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Posts: 762
Founded: Jan 01, 2015

Postby Helvetea » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:48 pm

Danceria wrote:
Helvetea wrote:
I know who to use. How to use her, though...And I can't decide between CIS and Empire. Leaning towards CIS.

...You could be an Imperial Senator with ties to the Rebellion, like Bail Organa and Mon Mothma?

I'm going with a female CIS task force leader.

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Posts: 10715
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Postby Danceria » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:49 pm

Helvetea wrote:
Danceria wrote:...You could be an Imperial Senator with ties to the Rebellion, like Bail Organa and Mon Mothma?

I'm going with a female CIS task force leader.

One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Posts: 4542
Founded: Aug 04, 2015

Postby Spindle » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:51 pm

Character Application:

Name: Jerelia Malkon

Age: Twenty-eight

Gender: Female

Allegiance: Galactic Empire, Fleet Admiral


Personality: Jerelia is a realist. However much she may like to live in a perfect world, she is more than happy to compromise where she needs to, making the ends justify the means and trading off operational performance for ease of maintenance and use where need be. It is this which motivates her loyalty to the Empire: she is all too aware of the failings of the Republic as a political system to aid the Alliance and is suspicious of battle droid armies to ever side with the CIS.

In conversation, Jerelia is smooth and collected, always ready with a dry remark or biting observation and always ready to bounce ideas and points off of the people around her. In fact, she will often take it upon herself to play devil's advocate with anyone in the conversation, probing the minds of those who speak with her on whatever topics are brought up. Throughout these verbal rallies she most often probes for the morality of her partners, finding where their lines are drawn and filling it away for later use.

Force Sensitivity: None

Skills: Jerelia's main ability is her ability to take stock of a problem and solve it on the fly and integrate her off-the-cuff solutions with her long-term plans seamlessly. In fact, integration is probably the word which best sums up Jerelia's main strength most succinctly: her ability to combine all of her disparate resources and abilities into coherent and complementary stratagems and strategies makes her a dangerous opponent to go up against. In fact, her favourite trick is to switch from one combination of technology, strategy or technique to another mid -battle or -campaign in order to catch her enemies off-guard.

Weaponry: A single Q-2 hold-out blaster.

Ship: The Superfluous, technically a Peregrine-class Star Yacht but used as a testbed for various different systems so often that it is more-or-less unrecognisable as a Peregrine underneath the hood. The more permanent additions include a hibridium cloaking field, a point-five hyperdrive, a full ECM suite, prow-mounted turbolasers and even its own, personally encrypted HoloNet transceiver. All in all, the Peregrine is the type of ship to give ground traffic controllers heart attacks when it enters the system.

Biography: Jerelia was born into the Malkons, a Generational family on Anaxes, one with a long yet bland history of Naval service - with familial scions working with in intelligence, logistics, R&D and military education but, crucially, rarely ever producing a frontline commander and never producing one while the Republic is in a state of warfare. The Malkons were a family who existed squarely in the realm of mediocrity, never overreaching beyond what they knew they could achieve but never challenging themselves or really producing anything acceptable. Jerelia was to be an notable anomaly.

From a young age, Jerelia showed a rapacious appetite for academic subjects: science, maths and, with her family's lineage, military theory. Even before she was a teenager she was absorbing whatever her parents, cousins, uncles and aunts were able to teach her and as she matured she began to show a greater and greater grasp of each separate facet of military theory. By sixteen, when she enrolled in the Republic Navy War College, she already had a firmer grasp of both the individual portions of military theory and the cohesive whole than some Bridge Officers.

Graduating from the Academy with above-average marks, a novelty for a family which had toed the median line for generations, Jerelian moved into the Judicials as was expected for any good little officer. Unlike the vast majority of other Generationals, however, Jerelian found herself fighting in the political arena far more than she ever did from the CIC of a ship. Whereas many of her compatriots were willing to go through the proper channels to get what they needed, Jerelian was ever moving around those channels, forging the relationships she needed to get what she needed when she needed it without having to worry about the due process. For an institution so mired in bureaucracy as the Republic Navy was, it was a sword which both ensured her effectiveness and placed a ceiling firmly in her path to command.

For four years she would continue to travel from planet to planet without real action occurring, never facing anything more than the occasional, rag-tag fleet of marauders and criminals. It was work which made for slow progress even for Jerelian and, without any pressing need for talent at the top or the urgency of war to pull her to the top, Jerelian found her more traditional peers slowly rising past her. It was infuriating for her: despite her every attempt to rise through the ranks as fast as possible, she was constantly stymied by the bureaucracy which surrounded the Judicials and the Republic Military itself.

And then the Clone Wars began.

In an instant, there was a dearth of talented command officers and a real, pressing and existential threat to the very existence of the Republic and everything Jerelia had been preparing herself for over the course of her service blossomed into sprays of red and orange over the course of a few months. leveraging every single contact and favour she'd accumulated over the years, she advanced meteorically from a ship's Captain to a Commodore to a Rear Admiral, through to Vice Admiral and, after a year and a half, she was a Fleet Admiral.

Throughout her rise, she demonstrated more than simple tactical competence, or even tactical brilliance. As a ship's Captain, she managed to connect with her engineering crews and help them optimise her ship's repairs, improvements and retrofits. As a Commodore, she managed to coordinate with her Admiral's logistics teams to keep her flotilla operating even when supplied by the most tenuous of supply links. As an Admiral, she was able to interpret data, intel, history and astrography to predict the moves her opponents would make and use her foreknowledge to her advantage. As the war ground on, she demonstrated time and again that she was more than just a tactician. She showed aptitudes for deception and deceit, politics, strategy, logistics, engineering, technology and intelligence as well as simple warfighting, a combination which saw her through the Clone Wars safely.

Just as important as her aptitudes was the web of influence she'd spun within the Navy and between external sources. If there was a situation she lacked the abilities to crack herself, she more often than not knew someone who had the requisite skills. This additional manpower resource allowed her to spread her skills even further afield than she could on her own. Assassins, advisors, smugglers, slicers, merchants and mercenaries all fell within her web of influence and she used them extensively wherever possible in order to maximise her own efficiency.

As the Republic slowly transitioned into the Empire, Jerelia managed to avoid the steady relegation many of her Generational peers ran afoul of, playing the game of politics with aplomb even as the scene shifted dramatically and the rules shifted underneath her feet. Her commitment to the Empire was outwardly unwavering, an apparent commitment which caused many to underestimate the level of ambition which simmered underneath the surface. Clawing her way, hand over hand, into the respect of the High Admirals, Jerelian continued to ascend as the Outer Rim Sieges began to conclude.

It was with the announcement of the New Order and the initial surge of reforms that Jerelian found her home in the Navy. As a reward for her continual loyalty and competence she was awarded with the mandate of the First Imperial Research Fleet, a formation meant to test out prototypes, limited production runs, retrofits, doctrines and tactics before they were disseminated to the Navy proper. In a position to combine her aptitudes and her ability to tap dance on an avalanche, Jerelian continued to serve with elegance and efficiency as she designed and tested every new idea to run through the Navy's collective conscious personally.

As the next two years ground on, the First Imperial Research Fleet found itself spread increasingly thin across the galaxy, coordinating dozens of projects for every aspect of the Empire's military. Field testing became more and more common as the fleet was put to more practical work on the innumerable fronts opening up throughout the Empire. From the near-rebellion of Empress Teta to the Bimmisaari Fiasco, the First Imperial Research Fleet has seen action in every theatre of war, despite its status. But now, for the first time since its inception, the fleet has been recalled to Coruscant: for what task exactly is a question to be answered...

RP Example:
Troiken Outer Orbit

With a flicker of pseudomotion ten ships arrived out of hyperspace and began spearing directly into the system, systems flickering into life as Zillelli considered the system projected into the holotank set up before her command throne. Imperial presence was typically light - nothing more than a pair of Strike-class Cruisers. Both of them were falling back to the planet's single orbital defence platform, its few weapons and meagre shields coming online as the threat registered. Zillelli could imagine that there would be panic and paralysis amongst the Imperials for a while: as far as backwater systems went, this was about as backwater as it got and that meant that she had a little time.

Glancing at the chronometer, Zillelli didn't need to do the maths to see that she wasn't going to be capable of engaging their HoloNet transceiver in time.

"We dropped out too far away." Aalar noted, "Way too far out."

"I'll take it." Zillelli shrugged, "It's a better trade-off than being shredded the moment we arrived."

Aalar snorted contemptuously.

"Those couldn't shred silk." He commented, before a semblance of professionalism slipped over his features, "All snubfighters launched, Ma'am."

"Thank you." Zillelli nodded, "I was planning to keep this as a surprise, but I'd rather we tested this here than in the middle of a fair fight. Thereseere, signal the Devastator to take a bearing of...thirty-two by minus seventeen from its current velocity, with the Ardent and the Mynock Bait as trailing escorts. Grav-cones two and four activating on bearing...minus fifty-eight by thirty-four - no, thirty-seven - on my mark and get the rest of the Battlegroup up to combat velocity. Aalar, have Sunshine and Rainbow Squadrons ready take a course at minus twenty-eight by nil on their parent crafts' vectors."

"On it." Aalar nodded while Thereseere simply turned to speak in a muted tone into his headset.

Glancing into the tactical holo, Zillelli pursed her lips. She didn't like the idea of doing this: it left the Devastator far too open to enemy attack and that ship was the only irreplaceable one in her Battlegroup. But she didn't have the luxury of choice here, and she knew it. With a sigh, she glanced up at the holo again. Her portion of the Battlegroup was steadily closing with the two Strikes which were, in turn, closing with the orbital defence platform. Veering away at an angle from the main force, the smaller sub-force was pulling to one side of the battlespace, outside of effective weapons range. Not, however, outside of the range of the Immobiliser's grav-cones.

"Thereseere, signal the Devastator." Zillelli said, "That's far enough. Bring the grav-cones online. Have Sunshine and Rainbow Squadrons commit thirty seconds from reception."

Once again, Thereseere hunched over and spoke into his headset and, in the holo, Zillelli could see the Cruiser slow to a stop relative to the planet ahead of them, two of its grav-cones activating and barring hyperspace entry for the Strikes, leading them such that their engines brushed up against the edge of the hyperspace boundary. Zillelli rolled her eyes lightly at that: they were slightly off of the bearing she'd ordered them to take. It was typical of the Devastator: her crew had been trying to redeem the ship from the perceived flaw which was its Imperial origin. She was going to have to deal with that myth once they'd had their baptism of fire, but until then she was willing to take the over-enthusiasm of its crew as a positive.

"Sunshine and Rainbow Squadron confirm orders." Thereseere informed her, "Delta-three in...twenty seconds."

"Thank you." Zillelli nodded, "Have the Inward Fire and Sword of Justice commit in unison with the snubs. I don't want those Strikes having the time to link up with that station and we've got the hyperspace boundary in place anyway."

Tense moments passed as Thereseere relayed the orders and the confirmation of the orders and the last few seconds drained away before everything happened at once.

Two Squadrons of X-wings and a pair of Liberator-class Cruisers flashed across the Battlespace in the blink of an eye, all four reappearing as their navicomputers detected the planetary-level gravity well the Devastator was projecting and forcibly shunted them back into realspace with a flicker of psuedomotion. The two X-wing Squadrons had arrived ahead of the two Strikes, spaced apart on either side of the orbital defence platform, hitting the gravity well at an angle. S-foils were still locked as they shot past the monolithic defence station, the barest minimum of laser fire following them, startled gunners snapping off brief shots before the snubfighters were gone and the orbital defence station had an unobstructed view of the two Strikes.

The Liberators had been approaching the gravity well from the opposite side and a far more perpendicular angle, and had arrived within weapon range of the two Strikes, the Inward Fire only a little behind its opposite number and the Sword of Justice almost entirely within its rear arc. For a moment there was a stunned nothingness as sensors locked onto new targets and shields snapped into existence before lines of fire sprang up as ion cannon and turbolasers spat back and forth, slamming into shields as punctuating the space between the four combatants with flickering bolts which speared towards their target before vanishing into one of the dozens of ripples spreading across the visible shields of the cruisers.

"Well then." Zillelli nodded to herself, before turning to Thereseere, "Have the Devastator continue to project gravity wells two and four: prepare three and one in case. Sunshine and Rainbow Squadrons are weapons free: primary target's the HoloNet transceiver. Keep the Ardent's screen close in to keep her group safe. Have the Droch and Killik Squadrons move to make an attack run on the defence station - but have them break off before they reach the range of the enemy's point defence. Kerel?"

"Yes?" The Human asked, glancing up from his work coordinating the chaotic efforts of the CIC.

"Have the Dauntless fire a salvo of proton torpedoes." Zillelli ordered, "Aim them into the wake of the X-wings."

"Aye aye." Kerel grinned and Zillelli knew that he understood.

All across the battlespace, flurries of motion could be seen as the Imperials moved to regain the initiative and the Alliance fleet moved to deny it to them. A Squadron of Ties was already screaming after the X-wings but they were already far too late, S-foils opening up and a flurry of proton torpedoes reducing the transceiver into so much expanding gas and shrapnel in a single, swift run. The TIEs continued to pursue them for a moment more before peeling away and returning to the orbital defence platform, taking up screening positions even as the second Squadron moved to prepare for an interception of the next group of X-wings. Without waiting, Zillelli's eyes shifted to the next brawl.

The two Strikes were trying to make the most of their situation by rotating and attempting to force the Liberators into their forward lines of fire. One had partially managed to do so, but the other's engine had been the target of a particularly nasty flurry of turbolaser fire which had left it spinning aimlessly through space, incapable of bringing more than a few weapons to bear against the two Alliance Cruisers. With one of the ships currently out of the fight, the two Liberators had torn into the second Strike with a vigour that had only been blunted by the enemy Captain's initiative. Zillelli's eyebrow cocked a little as she saw the Cruiser spinning madly along its axis, ensuring that no every portion of its shield was taxed more than the rest: forcing the two Liberators to break the shield entirely before they could damage the ship itself. Nodding to herself, Zillelli mentally stowed the idea away for later use: it had potential.

A portion of the holo lit up with red as the Droch and Killik Squadrons broke away from the Squadron of TIEs which had been scrambled to intercept them, the proton torpedoes they had been hiding in their exhaust wake tearing through the Imperial fighters and forcing them to scatter as the X-wings locked their S-foils and shot back towards the Battlegroup proper, a volley of their own proton torpedoes slamming into the steadily-weakening shields of the dervish of a Strike. It managed to absorb the additional punishment as it attempted to return fire, but the disadvantage of the tactic was becoming readily apparent as the shots arced off into the star-speckled night around the X-wings as they shot back towards them main fleet.

Explosions blossomed against the platform's shields and atmosphere vented into space, a section of the structure caving inwards before pressure sent it flying back out again, metal and ceramics mingling with blood as it floated into the void, boiling and freezing as it sprayed with serene grace from gashes and severed limbs. Zillelli's eyes took it all in, unblinking, as the ping in the holo heralded the first transmission was registered from the Imperials since her Battlegroup had arrived in-system with their Alliance IFFs blazing. If she'd had time, Zillelli knew she had the contacts and resources to make her fleet appear like nothing more than a convoy to the Imperials. She could have avoided this if she'd had the time.

She didn't have the time.

She knew that, deep down. The Imperials were going to figure out her history before long: they were going to take retribution to cow others into submission. It was their modus operandi and she doubted that it was going to change now, just because she was here. It wasn't going to change unless the Imperials had something to take up their attention. And while her compatriots were going around creating a war of attrition, she was perfectly willing to use the distraction to unleash her own kind of warfare upon the Imperials. If that meant that the people here needed to die, she was just going to have to facilitate their deaths better than anyone else would.

"Ma'am?" Thereseere rumbled, "The Imperial commander wishes to offer his unconditional surrender."

"Unconditionally?" Zillelli asked, fingers twitching in surprise, "We must have hit close to his office. Or perhaps he just can't deal with the combat getting so close."

After a moment, she nodded.

"Inform him that we accept his offer." She ordered finally, "Instruct him to remove all personnel from the engines of his Strikes and stand their shields down."

Thereseere nodded and echoed Zillelli into his headset. For moment he was still, then his head tilted and his nostrils flared with a whicker of amusement.

"They will comply, but wish to know why you want that first one." He relayed, "What should I tell them?"

Glancing into the holo, Zillelli confirmed that the shields on the Cruisers were down. The dervish still bristled with aggression, but the other Strike seemed limp and defeated.

"Inform them that we'll be shooting out their Cruisers' engines, give them thirty seconds to relay that information, and then open fire." She said with the slightest smirk. Watching in the holo, Zillelli could see the sudden flare of power surge through the dervish before its Captain was apparently called off by whoever was in charge. Twelve seconds later, a swift barrage of turbolasers reduced the rear ends of both Cruisers into so much molten slag and venting atmosphere. Nodding to herself in satisfaction, Zillelli glanced back to the dervish before her eyes flitted to Thereseere.

"Oh, and one more thing." She told the Thakwaash, "Have whoever's in charge transmit their personnel files. I think I've got a bit of reading to do."

"Is this really a time for reading?" Aalar asked, "I mean, we've just won our first victory as a Battlegroup! Shouldn't there be-"

"No." Zillelli cut him off, "This wasn't a battle: they never had a chance. That's why I could afford to experiment here. Now we need to prepare for real battles."

"Aye aye." Aalar muttered glumly after several seconds.

"But I will need you to head over to the Devastator and congratulate the crew." She continued, "Head around the other ships from there: we can do the Alacrity when we're jumping to hyperspace."

"Aye aye." Aalar replied, a hint more life in his fishy eyes as they swivelled from her knees to her face, "Permission to begin?"

"Go." Zillelli nodded, "We leave in an hour. I'll need you back at least fifteen minutes before that."

"Of course." Aalar nodded before turning and beelining for the turbolift. Zillelli also turned, her eyes settling onto the holo flickering in front of her. With a single, smooth motion, she brought her hand trailing through the image of the system and replaced it with a line of starships. Tapping the first one, the thin, elongated spike of a Recusant expanded to blot out the others, with tabs beginning to branch off of it and displaying streams of data as Zillelli leaned forwards, lines of blue glimmering in her crimson eyes as she began to absorb everything she could find about the Corporate Sector Authority's fleet.

Notes: I'll throw up some supporting characters here as soon as I figure out what they're going to be, and I'll do the same with the fleet's ships. For now, all I know for sure is that the fleet's based around twelve Imperial-0.5-class Star Destroyers (the transitional testbed models between Venators and Imperial-Is) with a handful of escorts. Sorry.
Last edited by Spindle on Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
Disclaimer: Nothing said here is the product of a rational mind.
So...apparently I'm a decent writer. Um...wait, what?
Relativity, nukes in space, nukes in atmosphere, LASERs, MASERs, kinetic weapons, missile and kinetic CIWS, impactors and centripital force.

And, of course, for anything at all, you can always go here.

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The Valyria Empire
Posts: 5071
Founded: May 26, 2016

Postby The Valyria Empire » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:55 pm

Helvetea wrote:That moment when you realise: You want to use an anime character.

As long as it fits the lore I do not mind a character having a anime appearance.

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Posts: 3314
Founded: Mar 22, 2015

Postby GreatestBanks » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:58 pm

so tagged right now
_[' ]_
(-_Q) If you support capitalism, put this in your signature.
Political Spectrum
Right: 0.63
Authoritarian: 2.62
Foreign Policy: 6.57(Neo-Conservative)
Culture: 7.17 (Conservative)

♂♀Copy and Paste this in your sig if you know there are 2 genders and didn't fail biology♂♀
Notice: I use NS Stats for everything other than population and GDP.

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Posts: 3314
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Postby GreatestBanks » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:09 pm

Last edited by GreatestBanks on Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
_[' ]_
(-_Q) If you support capitalism, put this in your signature.
Political Spectrum
Right: 0.63
Authoritarian: 2.62
Foreign Policy: 6.57(Neo-Conservative)
Culture: 7.17 (Conservative)

♂♀Copy and Paste this in your sig if you know there are 2 genders and didn't fail biology♂♀
Notice: I use NS Stats for everything other than population and GDP.

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Posts: 762
Founded: Jan 01, 2015

Postby Helvetea » Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:13 pm

Name: Karisa Covesemo
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Allegiance paid to: Galactic Empire (Admiral)
Appearance (Picture appreciated): WIP
Personality: Rather polite, and is willing to give captured traitors an easy way out of their situation. She is also a complete bookworm and a sentimentalist, keeping relics from her Clone Wars days.
Force Sensitive: No
Skills/Powers: Has the luck of the devil and an eye for strategy.
Weaponry (If any): DC-17 Blaster Pistol
Ship (If any): Venator-II Star Destroyer (Artemisia)
Biography (At least a well written Paragraph please): Born on the Separatist-aligned Agricultural world of Alsatia, Karisa was part of the few Military Families on the planet. Her father felt it necessary that she join the CIS Navy for her duty to the Family. This she accomplished with moderate success. At the end of the Clone Wars, her Task Force was just after occupying the Mahes system, a backwater system home to a few mining colonies and a small trade hub. When an Imperial Task Force arrived to conquer the system, Karisa did the wise thing and surrendered her forces. Somehow avoiding execution (She does have absurd luck) Karisa now commands a small force of Imperial Vessels, centered around her Star Destroyer, the Artemisia. Karisa herself is a scholar first and warrior second, so she tends not to fight in Hand to hand Combat, using a captured DC-17 as her Personal Defence Weapons. Out of her own sentiment, she kept her Separatist-Era XO away from the scrap heap. This XO is an OOM Command Battle Droid designated B1-182, but is affectionately called 'Kumano'.
RP Example: Example
Notes: AFAIK, Karisa and Kumano are the only characters I'll be RPing so far. I'll update as I think of them.
Fleet size:
Last edited by Helvetea on Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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United Islands of Polis
Posts: 675
Founded: Jun 27, 2015
Democratic Socialists

Postby United Islands of Polis » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:18 pm

Name: Granger Varmon

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Allegiance paid to: Galactic Empire (Will switch to the Rebellion IF the reason is super convincing)

Rank: Captain

Appearance: Just Imagine with Proper Uniform

Personality: Will be determined on IC

Force Sensitive: Nope

Skills/Powers: Tactics, Fights with the odds against him, 1v1 ship battles, Fleet Command (Despite his rank)

Weaponry: 2 DC-17 Hand Blasters w/ holsters

Ship: Upgraded Venator Class Star Destroyer (Unusual)

Biography: Born on Coruscant to a middle class family, Granger Varmon was always drawn to military tactics and weapons at a young age, specifically with the navy. He did encourage himself to go down the road of politics, tactics and weapons soon becoming a hobby, but as tensions rose Granger slowly backed out of the Galactic Political Arena until he withdrew completely.

For a few years Granger had lived a fairly cheap life trying to get a new job, he eventually set up a small business in the form of a restaurant in the lower parts of Coruscaunt which was sufficient enough and with some contacts within the galactic government he was bale to relocate his small business to a more elevated part where he can see the sun.

After the Crisis of Naboo his business closed down, just as he planned so he could press the advantage of the carnage on Naboo to set up shop their for a relatively low price, but his path change when he saw footage of the Trade Federation Blockade which caused him to sign up for the Republic Navy which after a short time ended up in the officer's school.

He was the commanding officer of the weapons station on-board an unnamed frigate, given the small size he was content with serving the people by stopping smugglers, pirates, fleeing criminals and helping stranded people occasionally.When Chancellor Palpatine was elected he felt that he wasn't going to be out of a job soon, and he was right, the Clone Wars began and the rise of new ship classes came about, the Republic Navy was about to become a true power.

After the first few months Granger was promoted to captain and was given command of one of the first Venator Class Star Destroyers, specifically one named the Unusual, as one of the first of its class he and his ship was assigned to protect key systems vital to the Republic's war effort and thus he was stationed at Kuat then transferred to Kamino a few weeks later. His first combat mission was in the Battle of Drongar, while the Resolution came in to support and send the Separatist fleet in retreat, Granger's ship was there to jump in should the plan fail.

In the course of the war he had been under the command of many Jedi and has become close to them and his crew of clones, Granger had also grown to be respected by even the Admiralty and other captains and feared by his enemies, even taking notice of the legendary Admiral Trench. His ship soon became unusual just as the name of the ship due to a few aesthetic and useful upgrades, the first being the predatory bird symbol located where the Fleet insignia would normally (Think UNSC symbol minus the words and shield) and the second one being the turret count it had, instead of the usual 8 his had 10 as requested to boost firepower, the next of his upgrades was when Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker had SPHA cannons attached to the ventral hangar of some ships of the Open Circle fleet where he got the idea and had attached 4 to boost firepower again.

When Order 66 was initiated Granger had a Jedi on his ship, seeing the clones come out the elevator and saying something about executing the Jedi and his Padawan, Granger had set his personal side-arm to stun and fought majority of the crew to keep them alive until he himself was stunned by one of his bridge crew members, the last thing he heard and saw was the screams and fear of his former commanding officers.

Captain Granger Varmon was put to court-martial and was sentenced to life in prison for saving his "guests" on that day, he was prepared that day to sacrifice himself for them, but it ended up here. On one day after being mocked by these new "Stormtroopers" whom he saw a unprofessional and too fanatic to make right decisions, a naval officer had come to him saying that he was to be freed and reinstated as captain once more due to the recent defeats. He was offered the new Imperial-I Star Destroyers but rejected it in favor of his old ship for one reason only, because it was a morale booster, the paintjob it had was enough to tell others that he was there and was going to try to win and considering this he was given his ship back and sent to the front immediately with a crew of old and new. He also had 4 other Venators have the same paintjob as him and decoy turrets to fool the enemy as to have a harder time to locate the Unusual, he would constantly switch places in the group of 5 replicas to confuse the enemy.

RP Example:

Notes: Will be playing as the 4 other captains (Names of captains and ships will come up on the IC), Prefers to have Clone War era fighters on-board and will not allow those "Flying Solar Panels on board" (In other words his pilots have Clone War era fighters)

Contact if anything is wrong
Last edited by United Islands of Polis on Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:04 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Helvetea » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:39 pm

United Islands of Polis wrote:-snip-

Would he know of Countess Covesemo?

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:18 pm

So...Cloned Grevious, yeaor nay?
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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The Valyria Empire
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Founded: May 26, 2016

Postby The Valyria Empire » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:20 pm

Danceria wrote:So...Cloned Grevious, yeaor nay?

Nay. They never state exactly how cloning works but I think before they start they need the entire body.

You could still play a Kaleesh. There are other canon characters as well.

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Postby Helvetea » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:22 pm

The Valyria Empire wrote:
Danceria wrote:So...Cloned Grevious, yeaor nay?

Nay. They never state exactly how cloning works but I think before they start they need the entire body.

You could still play a Kaleesh. There are other canon characters as well.

Is Countess Covesemo ok? What rank would she be in the Empire?

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Warg the Immortal
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Founded: Nov 20, 2015

Postby Warg the Immortal » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:31 pm

Would I be allowed to recycle Novatrooper Caul?
Last edited by Warg the Immortal on Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Grandmaster of the Order of Algol: Booker Roland Oxley Graves
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The Valyria Empire
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Postby The Valyria Empire » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:37 pm

Warg the Immortal wrote:Would I be allowed to recycle Novatrooper Caul?

Yes if it's not a Novatrooper. Death Trooper, ARC, Commando, etc. are fine but I'm trying to stick to more canon and less Legends.

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Democratic East-Asia
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Postby Democratic East-Asia » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:50 pm

might go for some rogue Imperial Naval Commander.
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Postby Helvetea » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:52 pm

I like how I got a Code Geass Character in.

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Postby Danceria » Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:08 pm

The Valyria Empire wrote:
Danceria wrote:So...Cloned Grevious, yeaor nay?

Nay. They never state exactly how cloning works but I think before they start they need the entire body.

You could still play a Kaleesh. There are other canon characters as well.

I'll see what (or rather, who) I can do...
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Postby Utceforp » Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:25 pm

Well I was gonna go with an Imperial character because they have the coolest military stuff, but it seems most people have chosen Imperials, so idk. Maybe a Jedi?
Signatures are so 2014.

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Posts: 663
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Postby Altegonnia » Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:17 pm

The Valyria Empire wrote:
Danceria wrote:So...Cloned Grevious, yeaor nay?

Nay. They never state exactly how cloning works but I think before they start they need the entire body.

You could still play a Kaleesh. There are other canon characters as well.

Actually they do explain enough about cloning to make it possible

But without the advanced cloning trade techniques of the Kamino natives all you'd accomplish is making a Kaleesh genetically identical to GG but with none of his personality, memories or skills inherently programmed in as that requires advanced bio-processing and brain manipulating genetic sciences skills that only kamino knows

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Postby Altegonnia » Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:18 pm

Utceforp wrote:Well I was gonna go with an Imperial character because they have the coolest military stuff, but it seems most people have chosen Imperials, so idk. Maybe a Jedi?

EU CIS has a ton of cool stuff. Just look at my character with an entire fleet of geonosian ships. You don't see those in the TV shows or movies but EU wise this cool stuff exists

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
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Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:47 pm

Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Postby Utceforp » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:45 am

This may be a dumb idea, but for some reason I really want to create a Morseerian Jedi.
Signatures are so 2014.

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Postby Spindle » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:45 am

The Valyria Empire wrote:
Danceria wrote:So...Cloned Grevious, yeaor nay?

Nay. They never state exactly how cloning works but I think before they start they need the entire body.

You could still play a Kaleesh. There are other canon characters as well.

But Luuke was cloned from the hand Luke (real one) lost on Cloud City...

Although that was with Spaarti cylinders, so I don't know if the CIS would have access to it.

Helvetea wrote:Name: Countess Covesemo

Countess Covesemo...Countess Covesemo...C.C. Huh. Nice.
Last edited by Spindle on Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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So...apparently I'm a decent writer. Um...wait, what?
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Postby Altegonnia » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:48 am

Spindle wrote:
The Valyria Empire wrote:Nay. They never state exactly how cloning works but I think before they start they need the entire body.

You could still play a Kaleesh. There are other canon characters as well.

But Luuke was cloned from the hand Luke (real one) lost on Cloud City...

AND I would classify that under one of good things that got wiped when the EU lost it'a canon status.

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Postby Altegonnia » Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:53 am

Utceforp wrote:This may be a dumb idea, but for some reason I really want to create a Morseerian Jedi.

Rumors of them existing are there but no recorded cases. I think it would be cool though I'll talk to valyria



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