Shape Sloventa (FAILED)

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Shape Sloventa (FAILED)

Postby Sloventa » Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:56 pm

This is mainly here to be put into a AI or done by myself and try to get some island close enough to the details
Blockia (the only peice of confirmed piece of land in the communist bloc map) and dancia (that would be by my interpretation near the main land of sloventa) will not be included.

The questions of this vote. why i did it this? Multi question polls might end people messing with the poll or screw it up where they basically pick all of the same question. and also alot of questions
Please erase all options you did not pick or color the option. More than one will be skipped

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[b]where would sloventa be in the atantic: (North near uk and iceland, North Near Canada and greenland, RIGHT STRAIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN LINER LANES AND ATANTIC, Near Virgina,US , Near france, South near bermuna, South near spain, SMASHED INTO FRANCE IN EUROPE (may take longer becuase of lore stuff)

How big would this island/land be at farthest: 200, 400, 800, or 1000 miles

Montains?: Yea, Nay

Lakes: NO LAKES!, Some, reasonably, ok canada

Rivers: NO RIVERS!, some, reasonably, Large venice

Rainfall: No rain?, Some but survivor back then, goldilocks rain, Rainforest,

bays: No bays for you, Few bays, pretty reasonable some, Lots, the coast is just bays,

How different the environment is: flat, Some, reasonable, A bit much, Minecraft Biomes

how hot overall: Arctic, Pretty cold, Warm, Flordia, Sahara Desert

How many near island: empty ocean, Some, Normal, Scotland, Indonesa
Last edited by Sloventa on Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:58 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Brezzia » Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:49 pm

where would sloventa be in the atantic: Near france

How big would this island/land be at farthest: 400 miles

Montains?: Yea

Lakes: Some

Rivers: reasonably

Rainfall: goldilocks rain

bays: the coast is just bays,

How different the environment is: Some

how hot overall: Pretty cold

How many near island: Some
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Postby Sloventa » Fri Feb 17, 2023 4:37 pm

Founder/Permanent Member of Neu Maxia Treaty Organization (Mockup)
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Postby Telbnis » Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:49 am

Where would sloventa be in the Atlantic: Right in the middle of the ocean liner lanes

How big would this island/land be at farthest: 400 miles

Mountains?: Nay

Lakes: NO LAKES!

Rivers: NO RIVERS!

Rainfall: No rain?

Bays: No bays.

How different the environment is: Reasonable

How hot overall: Florida

How many near island: Some
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