Imperial Statement from the New Pacific Order

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Imperial Statement from the New Pacific Order

Postby Pergamon » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:04 pm


Imperial Statement from the New Pacific Order: Declaration of War

Dear citizens of the world, if you have not seen or heard about the actions of today, then let us inform you. The Order's protectorate, St Abbaddon, has been attacked by foreign powers. Their hostility towards us has been well documented for months prior to this attack. We have deployed several times in defense of our protectorate because of concerns they would target this region, and they have. We are now in a piling stand-off to save St Abbaddon from those that would otherwise destroy it or use it for their own selfish, political gains at the expense of native members in the region. The Order will not stand idly and allow our protectorate to be disgraced. All parties involved in this attack will be wary of our fortitude. We will not relent or surrender, even if they win the battle of today.

The Order would like to thank all of our comrades, particularly our regional allies, who have responded quickly to this threat. Without the help of our comrades and a solid team spirit, the Order would not be able to field such a defense of St Abbaddon.

The attack from the side of the Black Hawks comes somewhat unsurprisingly, despite vocal claims to stay out of each other's affairs. It is very well documented that the Black Hawks’ hostilities as well as their keen interest to interfere in the affairs of the Pacific have continued, even after the Pacific ceased its updates against the organization.

The Order hereby recognizes a state of war between itself and The Black Hawks and is evaluating its diplomatic stance towards other regions at this time. Henceforth, the New Pacific Order will actively conduct military operations against TBH and its interests. However, the Order is not a defender organization; raider organizations that refuses to cooperate with TBH will not be opposed by us in their R/D operations.


The Emperor and The Senate of the Pacific
Last edited by Pergamon on Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Senator Emeritus of The Pacific - Ret. Regent of the New Pacific Order

"The only war that matters is the war of the Feederite Class against the Userite. UCR Organizations and Cabals that befoul GCR with their presence, disguised as ruling elite within them, must be removed and their power must be broken. This is the ultimate imperative of the Revolutionaries true to the GCR and the Pacifics, which have nothing to lose but the chains from Userite oppression."

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Kawaii Schoolgirl
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Postby Kawaii Schoolgirl » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:07 pm

Hail o/
❚⠀⠀❚ ❚⠀⠀❚

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A mean old man
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Postby A mean old man » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:09 pm

A: SC#16 - Repeal "Liberate The Security Council"
A: SC#26 - Commend The Joint Systems Alliance
A: SC#30 - Commend 10000 Islands
A: SC#37 - Condemn NAZI EUROPE
A: SC#38 - Repeal "Condemn NAZI EUROPE"
A: GA#149 - On Expiration Dates
C: SC#58 - Repeal "Commend Sedgistan"
A: SC#62 - Repeal "Condemn Swarmlandia"
C: SC#63 - Commend Ballotonia
A: SC#65 - Condemn Punk Reloaded
C: GA#163 - Repeal "Law of the Sea"
A: SC#72 - Repeal "Commend Mikeswill"
C: SC#74 - Condemn Lone Wolves United
C: SC#76 - Repeal "Condemn Thatcherton"
A: SC#81 - Repeal "Condemn Anthony Delasanta"
C: SC#83 - Condemn Automagfreek
C: SC#84 - Repeal "Liberate Islam"
C: SC#111 - Commend Krulltopia ← please forget

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Postby Salvarity » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:09 pm

how long until you guys call in BK and the rest of IQ
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Felt Karpit
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Postby Felt Karpit » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:09 pm

Oh, this is fun lol
You're probably glad I'm gone. Just cleaning up shit then I'll cte forever

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Postby Feux » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:10 pm

Always Changing Shapes
TheBestDudeInHistory wrote:Feux is what would happen if I had my shitposting physically removed, isolated, and permitted to become sentient on its own. And I mean that in the best way possible. Clearly I need to marry Feux.
Ostlantis day you will realize your toaster is actually Feux. Your dog? It was Feux all along. Your entire family? 20+ year infiltration by Feux. Everything is Feux.

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Imperium of Josh
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Postby Imperium of Josh » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:11 pm


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Postby SpanishInquisition » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:12 pm

o/ The Pacific, we will right this wrong, be it today, tomorrow or the days after that!
Last edited by SpanishInquisition on Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Dyllonia » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:12 pm

turns into a bunny
Of course you realize this means war!
Captain of The Devils Castle

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The Newark Republic
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Postby The Newark Republic » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:13 pm

The Black Hawks Rule! Come for my region,if you want...
Population ICly:1.8 billion.

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The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp
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Postby The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:13 pm

Hail o7

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Miss Bad Life Choices
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Postby Miss Bad Life Choices » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:14 pm

A war sounds like great entertainment
Xoriet: You’re the best thing to hit raiding since Sev
Miravana: "the accident" is the best way to describe Dak becoming a GCR delegate

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Sequential Art
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Postby Sequential Art » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:15 pm

Hail to the Pacific.

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The Notorious Mad Jack
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Postby The Notorious Mad Jack » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:16 pm

Pergamon wrote:We are now in a piling stand-off to save St Abbaddon from those that would otherwise destroy it or use it for their own selfish, political gains at the expense of native members in the region.

I can probably guess at what the response will be, but isn't the bolded exactly what the NPO did in the first place?
Totally not MadJack, though I hear he's incredibly smart and handsome.

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Postby Xoriet » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:16 pm

Hail Pacifica!

This will be fun. 8) Count me in.
Imperatrix Emerita of the New Pacific Order

And I don't know what we might face
But I know I can't replace you so
I'll do anything to save you
And I will try to make your dreams come true

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The Newark Republic
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Postby The Newark Republic » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:17 pm

Sequential Art wrote:Hail to the Pacific.

Booo! Boo! Booo! *lots of crowds booing the Pacific*
Population ICly:1.8 billion.

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New Glealand
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Hail Pacifica o/

Postby New Glealand » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:17 pm

Last edited by New Glealand on Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Devi » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:18 pm

The Notorious Mad Jack wrote:
Pergamon wrote:We are now in a piling stand-off to save St Abbaddon from those that would otherwise destroy it or use it for their own selfish, political gains at the expense of native members in the region.

I can probably guess at what the response will be, but isn't the bolded exactly what the NPO did in the first place?

No, see. The NPO did it to a native member, singular. Big difference. :roll:
-puppetmaster behind the thrones of warzones europe and africa-
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-some lame r/d utility i guess-

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Postby Raionitu » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:18 pm

Pergamon wrote:raider organizations that refuses to cooperate with TBH will not be opposed by us in their R/D operations.

Sounds like the NPO plans to bully other groups into compliance. "Do what we want or we'll use our military against you". That's gonna go well with the voters ;)

note:personal comment, not official council response
Last edited by Raionitu on Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Koth wrote:you guys are cool, like lately ive been watching the overal state of the raider world and been like,"ew", but you guys are very not ew
Reppy wrote:Swearing is just fucking fine on this goddamn fucking forum.
Aguaria Major wrote:The Black Hawks is essentially a regional equivalent of Heath Ledger's Joker: they just want to watch the world burn
Frisbeeteria wrote:Please stop.Please.
Souls wrote:Hi, I'm Souls. Have you embraced our lord and savior , Piling yet?
Souls wrote:Note to self: Watch out for Rai in my bedroom
Altinsane wrote:Me, about every suspiciously helpful newb I meet: "It's probably Rai."
Lord Dominator wrote:Koth is a drunken alternate personality of yours

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The Jar Jar Jar of Jar Jar
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Postby The Jar Jar Jar of Jar Jar » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:18 pm

Hail TEP
The ever so slightly evil puppet of Stellar Colonies.

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Sequential Art
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Postby Sequential Art » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:20 pm

The Notorious Mad Jack wrote:
Pergamon wrote:We are now in a piling stand-off to save St Abbaddon from those that would otherwise destroy it or use it for their own selfish, political gains at the expense of native members in the region.

I can probably guess at what the response will be, but isn't the bolded exactly what the NPO did in the first place?

Not at all. Our interest was to expel Topid from St Abbaddon for insulting the Pacific. We left St Abbaddon to run her own affairs, lending only our endos as benefits a protector state guarding her protectorate.

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Postby Tiberoa » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:21 pm

Hail o/

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The Newark Republic
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Postby The Newark Republic » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:21 pm

The Newark Republic wrote:
Sequential Art wrote:Hail to the Pacific.

Booo! Boo! Booo! *lots of crowds booing the Pacific*

Population ICly:1.8 billion.

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Postby Dyllonia » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:24 pm

The Newark Republic wrote:
The Newark Republic wrote:
Booo! Boo! Booo! *lots of crowds booing the Pacific*


That's one, thank you Murray/Hellebuck/Crawford, can we have another?
Captain of The Devils Castle

Think of me, think of me waking
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To put you from my mind

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Juuuuust DO IT
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Postby Juuuuust DO IT » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:26 pm

The attack from the side of the Black Hawks comes somewhat unsurprisingly, despite vocal claims to stay out of each other's affairs. It is very well documented that the Black Hawks’ hostilities as well as their keen interest to interfere in the affairs of the Pacific have continued, even after the Pacific ceased its updates against the organization.

If it was unsurprising, you might have protected it better in the first place.

Of course, you find it hard to tell the truth at all, I get it.

As such, let me clarify -

TP ran against TBH, unprovoked. Leaders in TP insulted TBH. TBH protested. Old leaders of TP apologized. People involved were demoted, probably more over another incident, but TBH got lip service too. The words of those demoted did not cease. Soon they admitted to also spying on TBH, TNP, and perhaps others. This was raised again with TP, and after a lot of diplomatic tag, TBH basically got told that those involved had already been punished by being demoted, but also that the old leaders shouldn't have acknowledged TP did anything wrong (I know, contradictory). Since then, those involved have largely been restored to their prior positions, continued to speak against TBH, and anyone who was exceptionally diplomatic towards us is gone from TP. Does it raise any eyebrows then that, consequences removed, rhetoric building, TBH decided enough was enough, and to act?



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