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What Is A Browser Extension?
Browser extensions are tiny programs or apps designed to "extend" and add onto the existing features of your internet browser. All modern browsers support browser extensions, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
Why No Internet Explorer Support?
Internet Explorer is not an open web browser and frequently does not support official web standards. In addition, it does not support browser extensions, and is frequently a target for malware and viruses. I suggest all Internet Explorer users upgrade to a free, modern browser, listed above.
How Do I Know This Is Safe?
You don't. While NationStates++ is an open-source browser extension, and so any developer with Javascript experience can inspect the code, that is not a guarantee of safety. Nor is the fact that it is overseen by NationStates.net. Browser extensions do have an additional layer of safety, as the browser prevents addons or extensions from installing malware or harmful viruses. This layer of security does not protect you from extensions that steal personal information or login information from the site they apply to. Every program you install carries risk and relies on a certain level of trust. If you have specific concerns about safety or user security, you can telegram Eluvatar for additional information.
Who is in charge here?
Ultimately, [violet]. Currently, Sseroffa and Eluvatar are both developing the code and operating the NS++ service which the extension relies on. All three have access to the servers which are operating nationstatesplusplus.net. Eluvatar is maintaining the Chrome App store (used also by Opera users). Eluvatar and Sseroffa both have copies of the update signing key for the Firefox extension, and either may publish updates to it. The safari extension is currently being published by Sseroffa.
How is this changing?
While these plans are not necessarily entirely set in stone, the nationstatesplusplus.net and nspostmaster.com website and services will eventually be moved to servers operated by [violet] and Eluvatar, and the ability to upload updates to the extension will follow the same shift.
Additional Security Notes
The Nation Puppet Switcher only stores nations & password information locally in your browser local storage. This information is never transmitted anywhere, and never leaves your computer. In addition, I do not collect or monitor sensitive personal information or other identifying information.
Why I am I seeing an "Outdated NationStates++" warning banner?
Your browser likely does not have automatic extension updates enabled (this is a common problem with Safari). For Safari users, go to your preferences -> Extensions tab, and be sure to "enable" automatic updates. For Firefox users, go to Firefox -> Addons and click the settings gear in the upper right to ensure automatic updates are enabled.
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Version History:
Previous Discussion.
This post was originally made by Shadow Afforess, but transferred by Moderation to Eluvatar on 2014-11-23 so as to be able to bring it up to date.