Haven Tennis Exchange [TTTT]

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Ferret Civilization
Posts: 1172
Founded: Sep 23, 2015

Postby Ferret Civilization » Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:42 pm

Day Thirty One Results

Anne Valens (LIS) 3 6 5
Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 6 1 7

Scott Durin (LIS) 3 6 6
Ty Kanelious (QAD) 6 3 3

Danil Brandet (LIS) 6 2 6
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 2 6 8

Brianna Warren (ADA) 6 6
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 4 4

Roc Juvan (MTJ) 6 3 6
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 3 6 0

Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 6 7
Kathy Campbell (ADA) 3 6

Paisley Brazos (QAD) 2 2
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 6 6

Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 6 6
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 4 2

Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 6 7
Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 4 5

Robert Frinners (BGN) 6 4 6
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 1 6 3

Jaxton Monty (QAD) 2 4
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 6 6

Harry Oxford (BGN) 6 5 6
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 4 7 1

Scott Dawney (BGN) 6 6
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 4 3

Maria Julenic (MTJ) 5 6 6
Carla Higgins (FDN) 7 2 0

Samuel Rojas (VGI) 7 3 2
Abelie Fontana (RCN) 6 6 6

Roy Girbell (FDN) 1 7 6
Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 6 6 2

Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 1 7 5
Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 6 5 7

Cactus Smoke (FDN) 7 6
Samuel Ross (BGN) 5 4

Day Thirty Two Results

Anne Valens (LIS) 4 6 3
Ty Kanelious (QAD) 6 4 6

Scott Durin (LIS) 4 3
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 6 6

Danil Brandet (LIS) 3 4
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 6 6

Brianna Warren (ADA) 6 3 6
Roc Juvan (MTJ) 3 6 2

Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 6 6
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 2 4

Maria Julenic (MTJ) 3 1
Kathy Campbell (ADA) 6 6

Carla Higgins (FDN) 6 4 7
Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 2 6 5

Harry Oxford (BGN) 7 6
Roy Girbell (FDN) 6 3

Samuel Ross (BGN) 3 7 6
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 6 6 4

Robert Frinners (BGN) 7 6
Cactus Smoke (FDN) 5 3

Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 6 6
Samuel Rojas (VGI) 3 3

Abelie Fontana (RCN) 6 6
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 2 3

Scott Dawney (BGN) 6 6
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 4 4

Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 7 4 7
Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 5 6 5

Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 2 6 6
Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 6 2 2

Jaxton Monty (QAD) 6 4 1
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 3 6 6

Paisley Brazos (QAD) 6 3 3
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 4 6 6

Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 6 6
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 4 4

HTE Singles wrote:
Anne Valens (LIS) - Sissie Damsgard (LIS)
Scott Durin (LIS) - Danil Brandet (LIS)
Roc Juvan (MTJ) - Carla DiGregorio (ADA)
Brianna Warren (ADA) - Sami Dominikanov (MTJ)
Maria Julenic (MTJ) - Rosa Andolini (ADA)
Dominika Lisicki (MTJ) - Kathy Campbell (ADA)
Ty Kanelious (QAD) - Will Ubermesh (ZKI)
Paisley Brazos (QAD) - Haron McDonovan (ZKI)
Alberto Mendoza (VGI) - Lucien Le Floch (RCN)
Abelie Fontana (RCN) - Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI)
Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) - Tazki Villa (ZKI)
Robert Frinners (BGN) - Charlene Wilson (FDN)
Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) - Fernando De Jesús (VGI)
Harry Oxford (BGN) - Carla Higgins (FDN)
Samuel Rojas (VGI) - Gaëlle Sellier (RCN)
Roy Girbell (FDN) - Samuel Ross (BGN)
Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) - Jaxton Monty (QAD)
Cactus Smoke (FDN) - Scott Dawney (BGN)

HTE Singles wrote:
Anne Valens (LIS) - Danil Brandet (LIS)
Scott Durin (LIS) - Roc Juvan (MTJ)
Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) - Carla DiGregorio (ADA)
Maria Julenic (MTJ) - Brianna Warren (ADA)
Rosa Andolini (ADA) - Dominika Lisicki (MTJ)
Kathy Campbell (ADA) - Harry Oxford (BGN)
Carla Higgins (FDN) - Samuel Ross (BGN)
Robert Frinners (BGN) - Roy Girbell (FDN)
Scott Dawney (BGN) - Charlene Wilson (FDN)
Abelie Fontana (RCN) - Cactus Smoke (FDN)
Lucien Le Floch (RCN) - Samuel Rojas (VGI)
Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) - Fernando De Jesús (VGI)
Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) - Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI)
Jaxton Monty (QAD) - Alberto Mendoza (VGI)
Paisley Brazos (QAD) - Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI)
Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) - Haron McDonovan (ZKI)
Ty Kanelious (QAD) - Tazki Villa (ZKI)
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) - Will Ubermesh (ZKI)
Currently traveling across the United States. Still up for any conversations though.

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Ferret Civilization
Posts: 1172
Founded: Sep 23, 2015

Postby Ferret Civilization » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:16 pm

Day Thirty Three Results

Anne Valens (LIS) 6 6
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 2 4

Scott Durin (LIS) 7 7
Danil Brandet (LIS) 5 6

Roc Juvan (MTJ) 4 4
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 6 6

Brianna Warren (ADA) 5 6 4
Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 7 3 6

Maria Julenic (MTJ) 6 4
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 7 6

Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 6 2
Kathy Campbell (ADA) 7 6

Ty Kanelious (QAD) 6 3 6
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 4 6 0

Paisley Brazos (QAD) 4 2
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 6 6

Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 5 6 6
Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 7 3 8

Abelie Fontana (RCN) 6 6
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 3 3

Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 6 7
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 3 6

Robert Frinners (BGN) 7 6 6
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 5 7 4

Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 3 6 7
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 6 1 5

Harry Oxford (BGN) 7 7
Carla Higgins (FDN) 6 6

Samuel Rojas (VGI) 4 4
Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 6 6

Roy Girbell (FDN) 6 6 6
Samuel Ross (BGN) 3 7 4

Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 7 6
Jaxton Monty (QAD) 6 4

Cactus Smoke (FDN) 6 7
Scott Dawney (BGN) 4 5

Day Thirty Four Results

Anne Valens (LIS) 6 2 4
Danil Brandet (LIS) 4 6 6

Scott Durin (LIS) 5 4
Roc Juvan (MTJ) 7 6

Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 3 6 3
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 6 4 6

Brianna Warren (ADA) 6 6
Maria Julenic (MTJ) 2 4

Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 6 3 5
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 2 6 7

Harry Oxford (BGN) 3 3
Kathy Campbell (ADA) 6 6

Carla Higgins (FDN) 6 6
Samuel Ross (BGN) 2 4

Robert Frinners (BGN) 6 4 3
Roy Girbell (FDN) 4 6 6

Scott Dawney (BGN) 6 6
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 1 3

Abelie Fontana (RCN) 6 7
Cactus Smoke (FDN) 1 5

Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 6 7
Samuel Ross (BGN) 1 5

Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 6 7
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 4 6

Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 2 6
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 6 7

Jaxton Monty (QAD) 3 7 6
Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 6 5 4

Paisley Brazos (QAD) 6 3 2
Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 3 6 6

Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 7 2 2
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 5 6 6

Ty Kanelious (QAD) 2 6 4
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 6 3 6

Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 6 6
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 2 3

HTE Singles wrote:
Anne Valens (LIS) - Scott Durin (LIS)
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) - Danil Brandet (LIS)
Maria Julenic (MTJ) - Carla DiGregorio (ADA)
Roc Juvan (MTJ) - Sami Dominikanov (MTJ)
Harry Oxford (BGN) - Rosa Andolini (ADA)
Dominika Lisicki (MTJ) - Brianna Warren (ADA)
Ty Kanelious (QAD) - Haron McDonovan (ZKI)
Paisley Brazos (QAD) - Alberto Mendoza (VGI)
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) - Lucien Le Floch (RCN)
Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) - Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI)
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) - Tazki Villa (ZKI)
Abelie Fontana (RCN) - Charlene Wilson (FDN)
Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) - Cactus Smoke (FDN)
Robert Frinners (BGN) - Carla Higgins (FDN)
Samuel Rojas (VGI) - Jaxton Monty (QAD)
Kathy Campbell (ADA) - Samuel Ross (BGN)
Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) - Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD)
Roy Girbell (FDN) - Scott Dawney (BGN)

HTE Singles wrote:
Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) - Anne Valens (LIS)
Maria Julenic (MTJ) - Roc Juvan (MTJ)
Dominika Lisicki (MTJ) - Carla DiGregorio (ADA)
Harry Oxford (BGN) - Brianna Warren (ADA)
Rosa Andolini (ADA) - Samuel Ross (BGN)
Kathy Campbell (ADA) - Robert Frinners (BGN)
Scott Dawney (BGN) - Carla Higgins (FDN)
Abelie Fontana (RCN) - Roy Girbell (FDN)
Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) - Charlene Wilson (FDN)
Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) - Cactus Smoke (FDN)
Paisley Brazos (QAD) - Samuel Rojas (VGI)
Jaxton Monty (QAD) - Fernando De Jesús (VGI)
Lucien Le Floch (RCN) - Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI)
Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) - Alberto Mendoza (VGI)
Ty Kanelious (QAD) - Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI)
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) - Haron McDonovan (ZKI)
Danil Brandet (LIS) - Tazki Villa (ZKI)
Scott Durin (LIS) - Will Ubermesh (ZKI)

Next two rounds will be the last, will spend some time then to wrap things up and get that winner list out on the same day. So last call as well.
Currently traveling across the United States. Still up for any conversations though.

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Posts: 1051
Founded: Feb 02, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Recuecn » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:47 pm

Haven Tennis Exchange, Day Twenty-Five:
Anne Valens    (LIS) 2 6 6
Abelie Fontana (RCN) 6 3 4

In an unexpected but touching moment, the young Abelie and the more experienced Valens appeared to share a bonding moment after their game (now a week or so ago). Fontana, who, like others in the Reçuecian delegation, has surprised spectators and fans all around the world with her overperformance, dropped a match to Valens despite looking very promising in the first set. Valens, who has been doing very well at this tournament, had been favored to win. (After the match, she continued on a slew of victories, meeting all the other Reçuecians and going on to beat Sellier and Thibaut, although falling to Le Floch.)

Anyhow, after her match in the twenty-fifth round, Abelie--a rising tennis star in Reçueçn, much younger and with much less experience than her compatriots such as Sellier--unusually stayed on the court with Valens when typically only the winner would remain for the post-match interview. The pair shared a brief conversation before both being interviewed by the press.

Fontana had not seemed emotional after her defeat, but after talking with Valens, found herself in tears. She had only praise for her opponent. "It's really an honor to be here and to be playing against competitors who have her level of skill and professionalism," she said between sobs. "Playing against opponents like Anne gives me such inspiration and I took such encouragement from her words to me. I hope that she continues to do very well in this tournament. Many thanks to her for her sportsmanship and ability."

When pressed about what she would be doing next after the match, Fontana indicated that her plans were just to continue with her training.

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Ferret Civilization
Posts: 1172
Founded: Sep 23, 2015

Postby Ferret Civilization » Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:15 pm

Day Thirty Five Results

Anne Valens (LIS) 1 6 2
Scott Durin (LIS) 6 4 6

Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 6 6
Danil Brandet (LIS) 2 2

Maria Julenic (MTJ) 2 2
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 6 6

Roc Juvan (MTJ) 2 4
Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 6 6

Harry Oxford (BGN) 1 6 5
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 6 1 7

Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 3 5
Brianna Warren (ADA) 6 7

Ty Kanelious (QAD) 6 4 4
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 4 6 6

Paisley Brazos (QAD) 6 6
Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 4 3

Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 6 4
Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 7 6

Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 2 2
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 6 6

Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 2 6 4
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 6 3 6

Abelie Fontana (RCN) 2 6 6
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 6 2 3

Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 6 6
Cactus Smoke (FDN) 3 1

Robert Frinners (BGN) 5 6 6
Carla Higgins (FDN) 7 4 2

Samuel Rojas (VGI) 6 5 3
Jaxton Monty (QAD) 2 7 6

Kathy Campbell (ADA) 6 6 6
Samuel Ross (BGN) 7 3 4

Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 6 0 6
Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 2 6 1

Roy Girbell (FDN) 5 5
Scott Dawney (BGN) 7 7

Day Thirty Six Results

Anne Valens (LIS) 7 7
Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 5 6

Maria Julenic (MTJ) 6 7
Roc Juvan (MTJ) 2 6

Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 6 2 3
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 3 6 6

Harry Oxford (BGN) 2 2
Brianna Warren (ADA) 6 6

Samuel Ross (BGN) 6 4
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 7 6

Kathy Campbell (ADA) 5 3
Robert Frinners (BGN) 7 6

Scott Dawney (BGN) 3 7 2
Carla Higgins (FDN) 6 5 6

Abelie Fontana (RCN) 6 4 6
Roy Girbell (FDN) 3 6 4

Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 6 6 6
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 2 7 3

Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 4 6 6
Cactus Smoke (FDN) 6 3 4

Paisley Brazos (QAD) 6 2 6
Samuel Rojas (VGI) 1 6 1

Jaxton Monty (QAD) 2 6 3
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 6 4 6

Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 2 5
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 6 7

Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 7 2 5
Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 5 6 7

Ty Kanelious (QAD) 6 1 6
Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 2 6 4

Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 3 2
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 6 6

Danil Brandet (LIS) 2 3
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 6 6

Scott Durin (LIS) 0 7 6
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 6 6 3

Singles Winners

Abelie Fontana (RCN) 30
Thibaut Berthelot (RCN) 28
Brianna Warren (ADA) 28
Gaëlle Sellier (RCN) 26
Carla DiGregorio (ADA) 26
Lucien Le Floch (RCN) 25
Haron McDonovan (ZKI) 25
Kathy Campbell (ADA) 25
Jorge Jamesworth (ZKI) 24
Tazki Villa (ZKI) 23
Robert Frinners (BGN) 21
Rosa Andolini (ADA) 20
Scott Durin (LIS) 18
Sami Dominikanov (MTJ) 18
Anne Valens (LIS) 17
Paisley Brazos (QAD) 17
Halaeo DiGaldi (QAD) 16
Scott Dawney (BGN) 16
Harry Oxford (BGN) 16
Roc Juvan (MTJ) 16
Maria Julenic (MTJ) 16
Juan Pablo Carrillo (VGI) 16
Sissie Damsgard (LIS) 15
Samuel Ross (BGN) 15
Ty Kanelious (QAD) 14
Jaxton Monty (QAD) 14
Will Ubermesh (ZKI) 14
Cactus Smoke (FDN) 14
Carla Higgins (FDN) 14
Danil Brandet (LIS) 13
Dominikia Lisicki (MTJ) 13
Charlene Wilson (FDN) 13
Alberto Mendoza (VGI) 12
Samuel Rojas (VGI) 11
Roy Girbell (FDN) 11
Fernando De Jesús (VGI) 10

With that this is a wrap, thank you everyone for signing up and thank you Recuecn, The Andromeda Archipelago, and Zektovia for taking the time out of your days this month to write stuff up. Made me feel validated for trying to do this, seems to have paid off for you three as well, taking the top spots.
Currently traveling across the United States. Still up for any conversations though.


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