[DRAFT] Mmm, Mmm, Microplastics

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[DRAFT] Mmm, Mmm, Microplastics

Postby Kyete » Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:19 pm

Hello! It is my first time attempting to submit an issue, so I’d really appreciate some feedback on this one. (I briefly posted this under one of my other nations by mistake for a second, so if you saw it, that’s why)

[title] Mmm, Mmm, Microplastics

[desc] A panic has gone up across @@NAME@@ after microplastics were discovered in a patient’s bloodstream.

[validity] Not valid in nations with high primitiveness, not valid for nations with no healthcare

[option] “There’s PLASTIC in my BLOOD, @@LEADER@@!” wails @@randomname@@, still wearing @@HIS@@ hospital gown. “Who knows what it’s doing in there? And who knows if it will get worse? You have to outlaw all plastic in @@NAME@@ immediately!”
[effect] Companies are scrambling to switch to animal hide for packaging.

[option] “Now, now, @@LEADER@@,” the owner of @@NAME@@ Plastics Inc. says nervously. “Think of what that would do to the economy! Almost every industry relies on plastic! Besides, I’m sure it’s safe to consume,” he says, taking a bite out of a chunk of plastic to prove his point.
[effect] Home cooked meals are served with microplastic seasoning.
[validity] Is capitalist

[option] “Ban plastics? And let the glorious industrial might of @@NAME@@ suffer?” your Minister of Industry gasps, appalled. “Never! Tell these fools to eat what the government gives them and be grateful for it!”
[effect] Home cooked meals are served with microplastic seasoning.
[validity] is not capitalist

[option] “Well, we certainly can’t allow our people to continue consuming these pesky polymers,” your Minister of Compromise speaks up, “but perhaps we can meet in the middle here? Why don’t we simply abolish the use of disposable plastics? That way everyone’s happy.”
[effect] Officials swear up and down plastic bottles are reusable.

Hello! All stats are canon except taxation/freedom from taxation and population.
"I like Halo and I've made it everyone else's problem" - me
Kyete QNA!
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Postby Kyete » Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:29 pm


Hello! All stats are canon except taxation/freedom from taxation and population.
"I like Halo and I've made it everyone else's problem" - me
Kyete QNA!
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General TN
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Postby General TN » Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:59 pm

Some quick comments at first glance, I plan to hopefully give more thoughts later in depth, just lack time at the moment.

For the initial validity, might I suggest terrible environmental stats (Environmental Beauty and Eco Friendliness) to instead be the choice, perhaps with a decent death rate and decent charmlessness? It would make more sense. And Capitalism too.

Also, what do you mean for the second option versions? As in their differences.
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Postby Kyete » Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:36 pm

General TN wrote:Some quick comments at first glance, I plan to hopefully give more thoughts later in depth, just lack time at the moment.

For the initial validity, might I suggest terrible environmental stats (Environmental Beauty and Eco Friendliness) to instead be the choice, perhaps with a decent death rate and decent charmlessness? It would make more sense. And Capitalism too.

Also, what do you mean for the second option versions? As in their differences.

Thank you! The differences between the two options are meant to be for capitalist countries versus socialist countries. I thought it probably wouldn’t make sense for a socialist country to be talking about corporations and vice versa, so the two options basically do the same thing, they just have different text for different countries so it makes more sense thematically! I didn’t consider environmental stats to be a deciding factor for validity, that would make sense! I’ll have to consider that! Thank you again :D

I was thinking high primitiveness because then they likely wouldn’t have plastic, so maybe both would be good.
Last edited by Kyete on Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Hello! All stats are canon except taxation/freedom from taxation and population.
"I like Halo and I've made it everyone else's problem" - me
Kyete QNA!
✧ The military argues its supersoldier program was ethical because they "were mostly volunteers" | Local church replaces bell for the fifth time, claims dragons keep stealing it | First test of the Kyetean Wormhole Drive a resounding success ✧

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General TN
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Postby General TN » Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:39 am

Kyete wrote:
General TN wrote:Some quick comments at first glance, I plan to hopefully give more thoughts later in depth, just lack time at the moment.

For the initial validity, might I suggest terrible environmental stats (Environmental Beauty and Eco Friendliness) to instead be the choice, perhaps with a decent death rate and decent charmlessness? It would make more sense. And Capitalism too.

Also, what do you mean for the second option versions? As in their differences.

Thank you! The differences between the two options are meant to be for capitalist countries versus socialist countries. I thought it probably wouldn’t make sense for a socialist country to be talking about corporations and vice versa, so the two options basically do the same thing, they just have different text for different countries so it makes more sense thematically! I didn’t consider environmental stats to be a deciding factor for validity, that would make sense! I’ll have to consider that! Thank you again :D

I was thinking high primitiveness because then they likely wouldn’t have plastic, so maybe both would be good.

My reasoning is that usually socialist nations have quite high good environmental stats, so this issue would not really be something they would encounter. A capitalist nation that poorly takes care of its environment on the other hand fits the bill for this to happen. So I feel that the socialist part could be removed as this issue is probably better off as one for capitalist nations that struggle with the environment.
Primitiveness could be something, but it could be a lesser factor perhaps.
A capitalist hellhole run by an unearthly obese being referred to as TN that finds pleasure in devouring the less fortunate
Slavery? Child labor? No minimum wage? The rich abusing the poor for more money? Lifespans that will make your jaw drop in horror? Rampant crime? Why we've got it all!

Million Dollar News: Income of rich approaches 2 million while poor struggle | Several lives have been lost due to TN's terrible stench and other nations nickname it "The giant biological bomb"

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Kyete » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:32 am

General TN wrote:
Kyete wrote:
Thank you! The differences between the two options are meant to be for capitalist countries versus socialist countries. I thought it probably wouldn’t make sense for a socialist country to be talking about corporations and vice versa, so the two options basically do the same thing, they just have different text for different countries so it makes more sense thematically! I didn’t consider environmental stats to be a deciding factor for validity, that would make sense! I’ll have to consider that! Thank you again :D

I was thinking high primitiveness because then they likely wouldn’t have plastic, so maybe both would be good.

My reasoning is that usually socialist nations have quite high good environmental stats, so this issue would not really be something they would encounter. A capitalist nation that poorly takes care of its environment on the other hand fits the bill for this to happen. So I feel that the socialist part could be removed as this issue is probably better off as one for capitalist nations that struggle with the environment.
Primitiveness could be something, but it could be a lesser factor perhaps.

I actually have seen a socialist nation with a terrible environment— my best friend made one unintentionally a while back. On the other hand, my nation is capitalist, but with a very good environment. Her nation’s capitalist now, but I don’t want to exclude all socialist nations, because some of them probably would be eligible for this issue. Environmental stats probably
would be good for eligibility though, so I’ll consider it!

Hello! All stats are canon except taxation/freedom from taxation and population.
"I like Halo and I've made it everyone else's problem" - me
Kyete QNA!
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Verdant Haven
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Postby Verdant Haven » Tue Dec 10, 2024 7:24 am

- A very simple premise, but solid. It might be worth adding a word or two about how one patient's private medical results caused a nationwide panic (Was there a report in a medical journal? Is the problem perhaps widespread?), but don't make it too complicated – some simplicity will probably work here.

- Option 1: This is an extraordinary demand being made, and would probably utterly collapse an entire modern economy within seconds. Synthetic plastics are, for better or for worse, everywhere, and have been at the core of industry for more than a century. Something that addresses the most common sources of microplastics in humans, like microbeads used in toiletries, might be a somewhat less catastrophic place to start.

- Option 2/3: While the point made about plastic's importance to industry is exactly correct, the supporting material – eating plastic and claiming it's safe, or demanding that the proletariat eat plastic – is... excessively absurd. Let's have this person make a reasonable argument. There are countless entirely valid and reasonable arguments to use plastic, none of which involve telling people to drink bleach eat it.

- Option 4: Unless I am grossly misinformed, the problem has never been deliberate and willful consumption, so that doesn't make sense as a presentation of the problem here. Prohibiting single use plastics is an actual reasonable solution though, so back it up with actual reasonable logic! Why would this make everyone happy? Why is disposable plastic uniquely problematic? Don't just state the conclusion, argue the position.

- Effect lines are not sentences. They don't take initial capitals, nor terminal punctuation.

- You've got a good premise for an issue here, but the options are currently a mix of bland and extreme. I think it can be worked into a very reasonable issue though. I would suggest pouring over the How to Write an Issue guide (linked in my signature), and to especially read through the "Helpful Examples" portion at the end.

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Australian rePublic
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Postby Australian rePublic » Sun Dec 15, 2024 12:16 am

Option 1 seems really extreme, even by NS standards. Also, there are legitimate arguments to have in favour of single use plastic beyond "Greedy CEO want money", and I suggest you look into them to make your other options more compelling
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