Sweeney, hailed from Vesperia, and was seen as the "living representation" of "a time when sexuality was naughty, repressed, and fit to burst," although she personally rejected this label, saying that "she was simply doing a job," and did not feel particularly special for it. The famous Goodbrey quintuplets (Gemma, Ruby, Jewell, Diamond, and Emerald) were born in Vesperia, and despite becoming famous elsewhere in the country, regularly returned to Vesperia, which they considered their one true home. Reuben Wickstrom, Norfolk's first ambassador to the United Island States of AHSCA, was born in Vesperia; he was best known for delivering Norfolkite recognition of AHSCA's independence to its government. Natalia 'Tally' Quy, the frontwoman of the popular alternative rock band, Oddkast, was born in Vesperia, and despite living in "more hospitable locations," has always repped her home state; she was born and raised in the town of Queenadreena, named after Lady Adreena of Tagoria Domain, a beautiful and intelligent raven-haired woman, whose husband considered her "first and foremost, the queen of his heart," laying her to rest at Le Étoile Morte (The Dead Star), her personal mausoleum; it is traditional for couples, in particularly newlyweds, to visit the mausoleum to pay homage, and some even have their weddings there.


Lady Esteguerite-Aimée de Oknytt (née Vukodlak) was the daughter of Ettrian, second son of Lord Ananías of Robzawar Domain; she was best known for her attempt to acclimate the mountain folk of what would become Vesperia to the latest in arts and culture; she faced stiff resistance from the elders of towns and villages, but found support from youngsters, in particular young women who'd travel down from the mountains, out of their respective domains, in search of better opportunities. Norfolkite historian Virgilio Maasikas noted that she would personally fund the travels of the "most promising" individuals, albeit on the condition they would return and help modernize and develop their home domains.

The Grand Trek, as it became known as, saw the mass migration of the aforementioned houses, and all those affliated with them such as retainers and sympathetic settlers lured by promises of generous land grants, deep into the country, wherein they founded several domains such as Correntia, Bravannia, Vandellia, Tagoria, Ganosia, and Ixania, naming them after notable ancestors. As such, originally, "Vesperian" referred to a distinct kind of Garbanian settlers, divided into clans of varying size and strength; someone of "very old stock," someone born into agrarian circumstances, or who belonged to one of the many occupational guilds—it was seen as a source of pride among those who made the trip, but in Garbania proper, it was the opposite, as those who left left behind land dispensed to the supporters of the strengthened imperial regime. As the colony diversified with various kinds of immigrants arriving, "Vesperian" took on a new definition, although this was not without debate.


Lilaisa Uulanius is one of Vesperia's folk heroes—born in a village deep in the mountains, she sought to learn everything she could about the world by traveling to Charlottechurch, and from there, she went to a variety of foreign countries; like Marco Polo, she was a merchant, explorer and writer, although she only secured the reluctant acceptance of her fellow merchants to join them before they went abroad. The presence of a woman scandalized the group at first, but she won over many critics with her grace and intellect.

Much like the tozama and fudai daimyo in real life Japan, the Garbanian equivalent of the former, the outsider clans, had largely made their way to Esvanovia, or elsewhere in the empire such as Norfolk—the de Oknytt clan ended up in Esvanovia, and were the founders of Tsnndavayr Domain, which was named after the Tsnndavayr mountain range, wherein they built their primary castle, known as the Lord's Rock, the Great Taaral that Sadye d'Yogzatot wrote an ode to, that became something of a popular folk song. For generations, from their high vantage point on the Rock, the de Oknytt's ruled not only as political rulers, but as quasi-spiritual representatives of "ye olde Garbania," the "Garbania before the Argead yoke," so to speak; this status afforded them certain privileges, but also certain criticism.

However, the de Oknytt clan, and all its affliates, were loyal to the Emperor, and did his (or her, in the case of an empress) bidding, such as levying troops to fight in the wars against the Danuk and Abetton. Ser Patrek Vannell was one such figure; he rallied a noble band of sailors who raided the Sugar Islands and the Katasean coastline, and after the war, he carried off his booty (both riches and the love of his life, a Sugar Islander woman) back to Vesperia, where he lived out his days at Vannell Ranch, still in operation (and owned by the Vannell family) to this day.


Lady Muirngeline de Oknytt (née Marqalanie) was, during the latter years of Garbanian colonial rule, one of the foremost pluricontinentalists; she rallied the finest "men of high purpose" to her banner, and attempted to solicit her associates in the Imperial Court to pressure the Emperor to establish a pluricontinental state—particularly in an age of reformist agitation and threats of foreign aggression. However, those who resisted pluricontinentalism argued that the various Esvanovian colonies were only colonies, and that it was not right for them to be equal to Garbania; on the other hand, many leading figures in Esvanovian domains pressed for the elevation of their lands from the rank of a colony, so that they could enjoy the full status of being nationals of the mother-country. The fledging faction of "Esvanovian nationalists" also supported the move, because it indicated that Esvanovia would no longer be submissive to the interests of Garbania, but would be of equal status within a world-spanning monarchy. Deborah Heshley, a Norfolkite lady-in-waiting, reported in a letter that Muirngeline would pressure her husband to arrest and expel anti-pluricontinentalists, and did not seem to mind that skirmishes between both sides would erupt in cities throughout the domain; her husband, however, was a moderate, and did not favor suppressing "people whose only crime, as far as he could tell, was talking a bit too loudly for his wife's comfort."

In the latter years of Garbanian colonial rule, the de Oknytt clan refused to support pluricontinentalism—they feared it would result in the loss of their traditional privileges—and openly supported a compromise proposal whereby the clans would retain some measure of hegemony under a European-style parliamentary system. In the capital of Tsnndavayr Domain, Péjite, Lord Azgir de Oknytt issued orders to expel pluricontinentalist agitators; in response, domains to the south who sympathized, let alone outright aligned themselves, with pluricontinentalism issued orders to expel Tsnndavayr's traders and emissaries; however, the handover in 1892 to the Norfolkites ultimately put an end to the squabbling—Vesperia was founded after the abdication of Ouen de Oknytt, the last Lord of Mountain and Vale; seeing that the Norfolkite Army under General Jerome D'Immanitas was marching into his domain, picking off one underling after another, and unwilling to damn his family and friends, as well as the citizens of the city around the Rock, to certain destruction, issued a decree of abdication, and ceded power to the CRT-V, the Committee for the Rejuvenation of the Territory of Vesperia, founded with Norfolkite backing. One of its members was a Norfolkite named Ser Reginald Q. Butterworth, whose family gave its name to the aforementioned Butterdome; Jerome D'Immanitas stayed in the newly minted state for quite some time, and oversaw the dismantling of the feudal order. He was seen by locals as "politically respectable, but morally despicable," due to his scandalous whoremongering. After his departure from the state, the new republican administration began issuing orders to instruct the young and old in "all things democratic," and to remind them of their "rights, but also their responsibilities."

The Norfolkites, long used to the rugged terrain, found Vesperia to be a hotbed of monarchist tendencies. Many Vesperians emigrated, unwilling to adapt to such a radical change like republicanism, and ended up returning to the land of their ancestors in Garbania proper, or to elsewhere in the realm. While there was scarcely any violence between the two, it was known from the start that neither would be able to reconcile enough to stave off the brain drain. Adora Tescaris, a popular salonnière whose children Ortheo and Tephra, preferred to stay behind with her, noted that most of her old friends had decided to leave, and that entire communities were hollowed out by the mass emigration.

Vesperia is pioneer country; here, the people are hale and hearty. Family values are paramount among them, but all girls and women are expected to bear arms to help defend the home. The people here grow cash crops like wheat, apples and beetroot. They also deal in eggs, milk, wool, flour, jams (and jellies), wool, dye, fabrics, and other goods. The capital of the state is Ravenholm.

Blanquefontaine, which was named after Ser Reynard de Blanquefontaine, who is a folk hero in Vesperia; despite having not being a lord, just a household knight, Reynard's strategic thinking, significant retinue, and personal wealth had made him a man of significant standing, especially when he fought off bandits at the skirmish at Ardhi Oevu; the skirmish was notable because he had saved the life of the daughter of a feudal lord, Ser Fridurmus de Vizshleck, the lord of Bandelkhand Domain, whose caravan was under attack. His (identical) twin daughters, Genna and Gemma Blanquefontaine, married into (a minor, cadet branch of) the Imperial Family, and are depicted on a mosaic in a "temple to the people" as the Anthousai of Greek mythology.

The state song is the Ode to the Illustrious Specter, an upbeat and somewhat catchy tune intended to transmit the happiness and hope expected when a new age starts; the song has been described as the simplest and shortest state song in the country, and according to those who chose it, the cloud is a personification and a metaphor for the perpetual cycle of transformation and change in nature; all life and matter are interconnected and undergo unending change and metamorphosis—this, it was believed, includes politics. The tune was written by Lady Meliara Monesaud of Bataonazhaar Domain; the capital of which was the city of Yerevak, where its lord at the time, Lord Erjuinhrasil, had famously fought alongside the Ikawaikiyaga (Ikawa Ikiyaga) clan of Ngombia against Mareyland. His brother, Ser Tynanhul Monesaud, was the domain's representative in the Imperial Court, stationed in the city of Asherahan, not that far from the Garbanian capital. His descendant, Lord Andristrard ("Lord Andre") was best known as a staunch traditionalist, and wrote routinely to Lanthier, offering him support and guidance; after Norfolkite independence, Andristrard offered asylum, and land, to Norfolkite loyalists.

Louis-Napoléon d'Anternoust, better known as Danternoust, was a Marshal of the Empire (Maréchal d'Empire), was born in Ardhi Oevu—legend has it that his mother gave birth during the aformentioned battle, which gave her son a penchant for war. Danternoust was one of the Garbanian commanders in the War of Abettonese Aggression, and famously aligned himself with Lanthier as a "man of gallantry and taste," a defender of the underdog. Danternoust spent the war in Katase, wherein he married into the family of a prominent daimyo, and endeared himself to the locals; he also protected the Norfolkite merchants in Rin, leading to the establishment of the Rin Leased Territory. Although he could have lived lavishly, he retired to Ardhi Oevu, wherein he spent the rest of his life; legend has it that he did this because he missed the pork buns that his mother bought him at the town market, and that he said that "a man who never eats pork buns is never a whole man!" It is customary for tourists in Ardhi Oevu to lay pork buns at the tomb of Danternoust, which are usually collected by volunteers who give them to the poor. Vesperia is also home to the town of Ameliamartin, named after Lady Amelia Martin, a Moravian missionary; she is said to have ventured to the Tower of Altrac, the home of the then-lord of Altrac Domain, wherein she strived to convert him to Christianity, while he sought to seduce her; he failed to do so, but kept with him an engraving of a rather bosomy young woman, not particularly pretty, but with a determined air about her, that many believe to be of Amelia Martin herself. Their story was made into a movie similar to My Dinner with Andre, and is considered an enduring piece of Vesperian folklore.

Fort Blaquière is another notable site—it was here that the Imperial Garbanian Army established a strategic position not too far from the border with New Caqueta; civilians built a town around the fort, which was simply named Blaquière. The fort's namesake, Jéan-Claude Blaquière, was an Imperial Garbanian Army officer who invented a card game in the solitaire family of such games called Cataire, which is still played today. It was here that Hans-Adam Vanwoudenberg (sometimes written as Van Woudenberg) of the Norfolkite Army met with Garbanian forces under Ser Derrick Henry Numanuin stationed there as part of the transition to Norfolkite rule in 1892; he had been tasked with enforcing Norfolkization. Kālākālāhā Tupão Eckhout, the grandson of a Ngombian chief, was stationed at the Fort around this time; he led a tribal dance to welcome the Norfolkites, but also to affirm that they were Ngombians, loyal to the Garbanians, and that they would leave with them; he left with his Esvanovian bride, Méria-Gabriella Airém, daughter of the lord of Méidutōkki Domain. Although satirists and other critics poked fun at these pairings, and tend today to revile them as "flirty colonialism," others allege more good was done for both sides, interpreting them to be "nobly humanist." In this case, their son Pero was made an apprentice to Amadeus C. Gieseng, and grew up to be an admiral in the Imperial Garbanian Navy. Pero served alongside Royce Hearne, a Norfolkite gentleman who etched his own name into the history books—he won commendations for heroism, and stood up for novice sailors.

Vesperia was originally divided into various domains; each governed by a feudal lord from notable families as had been the custom elsewhere, such as the Maurvan and Seletecou families. These families were originally ambivalent to hostile to the Imperial Court, but by the latter years of colonial rule, they had largely affirmed their loyalty to the mother country. A Moravian missionary among these families, Elijah Zurfluh, wrote that these old grudges faded away due to the ever increasing distance from the troubles of a bygone age, but that old habits essentially die hard; new grudges developed between the families themselves, leading to blood feuds between feudal domains all across Esvanovia. Moravian missionaries often attempted to mend ties between domains; sometimes, they were successful, and other times, they failed. Leif Arvidsson, another Moravian missionary, accompanied Lady Muirngeline; she did not convert, but she was said to have bantered often with him, and used him as a reliable agent.

After the Garbanians signed away their rights to Esvanovia in a treaty with Norfolk, the remains of the pluricontinental movement faded away into the history books—at least in Esvanovia. Pluricontinentalism held on, even if by the "peeling skin of its rotting teeth," as one satirist noted, elsewhere in the realm. The Norfolkites—hostile to feudal interests—decided to throw their backing behind reformists who wanted to abolish the old order; in the case of Vesperia, that meant the the CRT-V, the Committee for the Rejuvenation of the Territory of Vesperia. The CRT-V was led by Augustus J. Dewdney, who hailed from Stonyford, a small town nestled in the mountains of Vesperia—it was here that the Battle of Stonyford Bridge took place, one of the last feudal battles of Garbanian history. Heather Trumble, a Moravian missionary who wrote a series of popular hymns, remembered that Dewdney was a Norfolkite migrant who had integrated himself into local society; his rivals, ethnic Garbanians, considered him to be ungrateful, and because he disagreed in political matters (in particular, he aligned with regionalists over pluricontinentalists), he was compelled to flee to safer ground to the south. Trumble was also the namesake of the "Trumble Cake," a popular Vesperian dessert traditionally served on the anniversary of Vesperia's founding as a state.

The Norfolkites' first order of business was the abolition of the feudal order; all domains were quickly abolished, all stipends were ended, and the feudal lords became commoners—they all, gradually, emigrated to Garbania proper, or elsewhere in the realm. However, they also had to instill republican values in a populace that, for centuries, were accustomed to monarchism—Dewdney, in his case, was tasked with canvassing the new state, to speak to the people, to ask them what they wanted; much to the chagrin of the Norfolkites, he did not discriminate—he routinely listened to those who favored the old order. He also favored the designation of the city of Sainte Thérèse-Amélie as the state capital, and sponsored the rise of its first governor, Gédéon-Ubalde Youngreen, as well as his vice governor, Jérôme-Tushar Bhutani. The two embarked on a vigorous development plan, and were members of the nascent "True Whig Party of Vesperia" before it was strangled in its cradle by the Norfolkite ban on political parties. The True Whig Party, also known as the Garbanian Whig Party, was the dominant force in Garbanian politics, and many states had fledging branches before they dissolved. While opposition parties were never made illegal and Garbania was not classed as a dictatorship, the TWP more or less ran the country as a one party state and held a monopoly on Garbanian politics; in contrast, the Esvanovian states were largely fought over by regionalists and federalists. On'ry Waymore, the last leader of the True Whigs in Norfolk, migrated to Esvanovia and formed a "non-party party" in the state of Buffalo.

Kurt A. Russell, a Norfolkite historian, said that the Vesperians were rather ambivalent towards the ban, as they were on icy terms with the more urban, settled folk to the south. The CRT-V dissolved in 1905, but its leaders held significant influence until 1923, when they were pushed out by the idealistic "Young Vesperians." The CRT-V favored protectionism while the Young Vesperians pursued deregulation, free-market and economically liberal policies known as the "porte ouverte" ("open door") to attract investment and stimulate growth. His fiancée Matleena worked to promote "gender consciousness" among girls and women, which led to greater female awareness of, and involvement in trying to fix, social and political problems. Due to the ban on political parties, most Vesperian politicians tended to group together based on things like clans and business dealings, but like in the rest of Esvanovia, the Socreds were able to establish themselves easily enough; their rather libertarian approach had the Vesperian electorate buy in hook, line and sinker, especially those who lived in the mountain towns and villages and had, accordingly, done their own thing for generations. Esham FitzUsham, a popular statesman in the fifties, is credited with having helped inspire the creation of the Social Credit Party of Garbania (the Parti Créditiste). Kuniko Inoguchi, born and raised in the Rin Leased Territory, emigrated to Vesperia, where she was responsible for groundbreaking research on hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:41 am, edited 31 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Недостатньо жити чи вмерти! (Jubilees; NIE State Dossier #6)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Dec 26, 2024 3:07 pm


The Jubilees are predominantly populated by Rhossenians; that is, the descendants of the newly emancipated serfs who were imported en masse by the Etchells clan to work the land. Pictured is TBA. The Rhossenians were considered a model minority in the Garbanian colonial empire, and many adapted with ease to the incoming Norfolkite republic in 1892.

The Jubilee Islands, better known as the Jubilees (and sometimes the Beautiful Islands due to their natural beauty, as well as of the women who live on the islands) collectively make up the smallest state by land area, are the state with the smallest population, and were the last remaining proprietary colony of Garbania in Esvanovia by 1892. It is also one of the most densely populated states, with its capital, New Tavorsk (Новий Таворськ - Novyy Tavorsʹk) ranking as one of the most densely populated cities in the world, although in the last few decades, the island has been considerably expanded in size through land reclamation. Over the years, New Tavorsk has been the center of political protests and milestone events, and is renowned throughout the world for its historical coral stone buildings. The Jubilees were, for generations, practically a fief of the Etchells clan, a Norfolkite loyalist family of sailors, beachcombers and navy admirals—rejected by the feudal lords of the rest of then-Garbanian Esvanovia due to their common origins, the Etchells largely kept to themselves; they were largely well liked at first, but as the years wore on, a series of ineffective to downright autocratic lords led to large scale dissatisfaction with their rule; by 1892, this sentiment was at an all time high, and the Rhossenians welcomed the Norfolkites with open arms. Commander B.S. Keene of the fledging Norfolkite Army made landfall in New Tavorsk, and assumed direct control. His arrival is an unofficial holiday in the state, although it primarily celebrates the Norfolkite "liberation" in general, rather than just specifically Keene. Although the Etchells clan had initially fled the Jubilees for Garbania, in the hopes of coercing the Garbanians to restore their rule, the clan ultimately returned to the Jubilees and, having reconciled with the Rhossenians, have become notable political figures.

The Jubilees were the only colony of the Garbanians in Esvanovia to lack any indigenous inhabitants; as such, Rhossenian labor was imported in droves—a move that several historians have considered rather opportunistic, especially due to the circumstances at the time; after the annexation of Rhossenia and the emancipation of the serfs, many Rhossenians wanted to leave the old country in search of new opportunities, and they went to all corners of the realm; in the case of the Jubilees, figures such as Maksimus Garagos and Mikhail Maksimov organized a colonization effort under Garbanian supervision. The islands were originally claimed by the knight-explorer Ser Amauoneric Arthsley in the name of the Garbanian empire, but aside from making a landing (where exactly is the site of a memorial) therein, the islands weren't permanently settled until Norfolkite beachcombers and survivors of shipwrecks established makeshift settlements, most notably at what is now New Tavorsk. A Moravian missionary outpost was established there, with a coral stone church, the Barrimean Church, still standing after all these years; it is still in use every Sunday, and having dedicated themselves to spreading knowledge of "the Lamb of God for sinners slain," the priests ministered heavily among the incoming Rhossenians. House Godus, who held the title of the Comtes de Narborion, were the patrons of the church's building, and it was named in honor of R.E. Barrimean, who was the first missionary to make landfall. From Potwyl, Talantas, Ancaria, Azabrak, Zhurag, Braverock and elsewhere in the realm, many Rhossenian immigrants would arrive, as the Garbanians separated them based on supposed "social value," and the islands took on the appearance of a "new Rhossenia," outside of the Etchells clan and the occassional visit from a Garbanian official, most notably Ser Cetetorius Roquinexu, the central figure in the so called Roquinexu Affair in 1834.

The Rhossenian People's Party (RPP) founded a branch of itself in the Jubilees, being headquartered in Rhossenia, but due to the ban on political parties, it became a pressure group.

Gwilym Quilm was the first Norfolkite visitor to the islands post independence; the son of Gadiel Quilm and his wife, Chiara "Chi-Chi" Planamento, Gwilym was a sailor and merchant who meticulously recorded every encounter with the islanders, most notably his marriage to Alisa Voskoboynikova, as well as the islanders' intense curiosity surrounding the visit of a Ngombian chieftess whose indigenous name was translated as "She-Will-Punish-Them," whose son participated in an Ahta Ranoo ("The Hunt"), the Ngombian equivalent of a 'crusade' or 'jihad' against Abetton during the War of Abettonese Aggression. Quilm was appointed Free Norfolk City's first "representative" in the Jubilees, and he repeatedly ran afoul of the Etchells clan, who denounced the fledging republic as an illegitimate entity and oftentimes refused to cooperate with him. However, the Garbanian representative was given much better treatment, though even then, the Etchells clan was quick to resent them, too, if they gave off the impression of interference in local affairs. However, Vahnjah Etchells was quite concilliatory towards them.

The first salon in the Jubilees came to be under the supervision of Velana Venturi, a wealthy literary dilettante from mainland Esvanovia; she routinely criticized the Etchells clan, and sheltered Rhossenian laborers who did likewise—the Etchells clan wanted her gone, but feared retaliation from the domain she came from, so they "coped and seethed" as modern parlance goes. Her salon was turned into a museum by the Norfolkites, and many islanders see her as a sort of folk hero. They also preserved the castle of Lady Venia Ikananova, who married into the Etchells clan; an impressive coral stone building, it is the only castle on the islands, built "out of spite" by the Etchells clan after they recieved one too many catty, snarky remark at a gala. Born into a well off notable family in Rhossenia, the Ikananovs, Lady Venia is still fondly remembered today for having interceded often on behalf of the islanders.

While the islands' population is predominantly Rhossenian, there exists small pockets of minorities such as Urziks, Aldans, Keldarans, Elassians, Vajasians, Rhomarians, Rinfolk, Niamhites, Norfolkites, Garbanians and other peoples of the old empire; these collectively form around five percent of the population, and they get along rather decently with the Rhossenian majority. One-room schools, or schoolhouses, were commonplace throughout rural portions of various domains in Esvanovia, but they endured in the Jubilees; sometimes, even so much as the shelter of a large tree could constitute a "school," but nowadays, things are as modern as one would expect elsewhere in the country. There is also a robust public health system in place, and public transportation is considered a paramount concern. Although all classes in the country are taught in Norfolkite, the sole official language (and the language of instruction, business and so on), the Jubilees are the only part of the country that deviates from this, pursuing a policy of state enforced bilingualism that has been controversial at times; some islanders consider themselves to be the custodians of an older, "purer" version of the Rhossian language and culture, much to the chagrin of those in Rhossenia proper.

Tourism is the largest economic industry in the Jubilees. The archipelago of the Jubilees is the main source of attraction to many tourists visiting the island country. The unique setup in the Jubilees is that one island is one resort, meaning that one hotel occupies the whole island. By doing so, resorts provide more privacy and more luxury for their visitors. A tourist resort in the Jubilees typically consists of a hotel on its own island, with its population entirely made up of tourists and work force, with no local people or houses.

Yasmin Grieg
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya

Zhenya Anouilh, Elliott Tam, Eva Remo, Jose Kopas, Lennart Kessler, Luna Black, Ursula Santos, Maurelle Nuuumee, and Guillaume Futa, a congressman from Maplebrook County in the State of Buffalo.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Mon Dec 30, 2024 4:58 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Next Stop in Esdraelon (Zembla; NIE State Dossier #7)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:55 pm


Lady Menyssa Mathart, a salonnière of the Marché Noir, who hosted a variety of figures including Mathieu Paul Ilboudo and his wife, Eufenes, as well as the Danuk warlord, Barrok the Hungerer.

Directly bordering the Anagonian territory of Wildlandtaria to the west, the state of Lyndaria to the south, and the states of Vandamor and Laurania to the east, as well as surrounding the former princely state of Mysia on all sides, Zembla is considered a rather peculiar specimen in Norfolkite politics; its capital of Issus-on-the-Rocks (or Issos on the Rocks) was named after the Battle of Issus, the first encounter between Darius III and Alexander the Great, the primordial ancestor of the Garbanian monarchs through his son with Roxana, Alexander IV of Macedon—or, as Garbanians call him, Alexander I of Garbania. The state was born in 1892, when the Norfolkite Army under General Islwyn Spillett marched into the last of the domains that would amalgamate into the state of Zembla; at a one room schoolhouse near the Anagonian border, Ser Didoryan Yvierre, the last Garbanian Gardien des Marches (Lord Warden of the Marches), bent the knee to General Spillett, wrapping up the transition to Norfolkite rule in the area; Admiral Ulysses Eggleston of the Norfolkite Navy made similarly short work of any resistance at sea. It was Spillett who sent emissaries to the Anagonians, instructing them on the transition to Norfolkite rule, pledging to uphold any and all treaties regarding the border.

Zembla was named by Ser Rodnedhnain Motirard ("Lord Rodney" to the Norfolkites) in honor of the Garbanian province from which he came—he was laid to rest in Kabanana Domain, where Ser Georrdand Madaush, "Lord George" to the Norfolkites, had set up shop, establishing himself as a formidable adversary of the highwaymen and other bandits picking off commoners on the many winding roads crisscrossing through his domain—a precursor of today's National Highway System (NHS). Ser Grannderic Virsley ("Lord Grant"), Ser Clincders Laboseric ("Lord Clint"), Ser Chrideistophe Gulmarc ("Lord Christopher"), Ser Mebrbert ("Lord Bert") Rosolaude and Davihnainluin ("Lord David") Ephiham were responsible for funding immigration to what would become Zembla; for example, settlements such as Tsunagari and Sakuragi established by Motokatans, while Volodymyr Greznov established settlements for Rhossenians.

Ser Edgaeraud ("Lord Edgar") Rolois, in 1764, was credited with establishing a sort of proto-thrift store, wherein surplus goods could be sold to the poor for a much reduced price to maintain social health and cohesion; these stores were later opened in neighbouring domains, and later throughout all Esvanovia, as other lords saw the merits of the concept of noblesse oblige. The Hockemeier Mission was opened by Moravian missionaries at a settlement on the Danau River that flows towards the Anagonian border. It was controversial due to its members often attempting to preach the Gospel to the various Anagonian races. Many copse knights flocked to Esdraelon to seek fame and fortune; one of them was César Pylkas-Selock, whose sister, Lucrèce, was a lady in waiting in the household of Lord Juilillnibal Lotthwode of Kanatami Domain, in what would become Vandamor. His wife, Lady Lumina (née Darkmoor) had her practically on standby, as she had her best friend, Rina d'Lidom. After a treaty was signed with Anagonia, and the border was demobilized, César took up the cause of an expedition on his lord's behalf to Levanora, as many feudal lords tried to expand their power overseas. Shera del Asgar, Lady of Tolinia Domain from its capital in Stivale, was the matron of several trading initiatives there with the Katuffiat and others in Levanora, and also funded a colonization effort at the behest of the Imperial Court.

Prior to the establishment of the State of Zembla, the domains that were to amalgamate into it were bordering Anagonia, a country whom the Garbanians had considered expanding into before signing a treaty of peace and understanding with them. These domains were charged with upholding this treaty, and failure to do so, such as not allowing Anagonians to travel through them, would be met with a severe response by the Imperial Court. Ser Tristelvin Cortieri, a notable copse knight, noted that there were "strange beings" over the border, and that "their presence has excited and terrified the locals." His findings would be included in a report sent to the Imperial Court, one of the annual reports every domain was required to furnish. His report also included one of the first mentions of the Countryborn, who were a hybrid community formed by the mixing of Garbanian settlers and Anagonian visitors. Cortieri filed his findings with the report from

Geela and Mosessee Veevee

Kennard and Philana Hylton-Maasikas

Kinard and Leanna Kajihara-Adkerson

Tawako + Valera Triboulet-Charierre
Amourlee and Amourleigh Yeomuchamp

However, the chief domain was Aleisa Domain, founded in honor of Princess Aleisa, the patron of its founder, Ser Adedach Lauanitte, Lord Adam to the Norfolkites; Ser Louiistair Razeine, Lord Louis to the Norfolkites, established Acronis Domain, where the Abbé Sylquès established his mission. Thethierry Gulinne, a distant ancestor of Garbania's current prime minister, Ylbonard Gulinne, was best known for establishing relations with the Anagonians over the border, leading to a treaty of friendship between Anagonia and Garbania, one the Norfolkites have abided by since 1892.

The marcher lords held sway over the area after the numerous Garbanian expeditions into what was called Esdraelon. Esdraelon is the Greek derivation of the Hebrew Yizreʿel, meaning “God will sow” or “May God make fruitful,” an allusion to the fertility of the area, and it was here that many settlers of all types flocked to take advantage; with milk and honey aplenty, many feudal domains cropped up literally overnight—though free imperial cities were established, as well as certan "imperial reserves," which were set aside for the sole use of the Imperial Court. The Marché Noir (or Marché Noire), where the Marché Noirians live, straddles the border with Anagonia, and it is here that the marcher lords held total sway. A Marché Noirian is someone who lives there, and the Marché Noirians tend to be different than the rest of the Zemblans; a dense swampland rainforest, it's filled with great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps, and heavy thunder and heavier fog are a mainstay of the region. Here, the marcher lords (sometimes derisively called swamp lords by those rejecting their desire for "social equality" among their fellow nobles) bickered and quarreled with one another, and when not doing so, they would do business with the Anagonians, whose people came occassionally over the border for trade.


The last of the marcher lords, assembled for a meeting to discuss surrendering their domains to the Norfolkite Army; they had proudly defended the realms of the Garbanian empire against incursions from Anagonia for centuries.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:51 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Miscellaneous Norfolkites

Postby Free Norfolk City » Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:11 pm

Brünhilde Wagner - Born at the Defaloon, a well known fortress complex in Esvanovia, Brünhilde Wagner was the daughter of

A. Suzanne Lamport

Emlys Sievenpiper

Juliet Ogbuzulu

Tracy Thetford - Tracy Thetford was the daughter of the prominent businessman, Ser Robert Bruce Thetford, best known as the "father of the Norfolkite breakfast" due to his promotion of orange juice under a family owned brand, Thetford's, which continues to sell orange juice and other citric products to the present day. Orange juice is the most common breakfast beverage in the Most Serene Republic (in contrast to Garbania and Vajas, where apple juice is), and this was due to Thetford's many orange plantations. An orange tree, grown from a sapling from his primary plantation, still stands in Garbania's capital, and is considered a national landmark.

Jessica Faye Hoffman

Aquarelle von der Eyden - Born at the Defaloon,
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.



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