Planetfall - IC

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Harkback Union
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Planetfall - IC

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:51 pm


- In Character -

Wormhole to OOC



- Timeframe -
Turns 1 - 25
2167 - 2192

or simply:
Years 1 - 25 since arrival

Flames rush by windows, the silent prayers and mutterings of colonists filling the phenomenally loud shock of atmospheric deorbit. Boneshaking vibrations rattle the colony pod, a sojourner cast adrift by the mothership, causing the faces of those that bump along in the small shards of metal and polymer to grow pale with both dread and fear. Clouds part before the descending fleet of lifeboats, mountains of vapor and exotic gasses giving way to the falling orbs of heat and light. Below the colonists unfolds an exotic world, a riot of lurid green, glittering sapphire, verdant orange, and sinister mottled crimson and violet.

Brace for landing. Brace for landing.

An automated voice, female but flat and monotone, echoes throughout the pods. Even as they leave the falling wreckage of the Harmony behind, long dead protocols guide the colony pods toward their chosen landing sites across the face of the world they had never been meant to visit. More juddering pops and groans; fins and rudders deploy from the sides of the metal modules, instantly multiplying the streams of fire each vessel emits, but arresting the headlong rush to embrace the soil. Velocity slows, and gradually friction-fires are replaced by simple streams of hypercondensed vapor whipping off of the control surfaces of those hunks of burnished steel and aluminium that hold hundreds of lives within their fragile tin-can hearts.

Parachutes. Deployed automatically, alongside landing buffers, propelled to their full extent by hidden mechanisms. Clouds are replaced by a canopy of alien trees as pods drift downwards on wind and breeze, anxious faces of colonists pressed against hardened glass windows to gain the first glimpses of their new home for... however long they were stranded here.

Some gazed out upon coastal lowlands, orange-hued vegetation sparse but tropical, glittering blue-purple seas stretching as far as the horizons, mats of fluorescent kelp and algae glimmering faintly even in the light of day. Trees with tops like balls of yellow-red fluff are scattered here and there on beaches of golden sand, swaying in different rhythms that do not match the direction of the wind. From the descending pods scatter multitudinous forms of life utterly alien, too far away to be really seen or categorized, but a hundred skittering limbs and upraised eyes taking in the strange event of a foreigner touching the Planet and deciding to move their owners elsewhere. The light of the sun in the spore-clouds given off by these powder-trees obscures vision slightly, sunset and noon the same almost, light diffused into a gentle peach glow which enfolds every facet of the lowlands and leaves few shadows.

Other colonists looked out upon thick jungles, trees as tall as skyscrapers reaching for the heavens, rivers running down from trunks the size of hills and entire ecosystems in their branches. Emerald leaves oppose the descent of some colony pods falling to earth, each as large as a building, but they part with comparable ease, allowing the wayward travelers access to the forest floor. As the pods descend from the canopy it grows wetter, and darker, leaves struggling to gain access to the light denied them by their fellows hundreds of meters above the jungle-forest floor- but trees are not the only inhabitants here. Giant creatures, some seeming to be grazers, others unmistakably predatory, lumber away from the unwanted intrusion. They pass under immense mushroom towers each as high as a house, through crawling black-green grass that shifts at their passage before closing up again as the animals disappear into the underbrush.

Still more of those lucky survivors of the Harmony touch down in fungal vortices, clear grasslands and scrublands of mixed crimson-purple, stands of pale violet trees contrasted with acre after acre of rolling hills the color of freshly shed blood and rust. Where the pods touch the ground the fungus recedes slowly, as if reflexively pulling away from the interlopers. On the horizons, at intervals throughout the plains, sudden mountains of deep magenta and scarlet reach toward the sky, their shapes not those of stone and rock but some living thing, communities perhaps of organisms which have grown so immense as to pass for geological features. Few creatures stir on the endless plains of fungus, but they are alive with activity nonetheless, slow shifts in the tapestry of colors visible even as the colony pods descend from space.

This is Planet. The new home of the survivors, for now.

Introduction curtesy of the G-tech corporation
- February, 2018

Note: Seas, continents and other Geographical formations, or even the planet/star can be named/renamed according to your preferences. The most popular choice will be integrated into
maps and the mechanics.
Last edited by Harkback Union on Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:56 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:54 pm

Faction Intelligence:
World Census Organization wrote:Starting Bases V4:
Nation: Faction Name: Ideology: Landing Location

Ralnis: The Poor Hunters: Agro Dr Moreau*: 8
Lunas Legion: Grey League: Scientifically Pure Nazis*: 28 (r)
G-Tech Corp: The Sons of the Stars: Human-centric Expansionists: 14
Labstoska: Pax Humanitans: Perfecting Humanity at all costs*: 34
Novas Arcanum: New Texas: Industrious Fanatics: 1 (r)
Plzen: Commune of Planet: Radical Syndicalism: 12
Holy Tedalonia: The Order: Militarist Technophiles*: REDACTED (r)
ApplePieistan: The Space Friends: ???? : 24
Seno Zhou Varada: The People's Unity Front: Integralism: 25
World Census Organization: Chaand Trade Union: Caste-Capitalism: 26
The Grim Reaper: The General Committee: Makhnovite Platformist Communism: 29
Revlona: The Marine Republic: Militarist Dictatorship: 18
Cainesland: Wolf Pack: Authoritarian : 33
The Burning Sun: New Horizons: Enlightened Borg : 37

Last edited by Harkback Union on Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:50 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Founded: Sep 01, 2012

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:55 pm

Part I.


Time is divided into Mission Years. Every mission year covers a span of 1 orbit which is about 12 months in earth time, a mission year counts as a turn in the mechanics. Every Turn consists of 3 Phases: Civilian Phase, Clandestine Phase and War Phase. Leaders have to post their turn orders in advance for each turn phase and they will be resolved simultaneously. Here is a quick rundown of how things play out:

1 - Civilian phase - Factions announce their plans for economic, social and scientific development in any order.

2 - Clandestine phase - OPTIONAL - Factions engaged in covert or overt wars encrypt their orders for their military and spies using an online encryption service, preferably - Simply write your orders into the text box and hit encrypt. Then give the encription a password. DO NOT FORGET THIS PASSWORD!
Then add the encrypted orders like this one:
...To your post. Once all factions engaged in wars/covert operations posted their encrypted orders, all factions must announce their encryption password and reveal what the order contains. IMPORTANT! DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS CONTAINING ENCRYPTED ORDERS AFTER THE PASSWORDS HAVE BEEN SHARED! IMPORTANT! Do not use the same password multiple times for encryption!

Or you can just TG me your orders for verification, If you trust me that is.

3 - War phase - OPTIONAL - The war phase has 3 sub-phases
- Advance: Units which were given secret orders move simultaneously
- Reaction: Units that weren't given orders earlier or have moves left can move now, but only to non-enemy bases (they cannot attack enemy bases), Aircraft not given orders yet can be ordered to intercept incoming enemies. Missiles can be fired at any target you are currently at war with. This is done publicly and in any order the effects of the attack are not resolved yet!
- Battles: Once everyone is done reacting, the Battle begins! Missiles hit, the Psychological, weapon and then the melee attacks get resolved in weapon order.
Last edited by Harkback Union on Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Harkback Union
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Posts: 17427
Founded: Sep 01, 2012

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:55 pm

Part II.


There are a number of base locations on planet, each symbolized by a grey circle on the map. it is here where bases can be built. Bases are connected to one another via grey lines. These are land and sea paths. Armies and trade routes move along these paths. Every base location comes with a set number of building locations depending on what region of the planet they are on. Nope, each base can grow as large as it wants. There are a total of 5 regions on planet. Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Grey. Blue areas are covered by seas, Green by alien jungles, Orange by strange spherical coastal plants, Purple by Xenofungus and Grey areas are barren arctic wastelands.
Last edited by Harkback Union on Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Posts: 17427
Founded: Sep 01, 2012

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:56 pm

Part III.
Economy & Bases

Chapter I. The Resources.


Food is the most essential resource to human survival. Every unit of population consumes 1 Food every turn. If there isn't enough food to feed your population in a turn, 25% of your starving population will die, rounded up. For Example, if 3 of your population goes without food, 1 will die. If 1 starve, 1 will die, if 5 starves, 2 will die. Food is produced from various sources: Hydroponics facilities, Seaweed farms and Plantations. Food CANNOT BE STORED, surplus food is either traded to other factions or is spoiled.


Metals feed your Industry. 1 Metal source "Feeds" 1 Industrial Plant. If the plant is not built at the site of the metal source, you must make sure roads and/or ports connect the plant to the metal source, or else the Industrial Plant will be inoperable! Metal cannot be stockpiled!


Energy fuels your faction's machines. Windfarms, Hydro plants, Combustion Plants, Fission Reactors and Geothermal plants and some other facilities produce more energy. Energy is used to power your base facilities. CANNOT BE STORED/CARRIED OVER FOR THE NEXT TURN! (until superconductors technology is researched and you build Hyper-capacitors)
By default, each base has its own energy grid and cannot share its energy to other bases or units elsewhere. Build roads/power lines to exchange resources!


Petrol is an excellent portable energy source used to power mechanized troops, naval units and aircraft. Petrol can also be used to supplement raw material in factories and cover any energy needs! 1 Petroleum => 1 Energy conversion may be performed any time. Petrol is a strategic resource which can be amassed in any quantity in faction's inventory, which is by default located in your capital. From there, it can be deployed anywhere on the globe without additional expenses or regard to trade connections, however, you may only add the petrol to your faction's inventory if there is a trade connection between the faction inventory and the source of petrol..


Heavy elements are mined and refined in Heavy Element facilities for use in fission reactors and weapons. Same rules regarding storage and distribution as with petrol.

NOTE: Faction Inventory (Its strategic reserves)
By default, your capital base will store the valuable resources of Petrol and HE at 0 expense and without need for any special investment in infrastructure, however you may choose to relocate the reserves elsewhere. Doing so costs 1 IP and 1 Energy for the turn and the target base must be connected via trade.

Chapter II. The other things of vaule.

AKA, Industrial Power.

Build Power Represents the might of your heavy industry which is used to build new Base Facilities, Units and Secret Projects. Build Power cannot be stored but you investment in unfinished structures/units isn't lost between turns.


Research power is produced by laboratories and is used to research techs and to build Secret Projects . Research power cannot be stored but your investment in unfinished structures/techs isn't lost between turns.


The People's faith in the Ideology you advocate. Ideological power can be used to run social programmes. Important, Ideological power cannot be stockpiled, you must spend each turn's income or else its wasted. You can get Ideological power from special facilities or from high harmony in your bases.


Produced in Civilian factories, these product help improve your people's lives and supply some types of facilities with crucial equipment. Civilian Goods can be stockpiled anywhere and everywhere, but its recommended that you keep them in your faction inventory for simplicity's shake. 1 Civilian Goods can feed 1 population for a turn in case you are running low on food.


Population is... well... your followers. Every unit of it accounts for about 100 citizens and they always live in one of your bases. You may increase your population over time. If your faction's population is between 0 and 20, you may add 1 population at the start of every mission year. This population will count as kids and will be unable to work for the duration of the turn, but it will consume food and need housing as a regular population. If population is over 20, then 2 population may be added every mission year.
But beware, overcrowding in your bases can quickly disrupt your faction's integrity.

Population, aside from working at facilities and joining into military units can work as Laborers, Thinkers and Scavangers.
Up to 3 population per base can scavenge in most areas, up to 5 population can scavenge in Alien Jungle bases.
Scavengers gather 2 food per quarter.
There is no limit to how many Laborers you can have and they each generate 1 Labor.
Thinkers generate 1 RP per quarter. There is no limit to their numbers either.

After spawned in a base, a unit of population can be moved to any other base at the expense of 1 energy, as long as they are connected via ports/infrastructure.


Harmony represents the Health and happiness of your colonists as well as public order in your bases. The default value of Harmony for every base is 0.

Life on Desponea is no cakewalk. The long workshifts spent in mines and industrial hellholes, the constant fear of the unknown and the depressing sight of Desponea's alien sky is taking toll on the mind's of the populace. Harmony is reduced by 1 for each population living in a base. Low harmony leads to consequences:

- General Strike -
At -5 Harmony (or 5 Disharmony), The Population of a base goes on strike, suspending all industrial activity. No BP, Civilian Goods, spice, Petroleum, Heavy Elements, Supplies or RP May be gained from this base, not even from automated factories, Although BP produced from other bases may be invested here. If your workers strike for 2 conclusive turns, then the workers will resume work for the duration of a single turn. After the 3rd turn, the strike resumes and the cycle repeats.
The General Strike can be avoided if you manage to raise the harmony level of the base through social projects or other effects that play their role during the civilian phase. You may also order military that is present in the base to shut down the strike with violence if your faction is a police state, but doing so will reduce working population by 1 and add "Repression" effect to the base until the police state is eliminated.

- Revolt -
If a base has 10 or more Disharmony (12 under repression, 20 during purges) AT THE END of a civilian phase, 1 in every 5 population will turn into Rebel militias (1-5 pop -> 1 militia, 6-10 pop -> 2 militia, 11-15 - y 3 militia, 16-20 4 militia and so on) and rise up against their opressors. Rebel Militias will fight with the cheapest of conventional weapons against local armed forces (although covert operations can smuggle the rebels better arms) during the battle phase. If the rebels lose, order is restored and the base becomes immune to Revolts for 5 turns, however 1 facility worth at least 3 BP of the owning faction's choice must be destroyed due to the widespread rioting. If the rebels win, then they will either form a rebel faction (if there is a new roleplayer who intends to join in as rebels, he can take control of the rebels. Alternatively, they remain inactive for the time being) or they will join the faction with the highest Ideological power on the planet if there is a faction with 10 or more Ideological power (Can't be the same faction as they rebelled against!

Other sources of disharmony:
For Every unit of population that has no living quarters (lives in slum): -1 Harmony.
War: -1 Harmony for every base while you are at war.
Hostile propaganda and social projects.
Global events.
And the... unkown...

Surplus harmony gives your faction Ideological Power. If the NET harmony (Add together + harmony, deduct - harmony) from ALL your bases has 0-4 surplus Harmony, 0 IP, 5-9 surplus -> 1 IP, 10-14: 2 IP and 15-19: 3 IP and so on.
Basically 1 IP for every 5 Harmony.


Supplies represent munitions and equipment used up during wars. Supplies are consumed by most units during combat, those who do not use supplies often use energy instead. Build power (or industrial power) can be used to make more supplies. 1 BP -> 2 Supplies and yes, 0,5 BP can be converted to 1 supplies (does not work backwards, you cant turn supplies into BP).

Spice is a rare substance found in small quantities at Xenofungus and Arctic regions. A Unit of spice can be at any time consumed by your population to
- +2 Harmony for a base of your choice
- Double Harmony output of a pleasure dome
- add +1 RP to a thinker or +2 RP to a research facility.

Chapter III. Base Facilities.

General Info

Base facilities are built inside base locations.
Every Base facility has HP equal to their minimal BP costs (For example, windfarms always have 2 HP).

The Type E

Type E Base facilities are the bulk of the economy. In most cases, Workers and resources come here to produce new stuff while Some other Type E facilities work on their own. Their list is at follows:

Hint for reading list:s
Name - Build costs / Prerequisites - What it's useful for.


Renewable Plant - 2 BP + 1 BP for each such facility in the same base - + 1 Energy supply.
"Wind, Solar, wave farms"

Hydro Plant - 2 BP - Can only be built in Riverside Base Locations - + 3 Energy. Max 1 Per base,

Geothermal Plant - 2 BP, Requires a free Geothermal Source, Exoplanet Geology Tech - + 3 Energy

Coal Plant - 2 BP or 5 Labor - Extracts and Burns Coal and Biomass from the nearby environment to generate energy. Cannot be built in Deep sea bases. 1 Worker can work here to produce 2 Energy per quarter (+1 With Exoplanet Geology). Heavily pollutes the environment.

Fission Reactor - 3 BP, Atomic Power - By employing 1 population, The reactor can produce 10 energy per quarter from 1 Heavy Elements.

Hiper-capacitor - 3 BP, 1 RP, 1 Build space, Superconductors - Stores up to 20 energy.


Hydroponics facility - 2 BP - 1 Worker + 1 Energy => 3 Food

Plantation - 2 BP or 5 Labor - Only available in jungles. 1 Worker + 1 Energy => 3 Food

Algea farm - 2 BP - Exoplanet Hydrology, Coastal or underwater base - Produces 1 food flat and consumes 1 energy while operational. Max 5 per base.


Deep Mine - 2 BP or 5 Labor + 1 BP for each deep mine in base - 2 Worker => 1 Metal source or 1 Worker + 1 Energy => 1 Metal source. Cannot be built in underwater.

Deep Sea mining facility - 2 BP - Underwater version of the surface mine.

P.E.R.U. (Petroleum Extractor and Refiner Unit) - 2 BP, Exoplanet Geology tech - Can be relocated to another base at the price of 1 energy/move. Uses 1 Manpower (employs 1 population) to extract 2 petroleum every quarter from a petroleum source. By Default, 1 Petroleum source allows only 1 P.E.R.U. to extract it but with Subterran Engineering tech, 2 P.E.R.U.s can extract petrol from the same source. Petroleum may run out at some point.

Cyclotron - 2 BP, Particle Physics - Mines and refines heavy elements. Employs 1 worker and 2 energy to extract and refine 1 unit of Heavy Elements.


Manufactory - 5 Raw Labor - Uses 1 Metal source and 2 Workers to produce 0.5 BP
Can be upgraded to industrial plant at the price of 1.5 BP.

Industrial Plant - 2 BP, Industrial Machinery- Uses 1 Metal + 1 Energy + 1 Workers => 1 BP

Civilian Factory - 2 BP, Industrial Machinery - Uses (3 Food or 1 Petrol) + 1 Energy + 1 Workers => 1 Civilian Goods.

Automated Industrial Plant - 4 BP, 1 RP, Mechatronics - Uses 1 Metal and 3 energy To Produce 1 BP every quarter. Can be upgraded from Industrial Plant (costs 2 BP and 1 RP).

Automated Civilian Factory
- 4 BP, Mechatronics, 1 RP - Works just like the civilian factory except for Workers are replaced by energy in the equation (1 worker is replaced with 2 energy). CAN be upgraded from civilian factory (costs 2 BP, 1 RP).

Fuel Synthesizer - 2 BP, Organic Chemistry - Can Turn 5 Food or 2 Spice into 1 Petroleum, costs 1 energy extra to operate.

Commerce & Infrastructure:

Roads, pipe and power lines - 2 BP OR 10 Labor - Built not in a base but between 2 neighboring base sites. Allows them to exchange Goods, Resources and BP. Also allows (some) Mechanized units to move 2 spaces per quarter. INDESTRUCTIBLE.

Monorails - 3 BP, 1 Civilian Goods, Superconductors - Built not in bases but between 2 neighboring bases. Allows population in one base to work in another, as long as they are connected by monorails. INDESTRUCTIBLE. Costs 1 Energy per turn to maintain. Provides 1 harmony to the 2 bases it connects. Max 2 harmony per base bonus.

Network Link - 2BP, 1 RP, Information Networks - 1 energy per turn maintenance, +1 RP per turn. Allows your faction to exchange RP and technologies with any other Faction that also has a Network link built in one of their bases, max 1 tech transfer per Network Link per Turn!!!

Freight Port - 2 BP - Can only be built on Coastal and Underwater Bases. Allows this base to exchange resources, goods and BP (but not Energy, RP and PP) with other bases that also have a freight port.

Aerodrome - 3 BP, 2 CG, Exoplanet Aviation - Costs 1 Petrol and 1 energy per turn to operate. Max 1 per base. Provides +2 Harmony. Allows sending resources, weapons or population to any other friendly/neutral base on the planet (even those without aerodromes) in quantity no greater then 5 resources/population sent. Can be temporarily re-purposed to a military Airbase at no additional cost over the course of a turn.


Research Facility - 2 BP, information networks - Employs 1 Population and 2 Energy to generate 5 RP towards any tech every quarter. Max 1 R&D building Per Faction by default.

Type C

Type C base facilities are Built to support your population and improve the lives of your civilians.

Base Core - 10 Labor + 5 per each base you have (dispatch populations to nearby base sites to start colonizing) - Provides life support and acts as a foundation for other base facilities. Without employing ANY population, the base core provides the following:
- Alien Jungles: 2 Food,
- Xenofungus: 1 Food, 1 Metal source
- Coastal: 1 Energy, 1 Metal Source
- Deep Sea: 2 Metal source.
- Barren: 1 Energy, 1 Metal source.
NOTE: Your escape pod comes with a built-in base core.

The Core has 5 HP and 1 Kinetic attack. Base cores use neither energy nor ammo to 'shoot'. After losing all its HP in a battle, instead of being destroyed, the base core remains operational though it cannot attack and will automatically surrenders to the last faction standing in the area!

The more bases your faction controls, the more energy is required to maintain them:
1 - 2 Bases: No maintenance
3 - 5 Bases: -1 Energy In every base your faction controls
6+ Bases: -2 Energy in every base your faction controls


Each type of housing provides shelter and home to 1 population.

Slums - Free - Houses your population by default. No energy maintenance. -1 Harmony

Habitation Pods (Special) - Cant be build - Can be relocated at the price of 1 Energy/move to any other base along with the population inside (no need to pay extra for pop move). 1 move per quarter. No energy maintenance. May move underwater.

Housing Projects - 1 BP, Modular Construction - 1 Energy per turn to maintain. Cannot be built at underwater sites.

Classy Suburbs - 1 BP, 1 Civilian Goods - Houses 1 Population, costs 2 energy to maintain. +1 Harmony. Cannot be built at underwater sites.

Service, Entertainment & Media

Infirmary - 2 BP or 5 labor, Max 1 per base allowed - uses 1 energy to generate +2 Harmony

Food Dispenser - 3 BP, Organic Chemistry, Max 1 per base. - Improves quality of food consumed by the locals. Uses 1 energy or 1 spice. Provides 1 Harmony and 1 Food. Max 1 Per base.

Emergency Provisions - 3 BP, 3 CG - Immune to sabotage but destroy-able in battle (3 HP, can be activated when damaged). Destroyed upon activation. Can be activated to:
Provide 3 BP for a turn or
Provide 10 Food for a single turn or
Provide 5 Energy for a single turn.

Recycling Plant - 3 BP, Organic Chemistry, Max 1 per base - Improves health by cleaning out germs from your base and recycles waste. Uses 1 energy. Improves Harmony by 1 and provides 1 Metal source. Also reduces population loss in the base from toxic attacks per turn by 50%, rounded up (If 3 pops would have died in a toxic attack, only 1 die instead...)

Techno-Nursery - 3 BP, Holographic Imaging, Max 1 per base. Uses 1 energy and 1 food per turn to educate the base's youth.
You may choose up to 2 different classes to be part of the curriculum, one for mornings and one for afternoons:
"Critical Thinking": +1 IP
"Happy Time": +2 Labor or +1 Metal
"War Games": Allows building a single, special military unit that doesn't need food or impact harmony and is always mobilized.
"Unrestricted Creativity": +2 Harmony
"Ethical Biochemistry": +1 Food and +1 RP

Additional Rules: You may only change the curriculum once every 5 years.
You no longer need to wait for populations to "grow up" after being born, as the Techno-Nursery has them pre-baked.

Polyclinic - 3 BP, Electronics production - Uses 1 Energy, 1 Civilian Goods and employs 1 Population to improve Harmony by 5 (more with advanced techs). Also reduces population loss from toxic attacks (in the base where it is) by 50% (Stacks with above facility for 100% coverage, making toxic attacks completely ineffective). Max 1 per base.

Recreational Commons - 3 BP, Psychic studies tech, max 1 Per base! - Uses 1 Energy per quarter, Improves Harmony by 2 and Lowers strike threshold for the base by 3 while operational (So your workers strike at 8 disharmony rather then 5). Max 1 per base.

Pleasure Dome - Max 1 per base - 3 BP, 3 Consumer Goods. Requires recreation commons, Improves harmony by 3, uses 1 energy.

Propaganda 'Media Center' - 3 BP, 2 civilian goods, Information Networks and Social Dynamics Tech - Uses 2 Energy and Employs 1 population when operational, Provides 2 Ideological power. Max 1 per faction.

University - 3 BP, 2 Civilian Goods - Uses 1 Energy, 1 Consumer Goods and employs 1 Population. Increases limit of research buildings by 2.

Cloning Vats - 3 BP, 2 RP, Requires Gene-engineering tech - Employs 1 population, Can clone 1 population each turn at the price of 1 food and 1 energy (obviously this only makes sense if you have access to special populations).

Terraforming Project - 6 BP, 2 RP, +10 Raw Labor per pollution level - Terraforming tech, only in alien jungle, coastal and Xeno-fungus areas - Terraforms the base location so that it has an earth-like climate and vegetation. The base core will provide 2 Metal source, 2 Food and 2 Energy instead of its old income. Additionally, the base may grow spice (if it couldn't already) and recieves +5 Harmony.

Type M

Type M facilities builds up the might of your faction and helps you keep population in check.

Unit Production and Security:

Perimeter Defense - 3 BP, Doctrine of Survival - Has 5 HP which regenerates every year unless the facility is completely destroyed. If the perimeter defense is not destroyed during a battle, then all facilities and units that were inside the base will be shielded from ALL types of damage from LAND and SEA units. The perimeter defense prevents the base from being captured as long as it is not destroyed. Max 1 per base.

Weapons Facility - 3 BP, Weapons Production - Can assemble up to 1 Mechanized, Air or Naval unit per quarter (You'll also need to pay the price in BP/RP) (you can carry over unfinished units for next turn). Does not require any population or energy to operate.

Air Base - 3BP, Exoplanet Aviation, Costs +1 BP and +1 RP if built underwater - Fields 3 Aircraft.

Naval Base - 3 BP Coastal and deep sea bases only - Fields 3 Naval Craft.

Missile Base - 3 BP, 2 RP, can be build in every kind of base - Fields 2 Ballastic Missiles. Considered underground by default, Has 6 HP. Auto-repairs itself after the turn its damaged. May be ordered to self-destruct when a hostile faction takes over its base.

Population control & Espionage:

Secret Police HQ - 3 BP, 1 Civilian Goods, 1 Conventional Weapons, Psychic research tech - Employs 1 population and 1 Energy and can operate in 5 modes (1 at a time):
Curb Dissent - +2 Harmony, +1 Labor In your capital.
Silence Dissent - Eliminates 3 disharmony in all bases (After you calculate harmony, if its negative, you may remove up to 3 disharmony but not use this to gain positive harmony).
Quota-based Purges - Lasts 5 turns. Reduces Population by 1 in 3 bases of your choice during the first turn, Ensures no strikes occur in the following 5 turns in any of your bases, sets riot treshold to 20 disharmony. 50% less RP gained from all sources during the effect of the purges.
Counter-espionage - 1 free sentinel operative while in this mode which can only operate in your bases.
Mobilization - Gain 2 kinetic attacks (uses supply) for the battle phase in a FRIENDLY base of your choice.
Max 1 Secret police HQ per faction.

Surveillance network - 1 BP, Secret Police HQ or Intelligence center - Costs 1 energy to run. Negates 2 Disharmony. Max 1 Per base. Sentinels defending a base with a surveillance network may hunt for 3 types of enemy covert agents simultaniously!

Intelligence Center - 3 BP, 2 Civilian Goods, clandestine operations tech - Each Employs 1 population and 1 energy to train 1 covert operative every 5 turns. Each Active Intelligence Center can support up to 3 Covert operatives and hold 3 captured enemy agents. Covert operatives come in 5 forms:
Spies, Sentinels, Propagandists, Saboteurs and Datajacks. Most of these agents need to plan ahead their operations. This is done with encrypted posts, the keys/passwords to these you can keep secret until the operation is executed. The existence of all agents and all their order can be kept fully encrypted until they first come into play.

Sentinels - Can be ordered to defend a FRIENDLY base against 2 types of hostile operative (Propagandist, Saboteur, Datajack, Spies, Sentinels). It will be unable to defend against the other 3 types of hostile operatives. The sentinel can thwart 1 hostile operation it is defending against per year, so if multiple enemy operations are carried out and you only have 1 sentinel, you must choose which one to defend against. Whenever your sentinel thwarts an operation, you can choose to kill or arrest the enemy agent. Arrested agents can be traded with other factions. IMPORTANT. Your sentinels can only thwart plans when they are executed, not when they are planned!

Propagandists - Can be ordered to forment unrest in a target base. Such an operation takes 4 turns the plan. During the clandestine phase of the 5th turn, if there is a sentinel hunting for propagandists, the operation fails and the propagandist is captured. If there are no sentinels searching for propagandists, then the target base's Harmony is reduced by 5. If this change is sufficient to start a revolt, a revolt breaks out and is resolved in the battle phase. If a revolt has broken out and the covert agent remains in place, he may smuggle 1 piece of weapons/equipment per turn to the rebels.

Saboteurs - Can be ordered to sabotage a base in 2 ways, each take 4 turns to plan and come to effect in the 5th turn:
-Chaos Doctrine: shutting down 2 facilities for a turn (cannot be operated) and damaging 1 facility for 2 HP, which is also rendered inoperable until repaired with 2 BP.
-Terror Doctrine: Targets a single facility which must have workers or inhabitants. Kills 1 population, damages the facility for 2 HP and reduces harmony by 2 for 5 turns.

Datajacks - Can be ordered to steal technology or disrupt research. Both take 4 turns to plan, 1 turn to execute. Both must target a base with some type of RP-producing facility or university. If disrupt research is successful, 5 RP is removed from an enemy's ongoing research project of your choice (you can't make him unlearn complete techs this way). If you choose to steal tech and are successful in doing so, you may learn any of your opponents technologies as long as you know all the techs that lead up to it or copy all progress on an ongoing research project (You'll end up with the same amount of RP as your opponent, don't add the RP of your opponent to your own project!)

Spy - Spies devise elaborate schemes with which to double-cross themselves and make sure everyone is too confused to forsee the plot twists coming up ahead. Spies can be ordered to Gather intelligence on other intelligence services or blend in and assume the role of an enemy agent, allowing you to change the target of said agent's plans, unless your spy was a the spy of another faction to begin with, which means... ugh...

Spies can target base where you know or suspect that the enemy has an intelligence center. Then you must make up to 2 predictions as to what agents based in that area will do next. (what type of agent will target what base). If any of your predictions come true, and there are no sentinels defending the base:
- A, You may learn all classified information (ongoing operations, secret projects, army size) from your opponent.
- B, Retarget the operation you predicted towards another base, or in the case of sentinels, if the sentinels has a choice over what agents to catch, you may choose instead of your opponent.

Note: Spies have priority over sentinels ONLY If there is a sentinel defending, and you predicted that a sentinel will be defending the base site, you may choose its target. However, if its only valid target is your spy, then your spy will be captured. In every other case, a sentinel defending against a spy will act first and capture the spy before it can retarget the ability of another agent.

Hope that made sense...
Last edited by Harkback Union on Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:04 am, edited 18 times in total.

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Harkback Union
Post Marshal
Posts: 17427
Founded: Sep 01, 2012

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:56 pm

Part IV.
Warfare & Troops


How to War

During the build phases:
Step 0 (Optional): Prepare for war by building units, making allies and amassing munitions and fuel.
Step 1: Declare war VENDETTA. This costs you nothing and can be done whenever. You can take Step 2 In the same turn, which is:
Step 2: Attack by moving your units into an enemy base (note, units cannot move during the turn they were built, but they can take part in battles).

After the clandestine phase ends, planned unit moves are processed. Then, Before combat starts, Units that were not moved this turn can spend their movement to relocate to friendly bases (this is called reaction). Missiles and aircraft are exception. Air units can intercept incoming enemy aircraft while missiles can be fired at any enemy base, even during reaction or during the battle phase.

When 2 opposing factions are at war and have units/buildings in the same base location after the reaction takes place, combat MAY occur, if one of the sides intends to engage. This is the final part of the War phase.

Before jumping to the combat part, allow me to introduce the unit stats.

How units work

Every unit has 5 main types of property:
-What kind of unit it is. There are 8 options: Trooper (infantry), Mechanized (tanks, walkers), Air (Jets, Helicopters, Airships), Space ships, Naval ships, Naval Submarines, Swarms and Ballastic Missiles.
-If its robotic or human (made purely out of steel and electronics or if there is a crew inside...)
-How Deadly it is. (type and number of its attacks).
-How Hard is it to get killed. (Health, evasion and shield points)
-How Much it can move around on the map (Speed) and if movement costs energy/petrol.

Additionally, Some units may require resources or some structure to be operational.

Every unit has a set number of attacks of the following types:

Priority (effects apply before all other attacks):
Psychological - Takes effect before all other attacks. Uses no ammo. Cannot target robotic units. Disables the unit for the battle (it cannot attack). If it targets troopers, it also removes all EP.

Main attacks (apply simultaneously):
Kinetic (Rifles, Tank barrels) - Uses up 1 supplies. Nothing special about it. Deals 1 Damage. Does not work underwater. Works in space.
Thermal (Flamethrowers, Plasma guns) - Uses up 1 Petrol. Can only target land units and buildings. Deals 1 Damage to its targets and an additional 1 damage against swarms. Ignores shields. Does not work underwater. Works in space.
Explosive (Artillery, rockets, bombs) - Uses up 2 supplies. Deals 3 Damage to troops and buildings, 2 to aircraft, 1 to everything else. Works underwater, but there it only deals 1 damage in all situations. Whenever its used on class C base structures, 1 Population is killed (unless its shielded by bomb shelters).
Laser - Uses 1 energy. Deals 1 Damage. Ignores evasion and deals damage directly to shields and HP. Does not work underwater.
Torpedo - Uses 1 Supplies. Deals 3 Damage. Can only target naval units and deep-sea bases. Works underwater. Does not work in space.
Electro-magnetic - Uses 1 energy, Destroys robotic units. Destroys All EP of mechanized, Air, space and Naval units. Useless against troopers. Works underwater and in space.
Quantum-wave - Uses 1 Energy. Deals 3 Damage. Works underwater. Works in space

All of the above mentioned attacks are applied simultaneously to both sides during combat in most cases. However, the order of the attacks, in the few cases it matters are always determined in a way so that they deal the most damage.

There is also a special kind of attack, after all the other:
Every unit by default has 1 melee attack. Troopers cannot melee Naval, Air or buildings. Mechanized units cannot melee Naval or Air. Naval can only melee naval. Air can melee anything, except for Submarine-type naval units and underwater bases. Air units deal 3 damage if they use their melee attack but are destroyed if they do so. Naval units deal 1 Damage directly to HP with melee but also take 1 HP damage. Same rule goes for mechanized units. Trooper melee simply deals 1 damage.

Every Unit has a set number of Health, Evasion and Shield points:
- Health points represent the overall damage resistance of the unit. If all of these are lost, the unit is destroyed. For each hospital/research hospital you have, you may regain 1 population lost in a battle each turn, but not their equipment. Troopers that do not die in a battle auto-regain all Health if they move into a friendly base. Every other unit can be repaired at friendly bases for 1 BP. Buildings can be repaired too. 1 BP = 1 Health restored. EP and Shields must be depleted before attacks deal damage to HP (except for lasers, Naval melee and the likes.
- Evasion points stand for the ability to dodge incoming fire. EP regenerates after every battle.
- Shield points signal the strength of one's shields. Shields can be charged before battles commence at the price of 1 Energy. Shields only last 1 battle.

How to combat

Battles are also divided into phases. At the start of a battle phase, units are given orders as to which units they should attack. Then, all of the attacks are resolved and we move onto the next phase. Alternatively, attacks can be revealed over the course of IC. It doesn't matter who posts their attacks first, every unit will get to launch its attack and then they will get damage dealt to them from enemy fire.
0, Shields are raised, petrol is payed to ceratin non-trooper units to increase their EP.
1st, The psychological battle takes place.
2nd, The main battle with all the remaining attacks.
3rd, If both factions are still alive, they can order their units to engage in melee!

That's about it... but how do you actually build units, one might wonder...

How to make units

All unit production is done in the Weapons facility (except for Kinetic and Thermal troopers. These units need no designs). It is here where every quarter a unit can be assembled using BP, Metal, Petrol and Rare Elements.

Units consist of parts. Leaders can decide on their own what parts they use when building their units. The units stats, abilities and build costs depend on what parts they are made of. If you find unit designing too tedious, you can another faction to design the units for you.

Before a unit can be produced, it has to be designed (Thermal and Kinetic Troopers are exception! You don't have to design those! Everyone has them after researching Makeshift weapons. You can alsooó train militia and colony pods from the start!). To design a unit, first research the techs needed for the components you selected for it, then spend RP equal to the BP cost of the unit design to Design it. Once you have a design, you can produce the unit. You can share designs with other factions if you have a network link.

Parts come in 4 categories:
- Core Design (determines the unit's HP, what propulsion systems it can have and the amount of weapons and support systems it can carry).
- Weapon systems (determines what attacks the unit has).
- Propulsion systems (determines EP and how the unit moves around the map.)
- Support systems (determines SP, may modify other stats and/or give the unit special abilities.

After a unit is produced in a weapons facility, unless it is a robotic one, its not yet operational. 1 population must be attached to it to bring it into your military. The population that is called to arms still eats food but needs no housing. It takes 1 turn to attach a population to a unit. By the end of the build phase, the unit becomes operational and can fight but it cannot move during the turn it was produced. Units can also be disbanded. This can be done at any time and it does not cost a turn. The population can be put to work immediately after its freed up. Also, The Weapons and the population will be added to the base where they demobilized (And not to the faction's reserves).

The Trooper Core design is known by everyone from the start. It costs 0.5 BP. Troopers have 2 HP and need no propulsion to move around. Troopers that are not given weapons are called "militia". They only have a melee attack BUT they can be armed later on with better weapons.

The list of weapon systems:

Conventional Weapons (0.5BP, Makeshift weapons) - Has 1 kinetic attack which deals 1 damage and uses up 1 supplies. Cannot target underwater units.
Flamethrowers (1 BP, Makeshift weapons) - Had one thermal attack which uses 1 petrol and Deals 1 Damage when fired (2 vs swarms and buildings) and use Ignores shields. Does not work underwater. Cannot target air.
Artillery (1BP, Weapons production) - Has 1 explosive attack which Uses up 2 supplies and Deals 3 Damage to troops and buildings, 2 to aircraft and to everything else. Works underwater, but there it only deals 1 damage in all situations. Cannot be placed on aircraft.
Laser (1BP, High-energy lasers) - 1 Laser attack which uses 1 energy, Deals 1 Damage. Ignores evasion and deals damage directly to shields and HP. Does not work underwater.
Torpedo (0.5BP) - Has 1 torpedo attack which uses 1 Supplies, Deals 3 Damage. Can only target naval units and deep-sea bases. Works only in/underwater.
Electro-magnetic (1 BP, Wave-modulation) - Has one EM attack which Uses 2 energy and can either completely obliterate a robotic target or Destroys All EP of a mechanized, Air and Naval target. Useless against troopers. Works underwater.
Quantum-wave disruptor. (1BP, String Theory) - Has one quantum-wave attack which Uses 2 Energy, Deals 3 Damage, Works underwater.
Coil Guns (0.5BP, Superconductors) - Has a special 1 dmg kinetic attack that uses energy instead of ammo.
Hydra Rocket Launcher (1BP, Self-writing code or Neural interface) - Has a special torpedo attack that can also directly attack air and ignores EP.
Plasma Launcher (1BP, Plasma containers) - Has 3 thermal attacks, each use energy instead of petrol.

List of Special ammo (carried by bombers and Ballastic missiles).

Explosive Payload costs 1 Supplies) - Loaded into ballastic missiles and aircraft. Deals 1 explosive damage.
Torpedo Payload (costs 1 Supplies) - Costs ammo. Loaded into aircraft, deals 1 Torpedo damage.
Toxic Payload (???) - Kills up to 3 civilian population in the target base (military units are immune) (Unless base has filtration & sanitation facility and/or polyclinic. Those reduce the death toll).
EM Payload (1BP, 1 RP, Wave Modulation) - Disables all energy production at the target base for a year.
Atomic Payload (costs 1 BP, 2 HE, Atomic Power) - Obliterates an entire base and its population (save for those shielded by bomb shelters)

List of core designs:


Trooper - Known from the start. 0.5 BP. Troopers have 2 HP and need no propulsion to move around. They can carry 1 weapon.

Light Mechanized - Requires Weapons Production. 1 BP. Has 4 HP, 1 Weapons and 1 Land Propulsion slot.

Special Mechanized - Requires Weapons Production. 1.5 BP. Has 4 HP, 1 Weapons, 1 Support System and 1 Land Propulsion slot.

Heavy Mechanized - Requires Weapons production and Materials Science. 2 BP. Has 8 HP, 1 Land Propulsion slots and 2 Weapons Slot. Uses double fuel.

Fortress - Requires Weapons production and doctrine of survival. 2 BP, Has 7 HP. Cannot have propulsion. Has 3 Weapons slot. Counts as a building. Has to be deployed pernamently to a base that already has perimeter defenses after production. Max 1 fortress per base.

(remember, all of these use naval capacity.)

Hydrofoil - 1BP. 3HP - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). Can have 1 Weapon system. If it has none, acts as a transport for either 1 mechanized or 2 trooper units/population.

Cruiser - 2BP, 5HP, Exoplanet Hydrology - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). 1 Weapon slot, 1 Support system slot.

Dreadnought - 3.5BP, 9 HP, Megastructures - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). Cannot have any EP from propulsion. 3 Weapon slots, 1 support system slots.

Submarine - 2 BP, 3 HP, Exoplanet Hydrology - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). Gains Double EP from propulsion. Is the only "Underwater" unit. Has 1 Weapon slot and 1 support system slot. If it doesn't has a weapon, it can transport 1 trooper. Only submarines can capture underwater bases (if all other units there are destroyed.

Carrier - Costs 3BP. 8HP, reqs. Megastructures - Acts as a mobile airbase. Can carry 2 troopers or 1 mechanized unit. Needs a naval propulsion system to move. Has 1 weapon slot. Cannot have any EP from propulsion.

(remember, all of these need an airbase.)

Basic Fighter - 1BP, Exoplanet Aviation. 2 HP, 1 Weapons slot, 1 Air Propulsion slots, 1 Support system slot.

Heavy Fighter - 2 BP, Exoplanet Aviation, Megastructures. Has 4 HP, 2 Weapon slots, 1 Air Propulsion slots, 1 Support system slot. Gains half EP from propulsion.

Bomber - 2BP, Exoplanet Aviation. Has 4 HP, Carries up to 1 Payload (which can also be a trooper who paradrops and takes part in the battle the regular way.). 1 Air Propulsion slots, 1 Support system slot. Gains half EP from propulsion.

Flying Fortress - 3.5BP, Exoplanet Aviation, Megastructures. 7 HP. Uses double fuel. Gains half EP from propulsion. Carries up to 2 Payload (which can also be 2 troopers or 1 mechanized unit who paradrops and takes part in the battle the regular way.), Has 1 weapons slot, 1 Air Propulsion slots and 1 Support system slot.

Can be manufactured at space ports. Repairs to spacecraft can only be made at space ports.

Shuttle - 2 BP. 4HP. 1 Space Propulsion and 1 Support System slot. Has 3 cargo space. Each cargo space can store 2 units of any resource (including wealth and BP but not E), 1 population 1 trooper unit, 0.5 Colony pod or 0.5 mechanized unit.

Space Destroyer - 2.5 BP. 5HP. Has 2 Weapons slots (exchangable for support slots) and 1 Space propulsion slot.


Ballastic Missile - 0 BP, Reqires 1 Rocket Propulsion system. Carries 1 Payload.

List of Propulsion Systems:


Petrol Engines & Tracks: 0.5 BP, Available from start. Allows the unit to move up to 2 spaces every quarter on roads (Each space a base) or 1 spaces if there are no roads.

Petrol Engines & Mechanical legs: 1 BP, Mechatronics. Allows the unit to move up to 2 spaces every quarter on roads and off-roads. Uses 0.5 Petrol per spaces moved when traveling on and off-road. Has 1 EP (if halved, rounded down).

Electric Engines & Tracks: 1BP, Superconductors. Same as its Petrol powered counterpart but uses 1 Energy per space (on roads) and 2 Energy per space (off-roads).

Electric Engines & Mechanical legs: 1BP, Mechatronics, Superconductors. Sames as its petrol powered counterpart but uses 1 energy per move instead. Has 1 EP(if halved, rounded down).


Petrol Engines & Propellers: 0.5BP, Available from start. 2 EP. Uses 0.5 Petrol to move 1 Space per quarter.

Biofuel Engines & Propellers: 0.5BP, Inorganic Chemistry. Uses 3 Food or 1 spice to move 1 Space Per quarter. 2 EP.

Electric Engines & Propellers: 1 BP, Superconductors. Uses 1 Energy to move 1 Space per quarter. 2 EP.

Fission Engines & Propellers: 2BP, 1 HE, Nuclear Fission. Never ever uses fuel. Can move 1 space per quarter. Has 2 EP. If the ship has energy-powered weapons, those don't cost any energy to fire either.

Jet engines: 1BP, Desponea Flight. Uses 0.5 Petrol to move 1 space per quarter. May gain 4 EP for 0.5 Petrol during battles.


Petrol engines, Helium Ballast & Propellers - 1 BP, Exoplanet Aviation. Can move 1 space per quarter both land and sea at the price of 0.5 Petrol. Doesn't need to be stationed at airbase (but still uses aircraft cap).

Jets - 0.5 BP, Exoplanet Aviation. Must be Always stationed at an airbase. Every quarter, Jet-powered aircraft can fly to another nearby base in a 3 base radious to take part in a battle there. After the battle, the aircraft returns to its base and is available for another operation next turn. Jet powered aircraft that is not given orders during the peace phase can, during the reaction phase intercept an air attack in a 3 base radius. When intercepting, an air-only battle will take place between the 2 sides before the regular war phase plays out. Aircraft that use their attacks during the intercept cannot attack again this turn and may choose to disengage and return to base. Depending on how far planes fly, they consume fuel: 0.5 Fuel when flying 1 bases away, 1 Fuel when flying 2 bases away (return trip included).
Jets have 2 EP.

Turbojets - 1BP, Mechatronics, Aviation. Same as jets but has twice the range and twice the EP boost: (4 EP).

Proton jets - 1BP, Particle Physics, Aviation. Same as Turbojets but has 1 uses energy per bases flown.

Antigrav - ???? tech, 1BP, Same as Petrol powered propellers and helium ballast but moves 2 spaces per turn at the price of 1 energy.


Conventional Drive - 1.5 BP, Astrophysics. Every quarter, Conventional drives allow spaceships to travel anywhere within a planetary system from one base to any other on the same planet at the price of 2 Petrol, Can travel from a planet's surface to the planet's orbit at the price of 4 Petrol. Can move between orbits of the same planetary system (a planet and it's moons) at the price of 1 Petrol and land on planets/moons at the price of 1 Petrol.

Fission Drive - 2.5 BP, Fission Drives. Works like Conventional drives, but instead uses 1 HE on the turn when moved, regardless of the distance moved. Weapon and support systems of ships with fission drives consume no Energy if the unit moved this turn or if 1 HE is expended to fire up the reactor.

Plasma Drive - 1.5BP, Plasma Drives. Works like conventional Drives but uses 3 Energy instead of petrol.


MRBM - 0.5 BP, Solid fuel Rocketry. Has a range of 2 bases.
LRBM - 1 BP, Solid fuel Rocketry. Has a range of 3 bases.
ICBM - 2 BP, Solid fuel Rocketry. Can hit any base on Desponea.
IMPORTANT! All of the above ballastic missiles cost 0.5 fuel per base range to launch.

List of Support Systems:

Reinforced Armor: Costs 0.5 BP, Materials science. Increases HP by 2.

Visual Counter-Measures: Costs 0.5 BP, Available from start. Gives the unit 1 EP.

Electronic Counter-measures: 1 BP, Information networks. Gives the Unit 2 EP.

Robotic core: Costs 1BP, Robotics tech. Makes the unit operable without population.

How to Diplomacy

There are 3 relations that can exist between factions:
-Allied: Can only be established with mutual consent! By default, only your bases count as "friendly" for you. If you get an ally, his bases will count as friendly too.
-Neutral: You start from here. Allows trading. You can only get from Hostile to neutral with mutual consent.
-Hostile: If your units move into the same base location, battles will occur.
Relations can be changed at any time, including the middle of a battle. Moving from allied to hostile can be done without the other faction's consent and free of charge. Improving relations on the other hand costs 1 Consumer Goods, to host diplomatic talks. Any faction, including a third party can pay the cost. Both positive and negative Propaganda can be aimed at any faction regardless of your relations. You can also spy on/sabotage your allies.
Last edited by Harkback Union on Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:52 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Founded: Sep 01, 2012

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:56 pm

Part V.
Social Engineering

Social engineering works similarly to research, but instead of research power, Ideological power is spent to establish a certain paradigm in your faction. The more Ideological power your faction has, the faster the paradigms are adopted. Some paradigms have maintenance costs in Ideological power, which are deducted from your income. If you cannot afford to maintain a paradigm, its positive effects are cancelled, while its negative effects remain, until you manage to pay the fees or adopt another paradigm of the class.

There are 5 classes of paradigms: State, Economy, Values, Architecture and Planet. Your faction may adopt only a single paradigm from each class.

Who has power?

The one
Requires: 10 IP investment to adopt, Social Psych
Must designate a base to be capital.
Effects: +1 Ideological power, +5 Harmony in capital.
No strikes in bases with mobilized military present.

The few
Requires: 10 IP investment to adopt, Social Psych
Must designate a base to be capital.
Effects: +1 Ideological power, Allows populations to be designated as "elites" in your capital. Elites require luxurious villas to reside in (cost 3 BP, 2 energy to maintain, house 1 elites and add +2 Harmony). Elites cannot work regular jobs, but can be armed and used as units which have +1 HP. If not mobilized, they generate +1 RP and +1 Ideological power.

The many
Requires: 10 IP investment to adopt, Social Psych
Must designate a base to be capital.
Effects: +1 Harmony per base
Allows construction of a capitolium (costs 5 BP) at your capital.
The capitolium employs 1 population and 1 uses energy to provide +2 Ideological power.

Who owns the means of production?

The state
Requires: 15 IP investment to adopt, Industrial Machinery, 1 IP per turn maintenance
You may now make 5 year plans for production, population growth and research. If you do, and you do not make any changes to the plan in the upcoming years, you receive 1 year's worth of BP output from your economy at the end of the 5th year to immediately spend.

The army
Requires: Industrial Machinery, 1 IP per turn
Effects: Your mobilized populations can also be put to work.

The capitalists
Requires: Industrial Machinery, 1 IP per turn
BP and CG are now instead only referred to as money in a currency of your choice ($, C~, £). Money cannot be stockpiled, unless your faction has a bank.
Allows for constructing:
Bank (Information networks, 2 BP) - Max 1 per faction - Employs 1 population and 1 energy, allows storing $)
Stock exchange (Information networks, 2 BP) - Max 1 per faction - Employs 1 population and 2 energy. Gain 1 $ for each base you control. In addition, any other Feudal, Militarist or Capitalist faction may grant access to its markets for you. If they do, those bases also each add 1 $ to the stock exchange income. However, if they do so, they may not operate stock exchanges of their own.

Note: A market crash may occur in the presence of banks and stock exchanges. A market crash causes all Capitalist factions to lose half their stored $, and halves $ income for 5 years by 50%. The probability of a serious crash is 1:100 each year.

The aristocracy
Requires: Industrial Machinery, 1 IP per turn
-1 Harmony from mines, civilian factories and industrial plants. Strikes only effect mining and industry.
+2 Food per base, Troopers core design costs 0BP (FREE MILITIAS!!!).

The workers
Requires: Industrial Machinery, 1 IP per turn
+1 Harmony from active mines, civilian factories and industrial plants.
1 Population in each base is on vacation (inactive) each turn.
No strikes (whats the point).

What is the most valuable to your society?

Material possessions
Requires: 10 IP investment, Consumer Culture, 1 IP per turn
+1 Harmony from converting consumer goods.
+1 $ per base with CAPITALIST.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Excess Ideological power can be converted to:
- 1 $ with CAPITALIST
- 1 Housing Project with PLANNED (1 IP => 1 Housing project)
- 1 Food with FEUDAL

Academic Achievements
Requires: 10 IP investment, Social Dynamics,, 1 IP per turn
+1 Harmony and Research power from research facilities and universities.
+1 Research power from elites with Plutocracy (becomes technocracy).
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ideological power can be converted to Research power at a rate of 1:1

Spiritual strength
Requires: 10 IP investment, Fundamentalist Ethos, 1 IP per turn
-1 RP per base, All units gain +1 Melee attack
+1 Harmony from elites with Plutocracy (becomes theocracy).
May build chapels (1 per base) (costs 2 BP, uses 1 energy, adds +3 Harmony)
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ideological power can be converted to Harmony at a base of your choice, 2 Harmony per IP

Requires: 10 IP investment, Exoplanet Climatology, 1 IP per turn
+3 Harmony in every base, +2 Harmony in every base with ECOLOGICAL architecture,
-1 Harmony from active mines, industrial plants, civilian factories
-5 Harmony from coal plants and P.E.R.U.s
Recycling plants now have different effects:
+2 Harmony, +2 Metal, +1 Energy
Recycling plants may filter pollution from your base using energy, negating the harmony loss. 1 energy = 1 less harmony lost due to SUSTAINABILITY
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ideological power can be converted to BP towards renewable plants

Requires: 10 IP investment, Doctrine Survival, 1 IP per turn
+3 Harmony in bases with perimeter defenses
+2 Harmony in bases with mobilized military present (does not multiply with number of units)
Double base core HP and attack in bases your faction built
No Harmony penalty for being at war
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Ideological power can be used to cover food or supply expenses of units.

Requires: 10 IP investment, NO TECH REQUIRED, 1 IP per turn
-1 Harmony in every base
+3 Harmony with DEMOCRATIC state in every base
+3 Harmony with SYNDICALIST or CAPITALIST economy in every base
MOST IMPORTANTLY: With a Media center, Excess IP can be converted to reduce harmony in an AUTOCRATIC base of your choice (1 IP=> -1 Harmony in an oppressive faction's base)

Adopting the an architecture style for the first time costs 1 BP per base you have. Afterwards, changing styles require an investment of 2 BP per base. You do not receive these bonuses for bases you conquered, unless they also shared the same style as your faction uses.

Fundamentalist Ethos
+1 Ideological Power (just once, not per base!)

Exoplanet Flight
+1 Harmony per base

Modular Construction
+1 Energy per base

Materials Science
Double HP to all facilities structures

Exoplanet Climatology
+1 Food per base

Resources are meant to be consumed...
5 RP to adopt, Borehole mining Tech, 1 Ideological Power to maintain
+1 Metal per mine, Unlimited coal plants, Allows your faction to discover a new source of petroleum in one of its bases (max 1 discovery per faction)
Note: You lose your petroleum source if abandon EXPLOIT

The planet speaks to us...
5 RP to adopt, SUSTAINABILITY values, 1 Ideological Power to maintain
+3 Harmony in Xenofungus, +2 Harmony in Every other base, Native aggression reduced.

Build a new garden of Eden!
5 RP to adopt, Terraforming tech, 1 Ideological Power to maintain
+6 Harmony in terraformed bases
Last edited by Harkback Union on Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Posts: 17427
Founded: Sep 01, 2012

Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:57 pm ... 102757.jpg

Part VI.
Research & Technologies


GREEN - PLANET AND BIOTECH - Food production and expansion
RED - WARFARE AND WEAPONRY - Weapon systems and aviation
BLUE - SCIENCE AND INFOTECH - Boost research and espionage

Tier 1 (All cost 5 RP)
Exoplanet Geology - Allows P.E.R.U.s and Geothermal Plants to be built. Increases Coal plant E yield.
Alien Botanics - Allows Plantations to be built, +1 Food from alien jungle bases.
Industrial Machinery - Allows Industrial Plants and Civilian Factories to be built,
Modular Construction - Allows Housing projects and Utilitarian Architecture,
Makeshift Arms - Allows building Conventional Weapons and Flamethrowers and so Kinetic and Thermal Troopers
Doctrine of survival - Allows building perimeter defenses, Unlocks Security Values
Psychic Studies - +1 Harmony in your starting base, Rec commons, Unlocks State
Information Networks: Unlocks Network Link and Research Facility

Tier 2 (All cost 10 RP)
Exoplanet Aviation (Industrial Machinery): Art-deco Architecture, aircraft core designs and propulsion systems, Allows building Aerodromes and Air bases.[/coloo 2r]
[color=#008080]Exoplanet Hydrology (Exoplanet Geology)- Unlocks Cruisers, submarines and algea farms.

Exoplanet Climatology (Exoplanet Geology) - Improves yield on Plantations, Ecological Architecture, Sustainability Values
Organic Chemistry (Alien Botanics) - Allows construction of fuel synthesizers, food dispensers and recycling facilities
Materials Science (Industrial Machinery)- Unlocks Reinforced Armor support system and Brutalist Arhitecture, allows 1 additional PERU to be built on each source of petroleum
Clandestine Operations (Information networks) - Intelligence Center, Secret Police HQ, Secret Projects
Weapons Production (Makeshift Weapons) - Unlocks the Weapons Facility, The Artillery Weapon system and the Mechanized core designs.
Social Dynamics (Psychic studies): The Media Center, Knowledge Values
Fundamentalist Ethos (Psychic studies) - Faith Values, Gothic Architecture
Consumer Culture (Industrial Machinery) - Wealth Values, Classy suburbs,

Tier 3 (25 RP)
Subterran Engineering (Modular Construction)- Allows building any base facility except for plantations and renewable plants under-ground. Each facility built underground costs +3 BP. Underground facilities are indestructible. This technology increases max number of oil extractors on a petrol source by 1. Also improves Energy output of geothermal plants, and allows Boreholes and Exploit Planet
Amarphous Silicon (Materials Science): Renewable plants never cost more then 3 BP,
Superconductors (Materials Science): Coil guns, Hypercapacitors
Exoplanet Ecology (Exoplanet Climatology): Plantations require no energy to operate, Discovers SPICE, allows building plantations in arctic and xenofungus bases, where they produce 2 spice instead of 3 food. +1 Spice production in Xenofungus and Artic Bases. +1 Food production in Alien Jungle, Coastal and deep sea bases.
Underwater construction(Desponea Hydrology): Deep sea colony pods (Cost 5 BP each).
Mechatronics (Information Networks): Walkers, Automated factories
Megastructures (Materials Science): Carriers, dreadnoughts, Heavy interceptors and flying fortresses.
Terraforming (Organic chemistry, Desponea Climate, Desponea Botanics, Geotechincal engineering): Allows Terran forests to be planted, Terraform Planet
Particle Physics: Supercollider
Holographic Imaging (Social Dynamics or Fundamentalist Ethos or Consumer Culture) - Allows construction of Techno-nurseries, +1 Harmony from the recreation commons.

Tier 4 (All cost 50 RP)
Neural Interface(Superconductors): Hydra rockets, 1 Free Tier 1 or 2 tech, Datajacks can steal 2 techs in one go.
Solid Fuel Rocketry (Exoplanet Flight): Space exploration. Ballastic Missile production.
Aeroponics (Organic Chemistry): Hydroponics facilities can be now upgraded to Aeroponics at the cost of 3 BP. Aeroponics are the same as Hydroponics but require 0 population to operate.
[color=#400040]Social Engineering (Social Dynamics): +1 IP per turn, +2 Harmony per base.
[color=#400000]High-energy Lasers (Superconductors): Laser Weapons
[color=#400000]Wave Modulation (Particle Physics): Unlocks shields and EM weapons.

Tier 5 (All cost 100 RP)
[color=#400000]Atomic Power (Particle Physics): Unlocks Fission Reactors, Cyclotrons and Nuclear warheads.
[color=#400000]Wave Modulation (Particle Physics): Unlocks shields and EM weapons.
Astrophysics (Solid Fuel Rocketry): Space ports
String Theory (Quantum Mechanics): Wave-Disruptors
Gene-engineering (Nano-biology, Neural Interface): +1 Food per quarter from hydroponics. Hydroponics can produce 1 Fuel instead of producing food. +2 Harmony from every Polyclinic

Tier 6 (All cost 60 RP)

Fission Drive (Isotope separation, Astrophysics): Fission Drives
Lalande System Chart (Astrophysics): Unkown
Cybernetics (Gene-engineering, Artificial Sentience): +3 Harmony from hospitals. All troopsers get a support slot. +1RP per quarter.
Dark Energy (String Theory): Dark Energy Nodes, +1RP per quarter.
Plasma Containment (Superconductors): Plasma launchers. Plasma Drives. Fission reactors produce +2E. Hyper-capacitors store 20 more E.

Tier 7 (All cost 120RP)
Last edited by Harkback Union on Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:58 am, edited 12 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Postby Harkback Union » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:41 pm

The Early Years...


Having survived the horrors of the harmony, the surviving passengers now find themselvs beneath an alien sky...

Meloncoly and depression in memory of those lost in the tragedy is quickly overtaken by exitement, relief and optimism, for that It is for the very first time that mankind has escaped the confines of the solar system. The first settlements are quickly being established using whatever tools and materials available and local resources are quickly put to use.

+5 Harmony during the first 5 years.
No strikes possible on turn one.

Still, many questions remain unanswered as to what happened in the final hours prior to planetfall. There are many speculations afoot, but little evidence. According to some observers, the harmony has crashed into one of the large oceans whilst the escape pods made their slow descent, generating enormous waves hurling towards the coasts.
Last edited by Harkback Union on Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 63958
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:26 pm

"In one instant, eternity, infinity, the endless void of the space between stars. The abstract, immaterial, unknowable. In the next, earth, physicality, humanity. The flesh and blood of the cosmos, soil, stone, stolidity unmoved. That is the essence of Planetfall: the transition between two extremes, abandoning one for the other." - Thinker Gershwin Rasimakis, Mission Logs MYA 1.10.23

The Field of Arrival, Northern Unnamed Continent, Planet
Mission Year One

I placed foot against accelerator, and the small electrical vehicle whirred beneath me. Steadily I began picking up speed over the ragged dirt road that marked the path between the grounded colony pod and the town which had sprung up around it, and the looming monolith of the manufacturing hub that we had established a small distance away next to the Mirrormere. It was an old name, a name out of fiction and myth, but a good one for the crystal-clear torrent that coursed through the waving fungal fields from some unknown source far to the south and west. Ground passed under the two-wheeled speeder, driven by the minor biofuel generator that Chief Researcher Petrenko had managed to rig up, and I waved at those men and women I passed carrying the lengths of crude metal and synthwood in their long lines towards the foundry.

A factory? Not really- the machinery was crude, barely more refined than that of industry centuries removed from the standard we had expected to establish. But so much had been lost in the crash that, really, to even have anything resembling a manufacturing base in operational status so shortly after being forced to abandon the lion's share of the colonization materials was nothing short of a miracle. Hand tools and conveyor belts were a godsend, compared to hacking material out of the ground with picks and shovels and making everything underneath dim candlelight like some prehistoric voyagers.

More minutes passed, and the stream of workers grew denser about me. Wood from the nearby violet forests had proven easy enough to harvest, though some colonists complained of being unnerved by the sensation that something was watching them. Rank superstition, which I officially dismissed alongside the faculty of our little band, but not superstition I myself was immune from. There was something quiet, waiting, about the world that we now found ourselves living upon. Life here was in evidence, certainly, but not the riotous existence that we had expected based on the orbital scans. Nearly all of the biomass was tied up in the mats of living fungal organisms that writhed and drew back at the passage of humanity, and creatures which relied on it for sustenance or symbiosis. A vast homogeneous ecosystem, but so far not unkind to our existence in its parlour.

Still, it was unnerving. The Mirrormere was so called for it was as clear as a man could wish, and even where it pooled into small lakes you could see great fathoms into its vegetation-less depths. And watercourses that did not grow life were usually sterile for a reason, but we could find no reasons for alarm in the water, nor the ecosystem, nor our landing site.

My contemplation was brought to a halt as I ran out of road, bringing my bike to a stop near the door of the "Manufactory" as some of the others had taken to calling it. Plodding robotic workers took materials from those men and women in their rebreathers who had transported the materials thus far from our digsites near the small burgeoning town and from the other small refineries in the purple-red wastes. Their discovery and activation by the Doctor had also proven of great worth, and the supply crawler which harvested so much of our resources from the groves of waving stones and strangely-colored trees.

Soon, very soon, a start to our new lives could properly begin. Months had passed now, upon this alien rock, but still I did not find myself overly troubled. Only intermittent signals from the other colony pods, and only those very near to us. The people that followed that meat-packer (whose name I still couldn't remember) had landed south of us, in what they said was a torrential tropical jungle of giant trees and endless rain. It didn't sound very pleasant, really, though they apparently had an easier time finding food to eat than we. Not that that had been a problem- between our own carefully calibrated environmental construction, and the genetic strains I and the Doctor had worked to integrate into viable renewable harvests of both grain and soya proteins, it was survival. Not tasty survival... but then again, finding game to hunt in this wilderness often seemed more work than was really worthwhile.

And, besides, who wanted to upset the stillness?

I shook my head, banishing the uneasy thoughts of a man on an alien world. Off of the electric motorbike I swung, dusting off the thin layer of fungal spores that had accumulated during my ride almost unthinkingly as I walked inside to consult with the foreman of the rising industrial effort.

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco] | 3 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies
2 Workers generate 2 Labor (-2 F)
1 Worker uses Terraformer to generate 2 Labor (-1 F)
1 Robotic Workers generates 1 Labor (-1 E)
Manufactory constructed (-5 L)
Scientist generates 1 E
1 IP generated and unused, thus wasted

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 3 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | 1 Harmony

+1 Food in Xf, +1 E in Aj, +1 Harmony in all bases after CG produced, May grow Petroleum in Hydroponics, +2 Harmony, +2 Harmony from Recreation Commons, +1 IP

"Here we face the challenge not only of building an economy and an industrial base, but of erecting that economy and industrial base in a vacuum. In mankind's history, little of more difficulty has ever been attempted- one always builds on a foundation, transitioning from agrarianism to feudalism, and feudalism to merchantilism, and so on down the line. But here we must erect an entire working economy, each piece in its proper place and behaving in the proper manner at the instant of creation, or the entirety of the system will collapse immediately. This is the difficulty we face." - Provost Ameritus Tchichovsky, Address to the Faculty, MY 4.5.11

Lake Dweris, Fields of Arrival, Ara Continent, Planet
Mission Year 3

Below the observation tower, a ramshackle affair more scrapheap than edifice, the gray monolith that was to be the source of our power for a generation to come was taking shape. Oh, it wasn't finished- hardly more than halfway complete, if the timetables were to be believed. But it filled my heart with gladness, seeing the rising walls of slate-gray concrete which would trammel the power of the Mirrormere. A shameful disruption to the native ecosystem, in the eyes of many, but they had been able to propose few alternatives. I had looked at the proposals myself, and though I pulled my cloak tighter about my shoulders as a winter breeze lashed the fungal plains, my mind was far away within the steamy confines of the rising Spire.

Four years, spent to put up a paltry few wind turbines or photovoltaic arrays? Practical if we had the industry for it, but foolishness on this virgin world where even machining a piece of ground-leveling equipment was so far away they might as well ask me to build a spaceship to take them home. We burned wood for fuel and melted metal in homebuilt furnaces, for fucksake. Sourcing the rare earth minerals and resources to put up their green environmentalist fantasies would be as fruitless as trying to fly without wings.

Not that they were bad fantasies. This was a unique ecosystem, and it would have to be stewarded carefully if we hoped to live in harmony with it and its strange denizens. But we had to have priorities here, and right now my main priority was survival. It wasn't even like hydroelectric power would pollute our environment- it was as clean as grass, if you didn't mind flooding a few acres of the fungal vortex. Speaking of which, I glanced over in that direction, to where the terraformers and robots were working to cut back the crimson and violet growths. There was no telling how they might react to the water, but they didn't appear to mind being carefully uprooted and transferred to other areas of the surrounding plains, so that was the stratagem we had enacted for the projected flood zone.

Another growling electric truck crawled over to the dam and dumped its load of blastcrete into the funneling bins, and I shivered once more, turning around to go below. Idleness and contemplation had their place, but there was still much work to do. Even with my rejuvenants, one man did not live forever.

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 3 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | 1 Harmony
1 Robot and 1 Worker operate Manufactory (+0.5 BP)
0.5 BP invested in Hydroelectric Plant [0.5/2]
1 Thinker researches Industrial Machinery [1/5]
1 Forager produces 2 Food
1 Pop recruited
Scientist generates 1 E
1 IP generated and unused, thus wasted

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 4 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | -1 Harmony

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 4 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | -1 Harmony
1 Robot and 1 Worker operate Manufactory (+0.5 BP)
0.5 BP invested in Hydroelectric Plant [1/2]
2 Thinkers research Industrial Machinery [3/5]
1 Scavengers produces 2 Food
1 Pop recruited
Scientist generates 1 E
1 IP generated and unused, thus wasted

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 5 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | -3 Harmony

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 5 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | -3 Harmony
1 Robot and 1 Worker operate Manufactory (+0.5 BP)
0.5 BP invested in Hydroelectric Plant [1.5/2]
2 Scavengers produce 2 Food
2 Pop with Terraformer and Kinetic Weapons + Supplies moved to Base Site 9 | Site named Farholme
Scientist generates 1 E
1 IP generated and unused, thus wasted

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 3 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, 1 Metal | 1 Harmony
Farholme (9): 2 Pop | Terraformer, 1 Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies | 3 Harmony

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 3 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Metal | 1 Harmony
1 Robot and 1 Worker operate Manufactory (+0.5 BP)
0.5 BP invested in Hydroelectric Plant [2/2]
2 Thinkers complete Industrial Machinery, Alien Botanics [1/5]
Scientist generates 1 E
1 IP invested in Planned Economy (1/15)
Farholme (9): 2 Pop | Terraformer, 1 Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies | 3 Harmony
1 Worker begins construction on Base Core using Terraformer (2/10)
1 Scavenger harvest 2 Food

Spire of Eternity (14): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory, Hydroelectric Plant [+3 E] | 3 Pop, 1 Robo | Scientist, 1 Metal | 1 Harmony
Farholme (9): 2 Pop | Terraformer, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies | 3 Harmony
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:25 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Plzen » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:40 am

-post snipped-
Last edited by Plzen on Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:45 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Harkback Union
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Postby Harkback Union » Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:58 am



Under the direction of Michael Smith, an escape pod has landed amidst the thick jungles of the western continent, carving a mile-long scar in the tropical treeline, the vegetation and the and the ground below, before finally stopping at the edge of a lake.

New Texas has landed on base site 15
Last edited by Harkback Union on Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Harkback Union
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Postby Harkback Union » Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:42 am



Thanks to Ekaterina Makuraova and her associate, the epsylon pod was successfully launched from the Harmony and safely landed amidst the forests of the central continent. However, the fallowers she gathered earlier on have been lost during the evacuation.

Their escape pod, along with all the others have managed to depart the harmony, however, there were no further reports about their whereabouts.

Epsylon Pod has landed on base site 28 with 1000 genetically altered laborers frozen in stasis.

Grey League pod is lost in the wilderness...

Note: Population trading allowed.
Last edited by Harkback Union on Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Lunas Legion
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Lunas Legion » Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:19 am

'Leadership is a journey, not a destination. It is continually challenged, and must continually prove itself anew against fresh obstacles.'- Diary of Ekaterina Makuraova, Entry Two, Planetfall + 19 Days

-IC Content to be Inserted later-

The Bastion (Base Site 28) (+ 1 E (Oil Palms/Jungle), + 2 Food)
Engineer Ryu Sung-il (+1 E)
Epsilon Cryo Pod: 10/10 Epsilon Population

Unfreeze 10 Population
4 Population Scavenge for Food (+8 Food)
Engineer Ryu Sung-il (+1 E)
Base Pod (+ 1 E (Oil Palms/Jungle), + 2 Food)
5 Population used for 5 Labour to build 1 Manufactory
1 Population used for 1 Labour to start construction on 1 Deep Mine (1/5 Labour Invested)

2 E Unused, Wasted.
10 Population consumes 10 Food.

Harmony: N/A- Epsilon Population does not suffer from Harmony
Last edited by William Slim Wed Dec 14 1970 10:35 pm, edited 35 times in total.

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Postby Labstoska » Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:50 am

The Pax Humanitanus
The colony pod managed to touch down gently among the towering mushrooms and terrifying landscape of this alien world. The large unloading bay doors slowly and gently set down upon the fungus chocked surface, the colonists aboard the colony pod simply looked out upon this strange alien landscape in shock and apprehension. For a few minutes everybody within the colony pod simply stared out, they were completely and utterly terrified of the landscape that was before them however it is not in mankind's nature to stand back while there is an entire planet of unclaimed land right in front of you ready to be cultivated and developed. At first it was only a few brave individuals who journeyed out into this brave new world and started to study the strange fungal structure that towered over them but then after them more came through the loading bay doors and soon everybody had been knocked out of their initial fear and apprehension and had begun to help unpack the supplies that they had managed to loot from the Harmony. The first thing that was taken off the Harmony were the Hydroponics off course which thanks to the guidance of the two unofficial mayors of the town, Crawford and Dupont, was successfully transformed into a fully functional hydroponics facility. The next thing on the list was the transformation of the colony pod into a kind of central hub for the entire colony where under the supervision of Crawford they had been conducting experiments on the strange purple fungus that choked the entire landscape, so far they had discovered that while it was completely inedible it did make quite a good fuel source and so it had been utilised to produce power.

A few weeks after the colony pod had landed and already the colony was beginning to take shape. The colony pod had been transformed into the central nervous hub for the entire colony and surrounding it were a number of housing projects that had been constructed using the parts they had looted from the Harmony, then surrounding these housing projects were encompassed by an unfortunate collection of slums where the rest of the population lived. These had become sorted into two new groups, one of which were the farmers who resided in the slums and worked at the hydroponics facility and then the second group were the thinkers who were dedicated towards discovering the secrets of industry, due to the technocratic beliefs of the Pax Humanitanus it was no wonder why these people were the ones to receive housing projects for themselves.

It was this colony that would grow out and expand to hold the entire planet in it's grasp however right now they were trapped in a pre industrial state without any further way of growing, luckily the terraforming machine that they had looted from the ship had the ability to construct a manufactory, it wouldn't quite give them the same industrial capacity as an actual industrial era factory however it would be good enough for now. After self-sufficiency had been achieved, Alexander Crawford attempted to turn the Pax Humanitanus into a an actual state rather than just a town filled with very confused people however the colonists refused to call Crawford anything more than a mayor, however as the mayor he did at least get to make some of the important decisions and implement some of his own policies in order to bolster efficiency however the colonists still demanded petty inefficient things such as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly however they would learn in time that it was only through efficiency and progress that mankind could master this world and then beyond it, the stars.

Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: +1 E, +1 M) [Env] | 2 Pop | Scientist, Terraformer, Architecture: Environmentalist , Power Cells (10),
thinkers generates 1 RP towards Industrial Machinery (1/5)
New pop of adolescents spawned
1 pop works Hydroponics plant, 3 food gained
2 food consumed
Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: + E, +M ) [Env], hydroponics facility | 3 Pop (1 adolescent) | Scientist, Terraformer, , Power Cells (10)| + 4 Harmony

Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: +1 E, +1 M) [Env] | 3 Pop | Scientist, Terraformer, Architecture: Environmentalist , Power Cells (10),
thinkers generates 1 RP towards Industrial Machinery (2/5)
New pop of adolescents spawned
1 pop uses terraforming machine to generate 2 labour for manufactory(2/5)
1 pop works Hydroponics plant, 3 food gained
2 food consumed
Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: + E, +M ) [Env],housing projects, hydroponics facility | 4 Pop (1 adolescent) | Scientist, Terraformer, , Power Cells (10)| + Harmony

Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: +1 E, +1 M) [Env] | 4 Pop | Scientist, Terraformer, Architecture: Environmentalist , Power Cells (10),
2 thinkers generates 2 RP towards Industrial Machinery (4/5)
1 pop uses terraforming machine to generate 2 labour for manufactory(4/5)
1 pop works Hydroponics plant, 3 food gained
2 food consumed
Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: + E, +M ) [Env], hydroponics facility | 4 Pop | Scientist, Terraformer, , Power Cells (10)| + 1 Harmony

Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: +1 E, +1 M) [Env] | 4 Pop | Scientist, Terraformer, Architecture: Environmentalist , Power Cells (10),
1 thinker generates 1 RP towards Industrial Machinery (5/5)
1 thinker generates 1 RP towards information networks(1/5)
New pop of adolescents spawned
1 pop uses terraforming machine to generate 2 labour for manufactory(5/5)
1 pop works Hydroponics plant, 3 food gained
2 food consumed
Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: + E, +M ) [Env]manufactory, hydroponics facility | 4 Pop (1 adolescent) | Scientist, Terraformer, , Power Cells (10)| + 1 Harmony
Industrial machinery

Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: +1 E, +1 M) [Env] | 4 Pop | Scientist, Terraformer, Architecture: Environmentalist , Power Cells (10),
Use wires to invest 1 BP into industrial complex(1/2)
2 pops work in manufactory to generate 0.5 BP towards industrial complex(1.5/2)
1 pop works Hydroponics plant, 3 food gained
thinkers generate 1 RP towards information networks(2/5)
2 food consumed
Central hub (34): Base Core (Xf: + E, +M ) [Env]manufactory, hydroponics facility | 4 Pop (1 adolescent) | Scientist, Terraformer, , Power Cells (10)| + 1 Harmony
Industrial machinery

It had been 5 years since the colony pod of the Pax Humanitanus had touched down on this world and so far they had sucseeded in making vast amounts of progress towards the establishement of an industrial state and as Director Crawford looked out across the central hub from the converted colony pod and smiled to himself as he cast his eyes to the near complete industrial complex that now dwarfed any other structure within the central hub. Many of the workers complained that their living quarters were less than adequet however they simply didn't understand the priorities that the Pax Humanitanus valued. One thing that did make Crawford wish to begin construction of a few houses for the lackeys was that they refused to accept many of the political and economic reforms that he proposed despite the fact that he was the leader of the colony. Either way the Pax Humanitanus was on the edge of developing the capacities of a true industrial state and despite the complaining of those who demanded such ineffecient nonsense as freedom of speech and a democratic system the Pax Humanitanus was swiflty progressing along the path to greatness.
Last edited by Labstoska on Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Seno Zhou Varada
Posts: 6027
Founded: Feb 25, 2014

Postby Seno Zhou Varada » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:45 pm

The People's Unity Front

On a Eastern Coast in the Southernmost continent. Beginnings

The colony pod had landed gently... well as gently as an emergency landing could manage. Ramon Vilar, her engineer, attempted to keep the pod stable during the rocky launch but it wasn't perfect. The pod landed on a small hill overlooking the beach and ocean. Large waves pounded the shores, washing away much into the ocean. The pod began opening up and expanding, revealing modular rooms ready for habitation. People began following out of the cramped pod, yearning for fresh air and open spaces. Caterina exited out of the pod along with those she designated leaders, laying plans with them.

First work would be put towards the building of a manufactory, as well as population growing measures. The manufactory would be used to build further energy making measures to prepare for additional construction. This would be necessary considering the lack of industrial machinery they had. It was a shame the terraforming unit had to be traded away, considering it would greatly assist in building the manufactory, but it did grant them an ally. The population measures would be a bit trickier, probably involving some mild growth accelerators and the recruitment of those in the surrounding areas, but it would be possible. Of course it would damper some of the mood but it was needed to fully establish the base.

Caterina looked over her followers, as they stretched out and observed their new surrounding, admiring the sea and the wildness of the landscape. She got up to the tallest part of the hill and spoke to them, "Those that have followed me and the vision. This will be our new home, our town, our city! We shall create a new society! One which takes elements from the past and moves them into the future! Our past has been varied, ranging from hunter gathers of the way back to serfs under lords. From radical workers fighting for their freedom to inhabitants of a war-torn, poverty filled land. These ideas will move into the future! We shall create an organic society based on this varied history! We will choose those that work and discard those that don't. We shall keep our traditions and revolutionize them into this new, strange world. We will continue!"

Applause, again, erupted from those that had been loyal to her. More hesitant clapping came a few moments later from the other followers. As the applause settled down the people began to get to work settling this rich, untamed landscape.

Nova Barcelona, Year 5

The plans had been set in motion. A manufactory constructed, more people added to the front, and research began on industrial machinery. The town had begun taking an organic shape. The modular habitation pods had been adapted and added to. Color adorned the walls of the town, and propaganda media adorning the walls. The people were jovial and enjoying themselves, despite the harsh conditions. While this would of course fade away quickly, due to this early optimism dying out, they would still remain semi-happy.

The manufactory began working on additional pylons renewable energy sources. While a hydrocarbon power source would be much more powerful, it would also destroy the beautiful environment around them. Besides this new home would hopefully be transformed to one remembering their lost ones. With this they could establish a more powerful industrial base, which would speed up production on any additional construction projects. Something that would soon be needed.

Capital Base: Nova Barcelona

Turn 1: 3 population, 1 as kids
Energy: 2 produced, 1 consumed by hydroponics, 1 consumed by rec commons
Harmony: -4 from pop, +2 from rec commons, +5 from event(1/5 ) = 3 harmony
Food: -4 from pop, +3 from hydroponics (-1 pop), +2 from scavenging (-1 pop)
Population: 1 pop used in hydroponics (+3 food), 1 pop used in scavenging (+2 food), 1 pop building a manufactory (1/5 labour),1 growing (lazy good for nothing little…)

Turn 2: 4 pop, 1 as kids
Energy: 2 produced (1 by engineer, 1 by coastal), 1 consumed by hydroponics, 1 consumed by rec commons
Harmony: -5 from pop, +2 from rec commons, +5 from event(2/5 ) = 2 harmony
Food: -5 from pop, +3 from hydroponics, +2 from scavenging = 0 remaining
1 pop used in hydroponics (+3 food), 1 pop used in scavenging (+2 food), 2 pop building a manufactory (3/5 labour),1 pop used in growing (how do they even grow you suckers in a year…)

Turn 3: 5 pop, no kids
Energy: 2 produced, 1 consumed by hydroponics, 1 consumed by rec commons
Harmony: -5 from pop, +2 from rec commons, +5 from event(3/5) = 2 harmony
Food: -5 from pop, +3 from hydroponics, +2 from scavenging = 0 remaining
1 pop used in hydroponics (+3 food), 1 pop used in scavenging (+2 food), 2 pop building a manufactory (5/5 labour, finished),1 pop researching industrial machinery (1/5 remaining)

Turn 4: 5 pop. no kids
Energy: 2 produced, 1 consumed by hydroponics, 1 consumed by rec commons
Harmony: -5 from pop, +2 from rec commons, +5 from event(4/5) = 2 harmony
Food: -5 from pop, +3 from hydroponics, +2 from scavenging = 0 remaining
1 pop used in hydroponics (+3 food), 1 pop used in scavenging (+2 food), 2 pop working in a manufactory (.5/2 renewable plant) ,1 pop researching industrial machinery (2/5 remaining)

Turn 5: 5 pop. no kids
Energy: 2 produced, 1 consumed by hydroponics, 1 consumed by rec commons
Harmony: -5 from pop, +2 from rec commons, +5 from event(5/5) = 2 harmony
Food: -5 from pop, +3 from hydroponics, +2 from scavenging = 0 remaining
1 pop used in hydroponics (+3 food), 1 pop used in scavenging (+2 food), 2 pop working in a manufactory (1/2 renewable plant) ,1 pop researching industrial machinery (3/5 remaining)
Last edited by Seno Zhou Varada on Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Political Compass: Economic: -8.88 Social: -9.54
Libertarian Socialist with Anarcho-Communist Leanings
Still dirty commie, shower is currently being collectivised.

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Posts: 6695
Founded: Apr 06, 2015

Postby ApplePieistan » Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:04 pm

Not five minutes has passed since the landing, and everyone has already broken out into argument. The colonists were all shouting over each other about who gets to drive the terraformer, who gets to eat the red mushrooms, and unrelated racial issues. The only ones not shouting were Ann and her new doctor friend who were still standing around the landing pod. Amid the chaos, these two simply looked at each other and shrugged, unsure of what to do. It took a minute, but Ann finally got the bright idea to grab one of the guns from the pod and fire it into the air. The noise was startling to everyone, including Ann, who immediately dropped the gun after firing it. It did, however, gather everyone’s attention, which is good.

Being put on the spot now, Ann desperately tried to remember what her social studies holobook said. With fake confidence, Ann announces “Shut up! Listen, we’re all friends here, together, in space. Space friends, it’s clear who gets to do what. Handsome people, you get to drive the terraformer. Ugly people, you go look for edible mushrooms so we don’t have to look at you. Everyone else, help the handsome people. I am sure you all know who you are, so get to work!”

The colonists wanted to make an argument, but simply couldn’t. With this particular group of colonists, it was abundantly clear who belonged to what group. It was hard to argue against this arrangement because people were either satisfied with their assigned role or to emotionally hurt to argue. After discussing it, the people decided amongst themselves the first thing they needed to do is build a place to make stuff. Simple enough, and from there on out, no one really had plans. The only permanent thing that was decided was the name of the base: Friendland. It’s kind, welcoming, and non-threatening. A great name for a not-so-great place.

3 pop, psychic studies, 1 food crate (5 food), 1 terraformer, 3 kinetic weapons, 2 supplies, doctor

2 populations provide labor towards (1 with terraformer, 3/5)
1 population scavenges (2 food)
Gothic architecture (1/10 towards autocracy)
Friendland [24]
Base core (xenofungus): +1 food, +1 metal
1 harmony

4 pop, psychic studies, 1 food crate (4 food), 1 terraformer, 3 kinetic weapons, 2 supplies, doctor

1 population provides labor towards manufactory (with terraformer, manufactory complete)
1 population scavenges (2 food)
1 population thinks about information networks (1/5)
1 population sucks thumb
1 preserves food eaten (4/5 left)
Gothic architecture (2/10 towards autocracy)
Friendland [24]
Base core (xenofungus): +1 food, +1 metal
-1 harmony
Last edited by ApplePieistan on Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

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World Census Organization
Posts: 150
Founded: May 20, 2017

Postby World Census Organization » Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:39 pm

Colony Pod 9
Neezan's Private Diary: Entry 1

Since it seems clear that Daniel Relly isn't going to use this tablet anymore, I will use it to document my life here on planet... new terra... earth... whatever we decide to call it.
First the positives. All of us survived the landing. By us, I mean the 300+ colonists that came down in Podyne. Oh, that's the name of the colony. At first, we just called it Colony Pod 9 because, well, that was the pod number. But t'was too long, so then it was Pod 9. Now it's simply Podyne. (At least, that's how Adytia spells it). Oh, I managed to pick a decent place for us to land. So far, it has not been too hot, nor too cold. It's by the sea. I've always wanted to live by the sea. *chuckle* The pod landing was hilariously soft. We landed with a soft jolt. Enough to rattle our equipment, but not enough to ensure we actually landed. There was a little damage, but nothing that we couldn't repair. The gramophone I found still works. People seem to refer to it as relic of Earth. Funny isn't it. How it was a relic then, but now it's actually a RELIC.

But the hasty evacuation of the Harmony left us with many tough decisions, and now we live with the consequences. We scrounge the coasts for food, as we didn't bring any. We live in near poverty, as we brought few luxuries. Adytia spends his days working the Infirmary (he has gained A LOT of medical experience). But besides what we brought, we have little saved in the terms of technology... Simple questions are the center of our world. "How long is a day?" "How long is a year?' "Do we have seasons?' "How often does it rain?" "Is this plant/animal/rock edible?" and "What noises lie in the dark?" Most still mysteries for us.
During clear nights, I often catch large groups of people (and Adytia) staring at the unpolluted, alien sky. Back home, I've never been interested in astronomy. Too much work to do. Too much light pollution. But here, we are already weaving tales about these new constellations. My favorite is the Boy Who Cried Sol...

Base (Spot #)
Coastal: +1 Energy, +1 Metal, Pop 3+ Growth
1 Laborer (with Terraformer): +2 Labor, 2 Foragers: +4 Food
Facilities: Infirmary (-1 Energy, +2 Harmony)
Other: Scientist: +1 Energy, Gramophone: +1 Harmony, Babies!: -1 Food
2/5 Labor Manufactory,
Net Food:+4 -3 (pop) -1 (babies)=0
Harmony: -3 (pop) -3 (slums) +2 (Infarmary) +1 Gramophone +5 Hope= 2
Supplies: 2 Kenetic Weapon, 3 Weapon Supplies, E-Tablet

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 63958
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:51 am

”Planet is unforgiving, harsh and dangerous. A mouthful of organonitrates from a delicious looking psarmelon will put you off mistaking beauty for a benign nature for the rest of your life. The fungal fields are notorious for looking placid and picturesque, mere hours before a highstorm of lethal power will ravage the landscape. But through comprehension, we may understand it more fully, and thus live in harmony with this exotic and unique world. Take the symbiosis of the razorbeak- look at how carefully it tends to the crimson tendrils of the vortices, and how the fungus protects it in turn from predation. Mankind must learn to live in concord as does the rest of nature, or disaster will result.”
- Battletech Thomas Goodwin, Planet: A Survivalist’s Guide

Marshaling Yard, The Spire
Year Four

In the shadow of the rising arcological edifice the soldiers and colonists were assembled, behind them the behemoth of the Terraformer parked and ready to carry them towards their new homes. Backs were held ramrod straight, eyes forward and unblinking, rifles each held in parade-rest. From behind the smoked glass my smile was invisible, but no the less genuine. The Harmony’s crew had been chosen for their qualities and attributes, certainly. Each man and woman, a selection made to complement the others, to build a cohesive whole capable of taming a virgin world. They were the pioneers, the engineers, the innovators, not the spoiled brats in the passenger section and the would-be gloryhounds and social media stars who had in their ignorance been thrust into a situation they were utterly unprepared for.

Yes, I was proud. A few years ago we had been scared refugees cast adrift on a world we had not expected. Now the assembled survivors, my friends and compatriots, were perhaps not masters of the world, but at the least more confident in their own ability to face it.

Outside my viewing pavilion Commander Zhukov finished his speech to the assembled colonists. Many were newly recruited, scattered survivors who had been scraping by near to our landing site before we had begun integrating their various bands and tribes. But, intermixed with veterans of our burgeoning society, they would do their jobs with the fervor only converts could muster. They had seen the dangers and follies the rest of humanity had fallen to, and now fully appreciated the virtues of good governance. As the military leader of our colony closed his remarks and saluted, even the unarmed civilians gave a ringing shout that I could hear from within the Spire. In neat columns they began boarding the Terraformer, and within a few minutes the monstrous edifice stirred and began its long journey.

Behind me the elevator door dinged, and I heard footsteps approach. Zhukov mimicked my pose and fell in standing next to me, both of our eyes following the path of those brave souls toward the horizon.

“They might never come back.”
The Commander’s voice was low, tinged with hope and regret.

“I know.” My only response.

“But we’ve given them the best odds we could. We can’t feed more here, and they know that too. I will pray.”
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Posts: 6695
Founded: Apr 06, 2015

Postby ApplePieistan » Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:35 pm

Friendland, Years 3-5

The latest issue in Friendland was a shortage of food. Almost everyone had to have fewer rations of food, leading to some starvation deaths, but mostly just unhappy people. They may still have their optimism and hope for a better future, but clearly, it was fading. They were still working for these past few years, but soon enough, they would surely have had enough of it. A strike would surely mean the death of Friendland, but what could be a solution? Ann had one idea: a small group of armed folk, which could ensure work, even throughout a strike. While seemingly cruel and oppressive, it may be the Space Friend’s only chance of survival.

The gang was provided with some of the weapons and ammo looted from the Harmony, and were provided with snazzy outfits to signify their new role. Of course, these outfits had to be created by the manufactory, which some saw as a waste of its potential. While this may have been true, each uniform was green and friendly-looking, yet at the same time, very distinguishing. The guns completed the look, showing fellow Space Friends that these guys are still authority figures. This group was known as “The Space Allies”, and they stood to protect the Space Friends, mainly from themselves. Their main job was to stop strikers, but in case of alien attacks, perhaps they could help, who knows?

5 pop, psychic studies, 1 food crate (4 food), 1 terraformer, 3 kinetic weapons, 2 supplies, doctor, manufactory

4 populations research information networking (5/5)
1 population sucks thumb
Gothic architecture (3/10 towards autocracy)
1/5 people fed, 1 dies

Friendland [24]
Base core (xenofungus): +1 food, +1 metal
-3 harmony

5 pop, psychic studies, 1 food crate (4 food), 1 terraformer, 3 kinetic weapons, 2 supplies, doctor, manufactory, information networking

2 populations provide 0.5 BP towards research facility (0.5/2)
2 population provide labor towards coal plant (1 with terraformer, 3/5)
1 population sucks thumb
Gothic architecture (4/10 towards autocracy)
1/5 people fed, one dies

Friendland [24]
Base core (xenofungus): +1 food, +1 metal
-3 harmony

5 pop, psychic studies, 1 food crate (4 food), 1 terraformer, 3 kinetic weapons, 2 supplies, doctor, manufactory, information networking

2 populations scavenge (4 food)
1 population becomes trooper
1 population finishes coal plant with terraformer
1 population sucks thumb
Gothic architecture (5/10 towards autocracy)

Friendland [24]
Base core (xenofungus): +1 food, +1 metal
-3 harmony
Last edited by ApplePieistan on Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Posts: 11332
Founded: Feb 28, 2014
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Cainesland » Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:52 pm

While I wait to determine my exploration results I will make my first post in the IC.


Wolf looked out the window of his pod. Shrapnel and fire surrounded it as it fell through the atmosphere from orbit. Wolf was pleased to make it out of the ship. He had been able to arrive at the escape pod that he had been put in charge of before the harmony left earth in case of a disaster - such as a fire or cryoleak. It wasn't the luxury escape pod. That was the responsibility of another crew member. Nor was it exactly run down. Rather it was a ship for the commoners and middle class. Therefore those that had paid top dollar for a seat on this ship, and those such as himself that were paid to have them attend, but Wolf guessed that many more were neither rich nor poor but possessed skills desirable in the new world - and this would have been just one of there transport vessels fro the ship.

As fire fell from the sky, Wolf reflected back on the trip before. The tour that introduced him to the vessel. The safety briefings. The long trip in cold ice with strange dreams. Even the final 20 minutes filled with chaos. It was unfortunate that the chances were that not everyone was not able to get off the ship in time. He was happy that an SOS signal was able to be sent to earth, but doubted that it would get to earth in time to help them. Given that it took them 100 years to arrive he supposed that it would take at least that to get to their location, assuming that the signal arrives at earth and isn't too jumbled to be unable to be heard by those on earth. Although, the ship must have costed trillions to manufacture and any ship that might come to the rescue of the passengers of the harmony would need to be funded first. Resources were scarce on earth, and the resources required to build another ship would take both the time and willpower, and those would likely be scarce. It was determined that although they might hope for earth to get the signal and come to help them, they should get comfortable as they would likely be here awhile.
Last edited by Cainesland on Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Novas Arcanum
Posts: 5659
Founded: Oct 14, 2016
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Novas Arcanum » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:47 am

Fort Dallas,Planet Bad Teeth

The cowboy emerged from his colony pod the alien sun blinding his eyes.He had no idea what to call this planet, but an idea popped like a lightbulb in his head.The plant life that surrounded him looked like mangled and diseased fangs.So this new world would be called Bad Teeth! Everyone agreed with this assertion and soon began exploring their new homeland "Well, would you look at that?!Ocean, ocean as far as the eye can see!We got beach property Y'all!" Michael said.The New Texans proceeded to blast their weapons in the air shouting "Yeehaw!" in the process grateful that they had survived the ordeal, and excited about their prospects on this new world.It seemed that they were alone on this island,.That was fine by them, the odds of having to fight others for lands was exceedingly low, and they could peacefully develop their colony without dealing with those damned foreign Yankees impeding on their land.The colonists immediately got to work setting up their Hydronics facility and foraging the jungles for land, singing country jingles in the process and hosting hoedowns for what would be remembered as an "Era of Good Times".

Infrastructure : Hydronics Facility,Infirmary +2 Harmony | Population:3 | Effects: Good Times + 5 Harmony |Alien Jungles: +2 F

1 pop scavenges +2 F

2 Thinkers +2 RP Industrial Machinery (2/5)

1 pop born

Infrastructure : Hydronics Facility,Terraformer,Infirmary +2 Harmony | Population:4 | Effects: Good Times + 5 Harmony |Alien Jungles: +2 F

1 pop scavenges +2 F

3 Thinkers +2 RP Industrial Machinery (4/5)

1 pop scavenges + 2 F

1 Thinker +1 RP Industrial Machinery (5/5)

1 pop born

2 pop with solider, kinetic weapons terraformer + supplies move to Site 2

Fort Dallas Base Core(1): Alien Jungles: +2 F Infrastructure : Hydronics Facility,Terraformer,Infirmary +2 Harmony | Population:2| Effects: Good Times + 5 Harmony | Kinetic Weapons

Fort Houston(2): Terraformer | 1 Supplies | 1 Kinetic Weapons | 1 Soldier

Fort Dallas Base Core(1): Alien Jungles: +2 F Infrastructure : Hydronics Facility,Terraformer,Infirmary +2 Harmony | Population:2| Effects: Good Times + 5 Harmony | Kinetic Weapons,Industrial Macheniry

1 pop scavenges +2 F

2 Thinkers (2/5 Psychic Studies)

1 pop born
Fort Houston(2): Terraformer | 1 Supplies | 1 Kinetic Weapons | 1 Soldier
1 pop scavenges +2 F

1 pop uses Terraformer (2/15 Base)

Fort Dallas Base Core(1): Alien Jungles: +2 F Infrastructure : Hydronics Facility,Terraformer,Infirmary +2 Harmony | Population:2| Effects: Good Times/Physic Studies + 6 Harmony | Kinetic Weapons,Industrial Macheniry,Physic Studies
1 pop scavenges +2 F

3 Thinkers (5/5 Psychic Studies)

Fort Houston(2): Terraformer | 1 Supplies | 1 Kinetic Weapons | 1 Soldier

1 pop scavenges +2 F

1 pop uses Terraformer (4/15 Base)
Last edited by Novas Arcanum on Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 28558
Founded: Aug 06, 2012

Postby Ralnis » Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:45 pm

It had been days, weeks sense the Planetfall. An air of fear and excitement was among the people who made the new settlement among the mushrooms. To me and Cunningham, seeing the animal wildlife among us gave us new ideas for the future of the Experiment. Besides, we're not leaving anytime soon, or ever in that matter.
- Herbert Hogar, Seeding Beliefs

Gernsback, Year 1

Planetfall was rough on the people. The sight of alien skies and homes made out of giant mushrooms gave a grim look to the situation, but they were determined nevertheless. The data drives allowed for them to have a better headstart than what it could've been. It was good as it provided some sense of civilization despite being on an uncharted world. First things first, they needed a name for their new settlement. A lot of names were thrown around but one that stuck out was Gernsback, last name of Hugo Gernsback, one of leaders of science fiction literature, when that actually was a thing.

For the settlement, it was a good name for now as people still believed that it was temporary and the UNE would come for them. Hogar knew that someone sent out the S.O.S from the Harmony, however they may never know if it's the UNE or something else entirely as alien life does exist as they roam around the people settling up the base core. What truly was the first thing on their minds was set up basic industry and get a population growing.

They at least were happy to do the long periods to make sure the forge was up.

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco] | 2 Pop, 1 Kid | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies
1 Worker generate 1 Labor towards Manufactory(1/5)
1 Worker uses Terraformer to build a Manufactory(3/5)
1 Kid made
3 food used
1 IP generated and unused, thus wasted

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory(3/5) | 2 Pop, 1 Kid | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | 1 Harmony

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco] | 3 Pop| Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, Packaged Foods(5/5)
1 Worker generate 1 Labor towards Manufactory(4/5)
1 Worker generates Manufactory(5/5)
1 Pop scavenged for food
1 Kid made
4 food used, 1 food spoiled
1 IP generated and unused, thus wasted

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 3 Pop, 1 Kid | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | 0 Harmony| Packaged Foods(5/5)

Year 4, Grensback, The Tsetse River

We are face with the cruelest approach to our situation. With our population budging and our needs to find food becoming more noticed, we are faced with a heavy decision. This was made a year in advance as we saw the projections but even then I couldn't bare the thought. We have been together for two years without hearing word of our neighbors or other survivors. We had to endure the pain of keeping ourselves from starving but we have grown in size and will continue to grow.

To those that brave the dangers, we give you our prayers and the guns to resist the predators. We give you steel and the building might that had helped us. And, should you survive the perils and return, we shall welcome you as Poor Hunters and survivors of this untamed world!
- The First Departure, 2170, Year 4 of the Experiment

It was a hard, and stupid move but one that can be profitable if it could happen. The population of Grensback was growing, growing beyond the base perimeters but it was better than nothing. Grensback had enough manpower to work the scrap forge and the mushroom housing that they built a slums from. They were more or less a tribe and like any tribe that suffers overpopulation, they must leave to find their own home. They all grew up with the name of the Poor Hunters, as their people have became to use as a title, were poor.

They didn't have robot workers and thinkers were a dime in a dozen. However they had a forge and was churning out necessary material to make better things for everyone, like a farm for starters. However, Hogar was adamant of the idea and decided it was for the best as their industry was still building and a farm would be the best for them.

Two farmers made their way with the terrafromer and supplies to fend off the predators or other forces. They said their goodbyes to their friends and love ones as they go into the jungle and make their way to a new home if they can make it.

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco] | 5 Pop,| Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, Packaged Foods(5/5)| Manufactory
2 Workers worked in Manufactory
Generated .5BP for hydroponics farm(0.5/2)
1 Worker scavenged for food
1 worker worked towards bettering knowledge of the world( Exoplanet Geology Discovered)
1 kid made
5 food used
Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 5 Pop, 1 Kid | Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, 1 Metal | -1 Harmony| Packaged Foods(5/5)

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco] | 6 Pop,| Scientist, Terraformer, Genes, Datadiscs, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies, Packaged Foods(5/5)| Manufactory
2 workers worked in Manufactory
Generated . 5BP for Hydroponics farm(1/2)
2 Worker scavenged for food
2 workers left with supplies, kinetic weapons, and a terraformer to Site 7, known as Riddenbocker
1 kid made
Food used: 6, 1 spoiled
Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 4 Pop, 1 Kid | Scientist, Genes, Datadiscs, , 1 Metal | 0 Harmony| Packaged Foods(5/5)
Riddenbocker(7): 2 Pop| Terraformer, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies

Grensback (8): Base Core (Xf: +3 F, +M) [Eco], Manufactory | 5 Pop, | Scientist, Genes, Datadiscs, , 1 Metal | 0 Harmony| Packaged Foods(5/5)
2 Workers work on Manufactory
0.5 BP generated towards Hydroponics farm(1.5/2)
1 worker scavenge for food
1 Worker started to work on started researching on the planet's climatology( Exoplanet climatology discovered)
1 kid made
6 food used

1 worker got on the terraformer and started building the core base(2/10)
1 worker scavenge food

Riddenbocker(7): 2 Pop| Terraformer, Kinetic Weapons, 1 Supplies| Core Base(2/10)

Exoplanet Geology
Exoplanet Climatology
Last edited by Ralnis on Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
This account must be deleted. The person behind it is a racist, annoying waste of life that must be shunned back to whatever rock he crawled out from.

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The Burning Sun
Posts: 3822
Founded: Sep 15, 2014

Postby The Burning Sun » Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:27 pm

No flavor text for now
Year 1
Pop: 2 + 1 | Units: Terraforming Unit x1(1 Pop)
+2 Energy(Base Core | Engineer)
-1 Energy, +1 Harmony, +1 Food(Food Dispenser)
+4 Food(x2 Pop scavenges)
Manufactorum constructed(2/5 Labor)
-4 Food(x3 Pop, x1 Children)
Base Core(+1 Energy, +1 Metal) | Xueyun Jiang(+1 Energy) | Food Dispenser | Manufactorum(I)

Stored Food(5/5)
Kinetic Weapons x3

Year 2
Pop: 3 | Units: Terraforming Unit x1(1 Pop)
+2 Energy(Base Core | Engineer)
-1 Energy, +1 Harmony, +1 Food(Food Dispenser)
+2 Food(x1 Pop scavenges)
Manufactorum constructed(4/5 Labor)
+2 RP(x2 Pop researches)
-4 Food(x4 Pop)
Base Core(+1 Energy, +1 Metal) | Xueyun Jiang(+1 Energy) | Food Dispenser | Manufactorum(I)

Research - Industrial Machinery(2/5)
Stored Food(4/5)
Kinetic Weapons x3

Year 3
Pop: 3 + 1 | Units: Terraforming Unit x1(1 Pop)
+2 Energy(Base Core | Engineer)
-1 Energy, +1 Harmony, +1 Food(Food Dispenser)
Manufactorum constructed(5/5 Labor)
Deep Mine constructed(1/5 Labor)
+3 RP(x3 Pop researches)
-5 Food(x4 Pop, x1 Children)
Base Core(+1 Energy, +1 Metal) | Xueyun Jiang(+1 Energy) | Food Dispenser | Manufactorum(I) | Coal Plant(I)

Research - Industrial Machinery(5/5) - Completed!
Stored Food(2/5)
Kinetic Weapons x3

Year 4
Pop: 5 | Units: Terraforming Unit x0(0 Pop)
+2 Energy, +1 Metal(Base Core | Engineer)
-1 Energy, +1 Harmony, +1 Food(Food Dispenser)
+4 Food(x2 Pop scavenges)
+0.5 BP(Manufactorum, x2 Pop, - 1 Metal)
Manufactorum upgraded(0.5/1.5 BP)
Deep Mine constructed(2/5 Labor)
-5 Food(x5 Pop)
Base Core(+1 Energy, +1 Metal) | Xueyun Jiang(+1 Energy) | Food Dispenser | Manufactorum | Coal Plant(I)

Stored Food(2/5)
Kinetic Weapons x3

Year 5
Pop: 5 | Units: Terraforming Unit x0(0 Pop)
+2 Energy, +1 Metal(Base Core | Engineer)
-1 Energy, +1 Harmony, +1 Food(Food Dispenser)
+0.5 BP(Manufactorum, x2 Pop, - 1 Metal)
Manufactorum upgraded(1/1.5 BP)
Deep Mine constructed(5/5 Labor)
1 Pop starves to death(4 unfed)
Base Core(+1 Energy, +1 Metal) | Xueyun Jiang(+1 Energy) | Food Dispenser | Manufactorum | Coal Plant(I)

Stored Food(2/5)
Kinetic Weapons x3
Last edited by The Burning Sun on Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"All that we see or seem/Is but a dream within a dream" - Poe
TBS, M.D | Founder of the Mechanics' Guild | EST 9-9
because my self-esteem is so low
TriStates wrote:+100 Tri-Points
Khasinkonia wrote:
The Burning Sun wrote:I posted. Just in case it gets buried by the depressing duo over there.

I award you ten points for the nickname. Which will buy you...
more posts from the duo
Royal Brownie PointsTM
Atlannia wrote:Mmm it's not looking good I'm afraid, the purple haired goth loli next to a sweatervest wearing bishonen portends financial strife and the double archery chick is a rare sign predicting the death of someone close to you, I'm sorry.
That'll be $32.99
All the logic

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World Census Organization
Posts: 150
Founded: May 20, 2017

Postby World Census Organization » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:09 pm

Podyne: Year 3; Colony Office
A metallic rapping broke into Neezan's sleeping mind. As she was returning to consciousness, the steel door to the room slid open. A dark hair-Caucasian man in his mid-forties entered the Head Colony Office, formerly the equipment storage room. Florescent lights turned on after sensing his movement. It revealed a room filled with repurposed items. Neezan laid on a makeshift couch of filled weapon crates, padded with leaves from the nearby Jungle. Crates in the center of the room made up a crude desk, with cut logs acting as chairs. Held to the wall by paste was a hand-drawn map of Podyne along with the surrounding area. Compared to the standards of Earth, this looked like a shack. But its privacy made it paradise.
"Sorry to wake you, but this is important."
"No... no... it's fine," she stammered out, "what is it?"
"A group of Wilders just got back."
This statement got her dozed attention. Since planetfall, the population of Podyne managed their hardship in different ways. Some took this as a motivation to work harder, to build a new earth. Others, like Adytia, structured a new mythos for the world, fusing old earth traditions with modern purpose. Yet others enjoyed the hardship, as it gave the, purpose.
Faced with the crowded, dirty conditions, one of the forager groups decided they had enough of colony life, and just left towards the Jungle. It was originally like a conspiracy, with members silently gathering supplies and making arrangements. But on the day of departure instead of stopping them, Aditya (under Neezan's advisement) gave them a stash weapons and supplies that were somehow already set aside. His only condition was they report their discoveries. In the year that followed, these 'explorers' became known as Wilders, and the first of them have returned.
She quickly sat up on the 'couch'. "Did you already debrief them? Or shall I?"
"This is what they told me so far," he handed her two papers, "though they are insisting on talking to you." Neezan represed a smile, as she glanced down at the papers. One was a crude map of the northern Jungle, with a clearing marked with a star. The other was a short report of strange, identical, almost robotic people also found in the Jungle.

Year 2
Base (Spot #)
Coastal: +1 Energy, +1 Metal, Pop 4
1 Laborers (1 with Terraformer): +3 Labor, 1 Thinker: +1RP 2 Foragers: +4 Food
Facilities: Infirmary (-1 Energy, +2 Harmony)
Other: Scientist: +1 Energy, Gramophone: +1 Harmony
4/5 labor Manufactory, 1/5 RP Psychic Studies
Net Food:4 -4 (pop) =0
Harmony: -4 (pop) -4 (slums) +2 (Infirmary) +1 Gramophone +5 Hope= 0
Supplies: 2 Kenetic Weapon, 3 Weapon Supplies, E-Tablet

Year 3
Base (Spot #)
1 pop moved to Space 27 (with 1 weapon, 1 supplies)
Coastal: +1 Energy, +1 Metal, Pop 4
1 Thinkers: +1 RP, 2 Foragers: +4 Food
Facilities: Infirmary (-1 Energy, +2 Harmony) Manufactory
Other: Terraformer (unused) Scientist: +1 Energy, Gramophone: +1 Harmony,
2/5 Psychic Studies, 4/5 Manufactory
Net Food:4 -4 (pop) =0
Harmony: -4 (pop) - 4 (slums) +2 (Infirmary) +1 Gramophone +5 Hope= 0
Supplies: 2 Kenetic Weapon, 3 Weapon Supplies, E-Tablet

Year 4
Base (Spot #)
Coastal: +1 Energy, +1 Metal, Pop 3+ Growth
1 Thinkers: +1 RP, 2 Foragers: +4 Food
Facilities: Infirmary (-1 Energy, +2 Harmony) Manufactory
Other: Scientist: +1 Energy, Gramophone: +1 Harmony,
3/5 Psychic Studies, 4/5 Manufactory
Net Food:+4 -3 (pop) -1 Babies=0
Harmony: -3 (pop) - 3(slums) +2 (Infirmary) +1 Gramophone +5 Hope= 2
Supplies: 2 Kenetic Weapon, 3 Weapon Supplies, E-Tablet

Pop: 1 + growth
1 forager: +2 food
Other: 1 weapons, 1 supplies
Harmony: 3

Year 5
Base (Spot #)
Coastal: +1 Energy, +1 Metal, Pop 4
2 Thinker: +1 RP, 2 Foragers: +4 Food
Facilities: Infirmary (-1 Energy, +2 Harmony) Manufactory
Other: Scientist: +1 Energy, Gramophone: +1 Harmony,
Psychic Studies Complete, 4/5 Manufactory
Net Food:+4 -4 (pop) =0
Harmony: -4 (pop) - 4 (slums) +2 (Infirmary) +1 Gramophone +1 Tech +5 Hope = 1
Supplies: 1 Kinetic Weapon, 2 Weapon Supplies, E-Tablet

Pop: 2
1 laborer (with terraformer): 2/10 base core
1 forager: +2 food
Other: 1 kinetic weapons, 1 supplies
Harmony: 2
Last edited by World Census Organization on Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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