[Draft 2] - Repeal "Health and Safety Act" (GAR607)

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Simone Republic
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[Draft 2] - Repeal "Health and Safety Act" (GAR607)

Postby Simone Republic » Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:44 am


Original GAR#607: ... /council=1
Debate on GAR#607: viewtopic.php?t=516364

Draft 2

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the WA's longstanding interest in the health and wellbeing of inhabitants of WA states;

Believing that the target resolution, "Health and Safety Act", is neither about health nor safety, and instead focuses on compiling statistical data and more of interest to those in scientific research;

In particular, noting that the requirements of clause (1a) and clause (1b) to publish "quantitative" manuals (as opposed to "qualitative" manuals) concerning ergonomic stress and chemical exposure appear to be aimed at compiling statistics for analysis, rather than to provide guidelines for workers interested in their own safety;

Believing the mandate to distribute these manuals to all businesses via clause (1e) create a significant administrative burden on individual WA states without apparent benefits to most of those people who receive it, and that anyone genuinely interested, such as actuaries, insurance claims adjusters, and linear regression fanatics, should be able to download such data themselves;

Looking forward to potential replacements regarding occupational health and safety and the sharing of actuarial and biostatistics data, for use by the WHA and other professional parties as they deem fit;

Hereby repeals "Health and Safety Act".
Last edited by Simone Republic on Mon Nov 04, 2024 2:51 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Imperium Anglorum
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Postby Imperium Anglorum » Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:36 pm

Support in principle.

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Maricela Gutierrez
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Postby Maricela Gutierrez » Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:11 pm

Simone Republic wrote:

Original GAR#607: ... /council=1
Debate on GAR#607: viewtopic.php?t=516364

Draft 1

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the WA's longstanding interest in the health and wellbeing of inhabitants of WA states;

Believing that the target resolution, "Health and Safety Act", is neither about health nor safety, and instead focuses on compiling statistical data and more of interest to those in scientific research or those whose hobbies include linear regression and statistical modelling software;

In particular, noting that the requirements of clause (1a) and clause (1b) to publish "quantitative" manuals (as opposed to "qualitative" manuals) concerning ergonomic stress and chemical exposure appear to be aimed at compiling statistics for analysis, rather than to provide guidelines for workers interested in their own safety;

Believing the mandate to distribute these manuals widely create a significant administrative burden on individual member states without significant apparent benefits;

Looking forward to, if the WA deems fit, potential replacements regarding occupational health and safety and the sharing of biostatistics data;

Hereby repeals "Health and Safety Act".

Ms. Gutierrez: "I oppose in principle. The loss of these quantitative manuals and their publication through the World Assembly would be a crushing blow to statistics and actuarial sciences among the Loyal Fans."
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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:06 am

Maricela Gutierrez wrote:
Simone Republic wrote:

Original GAR#607: ... /council=1
Debate on GAR#607: viewtopic.php?t=516364

Draft 1

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the WA's longstanding interest in the health and wellbeing of inhabitants of WA states;

Believing that the target resolution, "Health and Safety Act", is neither about health nor safety, and instead focuses on compiling statistical data and more of interest to those in scientific research or those whose hobbies include linear regression and statistical modelling software;

In particular, noting that the requirements of clause (1a) and clause (1b) to publish "quantitative" manuals (as opposed to "qualitative" manuals) concerning ergonomic stress and chemical exposure appear to be aimed at compiling statistics for analysis, rather than to provide guidelines for workers interested in their own safety;

Believing the mandate to distribute these manuals widely create a significant administrative burden on individual member states without significant apparent benefits;

Looking forward to, if the WA deems fit, potential replacements regarding occupational health and safety and the sharing of biostatistics data;

Hereby repeals "Health and Safety Act".

Ms. Gutierrez: "I oppose in principle. The loss of these quantitative manuals and their publication through the World Assembly would be a crushing blow to statistics and actuarial sciences among the Loyal Fans."

I'd look into doing a replacement if there's really interest for actuarial sciences like "life tables" etc.

The bit "the merits of statistical modelling software" is an in-joke if you read the Academic Senate.
Last edited by Simone Republic on Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Kardashev III Civilization
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Postby Kardashev III Civilization » Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:09 pm

"The costs associated with these data are trivial beyond the point of relevance to anyone, except perhaps the work of the data scientists themselves," intones the obelisk after bringing down several feet of drywall entering the drafting chamber. "Furthermore, while these data are rarely immediately useful to workplace safety, they are very useful to evaluating the success of qualitative workplace safety measures. Without this data, any attempt at workplace safety is 'guided' by intuition more than anything else."

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Postby Barfleur » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:49 am

Kardashev III Civilization wrote:"The costs associated with these data are trivial beyond the point of relevance to anyone, except perhaps the work of the data scientists themselves," intones the obelisk after bringing down several feet of drywall entering the drafting chamber. "Furthermore, while these data are rarely immediately useful to workplace safety, they are very useful to evaluating the success of qualitative workplace safety measures. Without this data, any attempt at workplace safety is 'guided' by intuition more than anything else."

"We agree with this line of reasoning, at least the second part. Putting aside the costs of collecting and disseminating these data, we consider it necessary for regulations aimed at protecting the health and safety of people at work to be based on what has been proven to work and not work, if you'll pardon my extremely lame pun. You can reach this same conclusion no matter which side you start out on: if you believe that the state should use its power as a protective shield for workers, you will want that power to be used in a way that will actually help them and provide them with the most benefits, while if you are opposed to regulations as an intrusion on property and contract rights, you would want to limit them to what has been proven to work and thus not incur 'unnecessary' costs. As a general matter, I wish more policies were based on dispassionate examinations of the numbers as opposed to moral panic or interest lobbying."

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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:45 pm

I might look at doing a separate actuarial and bio statistics resolution if "Statistical Data Practice" passes. That's currently in queue. I don't particularly mind either way if this repeal goes through or not before or after.
Last edited by Simone Republic on Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Simone Republic
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Postby Simone Republic » Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:18 pm

Draft 1
The World Assembly (WA),

Noting the WA's longstanding interest in the health and wellbeing of inhabitants of WA states;

Believing that the target resolution, "Health and Safety Act", is neither about health nor safety, and instead focuses on compiling statistical data and more of interest to those in scientific research or those whose hobbies include linear regression and the merits of statistical modelling software;

In particular, noting that the requirements of clause (1a) and clause (1b) to publish "quantitative" manuals (as opposed to "qualitative" manuals) concerning ergonomic stress and chemical exposure appear to be aimed at compiling statistics for analysis, rather than to provide guidelines for workers interested in their own safety;

Believing the mandate to distribute these manuals to all businesses via clause (1e) create a significant administrative burden on individual WA states without apparent benefits to those who receive it;

Looking forward to potential replacements regarding occupational health and safety and the sharing of biostatistics data;

Hereby repeals "Health and Safety Act".

Gone to Draft 2. I've looked at doing a replacement but it feels like basically a laundry list of statistics that need to be collected routinely by the Census Bureau or BLS or other government agencies.
Last edited by Simone Republic on Mon Nov 04, 2024 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.


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