NationSpace [OOC]

For all of your non-NationStates related roleplaying needs!
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

NationSpace [OOC]

Postby Kostane » Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:12 pm

Disclaimer: The following is solely to be viewed as an IC post. I do not claim to represent the NationStates administration or Max Barry, nor should you disclose real personal information in this thread. I just thought a space related RP would be interesting and then this is the tangent that my mind brought me on…


You probably saw this thread and wondered what it was. That’s generally what most people do when they see threads and open them, I suppose. Maybe you thought it was some sort of NationStates MySpace thread. If that is the case, please move along, we are looking for a different kind of NationStates player, thank you very much. Maybe, just maybe, you realized that it was a space thread. All kinds of journeys flashed through your head — some kind of Star Wars battle confronting aliens, or even a full out intergalactic war. As these images flashed through your head, you chuckled to yourself at the name. Surely the OP who created such a great pun would be a very humorous person, not to mention incredibly humble. So you clicked this link, because why not give it a try.

Everything you believed when you clicked that link is wrong.

I’ll start with the obvious: my humor is incredibly dry and I’m not at all humble. I know, I know, how could I make such a great pun as the title and not be humorous. Believe me, it shocked me as well. But all of us have our rare moments of ingenuity. Admittedly, they are less rare for some of us. Regardless, I’m not here to talk about how I’m far superior to all of you, we can discuss that later. Preferably after we escape the impending crisis.

Right, the impending crisis. You don’t know, do you?

You see, this is not a normal space thread. The truth is, every space thread, and every other thread that you’ve ever done, has been building up to this one. NationStates is not just a simple forum roleplaying site. It is boot camp. The entire site is designed to train you for the decisions you’ll have to make in the future. The 6-hour issue system teaches you to quickly respond to threats to our spaceship and civilization. The card system is designed for you to learn pattern recognition. The forums themself mirror our ship’s communications system. The goal has been this from the beginning: begin training the leaders of the next human civilization. Congratulations, you made it! Now comes the hard part.

This process has been slowly occurring over the past few decades. For the longest time, humanity has been preparing for the next big crisis, fretting and pacing over everything from Y2K to the Mayan Calendar to Covid. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the threat of nuclear war in the world eased. And thus, the global elite, the famous cabal of people who control everything we know in this world, began planning for the next crisis. They were to build the technology, the community, and the plans necessary to take humanity off planet. Max Barry was put in charge of building the community. After publishing several books in an attempt to weed out potential leaders, he opted for a radical different solution: Project NationStates. The people most experienced to manage a future civilization would intuitively be those who were already managing civilizations. And so your story began. Meanwhile, the technological wing continued to develop more and more advanced space travel, first under NASA, then under Elon Musk. We have finally obtained a working prototype for space travel, although some of the controls and AI is iffy. The planning, as per usual, has gone completely off the rails. We were supposed to have a comprehensive route mapped out, but we have merely concepts of the plan. Basically, we’re on our own for this one.

Normally we would take more time to develop more of a plan and more than a prototype. However, time is no longer a luxury that we have. In the coming weeks, an asteroid will pass over the planet Earth. It will not hit our planet directly, but metals in the asteroid will trigger mass outages across the planet, disrupting entire communications systems. False alarms for nuclear strikes will trigger a war within days. Then, the asteroid will swing back around to finish off what remains of humanity a mere six weeks later. Essentially, the planet is doomed. Luckily, humanity still has a chance to survive if our mission succeeds.

Your response is needed urgently. Humanity’s survival is at stake. For years you have fought for imaginary people on a pixelated screen: are you ready to fight for a chance for real people in the final frontier?


1. As stated in the disclaimer, the information provided should not be your real information. However, you should plausibly represent a hypothetical person who could be behind your NS account (i.e. you are not a space alien with super powers. You are Joe with a PoliSci degree who works as an office worker and is not remotely athletic).
2. No godmoding of any sort. Actions taken by the ship will be determined by community consensus. You can attempt to hijack the ship, but that will probably not go well for you ICly. Actions that happen to the ship / any events will be given by me or any potential CoOPs I choose.
3. Please write in detailed paragraphs. It is fine to be a little shorter if you are just having a conversation. However, if possible use physical descriptions as filler to make your posts more engaging.
4. Be cooperative. You should not be attempting to sabotage your fellow RPers. I intend to set sufficient obstacles that self-sabotage will not be a necessity.
5. Have fun. I do want this RP to be slightly more serious than others I have done in the past, but there’s still room for humor and unique things to happen. Let your personality, etc. show and enjoy yourself.
6. More rules can be added at any time if something comes up. I will not remove you from the thread or otherwise punish you if I make a rule after your behavior, unless it is something common-sense and/or egregious.


I will put additional documents here, such as ship schematics, but I’m waiting for that more detailed stuff until I see interest in this RP. For now, it’s just the application form.

An addition reminder the player name, age, etc. do not refer to the real you. I don’t think it fully necessary to say this three times, but better safe than sorry.
Code: Select all
Nation Name:
Player Name:
Personality Description:
Physical Description:
Sign here to agree to the rules:

Accepted applications / Nations

Nation Name: Kostane
Player Name: Captain Marco Collins
Age: 22
Location: Michigan City, Indiana
Personality Description: Collins has a very commanding personality. When things don’t go his way, he gets very angry and will escalate things quickly. When things do go his way, he can be incredibly happy and friendly. Although he prefers to spend time to himself, he despises complete isolation and always needs someone to confide in. He never wants to show any weakness, and will project strength the most when he is the most nervous.
Physical Description: Marco is 6’1” tall with a light brown hair and blue eyes. He is White and relatively lean. He is not very strong, although can do some heavy lifting if it comes down to it. He can run at faster than average speeds due to long legs, but that’s probably not going to be that useful on a confined spaceship.
Sign here to agree to the rules: Marco Collins, Kostane

Nation Name: United Mafias
Player Name: Rupert Chang
Age: 26
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Personality Description: Rupert's personality could be described as caring and apprehensive, you can always count on Rupert as a shoulder to cry on and as someone who will support you if you are in need, however, Rupert tends to be an overthinker in certain situatuons. It should be mentioned that Rupert's job as a paramedic influenced his personality greatly
Physical Description: Asian-Canadian, 1.75 and 68 kilograms, short black hair with brown eyes, slim and lean
Sign here to agree to the rules: Rupert Chang, United Mafias

Nation Name: Liberza

Player Name: Warren Fawkes

Age: 24

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Personality Description: Warren’s always made a point of looking at perspectives and doing what’s best for as many people as possible. He’s self-aware, mature, collected, and, although a little bit existential and irritable at times, empathetic. For his mental health, the idea of the world just ending, and the vast, vast majority of humanity dying an abrupt death, as if none of them really matter, is, needless to say, not great, so even if futile, even if it’s literally impossible to save everyone, what’s the point in not trying? At this point, in the face of almost certain death—as even should the spaceship escape from the nuclear war and asteroid, things would look incredibly bleak for their future— Warren tries to learn to face it right back. But he understands that he’s just a small part of what they are trying to do—he’d sacrifice anything to save just one innocent person, as he knows this is bigger and more important than any individual effort.

Physical Description: Warren is 6’0, has long, curly brown locks and green eyes. He is white and skinny.
Sign here to agree to the rules: Warren Fawkes, Liberza
Last edited by Kostane on Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
News: We interrupt your normal message to declare that --- actually we can't declare anything. We're dead now. Farewell.
TG Me — anytime, anywhere, for any reason

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United Mafias
Posts: 139
Founded: Nov 24, 2024
Moralistic Democracy

Postby United Mafias » Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:58 am

Nation Name: United Mafias
Player Name: Rupert Chang
Age: 26
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Personality Description: Rupert's personality could be described as caring and apprehensive, you can always count on Rupert as a shoulder to cry on and as someone who will support you if you are in need, however, Rupert tends to be an overthinker in certain situatuons. It should be mentioned that Rupert's job as a paramedic influenced his personality greatly
Physical Description: Asian-Canadian, 1.75 and 68 kilograms, short black hair with brown eyes, slim and lean
Sign here to agree to the rules: Rupert Chang, United Mafias

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Posts: 6305
Founded: Nov 07, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Kostane » Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:01 am

United Mafias wrote:Nation Name: United Mafias
Player Name: Rupert Chang
Age: 26
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Personality Description: Rupert's personality could be described as caring and apprehensive, you can always count on Rupert as a shoulder to cry on and as someone who will support you if you are in need, however, Rupert tends to be an overthinker in certain situatuons. It should be mentioned that Rupert's job as a paramedic influenced his personality greatly
Physical Description: Asian-Canadian, 1.75 and 68 kilograms, short black hair with brown eyes, slim and lean
Sign here to agree to the rules: Rupert Chang, United Mafias

"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
News: We interrupt your normal message to declare that --- actually we can't declare anything. We're dead now. Farewell.
TG Me — anytime, anywhere, for any reason

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Posts: 1327
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:12 am

Kostane wrote:Disclaimer: The following is solely to be viewed as an IC post. I do not claim to represent the NationStates administration or Max Barry, nor should you disclose real personal information in this thread. I just thought a space related RP would be interesting and then this is the tangent that my mind brought me on…


You probably saw this thread and wondered what it was. That’s generally what most people do when they see threads and open them, I suppose. Maybe you thought it was some sort of NationStates MySpace thread. If that is the case, please move along, we are looking for a different kind of NationStates player, thank you very much. Maybe, just maybe, you realized that it was a space thread. All kinds of journeys flashed through your head — some kind of Star Wars battle confronting aliens, or even a full out intergalactic war. As these images flashed through your head, you chuckled to yourself at the name. Surely the OP who created such a great pun would be a very humorous person, not to mention incredibly humble. So you clicked this link, because why not give it a try.

Everything you believed when you clicked that link is wrong.

I’ll start with the obvious: my humor is incredibly dry and I’m not at all humble. I know, I know, how could I make such a great pun as the title and not be humorous. Believe me, it shocked me as well. But all of us have our rare moments of ingenuity. Admittedly, they are less rare for some of us. Regardless, I’m not here to talk about how I’m far superior to all of you, we can discuss that later. Preferably after we escape the impending crisis.

Right, the impending crisis. You don’t know, do you?

You see, this is not a normal space thread. The truth is, every space thread, and every other thread that you’ve ever done, has been building up to this one. NationStates is not just a simple forum roleplaying site. It is boot camp. The entire site is designed to train you for the decisions you’ll have to make in the future. The 6-hour issue system teaches you to quickly respond to threats to our spaceship and civilization. The card system is designed for you to learn pattern recognition. The forums themself mirror our ship’s communications system. The goal has been this from the beginning: begin training the leaders of the next human civilization. Congratulations, you made it! Now comes the hard part.

This process has been slowly occurring over the past few decades. For the longest time, humanity has been preparing for the next big crisis, fretting and pacing over everything from Y2K to the Mayan Calendar to Covid. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the threat of nuclear war in the world eased. And thus, the global elite, the famous cabal of people who control everything we know in this world, began planning for the next crisis. They were to build the technology, the community, and the plans necessary to take humanity off planet. Max Barry was put in charge of building the community. After publishing several books in an attempt to weed out potential leaders, he opted for a radical different solution: Project NationStates. The people most experienced to manage a future civilization would intuitively be those who were already managing civilizations. And so your story began. Meanwhile, the technological wing continued to develop more and more advanced space travel, first under NASA, then under Elon Musk. We have finally obtained a working prototype for space travel, although some of the controls and AI is iffy. The planning, as per usual, has gone completely off the rails. We were supposed to have a comprehensive route mapped out, but we have merely concepts of the plan. Basically, we’re on our own for this one.

Normally we would take more time to develop more of a plan and more than a prototype. However, time is no longer a luxury that we have. In the coming weeks, an asteroid will pass over the planet Earth. It will not hit our planet directly, but metals in the asteroid will trigger mass outages across the planet, disrupting entire communications systems. False alarms for nuclear strikes will trigger a war within days. Then, the asteroid will swing back around to finish off what remains of humanity a mere six weeks later. Essentially, the planet is doomed. Luckily, humanity still has a chance to survive if our mission succeeds.

Your response is needed urgently. Humanity’s survival is at stake. For years you have fought for imaginary people on a pixelated screen: are you ready to fight for a chance for real people in the final frontier?


1. As stated in the disclaimer, the information provided should not be your real information. However, you should plausibly represent a hypothetical person who could be behind your NS account (i.e. you are not a space alien with super powers. You are Joe with a PoliSci degree who works as an office worker and is not remotely athletic).
2. No godmoding of any sort. Actions taken by the ship will be determined by community consensus. You can attempt to hijack the ship, but that will probably not go well for you ICly. Actions that happen to the ship / any events will be given by me or any potential CoOPs I choose.
3. Please write in detailed paragraphs. It is fine to be a little shorter if you are just having a conversation. However, if possible use physical descriptions as filler to make your posts more engaging.
4. Be cooperative. You should not be attempting to sabotage your fellow RPers. I intend to set sufficient obstacles that self-sabotage will not be a necessity.
5. Have fun. I do want this RP to be slightly more serious than others I have done in the past, but there’s still room for humor and unique things to happen. Let your personality, etc. show and enjoy yourself.
6. More rules can be added at any time if something comes up. I will not remove you from the thread or otherwise punish you if I make a rule after your behavior, unless it is something common-sense and/or egregious.


I will put additional documents here, such as ship schematics, but I’m waiting for that more detailed stuff until I see interest in this RP. For now, it’s just the application form.

An addition reminder the player name, age, etc. do not refer to the real you. I don’t think it fully necessary to say this three times, but better safe than sorry.
Code: Select all
Nation Name:
Player Name:
Personality Description:
Physical Description:
Sign here to agree to the rules:

Submitted applications / Nations

Nation Name: Kostane
Player Name: Captain Marco Collins
Age: 22
Location: Michigan City, Indiana
Personality Description: Collins has a very commanding personality. When things don’t go his way, he gets very angry and will escalate things quickly. When things do go his way, he can be incredibly happy and friendly. Although he prefers to spend time to himself, he despises complete isolation and always needs someone to confide in. He never wants to show any weakness, and will project strength the most when he is the most nervous.
Physical Description: Marco is 6’1” tall with a light brown hair and blue eyes. He is White and relatively lean. He is not very strong, although can do some heavy lifting if it comes down to it. He can run at faster than average speeds due to long legs, but that’s probably not going to be that useful on a confined spaceship.
Sign here to agree to the rules: Marco Collins, Kostane

Nation Name: United Mafias
Player Name: Rupert Chang
Age: 26
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Personality Description: Rupert's personality could be described as caring and apprehensive, you can always count on Rupert as a shoulder to cry on and as someone who will support you if you are in need, however, Rupert tends to be an overthinker in certain situatuons. It should be mentioned that Rupert's job as a paramedic influenced his personality greatly
Physical Description: Asian-Canadian, 1.75 and 68 kilograms, short black hair with brown eyes, slim and lean
Sign here to agree to the rules: Rupert Chang, United Mafias

I'll write later
Я на чердаке лежу у себя на дому.
Мне скучно до зарезу Бог знает почему.

Вдруг, слышу за собою совы нежные –
У-юй у меня на душе стало веселее

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Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations
Posts: 2327
Founded: Apr 06, 2022
Democratic Socialists

Postby Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations » Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:41 am

Reminds me of a specific book I read a while ago, with a similar premise….
I’ll post an App sometime in the coming week.

Actually, I have a few questions:
Who is running the mission?
What does the ship look like (SciFi, Warp-drive capable super ship or realistic tin can? Or something in between)?
How are the crew going to be recruited?
Etc. I’ll think of more.
Last edited by Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations on Sun Dec 01, 2024 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just a guy who likes science fiction and has big ambitons
A Class .363 Civilization according to this index.
NS stats are not canon with the exception of the rights thingy.
If you want help with space-based worldbuilding, combat strategy, or technology, feel free to TG me.
Member of the FWC.
CNN General: New threat looms as mysterious invader discovered at the edge of the galaxy | Spacers' offer to open trade rejected | CNN Politics: Councilor Voll accused of financial fraud; trial to begin in three weeks | CNN Commerce: Centauri bid to build expedition ships to the Small Magellanic Cloud accepted | Itzgari War: Negotiations currently taking place at Hesperides

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Posts: 6305
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Kostane » Sun Dec 01, 2024 9:19 am

Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations wrote:Reminds me of a specific book I read a while ago, with a similar premise….
I’ll post an App sometime in the coming week.

Actually, I have a few questions:
Who is running the mission?
What does the ship look like (SciFi, Warp-drive capable super ship or realistic tin can? Or something in between)?
How are the crew going to be recruited?
Etc. I’ll think of more.

Realistic tin can with some sci-fi capabilities (can go faster than modern ships, but these capabilities come with downsides… we’ll quickly learn that the hyperdrive is not the best in terms of accuracy). It’s going to be comically nonfunctional at times to add both a challenge and humor. The mission is “run” by shadowy billionaires who want to save humanity. The actual person on board running the mission would be the ship’s AI (who will of course give vague instructions with riddles, because why be straightforward). The crew would be recruited through NS (essentially it’s as if your application is an application for a real space mission) and then flown to the launch site in Florida. The essence of the mission will be that it’s a last ditch attempt a survival that’s not all that well designed or planned out, and we’ve just gotta make do with what we’ve got.
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
News: We interrupt your normal message to declare that --- actually we can't declare anything. We're dead now. Farewell.
TG Me — anytime, anywhere, for any reason

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Posts: 331
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Liberza » Sun Dec 01, 2024 9:32 am

I’ll put an application here, hope I can remember to participate

Nation Name: Liberza

Player Name: Warren Fawkes

Age: 24

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Personality Description: Warren’s always made a point of looking at perspectives and doing what’s best for as many people as possible. He’s self-aware, mature, collected, and, although a little bit existential and irritable at times, empathetic. For his mental health, the idea of the world just ending, and the vast, vast majority of humanity dying an abrupt death, as if none of them really matter, is, needless to say, not great, so even if futile, even if it’s literally impossible to save everyone, what’s the point in not trying? At this point, in the face of almost certain death—as even should the spaceship escape from the nuclear war and asteroid, things would look incredibly bleak for their future— Warren tries to learn to face it right back. But he understands that he’s just a small part of what they are trying to do—he’d sacrifice anything to save just one innocent person, as he knows this is bigger and more important than any individual effort.

Physical Description: Warren is 6’0, has long, curly brown locks and green eyes. He is white and skinny.
Sign here to agree to the rules: Warren Fawkes, Liberza

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Posts: 6305
Founded: Nov 07, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Kostane » Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:54 am

Liberza wrote:I’ll put an application here, hope I can remember to participate

Nation Name: Liberza

Player Name: Warren Fawkes

Age: 24

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

Personality Description: Warren’s always made a point of looking at perspectives and doing what’s best for as many people as possible. He’s self-aware, mature, collected, and, although a little bit existential and irritable at times, empathetic. For his mental health, the idea of the world just ending, and the vast, vast majority of humanity dying an abrupt death, as if none of them really matter, is, needless to say, not great, so even if futile, even if it’s literally impossible to save everyone, what’s the point in not trying? At this point, in the face of almost certain death—as even should the spaceship escape from the nuclear war and asteroid, things would look incredibly bleak for their future— Warren tries to learn to face it right back. But he understands that he’s just a small part of what they are trying to do—he’d sacrifice anything to save just one innocent person, as he knows this is bigger and more important than any individual effort.

Physical Description: Warren is 6’0, has long, curly brown locks and green eyes. He is white and skinny.
Sign here to agree to the rules: Warren Fawkes, Liberza

"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
News: We interrupt your normal message to declare that --- actually we can't declare anything. We're dead now. Farewell.
TG Me — anytime, anywhere, for any reason

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Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations
Posts: 2327
Founded: Apr 06, 2022
Democratic Socialists

Postby Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations » Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:16 pm

Kostane wrote:
Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations wrote:Reminds me of a specific book I read a while ago, with a similar premise….
I’ll post an App sometime in the coming week.

Actually, I have a few questions:
Who is running the mission?
What does the ship look like (SciFi, Warp-drive capable super ship or realistic tin can? Or something in between)?
How are the crew going to be recruited?
Etc. I’ll think of more.

Realistic tin can with some sci-fi capabilities (can go faster than modern ships, but these capabilities come with downsides… we’ll quickly learn that the hyperdrive is not the best in terms of accuracy). It’s going to be comically nonfunctional at times to add both a challenge and humor. The mission is “run” by shadowy billionaires who want to save humanity. The actual person on board running the mission would be the ship’s AI (who will of course give vague instructions with riddles, because why be straightforward). The crew would be recruited through NS (essentially it’s as if your application is an application for a real space mission) and then flown to the launch site in Florida. The essence of the mission will be that it’s a last ditch attempt a survival that’s not all that well designed or planned out, and we’ve just gotta make do with what we’ve got.

Okay. I can work with that. As I said, I’ll have an app up this week.
Just a guy who likes science fiction and has big ambitons
A Class .363 Civilization according to this index.
NS stats are not canon with the exception of the rights thingy.
If you want help with space-based worldbuilding, combat strategy, or technology, feel free to TG me.
Member of the FWC.
CNN General: New threat looms as mysterious invader discovered at the edge of the galaxy | Spacers' offer to open trade rejected | CNN Politics: Councilor Voll accused of financial fraud; trial to begin in three weeks | CNN Commerce: Centauri bid to build expedition ships to the Small Magellanic Cloud accepted | Itzgari War: Negotiations currently taking place at Hesperides

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Posts: 6305
Founded: Nov 07, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Kostane » Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:20 pm

Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations wrote:
Kostane wrote:Realistic tin can with some sci-fi capabilities (can go faster than modern ships, but these capabilities come with downsides… we’ll quickly learn that the hyperdrive is not the best in terms of accuracy). It’s going to be comically nonfunctional at times to add both a challenge and humor. The mission is “run” by shadowy billionaires who want to save humanity. The actual person on board running the mission would be the ship’s AI (who will of course give vague instructions with riddles, because why be straightforward). The crew would be recruited through NS (essentially it’s as if your application is an application for a real space mission) and then flown to the launch site in Florida. The essence of the mission will be that it’s a last ditch attempt a survival that’s not all that well designed or planned out, and we’ve just gotta make do with what we’ve got.

Okay. I can work with that. As I said, I’ll have an app up this week.


I'll probably plan to close applications at the start of my winter break (December 23) because it's kind of difficult to let people onto a spaceship after it launches. The actual RP will begin shortly after.
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." — 1 John 4:7-8(NCB)
News: We interrupt your normal message to declare that --- actually we can't declare anything. We're dead now. Farewell.
TG Me — anytime, anywhere, for any reason

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Posts: 1849
Founded: Dec 31, 2021
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Honghai » Sun Dec 01, 2024 5:13 pm

Nation Name:


Player Name:

Amelie Rencourt


24 y/o


Montreal, Quebec

Personality Description:

  • Snarky, every word (en francais) coming out of her mouth is a knife
  • Carefree, can be described as "chill" as nothing gets to her and despite her being Goth, is lighthearted and silly
  • Selective mutism; doesn't mean to come off as "rude" or anything but can give the vibe off that she is cold - conjoined with her snarkiness means that she doesn't speak a whole lot but when it does, it's usually something sarcastic and in french
Physical Description:


Sign here to agree to the rules:

Amelie Rencourt, Honghai
Last edited by Honghai on Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 2550
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Postby Bovad » Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:02 pm

Kostane wrote:
Quasi-Stellar Star Civilizations wrote:
Okay. I can work with that. As I said, I’ll have an app up this week.


I'll probably plan to close applications at the start of my winter break (December 23) because it's kind of difficult to let people onto a spaceship after it launches. The actual RP will begin shortly after.

It seems like you could say that everyone why joins after the launch was in cryogenic stasis or something, then you could leave applications open forever.
Þ=Th. Join the revival.
AÞeist, pro-choice, queer.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in Þe flag and carrying a cross" -Apocryphally attributed to Sinclair Lewis.


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