Texkentuck International Space Station

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Texkentuck International Space Station

Postby Texkentuck » Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:52 pm


Texkentuck Monarchy Republic Federation has finished The International Space Station of Texkentuck and the Union of Conservative Capitalist Republic. Currently Texkentuck scientist are doing experiments from space. Scientists investigate how things work differently in microgravity such as the way a flame burns or how mouse cells develop — to see whether those lessons can be applied to new technologies or drugs back on Earth. The Texkentuck Space program works in close contact with St. George Defense as well as Texkentucks' labratories in finding health cures. We are looking for nations who would like to visit the Space Station who would have no problem in finding the technology of tomorrow that is found in outers space. The Space Station is 145 meters long. It's program is apart of Texkentuck Space Command. The space station is in constant contact with our Space Divison bunkers throughout the nation of Texkentuck.

President Bram W. Schirkophf
Leader of Texkentuck-UCCR

General Michail Vladimir Abramov
Head of Texkentuck UCCR Space Division

If your nation would like to participate and visit the space Station please fill out the form below- Each nation gets 4 years to participate in order of forms completed.
Code: Select all
Nation Name:
Leader Name:
Space Program:
Lead PM of Space Program:
What is the research your nation would like to conduct:

The Following is the other programs that are of Space Divison in Texkentuck Monarchy Republic Federation of the Union of Capitalist Conservative Republic. ... id=1495571
Space Divison
Space Divison Flag

TEXKENTUCK Space division Headquarters bunker in secure installation in the Texkentuck Snow Land Plains. The bunker has access to computer systems of other government installations and computers. This bunker is the most secure. The bunkers computers have access to all government computers. The bunkers systems can access with a code can launch nuclear missiles. For two missiles to launch the base commander must be there. For all the missiles to go off the President of Texkentuck must log into the system and put in the code and thumb print. From the Presidents System which is the main computer is carried with him on all travels. It can override most systems. Vice Versa from the bunker but it's a difficult process. The daily operations are national security operations in watching computer systems of border security. Also they are responsible for the security of the economic markets and banks. They also do counter operations in the system constantly under attack from foreign government attacks and individuals. The government has a super weapon that doesn't harm people but creates a wide power surge in an area of 10 miles. The power surge can make computers, televisions and radios go under static interruption. If the weapon is armed on an area for 10 min it will permanently make electronics of any such not work. Radiation in the area becomes a danger for a time.
Bunker door with face recognition and key code for card.
Second security door apparatus for Bunker at Texkentuck Federation's Space Division. It's a voice activated system with security key card.
The Main Underground Space Command Bunker in the Texkentuck Snow land Plains.
Main Space Command Dish in the Texkentuck Snow Plains....

This is a picture of the Launch of the new space wepon that is controlled from Space Command. This wepon will not do bodily harm but only electrical harm. The only harm it can do is that the high pulse can cause mutations to human cells if weapon is directly shooting down the pulse on an area. The pulse circumfrance is 10 miles by 10 miles. The purpose of this weapon is to disrupt all communication or electrical data. This weapon can disrupt any kind of electrical system unless the system is protected by a material that reflects the disruption.
What happends when this weapon is armed.
Blue Prints for the Pulse Satellite Space Weapon
weapon makes this sound in space around the reactor when armed...,squ,v1
1.Space Command arms the weapon. 2. A high pulse reflects down on the targeted area. 3. Everyone in that areas lights bulbs flicker. T.V. signals and electronics in a t.v. disrupt. Also disrupts anything electric. No harm done to people. 4. After 10 min of this weapon armed on an area electronics cease to work and their is the possibility for everyone with in target to start to expeariance radiation sickness. It's a very dangerous weapon and can cause the meltdown of a society by electrical and telecommunications failure.
Space Command also is in charge of all government computer systems and their security. The bunker is always in direct contact with the Presidents and Royal Family security and systems on Owl Force One. The Bunker with another bigger bunker in an undisclosed location are always in direct contact with Owl Force One and government security for the President. Also they have access to all missile systems.
Space Command Center underground beneath Capital Bloc In Dominion Square in Texkentuck
101 Nuclear missile silos are across Texkentuck Federation hidden and always ready to be armed by Space Command.

Texkentuck has been advancing in artificial inteligence. The new AI spy stealth/fighter jet by Texkentuck Space Division.

Texkentuck Space Division watches all forms of rocketed type space/nuclear weapons. Texkentuck's has a total 0f 5 A-Bombs throughout the nation in undisclosed underground locations.
Satellites put in Space by Space Division of the UCCR
1. Angel Spy Satellite- Texkentuck TFS Federal Government
2. Texkentuck News Satellite A- Motherland News Network
3. Angel Spy Satellite A-TFS Federal Government
4. Angel Spy Satellite B-TFS Federal Government
5. Texkentuck UCCR Militarized Space Base- Space Division-UCCR
6. Texkentuck International Space Station- Space Division-UCCR
7. BNW Televised satellite A- Broadcasting Nation Wide
8. BNW Televised satellite B- Broadcasting Nation Wide
9. Weather Satellite A- Space Division
10. Weather Satellite B- Broadcast nation Wide
11. Weather Satellite C- Broadcast Nation Wide
12. Pulse Satellite Weapon- Space Division-UCCR

In production and currently their is only 10 Space Fighter Jets in Texkentuck Monarchy Republic Federation-UCCR
Last edited by Texkentuck on Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:41 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Postby Gohlistan » Mon Sep 13, 2021 11:57 am

Nation Name: Golhlistan
Leader Name: John Meno
Space Program: Gohlistan Space Agency
Lead PM of Space Program: Daniel Kerzokoski
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Space shit

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Postby Texkentuck » Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:00 pm

Gohlistan wrote:Nation Name: Golhlistan
Leader Name: John Meno
Space Program: Gohlistan Space Agency
Lead PM of Space Program: Daniel Kerzokoski
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Space shit


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Absolute Terror
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Postby Absolute Terror » Fri Nov 19, 2021 7:55 pm

Nation Name: Absolute Terror
Leader Name: Oluwaseun Nigel
Space Program: ATSEP (Absolute Terror Space Exploration Program)
Lead PM of Space Program: Nik Anyulokystak
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Animal behaviour in space

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Postby Texkentuck » Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:38 pm

Absolute Terror wrote:Nation Name: Absolute Terror
Leader Name: Oluwaseun Nigel
Space Program: ATSEP (Absolute Terror Space Exploration Program)
Lead PM of Space Program: Nik Anyulokystak
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Animal behaviour in space

Texkentuck has passed a law that on the International Space Station animal testing is not permitted. Currently between the nations of Texkentuck and Gholitstan the governments are studying Quantum Physics in space. We also have a computer program for studying affects on humans and animals in space. Currently we are working on a robotic monkey which we will put into space to see the affects of what would happen under diffirent circumstances. It isn't developed by our government is working on it. We also tests live viruses in space to see how viruses we have created interact. We accept your nation to do tests in space on the international space station, but we don't allow for live primate type animals on the space station.

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Erloane » Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:28 am

Nation Name: The Republic of Erloane
Leader Name: James Mercurius
Space Program: Erloane Aerospace Divison
Lead PM of Space Program: Apollo Graves (with the help of Riley Church)
What is the research your nation would like to conduct:

Long-term astronaut training and experience gathering.
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Rocky Canada
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Postby Rocky Canada » Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:27 pm

Nation Name: Rocky Canada
Leader Name: Karl Luitpoldt
Space Program: RCSP (Rocky Canada Space Program)
Lead PM of Space Program: Jarvis Finley
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Study of external planets and alien life
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Postby Qhevak » Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:43 pm

Nation Name: Moria Hab
Leader Name: Consensus
Space Program: Burning Quasar
Lead PM of Space Program: Strategic Network Intelligence Kokopelli
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Examination of the effect of a multi-gigawatt relativistic electron beam on the structural integrity of a space station.
The Oortian Community of Qhevak
Distributed association of posthuman Oort cloud space habitats in deep Scutum Centaurus - basically all of these ideologies living together. A Power 5 civilization according to this index. Does not use NS stats. Wiki here.
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Postby Texkentuck » Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:20 pm

Erloane, Rocky Candada, and Qhevak are are accepted. Also the nation Absolute terror but no animal testing....We will allow for animals to be on the space station as long as no harm is done to the animal or extensive discomfort. Texekentuck is currently about to enter into what will hopefully be a small civil war and some nations are not fond of our government. We are sending a notice to all on the space station to take precautions if an attack is done against the space station. We are sending soon 4 High Altitude Aircraft that can fly above the atmosphere to travel with the Space Stations orbit.

General Michail Vladimir Abramov
Last edited by Texkentuck on Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Safiloa » Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:24 pm

Texkentuck wrote:
Absolute Terror wrote:Nation Name: Absolute Terror
Leader Name: Oluwaseun Nigel
Space Program: ATSEP (Absolute Terror Space Exploration Program)
Lead PM of Space Program: Nik Anyulokystak
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Animal behaviour in space

Texkentuck has passed a law that on the International Space Station animal testing is not permitted. Currently between the nations of Texkentuck and Gholitstan the governments are studying Quantum Physics in space. We also have a computer program for studying affects on humans and animals in space. Currently we are working on a robotic monkey which we will put into space to see the affects of what would happen under diffirent circumstances. It isn't developed by our government is working on it. We also tests live viruses in space to see how viruses we have created interact. We accept your nation to do tests in space on the international space station, but we don't allow for live primate type animals on the space station.

Safiloa commends the animal rights efforts of Texkentuck, (despite it being a capitalist & militaristic nation)."
Last edited by Safiloa on Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Modern Semi-Theocratic Agrarian Syndicalism based on Mazdakism & Jainism
A Class 2.11 civilization, according to this Nation Index and a member of the ISC and the Rigel Pact. Observer Status member of the International Socialist Congress.
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Diplomatic MissionKambanu Island Tourism AuthorityMapFactbook
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Postby Texkentuck » Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:17 am

Safiloa wrote:
Texkentuck wrote:
Texkentuck has passed a law that on the International Space Station animal testing is not permitted. Currently between the nations of Texkentuck and Gholitstan the governments are studying Quantum Physics in space. We also have a computer program for studying affects on humans and animals in space. Currently we are working on a robotic monkey which we will put into space to see the affects of what would happen under diffirent circumstances. It isn't developed by our government is working on it. We also tests live viruses in space to see how viruses we have created interact. We accept your nation to do tests in space on the international space station, but we don't allow for live primate type animals on the space station.

Safiloa commends the animal rights efforts of Texkentuck, (despite it being a capitalist & militaristic nation)."


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Postby Dispertag » Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:31 am

Nation Name: Dispertag
Leader Name: Augusto Santamaría Úzqueda
Space Program: FED (Futuro Espacial de Dispertag/Dispertag’s Space Future)
Lead PM of Space Program: Lucía Borges Esquivel
What is the research your nation would like to conduct:
Research about the effect of the Moon and different planets on the Earth’s climate and ecosystem

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
“Tiempo de rojos: hambre y piojos” —> “Commie time: hunger and lice”

If you're interested in learning about the heritage and influence of the Spanish Empire in America and especially in the US...
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West Ord-Nekidstan
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Postby West Ord-Nekidstan » Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:59 am

The Confederacy of West Ord-Nekidstan is happy to announce its proposal for scientific research on the UCCR International Space Station, and looks forward to contributing to this project.

Nation Name: West Ord-Nekidstan
Leader Name: Manfred I.U. Vaganov
Space Program: WONDOAR (West Ord-Nekidstan Department for Outer Atmosphere Research)
Lead PM of Space Program: Hendrik H. Verkloot
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: The effect of weightlessness on neoliberal discourse: a multi-perspective observation of ideological discussions in low Earth orbit (LEO)

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Nitrana » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:08 am

Nation Name: Holy Empire of Nitrana
Leader Name: Peter Weiss
Space Program: Royal Space Agency of Nitrana
Lead PM of Space Program: Peter Weiss
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Effect of weightlessness and space on animals.
Taiwan is a country, Tiananmen protests DID happen, and the Chinese government is a dictatorship. Deal with it.
An alt world STRONK Slovakia where the duchy of Nitra never fell, adopted Christianity and defended it. It also established as a regional superpower. It controls the lands of Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. The Hungarians also never were a major culture!
I like countryballs. I play HOI4 and Minecraft. That’s it lol
I do use NS stats, but not every one of them. (Monogamy? DATS HERECY!)

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Postby Wrengoh » Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:22 am

Nation Name: Federation of Wrengoh
Leader Name: State Leader Lonah Sunei
Space Program: Rengois Interstellar Research and Operations (RIRO)
Lead PM of Space Program: Commander Feiha-Fei Hruc
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Studies on Neutron Stars

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Inner Planets
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Postby Inner Planets » Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:33 am

Nation Name: Inner Planets
Leader Name: HM Queen Victoria
Space Program: the Ministry of Space
Lead PM of Space Program: Sir Garrett Lancaster VC
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Effects of weightlessness on developing animal embryos (Ducks and newts specifically)
>( . _ . )<
Axolotl :)

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Postby Texkentuck » Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:13 pm

Inner Planets wrote:Nation Name: Inner Planets
Leader Name: HM Queen Victoria
Space Program: the Ministry of Space
Lead PM of Space Program: Sir Garrett Lancaster VC
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Effects of weightlessness on developing animal embryos (Ducks and newts specifically)

Our nation has made scientific advancements in that area by using computer chips that simulate animal testing and animal embryo testing. We do not allow live research of this type in Texkentuck or on the Texkentuck International Space Station. Texkentuck by parliament has banned animal testing because we utilized this new technology. Our nations scientist allows stem cell treatment that are aquired by not aborting an animal in the process of development.....Our nations proposal and law in place is known as the Sound Animal Rights Law which sets standards for animals of the trade in Texkentuck. We do allow for meet processing but their is strict protocol in place. Our nation is thankful your nation would like to cooperate in this important scientific research because animal embryo research is important. In Texkentuck we have shut down our disease warfare lab and has been transformed from the creation of viruses to the study of viruses. What is created are technological type shots to fight current disease. Also with the disease we keep in lock down heavily guarded Texkentuck Scientists are finding a cure to the dangerous diseases thankfully never released or mishandled in case one actually leaves the secured basement with a vault. Our scientsit on the shuttle may take interest in your research which may help make it in which the diseases one day accidently released their will be the possibility or replacing ones lungs after treatment. Also scientist are studying how to grow human organs through our computerized chips. The lung is also being studied extensive.

General Michael Vladimir Abromov
Space Division Commander
Project Manager for the Texkentuck International Space Station

Our Department has talked with Texkentucks' Parliament and it's stated that live organs may be studdied as long as they were donated by someone who has passed on for study and scientific research. Also the same is for animals. Only animals that have passed on naturally or a cow harvest. It's the only live organ program that will be happening on the space station. Texkentuck Inspectors will visit the shuttle and require all paperwork to be shown for the organs on board with information in where each organ was donated. We are looking forward to working with your nation for this exciting program. The inspectors are not seeking to disrupt research but to make sure they were donated and their wasn't an animal life grown and killed. Also will allow for donated human organs.
Capt. Leonard Turokopfh
Texkentuck Space Program
Projects: 1.Quantum Physics In Space. 2. The Outerspace is round like the Earth Project- Currently our team is doing various experiments in Quantum physics but more interesting and unknown is our scientist are shooting beams into deep space and sending out drones. Our department has released a case study that the atmosphere goes on forever and is round and black holes exist because the vast space is round. But to discover or to visit every corner of space is impossible because it goes on forever but we believe that at one point is a turning point which will lead one back to our galaxy. Do to the fact space doesn't have concrete mass like the earth we do not have the capablility to prove that Space is Round like the earth.....It's an odd observation and an odd project. If your nation is able to follow our guidelines for research we welcome your nations scientist to our station.
Sir Garrett Lancaster VC, We accept your nation to our space station. We will also share information on the project called Outerspace is Round like the Earth project.

Capt. Leonard Winterwarkophf
Texkentuck Space Program
Department of Quantum Physics and Director of the Outerspace is Round Like The Earth project.
Last edited by Texkentuck on Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Postby Texkentuck » Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:27 pm

Inner Planets wrote:Nation Name: Inner Planets
Leader Name: HM Queen Victoria
Space Program: the Ministry of Space
Lead PM of Space Program: Sir Garrett Lancaster VC
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Effects of weightlessness on developing animal embryos (Ducks and newts specifically)

Our scientist on the space station will be sharing information with everyone on board in the findings of our project Outerspace is Round Like The Earth Project.
Capt. Leonard Winterwarkophf
Texkentuck Space Program
Department of Quantum Physics and Director of the Outerspace is Round Like The Earth project.

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Inner Planets
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Postby Inner Planets » Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:13 am

Texkentuck wrote:
Inner Planets wrote:Nation Name: Inner Planets
Leader Name: HM Queen Victoria
Space Program: the Ministry of Space
Lead PM of Space Program: Sir Garrett Lancaster VC
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Effects of weightlessness on developing animal embryos (Ducks and newts specifically)

Our scientist on the space station will be sharing information with everyone on board in the findings of our project Outerspace is Round Like The Earth Project.
Capt. Leonard Winterwarkophf
Texkentuck Space Program
Department of Quantum Physics and Director of the Outerspace is Round Like The Earth project.
Texkentuck wrote:
Inner Planets wrote:Nation Name: Inner Planets
Leader Name: HM Queen Victoria
Space Program: the Ministry of Space
Lead PM of Space Program: Sir Garrett Lancaster VC
What is the research your nation would like to conduct: Effects of weightlessness on developing animal embryos (Ducks and newts specifically)

Our nation has made scientific advancements in that area by using computer chips that simulate animal testing and animal embryo testing. We do not allow live research of this type in Texkentuck or on the Texkentuck International Space Station. Texkentuck by parliament has banned animal testing because we utilized this new technology. Our nations scientist allows stem cell treatment that are aquired by not aborting an animal in the process of development.....Our nations proposal and law in place is known as the Sound Animal Rights Law which sets standards for animals of the trade in Texkentuck. We do allow for meet processing but their is strict protocol in place. Our nation is thankful your nation would like to cooperate in this important scientific research because animal embryo research is important. In Texkentuck we have shut down our disease warfare lab and has been transformed from the creation of viruses to the study of viruses. What is created are technological type shots to fight current disease. Also with the disease we keep in lock down heavily guarded Texkentuck Scientists are finding a cure to the dangerous diseases thankfully never released or mishandled in case one actually leaves the secured basement with a vault. Our scientsit on the shuttle may take interest in your research which may help make it in which the diseases one day accidently released their will be the possibility or replacing ones lungs after treatment. Also scientist are studying how to grow human organs through our computerized chips. The lung is also being studied extensive.

General Michael Vladimir Abromov
Space Division Commander
Project Manager for the Texkentuck International Space Station

Our Department has talked with Texkentucks' Parliament and it's stated that live organs may be studdied as long as they were donated by someone who has passed on for study and scientific research. Also the same is for animals. Only animals that have passed on naturally or a cow harvest. It's the only live organ program that will be happening on the space station. Texkentuck Inspectors will visit the shuttle and require all paperwork to be shown for the organs on board with information in where each organ was donated. We are looking forward to working with your nation for this exciting program. The inspectors are not seeking to disrupt research but to make sure they were donated and their wasn't an animal life grown and killed. Also will allow for donated human organs.
Capt. Leonard Turokopfh
Texkentuck Space Program
Projects: 1.Quantum Physics In Space. 2. The Outerspace is round like the Earth Project- Currently our team is doing various experiments in Quantum physics but more interesting and unknown is our scientist are shooting beams into deep space and sending out drones. Our department has released a case study that the atmosphere goes on forever and is round and black holes exist because the vast space is round. But to discover or to visit every corner of space is impossible because it goes on forever but we believe that at one point is a turning point which will lead one back to our galaxy. Do to the fact space doesn't have concrete mass like the earth we do not have the capablility to prove that Space is Round like the earth.....It's an odd observation and an odd project. If your nation is able to follow our guidelines for research we welcome your nations scientist to our station.
Sir Garrett Lancaster VC, We accept your nation to our space station. We will also share information on the project called Outerspace is Round like the Earth project.

Capt. Leonard Winterwarkophf
Texkentuck Space Program
Department of Quantum Physics and Director of the Outerspace is Round Like The Earth project.
We understand, and thank you for allowing us to research space with you.
>( . _ . )<
Axolotl :)


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