[DRAFT] National Workplace Act
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 5:15 pm
Hello, GA nations, this is my first time submitting a draft for the WA, and I don't know how many non-written (or not-found) rules on drafting or proposing I can possibly break. My nation's main goal with this proposal is to set the bases for a state-led program against unemployment, originally inspired in the idea of the Ateliers Nationaux, or National Workplaces, from French. I do accept any kind of suggestions, and I would be glad to learn more, so that I can be able to learn more about this (also, if somebody knows of more WA that could be interesting following this subject, please tell me!):
The General Assembly,
Recognising the right to work as a fundamental human right,
Observing the high number of unemployed persons who are at risk of poverty and social exclusion,
Acknowledging that such a powerful manpower could be used as a cheap, motivated workforce,
Understanding that, if it existed, such an agreement would be extremely beneficial to both the nation and the individual worker, in both relieving the latter economically and collecting laboral experience, and increasing the former’s manpower and powering its industry.
Hereby enacts:
I. Definitions:
1. NW, or National Workplace, a public organism under the supervision of the Work Ministry (or competent organism) of each WA nation, whose purpose is to search empty workplaces (which can vary from manufacturing, public works or renovations) for LUW to be employed in such places.
II. Obligations:
1. To create, or use an existent organism who can be considered as a National Workplace, following this term’s previous definition.
2. To ensure that the citizens of each respective WA nation are able to sign into a NW, independently of their skin colour, age, race, sex, religion or anything that could motivate a legal discrimination of any kind.
3. To assure than this NW will not furnish its employees with unsafe and dangerous work unless agreed by the latter, respecting all security rules enforced by General Assembly Resolution # 7 "Workplace Safety Standards Act" and General Assembly Resolution # 607 "Health and Safety Act".
4. To enforce equality of rights between workers positioned by a NW, and those who aren’t, as the former also have basic worker’s rights like, but not limited to, follow a strike, being part of a labour union or receive an indemnization following a non-precedent firing.
5. To not assign a vacant job to any registered citizen without an official, valid and legal contract.
III. Permissions:
1. That these National Workplaces are not fully public, but can also be funded, organised and/or search for job posts by/in private enterprises, as long as the neutrality of the process can still be verified (from I:1),
2. That these NWs allow only citizens of their respective country to be selective for this process (from II:2)
3. That said characteristics may exclude work-searchers from occupying certain posts, for example, not allowing older workers to be hired as a construction worker, due to lack of strength/exponential danger.