The International Environmental Bank (IEB)

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The International Environmental Bank (IEB)

Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 4:42 pm

The International Environmental Bank
El Banco Ambiental Internacional
Le Fonds International pour l'Environnement


The International Environmental Bank (IEB) is an international financial institution and developmental bank that focuses on financing environmental sustainability initiatives founded by the High King of Jeltronia through the Imperial Government in Jeltronia on 30 November 2024 and headquartered in city of Trienta, Jeltronia.The IEB aims to address the financial needs of countries, businesses, and organizations working on projects that promote sustainable development, reduce carbon emissions, protect biodiversity, and foster renewable energy solutions.

Envisioned to be one of the pioneer's in green investments, the IEB is expected to serve as a bridge between governmental, non-governmental, and private sector stakeholders to support environmental protection efforts worldwide. The institution aims to provide low-interest loans, grants, and technical expertise for projects that contribute to ecological preservation and sustainable economic growth. The IEB will source its funding from contributions of member countries, issuing bonds on the world's capital markets, retained earnings from lending operations, and the repayment of loans

The Agreement on the International Environmental Bank provides the legal framework for the fund's structure and operations. Like major global financial organizations today, the IEB has a weight voting system, where votes are distributed in proportion with members' capital subscriptions. The highest policy-making body of the Bank is the Board of Governors, composed of one representative from each member state. The Board of Governors, in turn, elect among themselves ten members of the board of directors, including formally electing the President of the IEB. By the terms of the IEB agreement, the President is always a Jeltronian citizen.
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 5:24 pm

IEB Headquarters

The International Environmental Bank is headquartered in Trienta, Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia. Currently, only states are allowed to become members of the Bank, by signing and ratifying the Agreement on the IEB. Member-states then subscribe to its shares, which determines their voting power in the Board of Governors. The agreement vests all the powers of the institution in the Board of Governors, which in turn delegates some of these powers to the Board of Directors. The Board of Governors meets formally once a year during the bank's Annual Meeting.


Board of Directors

Jenna Welbig
President of the International Environmental Bank
President Welbig is the inaugural President of the International Environmental Bank. She was nominated as a Member of the Board of Governors for Jeltronia on 30 November 2024, and by virtue of which assumed the bank's presidency. Prior to serving with the IEB, she was the Minister for the Treasury of Jeltronia and a member of the Jeltronian central bank and monetary authority.

Board of Governors

President Welbig is the inaugural President of the International Environmental Bank. She was nominated as a Member of the Board of Governors for Jeltronia on 30 November 2024, and by virtue of which assumed the bank's presidency. Prior to serving with the IEB, she was the Minister for the Treasury of Jeltronia and a member of the Jeltronian central bank and monetary authority.

Serephina Darieux was Former Deputy Minister of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs prior to her appointment as Governor at the International Environmental Bank.
Saint Asperes

Dr. Lucero is a professor of Renewable Economics at Silverleaf Conservatory, one of Mesered's foremost educational institutions. He has also assisted the Cooper administration in a study on nuclear energy capabilities in Mesered.
Last edited by Jeltronia on Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 5:55 pm

The Agreement on the International Environmental Bank

Founding Treaty of the International Environmental Fund (IEF)


WE, the undersigned, representing the governments and peoples of the nations assembled, acknowledging the urgency of addressing global environmental challenges, recognizing the critical need for coordinated international financial support in the pursuit of sustainable development, and committed to fostering a harmonious and resilient future for all, hereby establish the International Environmental Bank (IEB), through the provisions of this Agreement, on this 30th day of November, 2024.

Article 1: Establishment of the International Environmental Bank

The International Environmental Bank (IEB) is hereby established as an international financial institution and developmental bank with the primary goal of providing financial and technical support for international sustainable development and the advancement of healthy environments.

The IEB shall be permanently headquartered in Trienta, Jeltronia.

The IEB shall be open to membership by any sovereign nation that shares the goals of the Bank and agrees to abide by the provisions of this Agreement. International organizations or financial institutions may be admitted as members, without voting power, following a nomination by a member-state and majority approval of the bank's members. Provided, that provisional admission to members without voting power, may be extended by Jeltronia, in the exercise of its powers as the bank's permanent seat.

Article 2: Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the IEB is to support the global community in achieving environmental sustainability, promoting green development, and mitigating the impact of climate change through financial assistance, capacity building, and the promotion of innovation in environmental technologies.

The specific objectives of the IEB include, but are not limited to:

a. Providing low-interest loans, grants, and technical assistance to nations, local governments, businesses, and organizations pursuing sustainable development projects.

b. Financing projects in renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, climate adaptation and mitigation, clean water access, and sustainable agriculture.

c. Promoting international cooperation in the sharing of knowledge, resources, and technologies that address global environmental challenges.

d. Encouraging the adoption of sustainable economic practices and supporting green business models.

Article 3: Membership

Membership in the IEB shall be open to all sovereign nations and international organizations that are committed to the principles of sustainable development and agree to the obligations set forth in this Agreement, subject to the membership clause in Article 1.

Each member shall appoint one representative to the IEB’s governing body, the Board of Governors, as outlined in Article 5.

The rights and obligations of members include:

a. Contributing to the financial resources of the IEB, according to a system of equitable contributions determined by the Board of Governors.

b. Adhering to the objectives and programs of the IEB.

c. Participating in the implementation of the IEB’s environmental initiatives.

Article 4: Funding and Financial Resources

The IEB shall secure funding through the following means:

a. Contributions from member-states based on agreed-upon quotas.

b. Issuance of green bonds and other financial instruments to attract investment in environmental projects.

c. Partnerships with the private sector, financial institutions, and philanthropic organizations to raise additional capital.

The IEB shall ensure the transparent, accountable, and efficient use of funds and make annual reports available to its members.

Article 5: Governance Structure

The governing structure of the IEB shall consist of the following organs:

a. The Board of Governors: Comprised of all members, it serves as the highest decision-making body of the IEB. The Governors shall meet annually to discuss and approve key strategic decisions, the allocation of funds, and the overall direction of the institution.

b. The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the IEB and for implementing the decisions of the Board of Governors. The Board of Directors is led by the President of the IEB, who is appointed for a term of five years by the Board of Governors.The President shall be a citizen of Jeltronia, in recognition of its position as first member-state and Seat of the Bank.

Article 6: Decision-Making

Decisions in the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors shall be made by consensus where possible. In cases where consensus cannot be reached, decisions shall be made by voting, with each member having one vote.

Notwithstanding the terms of this Agreement, Jeltronia retains powers to lead, direct, control, and operate the IEB, any of its subdivision, unit, office or official affiliate, including determine the interpretation and execution of this Agreemeent. When performing this function under this clause, Jeltronia shall be considered as implementing legal and binding decisions as Seat of the Bank.

Article 7: Responsibilities and Obligations of Members

Each member shall:

a. Contribute to the financial resources of the IEB, as agreed upon by the Board of Governors.

b. Actively participate in the implementation of the IEB’s programs and projects.

c. Share data, research, and best practices with other member nations to promote environmental sustainability.

d. Cooperate in efforts to monitor and assess the effectiveness of funded projects.

Article 8: Operational Procedures

The IEB shall operate in accordance with international financial standards, ensuring transparency and accountability in all its operations.

The IEB shall establish detailed guidelines and criteria for project proposals, funding applications, and the allocation of resources. These criteria will be based on scientific evidence, the potential impact on sustainable development, and the capacity of the applicant to execute the proposed projects effectively.

Projects funded by the IEB shall be subject to periodic evaluation and assessment to ensure that they are meeting the expected environmental and developmental outcomes.

Article 9: Amendments

This Agreement may be amended by a decision of the Board of Governors provided that the proposed amendments receive a two-thirds majority vote of the members presentor, or by decision of Jeltronia, acting as Seat of the Bank.

Amendments shall come into force once ratified by a sufficient number of member-states, as determined by the Board of Governors or the approval of Jeltronia, as Seat of the Bank.

Article 10: Dissolution

The IEB may be dissolved if the Board of Governors decides by a two-thirds majority vote that the institution’s objectives are no longer attainable or relevant. The dissolution fails if Jeltronia, as the bank's seat, registers a negative vote, notwithstanding an affirmative majority vote.

In the event of dissolution, the assets of the IEB shall be distributed according to the decision of the Board of Governors, with priority given to projects that continue the mission of promoting global environmental sustainability, with any remaining amounts distributed to the members in such percentage based on their respective contributions.

Article 11: Final Provisions

This Agreement shall be open for signature by the founding members on the date of its adoption, and shall enter into force once ratified by Jeltronia as the Seat of the Bank.

The original text of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Secretariat of the IEB and certified copies shall be sent to all signatory nations.
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:06 pm

Members of the IEB

The following lists the states that have signed and ratified the Agreement on the IEB and as such, become member-states of the IEB, with membership in the Board of Governors and voting rights based on the percentage of their contribution to the stock of the Bank. International organizations and financial institutions, or other international developmental banks may become members and be represented in the Board of Governors, without voting power.

Member-states listed in order of accession to the IEB Agreement:

Jeltronia, 30 November 2024
Saint Asperes, 30 November 2024
Meresed, 30 November 2024

Member organizations listed in order of accession to the IEB Agreement:

Lamiňík company, 01 December 2024

Stock subscription of the IEB

The International Environmental Bank's authorized capital stock is eleven billion NationStates dollars (NSD 11,000,000,000.00), divided into 110,000 shares, each share having a value of NSD 100,000.

Voting power: Jetronia, 98%
Saint Asperes, 1%
Meresed, 1%
Last edited by Jeltronia on Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:07 pm

Our Projects
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:08 pm

Partners and Affiliates
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:24 pm

Bank Membership

IEB Member-State Form
Use this form in order to become a member-state of the IEB.

Note: IEB membership for a state requires to a subscription to the authorized capital stock of the IEB. At present, each member-state is limited to acquiring 1% of the authorized capital stock, ensuring 1 vote at the Board of Governors. This requires a subscription to 100,000 shares, with a par value of NSD 110,000,000.00 immediately payable upon admission to the IEB.
Code: Select all
[b]Nation Name:[/b]
[b]Name and Title of Head of State:[/b]
[b]Name and Title of Head of Government:[/b]
[b]Name and Title of Finance Minister/President of the Central Bank/Monetary Authority:[/b]
[b]Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?:[y/n][/b]
[b]Name and title/position of your nation's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors:[/b]

IEB Member-Organization Form
Use this form if you are an international organization or financial institution and are interested to become a member-state of the IEB.

Note: IEB membership for international organizations or financial institutions, such as banks, requires that the applicant has an existing storefront/thread in the NS Forums or an existing NS Dispatch. Finally, IEB member organizations are entitled to a seat at the Board of Governors and may participate in discussions, but may not vote on pending business.
Code: Select all
[b]Name of Organization:[/b]
[b]Name and Title of Head of Organization:
[b]Organization Headquarters:[/b]
[b]Link to storefront/dispatch:[/b]
[b]Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?:[y/n][/b]
[b]Name and title/position of your organization's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors:[/b]

Bank Business Forms

Loan Application Form
Use this form if you would like to apply for a loan to finance your project or program.
Code: Select all
[b]Name of Country/Organization/Institution:[/b]
[b]Name of Government Agency/Office/Company that will implement the loan:[/b]
[b]Description of the project/program[/b]
[b]Amount applied for (in NSD):[/b]
[b]Other terms [optional]:[/b]

Partnership Application Form
Use this form if you would like to propose a non-financial project or program.
Code: Select all
[b]Name of Organization:[/b]
[b]Name and Title of Head of Organization:[/b]
[b]Why do you like to partner with IEB?:[/b]
[b]List/description of proposed projects/activities [optional]:[/b]
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Postby Jeltronia » Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:40 pm


IEB established to fund a greener future for all
by Jane Greenway

Trienta, Jeltronia – In a historic move aimed at tackling the world's most pressing environmental challenges, the International Environmental Bank (IEB) was officially established today in Trienta, of Jeltronia. The bank’s launch marks a significant step toward creating a global financial institution dedicated exclusively to supporting sustainable development, combating climate change, and funding environmental protection projects.

The International Environmental Bank was borne out of a personal project and the advovacy of Emperor Josh, Jeltronia's High King, whose vision for a greener, more resilient planet has been a driving force behind the bank's creation. With an authorized capital stock of $11 billion, the IEB will operate as both an international financial institution and a developmental bank, providing crucial funding to countries, businesses, and organizations engaged in environmental initiatives.

"Today marks the dawn of a new era in the global fight against environmental degradation. The IEB is not just a bank – it is a movement that will empower nations, communities, and industries to embrace sustainable practices and make lasting impacts on our planet’s future," said the Emperor in recorded remarks during the founding ceremony.

The IEB’s mission is clear: to provide low-interest loans, grants, and technical assistance for green projects around the world, including those focused on renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, and sustainable agriculture. By working with both developed and developing nations, the bank aims to foster a global transition toward greener economies.

As part of its inaugural efforts, the IEB is already in talks with several countries to fund large-scale solar energy installations and sustainable agriculture projects. The bank’s focus will also include restoring ecosystems and protecting vital biodiversity in regions most at risk from climate change.

The bank’s Board of Governors, which will include representatives from IEB member countries, will oversee operations and help guide the institution’s focus toward the most urgent environmental issues. The Board of Directors , led by the newly appointed President, Ms. Jenna Welbig, will handle the day-to-day management of the bank’s projects and funding activities.

Welbig, former Jeltronian treasury minister, emphasized the importance of collaboration between governments, the private sector, and local communities. "Environmental sustainability is not a singular effort, but a collective one," she said. "The IEB will be a platform for cooperation, empowering all sectors of society to take bold, effective action."

The establishment of the IEB comes at a critical moment, as the world grapples with increasing natural disasters, rising temperatures, and the escalating loss of biodiversity. Experts have hailed the IEB as a timely and necessary institution that will help bridge the gap in global environmental funding.

The IEB is expected to begin its first round of funding and project approvals in early 2025, with a focus on scaling up the impact of renewable energy projects and supporting the communities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

As world leaders, environmentalists, and development organizations rally behind the IEB, the bank stands poised to become a central force in ensuring that future generations inherit a world that is not only sustainable but thriving.
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Saint Asperes
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Postby Saint Asperes » Sat Nov 30, 2024 7:15 pm

The Kingdom of Saint Asperes Foreign Office

Message to the IEB on behave of the PM


To the esteemed Board of Governors, the Kingdom of Saint Asperes is excited to express its enthusiasm for becoming a part of this remarkable organization. We recognize the significant role this body plays in striving to create a more harmonious and improved world, Our kingdom is eager to contribute to the collective efforts aimed at fostering a better quality of life and enhancing the well-being of communities everywhere. We look forward to collaborating with you and all other members.

Thank you again for this opportunity,

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Foreign Secretary- Charles Da fall

Nation Name: Saint Asperes
Name and Title of Head of State: HM King Shahniln I
Name and Title of Head of Government: PM Byron Davis
Name and Title of Finance Minister/President of the Central Bank/Monetary Authority: Treasurer Afia Thomas
Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?: Yes
Name and title/position of your nation's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors: Serephina Darieux Former Deputy Minister of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, now Secretary of Environmental Affairs to the IEB

Leader of the IEB Eyes Only

The Prime Minister wishes to announce that Lady Darieux will be officially sworn into her position on Monday, as Sunday is a holiday designated for rest and reflection, during which we express our gratitude to our Father.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Foreign Secretary- Charles Da fall
Last edited by Saint Asperes on Sat Nov 30, 2024 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Meresed's Application to become a Member State of the IEB

Postby Meresed » Sat Nov 30, 2024 10:47 pm

From the Office of the State Department of Meresed

Pursuing excellence in all things

To the Members of the Board,
I applaud and commend your efforts in setting up an organization devoted to clean energy and environmental protection. One thing Meresedians pride ourselves on is keeping our globe as clean as possible as our planet is the greatest gift. My administration would be honored to partner with your bank in order to help improve the environment and preserve beauty for posterity. We have selected Dr. Horace Lucero, a professor of
Renewable Economics at Silverleaf Conservatory; which is one of our country's foremost educational institutions. He has also assisted my administration in a study that will result in setting up nuclear energy capabilities in the nation. Please let me know if you have any questions about our application.

Best regards,

Shawn R. Cooper
President of the Republic of Meresed

Nation Name: The Republic of Meresed
Name and Title of Head of State: President Shawn R. Cooper
Name and Title of Head of Government: President Shawn R. Cooper
Name and Title of Finance Minister/President of the Central Bank/Monetary Authority: Federal Reserve Chair Dr. Ali Polasani
Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?:[y/n] Yes
Name and title/position of your nation's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors: Dr. Horace Lucero (OOC: Unsure of what positions are, looked at the World Bank for some examples but I got lost. Would love some feedback on this one)

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Postby Bigpipstan » Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:58 am

IEB Member-Organization Form

Name of Organization: Lamiňík company
Name and Title of Head of Organization: Forepony Jolly Syringe
Organization Headquarters: Lamňík Acrab HQ
Link to storefront/dispatch: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=511098
Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?:[y/n] y
Name and title/position of your organization's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors: Manager Radek Petřík.
Last edited by Bigpipstan on Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jeltronia » Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:46 am

Saint Asperes wrote:
The Kingdom of Saint Asperes Foreign Office

Message to the IEB on behave of the PM

To the esteemed Board of Governors, the Kingdom of Saint Asperes is excited to express its enthusiasm for becoming a part of this remarkable organization. We recognize the significant role this body plays in striving to create a more harmonious and improved world, Our kingdom is eager to contribute to the collective efforts aimed at fostering a better quality of life and enhancing the well-being of communities everywhere. We look forward to collaborating with you and all other members.

Thank you again for this opportunity,

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Foreign Secretary- Charles Da fall

Nation Name: Saint Asperes
Name and Title of Head of State: HM King Shahniln I
Name and Title of Head of Government: PM Byron Davis
Name and Title of Finance Minister/President of the Central Bank/Monetary Authority: Treasurer Afia Thomas
Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?: Yes
Name and title/position of your nation's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors: Serephina Darieux Former Deputy Minister of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, now Secretary of Environmental Affairs to the IEB

Leader of the IEB Eyes Only

The Prime Minister wishes to announce that Lady Darieux will be officially sworn into her position on Monday, as Sunday is a holiday designated for rest and reflection, during which we express our gratitude to our Father.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Foreign Secretary- Charles Da fall


Shahniln I
King of Saint Asperes

Original copies furnished to:
Prime Minister Byron Davis
Foreign Secretary Charles Da fall
Treasurer Afia Thomas

Your Majesty,

I have the honor to present this formal notification of the Kingdom of Saint Asperes' admission to the International Environmental Bank as a full member-state, with all the rights and duties thereto pertaining, following its accession into the Agreement on the International Environmental Bank.

As a member of the IEB, Saint Asperes is now part of a growing global network committed to addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time. We look forward to working closely with your government to support your country’s sustainability goals and provide financing for initiatives that align with our shared vision of a more sustainable and prosperous future.

We are excited about the positive impact our partnership will have in advancing environmental sustainability, and we stand ready to assist your government and people in achieving your and our shared environmental objectives.

Jenna Welbig
International Environmental Bank

International Environmental Bank
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Posts: 1173
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Jeltronia » Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:51 am

Meresed wrote:
From the Office of the State Department of Meresed

Pursuing excellence in all things

To the Members of the Board,
I applaud and commend your efforts in setting up an organization devoted to clean energy and environmental protection. One thing Meresedians pride ourselves on is keeping our globe as clean as possible as our planet is the greatest gift. My administration would be honored to partner with your bank in order to help improve the environment and preserve beauty for posterity. We have selected Dr. Horace Lucero, a professor of
Renewable Economics at Silverleaf Conservatory; which is one of our country's foremost educational institutions. He has also assisted my administration in a study that will result in setting up nuclear energy capabilities in the nation. Please let me know if you have any questions about our application.

Best regards,

Shawn R. Cooper
President of the Republic of Meresed

Nation Name: The Republic of Meresed
Name and Title of Head of State: President Shawn R. Cooper
Name and Title of Head of Government: President Shawn R. Cooper
Name and Title of Finance Minister/President of the Central Bank/Monetary Authority: Federal Reserve Chair Dr. Ali Polasani
Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?:[y/n] Yes
Name and title/position of your nation's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors: Dr. Horace Lucero (OOC: Unsure of what positions are, looked at the World Bank for some examples but I got lost. Would love some feedback on this one)


Shawn R. Cooper
President of the Republic of Meresed

Original copies furnished to:
Federal Reserve Chair Dr. Ali Polasani

Your Majesty,

I have the honor to present this formal notification of the Republic of Meresed's admission to the International Environmental Bank as a full member-state, with all the rights and duties thereto pertaining, following its accession into the Agreement on the International Environmental Bank.

As a member of the IEB, Meresed is now part of a growing global network committed to addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time. We look forward to working closely with your government to support your country’s sustainability goals and provide financing for initiatives that align with our shared vision of a more sustainable and prosperous future.

We are excited about the positive impact our partnership will have in advancing environmental sustainability, and we stand ready to assist your government and people in achieving your and our shared environmental objectives.

Jenna Welbig
International Environmental Bank

International Environmental Bank

[OOC: Reply to OOC comment. Hello, Meresed! Thank you for your interest and participation in the IEB! I think the representative you provided works well. I envision the governor position as basically the equivalent of a country's permanent representative/ambassador to an intergovernmental organization. ICly, this means that the governor from your country will act on behalf of your nationstate in all matters pendingb before the IEB's main policy-setting bodies. So anyone appointed by your government to represent it in all matters will be welcome (OOCly and ICly expected to be characters with expertise or generally of good repute). Hope this answers your request for feedback :) ]
Last edited by Jeltronia on Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor

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Posts: 1173
Founded: Jan 20, 2016
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Jeltronia » Fri Dec 06, 2024 12:44 pm

Bigpipstan wrote:IEB Member-Organization Form

Name of Organization: Lamiňík company
Name and Title of Head of Organization: Forepony Jolly Syringe
Organization Headquarters: Lamňík Acrab HQ
Link to storefront/dispatch: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=511098
Do you agree to sign, ratify and comply with the IEB Agreement, and all its projects and programs?:[y/n] y
Name and title/position of your organization's representative to the IEB's Board of Governors: Manager Radek Petřík.


Jolly Syringe
Lamiňík company


I have the honor to present this formal notification of the Lamiňík company's acceptance as a member organization of the International Environmental Bank as a regular member, with permanent right of participation in the deliberations of the Board of Governors and duties thereto pertaining, following its accession into the Agreement on the International Environmental Bank.

The IEB and is eager to collaborate with your esteemed organization in addressing the urgent environmental challenges of our time. We are enthusiastic about the opportunities this partnership presents and are particularly focused on enhancing our joint efforts in sustainable development, climate resilience, and innovative financing for environmental initiatives that serve the global good.

We look forward to working together with you and your partners in fostering an inclusive and sustainable future for all.

Jenna Welbig
International Environmental Bank

International Environmental Bank
The Nabetseican Realm of Jeltronia
"Always for the Emperor and the Empire"

Monarch: High King Josh
Viceroy: Bernard Dave, The Duke of North Beaconport
Prime Minister: Raymond Thurman
Foreign Minister: Mark Taylor


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