Page 11 of 14

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 3:21 pm
by Tenburg
Chevialier Memorial Hospital, Tallow, Tenburg

Jack couldn't remember the last time he didn't awake with a start of some sort. Usually, it was some noise, or just his eyes, banging open at some random time in the morning. But this time, it was slow. Easy. He felt relaxed.

Leaning his head to the right, he saw Myra, the sun shining into the window behind her like some divine signal, holding his right hand in both of hers.

"Hello, lovely," she said, a smile rolling across her face. Jack noticed how red her eyes were.

"Were you actually worried about me, Myra?"

She deflected with a chuckle. "I was worried about our payday." He phone vibrated on the small table next to his bed, and she glared at it for a moment before returning her gaze back to him. "How do you feel?"

Jack cocked his head. "Ironically relaxed."

A man in a sport coat strolled in from his left, clipboard in hand. "That, Mr. Kelly, is because we loaded you up with enough painkillers to take down an elephant." He had curly, salt-and-pepper hair, and a beard to match. "Doctor Lorrey, at your service," he threw in, seemingly as an afterthought.

"So how bad was it?" Jack asked.

"Well, let's see, you almost bled to death going to the local hospital, you almost bled to death on the flight back here when two of the wounds reopened, and then you almost bled to death on my table as I tried to get the pistons out of your liver. As it turns out, bits of car tearing through someone results in a lot of blood loss." He shrugged nonchalantly. "The more you know."

Jack pondered his mortality for a moment, paying little mind to what he assumed--and hoped--was an exaggeration in regard to the pistons; he needed his liver. "No so easy to stich up a engine piece as, say, a stab wound."

"Quite right. Blades, bayonets, gunshots, they have patterns, they're symmetrical. A piece of an engine, let alone five or six... totally different animal."

Jack nodded. "Can ye show me where they went through?"

"In fact, I can." He came around to the bed, flipping a page or two back through the contents of his clipboard to show a front and back image of a person's outline. "Most of the bits went through the middle of your back, although lucky enough, they missed your vital organs, save for a small ball bearing that nicked your left lung."


"Indeed. But where the most damage was done was upon exit. Much like most bullets, they made bigger holes going out than they did going in. Now, the exception to this is the one that went into your right buttock and came out around your right knee."

His accelerating foot.


"Thankfully no damage was done to either your ACL or you MCL, so you can still use your leg, but not for a little while."

"About that..."

"Well you're not getting out of here for at least a week. Most likely, you should be back to yourself within a month barring any major complications. So you'll miss two rounds of the series."

Could be a lot worse, he supposed. Although, "Shit," was still the only thing he said.

"Well, you could be dead. I mean that's your other option."

Myra looked up in shock at the doctor, but Jack cracked a smirk. He liked it; no bullshit.

"Can I have a beer at least?"

Lorrey chortled as he made his way out of the room.

Jack looked to Myra, whose shock had turned to chuckling. "I'll take that as a no. Any word on the team?"

"Well," she said, composing herself, "they're all pulling for you, of course, and looking into the situation. But it's caused quite a stir. Nexus is calling for alternative engine types to be introduced, ones that don't rely on explosions."

Jack shrugged. F10 ran a bunch of different engines; each had its own strictly enforced limits, of course, to keep competition tight. "Couldn't hurt, I suppose. Maybe Katara should look into it. I mean, I don't think it was an internal issue, but... well, what if it was?"

"Well, whatever it was, it's in the past now. Forget about the series and the team for a week. All you need to do is rest up."

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:38 pm
by Vangaziland
A late afternoon teleconference was set up between a few individuals in response to an email that came out from Nexus Racing. The message hit VMR's computers in the late afternoon, just when it seemed like a calm Tuesday was winding down. Headquarters got together, the engineering team had a separate meeting, as did other departments independently. Now a handful of representatives had notes passed to them and met over computer screens or corporate office projectors.

Jessica Franssen represented VMR as acting principal in the WGP2 and a potential WGPC driver. Jenna Vandersen represented the view of the team's current drivers and pit crew. Her status as a Royal could also have an effect on the decision. Matte Emory was representing the whole marketing/PR/corporate angle. Dr. Amiltonson represented the company's safety and medical departments.

President of Vannish Motors, Erik Kwamsen, led the debate. It started with the doctor stating the obvious and supporting the part. It only made sense to safeguard each driver as much as possible. When questioned, the doctor could not speak for how reliable the imagination-based technology was but, "had faith they know what they're doing over there."

It was a good recommendation, but lacked a bit of finality.

Emory was up next... and conflicted. The car wasn't meant to have such foreign technology. If they went for some fancy international supercharger, that would be one thing. If they invested in a suspension from one of these "oft-overlooked' teams that did well on twisty tracks, that also would be marketable. But this was different. From the perspective of a car enthusiast, it was impure.

"I just think it sets a dangerous precedent", Emory said from his 65th floor office. A few office buildings could be seen through the window behind him. A look outside would have shown a place where RailEmpire high speed trains crossed the two rivers. They were fairly far apart too, but from up here and at this angle, you could see the far river in the distance.

Emory was too busy inside the office to really notice.

"It would be like saying our safety gear is not good enough. Then we'll have to think about their performance technology as well. Look at the verified, independent numbers established on each car. The Dragon Chassis is quicker in a straight line. It has an even higher handling advantage, just based on those numbers."

"I know those numbers", said the hosting company President. "I know marketing is against it, but frankly, this is about safety. And if you continue to look deeper into those numbers, you'll see they are the most reliable cars on the tracks. That number takes other factors into account, but despite whatever set of numbers, the fact is that this part has the chance to save lives. We'll keep the debate going, and I will consider the words of the Marketing President."

Franssen and Vandersen went one after the other. They were both for the technology. Franssen made sure to make a point that we shouldn't blindly install it and turn control over to the other team.

The President took a note.

Vandersen gave no argument, stating, "Regardless of what it means for our cars, other team's drivers are at stake. If we turn the part down, and another team follows suit... one of those redline pushing, fast revving teams... and one of their drivers gets hurt, we'll be partially responsible. It's about safety."

There was one more department. Security.

"How confident are you that this part can be isolated. Should we worry about having an independent team to have an imagination based influence on our cars?"

The corporate IT specialist spoke next. He didn't appear worried, speaking in a dull monotone. "From a perspective of psychic influence, there are several protective and cleansing measures. I have a specialist. She has a degree in Psychic studies and is actually looking forward to the chance to study it. She said she could guarantee it would only be used for safety. As far as technology, there shouldn't be a risk of data mining. It seems to be a remotely operate piece of tech. So.. Thumbs up from here."

The marketing exec was hoping security would have his back. He even sent the IT guy an email, seeing him on the mailing list before the conference started. Emory went as far as inviting the guy up from Auster and out to a steak. The sad thing was that Auster had better steakhouses than Emeros. Regardless, neither dining options nor marketing concerns would help Matte Emory and the marketing team keep the imagination-based technology from their cars.

The rest of the company showed lots of support for it. Marketing would get behind it. They'd even market it. Now they were in this together. Besides, the company was standing up for driver safety. That was a noble and very marketable goal. It also seemed like the right choice.

About 40 minutes after the teleconference, J. Vandersen ran into J. Franssen. It was apparent at the company get together just how many drivers had names starting with J. These two met around a vending machine at corporate space the team had rented to operate from for the next week. The team put a bit of extra money into their time in Togonistan. The Vangazi were finding it quite nice there.

It was at the vending machine that Jenna tossed out a casual joke. "It's so funny. As soon the doctor talked about foreign suspension, I thought of such a sick car. What if some team got together with a Vannish Motors Drivetrain and the Tropicorp suspension. Maybe a body by Hodori?"

"Throw some blue imagination boost in from Nexus, like a turbocharger", Jessica added.

"I bet it'd glow as it kicked in". Jenna balled her fist up as if it were a car and sped it through the air, "It'd have our exhaust note too, with the boost." *Veer-poosh*, she shouted in the hall. A 40 year old crew chief peeked from around a corner.

"I'll drive for it", Franssen said joking. "Heck. Me. Talvela. That Frankencar... Please. The team could make a run."

"Pick me!" Vandersen was shouting with a hint of jealousy. "I could drive for them."

"You could drive for Vannish Motors. This could be your team."

The two both laughed. They knew it wouldn't happen. They were all stuck in Vangaziland, where it would soon be getting cold. But at least they were traveling at the moment. Besides, Vangazi loved the cold. The cars were doing well on the track. The team scouts seemed to have made accurate picks. The company was working on its first international ties.

Best of all, the league looked strong. The WGP2 was entering the endurance phase and teams were fighting deep into the schedule. The score was close, with a worth underdog coming away with a win at a big track... On primetime, no less.

The story would continue in the WGPC, after the smoke cleared from "The 2". The same marketing pres who shrugged at the Nexus-tech was now pushing the WGP2 in certain unofficial product placements, to certain markets. It did seem to be helping draw in new viewers to not just VMR, but the league.

Every Vangazi was not a VMR fan. Last Minute vowed to hit the streets and talk to regular Vangazi about which WGP2 driver they wanted to see make it into the WGPC.

VMR sent an email to Karl Rain at Nexus Racing, approving the safety technology. VMR CEO Vanessa Hattieson finally got the call from the President of the parent company, Vannish Motors. The brief message would soon be made public.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:20 pm
by Former Citizens of the Nimbus System
Nexus Racing HQ, ???
30th of August

‘While there has as of yet been no word from the majority of the teams, we have received responses from both Obey Sport GP and Vannish Motors Racing on the matter of the Imagikinetic convertors. Each is in the affirmative. In accordance with the agreed plan, I have requested that the engineering department dispatch the first two packages via Mule.’

Timothy reads over the rest of the email, smiling to himself. If Gertrude is the closest thing that I have to a second-in-command in terms of the team’s direction, Karl certainly fills that role in terms of execution. I’m not entirely sure if even I understand the workings of the project as intuitively as he does.

Though it is disappointing that engagement with the proposal has been limited to two teams, to have those two teams in particular on board is a positive sign. Obey obviously have ties to Rebecca and Jean and, if those two are anything to go by, they’re good people; VMR, meanwhile, are opposite in many ways to Nexus Racing but seem to be similarly morally grounded. What’s odder is the fact that Katara Racing hasn’t responded - after all, it’s their driver that has been injured. Still, that can’t be helped to a significant extent.

For now, the team will have to work with what they can.


Alternatively, it could indeed be someone else.

In whatever time Victoria had been able to claw away from working on the Nexus Racing crusade to make all grand prix drivers safe, she had been trying to solve the mystery of the backdoor in the Imagination convertor software - and neither Tiffany nor Alex had any idea where it had come from. Unless it had slipped their minds (and, in Victoria’s experience, things tended not to slip their minds), neither of them could have put it there. That, of course, begged the question of who else it might have been.

It’s not the biggest question right now, though.

The biggest question is: ‘Why have they written in
fourteen others and counting?

Not just that - these are well hidden. Imagination convertors need vast, complex lines of code to emulate the neuronal firing that makes up the process of thinking, so hiding something amongst them isn’t exactly hard; even with that, though, the access points have been written in as if somebody has remade it specifically for the purpose of entering it, despite the fact that they clearly haven’t, since she can remember most of it.

The obvious conclusion? Either one of her two teammates has written these in - for which they would have no motivation whatsoever - or their network has been hacked by somebody who is incredibly competent.

This bears investigation.


Note accompanying the ‘Nexus Racing Imagikinetic Remote Dual Anti-Shrapnel Shield Unit’ (written in Universal’s Higher Script, Universal’s Common Script [English] and any official languages of the recipient team’s nation)

If you’re reading this, you’ve just come into possession of an advanced piece of Imagitech intended to safeguard people’s lives. Hopefully it’ll do just that - but to do it it needs to be operated properly. This guide should help you in that area.

  • First of all, don’t tamper with the Imagikinetic convertors - they’re sealed up in this large metal box for a reason and there’s no guarantee that they’ll still work if you do. Instead, all that you need to do to start the process of setting the entire thing up is to connect the attached plug to a mains electricity supply.
  • Each of the two Imagikinetic convertors will protect a target but they need sensory information about that target to do so - visual information works best. The ideal would be a three-dimensional digital replication of the target (in this case, each of your two drivers, preferably sitting down like they would be while racing) and you’ll find a memory stick loaded with software to build up a composite from photos for just that but it should work so long as it’s clear what the target is - it won’t work if it could easily be confused with anything else.
  • Once you have the information, copy it to a USB and insert it into the port beside the screen on the unit. Pressing the button on the other side will trigger the start-up sequence; from there, use the icon-based interface to enter the information into one of the two folders, one for each convertor and each driver. I’d like to think that it’s easy to use, so you shouldn’t have too hard a time with it.
  • If you do all of that, you’ll have effectively primed the convertors. To actually get them to work, attach one of the containers of Imagination that we’ll send to you to the valve on top of the unit and then press the green isosceles triangle inside a square on the display. Since it won't consume Imagination unless it activates and it'll only activate if there are projectiles that need stopping, you might just want to leave it on permanently; if you do want to stop it for any reason, though, press the two parallel rectangles where the triangle was or just turn the whole thing off.
  • If you have any problems, you have the team’s email - contact us and, if you need it, we’ll send someone over to sort it out. Again - don’t try to tamper with the thing yourself.

Hope that all of that helps; if it doesn’t, well, see above.

Victoria Light, Nexus Racing Lead Programmer

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:12 pm
by The Iron Syndicate
Carsen Bold

Recently appointed team principal Carsen Bold stepped into the Academy Racing garage once again, and moved to the set of complex computers that were running constantly. But this time, he wasn’t there to look at driver data, or tweaks to the car setup and design. He was there to check out the problem that he had been informed about by the technical staff. And for once, the garage was dark.

“Everything electronic is dark right now,” said the technician, sighing and pointing to a computer that was in the process of being manually restarted, through a command prompt. “Everything that’s connected to the computer system… The lights, some of the equipment, some other things… It’s all, for lack of a better term, fucked. We’ve been working for the last hour to get it back.”

“Are the cars ready to go for practice, if you can’t get the computers up?”

“Sure, but they’d be running blind. The effectiveness of practice is severely limited if we can’t gather any data from it.”

“Of course. Well, what’s the progress on getting the system running again?”

“We’d like to give you an optimistic prediction, but at this point, the chances of one of those being accurate are close to zero. It looks like we’re going to be running dark during this practice session. God forbid we have some kind of car problem that we need to diagnose.”

“We’ll have to pull out early if that happens, but getting some footage of how we’re running is better than nothing. You might as well take a break from this and finish prepping the car. I have to go talk to Ella and explain what’s happening right now… She’s going to be furious, that’s for sure.”

“Thanks for being the one to tell her, boss,” says the technician, before walking off to do what Carsen ordered. This is a strange situation indeed, but it sums up how Academy’s season has gone. Every optimistic prediction has been wrong, and new problems appear at every single corner, it seems...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 9:54 am
by Tenburg
Kilkenny, Tenburg

Jack was in an incredible amount of pain, but hell, at least he wasn't in the hospital anymore. And at least he had a beer.

He also had Rick to get him more beer.

"This MacGregor, he's a stud," he said, pointing to the TV as they watched the Tennish national gridiron football club, the Volunteers, make their debut in the World Bowl. "Threw for almost five-thousand yards this year."

"Aye, but he's... I dunno. I think Jones should've got the start."

"Nah, he can't move the way this guy can--watch, watch this!"

They watched as the quarterback ducked under a rushing defensive end, spun away from a d-tackle, ran out of the pocket and fired downfield to find Essex Johnson for a nineteen-yard gain.

"Ye see that shit? Jones couldn't do that! This guy is just goddamn electric."

Jack's phone buzzed.

"Ah, there she is," Rick snorted. "Wondered when she'd come callin'."

Myra's text read:
Enjoying the game?

Aye. You?

Of course. MacGregor looks good. Doing your stretches? I have a feeling if the doctor finds out you aren't he'd come chop your head off.

It literally kills me doing them. Feel worse than before I do them.

I know. Just keep pushing. You'll be alright and back in the car soon.

Jack looked up in time to see running back Kevin Mullen run over some poor bastard and into the endzone. 14-0, Tenburg.

"That's the stuff, boys! That's the---eeaarrrgh..."

Jack collapsed into his recliner, immobilized by pain.

Rick just laughed. "Take it easy, lad. The whole rest of the country is cheering enough to replace ye. Just take it easy."

"Yea, yea..."

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:26 am
by West-East Timor
Katara Racing

Official Anouncement

Martijn von Leeuwen To Replace Jack Kelly In Hwoarang

Jack Kelly, second driver of Katara Racing in WGP2, had an unfortunate accident at the Spaam GP, where, for still unknown reasons, his car's engine exploded, causing him to miss at least two rounds of the championship. Therefore we, Katara Racing, needed to find a suitable substitute for these two races. We have come to the decision that Martijn von Leeuwen from Ulix will replace Jack Kelly at the Hwoarang GP in Togonistan.

For now, he only has a contract for one race, but if Martijn fullfills our expectations, chances are not too low he might also race in Hodori.

We hope Jack Kelly will be well again soon and are looking forward to working with Martijn.


~Mara Katara, Team Principal

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 2:40 pm
by Esmerel
Nexus Racing HQ, The Nexus Wardship
Friday, 2017.08.09, 16:00

For Rebecca, three weeks had just passed with not much happening over at Nexus. Luckily, another race weekend had finally arrived in town. The Hwoarang GP practice sessions were underway. So what had happened in the last three weeks? Well, thought Rebecca, let's recap.

Spaam GP happened, and Obey got the win. Nice. But what wasn't nice was a big engine explosion that forced someone into hospital. Nexus took to updating their technology to protect drivers from moving objects, and Obey had ensured their engines wouldn't explode into shrapnel. Then two weeks of... silence.

Luckily, the silence had ended. Rebecca was hanging out with Jean just before the practice session, whose stay with Nexus had turned out to be a permanent one. "Jean," she had asked, "any... tips for doing good this weekend?"

"Make sure you're maximizing your straight line speed down these... well... straights. The Rapier will work great here, there's a lot of long straights that will suit you well..."

"...get on the power early, not 100% throttle immediately, but make sure you're accelerating..."

"...enter the corner at whichever speed suits you, just make sure you're nice and fast out of the corner..."

"...and make sure you keep your composure. Look, this is coming from your friend and a man who made history in international sports."

"Yeah, I get it, Jean. You're really good at this."

"...Just get out there. You'll be fine."

"We'll see about that."

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:48 pm
by Former Citizens of the Nimbus System
Hwoarang, Togonistan
7th of September

Gertrude Thompson stands in front of a small crowd of gathered journalists and interested individuals; the hired hall is almost full. Then again, it isn’t every day that people get to see a live demonstration of Imagitech. Who was it who said that ‘sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’, again? She smirks. Well, I am a design engineer - making the impossible possible’s my whole thing.

Karl would normally be the one to handle these sorts of things and, indeed, his department is still the one masterminding the event. After her talk on the Chase Cutter’s mechanics at the Nimban Grand Prix, though, Gertrude had realised that public speaking was an avenue that she both hadn’t thought to and wanted to explore - particularly when it came to areas about which she had significant knowledge. With much of the team already in Hwoarang to prepare for the Grand Prix but without all of the logistics sorted yet, it had been easy for her to get permission from Tim to do the presentation.

Speaking of which… “Ahem?” Gertrude speaks into the microphone. The room slowly falls silent.

Let’s go for something a bit more informal than last time.

“Hi, everyone!” She raises a hand to her chest. “My name is Gertrude Thompson; I’m Head Designer at Nexus Racing.”

“My colleague and friend Karl Rain recently made a statement. In that statement, he said that you can’t completely get rid of risk in motor racing; in a sport as dangerous as ours, it’s just not realistic to say that you can keep everyone from being hurt. We saw that two weeks ago. Still,” and Gertrude smiles, “I’m an engineer. The word ‘impossible’ just doesn’t register in my mind. Success is a process and, if we set perfection as the goal of that process, we’ll just keep getting better and better results.”

“With that in mind, we have a live demonstration for you.” Gertrude gestures to the raven-haired man standing behind her, wielding a small, chunky-looking crossbow. “This is Rees, one of our aerodynamics specialists. In his spare time, he’s a keen re-enactor.” She points up at the projected image of a woman standing in front of a box with a screen attached. “That feed is from back at our headquarters, where Lucia has our new Imagikinetic Remote Dual Anti-Shrapnel Shield Unit set up.” Finally, she indicates a dummy, painted with a number of variously coloured dots, sat on a chair behind her. “That’s an old crash test dummy that the Ministerial Office for Transportation donated to us. It’s a reasonable analogue for human physiology.”

She turns to the projected image. “Okay, Lucia, you can activate the convertor now.” The woman on screen nods and taps at the touchscreen. Nothing visibly happens. Gertrude continues: “Imagination convertors can operate over any distance, so long as the target is defined. We painted those dots on the dummy to make it as unique as possible; if there were other dummies in the world like it, well -” and here she smiles wryly - “your results may vary.”

“Now, Rees is going to simulate a piece of shrapnel flying towards a driver with this device protecting them.” She stands back, raising an eyebrow challengingly at her subordinate. He grins back, then turns, focussed, and, holding it in an utterly bizarre one-handed grip, aims and shoots at the dummy. Even more bizarrely, the bolt actually hits its target - or rather would have, had it not burst into blue light centimetres beforehand and stopped dead, falling, impotent, to the ground.

This, needless to say, temporarily stuns the audience. Then they burst into applause; Gertrude joins in, while Rees, embarrassed to a degree by the attention, bows slightly. Then he begins to reload his weapon. Nexus Racing’s Head Designer elaborates. “As you just saw, so long as it has a big enough supply of Imagination and a target, the convertor will essentially stop anything aside from air that’s moving too quickly towards the driver - and, since the driver’s the frame of reference, that includes the car itself in a crash. Now, just to compare, here’s what that would look like with the convertor turned off…”

Lucia taps the touchscreen again; again, nothing happens. This time when Rees shoots, though, the crossbow bolt pierces the side of the dummy’s torso, knocking it to the floor. The bolt doesn’t remain visible.

The hall falls silent once more.

Gertrude uses it, her expression now determined and serious. “That is exactly what we can avoid. Jack Kelly’s accident proves that these dangers exist but we can and will do everything in our power to eliminate them, even if it is impossible. We’ve implemented this technology, as have VMR and Obey Sport GP, because that’s the right thing to do; we commend them. We’re also going to keep them around to use in the WGPC next season and further along the road too. As for the other teams, both WGPC and WGP2 - it’s not too late. We have the devices ready for you. Please, tell us that you want them; we’ll deliver.”

She breathes, then stands up straight, gazing intently at her audience. “Thank you.”

And the applause begins again.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:29 pm
by Eastfield Lodge

Race 7: Hwoarang GP
Friday Practice

Drivers had ninety minutes to record up to thirty laps of the track (including in and out laps to and from the pits). Only each driver's fastest time is shown in the table below.
Conditions: DRY
  • Super Soft (+0.0s, 5 laps)
  • Soft (+0.4s, 9 laps)
  • Medium (+1.1s, 17 laps)

P   # Driver              Team                          Best Lap        Gap to Best
1 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 0:01:17.809 0:00:00.000
2 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 0:01:17.852 0:00:00.043
3 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 0:01:17.867 0:00:00.058
4 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 0:01:17.908 0:00:00.099
5 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 0:01:17.919 0:00:00.110
6 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 0:01:17.936 0:00:00.127
7 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis 0:01:17.973 0:00:00.164
8 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 0:01:18.000 0:00:00.191
9 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 0:01:18.001 0:00:00.192
10 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 0:01:18.016 0:00:00.207
11 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 0:01:18.029 0:00:00.220
12 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP 0:01:18.044 0:00:00.235
13 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 0:01:18.044 0:00:00.235
14 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing 0:01:18.086 0:00:00.277
15 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 0:01:18.100 0:00:00.291
16 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia 0:01:18.101 0:00:00.292
17 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 0:01:18.116 0:00:00.307
18 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 0:01:18.130 0:00:00.321
19 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP 0:01:18.135 0:00:00.326
20 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 0:01:18.176 0:00:00.367
21 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 0:01:18.230 0:00:00.421
22 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 0:01:18.274 0:00:00.465
23 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen 0:01:18.391 0:00:00.582

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:55 pm
by Eastfield Lodge

Race 7: Hwoarang GP
Saturday Qualifying

Drivers had seventy-five minutes to record up to ten flying laps of the track. Only the fastest lap is recorded below.
Conditions: DRY
  • Super Soft (+0.0s, 2 laps)
  • Soft (+0.4s, 4 laps)
  • Medium (+0.9s, 7 laps)

P   # Driver              Team                   Best Lap Time
1 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 0:01:18.003
2 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 0:01:18.014
3 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 0:01:18.021
4 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 0:01:18.052
5 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 0:01:18.125
6 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 0:01:18.133
7 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 0:01:18.164
8 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 0:01:18.164
9 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis 0:01:18.185
10 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 0:01:18.189
11 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia 0:01:18.229
12 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen 0:01:18.262
13 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 0:01:18.269
14 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 0:01:18.297
15 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 0:01:18.339
16 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing 0:01:18.430
17 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP 0:01:18.608
18 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 0:01:18.643
19 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP 0:01:18.695
20 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 0:01:18.780
21 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 0:01:18.835
22 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 0:01:18.872
23 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 0:01:19.324

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:48 am
by Vilita and Turori

Hwoarang Grand Prix, Hwoarang Racing Circuit, Togonistan :: Tropicorp Engineering rolled into Togonistan knowing it was a crucial defining race for the World Grand Prix 2 Season. A Podium finish - or preferably a double podium finish - for Tropicorp Engineering drivers Fast Cocoabo and Cesaro Whittaker would propel the Tropicorp team right back into the thick of the Constructors battle. A finish or two outside the points, however, would likely be the final nail in the Tropicorp Engineering team's title aspirations.

Both Tropicorp Engineering drivers could still compete in the Drivers championship if they string together a couple of podium finishes over the coming weeks, unlike Vilita & Turori Motorsports and Novikov Racing driver Juracai Klianiota.

With the Aboveland based team turning the experimentation notch to 10, Klianiota has struggled to finish races and, when the car has survived to the finish, something else has held Klianiota back as the VIlita & Turori driver remains the only driver in the field yet to record a single point.

Arriving in Hwoarang, Klianiota was fast once again with Juracai and Novikov Racing teammate Luna Estrella posting the 2nd and 3rd fastest speeds in the Friday Practice session just behind the dominant Jenna Vandersen.

Tropicorp Engineering had more of a mixed practice session with Cocoabo #23 posting a time just half a second behind the Novikov machines but Cesaro Whittaker struggled half a second off the pace near the bottom of the pack.

Things went mostly to form in the Qualifying session with Cocoabo #23 duplicating their 5th place run from the practice just behind the Novikov drivers who placed 2nd and 4th with Fast Cocoabo set to line up just behind Vilita and Turori Motorsports partner Juracai Klianiota. Even Tropicorp Engineerings Cesaro Whittaker improved to give himself a chance at the points on race day, posting the 10th fastest time. Each driver bested Vanderson who struggled in the qualifying and will roll off the grid 14th, providing an opportunity for the field to close the gap on Vanderson and the Vannish Motors Racing team in the Hwoarang GP.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:57 am
by Vangaziland
VMR had an extended stay in Hwoarang, enjoying the climate. The drivers had become acquainted with the town, shopping in local stores and eating most meals in restaurants with the townsfolk. One night close to race day, Jessica Franssen and Jenna Vandersen were hanging out in a hotel suite after an afternoon of dinner and drinks in the city.

Jenna opened her laptop and let it warm up. They were checking on an international boxing tournament which just finished a round of matches. It wasn't long before it warmed up. Jess came back with two glasses filled with ice, club soda and local fruit.

The website was up and highlights were streaming after a few moments. They ooh'd and aah'd at different clips. A certain lunar alignment must have been in place where the first title fight of the Multiverse Boxing Organization featured two citizens of the Vannish Empire.

One fighter represented Vangaziland. Another represented an island 500 miles east of the mainland called Wrexwic. With the results of the night's two fights, it was finalized that the two would meet in the title bout. Banner ads around the site's streaming highlights were already promoting the fight as 'The Battle For the Channel' referring to the ocean between the two nations.

A Vannish fight promoter was putting an additional belt on the line. The winner of the fight would be declared 'Imperial Gladiator - Featherweight' and would earn a belt to match. They would also earn 1 million NSD in addition to other payments. The payout was worth it to the company for all the advertising generated around the fight, which got the company's name into the homes of fight fans around the Empire.

International events like the MBO and WGP2 reached the homes of many millions millions of people around the world with every broadcast. The amount generated by ad revenue usually influenced how much athletes were paid. Both Boxing and Racing were receiving lots of air time, growing both markets quickly in a short period of time. Vannish companies were gladly paying large sums for broadcast rights as well as other rights negotiated with the company.

Both the MBO and WGP2 were making a huge profits with the Vannish Empire, finding consumers there rabid about sports and entertainment.

Despite that, Dan Bundison was failing to build interest around the National Gridiron Team. Mediocre ratings had slumped to a downfall, despite hype around the QB.

Racing was the fastest growing broadcast market. The international boom helped grow the domestic Vannish 'T1' open-wheeled series. Participation in the HGTC brought Hodorian racing to Vannish TV sets. The exciting WGP2 season helped cement the market for international racing, setting domestic records in motorsport ratings. Basketball and the IBC's Royals dominated 'Domestic Imperial' markets, with ratings higher than all 3 series combined.

"So they're in!" Jess told Jenn. "Who do you think will win?"

Jenna Vandersen was a Baroness of an Imperial Royal House. Her only choice was to support the Vangazi. Besides, Linda had won an international tournament before. Linda seemed like a smarter fighter. Many analysts would tell you that a smart strategy is even more relevant in boxing than in other fight sports. Her opponent, Abigail Kaldwell was more aggressive. Both fighters defeated male and female opponents to reach the title bout.

"Linda has this locked in, I swear", Vandersen replied.

"I know!" Jess quickly shouted her response. Her reasons for liking Linda included that she reminded her of herself. They were both brown-haired, dark-eyed Vann. The similarities extended to looks, with both athletes having similar cheekbones and jawlines. She thought it was her imagination, but they looked like sisters.

If they would have done genetic testing, they'd both find links to the same village located between the two rivers that cross the Vannish Continent. At that time in the 1300s, the Franssen and Henshmen lines were under the same surname, which is lost to history. They could have been part of a few groups that forged the diplomatic ties which would lead to the unified Vangaziland.

If records existed back to that time, they would have found their shard ancestor was a blonde-haired, brown-eyed woman named Ingheider Sesarsdottir. She was a rancher from a family that fell from political power. If certain tribal battles went differently between the Vannishlands, Jessica F. could be the Royal under the name Sesarsdottir or Sesarssen (if the name was modernized). Jenna could be the commoner, with the name Vandersen lost to history.

Each was happy with their current role. Jess inherited her own racing Empire from her father. She was enjoying her time managing a team, although it proved to be quite stressful. One day she'd have to get her own team. Assuming she could get that much money together, anyway.

"Linda has this fight in the bag", Jess said to the driver who had become her close friend.

The two made plans to watch the fight together, ordering the stream on-demand. They'll avoid news on the result and pick the best time to watch it during their busy race week, even if they stalled a day or two. The fight let them focus on something other than the track.

The two sat on the small sofa, watching fight clips and commentary breaking down the MBO season thus far.
At the same time, the following text conversation took place between Jang Xiaopeng and Jessica Franssen's boyfriend. Hectare Yulssen was the starting PG and Captain of the Vannish basketball team.

VANNET (Roaming) 3.2 Bars 40%

7:50 PGfromVNG: Bro, you around?

7:58 XiDriftKNG: Sup?

7:58 PGfromVNG: Have you seen Jess? She hasn't talked to me in awhile. :(

8:12 XiDriftKNG: She's just doing team stuff tonight, we're all checked in now. Pre-race night. She's probably doing yoga or asleep.

8:13 PGfromVNG: Okay, cool. Good luck on the track.

8:32 XiDriftKNG: Danks.... 8)

Screenshot Recorded!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:35 pm
by Togonistan
Tensions before Hwoarang WGP2 are 11 at the scale of 10

Racing fans from all over the nation have gathered to Hwoarang this weekend for some high speed racing. While the crowd seemed nice and lively during the friday's test, yesterday's qualification caused some spectators to hide their faces. Junixwagen's driver Dom Falepeau ended up dead last and is going to start at the bottom of the grid. Is there any chance to raise from there?

Falepeau, as well as the Junixwagen team, have shown some really questionable results this season. With Togonistani driver being 22nd in the drivers standings and Junixwagen being 10th in the team standing, some fans have lost any faith in them.

''I don't think Falepeau is a right person to put in command of a WGP2 car. He obviously has hard time even keeping it on track, not going to say about making any results.'' said Raphael Codori, a long time racing fan.

While some fans keep on giving hard time to Falepeau, other actually blame the Junixwagen team.

''It's clear that Junixwagen has a really questionable staff. I mean, Falepeau has shown that he can definitely handle a racing car. Every time Falepeau has had to retire, it was either someone crashing into him or Junixwagen f***ed something up.'' said Cheryl Madori, another fan on the stadium.

Who is to blame or not to blame is up to you, however, we are looking forward to today's race, which will be broadcast live on Ultrasports 1. Stay tuned.

Comment section:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:30 pm
by Former Citizens of the Nimbus System
Nexus Racing HQ

Hawks have watched less intently.

Victoria, Tiffany and Alex stare at readouts displaying the code controlling the many Imagination convertors in each of the team’s Chase Cutters, looking for any sign that the backdoors have been accessed. If there is any time that it’s likely, after all, it would be now.

The eyes on the screen - one pair green, one pair amber, one pair grey - remain, focussed and unflinching.

They will catch this.


Without input from any member of the team, a piece of code changes.

“You two -”

“I see it! Linking the capture to Gertrude’s screen now.”

“Alex, can -”

“Already on it… Yes, I have a connection. Following it back.”

Victoria frowns at the screen. “Of all the things to access, they go for the tyre heater? It’ll affect performance, sure, but why that? There are more obvious targets…”

“It isn’t just that.” Alex looks baffled as he clicks and types away. “There’s no encryption here. And now that I look…” He shakes his head in disbelief. “A single proxy. One. Vic, this can’t be the same person as wrote the code - they’re too complacent, the protections too basic.”

“Either that or they want to be found,” Tiffany adds nervously.

“That could be it.” Alex continues his mouse’s rapid clicking. “If so, they -” He leans forward. “Wait… What?” He shakes his head in disbelief. “They’ve stopped. Why did they stop?”

“The values haven’t reverted - Tiffany, I need you on that. Standard safety procedures. I’ll work on… Alex, what Stromling is that?

‘01000111’, copying itself into the code over and over again, is what it is. The three gaze in bewilderment before Tiffany can type out a quick script to delete it as it renews itself. Alex shakes his head again, throwing his hands up into the air. “Binary. Of course it’s binary. Now they’re making fun of us.”

“So…” Victoria raises a finger, turning her head slightly to the side. “I still don’t know what’s going on.”

“And I can’t trace the connection any further.” Alex’s fist slams down on the table.

Yep. ‘Bears investigation’ is right.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:12 pm
by Eastfield Lodge

Race 7: Hwoarang GP
Race Day

In light of Jack Kelly's injuries, should the inherent danger in motorsports remain in its Sanctum?

Conditions: DRY
Laps: 50
  • Super Soft (+0.0s, 8 laps)
  • Soft (+0.6s, 14 laps)
  • Hard (+1.4s, 22 laps)

P    # Driver               Team			Race Time	Time Behind	Pts
1 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 1:07:58.859 +0:00.000 25
2 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 1:08:17.105 +0:18.246 18
3 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 1:08:54.526 +0:37.422 14
4 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 1:08:59.070 +0:04.543 10
5 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 1:09:03.658 +0:04.588 8
6 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 1:09:04.567 +0:00.909 6
7 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 1:09:14.452 +0:09.884 4
8 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen LAP-1 +0:09.578 3
9 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing LAP-1 +0:07.079 2
10 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering LAP-1 +0:06.590 1
11 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal LAP-1 +0:14.638
12 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP LAP-1 +0:01.914
13 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP LAP-1 +0:05.694
14 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing LAP-1 +0:00.442
15 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen LAP-1 +0:05.742
16 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing LAPS-3 +2:08.324
DNF 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia Ret. Lap 43
DNF 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis Ret. Lap 42
DNF 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing Ret. Lap 29
DNF 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia Ret. Lap 27
DNF 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing Ret. Lap 23
DNF 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP Ret. Lap 17
DNF 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing Ret. Lap 1

Drivers' Championship Standings
Pos # Name Team Pts Wins

1 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 66 1
2 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 51 1
3 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 49 0
4 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 48 1
5 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 42 0
6 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 39 0
7 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 36 0
8 66 Jack Kelly Katara Racing 35 1
9 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 33 1
10 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 32 0
11 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen 29 0
11 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 29 1
13 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 27 1
14 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 24 0
15 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia 16 0
16 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 14 0
16 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing 14 0
18 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP 11 0
18 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 11 0
20 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis 10 0
21 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 8 0
21 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP 8 0
23 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 3 0
24 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 2 0

Constructors' Championship Standings
Pos Team Points

1 Vannish Motors Racing 99
2 Katara Racing 86
3 Tropicorp Engineering 78
4 Academy Racing 62
5 MSA-SinVal 61
6 Obey Sport GP 59
7 Novikov Racing 47
8 Nexus Racing 41
9 Team Ignis 34
10 Junixwagen 32
11 Yogutz Lantzia 30
12 Nadakei Sport AYDP 8

PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:32 am
by Aboveland
Edvin kicked around the Novikov paddock, lightly punting Luna's battered front wing at the end of the Hwoarang GP. His stride wouldn't have incited confidence in any right minded person, but to the entire Novikov Racing team he was a savior.

Ever since race four Novikov Racing had gone silent. Nothing of what they did under the hood was released to the press. Neither Luna nor Juracai were completely informed of the changes going on in the team. Axel Novikov, the team's principal and namesake, had been unceremoniously sacked by a corporate coup d'etat rising from the lower ranks. Sven Ruuhimaki and Edvin Pekkanen, with the help of Terho Talvela and the rest of the team, united to overthrow Axel as team principal and expel him from the team. Novikov Racing now sported its founder's name but lacked the figure. Taking the team principal spot was Edvin Pekkanen. He and the team had had enough of the lackluster performances the team had achieved. It was time for a change.

The change brought quick success, with Luna Estrella finally finishing a race problem free and in second place. Fast forward to race seven and Juracai Klianiota had finally scored his first points. Things were finally starting to clear up at Novikov Racing; nevertheless, the attitude in the paddock was fairly hushed, with nobody being quick to rush to conclusions or celebratory remarks.

Development on the WGP2 car had ceased. It was clear by now that the car's power was not put to good use because of its chassis and overall lack of reliability, meaning that the only big points the team would be likely to score would be in power oriented tracks such as Hwoarang. The car was fundamentally flawed, a sad explanation to the unfortunate doom Luna Estrella and Juracai Klianiota, two exceptional drivers, had faced in their WGP2 season. Points are likely to resurface later in the year, but hopes aren't as high as they once were.

Project AGP's development took a drastic turn in the wake of Novikov's restructuring. Tropicorp engineering was slowly starting to take the leading role in the development of next year's WGPC car, with Novikov staff forming part of the far more advanced VIlitian development team. While the facilities at Lintulahti were world class, and the resulting AGP team coming from the merger of both Tropicorp and a part of Novikov was still going to be based in Aboveland, the team effort was no longer Abovian by majority. In terms of the car's development itself, all of Novikov's resources were dedicated to its continued progress. Word from Terho Talvela and Juracai Klianiota, its test drivers, was that it had improved massively in all areas since Novikov's departure.

So far, Novikov Racing's WPG2 story had been a depressing one of unreachable heights, laced with sliver linings. With Edvin Pekkanen now at the head of the team, fans and members alike could only hope the remaining portion of the year would bring considerably more success to them than they'd reached before.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:24 pm
by Vangaziland
Two days before qualifying, Vandersen and Franssen shared a late lunch at a small, Hodorian restaurant. Hodorian cars were some of the top auto imports in Vangaziland. Vannish Motors sold several models in Hodori. The business deal would inherently bring some cultural exchange. Hodorian food had begun to take off in Vangaziland, finding a role alongside Tainese food.

Almost the entire crew enjoyed visiting Hodori, a nation VMR invested two years of GT2 racing in. Jess and Jenna had been hanging out more and more. They ventured into town together and spent long nights playing cards in each others rooms.

Something about the little Hodorian restaurant seemed more authentic than the Vannish knockoffs. The architecture was much more detailed and was different than the 'cookie-cutter' imitation, Vannish strip mall versions of international food.

"How spicy is yours?", asked Jess F.

"It's not that hot, but has a ton of flavor." Jenna paused, focusing on the taste. "Ginger? I think.... Something tangy."

"This is hot as fudge", Franssen said as she took a long drink from a tall glass of iced tea.

Jen chuckled, "Well, you picked the spiciest dish."

Franssen leaned back against her chair. "Oh!" Her eyes widened as if she just remembered something. "What happened with Nuhotep this week?"

"Bekthamun kept slapping him around." She paused for Franssen's interruption of chuckles. "There was fighting too."

"Aw man!" The acting team principal looked really disappointed. She missed the show on the phone to her 'other'. She was growing tired of Hectare to tell the truth. He didn't even want her to watch TV in the background because he wanted her attention. jess was less impressed with his status as a basketball star. Eaglesen was set to replace him as the nation's top PG anyway. "I missed the combat." Besides, she had more fun with Jenna.

Jenna was coming off of a bad breakup, which Jessica knew about through celebrity blogs. Franssen had actually done more and more reading about Jenna over the past few weeks. As a Royal from a Minor House, lots of information on her was out. There were false rumors, true scandals, and lots of history. These stories were written throughout her life, helping Jess build a picture around her.

It made sense that they were both good friends. They were both active in business. Jessica was a pro driver. Vandersen spent many thousands on track sessions, training and pro-am fees. The amount spent would push well into the six figures if including the cars themselves.

They both grew up in prominent families, as kids in the spotlight. Their fathers were both powerful, one being a Royal politician. Jess pales in comparison to the spotlight generated around her father on late 70s race tracks. The two were also compassionate. Jenna was more of a rule breaker, whereas Jessica was genuinely tentative in that aspect. The Royal had less transparency and was also tied up in the underground world behind an Empire.

Jenna Vandersen was more arrogant, but subconsciously picked on Jessica's air of confident humility. She wouldn't brag or boast, but wouldn't hide from the spotlight. Jessica Franssen was bursting at the seems at the thought that she was mentoring a Baroness. The aspects Jenna picked up from Jess would probably carry on into significant business and policy decisions.

As they talked around the table for two, it was clear Jenna had an influence on her acting boss as well.

The slightest blush creeped up Franssen's cheeks. She looked at her driver with curiosity and the warmth the recognition of a close friend brings. They went over the details of the last episode, from the costumes to the special effects.

They spent so much time together, that the week in Hodori flew by. Jang Xiaopeng had also ventured into the town fairly often. He met a local lady who showed him around. It was good for him to unwind after computer failure shut his car down on the first lap. She gave him the reset he needed to show up at the track ready to run.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:35 pm
by Eastfield Lodge

Race 8: Yakumicha GP2 Challenge
Friday Practice

Drivers had ninety minutes to record up to thirty laps of the track (including in and out laps to and from the pits). Only each driver's fastest time is shown in the table below.
Conditions: DRY
  • Soft (+0.0s, 5 laps)
  • Medium (+0.6s, 12 laps)
  • Hard (+1.4s, 19 laps)

P   # Driver              Team                          Best Time	Gap to Best
1 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 0:01:36.541 0:00:00.000
2 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 0:01:36.567 0:00:00.026
3 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 0:01:36.586 0:00:00.045
4 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 0:01:36.590 0:00:00.049
5 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 0:01:36.593 0:00:00.052
6 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 0:01:36.653 0:00:00.112
7 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 0:01:36.687 0:00:00.146
8 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 0:01:36.707 0:00:00.166
9 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 0:01:36.722 0:00:00.181
10 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia 0:01:36.732 0:00:00.191
11 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP 0:01:36.758 0:00:00.217
12 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 0:01:36.764 0:00:00.223
13 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 0:01:36.792 0:00:00.251
14 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 0:01:36.794 0:00:00.253
15 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 0:01:36.801 0:00:00.260
16 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen 0:01:36.840 0:00:00.299
17 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 0:01:36.858 0:00:00.317
18 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing 0:01:36.897 0:00:00.356
19 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 0:01:36.905 0:00:00.364
20 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP 0:01:36.938 0:00:00.397
21 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 0:01:36.943 0:00:00.402
22 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 0:01:36.977 0:00:00.436
23 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis 0:01:37.026 0:00:00.485

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:43 am
by West-East Timor
Hwoarang GP

"You're finally on pole, mate", Jannik's race engineer tld him during the warmup lap.

"Yeah. I know. Feels great to not be eighth for once."

"All you have to do now is keep a position."

"Easier said than done."

The cars all lined up at the grid now.

Timo was standing right behind Jannik, on place three. This might be his chance. He just had to pass two cars. And he knew Jannik's driving style very well. He had raced against him many times. And he had beaten him many times. He could shurely do it again.

The lights went out. Timo had a good start and passed Luna Estrella. Jannik hadn't the best start, but he managed to keep his position. At least until they reached the long straight between turns 9 and 10. Timo was in his slipstream and overtook Jannik.


"Just keep calm. The race has only started. Concentrate, and get that position back!"

"Well done mate, well done. Now bring it home."

"I'll try."

Timo didn't manage to keep his position very long. In lap three, when DRS was activated, Jannik used DRS to take his position back on the same straight where he had lost it before.

Lap 16

"Guys, I think maybe we should try an undercut."

"Might be worth a try. Come in this lap. You'll get soft tyres."

Lap 17

"Jannik, Timo just stopped. Timo stopped. He's on softs now. You should stop too."


After an almost qualifying-like lap, Timo got back to the start-finish straight - only to see Jannik exit the pit right before him.

"Damn it!"

The rest of the race was quite boring. Timo had no chance to overtake Jannik, and Jannik just slowly increased the margin between the two.

Lap 50

"And there is the finish line. You made it, mate! You won! Great drive! Fantastic!"

"Wooooo! Yeeeees! Yes yes yes yes yes yes! Finally!"

"And to make it even better, you're second in the championship now!"

"Really? Woo!"

The cars returned to the parc fermé. Jannik and Timo both got out of their cars and ran to their crews. Timo simply shook hands with them, while Jannik and his crew were jumping around wildly. Timo then went over to Jannik to congratulate him.

"Congrats. Not a bad race."

"You've done quite well too. Not well enough though."

"That'll be different next time."

They went up to the podium. They got their trophies, and then the West-East Timorian anthem played. This Omnidirectional double victory caused most West-East Timorians to completely freak out. And additionally, the two West-East Timorian drivers were now on two and three in the drivers championship, with the West-East Timorian team being second in the constructors championship. It couldn't have been much better. And this wasn't even the actual WGPC.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:58 pm
by Vangaziland
Vandersen and Xiaopeng were still chasing each other for the WGPC contract. What was once a close battle started to look like a mismatch. The score seemed far, but this was deeper than one number. 66 points seemed far from 33. They were at 1st and 9th place. If Jang were to win a race and Jenna placed 11th or worse, the score would be closer.

In that aspect, they were not very far apart. When you look at the wider picture, Jenna has far outclassed her teammate. They run similarly at qualifying, sometimes alternating top starts with each other. They'll often start within 2 or 3 spots from each other. What happens after that is the difference between the two.

Jenna is known for making comebacks. Several times she has moved from outside of the top 10 into a high points finish. She has a single win. Even with 1 or 2 DNFs on her record, she's still been consistent enough to total 66 points. That takes attention to detail. It shows a fighting spirit, showing up to race regardless of her qualifying time. She has a patience that Xiaopeng lacks.

Jang only scored 8 points outside of his single victory. Jenna's win represents only 37% of her points, scoring 1.64 times higher outside of victory.

Where Vandersen looks like a potential franchise driver, Xiaopeng could be a reliable wingman. That wasn't the best compliment, but it meant he could play a role. If it were not for his 33 points, VMR might not be ranked at the top. Both drivers raced hard enough to keep the lead well into the season, even with tons of missed opportunities. A surging field seemed like it could supplant the Vangazi at any moment.

There was the time both cars earned a DNF on a qualifying start. Jang was infamous for his shredded gearbox incident. Last week his car suffered from electrical problems related to the car's computer. The team tried to get the car back up and running, but the error was complex. An error also meant the reserve hard drive was not compatible with this particular cars wiring. The short circuit even burnt out the physical connection port to the car itself. It would need to be pulled and replaced.

Both drivers were on the same page. They were all one entity. Both drivers were VMR. Not a part of VMR. They were VMR. Everything they did represent their team and it's brand. Doing anything from fighting, being diplomatic, to having success failure or even rapping defines exactly what each team is made of. The cars play a large part. Many can see what two different drivers can do with the same vehicle though.

On this international stage, the drivers even represented their homelands. They had all done well. It was a long season and every team fought hard each week. They put on a professional series full of skill, drama and sportsmanship.

The VMR paddock was its usual scene of hustle and bustle on qualification day, with Jang Xiaopeng driving at the start of the session.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:43 pm
by Eastfield Lodge

Race 8: Yakumicha GP2 Challenge
Saturday Qualifying

Drivers had fifty minutes to record up to six flying laps of the circuit. The slowest drivers will occupy spots 11-through-24 on the grid. The ten fastest drivers are then entered into a fifteen-minute qualifying session to decide the order of the top ten for Sunday's race.
Conditions: DRY
  • Soft (+0.0s, 2 laps)
  • Medium (+0.6s, 5 laps)
  • Hard (+1.1s, 9 laps)

First Session
P # Driver Team Lap Time

1 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 1:36.642
2 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 1:36.762
3 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 1:36.815
4 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 1:36.829
5 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 1:36.836
6 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 1:37.041
7 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 1:37.041
8 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 1:37.044
9 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 1:37.104
10 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 1:37.201
11 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 1:37.279
12 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 1:37.304
13 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 1:37.345
14 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 1:37.492
15 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis 1:37.876
16 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing 1:37.878
17 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen 1:37.902
18 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 1:37.946
19 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 1:38.067
20 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP 1:38.194
21 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia 1:38.744
22 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP 1:39.429
23 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 1:43.151

Second Session
P # Driver Team Lap Time

1 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 1:37.267
2 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 1:37.709
3 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 1:38.158
4 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 1:38.254
5 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 1:38.724
6 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 1:39.384
7 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 1:39.589
8 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 1:40.048
9 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 1:40.055
10 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 1:42.859

Final Qualifying Grid
P # Driver Team

1 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP
2 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen
3 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering
4 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing
5 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis
6 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing
7 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing
8 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing
9 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing
10 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia
11 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering
12 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal
13 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing
14 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing
15 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis
16 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing
17 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen
18 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing
19 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal
20 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP
21 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia
22 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP
23 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:01 pm
by Former Citizens of the Nimbus System
Nexus Racing, ???
14th of September

The purest form of any World Grand Prix team’s mission is simple: get one’s drivers around the circuit and across the finish line a certain number of times within as short a window of time as possible. Protecting those drivers and others in the competition is a noble goal and one that should, of course, be pursued; ultimately, though, it doesn’t aid in the pursuit of that mission’s completion.

Getting around corners at speed, meanwhile, does and, with the former complete and supported (even though most teams haven’t taken up the offer of being supplied with magical shield generators), the design team have been able to return their focus to bringing the new directional Imagikinetic assembly to the car. As such, when Gertrude Thompson sits down in the cafeteria for dinner, she can be fairly happy; the team is making good progress and is just moving onto the final refinement phase before putting it into the Chase Cutters.

Can’t be too happy, though, she reminds herself as Victoria sits down in front of her, carrying a tray on which rests a cheese and tomato panini. Let’s see what she’s got. “So…” Nexus Racing’s Head Designer begin cautiously.

“Someone’s hacked us.” Victoria’s voice is assured, without a hint of doubt. “Someone’s somehow hacked into the Nexus Racing network and then used that to access our Imagination convertors. They’ve been altering our code during racing.”

Gertrude nods. “That I know. What we need to know is who they are and how they’re doing it.”

“Terms of how they’re doing it, I’ve got no idea.” Victoria shrugs. “Alex is working to stress-test all of our security but, well, he’s a convertor coder first and a hacker second. Whoever this is…” She looks down, closing her hand into a fist, then stares directly into Gertrude’s eyes. “They’re good at this and they know it. Besides that?”

“They’re somehow tied to the letter ‘G’.”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 1:59 pm
by Tenburg
Tallow, Tenburg

Jack strapped into the simulator and looked up at Rick, who had managed to convince Katara to install him as his crew chief upon his return.

Rick was always a good bullshitter.

"Alright, so we're just gonna run some bump tests, see how you feel, pain threshold, that kinda thing."

"Aye,", Jack replied.

He closed the visor on his helmet and closed his eyes, trying to imagine being on the track as the machine whirred to life. An immediate burst of pain came with he first bump, then another, then another. The soreness built quickly in the small of his back, but it didn't really matter. He had to get back, and he'd keep his mouth shut until the wounds reopened.

The bumps got bigger, and he really wanted to just scream "stop!" But he couldn't. He just couldn't.

Rick shut down the machine. "Well?"

"Yea, not too bad."

Rick nodded, but something told Jack he knew he was full of shit.

But the Tennish don't bitch about pain.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:28 pm
by Eastfield Lodge

Race 8: Yakumicha GP2 Challenge
Race Day

As we head into the final race before the Rushmori swing, who will carry the most Momentum into the Continent of Geese?

Conditions: DRY
Laps: 39
  • Soft (+0.0s, 6 laps)
  • Medium (+0.6s, 13 laps)
  • Hard (+1.3s, 19 laps)

P    # Driver              Team				Race Time	Time to Next	Pts
1 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 1:05:33.562 +0:00.000 25
2 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 1:05:38.071 +0:04.508 18
3 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 1:05:41.168 +0:03.097 14
4 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 1:05:51.248 +0:10.081 10
5 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 1:05:54.715 +0:03.467 8
6 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 1:05:54.881 +0:00.166 6
7 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 1:05:56.519 +0:01.638 4
8 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 1:06:08.315 +0:11.796 3
9 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 1:06:16.705 +0:08.390 2
10 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 1:06:20.818 +0:04.113 1
11 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 1:06:29.439 +0:08.622
12 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 1:06:37.487 +0:08.048
13 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 1:06:45.838 +0:08.351
14 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 1:06:52.770 +0:06.932
15 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen LAP-1 +0:25.801
16 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP LAP-1 +0:02.648
17 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia LAP-1 +0:04.004
18 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal LAP-1 +0:04.248
19 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering LAPS-2 +1:29.596
20* 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis Ret. Lap 39
21* 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP Ret. Lap 38
22* 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing Ret. Lap 37
DNF 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing Ret. Lap 32

*Completed 90% Race Distance

Drivers' Championship Standings
P # Name Team Pts Wins

1 33 Jenna Vandersen Vannish Motors Racing 66 1
2 61 Renho Virzi Obey Sport GP 58 1
2 13 Jang Xiaopeng Vannish Motors Racing 58 2
4 9 Jannik Markner Academy Racing 51 1
5 5 Timo Jänkirinää Katara Racing 50 0
5 26 Shinno Soukuba MSA-SinVal 50 0
7 11 Luna Estrella Novikov Racing 42 0
7 23 Cocoabo #23 Tropicorp Engineering 42 0
9 17 Lourdina Westgrens Team Ignis 38 0
10 31 Cesaro Whittaker Tropicorp Engineering 36 0
11 66 Jack Kelly Katara Racing 35 1
12 89 Marcus Schwarz Junixwagen 29 0
12 63 Dalia Dahl MSA-SinVal 29 1
14 15 Rebecca Darlington Nexus Racing 27 1
15 3 Armo Lehto Academy Racing 19 0
16 18 Gorria Bildostegi Yogutz Lantzia 18 0
17 29 Nikolai Niskanen Yogutz Lantzia 16 0
18 27 Lukar Urdaneta Nexus Racing 14 0
19 74 Lera Kozel Obey Sport GP 11 0
20 7 Juracai Klianiota Novikov Racing 10 0
20 94 Alyn Terfel Team Ignis 10 0
22 19 Dom Falepeau Junixwagen 9 0
23 30 Saya Kaseo Nadakei Sport AYDP 8 0
24 77 Martijn von Leeuwen Katara Racing 2 0

Constructors' Championship Standings
Pos Team Pts

1 Vannish Motors Racing 124
2 Katara Racing 87
3 MSA-SinVal 79
4 Tropicorp Engineering 78
5 Academy Racing 70
6 Obey Sport GP 69
7 Novikov Racing 52
8 Team Ignis 48
9 Nexus Racing 41
10 Junixwagen 38
11 Yogutz Lantzia 34
12 Nadakei Sport AYDP 8

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:41 pm
by Esmerel
Driver Quarters, Nexus Racing HQ, The Nexus Wardship
Monday, 2017.18.09, 20:00

Something was wrong. And nobody knew what or why.

Not even the one person in all of Nexus who was questioning such things. Rebecca Carlisle Darlington.

Choosing Nexus at the start of the season wasn't a mistake. But it was a risk. It would have been a risk to choose anyone. A new league still getting its feet wet would be chaotic, and Rebecca hadn't been ready. She figured a team of champions would be an easy pick.

But no such luck exists in the world of motorsport. So now what?

Well, she still had Jean. "Hey, Rebecca," he asked, "you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Are... you okay? Can I come in?"

"I guess so. No reason why not."

Jean came in and sat beside Rebecca. "So, what's going on with you?"

"I have no fucking idea. We've got a good car, further improved by the hardworking mechanics at Nexus, its upgrades, et cetera, and yet we're only ninth of 12 teams in the championship. Any fucking ideas why that's true? Because I don't have any."

"It's just bad luck. And it's not a reason to give up at all. The car is great, you just haven't been in every favorable situation possible."

"Tell me about it. It's like I've always been rolling snake eyes on something you need to roll a 4 to pass."

"And rolling 12 only when you don't want to go too high. I know that feeling."

At that moment, Rebecca pulled up the Wikipedia page on the 2017 WGP2 Season. Within it, a table of every driver's results. And Rebecca's were not that great.

14Rebecca Darlington (ESM)RetRet1010112Ret12

"I mean, something had to have gone wrong somewhere. The person lowest on the scoreboard to have scored a win is me. Now, how the fuck do we fix that?"

"I- I think I know. Calm yourself. Get yourself more engaged into this. You're an Esmerelian. You can do anything at all."

Rebecca began tearing up. "I've done that... and fuck all's happened."

"Do it more. Do it better. Put more content into your racing. You're just a hollow shell if you step into the car, drive for about an hour and a half, get out, and return to training. We can't fix this. Only you can."

"Huh... I think I get it."

"Nice. I've gotta go meet with Talia for a bit. Let me know if you need anything."

Rebecca needed nothing. Everything she needed was already there. Herself.

She also had a meeting with Talia later. Unscheduled, but a meeting's a meeting. She prepared this message, and as she typed, she knew no matter what happened...

The night was always darkest just before the dawn.

Subject: Second Chances


This season has gone less than preferably. A win, sure, but that was home field advantage. It's been pretty shitty otherwise.

However, we can still do some good before it ends. And that clause I established on the plane a few months ago, about not re-signing if it went shitty... void that for me. Because I want to re-sign for season 2, if there is one.

Second chances are always a good option. And I'd like to take that option soon.


P.S: I think we can engineer a little "home field advantage" of our own... tell Karl and the tech crew everything about Bayview Dome. Little morale boost, yeah?