How to set up embassies?

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How to set up embassies?

Postby Proletarialand » Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:51 pm

Hi, I'm new to NationStates. Could you please explain to me what embassies are in the context of this game? How do you set them up and what value will they add to my country? Thank you for your time.

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Eire Agus Albion
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Postby Eire Agus Albion » Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:56 pm

Embassies are for regions only, nations don't open individual embassies with other nations, only regions with other regions. Hope this helps!
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Postby Abetton » Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:59 pm

Welcome to the game. There are two kinds of embassies, those set up between nations in Roleplay, those are done in Factbooks and Information board bascially it's just entering into an agreement between nations. A good way to start building relations with new people. There's also embassies set up between regions, that's a gameplay mechanic but you can only do that in a region you are the founder of (or a region which gives you that ability).

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New Visayan Islands
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Postby New Visayan Islands » Tue Apr 04, 2023 6:05 am

In the context of N&I Roleplay, embassy threads are pretty basic roleplay threads. While I would not personally suggest setting up such a thread right off the bat—keep in mind that this is NVI the RPer speaking, as NVI the Mod would just expect players to play by the Rules regardless of how they're playing—it has been my observation (and, on occasion, my experience) that embassy threads play a role in setting things up between players for future roleplays.
In the context of N&R Roleplay, however, embassies are indeed things regions establish between one another; beyond that, I would defer to the members of the Moderation Team who are established Gameplay personalities.
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The Great Nevada Overlord
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Postby The Great Nevada Overlord » Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:16 am

Congratulations for choosing the greatest game on web browsers!

To open an embassy you need to have the Admin privilege to open embassies in a Region. (or be the Region founder)

However some players will Role Play embassies. RP embassies don't actually serve any real purpose gameplay wise but they can serve as a fun spin on international Role Play.
Last edited by The Great Nevada Overlord on Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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