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Anagonia-Indonesian Empire (OPEN FOR PRESS Q/A)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:22 pm
by Anagonia
Jason Paladin had been for several hours with a very important Emperor. The Confederate States had been for several months in cooperation with the nation of Yohannes both publicly through its institutions and through secret military channels with its military involving several covert operations. The main topic of discussion had been the very reason this discussion had been called for. That the Indonesian Empire of Yohannes would formally become a state within the Confederacy. It was an extremely unlikely occurrence for so short an existence such as the Confederacy. Though it was happening and perhaps mainly in part due to the extreme level of trust and respect that existed between both sides.

One of the main advantages of having Yohannes as a state would be having the extra economical muscle in the happenstance situation of a recession. Not only would the stored gold reserves and economical power of the Empire assist the Confederacy through a troubled recession, it would practically ensure that nothing economically could impact the country. That was unless it impacted both economies at the same time. In which case Jason was assured there was a back up plan for that. Though he knew there really wasn't.

During their debate he had carefully created the first draft of the Articles of Statehood. The document that not only would assure Yohannes Sovereignty within the Confederacy, but any others that followed. Emperor Rajino Hamengkubuwono I was concluding the first half of his statement, kindly called "Raji" by Paladin during these discussions, and Jason handed him the document to see. He hoped it would be acceptable.

"Take a look at what I drafted so far Rajino," said Jason as he smirked. "If there is anything missing I think we can change it around."

Articles of Statehood


On this day the 4th of December, 84 After Great Slumber has the leaders of the Confederate States of Anagonia and the Indonesian Empire of Yohannes come together to draft and create these Articles of Statehood from which shall protect all Nations Sovereignty wishing to partake in the benefits and protection of the Confederate States and thereafter any Civilization holding the name of Anagonia. That therefore these Articles shall ensure the rights and traditions of these peoples while they subject themselves to the rights of the Constitution of the Confederate States and the protections and enforcement of the Armed Forces of Anagonia ensured and regulated by the Articles of the Armed Forces of the Confederacy. That thereby shall always a special session of the congressional body be held to regulate, update and ensure the proper wording of these Articles to best ensure the freedoms and enjoyment of life guaranteed by the Constitution of the Confederate States.


Nations choosing to become states within the Confederate States of Anagonia and hereafter any Civilization of Anagonia shall abide and be obligated totally and without exception to ARTICLE II - MILITARY and ARTICLE III - RIGHTS AND LAWS within the CONSTITUTION of the CONFEDERATE STATES, with exception to all other written articles to ensure a proper respect of said member-nations government, that therefore said nation must also recognize the ARTICLES of the ARMED FORCES of the CONFEDERACY as permitted and as relevant to ARTICLE II - MILITARY within the CONSTITUTION of the CONFEDERATE STATES. That hereunto exceptions to this Article shall be made by Congressional Approval based on the special circumstances of each member-nation.


Nations choosing to become states within the Confederate States of Anagonia and hereafter any Civilization of Anagonia shall be considered Sovereign in their own rights. That therefore the only obligation of a Member-nation shall be full compliance to Article I - Constitutional Obligations of Member Nations as thereby written in these ARTICLES OF STATEHOOD. That therefore the Civilization of Anagonia has no right to annex nor take over any institutions held and/or created by these Sovereign member nations or any institution or any program or any thereafter entity. That thereby so long as they abide by ARTICLE I within these ARTICLES OF STATEHOOD shall these rights of Sovereignty be held compliant. That therefore a central Stock Market shall be used, as per any already in existence thereof, that shall therefore ensure the proper trade and economic procedures agreed to thereby the parties of Anagonia and the Member-Nations. That hereunto exceptions to this Article shall be made by Congressional Approval based on the special circumstances of each member-nation.


Nations choosing to become states within the Confederate States of Anagonia and hereafter any Civilization of Anagonia shall be under the rightful protection of the Armed Forces of Anagonia and thereafter obligated to all written rights and laws stated by ARTICLE I within these ARTICLES OF STATEHOOD and henceforth by the ARTICLES of the ARMED FORCES of the CONFEDERACY. That therefore any non-compliance with any part of these written laws and rights shall mean the termination of statehood and protection by said military. That therefore all member-nations shall allow Anagonian Armed Forces in their territories to fully protect and enforce civil protection as obligated by these ARTICLES OF STATEHOOD. That hereunto exceptions to this Article shall be made by Congressional Approval based on the special circumstances of each member-nation.

That therefore shall it be signed by the leadership of the Indonesian Empire of Yohannes and the Confederate States of Anagonia shall these Articles of Statehood be created and implemented into law within a sound and moderate time frame to fully implement the policies thereafter agreed to that therefore shall it be so with every Member-Nation seeking future admittance into Statehood within the Confederate States of Anagonia and thereafter any Civilization of Anagonia, on this day the 4th of December, 84 AGS

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:32 pm
by Yohannes
Upon observing the article, Rajino Hamengkubuwono I cannot help but smile, t'was the economy, t'was the military, t'was the absolute strength. "Let the world observe upon the union of both of our nations, formally and officially announce publicly, out of the secretive blankfold of international view, mr. president..."

Secret it was, unfounded it was, for the international community has not known of the true puppet behind the scene. T'was the strength it is now, united under one common agenda...

Ooc : More coming up. Eating my cream chesse sandwich.. nom.. nom..

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:48 pm
by Anagonia
"Ah good," he said as he nodded. Pulling the paper back he placed his name on it and the nation he represented, sliding it back to Raji so he could sign. "I do believe we have much to discuss, Rajino. Top of which is how we can go about our conquest without the use of military arms." He smirked, "I'm quite sure that now we will have ample economic support for a continued military campaign, but is it not foolish to be seen as the bad guy in the world? Much like Germany or the Soviet Union for example."

He then grabbed a notepad from his right, opening it so he could write some more for personal reasons. This union was all but without a secret agenda. Under the Constitution and the guise of protection by the Military through secret actions, Jason Paladin had every right to undertake this new initiative. His Vice President had approved it. Considering he was the Chief General that went a long way in saying the Armed Forces of Anagonia was in full support. Expanding the influence of the Confederacy through "peaceful" means was quite the task that would lead to ultimate harmony, or so Oscar had said. Jason had seen the smirk in Oscar's face as he spoke over the video conference.

Despite all this with them being in a completely secure room in the Confederacy, they still had to take precautions. It didn't need to be indicated openly that they desired world domination or the capability to influence events. It would be improper to do so, at least openly. Covertly and through secret operations they would extend their reach with the abilities open to them. No doubt with all the organizations that Yohannes had at its disposal agents of all kinds could be dispatched to nations to gather and perhaps influence particular events.

Though this was heresay at this time. Jason wasn't even sure he could go that far in his plans.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:02 pm
by Yohannes
"Ah.. United under one common goal, the heavenly and divine economic expansion internationally."
Indeed, so successful was Yohannes's agents that few if none of nations internationally realised that this has been the plan all along. Lured them into a false state of arrogance and seniority, Rajino Hamengkubuwono has achieved. One plan, to see the de-generated nature of human beings and nations they represented and governed.

He then grabbed the archives from his left, brandishing a list of economic details and spefications of the combined strength of both nation's economy and military formations. "Here, sir... As you can see, our economies has achieved rapid progress and expansion throughout the global economies and trade. Our trading centre is currently the largest globally, while our central banking institution is second only to that of Lyras within the realm of global economies and trade." But again, without a doubt, Jason has known this all along, and Rajino realised the fact that the newly-formed combined confederation Empire would, surely be, a force to be recognised internationally.

Precautions it was, under the secure room of the Confederacy Presidential Office, a new nation has been formed. Anagonia and Yohannes. The Anagonia-Indonesian Empire of Yohannes.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:14 pm
by Anagonia
Jason Paladin observed the records, passing them back and nodding. He considered quietly Lyras and the implications of such. Competition in the markets would surely cause havoc for his plans. Dominating the globe via military supremacy was entirely irrelevant. In the modern era one could potentially dominate the known world through economic superiority. Which was, in effect, the very reason why the President and the majority of the Grand Senate of the Confederacy had agreed to all this. The Military's opinion was, in the voice of Oscar Vladinchi, the "less blood to be shed the more to be gained". So it was that perhaps a new era of national subversion was at hand. Something he would have to get his hands dirty in.

"Lyras," he said offhandedly as he grabbed his laptop and started typing in a few things. "The Protectorate of Lyras indeed. I believe we need to do something about this competition." He looked at Rajino. "Something along the lines of avoiding a conflict. What would you suggest?"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:55 pm
by Yohannes
"In my opinion we need to show to the international communities that the Anagonia-Indonesian Empire, formed and united by the grace of god and all saints in heaven, has no intention to offend the sovereignties of nations internationally. In fact, we will forgive those that offended both Anagonia and Yohannes in the past, and propelled ourself as the gear of scientific development and research. For a peaceful, and more stable international community of nations in this world.

It is with this in mind, that I, Kaisar Rajino Hamengkubuwono I, officially announced the formation of the Anagonia-Indonesian Empire. An empire exclusively formed in the name of justice, commerce, and god.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:59 pm
by Anagonia
Jason nodded, "I do agree. This will be a pivotal moment in the evolution of our two nations. Combined as one in a fantastic empire that will span ages." He smiled, "Guided by the Constitution of the Confederate States, led by one of the most powerful military powerhouses in the world, I'm quite sure we can overcome all obstacles." He extended his hand, "I'm proud to have Yohannes as a state in our Confederacy." He chuckled, "Sovereign State and Nation, of course."

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:03 pm
by Yohannes
And i am proud, to have the opportunity to form a new empire with you and your great nation, sir.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:03 pm
by Anagonia
Jason smiled, "Good. Now, is there anything else we need to discuss currently or shall we conclude these talks?"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:24 pm
by Anagonia
BREAKING NEWS: The Indonesian Empire of Yohannes has formally joined the Confederate States of Anagonia

International Press Conference

The President of the Confederacy, Jason Paladin, stood beside the Emperor of the Indonesian Empire in front of a podium. Behind them was the flags of both nations joined together at the bottom in an arch outward, symbolizing unity. After a lengthy introduction by a representative from the Anagonian Military concerning the Articles of Statehood and what it implemented, Jason Paladin took the scene. Cameras rolling, the image was broadcast around the world.

"Greetings fellow citizens of the International Community, Citizens of the Confederacy and to the People of the newly admitted Sovereign Nation of Yohannes to our beloved Confederacy. As the President of the Confederacy it is my responsibility not only to act as the supreme decision maker for our Military, but that also of our government. Our Constitution was formed on the basis that Anagonia cannot and must not become an imperialistic power through the world. We are founded on basic rights of liberty, justice and the rule of law. Every citizen from birth is shown these rights and allowed to live their life as they experience it so that they can shape this nation to satisfy the needs of this basic foundation of laws and rights.

He cleared his throat, With this in mind I must elaborate that the nation of Yohannes was admitted into the Confederacy not as a pure state without rights, not through annexation, but through the peaceful process of diplomacy allowing Yohannes to become a partner in shaping our future. The Indonesian Empire is one with us through a newly recognized Confederate Empire. This does not mean that Anagonia has lost its constitutional grounds. On the contrary, all this was formed through the Articles of Statehood to properly and duely follow all procedures and laws by constitution to the letter.

Jason raised his arm in a gesture, Let me reiterate. Both nations remain sovereign. While technically being a state in the Confederacy, by the laws agreed to thereof in the Articles of Statehood Yohannes is a free and independent nation. They have every right to shape their future as they help us shape our own. Their citizens will enjoy our rights and protections while retaining their own. Their military will act independently as shall our own. The only thing tying us together is our commitment to make this world a better place and eventually over the course of a few years, become a cohesive power in the World surpassing any it has seen. I assure you the economic might alone of our two combined nations will guarantee us a place on the world stage for centuries to come.

He smiled to the Cameras, What should the world think of this? This combined national empire? This free and independent society recognizing states rights and national rights? I can assure the international community that we will not become a threat to the stability of the world. I can now consider Kaisar Rajino Hamengkubuwono I a full citizen of Anagonia enjoying the rights and privileges of our nation without due cost. The same with his people. They are our family now, our brothers and sisters who can travel freely among many other things. We are, with all respects, one nation determined to forge a better future for our people.

With a nod to the Kasiar he concluded. It is by the grace of God, as my brother Rajino so proclaims, and by all powers that be that today I officially proclaim the Anagonian-Yohannes Confederate Empire to exist on the world stage. Bound by laws to ensure our existence, determined to forge a better future through the rights of the people. We are the new Confederate States of Anagonia, together, for the betterment of all mankind.

Any questions and comments would then be taken.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:46 pm
by Yohannes

OOC : IC political Annexation is complete.

It is an incorporating annexation into the Empire.

This is a list of the answers to most obvious questions as to how the newly-formed Empire will worked together.

1. In a war, how will you roleplay the newly formed empire?
Answer : Both Anagonia and Yohannes will act and roleplay as the newly formed empire. Therefore in a conflict-type of roleplay such as war, only one of us can roleplay. For example, if Anagonia has assumed the roleplaying position inside the conflict thread, then i will not enter the said thread, as Anagonia has assumed my position. This works the other way as well, if i am there first roleplaying as the dual-empire, then Anagonia will not be there. Think of it as a puppet nation of yours trying to enter the World Assembly. It cannot. Only one of your nation can be there. So is the case in a conflict/war thread. Note however, that this does not applied to non-conflict thread.

2. What is the population, economic, and military strength of the newly formed empire?
Answer : Obvious, is it not..? The combination of Anagonia and Yohannes.