[DEFEATED] Commend The Church of Satan

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Old Hope
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Postby Old Hope » Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:15 am

Arasi Luvasa wrote:
Kuriko wrote:

What would have happened if voting just remained in a tie?

A tied resolution passes.
Imperium Anglorum wrote:The format wars are a waste of time.

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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:16 am

Old Hope wrote:
Arasi Luvasa wrote:What would have happened if voting just remained in a tie?

A tied resolution passes.

Do we know this for sure?
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
Org. Join Date: 25-05-2008 | Former Delegate of TRR

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Bears Armed
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Postby Bears Armed » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:59 am

Unibot III wrote:
Old Hope wrote:A tied resolution passes.

Do we know this for sure?

Modly comment in the GA, some years ago, suggested that in the event of a tie a proposal would fail to pass, with "50% +1" being the required minimum of votes for passage -- as is common in RL voting on measures, after all. It seems likely that the GA and SC run on the same voting system.
The Confrederated Clans (and other Confrederated Bodys) of the Free Bears of Bears Armed
(includes The Ursine NorthLands) Demonym = Bear[s]; adjective = ‘Urrsish’.
Population = just under 20 million. Economy = only Thriving. Average Life expectancy = c.60 years. If the nation is classified as 'Anarchy' there still is a [strictly limited] national government... and those aren't "biker gangs", they're traditional cross-Clan 'Warrior Societies', generally respected rather than feared.
Author of some GA Resolutions, via Bears Armed Mission; subject of an SC resolution.
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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:06 am

Bears Armed wrote:
Unibot III wrote:
Do we know this for sure?

Modly comment in the GA, some years ago, suggested that in the event of a tie a proposal would fail to pass, with "50% +1" being the required minimum of votes for passage -- as is common in RL voting on measures, after all. It seems likely that the GA and SC run on the same voting system.

This is all I can find, Flib never returned with an answer...

Flibbleites wrote:Uh, you know, that's a good question. :unsure:

Flibbleites wrote:In this case, the latter, but considering how unlikely it would be for a vote to end up in a tie it could very well be that not even the admins would know what the outcome would be. I just might poke an admin and see what I can find out.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
Org. Join Date: 25-05-2008 | Former Delegate of TRR

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Postby Prydania » Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:35 pm

CoS is a good dude (from my limited time interacting with him in Taijitu) and a dedicated player but eh. I didn’t think there was enough there to justify a Commendation.
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Postby Eluvatar » Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:33 pm

A wizened gnome emerges from under the Secretariat podium and leans toward a microphone. "A resolution with equal votes for and against fails," the gnome says, and disappears in a puff of logic.
To Serve and Protect: UDL

Eluvatar - Taijitu member

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Unibot III
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Unibot III » Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:36 pm

Eluvatar wrote:A wizened gnome emerges from under the Secretariat podium and leans toward a microphone. "A resolution with equal votes for and against fails," the gnome says, and disappears in a puff of logic.


Those trusty gnomes. Got to love 'em.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
Org. Join Date: 25-05-2008 | Former Delegate of TRR

Factbook // Collected works // Gameplay Alignment Test //
9 GA Res., 14 SC Res. // Headlines from Unibot // WASC HQ: A Guide

✯ Duty is Eternal, Justice is Imminent: UDL



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