[title]Examination Resits Required
[desc]The @@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ Youth Parliament (@@DEMONYMINITIALS@@YP) recently passed a bill to abolish fee-charging private schools, thereby referring it to the main legislature. In what has proven to be an all-too-familiar tale for @@DEMONYMINITIALS@@YP bills, however, its first reading has been pushed almost a year into the future, with Parliament prioritising debate on its own proposal about school fees.
[validity]must have a youth parliament (i.e. through selecting Option 1287.1), but must not have Autocracy
[option]"I can't believe how often they've tried to take away our power like this," complains @@RANDOMNAME_1@@, author of the heavily-expedited Parliament bill. "Can you imagine how much stress these youngsters have put us under by passing dozens of bills since Maxxmas recess ended, a great deal of which pattern themselves after our own drafts? @@LEADER@@, I suggest you try and get an agreement with the Speaker to stop any Youth Parliament bills from being considered until all of the bills from normal leglslators like me can have a fair say. It's not like their latest smart idea passed by three votes or anything... which it did, by the way."
[effect]@@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ politicians are united only in sleep deprivation
[option]"Somebody appears to have forgotten that we represent a co-equal branch of the legislature," points out @@RANDOMNAME_2@@, author of the heavily-delayed @@DEMONYMINITIALS@@YP bill. "Unfortunately, most people assume we don't: over 99% of all the bills ever passed by the Youth Parliament have died in Parliament itself! Paying us the same as regular legislators would certainly help our reputation, as would requiring that all Parliamentary bills receive the @@DEMONYMINITIALS@@YP's support before they can be passed. In the meanwhile, I'm sure I can strike an agreement with the Speaker to make sure our bill gets voted on as soon as the schedule allows..."
[effect]voting has become the most lucrative chore in @@NAME@@
[option]"Have you even READ THE KIDDIES' DEMANDS?" yells @@RANDOMNAME_3@@, your Minister for Easy Legislating. "They want to abolish all private schools immediately, but @@RANDOMLASTNAME_1@@'s proposal only wanted to close the ones that wouldn't keep their fees below 300% of median income within five years! I certainly don't trust the youngsters to trick our upstanding and stubb—principled lawmakers into agreeing with their demands; it should be clear by now that abolishing this silly "youth parliament" and requiring children to listen to their superiors would go a long way in simplifying the rulemaking process."
[effect]behind every classroom door lurks a morass of bureaucracy