Washington 2017: The U.S. Political RP IC-Volume II (OPEN)

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Postmaster of the Fleet
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Postby Dentali » Thu May 02, 2019 8:04 pm

Congressman Jason Samara

I am honored to be giving the Spanish language response to the President's joint address to Congress.

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Tallahassee News Station
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Fri May 03, 2019 5:53 am

Velahor wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"Yeah....I've got some stuff to do too getting ready for tomorrow."

“You have my number if you need anything, I’ll see you later,” remarked Carter, knowing he was intentionally keeping the meeting very brief.

"Yeah, I guess I still do. I'll call you sometime." Kristen recognized the implication of what she said right after but thought that trying to adjust it would just make it worse, so she just smiled and left to find another colleague to talk to briefly.
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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Postmaster of the Fleet
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Postby Dentali » Fri May 03, 2019 6:26 pm


Democratic Spanish Language Response

Hola mis compatriotas americanos.

Mi nombre es Jason Samara ... Nací en San Juan, Puerto Rico, pero fui criado por una madre soltera en Boston, Massachusetts. En muchos sentidos, me criaron POR Boston, Massachusetts, porque mientras mi madre era una mujer de fuerza, sabiduría y perseverancia sin fin, la comunidad de Boston trabajó en conjunto para ayudarla a criarme. A través de esto me enseñaron que en Estados Unidos nunca deberíamos tener que hacerlo solo. Me gusta que muchos estadounidenses hayan enfrentado una buena cantidad de tormentas, pero como muy pocos estadounidenses lograron salir por el otro lado.

En los últimos años hemos visto cómo nuestro país parecía desmoronarse, la corrupción de los presidentes, el racismo de los gobernadores, la violencia en contra y de los senadores y los juicios de personas de todo el mundo que enfrentan una mala economía, menos acceso a la atención médica y aparentemente no hay a dónde ir. En general, los estadounidenses se sienten cínicos, enojados y frustrados, ante la falta de integridad y clase en el gobierno, ante la sensación de que el individuo ya no puede ser escuchado, ante la realidad de la pobreza, no solo de la riqueza material sino también de la pobreza de esperanza y el espíritu y la sensación de que, en algún momento del camino, este gran experimento estadounidense se ha extraviado, está fallando.

En este país vemos a aquellos que buscan atacar las leyes que protegen a la comunidad LGBTQ, vemos a los supremacistas blancos ahora compartiendo abiertamente sus opiniones y visión violenta en las redes sociales e intentando implementarlas en la ley, en medio del silencio de la Casa Blanca.

Vimos a una comunidad abatida a tiros en Dillon, por un arma semiautomática convertida en un arma automática, mientras que el Partido Republicano no está dispuesto a prohibir el dispositivo que hizo posible un acto tan horrible. Dianna Noble camina libre. Vemos en todo el país a políticos que intentan juzgarte por el país de tu nacimiento, el color de tu piel, el dios de tus oraciones o el género de tu cónyuge.

A la larga, la democracia perdura, nuestra República perdura. A la larga, el ideal estadounidense más elevado, la creencia de que todos son dignos e iguales bajo la ley, y ante los ojos de Dios ... Eso perdura. Aunque la promesa se haya roto hoy, algún día se cumplirá. Venceremos.

Hemos visto cómo la red de seguridad social ha sido recortada sin escrúpulos por quienes son demasiado cobardes para tomar las medidas necesarias para ampliarla y reformarla. En cambio, pasar el dinero de las manos del Congreso. Me gustaría hacer un llamamiento a este Presidente para que se comprometa con la atención de la salud, a fin de prometer a los padres, como mínimo, que nunca deben preocuparse si pueden permitirse salvar la vida de su hijo.

Lo que más me preocupa de la dirección del presidente es lo que quedó sin respuesta. ¿Dónde habló de salud? ¿De proteger a los soñadores y la reforma migratoria? ¿Dónde habló él de ayudar a enviar a tus hijos a la universidad? ¿Dónde habló de frenar la violencia con armas de fuego? Ciertamente no fue cuando elogió la Ley de Minutemen, y entregó información a los fabricantes de armas. ¿Dónde habló de cómo la mitad de los estadounidenses mayores de 55 años no tienen ahorros para la jubilación y no tienen idea de cómo van a sobrevivir? ¿Dónde habló de ayudar a las personas mayores que sobreviven con menos de $ 14,000 al año? ¿Dónde discutió la adicción a los opiáceos que asola a nuestras comunidades?

La BBA del presidente era otra forma de evitar la responsabilidad. Recorte el presupuesto, reduzca nuestra red de seguridad social, pero no haga nada del trabajo duro como responder ¿CÓMO? ¿Cómo balanceamos el presupuesto y no permitimos que los millones de trabajadores federales sean despedidos? ¿Cómo equilibramos el presupuesto y protegemos a los millones de personas que dependen del bienestar y la ayuda del gobierno? ¿Cómo equilibramos el presupuesto y mantenemos a nuestros militares en segundo lugar? El Presidente hasta el día de hoy no ha publicado un plan sobre cómo hacer esto, los republicanos en el Congreso que están presionando a la BBA sobre cómo nos prometieron actuar de manera responsable aún no han cumplido esa promesa.

Vivimos en un mundo donde mis hijas necesitan practicar simulacros de tiro activo debido a la prevalencia de las armas de fuego y el miedo a los tiroteos en las escuelas. Vivimos en un mundo donde la educación superior se ha vuelto tan costosa, los estudiantes tienen que tomar préstamos que nunca pueden esperar pagar. Deberíamos estar trabajando para construir una clase media que ofrezca seguridad económica real. Mientras tanto, el liderazgo republicano una y otra vez no se ha enfocado en los verdaderos desafíos que enfrentan los estadounidenses. Pagar la universidad, mantener las escuelas seguras, pagar la atención médica, aumentar el salario mínimo a un SALARIO VIVO. Las prioridades del Congreso de la República son la distribución a los fabricantes de armas y la anulación de las decisiones de la Corte Suprema que afirman el matrimonio como un derecho.

Mientras tanto, los subsidios para ayudar a los agricultores a ir a las granjas corporativas masivas y no a las pequeñas familias que realmente lo necesitan, los propietarios de pequeñas empresas no pueden encontrar capital, los trabajadores domésticos que hacen los trabajos que nadie más carecerá de protección. El Congreso Republicano ha dejado sin resolver la crisis de préstamos estudiantiles, no abordará el déficit de confianza entre la política y nuestras comunidades, no se comprometerá a reconstruir escuelas en ruinas o a mejorar nuestro sistema de verificación de antecedentes de armas rotas. No se comprometen a luchar contra los opiáceos que atraviesan nuestras comunidades como una plaga.

El Partido Republicano tiene una súper mayoría, ¿dónde está el plan integral de inmigración? No estoy pidiendo mucho, nada que se comprometa con un tratamiento más compasivo de los que huyen de la violencia. El tratamiento compasivo de los inmigrantes no es lo mismo que las fronteras abiertas, Reagan entendió esto y trabajó a través del pasillo para resolver el problema. Los inmigrantes son la fortaleza de nuestra nación, deben ser abrazados, no ignorados.

¿Y dónde está el Presidente y el Partido Republicano en la desigualdad de ingresos. Las 5 personas más ricas del país tienen más riqueza que toda la mitad inferior, 160 millones de personas. No puedes decirme que no hay nada malo con esa estadística, no puedes decirme que no es un juego amañado.

Hoy somos una nación en busca de una visión para el futuro, una hoja de ruta. En busca de una comunidad nacional con soluciones para los problemas nacionales, como el cambio climático, la salud, el desempleo y la inflación. Es en esta escala que el partido demócrata ve cumplida la promesa de América, la promesa de una sociedad de igualdad y libertad.

El Partido Demócrata deriva su concepto de gobernar de nuestra visión del poder del pueblo, creyendo en la igualdad para todos y en el favoritismo para ninguno. El Partido Demócrata cree que, independientemente de los antecedentes, la riqueza, el género, el color de su piel, el dios que usted adora o la pareja que elija, todos tienen la misma importancia. Somos el partido de la inclusión, todos pueden venir, todos son bienvenidos y lucharemos por usted.

No es casualidad que los cansados ​​oprimidos y pobres, los inmigrantes de esta nación hayan encontrado un hogar en el partido demócrata. Somos el partido de la diversidad, no siempre hemos cumplido con esa promesa ... ese principio, pero nos esforzamos constantemente para mejorarnos, para representar mejor a TODAS las personas. En el Partido Demócrata creemos que debemos redoblar nuestros esfuerzos para eliminar aquello que bloquea el logro del individuo, los obstáculos de prejuicio y la condición económica.

Nuestra nación necesita una visión positiva e integral del futuro. Una agenda de cumplimiento de promesas, de establecer metas que aborden los problemas reales e inmediatos que nuestras comunidades enfrentan y fijan metas novedosas para el futuro. Así que terminaré con una pregunta, una que exige una respuesta. ¿Estaremos unidos por nuestra voluntad común, nuestra resolución común? ¿O caeremos a la división y medias tintas? ¿Somos iguales a las muchas tareas que tenemos ante nosotros? Creo que lo somos. Creo que podemos restablecer la voluntad de nuestra nación de compartir las responsabilidades comunes y la prosperidad de los Estados Unidos. Creo que podemos crear un gobierno, una sociedad fortalecida por cada uno de nosotros que resolvemos dar forma a nuestro futuro común.

Estoy aquí y admito claramente los errores del país, del Partido Demócrata. Pero también les digo ahora que volveremos a levantarnos y que nos elevaremos por encima. Creo que cuando el pueblo estadounidense juzgue a cada partido, a sus héroes y parias, reconocerán cuando todo está dicho y hecho, el bien de esta nación supera a los enfermos. Ahora somos y siempre seremos un experimento, dedicado a la tarea de crear una unión más perfecta. Dios los bendiga a todos, Dios bendiga a América. Gracias por escuchar y unirse a nosotros en esta lucha para crear un mundo mejor.

English Translation

Hello my fellow Americans.

My name is Jason Samara... I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico but was raised by a single mother in Boston, Massachusetts. In many ways I was raised BY Boston, Massachusetts because while my mother was a woman of never-ending strength, wisdom and perseverance the community in Boston worked together to help her raise me. Through this I was taught that in America we should never have to go it alone. I like many Americans have faced my fair share of storms but like too few Americans I made it out the other side.

In the past few years we have watched as our country seemed to come apart at the seams, corruption of Presidents, racism from Governors, violence against and from Senators and the trials of everyday people of this country facing a bad economy, less access to healthcare and seemingly nowhere to turn. Across the board Americans feel cynical, angry and frustrated, at the lack of integrity and class in government, at the feeling that the individual can not longer be heard, at the reality of poverty, not just of material wealth but poverty of hope and of the spirit, and the feeling that somewhere along the way this grand American experiment has gone astray, that it is failing.

In this country we see those looking at targeting the laws that protect the LGBTQ community, we see white supremacists now overtly sharing their views and violent vision on social media and attempting to implement them into law, amid silence from the White House.

We saw a community gunned down in Dillon, by an semi-automatic weapon turned into an automatic weapon while the Republican Party is unwilling to ban the very device that made such a horrific act possible. Dianna Noble walks free. We see across the country politicians trying to judge you by the country of your birth, the color of your skin, the god of your prayers or the gender of your spouse.

In the long run Democracy endures, our Republic endures. In the long run the highest American Ideal, the belief all are worthy and equal under the law, and in the eyes of God... That endures. Though the promise may have been broken today, it will someday be fulfilled. We shall overcome.

We have seen the social safety net slashed callously by those too cowardly to take the necessary actions to expand and reform it. Instead passing the buck out of the hands of Congress. I would like to call on this President to commit to healthcare, to at the very least promise parents that they should never have to worry if they can afford to save the life of their child.

What may distress me most about the President’s address is what was left unaddressed. Where did he speak of healthcare? Of protecting DREAMERS and immigration reform? Where did he talk about helping sending your kids to college? Where did he talk about curbing gun violence, it certainly wasn’t when he praised the Minutemen Act, abrazen handout to gun manufacturers. Where did he talk about how half of Americans over 55 have no retirement savings and no idea how they will get by? Where did he talk about helping out the seniors who survive on less than $14,000 a year? Where did he discuss the opioid addiction ravaging our Communities?

The President’s BBA was another way to avoid responsibility. Cut the budget, slash our social safety net, but not do any of the hard work like answering HOW? How do we balance the budget and not let the millions of federal workers get laid off? How do we balance the budget and protect the millions dependent on welfare and government aid? How do we balance the budget and keep our military second to none? The President to this day has not released a plan on how to do this, the Republicans in Congress pushing the BBA how promised us to act responsibly have yet to fulfill that promise.

We live in a world where my daughters need to practice active shooter drills because of the prevalence of firearms and the fear of school shootings. We live in a world where higher education has become so expensive, students have to take loans they can never hope to repay. We should be working towards building a middle class that offers real economic security. Meanwhile, Republican leadership has time and again not focused on the real challenges Americans face. Paying for college, keeping schools safe, paying for healthcare, raising the minimum wage to a LIVING WAGE. The priorities of the Republican Congress are handouts to gun manufacturers, and overturning Supreme Court decisions affirming marriage as a right.

Meanwhile subsidies to help farmers go to massive corporate farms and not the small family ones that actual need it, small business owners can’t find capital, domestic workers that do the jobs no one else will lack lack protections. The Republican Congress has let the student loan crisis go unaddressed, they will not address the deficit of trust between the politics and our communities, they will not commit to rebuilding crumbling schools, or improving our broken gun background check system. They will not commit to fighting Opioids which are going through our communities like a plague.

The Republican Party has a super majority, where is the comprehensive immigration plan? I’m not asking for much, anything that commits to some more compassionate treatment of those fleeing violence. Compassionate treatment of immigrants is not the same as open borders, Reagan understood this and worked across the aisle to solve the problem. Immigrants are the strength of our nation, they should be embraced not ignored.

And where is the President and the Republican Party on Income inequality. The 5 wealthiest people in the country have more wealth that the entire bottom half, 160 million people. You cannot tell me that nothing is wrong with that statistic, you cannot tell me that is not a rigged game.

Today we are a nation in search of a vision for the future, a roadmap. In search of a national community with solutions for national problems, like climate change, healthcare, unemployment and inflation. It is on this scale that the Democratic party sees the promise of America being fulfilled, the promise of a society of equality and liberty.

The Democratic Party derives its concept of governing from our view of the power of the people, believing in equality for all and favoritism for none. The Democratic Party believes that regardless of background, of wealth, of gender, color of your skin, the god you worship or the partner you choose, that all have equal standing. We are the party of inclusion, all may come, all are welcome and we will fight for you.

It is no accident that the tired downtrodden and poor, the immigrants to this nation have found a home in the Democratic party. We are the party of diversity, we have not always lived up to that promise… that principle, but we strive constantly to better ourselves, to better represent ALL people. We in the Democratic Party believe we must redouble our efforts to remove that which blocks the achievement of the individual, obstacles of prejudice and economic condition.

Our nation needs a positive and comprehensive view of the future. An agenda of fulfilling promises, of setting goals that deal with the real immediate problems our communities face and set lofty far sighted goals for the future. So I will end with a question, one that demands an answer. Will we be bound together with our common will, our common resolve? Or will we fall to division and half measures? Are we equal to the many tasks before us? I believe we are. I believe we can restore the willingness of our nation to share in the common responsibilities and prosperity of America. I believe we can create a government, a society that is invigorated by each of us resolving to shape our common future.

I stand here and admit plainly to the mistakes of the country, of the Democratic Party. But I also tell you now that we will rise again and we will rise above. I believe that as the American people sit in judgement of each party, of its heroes and pariahs they will recognize when all is said and done the good of this nation outweighs the ill. We are now and always will be an experiment, set about to the task of creating a more perfect union. God Bless you all, God Bless America. Thank You for Listening and joining us in this fight to create a better world.

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Postmaster of the Fleet
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Postby Dentali » Sat May 04, 2019 9:28 pm

Congressman Glen Anderson Campaign Stop #59
Murrysville, Westmoreland County


“Where in the World is Governor Brantley?”

The posters were made by a group supporting Anderson’s election. By law he couldn’t work with them directly so the poster wasn’t exactly what he had hoped, however it hit the spirit of the message… that the Governor did nothing for the state. The last time he had posted on social media he was on his way to Hawaii, got sworn in then immediately left the state it was a message that Anderson surrogates would be spreading as they campaigned throughout the state, and the dozens of posters that now plastered Hempfield were part of that.

In Murrysville Anderson began by joining with workers in the natural gas industry and gave a speech about the importance of national gas in the future of Pennsylvania. He gave the speech at the Haymaker Gas Well which was the first natural gas well in the nation.

After this he went door to door through the suburban neighborhoods talking about education and healthcare as well as his ideas on paid family leave. He visited dozens of residences, taking pictures holding babies and generally barnstorming in a typical political fashion. By this point Glen was a practiced hand at retail politics, and had the script down pat.

After the barnstorming Anderson gave a speech at a campaign fundraiser in Westmoreland.


"Thank you all for being here today, and for caring enough about our great state to be involved in this effort to Get Pennsylvania Working for the better. This is an incredible turnout and its truly humbling.”

“Let me begin by introducing myself, I am Congressman Glen Anderson I was born in Lebanon and I have devoted my life to public service. Since I first start representing the 17th district in 2012 I have constantly asked myself, ‘how do I best serve my state?’ Searching for an answer to that question I have traveled to every corner of the state, from my alma mater Penn State, to the streets of Philadelphia, the rusted factories of Erie, to the farms of Lancaster I have consistently traveled and spoke to countless residents of our state, people from all walks of life about their concerns and hopes.”

“The common theme I've been hearing is frustration. People everywhere see a real disconnect between Harrisburg and the rest of Pennsylvania. We feel that not only are our elected leaders not solving the serious problems that face us, but that they are actually causing the problems, and making things worse.”

“The average Pennsylvanian sees a governor and a legislature willing to impose record tax increases on the rest of us that we don't need, don't want, and simply cannot afford.”

“We are perfectly situated to become the strongest state in the union, a economic powerhouse. 1/3rd of our nation’s population is within a 24 hour drive, we have a strong work ethic, our universities are leading advanced research that will change the way we live, and yet every day I see our state hemorrhaging jobs, businesses, and taxpayers at an alarming rate, with no discernible response, or action from Harrisburg other than imposing more taxes and stressing our economy to the breaking point.”

“Regardless of party the people of our state constantly tell me we are heading in the wrong direction, and through all my discussions, my travels across the state and country it has become abundantly clear that our state cannot change direction without changing governors, that is why I am running for governor, to get Pennsylvania working again, I refuse to accept the status quo, the politics as usual.”

“Let me tell you what i stand for... I’m proud to say that in during my tenure in congress, i’ve fought to expand healthcare to our first responders, I have championed education, supporting Education Savings Accounts and merit pay for teachers. Just this year I introduced bills in Congress designed to strengthen our pediatric workforce, to protect and encourage innovation for small businesses, to reform onerous regulations stifling the growth of our communities, and to start a grant program to rehabilitate our crumbling schools. I proudly introduced the “21st Century Agriculture Act of 2017” which will revolutionize how we farm and improving quality of life across the state. I’m Pro-Life, Pro-Free Speech, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-Student, Pro-Small Business and Firmly against the bloated government and fiscal irresponsibility of Harrisburg.”

“As it stands today Harrisburg has 150,000 pages worth of regulations that impact business and every single citizen, we have a heroin and opioid crisis, we have a skilled labor crisis, we have an economy has stay flat for years under the current administration. And for every problem facing our state, the current administration seems to only find one solution… raise taxes.”

“Harrisburg looks out for itself not the state, from day one as governor I will push to cut property taxes, cut wasteful spending and work to create a more efficient government in Harrisburg that works for the people of our state. I pledge that as your governor I will begin a policy of zero based budgeting, we will track every dollar being spent and we will treat with respect every single one. Despite claims to the contrary I can tell you that Harrisburg does not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem, and today I am calling on the state legislature to begin working on a taxpayer bill of rights.”

“We're standing up for the thousands of Pennsylvanians who are losing their pensions because of politics and incompetence. We're standing up for the Pennsylvanian’s who have lost their jobs and we're standing up for their families who are struggling to make ends meet. We're standing up for those thousands of small business owners who have closed their doors, and the thousands of others who are struggling just to keep them open.”

“I know the anxiety you all are feeling, I have a young daughter myself. She wants to grow up to be a dentist, and I want to not only make sure she can go to college and pursue her dream but that their will be good jobs and economic security when she graduates. Jobs will come from a healthy modernized economy not one built behind barriers to growth or handouts to a privileged few through corporate welfare. In congress I have made my first priority the economic security for families, that is something I will continue as governor, building a 21st century economy where people can work hard not just to get by but to thrive and give their children a better life then they had.”

“You feel like they live in the forgotten land, that no one understands what a blue-collar, working-class family has to go through in Pennsylvania today. You’re good, hard-working people, and ready for a change."

“A few weeks ago I was speaking with some of my fellow congress members from Florida. They told me of Dorothy Famiano and her kids Danielle and Nicholas. Nicholas was born with a condition called spina bifida and is confined to a wheelchair, Danielle has autism and cerebral palsy, and they were both in the foster care program. Dorothy looked at these kids and where others may have seen challenge raising children with special needs instead only saw love and adopted the pair. Today Danielle and Nicholas are thriving teenagers with lives more promising than anyone could have expected.”

“Dorothy deserves all the praise and credit in the world for her actions, but she had hardships raising these kids. The public school system didn’t work for them, there was no place to put them, placed in classrooms overfilled with students that had severe behavioral issues it was not a environment where they could learn or thrive. It wasn’t until Dorothy learned about the Gardiner Scholarship that things turned around. The scholarship was specifically for children with special needs, applying through the Step Up for Students program the Scholarship gave her the ability to homeschool her children, letting her teach her children at their own pace and meeting their needs, from there her kids blossomed and made great progress.”

“Dorothy said ‘They have gifts that aren’t necessarily discovered in a classroom setting. I saw that potential in them from the first time I met them. The success my children are enjoying is due to the fact the Gardiner Scholarship is geared towards each child’s strength. It’s the personalized learning experience that has made it so successful. A lot of people don’t understand this.’”

“Thousands of students in our state face the same challenges that Dorothy’s kids faced. Programs similar to the Gardiner Scholarship program could prove a turning point in the education and development for our children. We need Education Savings Accounts, programs where parents can provide children with the education that best suits them, tuition, special needs services, curriculum and more can be funded based on the individual needs of the kids. This is educational innovation, this is bringing closer to bringing education into the 21st century, people demand choice in every area of life, education should not be the exception.”

“Six States have already enacted ESA’s and families are extremely satisfied with the results, over a 90% satisfaction rate. Empowering parents is a necessity to improving education, and ESAs promise to improve the lives of student by letting parents choose what’s best for their child.”

“Pennsylvania was once the leader in education choice, in 2011 the tax credit cap for EITC scholarships here was $60 million, it served 38,000 students the most in the country, Florida served 29,000 students. Audits of the program have found it saves billions for taxpayers and provides better education for the students through school choice and empowering parents. Now Florida serves 107,000 students while Pennsylvania doesn’t serve half that many, and is forced to turn down thousands every year. The EITC should not be arbitrarily capped but should be based on demand. As governor I will pursue legislation to increase tax credits automatically if 90% of available credits were claimed in the previous year. I will not allow partisan political skirmishes disrupt valuable programs as we have seen too often in the past.”

“School Choice and Education Savings Accounts put choice back in the hands of parents, they provide an escape route from failing and violent schools, they save money and lead to smaller class sizes, they give lower income families the same options as upper income families, and they force schools to improve to attract students. Perhaps most importantly it rejects the notion of a “One-Size-Fits-All” education, it creates diverse schools that respond to the needs of the children instead of forcing children to respond to the needs of a rigid curriculum.”

“ For towns like this I wrote the Student Fiscal Literacy Act, supports schools that try and teach their students practical financial literacy, how to balance a checkbook, save for the future and make smart financial choices that let them pursue the American dream. Its for towns like this that I wrote legislation like the 21st Century Agriculture Act, which amends the tax code to reflect the modern realities of farming, lowering the cost of doing business and making things easier, a goal I will continue as your governor. ”

“For towns like this I authored the Save Local and Small Business Act, which rewrote regulations a rules governing businesses on main street, making it easier to do business, lowering taxes and increasing investment in the small businesses that need and deserve it the most. It reforms the worst parts of Dodd-Frank, that have so badly impacted small banks and businesses and made it easier for entrepreneurs to get loans.”

“For towns like this I wrote the Invent and Manufacture in America Act, which promotes and protects manufacturers in America, not just helping keep our job right here in Pennsylvania, but beginning the process of bringing them back home.”

“For kids like ours I wrote the Educational Facility Rehabilitation Act, a bill that will help ensure that kids don’t need to attend crumbling schools, schools without heat in the winter or air conditioning in the Summer, because schools should have to worry about teaching children, not whether the facilities are safe. For kids like ours I authored the Strengthening our Pediatric Workforce Act, which encourages doctors to enter into the field of children's health, a field that desperately needs more doctors.”

“As your governor my agenda will all works towards the prosperity of Pennsylvanians, not select corporations or special interests. I will push for policies that promote charter schools and quality education, doubling down on policies like your county has where residents may apply to attend cyber charter schools with no additional costs to parents. And when we send our children to college I will pursue a policy of openness and much needed transparency regarding tuition and what your children will get out of college.”

“On day one as governor I will declare a statewide disaster and state of emergency regarding the opioid crisis, this will enable us to take immediate measures to enhance response, increase access to treatment and save lives. It will be the first of its kind for a public health emergency in the state.

“Step one will be to create an Opioid Command Center located at PEMA. The Command will meet weekly and be responsible for coordinating all elements of our response to the crisis. Next we will expand access to the prescription drug monitoring program to ensure prescribers are in compliance with opioid regulations.”

“We must make Overdoses and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome as reportable conditions, so that prescribers know if a patient has a history with abuse, keeping prescribers informed and making sure data is available is vital to curbing future addiction. We must also give the DDAP further emergency purchase authorization, allowing us to purchase more lifesavings drugs. Other aspects of this include amending regulations so that EMTs can dispense naloxone, waiving regulations that keep pharmacists from interacting with other organizations that deal with at risk individuals. Make rescheduling of fentanyl derivatives permanent as long as the crisis continues.”

“We have a shortage of doctors certified for the Narcotic Treatment Program, we need to allow nurses and physician assistants to expedite initial intakes which will greatly speed up the certification process and provide more qualified doctors to fight the crisis. For the duration of the crisis we will waive ALL licensing requirements and fees for high-performing drug and alcohol treatment facilities.”

“We also need to start exploring any and every option to combat this crisis, a plan that addresses the crisis from the top down, start to finish. This is just the first step in addressing this crisis, I just hope the current governor finally realizes the severity of the crisis. Even now I am speaking with members of the Pennsylvania legislature to secure funding exclusively to fight this crisis and the greater crisis with addiction as a whole. Moving forward we need to ask ourselves 3 major questions What treatment programs are proven to be effective?‘How can we fast track the most effective programs? How can we educate people about the dangers of opioids?’”

“The same moral commitment that calls us to act on the Opioid Crisis calls us to move to protect the most vulnerable among us, the lives of the unborn. In the words of Ronald Reagan ‘I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion… has already been born’. I’ve heard some claim you can’t determine where a life begins, that its a matter of debate, well here is where I stand… if we don’t know when the unborn becomes a human life then we MUST opt in favor that it is a human life until someone proves it isnt. And as a life they are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

“As it stands our state levys one of the highest taxes on natural gas in the nation, and the democrats in harrisburg have tried to raise it higher every year. That hurt every one of those jobs pipelines like Mariner East has created, the permit delays, the fee increases on gas wells, raising a tax on gas sold to homes… the energy sector is one of our states most promising sectors, we shouldnt shackle it to the greed of bureaucrats in Harrisburg. As your governor I will fight every proposed tax increase, and do everything I can to relieve your regulatory and tax burden.”

“Not only that I am going to support research on how to make fossil fuels, natural gas, every form of energy, cleaner and more efficient, so you can do more business and bring home a bigger paycheck to your families. The future of energy is not more corporate welfare, its cutting the oppressive regulatory and tax burden so companies can pay more, hire more and expand to their full economic potential. We have a 21st century industry operating under a 1970s regulatory regime, changing this alone would make a huge difference in the industry.”

“Our current state government is too focused on doling out taxpayer cash and promulgating regulation than on fostering an environment for good-paying jobs and economic growth.”

“We don’t do enough… not nearly enough to support our farmers. I’m not talking about subsidizing farmers more i’m talking about farming smarter. The truth is the average farmer receives little to no actual support with the vast majority going to corporate farmers and massive land holders. Our farmers facing burdensome regulations, negative stereotypes, children fleeing the family business. As governor I will reform how we approach farming, I’ll make sure aid goes to the people who actually need it not corporate mega-farms. We will foster an environment of community, accountability and stewardship, we are seeing our small rural communities falling apart, their vibrant spirit becoming ghost towns in the same way our proud industrial towns turn to rust.

Our government federal, state and local saddle our farmers with excess paperwork, regulations and an increasingly burdensome bureaucracy. Big corporate farms set high barriers that small farms cont overcome, thats not a free market. As Governor I will cut back on the red tape that hurts so many, you will not need an army of lawyers to contend with a mountain of paperwork and regulation. We will deregulate locally produced foods, and work to exempt local sales from government licensure, permitting, certification, inspection, packaging, and labeling requirements, and applies to farmers’ markets as well as on-site stores at farms.

“As it stands the democratic leadership in Harrisburg is a relic, large scale standardization, control, spending and bureaucracy, things do not reflect a highly diverse society, a highly diverse population and a highly diverse state, instead we have an lumbering ‘one size fits all’ government that doesnt fit with the 21st century. With all our advantages jobs are growing at less than 1% a year, Pennsylvania unemployment increases while the rest of the country decreases. Business and entrepreneurship has been stifled by over taxation and regulation, an unbroken 45 year streak of tax increases. We need new solutions, new innovation not more of the same.”

“The policies of Harrisburg have resulted in companies like GE sending jobs to Texas, our wealth and factories overseas leaving thousands of Pennsylvanians out of work. The negligence of those in Harrisburg have seen the jobs of skilled craftsman and tradespeople moved thousands of miles away, it has devastated our middle class, it has devastated our nation. Staying on this path and continuing these policies of relentless taxation, and allowing our communities to deteriorate will keep our factories closed, our inner cities poor, and special interests in control.”

“Jobs will come from a healthy modernized economy not one built behind barriers to growth or handouts to a privileged few through corporate welfare. In congress I have made my first priority the economic security for families, that is something I will continue as governor, building a 21st century economy where people can work hard not just to get by but to thrive and give their children a better life then they had.”

“Under the absent leadership of the democrats an average family of four in our state now owes nearly $20,000 to pay off the state pension fund alone. Many of our school districts, our urban areas spend over $300,000 per high school graduates, half aren’t proficient in basic algebra, they can’t read at a high school level. And for all the accolades the democrats have received for increasing education funding, less than 30% has actually gone to teaching.”

“10 years ago democrats denied the existence of a pension crisis, 2 years ago Vilseck vetoed vital pension reforms, but because of the advocacy and had work of Pennsylvania citizens like you I have some good news... our Senate Majority Leader has introduced SB 1, and it is going to be a major turn around for our state. It moves us away from the unsustainable pension system to a system that provides choice for workers and stability for taxpayers. I have spoken with the leader at length about SB 1 and I am proud to fully endorse this legislation and I encourage all of you to contact your representatives and voice your support!”

“SB 1 is just one step in the right direction, we need to lower taxes of all forms, property, sales, income and whatever else overburden Pennsylvanians. Our budget deficit grows not because of a lack of revenue but because these high taxes, overregulation and a state government that continues to fund failing programs. As your governor I will institute an automatic sunset provision for under-performing programs and require the implementation of cost-reducing changes recommended by the IFO or Performance based Budget Board. We are going to introduce transparency measures and pass the taxpayer protection act to control spending and protect the hard earned money of families across the state.”

“We are going to become the most business friendly state in the nation, not through reckless corporate welfare that the current administration engages in but by actually creating a environment of growth, an environment where the American Dream can thrive. Our state has countless advantages, we have some of the largest, cheapest deposits of natural gas and coal in the world, we can utilize that to bring back the manufacturing jobs of years past we can become the global leader in manufacturing and energy exports once again. I refuse to accept Pennsylvania’s place at the bottom of the country for job growth and economic output, its time for that to end.”

“As your governor I will put an end to a lack of transparency in Harrisburg, the shadow budget, the lack of accountability. I am going to start a policy of job growth, education and fiscal responsibility. I will make blue collar communities like this one, ones that have been left behind by Winston and Harrisburg, my top priority unlike the democrats who have taken communities like yours for granted. How many years have democratic leaders made promises that never came to fruition? You all deserve economic strength and stability, accept nothing less.”

“Despite this lack of transparency, the state lawmakers are some of the best paid in the nation, the governor makes over $190,000 a year, the highest in the nation. I pledge to you today that as governor I will not take a dime of that salary until the salary is lowered! The lowest salary of a governor in the nation is $70,000, Maine, I call on the legislature to make it at least that low. All elected officials working for the state will have a pay freeze while I am governor until the budget is balanced.”

“I will do everything in my power to create an environment more friendly to business encouraging the growth of industries new and old. I am going to fight for the expansion of healthcare and higher education here, i’m going to fight for tax cuts for small businesses and across the board. As your governor I will be an advocate in Washington for the renegotiation of trade deals that are now outdated and costing jobs.”

“The policies of Harrisburg have resulted in plants like GE to send jobs and plants to Texas, our wealth and factories overseas leaving thousands of Pennsylvanians out of work. The negligence of those in Harrisburg have seen the jobs of skilled craftsman and tradespeople moved thousands of miles away, it has devastated our middle class, it has devastated our nation. Staying on this path and continuing these policies of relentless taxation, and allowing our communities to deteriorate will keep our factories closed, our inner cities poor, and special interests in control.”

“Ladies and gentlemen let’s have the economic resurgence of our state begin today. Lets send a message to Harrisburg a message that enough is enough and we need an economy that is growing not stagnant, it’s time to stop over-taxing, over-regulating, and crippling ourselves. It’s time to get Pennsylvania working again, I hope you join me, God bless America and God Bless the Great State of Pennsylvania, Thank You!.”

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Postby Dentali » Thu May 09, 2019 5:22 pm

Boston, Massachusetts
Spring, 1980

“CRACK!!!” An 11 year old kid fell out of a tree he had been climbing and onto the hard ground, it was not the first or the last tree he would climb, or fall out of but it was the only fall that produced a loud cracking noise from his arm, and the only one that cause his mother to take him to the hospital.”

“Oww!” the small child cried out as the doctor gently moved and examined his right arm, while his left was being held by a concerned but firm mother. “Well.” the doctor said with a sigh, “I’ll take an X-Ray to be sure but I think its safe to say the arm is broken. Sorry little man.” The boy looked at shock at his mother “But tryouts are in 3 weeks! I need to practice!” The mom rustled his hair and pulled the boy close “Don’t worry Jay, we will figure it out.”

Boston, Massachusetts
2 weeks later

“CRACK!!!” the ball hit the the wooden board about 45 feet away, though one arm was still in a sling Jason Samara was throwing the ball with his left hand with all his might, his uncles told him not to focus on power right now just hit the target they had painted on the wooden board. ‘CRACK!!!” for the first time the ball hit dead center

East Boston High School
October, 1987

“CRACK!!!” The speakers at a high school baseball game in the cold October weather came to life as an announcer spoke over the gathering crowd “And starting pitcher for the East Boston High School Jets its Senior Jason Samara! This will be his final game for the School before going off to Columbia University to study Political Science! Watch out Reagan!”

Samara stepped up to the plate and as was his custom threw 12 warmup pitches to his catcher, 6 right handed and 6 left. He wasn’t the fastest pitcher, the strongest, or the most perceptive but he could switch from right handed to left handed which he used to confuse the batters. They would lose that game, and Samara wouldn’t play organized ball again, though he kept both his arms in good shape…

Boston, Massachusetts
February 2017

“CRACK!!!” 16 year old Jennifer Samara hit a home run off a left handed pitcher while playing with her co-ed baseball team, the crowd of parents stood and cheered as she ran the bases in victory, thinking about the many hours her father had spent with her playing catch and practicing baseball pitching both right and left handed.

Washington DC
May 2019

“CRACK!!!” Samara found himself at a batting cage in DC once again throwing a baseball at the target. “CRACK!!!” he was rusty but he had practiced at least an hour every day for a month leading up to the game. “CRACK!!!” in the past week it had been 3 hours a day in addition to his normal workout. “CRACK!!!” maybe he was a bit competitive.

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Postby Kannap » Fri May 10, 2019 2:34 pm

Asheville, North Carolina

Noah Jefferson Ashe hadn't really wanted to attend the funeral. This was the son that he had disowned the moment he came out as homosexual and he had no interest in the lifestyle. He'd only seen his grandchildren - if you could call them that since they weren't related by blood - a handful of times. Nevertheless, his wife persisted. She'd still loved their son despite his lifestyle and she visited him more often than Noah ever did. It would also have appeared poor politically and publicly to not take time off to attend the funeral.

So, here he was in Asheville, North Carolina, attending the funeral of his son. The son he had not seen in many years. His wife wept throughout the funeral and Noah listened as people spoke about his son and his life; people who knew his son better than he did. After the funeral, Noah and his wife - as well as his children and grandchildren all went to his son's house for the wake - something that was to be a personal family time.

Noah and his wife approached their son-in-law, Gavyn Hunt. Grace broke down crying again as she hugged Gavyn, "He loved you, you know, and he's gone too soon." She broke the hug to wipe her eyes with a handkerchief, "We love you Gavyn, and the kids, if there's anything the family can do for you - that we can do for you, don't hesitate to let us know."

Noah awkwardly stood there, not really listening to the words of his wife, until she turned to him, "Noah, why don't you and Gavyn go in Holden's office to talk this out, this is a serious moment and you need to speak with him." She nudged the two into their late son's office, before she went to go talk to one of their daughters. Noah wasn't happy to be in the room with his son-in-law, but tried to maintain respect in a depressing circumstance.

Noah stood at the window, looking out at the backyard, for a few moments before turning to face his son-in-law. He didn't smile but looked worried, looked sad, looked heartbroken despite maintaining composure and trying not to show his sorrow throughout the day. Noah finally speaks, his voice sounding like a whisper, "Was he happy?"
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Postby Dentali » Fri May 10, 2019 2:40 pm

Kannap wrote:Asheville, North Carolina

Noah Jefferson Ashe hadn't really wanted to attend the funeral. This was the son that he had disowned the moment he came out as homosexual and he had no interest in the lifestyle. He'd only seen his grandchildren - if you could call them that since they weren't related by blood - a handful of times. Nevertheless, his wife persisted. She'd still loved their son despite his lifestyle and she visited him more often than Noah ever did. It would also have appeared poor politically and publicly to not take time off to attend the funeral.

So, here he was in Asheville, North Carolina, attending the funeral of his son. The son he had not seen in many years. His wife wept throughout the funeral and Noah listened as people spoke about his son and his life; people who knew his son better than he did. After the funeral, Noah and his wife - as well as his children and grandchildren all went to his son's house for the wake - something that was to be a personal family time.

Noah and his wife approached their son-in-law, Gavyn Hunt. Grace broke down crying again as she hugged Gavyn, "He loved you, you know, and he's gone too soon." She broke the hug to wipe her eyes with a handkerchief, "We love you Gavyn, and the kids, if there's anything the family can do for you - that we can do for you, don't hesitate to let us know."

Noah awkwardly stood there, not really listening to the words of his wife, until she turned to him, "Noah, why don't you and Gavyn go in Holden's office to talk this out, this is a serious moment and you need to speak with him." She nudged the two into their late son's office, before she went to go talk to one of their daughters. Noah wasn't happy to be in the room with his son-in-law, but tried to maintain respect in a depressing circumstance.

Noah stood at the window, looking out at the backyard, for a few moments before turning to face his son-in-law. He didn't smile but looked worried, looked sad, looked heartbroken despite maintaining composure and trying not to show his sorrow throughout the day. Noah finally speaks, his voice sounding like a whisper, "Was he happy?"

"Get the fuck out of our home." Gavyn said slamming down his fist on the desk "I wasn't going to embarrass you in front of everyone my husband hated you. Your son came to you for comfort and for support and you abandoned him. How dare you show your face here?"

"I don't ever want you here again, nowhere near my children. You will get no forgiveness from me, and you certainly never got it from him."

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Khan of Spam
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Postby Kannap » Fri May 10, 2019 2:49 pm

Dentali wrote:
Kannap wrote:Asheville, North Carolina

Noah Jefferson Ashe hadn't really wanted to attend the funeral. This was the son that he had disowned the moment he came out as homosexual and he had no interest in the lifestyle. He'd only seen his grandchildren - if you could call them that since they weren't related by blood - a handful of times. Nevertheless, his wife persisted. She'd still loved their son despite his lifestyle and she visited him more often than Noah ever did. It would also have appeared poor politically and publicly to not take time off to attend the funeral.

So, here he was in Asheville, North Carolina, attending the funeral of his son. The son he had not seen in many years. His wife wept throughout the funeral and Noah listened as people spoke about his son and his life; people who knew his son better than he did. After the funeral, Noah and his wife - as well as his children and grandchildren all went to his son's house for the wake - something that was to be a personal family time.

Noah and his wife approached their son-in-law, Gavyn Hunt. Grace broke down crying again as she hugged Gavyn, "He loved you, you know, and he's gone too soon." She broke the hug to wipe her eyes with a handkerchief, "We love you Gavyn, and the kids, if there's anything the family can do for you - that we can do for you, don't hesitate to let us know."

Noah awkwardly stood there, not really listening to the words of his wife, until she turned to him, "Noah, why don't you and Gavyn go in Holden's office to talk this out, this is a serious moment and you need to speak with him." She nudged the two into their late son's office, before she went to go talk to one of their daughters. Noah wasn't happy to be in the room with his son-in-law, but tried to maintain respect in a depressing circumstance.

Noah stood at the window, looking out at the backyard, for a few moments before turning to face his son-in-law. He didn't smile but looked worried, looked sad, looked heartbroken despite maintaining composure and trying not to show his sorrow throughout the day. Noah finally speaks, his voice sounding like a whisper, "Was he happy?"

"Get the fuck out of our home." Gavyn said slamming down his fist on the desk "I wasn't going to embarrass you in front of everyone my husband hated you. Your son came to you for comfort and for support and you abandoned him. How dare you show your face here?"

"I don't ever want you here again, nowhere near my children. You will get no forgiveness from me, and you certainly never got it from him."

Noah Ashe showed surprise at suddenly being screamed at, but maintained his composure. He frowned angrily, turning red, "You only assisted him in living out his sinful lifestyle. It's a damn shame that you two managed to live together for so long. It's a damn shame this whole sinful city exists. In a wonderful, amazing, great state like North Carolina, you and people like you are the scum of the Earth. You don't want me in your life? Good, that's the best gift that you could have ever given me."

Noah made his way to the door of the office, "And to think for even a moment I may have regretted anything, it's a hilarious joke." He finished yelling before exiting the office, returning to his wife and his daughters. He whispered to his wife, "Wrap this up, we'll be leaving soon." She looked appalled at the suggestion that they're going to be leaving, insisting that they stay longer - informing him that all the girls were staying for the rest of the afternoon and that they'd been recounting childhood memories and she was enjoying listening.
Luna Amore wrote:Please remember to attend the ritualistic burning of Kannap for heresy
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Postby Aureumterra » Fri May 10, 2019 3:10 pm

Areen Ramalan Campaign Rally, Limerick, PA
After a hiatus in his campaign, Ramalan finally decided to get into the meat of the campaign flow. At Limerick, Ramalan toured the Limerick Generating Station, a nuclear power plant that provided power to much of Southeastern Pennsylvania. He then held a medium sized campaign event in front of the generating plant, speaking to many of the workers there as well as a group of general supporters.

“I stand in front of one of the premier examples of nuclear energy in Pennsylvania, and it is nuclear energy that will be protected. Not only does it generate jobs, it can produce vast amounts of power for large swaths of land. We need to expand on our nuclear industry, as it will create more jobs, more revenue, and more opportunity for Pennsylvanians.

We need to focus on a harder approach to school choice. Too long have the so called “conservatives” of Pennsylvania stayed around doing absolutely nothing. We need to fully implement numerous programs in order to give parents the choice they deserve. Not everyone has to go to failing and outright dangerous schools, and not everyone has to pay exorbitant property prices simply because the home they want is in a good school district. We need to focus on charter schools and advocate many alternative schooling options.

Brantley supports raising the legal age to own guns, I think there is no problem with what it is currently. In fact, we must enshrine it in law, that everyone age 18 and above has the full rights to own a firearms in this state. Raising the age to own a firearm will make guns more alien to the general public, without knowing proper handling of these tools, raising the legal age will only do more harm than good.

I will also not stand idle while powerful bureaucrats keep getting more powerful. My main campaign platform revolves around going back to the basics, to where we were when we were founded. Pennsylvania was the only colony at our founding where freedom, liberty, and justice were valued. We should not hesitate to show our state pride, because we deserve it. This is a state built by the people, not by the bureaucrats. As such, they sit there in Harrisburg, getting rich off of the crushing taxes. Taxes stop innovation, taxes do nothing but make bureaucrats richer.

My father was an immigrant from India. He was a skilled worker who came on an EB-1 visa. We need skilled workers in Pennsylvania, we need people who are ready to innovate from outside. What we do not need is unskilled foreign workers. They come in here and take our jobs, make local Pennsylvanians who do blue collar work to lose their jobs. We shall not tolerate this, nor should we keep it going. I promise to heavily restrict hiring standards on foreigners in Pennsylvania, make employment law tough so that only the absolute cream of the crop get to work here. We do not need unskilled workers stealing Pennsylvania made jobs. We do not need employers going to hire them over local Pennsylvanian workers just because they are cheaper. I will make sure employers think twice about giving up a Pennsylvanian’s job in favor of an unskilled foreigner, especially if they happen to be an illegal alien. I promise to make employment standards in our states go real tough on foreign born unskilled workers.

A statistic that we should all be proud of is that our state has the fifth lowest divorce rate in the country. We as Pennsylvanians must hold on to our traditional family values, and we are doing a good job of it. While the divorce rate across the country has skyrocketed, Pennsylvania has consistently remained at the bottom. We as a community must teach kids about family values and contribution to your family, and we can keep this streak going!

Taxation is another issue near and dear to Pennsylvanians. The common Pennsylvanian pays their taxes, and probably doesn’t realize what it’s beneficial for. That’s for a good reason, the only people who benefit from high taxes are the bureaucrats sitting in Harrisburg. I hate the term “anti-establishment”, but my opponents in this race are a representation of these bureaucrats. They are, in all senses, the establishment, and high taxation only makes their paychecks go up, while Pennsylvanians benefit from nothing.

The opioid crisis is an issue that affects the young people in our country the most. While our state isn’t the worst at this, we need to combat this crisis head on. As governor, I pledge to make it much harder for doctors to prescribe harmful painkillers and whatnot. I will do whatever is in my power to make sure this crisis ends.

Finally, I want to talk about a heartbreaking statistic. Last year, 2016, there were 30,881 abortions in our state. That is completely ridiculous, the fact that abortion clinics are even allowed to give an abortion to those whose life is not endangered by it, or is a case of rape or incest, is appalling in enough of itself. 18.4% of pregnancies in 2015 were ended with murder. Yes, I said murder, because it IS murder. There is no reason, in any “trimester”, to have an abortion unless it’s one of the aforementioned cases. As governor, I will fully make sure that such a horrifying statistic is never repeated in the state. There are many alternative ways, adoption is one of the best things you can do to your child if you’re not sure about having them. I will make sure adoption services are accessible to everyone, so they don’t have to resort to murder for it.

Thank you Limerick for the opportunity to reach out to Pennsylvanians, and I thank all of my supporters. We can change the face of our keystone state if we work hard.”
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Postby Aureumterra » Tue May 14, 2019 1:38 pm

Areen Ramalan Campaign Rally, Reading, PA
In deep red Reading, Ramalan visited local businesses and even visited a church, much to the surprise of people. Ramalan recognized christianity as a noble religion and one to be respected, while he himself was a Hindu, and he wanted to make that clear to the Pennsylvanian voters as he continued his campaign across the keystone state. He also visited “The Pagoda” of Reading prior to his rally

"We need to focus on a harder approach to school choice. Too long have the so called “conservatives” of Pennsylvania stayed around doing absolutely nothing. We need to fully implement numerous programs in order to give parents the choice they deserve. Not everyone has to go to failing and outright dangerous schools, and not everyone has to pay exorbitant property prices simply because the home they want is in a good school district. We need to focus on charter schools and advocate many alternative schooling options.

I will also not stand idle while powerful bureaucrats keep getting more powerful. My main campaign platform revolves around going back to the basics, to where we were when we were founded. Pennsylvania was the only colony at our founding where freedom, liberty, and justice were valued. We should not hesitate to show our state pride, because we deserve it. This is a state built by the people, not by the bureaucrats. As such, they sit there in Harrisburg, getting rich off of the crushing taxes. Taxes stop innovation, taxes do nothing but make bureaucrats richer.

Reading is a city of businesses, small businesses. These are the small businesses that will benefit the most from the free market. Under a market free of massive regulations, the small businesses will have all the opportunities to earn honestly. Do not fall into the fear mongering of the left when they say deregulation only benefits monopolies, because as we can see in a city like this, small businesses do flourish when the city government decides to take steps and lower taxes while deregulating.

My father was an immigrant from India. He was a skilled worker who came on an EB-1 visa. We need skilled workers in Pennsylvania, we need people who are ready to innovate from outside. What we do not need is unskilled foreign workers. They come in here and take our jobs, make local Pennsylvanians who do blue collar work to lose their jobs. We shall not tolerate this, nor should we keep it going. I promise to heavily restrict hiring standards on foreigners in Pennsylvania, make employment law tough so that only the absolute cream of the crop get to work here. We do not need unskilled workers stealing Pennsylvania made jobs. We do not need employers going to hire them over local Pennsylvanian workers just because they are cheaper. I will make sure employers think twice about giving up a Pennsylvanian’s job in favor of an unskilled foreigner, especially if they happen to be an illegal alien. I promise to make employment standards in our states go real tough on foreign born unskilled workers.

That brings me to my next point. Pennsylvania will not tolerate sanctuary cities. There are deadly consequences to not following the law, making our cities “safe havens” for illegal aliens will only make them more dangerous. We will lose more jobs to these people. As governor, I will make sure that none of our cities become “sanctuaries” at all, passing statewide laws preventing this.

The opioid crisis is an issue that affects the young people in our country the most. While our state isn’t the worst at this, we need to combat this crisis head on. As governor, I pledge to make it much harder for doctors to prescribe harmful painkillers and whatnot. I will do whatever is in my power to make sure this crisis ends.

Taxation is another issue near and dear to Pennsylvanians. The common Pennsylvanian pays their taxes, and probably doesn’t realize what it’s beneficial for. That’s for a good reason, the only people who benefit from high taxes are the bureaucrats sitting in Harrisburg. I hate the term “anti-establishment”, but my opponents in this race are a representation of these bureaucrats. They are, in all senses, the establishment, and high taxation only makes their paychecks go up, while Pennsylvanians benefit from nothing.

Finally, we need to preserve our religious values. America was built upon the foundation of religion, and in today’s society, religion is at risk. I am a Hindu, but Christian values are ones that I truly respect, and we need to come together as religious people. In today’s world, our values are under attack under the name of “diversity,” and it is even more ironic that the people claiming this are usually former christians themselves. I am not Christian, yet Christianity is a religion I have undoubted respect for, and I will not stand idle as this idea is attacked.

Thank you Reading”
Last edited by Aureumterra on Tue May 14, 2019 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
NS Parliament: Aditya Sriraam - Unity and Consolidation Party
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Postby The Orion Islands » Wed May 15, 2019 3:58 pm

The Healthcare Conference
Di Pietro pulls out the next proposal.
“The next proposal is a plan to progressively reduce benefits, while protecting low and middle earners. The CRFB puts it this way.
“Currently, initial Social Security benefits, or the benefits that a retiree receives in their first year on Social Security, are determined in a way that allows them to grow with wage growth throughout the economy. This option would institute what is known as "progressive price indexing." Workers who earn below the 60th percentile of earnings would have no change to their benefits. Beyond the 60th percentile, an increasing share of benefits would be adjusted by price inflation; workers making just above the 60th percentile would have their benefits adjusted mostly by wage inflation, while top earners would have their benefits adjusted mostly by price inflation.”
Thoughts? This will save the state millions and help reduce certain cuts.”
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Wed May 15, 2019 5:50 pm

The Orion Islands wrote:The Healthcare Conference
Di Pietro pulls out the next proposal.
“The next proposal is a plan to progressively reduce benefits, while protecting low and middle earners. The CRFB puts it this way.
“Currently, initial Social Security benefits, or the benefits that a retiree receives in their first year on Social Security, are determined in a way that allows them to grow with wage growth throughout the economy. This option would institute what is known as "progressive price indexing." Workers who earn below the 60th percentile of earnings would have no change to their benefits. Beyond the 60th percentile, an increasing share of benefits would be adjusted by price inflation; workers making just above the 60th percentile would have their benefits adjusted mostly by wage inflation, while top earners would have their benefits adjusted mostly by price inflation.”
Thoughts? This will save the state millions and help reduce certain cuts.”

"Costs of living are too high for that, that threshold will catch up too many people. Since we already made an adjustment to the system we shouldn't be reducing benefits at all, but if we do we can't touj the bottom 95%"
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

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The Orion Islands
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Founded: Dec 04, 2015

Postby The Orion Islands » Thu May 16, 2019 9:26 am

Tallahassee News Station wrote:
The Orion Islands wrote:The Healthcare Conference
Di Pietro pulls out the next proposal.
“The next proposal is a plan to progressively reduce benefits, while protecting low and middle earners. The CRFB puts it this way.
“Currently, initial Social Security benefits, or the benefits that a retiree receives in their first year on Social Security, are determined in a way that allows them to grow with wage growth throughout the economy. This option would institute what is known as "progressive price indexing." Workers who earn below the 60th percentile of earnings would have no change to their benefits. Beyond the 60th percentile, an increasing share of benefits would be adjusted by price inflation; workers making just above the 60th percentile would have their benefits adjusted mostly by wage inflation, while top earners would have their benefits adjusted mostly by price inflation.”
Thoughts? This will save the state millions and help reduce certain cuts.”

"Costs of living are too high for that, that threshold will catch up too many people. Since we already made an adjustment to the system we shouldn't be reducing benefits at all, but if we do we can't touj the bottom 95%"

Di Pietro: "We need to make cuts in order to save the program in this state. This is the most moderate option available. This is going to save millions. Do you have a counter proposal? If we are going back on this compromise, then I will roll back the tax hike to 4%, which is what we agreed on, and that is stretching it for the GOP."
Proud Catholic Republican
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Tallahassee News Station
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Thu May 16, 2019 9:34 am

The Orion Islands wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"Costs of living are too high for that, that threshold will catch up too many people. Since we already made an adjustment to the system we shouldn't be reducing benefits at all, but if we do we can't touj the bottom 95%"

Di Pietro: "We need to make cuts in order to save the program in this state. This is the most moderate option available. This is going to save millions. Do you have a counter proposal? If we are going back on this compromise, then I will roll back the tax hike to 4%, which is what we agreed on, and that is stretching it for the GOP."

"Don't go back to that garbage Governor. You've gone back on your word here more times than I can count and we just finally got that problem settled to try to move on. If you try to pull a fast one like that again, we're walking out of here and you'll be left with the mess that you made yourself sabotaging your own agenda. We agreed to your deal already and you said you'd stick with it. If you try to change it even one more time then we're done here."
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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The Orion Islands
Posts: 3488
Founded: Dec 04, 2015

Postby The Orion Islands » Thu May 16, 2019 9:37 am

Tallahassee News Station wrote:
The Orion Islands wrote:Di Pietro: "We need to make cuts in order to save the program in this state. This is the most moderate option available. This is going to save millions. Do you have a counter proposal? If we are going back on this compromise, then I will roll back the tax hike to 4%, which is what we agreed on, and that is stretching it for the GOP."

"Don't go back to that garbage Governor. You've gone back on your word here more times than I can count and we just finally got that problem settled to try to move on. If you try to pull a fast one like that again, we're walking out of here and you'll be left with the mess that you made yourself sabotaging your own agenda. We agreed to your deal already and you said you'd stick with it. If you try to change it even one more time then we're done here."

Di Pietro: "You have gone back on your word many times, but I have not thrown you out. Do you have a proposal?"
Proud Catholic Republican
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Tallahassee News Station
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Thu May 16, 2019 10:26 am

The Orion Islands wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"Don't go back to that garbage Governor. You've gone back on your word here more times than I can count and we just finally got that problem settled to try to move on. If you try to pull a fast one like that again, we're walking out of here and you'll be left with the mess that you made yourself sabotaging your own agenda. We agreed to your deal already and you said you'd stick with it. If you try to change it even one more time then we're done here."

Di Pietro: "You have gone back on your word many times, but I have not thrown you out. Do you have a proposal?"

"I just gave you one"
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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The Orion Islands
Posts: 3488
Founded: Dec 04, 2015

Postby The Orion Islands » Thu May 16, 2019 10:36 am

Tallahassee News Station wrote:
The Orion Islands wrote:Di Pietro: "You have gone back on your word many times, but I have not thrown you out. Do you have a proposal?"

"I just gave you one"

Di Pietro: "I counter at the 65th percentile."
Proud Catholic Republican
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Tallahassee News Station
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Thu May 16, 2019 1:16 pm

The Orion Islands wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"I just gave you one"

Di Pietro: "I counter at the 65th percentile."

"This isn't haggling, you're not cutting working class benefits"
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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The Orion Islands
Posts: 3488
Founded: Dec 04, 2015

Postby The Orion Islands » Thu May 16, 2019 3:32 pm

Tallahassee News Station wrote:
The Orion Islands wrote:Di Pietro: "I counter at the 65th percentile."

"This isn't haggling, you're not cutting working class benefits"

Di Pietro: “I left most people’s benefits intact. I would like a counter offer.”
Proud Catholic Republican
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Tallahassee News Station
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Thu May 16, 2019 3:34 pm

The Orion Islands wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"This isn't haggling, you're not cutting working class benefits"

Di Pietro: “I left most people’s benefits intact. I would like a counter offer.”

"95 was the counter offer. If we were haggling I would have started with something like 99."
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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Postby Dentali » Thu May 16, 2019 3:37 pm

Tallahassee News Station wrote:
The Orion Islands wrote:Di Pietro: “I left most people’s benefits intact. I would like a counter offer.”

"95 was the counter offer. If we were haggling I would have started with something like 99."

"Mr. Governor" The GOP leader says after clearing his throat resulting in a somewhat different voice "The GOP has the majority, we can get it through as stands."

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Tallahassee News Station
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Postby Tallahassee News Station » Thu May 16, 2019 3:37 pm

Dentali wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"95 was the counter offer. If we were haggling I would have started with something like 99."

"Mr. Governor" The GOP leader says after clearing his throat resulting in a somewhat different voice "The GOP has the majority, we can get it through as stands."

"You won't keep a majority long with cuts like that."
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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Postmaster of the Fleet
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Postby Dentali » Thu May 16, 2019 3:38 pm

Tallahassee News Station wrote:
Dentali wrote:
"Mr. Governor" The GOP leader says after clearing his throat resulting in a somewhat different voice "The GOP has the majority, we can get it through as stands."

"You won't keep a majority long with cuts like that."

"Lets meet in the middle?"

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Tallahassee News Station
Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 27825
Founded: Sep 04, 2016

Postby Tallahassee News Station » Thu May 16, 2019 3:40 pm

Dentali wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"You won't keep a majority long with cuts like that."

"Lets meet in the middle?"

"I already said I'm not doing this to play numbers games. We don't believe there should be any cuts at all, and they won't make it past the assembly without our support. Compromising to allow some cuts to the top 5% is my olive branch, that's my second olive branch after agreeing to the adjustment. Don't get greedy Mr. Leader."
Proud Co-OP of the 2016 Washington Political RP

PRO oppression, hate speech, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, outsourcing jobs, unemployment, career politicians, pollution, pineapple on pizza

ANTI equality, free speech, pursuit of happiness, quality education, freedom, charity, prosperity, puppies and kittens

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The Orion Islands
Posts: 3488
Founded: Dec 04, 2015

Postby The Orion Islands » Thu May 16, 2019 3:41 pm

Dentali wrote:
Tallahassee News Station wrote:
"95 was the counter offer. If we were haggling I would have started with something like 99."

"Mr. Governor" The GOP leader says after clearing his throat resulting in a somewhat different voice "The GOP has the majority, we can get it through as stands."

Di Pietro: “Ok. I’ll put it at the 70th percentile. Will that please everyone? Now that the Republicans are speaking up, mind telling me your opinion of the 4.75% income tax hike on the top bracket?”
Proud Catholic Republican
Supporter of Israel, NATO, Christianity, capitalism, and conservatism.
Member of ICDN



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