Redstone Nights [alt-his science fiction, OOC & Signups]

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Redstone Nights [alt-his science fiction, OOC & Signups]

Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:29 am

Redstone Nights

an alternate-history, science fiction, borderline post-apocalyptic faction-based roleplay
Inspired by the Command and Conquer series and the upcoming game Frostpunk

Theme Song

OOC (you are here) | IC

Image Credit: Daisuke Kuroneko

Political Map | Infestation Map

The Story

It was November the 11th of 1928 when the red streaks decorated the sky. I was having a dinner with my family, and my father was telling us tales from the Great War. I remember it as clearly as yesterday, because how often does one see a spectacle like that? Now, of course, we know what happened, but back then it was a fascinating event to the scientific minds of the time. On the streets, several theories abounded, each more fantastical than the last. Some ventured that they were solar particles, thrown from the centre of the Solar System. Some thought that it was men from Mars coming to enslave us. Some even said that it was the Second Coming.

Redstone shard (175g sample)
Image Credit: Damian Nachman
A week later, the fragments were found. The meteorites themselves were not particularly interesting - just shattered rock, although how they remained that intact after falling remains a mystery - but their surroundings were. There were brilliant red crystals, growing out of the soil, surrounded by a thin gray haze. Kind of like the pall of smoke over London, except smaller. And colder. Much, much colder.

What was more disturbing was that all the plants around the crystals were dead.

After some photos and a few newspaper interviews, however, life went on more or less as usual. Some uncreative professor named the thing "redstone" and the various educated minds of various universities chipped shards off the redstone forests just north of Arkhangelsk, in Oklahoma, and along the Amazon River.

The redstone forests grew rapidly, and by the summer of 1929 it was threatening Arkhangelsk. The Soviet authorities naturally did not want that pall of death floating over a populated city, nor did they need northern Russia to be any colder. They dedicated a couple divisions into containing it. It was found that redstone disintegrates rapidly in the presence of liquid water, so that is what they used.

It was around then that the first industrial applications of redstone were discovered. Redstone forests had a tendency to concentrate heavy elements below them to the surface, and was also a powerful energy source. Back then nobody knew just how powerful, but the research was promising. It also drew heat from its surroundings, with obvious potentials as a coolant. Rings of water pumps and sprays grew around the three redstone forests as various interests attempted to control and harness redstone for various ends. A new era of technological revolution seemed near, although the 1929 Stock Market Crash did dampen investor enthusiasm somewhat.

You all know what happened after that. The Dust Bowl. The US heartland was swept in a drought the likes of which the modern world has never seen. The containment system ran out of water, atmospheric moisture dropped to basically zero, and there was plenty of dirt for redstone to feed upon. The forest grew rapidly out of control. It broke out of the containment ring on the 11th of May, 1934. One week later people were busy evacuating as far away as Denver and Kansas City. It was a disaster.

Although the US government eventually did manage to contain it, seven states were turned into lifeless wastelands and millions of people had to be evacuated. The Soviets also had a breakout - although on a smaller scale - that winter when the water pipes froze. Declaring redstone an existential risk to civilisation, the League of Nations unanimously ordered the destruction of the redstone forests and all industrial stockpiles of redstone, leaving only a few samples for research purposes.

Thus, the redstone crisis was over and the world returned to the way it was, civilisation forever liberated from the threat of redstone outbreaks.

Kirov-class Armoured Airship, 1939
Image Credit: Red Alert 2
I'm sorry. Did you think that would happen? Of course that's not what happend. On the 27th of September 1939, Soviet tanks rolled across the Polish border. Powerful tanks, made using materials and techniques that should've been impossible... was it not for the secret Soviet redstone stockpile. Heavy tanks, walking machine guns, armoured airships... even machine guns firing bloody lightning bolts.

The western powers tried negotiating, but Stalin was disinterested. The League of Nations expelled the Soviet Union. Stalin didn't even care. Poland collapsed in less than a week. The Red Army captured Warszawa on the 2nd of October and Krakow on the 3rd. The day after, France became completely fed up and declared war on the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom followed that evening, and then Italy the next morning. The treaties of 1919 were nullified, and both Germany and Hungary were encouraged to arm themselves as well as they could, as fast as they could.

Poland surrendered on the 9th of October. The western allies then began pursuing their own redstone research. Better the risk of another redstone outbreak, they reasoned, than Soviet divisions rolling down Paris and London.

No matter. The divisions kept pushing. Czechoslovakia and Finland bowed to the inevitable and declared war on the western allies in order to keep Stalin's Red Army off their own necks. Romania had to give up a large strip of contested territory and the Baltic States accepted Soviet "protection." The British Expeditionary Force was chased across the Polish-German border, causing armed clashes with KPD paramilitaries that Stalin was then "forced" to "protect." Berlin fell on the 14th of November, and with that the road to the rest of Europe was open. Paris celebrated Christmas 1939 under the watch of Kirov airships anchored to the Eiffel Tower while Soviet and American warships fought over the North Atlantic. Japan, seeing a massive opportunity, shook hands with Stalin and received some advanced redstone technology which they then promptly used to conquer the Pacific Rim, bringing in the United States into the war. From Australia to China, Japanese rule was law.

Despite the advanced technologies and industries possessed by the Soviet Union, the Royal Navy was still worth its salt. Despite multiple attempts at landing, the British Channel held for over two years while a stalemate persisted and the western allies - now reduced to just the British Empire and the United States - rapidly caught up on Soviet technology. With so many tons of redstone being handled around while everybody handling them was cutting corners due to the pace of the war, it was inevitable that sooner or later something would go wrong. That something came in the form of the Japanese Air Force. Concentrating their assets in the Pacific, the Japanese went on a mass bombing campaign across the western seaboard. With the United States focusing on a "Europe first" strategy, it was half an hour before anti-aircraft resources could be effectively repositioned, and in that time the Japanese succeeded in destroying the US redstone facility in eastern California. Energised by the success of this campaign, and dreaming of the establishment of a Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere at last, the Japanese broke the non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union. Their first move in the war was the bombing of the Soviet redstone facilities in Kazakhstan. The United States retaliated by moving their bombers into Australia - the least defended of the Japanese conquest - to destroy the Japanese stockpiles.

Moscow, 1945 or 1946
Image Credit: Jonas De Ro
This was in 1942. For many nations, it would be their last year. For most others, 1943 would be.

Thousands of tons of redstone, scattered around deserts with all the war-torn nations unable to deal with the situation... it was the end of everything. With redstone overrunning continents, the global climate collapsed. Hundreds of millions died in the next few weeks as nations desperately tried - and failed - to cope with the situation. Some national governments were overwhelmed. Some were merely radically changed. None were unaffected. After a couple of years, eventually the snow covering all the soil that redstone needed to grow put an end to the growth of infestations, but by that point global civilisation was already in shambles and nowhere did the temperature even come close to zero.

The Second Great War ended. Not because any formal peace treaty was signed, but because there were simply no great power left capable of waging that kind of war, and no great power to wage it against. As the 1940s passed, military brigades devolved into gangs and raiders, while cities either died out or became fortresses against the biting cold, the raiders, and redstone's pall of death. Smaller villages, unable to build themselves into such fortresses, simply died out.

Ironically, the only reason why humanity survived from this global disaster caused by redstone was... redstone. Redstone mines kept the industries of the surviving cities running. Redstone reactors kept the surviving cities heating. Redstone technologies allowed cities to feed themselves without relying on the countryside. Redstone weapons allowed cities to hold their own against raiders and bandits. They needed that help, too, as redstone continued to shape the face of the Earth. There has been... rumours... that mutated abominations roam the lands near the infestations. Rumours are rumours, of course, but yet... I have heard it from so many people, and they are so consistent...

The year is now 1962. Twenty years have passed since the Apocalypse. Humanity has hit its nadir; its rock-bottom. There now is, surely, nowhere to go but up.

Background Summary


Read "the Story," above. A synopsis is as follows:

A mysterious self-reproducing resource called redstone is delivered to Earth via meteorite. It has great industrial applications, but the League of Nations decides to eliminate it after realising what an ecological disaster it is.

The Soviet Union does secretly maintains a stockpile, and uses it to invade the rest of Europe while Japan builds a web of puppet states in Asia. Strategic bombing during the war results in the detonation of several national redstone stockpiles, which reproduces uncontrollably. Earth is thus now a frozen wasteland where a few survivors make their living.


Redstone is a crystal that exists mainly in thin, ragged veins across the landscape. Redstone veins, or "forests" will tend to grow over time by converting nearby soil into more redstone crystals. These forests have a tendency to attract heavy elements from deep underground towards the surface, making them of immense value to the mining industry, but has a strong tendency to absorb heat from its surroundings and also produces a pall of death in the nearby air that kills everything not protected by a hazardous materials suit.

Redstone is also an excellent source of energy when detonated in a reactor, which releases some of the heat absorbed by the redstone. Redstone reactors are very difficult to engineer and virtually impossible to minaturise, so they generally tend to be public infrastructure instead of private property. Indeed, in the frozen wasteland that Earth has turned into, the presence of a redstone reactor is what distinguishes a small city from a large town.

Indeed, it is redstone that has allowed most of the technologies that define this era to exist.

Because of the way that redstone was delivered to Earth, there exists a sizable religious following - the Order of Blood - that maintains that redstone is God's way of delivering souls to their respective afterlives; a way of cleansing Earth from all of its life. This Order strongly believes that artificially containing the spread of redstone is heretical, and will resort to anything to see redstone spread into the non-infested regions.

Even barring the extremists and only considering those who do indeed agree that redstone was harmful to humanity, there exists a considerable rift between those who believe that the League of Nations was wise when it ordered the destruction of redstone and that civilisation's goal should be to eliminate redstone from Earth and allow Earth's climate to recover some semblance of the rich ecology that existed before, and those who believe that abandoning redstone, with its obvious industrial and technological applications, is equivalent to a giant step backwards and that efforts should instead be made towards better containment and control of redstone.

The rift between socialism and capitalism, between democracy and totalitarianism, between fascism and internationalism, and between religiosity and secularism has never quite disappeared, and redstone heaped on another doctrinal dispute on top of the already complex ideological scene of the 20th Century.

Geography and Climate

With the traditional climate zones of deserts, plains, forests, and tundra that defined the ecology, agriculture, and demographics of old Earth literally buried under six feet of snow, the only meaningful differentiation of climate between different regions is fueled by the presence and prevalence of redstone. Areas with high redstone prevalence tend to be colder, more thinly populated, but more tightly regulated than areas with lower prevalence of redstone.

1. Severely Infested Regions / Overrun Regions ("Red Zone," in colloquial speech)

Southwestern Red Zone, 1959
Image Credit: Final Fantasy VIII
Highlighted in red in the infestations map, these regions are effectively overrun with redstone. Photos taken from the skies, although there aren't that many due to the difficulties of flight in this cold environment, show thick streaks of redstone, sometimes hundreds of metres across, splitting into thinner and thinner branches and eventually dissolving into a pinkish fuzz between the branches where snow and redstone mix.

With temperatures ranging from -60 to -70 Celsius and being dominated by the thickest pall of death, even travel through severely infested regions is difficult without highly specialised equipment. Not only does any traveller need to clad themselves in as many layers as the Antarctic explorers of the early 20th Century, he also needs to carry state-of-the-art hazardous materials gear to breathe in the pall of death.

Needless to say, permanent habitation in severely infested regions are unheard of and even temporary scientific/military missions tend to be rare and expensive ventures. These regions are safe from raiders and other outlaws, as only the most powerful of the post-freeze governments are able to send people in here.

2. Moderately Infested Regions / Redstone-Rich Regions ("Yellow Zone," in colloquial speech)

Highlighted in orange in the infestations map, these regions show a strong redstone presence that is clearly visible from the skies, although it is not a dominating feature of the landscape in the way that redstone is in the severely infested regions. There are larger outcrops of redstone here and there, but without an overbearing pall of death, the radiance of the sun outshines the illuminance of redstone forests... at least in the daytime.

With temperatures ranging from -45 to -60 Celsius and a noticeable but not necessarily lethal pall of death, conditions in the moderately infested regions are survivable to well-equipped and well-prepared laymen. Abominations - those poor people and animals that breathed in enough of the pall to be irreparably changed but not quickly enough to be killed - sometimes roam these wastes, and raiders also venture into these zones for targets. Smaller towns are almost impossible to find in this region, but armoured cities and the occasional crazy outlander-survivalist dot the landscape here and there.

Northeastern China Blue Zone, c. 1954
Image Credit: Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars
3. Lightly Infested Regions / Redstone-Poor Regions ("Blue Zone," in colloquial speech)

Highlighted in yellow on the infections map, the lightly infested regions do not show visible redstone outcrops when viewed from the skies. Redstone in these regions generally can be found under the snow, within ruins, and other such nooks and crannies from which removal is difficult.

These zones often show temperatures ranging from -30 to -50 Celsius, and do not have a significant pall of death. Conditions here are very survivable, but the requirements in infrastructure and equipment still means that most civilised people life in closed cities, with a very heavy presence of raiders and nomadic tribes outside of the city gates. Although "light" in redstone infestations, these regions are the heaviest infested in outlaws, barbarians, cobblers, and other such human threats.

These disgruntled populations, living in the lightly infested regions but outside of the city walls, are fertile breeding grounds for extremism, fundamentalism, and various other terrorist and insurgent tendencies.

Unnamed Outpost, Canadian Green Zone
4. Non-Infested Regions / Redstone-Free Regions ("Green Zone," in colloquial speech)

Non-Infested Regions are, quite literally, regions that do not have significant redstone presence. Temperatures ranging from -15 to -40 Celsius and the pall of death carried around by redstone are definitely absent. People can survive in these conditions, and sometimes it even gets warm enough to show one's face outdoors. Because these temperatures do not require specialised equipment to survive in and the atmosphere does not need to be filtered, in the non-infested regions towns and villages dot the gap between fortified cities.

In many ways, really, non-infested regions resemble the Arctic of the early 20th Century, although there certainly weren't any large cities in the Arctic back then. Although raiders still exist in this region, a vibrant and powerful rural population means that raiding is a risky profession in the non-infested regions. Most non-infested regions are within the control of an established government, although how firm that control is varies from region to region.

Technically speaking, the frozen-over seas and oceans are considered a non-infested region due to their negligible redstone presence. Although permanent construction in the oceans is impossible, due to the drifting ice wreaking havoc with any sort of foundation in the matter of days, temporary outposts of tents and shipping containers abound. Due to the warmer temperatures and the absence of a pall of death, many travelers prefer to travel on the frozen oceans instead of going overland between cities. Naturally, this makes the oceans quite attractive to raiders.


Player Application

Note: Each application gets a total of 25 points to allocate into the National Strength Points section. Up to 10 points may be allocated into each section. An explanation is below.

Economics - how prosperous and developed commerce and industry is. 0 represents a society at the cusp of starvation, 4 represents (by modern standards) a lower middle income country (e.g. RL India), 7 represents an upper middle income country (e.g. RL Thailand), and 10 represents the lower end of high income countries (e.g. RL South Korea)

Technology - how advanced the technology of the country is. 0 represents an industrial-era, steampunkish technology level, 4 represents a Great War-era technology but with considerable integration of redstone energy and mechanics, 7 represents the level of technoogy that the Soviet Union fielded at the end of the Second Great War, and 10 represents cyberpunk.

Politics - how stable and well-integrated the country is. 0 represents a society with active insurgencies at the brink of civil war, 4 represents an unstable country with improvised governance, 7 represents a semi-stable country with formal governance, and 10 represents a well-organised government working on existing national identities.

Military - how militarily powerful the country is. 0 represents having just enough military power to keep the country together. 4 represents having reasonably capable defences (e.g. a small infantry army), 7 represents having considerable military force (a professional infantry with armoured contingents, or perhaps a large conscripted army), and 10 represents having true force projection power.

Provinces - each country can claim 5 provinces (islands don't count, with a few exceptions). Each point put into provinces will let you claim one more.

Your application must absolutely fit your National Strength Point distribution. If your country is highly developed in one area but not very developed in another, I expect an explanation as to why.

Code: Select all
(remove all content in brackets)
[b]~Basic Information~[/b]
[b]Name of State:[/b] (formal and informal)
[b]Government System:[/b]
[b]Population:[/b] (each "province" on the given political map represents 1~2 million survivors or lower if infested with redstone)

[b]Territory:[/b] (map here - use the political map given above)
[b]Capital City/Cities:[/b]
[b]Major Cities:[/b] (if fictional, give location)
[b]Preferred Map Colour:[/b]

[b]Head of State:[/b] (include title)
[b]Head of Government:[/b] (if different)
[b]Ruling Ideology:[/b]
[b]Language of Leadership:[/b]

[b]Total Military Personnel:[/b]
[b]Army Equipment:[/b]
[b]Army Training and Doctrine:[/b]
[b]Air Force Size and Quality:[/b]

(point of divergence is 1928)

[b]~Notable Features~[/b]
(anything else you wish to add about your country)

[b]~National Strength Points~[/b]

Idea Application

Note: Compared to the world history I've written for this RP, the world's background in terms of technology, culture, society, and military weaponry/doctrine is somewhat more lacking. If you have any cool ideas regarding these fields, please put up one of these.

Code: Select all
(remove all content in brackets)
[b]Idea:[/b] (put the name for your idea here)
[b]Explanation:[/b] (explain what your idea is here)
[b]Relevance:[/b] (explain how your idea fits into the greater world here)

Territory Reservation

Note: Reservations last 36 hours from the time posted.

Code: Select all
[b]Territory to Reserve:[/b]
[b]Preferred Map Colour:[/b]

Roleplayers List

Accepted Players
Eclius as the Marked of Kane
Werftkrieg as Norska Althingi
Axis Asteroid as the Panhellenion League
Absolon-7 as Estato Italiano
Plzen as the Scandinavian Commonealth
Ulls as the Empire de Orleans

Moderating Team
OP - Plzen
Last edited by Plzen on Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:57 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:31 am

Was bored, so here's a new RP for the board. :D

I literally hacked this up in an afternoon, so there's probably a ton of spelling and grammatical errors. Please point them out to me so that they get fixed. Thank you. :)

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. A role-play belongs as much to the players as it does to the OP.

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Postby Ulls » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:10 am

Tag for world domination.

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Republic of the Cristo
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Postby Republic of the Cristo » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:23 am

excellent idea plzen. I might do this, i don't know.
Orthodox Christian, Nationalist, Reactionary, Stoic

(2 Kings 2:23-25): you won't be dissappointed

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Monarchy of Japanada
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Postby Monarchy of Japanada » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:48 am

Last edited by Monarchy of Japanada on Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:59 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:56 am

Monarchy of Japanada wrote:TERRITORY RESERVATION
Territory to Reserve: Canadian Maritimes and (?) Newfoundland & Labrador.

Ah, yes. I didn't have a clue how to divvy this up between map provinces. Those bits aren't big enough to be map provinces on their own, but merging them with Quebec or putting Nefoundland, Labrador, and the Canadian Maritimes into one province both felt like equally stupid solutions.

Reservation noted, and I'll count your entire claim to be two provinces for the purposes of province counts.
Last edited by Plzen on Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:23 am

3 tags in 2 hours isn't a bad start, all things considered.

I'm headed off to sleep now, but I hope to see some applications tomorrow. :)

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Postby Eclius » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:37 am

Oh gosh oh gosh a Command and Conquer RP!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o

P.S. who here plays Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath? It's my all time fav!!!!!

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Postby Eclius » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:38 am

P.S. can I play NOD in this RP?
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Axis Asteroid
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Postby Axis Asteroid » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:45 am


I'll try to have an app up later tonight.
National Factbook: History, Economy, Military etc.
(Significantly inspired by Zeon from Gundam.)

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:55 am

Eclius wrote:Oh gosh oh gosh a Command and Conquer RP!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o

P.S. who here plays Tiberium Wars/Kane's Wrath? It's my all time fav!!!!!

Application will be posted soon

It's not a C&C RP. It's merely inspired by the C&C Tiberium and Red Alert plotlines. Most of the setting is my own work. :)

But, on the other hand...

Eclius wrote:P.S. can I play NOD in this RP?

I don't see why not.

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Postby Eclius » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:10 pm

One other question, how would cyberpunk (10 in tech) look like for the 60's? Wolfenstein New Order level of technology maybe?? Or something else?
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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:34 pm

Eclius wrote:One other question, how would cyberpunk (10 in tech) look like for the 60's? Wolfenstein New Order level of technology maybe?? Or something else?

Brotherhood of Steel from the Fallout series, perhaps, would be an apt comparison. Computing, robotics, cybernetics, and power armour.

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Postby Ulls » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:53 pm

Territory to Reserve: The three territories between Texas, the north of Oklahoma, and the yellow province west.

I gotta say that those are huge provinces but since the collective numbers are less than a few million at best, then I don't mind. I at least have a bunch of Redstone.

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:55 pm

Territory to Reserve: The three territories between Texas, the north of Oklahoma, and the yellow province west.

I gotta say that those are huge provinces but since the collective numbers are less than a few million at best, then I don't mind. I at least have a bunch of Redstone.

I'm thinking that maybe I should divide the US east coast into more provinces. In fact, I'm going to go do that now.

Reservation noted.

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Postby Eclius » Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:56 pm

(remove all content in brackets)
~Basic Information~
Name of State: Marked of Kane (MoK for short)
Government System: Mechanocracy*
Population:7 million

Territory: South Korea and all four parts of Japan
Capital City/Cities:
CORE A.01 (Tokyo and area)
Major Cities: (if fictional, give location)
Head of State: LEGION
Head of Government: Abbess Alexa Kovacs
Ruling Ideology:Techno-progressivism
Language of Leadership:Computer codes, (Japan, Korean and English for others)

Total Military Personnel: 75,000
Army Equipment:NOD equipment from Tiberian sun (Tiberum Wars and Tiberian Twilight seems a bit too advanced), more cybernetics focused, most weapons designed more specifically for espionage and assassination (though there are regular combatant weaponry)
Army Training and Doctrine:More technology and espionage focused. Some soldiers have received cybernetic augmentation
Air Force Size and Quality: 10,000 total personnel (including non-combatant air force personnel)

(point of divergence is 1928)
Marked of Kane was based upon the Brotherhood of NOD, a sinister secret society existed for millennia. The believers of NOD seek enlightenment through a secretive prophet figure named Kane, and seek spiritual ascension. Throughout the years prior to the arrival of the redstone, the Brotherhood of NOD operated in shadows, through wide conversion of influential figures and scientists, organization-based investments, political assassination and control of the crime networks. The effort over the years paid off quite hearty, it provided the Brotherhood with considerable about of support, manpower, financial assets and more importantly, access to technology. When the red stones arrived in 1928 (which NOD believers call Red Tiberium), the Brotherhood surfaced from shadows, and began its wide spread of propaganda in aim to convert more people into the followers of NOD, the governments across the world, however, did not take this lightly. In 1955, Kane and some of his Inner Circle NOD advisors were assassinated by presumably one of the secret services in Temple Prime and Sarajevo. Following the assassination, Brotherhood was taken over by Kilian Qatar and the remains of the Inner Circle, however, her leadership was proven to be ineffective, with the Brotherhood divided into two subfactions. The first is Black Hands, the followers of black hands rejects the wide practice of cybernetic augmentation, and seeks to reach the level of spiritual ascension through the cleansing of "non-believers" using their specialized infantry and flame-based weaponry. In their words, progress cannot be made unless someone dirties their hands (hence, called Black Hands). The second sub-faction is the Marked of Kane, a very techno-reliant faction that seeks to improve humanity through cybernetics and more or less, they've set their own ideologies that diverts from Kane's original teaching and seek to establish a country of their own. However, with the wide conflict between Black Hands and Marked of Kane, the governments across the world managed to severely suppress the remains of former NOD, with Marked of Kane moved its central logics core from Russia to Japan and Black Hands banished to established their base elsewhere. With wide infection of Red Stones and social unrest, Marked of Kane followers took it as an opportunity and gained significant amount of support from citizens of Southern Korean peninsula in 1960.

~Notable Features~
-Kane: former prophet of NOD, deceased
-Kilian Qatar: NOD Inner Circle member, deceased (killed in conflict between Black Hands and MoK)
-Abbess Alexa Kovacs: current head of government in MoK controlled territories, rather than the old NOD ideologies, she seek to establish nation that fits more of MoK's vision of cybernetically augmented human race.

~National Strength Points~
Economics: 7
Technology: 10
Politics: 4

Preferred color: It really doesn't matter, I'll take whatever available
Last edited by Eclius on Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Eclisian Herald News Network
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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:31 pm

Eclius wrote:Army Equipment:NOD equipment from Tiberian sun (Tiberum Wars and Tiberian Twilight seems a bit too advanced), for detail, please check out game's actual Wikia page.

I can't really accept "look at the wiki" as a response. Please do explain things somewhat, in your own words.

Otherwise, the application looks good. Do you have a preferred map colour?

Ulls, same goes for you. Preferred map colour?

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Postby Ulls » Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:39 pm

Plzen wrote:
Eclius wrote:Army Equipment:NOD equipment from Tiberian sun (Tiberum Wars and Tiberian Twilight seems a bit too advanced), for detail, please check out game's actual Wikia page.

I can't really accept "look at the wiki" as a response. Please do explain things somewhat, in your own words.

Otherwise, the application looks good. Do you have a preferred map colour?

Ulls, same goes for you. Preferred map colour?

Let's go for green, going to try and do a mutie country.

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:35 pm

Ulls wrote:Let's go for green, going to try and do a mutie country.

Do remember that mutants are a small minority even in moderately infested regions. Most people/animals exposed to the pall die, not get turned into mutants.
Last edited by Plzen on Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Werftkrieg » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:36 pm

~Basic Information~
Name of State: Norska Althingi
Government System: (Theoretically) Elective Monarchy
Population: approx 3.5 million

Territory: Schleswig Holstein, Netherlands, Brandenburg, Ireland, Santo Domingo.
Capital City/Cities:
Theodoricvellir (Lubeck)
Major Cities: (if fictional, give location)
Wikinghaven (Hamburg)
Eisdam (Amsterdam)
Connakburg (Galway)
Jarlshafen (Port-au-Prince)
Alterdansk (Gdansk/Danzig)
Head of State: Jarl Rurik
Head of Government: Lawspeaker Alaric
Ruling Ideology: Elective Monarchy (in theory)
Language of Leadership: Mixed-up jumble of Old Norse, various Germanic and Nordic languages.

Total Military Personnel: 114,000
Army Equipment: Leftover German and Scandinavian army equipment, with some Soviet leftovers. Almost no armor, save a few Kv-1s and T-34s. Homemade dirks and axes are common among the men, with well-crafted seaxes being viewed as a symbol of authority. Uniforms are homemade fur coats and scavenged military fatigues.
Army Training and Doctrine: Heavily emphasizing the doctrine of the individual brave warrior, the forces of the Norsk will fight heroically to the last man. This does make organization of large campaigns difficult.
Air Force Size and Quality: Three airships. The Huginn, the Muninn, and the Tor.
(point of divergence is 1928)
The Norsk Althingi began shortly after the catastrophe of 1943 as an unlikely collaboration between an anarchist trade union and the remnants of a paramilitary Freikorps. The Freikorps had guns and men trained in their use, the anarchists had construction equipment and men trained in its use. A cold snap forced them together. The alliance prospered until 1948, when a sudden string of military defeats brought them to the brink of oblivion. Their last men were holed up in the ruins of Lubeck, waiting for a Soviet brigade of brigands to deliver the killing blow, when an apparition came before their leader. Wotan appeared to him, and delivered him and his men through the use of a timely blizzard. The rest is history. (That I have yet to write, sorry. Insomnia kicked in.)
Notable Features
Jarl Rurik: A divinely inspired warrior king with dreams of empire.
Lawspeaker Alaric: A young Junker aristocrat and neopagan before the catastrophe, now the Jarl's trusted confidant, and, it is rumored, lover.
Airships: Responsible for the respectable economic and military power that the Norsk wield. They fish and raid, bringing riches to the Jarl. They are the ultimate predators of the high seas.
Wikinghaven Pharmaceutical Works: When Viking spirit just can't do the job by itself, try our Helspiter (amphetamine)!
~National Strength Points~
Economics: 6
Technology: 5
Politics: 7
Military: 7
Last edited by Werftkrieg on Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
# Cromwell2016
Hoping that the Bolshevist vermin cancel out the Kluxer vermin.

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Postby Werftkrieg » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:38 pm

# Cromwell2016
Hoping that the Bolshevist vermin cancel out the Kluxer vermin.

Free Karjala!

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Postby Werftkrieg » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:40 pm

Switch head of state and head of government. Jarl Rurik is head of state, Lawspeaker Alaric of head of government.
# Cromwell2016
Hoping that the Bolshevist vermin cancel out the Kluxer vermin.

Free Karjala!

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Postby Ulls » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:40 pm

Plzen wrote:
Ulls wrote:Let's go for green, going to try and do a mutie country.

Do remember that mutants are a small minority even in moderately infested regions. Most people/animals exposed to the pall die, not get turned into mutants.

Fair enough, might try to make the country to put research in making suitable mutations for the people.

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Postby Plzen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:42 pm


~Basic Information~
Name of State: Skandinaviska samväldet (Scandinavian Commonwealth). Scandinavia for short.
Government System: Parliamentary republic
Population: 13.65 millions

Territory: Refer to the revised political map
Capital City/Cities: Stockholm
Major Cities: Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, Göteborg.

Head of State: Secretary General Reynir Jónsson
Head of Government: Prime Minister Anders Svensson
Ruling Ideology: Radical socialism. When the world began freezing in 1942, the Scandinavian governments enacted emergency measures to bring in all possible resources into resolving the crisis, and those emergency measures were never repealed.
Language of Leadership: Scandinavian (Swedish/Danish/Norwegian)

Total Military Personnel: 48,000 paper strength in the armed forces, although Scandinavia also maintains a larger paramilitary branch called National Reserve.
Army Equipment: Despite many attempts to copy Soviet and British military technology, the Scandinavian Armed Forces remain relatively backwards in terms of technology. Although some surplus Soviet equipment has made its way into various special forces, the core of the Scandinavian Army remains infantry, armed with rifles and machine guns, backed by heavy screening from mobile artillery units firing electrified shells.
Army Training and Doctrine: The Scandinavian Commonwealth maintains a doctrine of flexible defence and planned warfare, and troops are trained accordingly to a reasonable standard. The Commonwealth also fields a special unit, the Black Brigade, trained for frontal assaults against well-entrenched enemies.
Air Force Size and Quality: With 2,000 personnel and maintaining 90 craft, the Scandinavian Air Force is not a large branch of service at all. They are mostly composed of light interceptors and light bombers, although a few prototype airships inspired by the Soviet model can be put on the field.

Although Finland fought on the side of the Soviets during the Second Great War, Scandinavia itself remained mostly neutral, save for commercial relations with Soviet military industry. This relative peace and quiet allowed friendlier relations between the Scandinavian kingdoms, which mostly found themselves in the same situation of being relatively minor powers surrounded by war and strife, and also allowed Scandinavia to face the redstone threat with their national infrastructure mostly undamaged from the heavy strategic bombing that so dominated the later years of the Second Great War.

Nonetheless, the apocalyptic freeze stretched Scandinavian society to the breaking point. Even Scandinavia was not built to last under the kind of bitter cold that came with redstone, and food shortages became critical in the winter. Strict rationing began from the December of 1942, and rations were decreased several times. The winter of 1942 and the winter of 1943 are remembered as the hunger seasons. The Scandinavian governments during this time went into a state of emergency, desperately saving what they could and cutting out what they couldn't. Industry was seized and property rights temporarily suspended as every ounce of surplus industrial production went into ensuring a stable supply of food and heat. Finland's diplomatic connections to the Soviet Union - what was left of the Soviet Union, anyways - secured a somewhat reliable supply of redstone, but it was still not enough. Millions starved to death in those years.

Although these economic measures were intended to be temporary, soon afterwards the national governments' ability to enforce edicts collapsed, and the various local city councils that soon became the dominant form of government in Northern Europe never repealed the emergency decrees. It persists into the 1960s, now an accepted part of their new way of life.

With raiders pouring across the old borders from the south and front the east, the Scandinavian governments saw an immediate necessity in military co-operation, and began establishing defensive infrastructure to secure their reconstruction against raiders. Some semblance of national government was reconstructed from the representatives of the towns and cities, and Scandinavia slowly began to grow up again. The first redstone reactor, built into the heart of Stockholm, came online in 1945, and those in other cities soon followed.

With the collapse of the Soviet remnants, however, and the increasing presence of raiders in Russia and the Ukraine, it became more and more difficult to source redstone to keep these reactors going. The four Nordic governments funded a common venture into West Africa to secure a supply, and independent traders slowly emerged out into the icy field of the North Atlantic. Along with the Common Defense Scheme, this Nordic West African Company is regarded as one of the key preceding pillars for the eventual formation of the Scandinavian Commonwealth in 1953.

Contact was re-established with the lands further north soon afterwards, with an expedition to Iceland and then to Greenland. The results, however, were disappointing. A hundred thousand or so souls continued to survive huddled in Reykjavik in Iceland, but no survivors were to be found in Greenland. With the situation starting to stabilise in the Scandinavian mainland, the Commonwealth was able to fund humanitarian missions to keep the survivors of Iceland alive. Soon, Iceland was re-integrated to the Commonwealth as well.

The long period of deprivation and insecurity is now coming to an end. The Emergency Regime has come to its conclusion, and the first formal elections of the Scandinavian Commonwealth are scheduled to occur "soon." Now, the Scandinavian people once more look up into the skies, and dare to hope.

~Notable Features~
The economy of the Scandinavian Commonwealth, which is somewhat advanced by the standards of the time, is highly reliant on trade. Scandinavia is not self-sufficient in redstone, despite being relatively backwards in redstone associated technologies and therefore not having a particularly large demand for redstone. Thus, Scandinavia has a fairly large fleet of commercial airships, and has commercial contacts from West Africa to the Ural Mountains.

~National Strength Points~
Economics: 7
Technology: 4
Politics: 7
Military: 4
Provinces: 3
Last edited by Plzen on Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Werftkrieg » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:44 pm

Plzen wrote:
Werftkrieg wrote:-snip-

I would strongly suggest that you re-read the application and the relevant notes. Also, preferred map colour?

Updated maps are up (most notably I changed the US east coast from two provinces to four). Here's a work in progress application for myself.


~Basic Information~
Name of State: Skandinaviska samväldet (Scandinavian Commonwealth). Scandinavia for short.
Government System: Parliamentary republic
Population: 13.65 millions

Territory: Refer to the revised political map
Capital City/Cities: Stockholm
Major Cities: Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, Göteborg.

Head of State: Secretary General Reynir Jónsson
Head of Government: Prime Minister Anders Svensson
Ruling Ideology: Radical socialism. When the world began freezing in 1942, the Scandinavian governments enacted emergency measures to bring in all possible resources into resolving the crisis, and those emergency measures were never repealed.
Language of Leadership: Scandinavian (Swedish/Danish/Norwegian)

Total Military Personnel: 48,000 paper strength in the armed forces, although Scandinavia also maintains a larger paramilitary branch called National Reserve.
Army Equipment: Despite many attempts to copy Soviet and British military technology, the Scandinavian Armed Forces remain relatively backwards in terms of technology. Although some surplus Soviet equipment has made its way into various special forces, the core of the Scandinavian Army remains infantry, armed with rifles and machine guns, backed by heavy screening from mobile artillery units firing electrified shells.
Army Training and Doctrine: The Scandinavian Commonwealth maintains a doctrine of flexible defence and planned warfare, and troops are trained accordingly to a reasonable standard. The Commonwealth also fields a special unit, the Black Brigade, trained for frontal assaults against well-entrenched enemies.
Air Force Size and Quality: With 2,000 personnel and maintaining 90 craft, the Scandinavian Air Force is not a large branch of service at all. They are mostly composed of light interceptors and light bombers, although a few prototype airships inspired by the Soviet model can be put on the field.

(point of divergence is 1928)

~Notable Features~
(anything else you wish to add about your country)

~National Strength Points~
Economics: 7
Technology: 4
Politics: 7
Military: 4
Provinces: 3

# Cromwell2016
Hoping that the Bolshevist vermin cancel out the Kluxer vermin.

Free Karjala!

RIP Castlemaine, you were awesome.



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