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Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:23 pm
by Stoklomolvi

Communist International

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Confucius

i. Background

It has long been known that the communists have been oppressed by the capitalist regimes throughout the world. Some of these communists have succumbed to the relentless bombardment by the capitalists and have resorted to socialism to avoid their beating. It has been high time that the communists and socialists in the world band together to protect one another from capitalist aggression. All those with leftist ideologies have hid away, and this shall end. The leftists in the world must unite!

ii. Preamble

For the purpose of defending communists, socialists, leftist libertarians, and any form of leftists in the world, the Comintern will be formed. In order to ensure the security and the stability of leftists everywhere, we must all organise into the Communist International for a safe and secure society.

I. Article One
Terms of admittance to the Comintern are as follows.
- All applicants must adhere to the Charter of the Comintern,
- All applicants must be in a state of relative stability in order to best preserve the goals of the Comintern,
- All applicants must recognise each member-state as an equal sovereign state co-inhabiting the world in peace,
- Each member state will be required to house an Political Bureau of the Comintern [Politburo] for diplomatic and administrative purposes in its political capital, which is to funded by said state unless the state is incapable of supporting said Politburo.

II. Article Two
"Comintern Council of Commissars"
II.1. Section One
In the spirit of further maintaining the sovereignty of all member states, the "Comintern Council of Commissars," herein referred to as the CCC, consists of founding members and voted members: founding members are automatically members of the CCC, and further members are voted in by other member states. These votes may not be vetoed or interfered with by members of the CCC. CCC members may not be removed without unanimous support.

II.2. Section Two
All leftist applicants may be automatically admitted to the Comintern should their admittance not be contested by any member state. Should their application to the Comintern be contested, the following procedures for engaging in vote should be initiated.

II.3. Section Three
All members will vote in a general poll, as all member states within the Comintern are automatically members of the General Assembly, which will be explained in detail further in the Charter. The polls will be created by a member of the CCC, and members may vote anonymously for or against the admittance of the contested member state.

II.4. Section Four
The CCC will retain power over all of the major decisions of the Comintern through a democratic vote over a twenty four hour period. Motions which are successful will require a vote of no less than two thirds to pass.

II.5. Section Five
The autonomous regions of member states of the Comintern will or will not be granted an independent vote depending on whether the mother state wishes it so.

II.6. Section Six
At the head of the CCC will be the Grand Commissar, who will oversee the affairs of the entire Comintern. For the moment, the Grand Commissar is Vladimir Mikhailovich Stuyonovich of the Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi, and will remain as such until the Comintern has gained enough members to be considered an actual, formidable alliance of communist states. In the future, votes will be held to determine the Grand Commissar.

III. Article Three
"The Iron Curtain"
III.1. Section One
All member states are to refrain from inter-Comintern aggression. Any inter-Comintern disputes must be settled through diplomatic discourse and, failing that, through a meeting of the CCC. Should any state resort to violence or overly-aggressive economic, domestic or political tactics in order to undermine their Comintern brother(s), the remainder of the Comintern is charged with the immediate punishment of the offending state should diplomacy fail.

III.2. Section Two
All nations are encouraged to commit their armed forces to continued and precise communication with other Comintern forces in the spirit of strategic clarity and victory. No member states shall be required to house any foreign military personnel on domestic soil, nor are they required to commit soldiers to any sort of rapid reaction force. There is no obligation to commit forces to the offensive operations of any Comintern state.

III.3. Section Three
All Comintern states reserve the right for first strike tactics against enemy states, providing opposition to said tactic is not voiced by another member state. Should said member state oppose said tactic, the CCC is charged with vote to determine the course of action to be taken by the instigator of the conflict. Similarly, should the CCC vote in favour of the action, then said protesting nation must support the first strike. The unjust invasion of any third party is fully accepted politically (not necessarily militarily) providing the third party nation does not respect the sovereignty of a Comintern nation. However, the Comintern does not and will not endorse or encourage an unprovoked invasion of a foreign state in any way.

III.4. Section Four
Any attack on an Comintern nation is to be considered a declaration of war against every single Comintern nation. All Comintern nations are expected to follow their fellow members into battle to defend any Comintern member to their fullest extent. Exception is to be granted at the will of the defending Comintern state, who may decide whether or not said aid is required.

III.5 Section Five
The Comintern must defend against outside threats, with the goal of achieving peace and prosperity to all neutral and Comintern-aligned nations. There are no official enemies of the Comintern unless an alliance explicitly states that it targets leftist states.

III.6. Section Six
Any action of unprovoked deployment of weapons of mass destruction, genocide, or any other form of mass targeting of civilians without prior Comintern approval will subjugate the offending state to vote by the Comintern over whether or not to reprimand said state; should the state be voted to be reprimanded with a four-fifths vote, then said state will be embargoed upon by the Comintern for a minimum of one month and a maximum of one year. Usually, the usage of weapons of mass destruction is not strictly regulated by the Comintern.

III.7. Section Seven
Because of the variety of laws and customs throughout the Comintern, any citizen of a Comintern state who breaches the domestic law must be subjugated to the nation in question's judicial system. All member states must actively participate in the identification and arrest of all terrorists or enemies of the state where upon they will be transported back to the source of their offence. When concerning a Comintern-wide breach of law then the ultimate command of the situation should be delegated by a council of Comintern representatives.

III.8. Section Eight
Each member state is required to cooperate fully with all other Comintern members in the arena of international intelligence. Any agency that discovers information of relevance and/or importance to any other Comintern member must make said information known to the CCC as a whole immediately.

IV. Article Four
"Communism and Commerce"
IV.1. Section One
In the spirit of encouraging inter-Comintern commerce, no member-state is to hold a greater trade tariff against another member state than extra-Comintern exportation tariffs. In accordance of said spirit, no Comintern member is to hold a tariff on importation of more than 5% towards other member states.

IV.2. Section Two
Concerning the greatest exports of the world, in order to safeguard Comintern interests both individually and collectively, unnecessary fluctuations in key industrial exportations must be avoided to ensure the stabilization of prices, thus providing each member-state with the highest profit attainable. Key industries in question prone to instability or inter-Comintern economic aggression must be coordinated by a relevant sub-committee of the Comintern including all members of the industry concerned.

IV.3. Section Three
Via any form of synthetic or natural disaster, all member states are expected to significantly aid any other member nation whom is in a state of economic crisis. Said crisis include but are not limited to: Natural disaster, war, reparations of conflict, economic depression, drought, famine and internal destabilization. Monetary and military aid are expected, however more direct methods such as labour, relief workers, food, or medical supplies are encouraged.

IV.4. Section Four
Recognition of the rights of any Comintern citizen to move freely within the Comintern is highly encouraged. In the event that such an agreement between states is unattainable, an advanced Visa program is compulsory where upon all Comintern visas will be addressed and granted at an accelerated pace from that of others. The Comintern understands, however, that the completely free movement of goods within the Comintern is impractical when concerning the variety of customs, cultures and laws that inhabit the region.

IV.5. Section Five
No member state is to be permitted to enact an embargo or blockade of trade against another without approval granted by the CCC with vote. Reprimands due to weapons of mass destruction use are exempt.

Article Five
"Signatories to the Comintern"
The below signatories have read and agreed to every section in the above Charter of the Comintern. They are formal members of the Communist International.

Every member state is listed in alphabetical order and has the general abbreviation following. States marked in bold are members of the Comintern Council of Commissars. The seven founding members are located at the top.

[56 member states, 2 probationary]
- Bengera, The Republic of [ROB]
- Beth Gellert, The Indian Soviet Commonwealth of [ISCBG]
- Osea 767, The Socialist Republic of [SRO]
- [F] Rhods, The United Socialist States of [USSR]
- The RSU, The United Socialist Republics of [USRRSU]
- [F] Seculartopia, The Democratic Republic of [DRS]
- [F] Soviet Republik, The United Socialists of [USSR]
- [F] Stoklomolvi, The Communist Federation of [SCF]
- [F] Wutaco, The Holy Empire of [HEW]
- Ajax Primo, The United Socialist States of [USSAP]
- Allbeama, The Benevolent Social Republic of [BSRA]
- Allrule, The Socialist Commonwealth of [SCA] -- PROBATIONARY
- Arumdaum, The Nomadic Peoples of [NPA]
- Avenio, The Most Serene Republic of [MSRAV]
- The Anarchist Unions, The Anarcho-Communist Federation of [ACFAU]
- Barzan, The People's Republic of [PRB]
- Bei Battor, The People's Republic of [PRBB]
- Bowendur, The United Socialist States of [USSB]
- Burgov, The Armed Republic of [ARB]
- Crabulonia, The Free Land of [FLC]
- Dvjugashvili Stalin, The United Socialist States of [USSDS]
- Estainia, The United Socialist States of [USSE]
- Fajihas, The Socialist Republic of [SRF]
- Fortareata, The United Socialist States of [USSF]
- Guanzhong, The People's Republic of [PRG]
- Iduan, The People's Republic of [PRI]
- Itzaygix, The United Nomadic Peoples of [UNPI]
- Jalanat, The Communistic Ninjas of [CNJ]
- Jimanistan, The Socialist Republic of [SRJ]
- Joesavi, The Democratic Socialist Commonwealth of [DSCOJ]
- Kim Jong-Ilia, The Juche Republic of [JRKJI]
- Kommunismus Fellowship, The Armed Republic of [ARKF]
- Kulverint, The United Communist States of [UCSK]
- Letat, The Workers' Federation of [WFL]
- Martilia, The United Socialist States of [USSM]
- Narvaez, The People's Republic of [PRNA]
- Nerushimi Rus, The Trotskyist People's Republic of [TPRNR]
- Niur, The People's Republic of [PRN]
- Noliskan, The People's Republic of [PRNO]
- North Wiedna, The Social Communist Federation of [SCFNW]
- Ocelatonia, The Commonwealth of [COO]
- Offshore Bankers, The Commonwealth of [COB]
- Pevisopolis, The Sovereign Communal Union of [SCUP]
- Phing Phong, The Thai Socialist Republic of [TSRPP]
- Rafzkael, The People's Republic of [PRR]
- Rumanovia, The Socialist Republic of [SRR]
- Rusanyia, The United Socialist States of [USSRU]
- Sebastianalandia, The United Socialist States of [USSSE]
- Siinjadi, The United Socialist States of [USSSI]
- Slavoran, The Empire of [EMPS]
- Sobeon, The Worker's Soviet Commonwealth of [WSCS]
- Stalvanich, The United Socialist States of [USSST]
- Statue Thieves, The Free Land of [FLST]
- Tharlen, The Dictatorship of [DOT]
- Trotoenia, The People's Republic of [PRT]
- UAWC, The Free Land of [FLUAWC]
- Union Soviet Socialist, The United Socialist States of [USSUSS] -- PROBATIONARY
- Vvardanfall, The Colony of [COLV]

- Oop North -- socialist region, represented by Phing Phong

Treaty states are listed below. Abbreviations stand for the treaty type.
- Allrule, The Republic of [OBS]
- First Commonwealth, The Commonwealth of [OBS, NAP]
- Gibberish America, The United States of [OBS, NAP]
- Global Liberal States, The Commonwealth of [OBS]
- Grossuchland, The Constitutional Monarchy of [OBS]
- Leafanistan, The Glorious Republic of [OBS]
- Leocardia, The Dynastic Republic of [OBS]
- Mubesi, The Federation of [OBS, NAP]
- Serbian_Soviet_Union, The Federation of [OBS]
- Turkish Federation, The Republic of [OBS]
- United Gordonopia, The Republic of [OBS]: Represents League of Republics


Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:27 pm
by Wutaco
I will glady join this organization. Down with the Bouguiose!!!

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:31 pm
by Austronia
Austronia would glady join this organization. We are currently at war with the German Region who wish to oppress our communist dreams.

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:33 pm
by Stoklomolvi
Wutaco and Austronia both ACCEPTED.

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:37 pm
by Seculartopia
The Liberal Principality of Seculartopia, Socialist and Secular, would be delighted to join this organization.
Nevermind, we aren't really as stable as we would like for your organization yet.
Plus we are being investigated for authorizing a nuclear attack on our own city, which was taken over by conservative and fascist soldiers who threatened to coup our government.

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:40 pm
by Wutaco
OOC: I wonder how long we are going to go without GWO invading all of us for his 5 min of fun?

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:45 pm
by Stoklomolvi
[GWO? We had a war back in the day...never amounted to anything since I left NS at around the same time due to a massive influx of work and random stuff elsewhere.]

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:54 pm
by The German Region
To: Stoklomolvi

The German Region is angered that you would allow Austronia to join this organization and demands that you deny it membership. We do not want a war with any of these members.

Yours Sincerely

Nicolas Steiner
President of the German Region

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:58 pm
by Stoklomolvi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Stoklomolvi Federation
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi Federation

Encryption Level 5, 2048 bit Encryption
Republic of the German Region
To: Nicolas Steiner
Subject: RE: Austronian Membership

What Austronia decides to or decides not to do is not under our control. It was their wish as an independent nation to join the Communist International, and we have no reason to deny it membership. If the German Region would look to peace with the Comintern, it must first reach a peace agreement with Austronia. Good day!


Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:06 pm
by The German Region
To: Mikhail Alexeiovich

There can never be a peace again between Austronia and the German Region. They have chosen their course of action and you should not follow them. We ask again for you to deny them membership.

Yours Sincerely

Nicolas Steiner
President of Germany

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:13 pm
by Stoklomolvi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Stoklomolvi Federation
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi Federation

Encryption Level 5, 2048 bit Encryption
Republic of the German Region
To: Nicolas Steiner
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Austronian Membership

We cannot do that.

We are afraid, then, if peace is not possible, then a state of war exists between the German Region and the Comintern.


Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:31 pm
by North Suran


The Dominion of North Suran feels compelled to assert that - for an entity allegedly dedicated to preserving stability - Communist International has already involved itself in a conflict that was constrained to two nations and has thus fuelled the fire of war and dampened the chances of peace.
Noting this, it seems more than likely that the Charter of the Comintern will merely lead to Communist International embroiling itself in further conflicts, merely because they have been requested to do so by a Socialist state.
Assessing these details, the Dominion of North Suran advises the following amendment to the Charter of the Comintern:

"Communist International will not proffer or accept membership from a nation that is involved - or is contemplating becoming involved - in a military conflict."

In such a way, we may be able to avoid exarcebating minor conflicts and espousing political jingoism.


David Stryfe
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
North Suran

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:39 pm
by Chernobl

From: Premier Goric Volgin.

To Whom It May Concern,

Chernobl is interested in joining this organization.

With All Due Respect,
Goric Volgin, Premier of The CSSR.

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:47 pm
by Stoklomolvi
Chernobl has been ACCEPTED.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Stoklomolvi Federation
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi Federation

Encryption Level 0, Null Encryption
Subject: RE: Military Conflict

It is the goal of the Comintern to protect all socialist and leftist nations. If we abandoned a leftist nation because it was at war, would that not mean we are abandoning our comrades and brothers in arms? Preservation of the stability of socialist states is paramount to the survival of the Comintern; if we allowed our brethren to fall, then the Comintern would of be no use. We advocate peace but know that war is sometimes forcibly the only option. Have a nice day!


Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:51 pm
by Rhods
From Comrade Ivan Katushka premier of The United Sociaist States of Rhods

Comade the United Socialist States of Rhods wish to join this great organization. WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:52 pm
by Communist Mindrili
I applaud your organization

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:52 pm
by Seculartopia
Seeing that no major investigations have come up so far, Seculartopia would like to request membership.
We can assure if any investigations are held, Communists International will not be at fault.

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:57 pm
by North Suran


The Government of Austronia willingly launched an unprovoked assault on the German Region.
As such, they cannot be viewed as victims that are being abandoned; they are the belligerents in this conflict.
Since the Second Austro-German War was engineered by the Government of Austronia, they must not be admitted aid: military, economic or otherwise.
The Government of Austronia chose to engage in this conflict, and must deal with the consequences of their actions.
Interference in this conflict can and will be viewed as power manoeuvring, political expansionism and class-warfare jingoism.
The Dominion of North Suran asserts that the Government of Austronia should be suspended from Communist International and all aid restricted until the conflict has been resolved.
This would add further incentive for an immediate ceasefire and diplomatic consultations, in order to pave the way for a non-violent resolution to this bloody episode.


David Stryfe
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
North Suran

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:57 pm
by Stoklomolvi
Rhods and Seculartopia have been ACCEPTED.

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:58 pm
by Communist Mindrili
I am not applying. However, would I be approved if I wished to apply?

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:02 pm
by Stoklomolvi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Stoklomolvi Federation
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi Federation

Encryption Level 0, Null Encryption
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Military Conflict

We know not the reasons for the war, though we know that Austronia is collapsing. What would happen to the Austronian people if the Comintern does not intervene? Would they be exterminated? We shudder to think. We will, however, hold a conference if North Suran would be kind enough to host it.

Communist Mindrili would be accepted. Have a nice day!


Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:04 pm
by Allanea
OOC: What happened to our thread?

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:06 pm
by Marlencom
Прогрес пошол!

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:06 pm
by Stoklomolvi
[It's stuck somewhere on the old forums. I'd prefer to just start anew; none of the old war stuff, since my old map no longer means anything and I've switched regions.]

Re: Communist International

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:11 pm
by Communist Mindrili