Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 1:14 am

Here is map of nation so you can see where the RP is taking place ... desert.jpg

You might of noticed some of the nations in the map had no names thats cause its still possable to claim them in this thread here

You can RP a tourist, foriegn Jouranalist or your Government response but I dont want an invasion or peacekeepers unless I say so


The Iriat Kingdom was a small nation of only 16.5 Million. Its only major natural resources were Oil and Uranium and you would expect this Arab nation to reap a number of benefits and see lots of Oil Wealth but the Monarchy was extremly corrupt, human rights were non existant and it was still a thirdworld nation with a backwards standard of living. Most citizens just wanted to get on with thier lives.

Nayev was Iriat's largest city with a population of 2,480,000. It was on the coast and it was also the capital city. It was like a giant sandy shanty town with winding allyways 4 story brick houses that looked like they could collapse but further in the city there were some semblance of a middle class area with plain apartments lining decent looking roads with Palm trees growing up the middle grass barrier then in the central area was where the elite lived.

The central area held a massive public square with a huge boulavard with fountains and palms lining it leading up to the extravagant Royal Palace. Central administrative offices and fancy apartments owned by the elite.

Royal guards patrolled up and down the Boulavard all hours of the day and Citizens went about thier business as usual trading in open markets and bazaars, streets clogged with old fashioned cars from the 1980's and 1990's that look as though they could break down at any moment.
Rumours had been spread that elements of the military are deeply annoyed by the Royals and factionism and dissilusionment at all levels of power were everywhere. Other rumours were that the Military were preparing for a coup and that arms from enighboring nations were being brought and supplied to an anti monarchist militia and that some big shot general was waiting to give the signal to rise up but most Citizens did not bother about these rumours.

There were 5 major cities in Iriat (In order of population size)
Nayev: 2,480,000
Kada City: 2,120,000
Azymon: 1,650,000
Tadaq: 1,110,000
Heyfa: 850,000

It was 8:30am 14th May

Akrams Story
Akram lived in the "Second Ring" of the city, the middle class zone he owned a 1986 Mazda, had a TV and Radio and a 2 bedroom flat in a 6 story block apartment. He was 32 years old with a 30 yearold wife called Hanan and a 10 yearold daughter called Asil.
"Water running now?" said Akram to Hanan
"Water Restrictions, it'll be back on at 9" she replied
"Well fill the buckets up as soon as possable, were empty. I love you" He kissed his wife
"I love you too now get Asil to school will you, I'll fill the Buckets"

Akram and Asil made thier way down to the ground floor and behind the apartment to the old car. They were driving down the streets
"Father wind your window down Im too hot" said Asil
Akram smiled to his daughter and began to wind his window down. The sounds of the bustling city filled the car and they proceeded down the roads and to a 2 story building with a statue of the ruling King Madani standing at the front. It was the school, Asil got out of the car and kissed her father on the check and ran into the building. Akram then drove down the streets to his job operating monitors and TV equipment at the TV Station

Genral Fatih's Story

In a dingy Basement in the slums area of Nayev some militia were formed all wearing black and balaclavers and armed with cheap weapons illegally brought into the nation. Satallite images of Nayev city were stuck up on the wall in Plans written all over it. A couple of men in Iriat military uniform were standing at the front.
General Fatih was a tall man and well built with quite a thick bushy maustache similar to one josef stalin had
"King Madani is expecting a meeting with me in the Royal Palace, I organized this meeting to keep him in the city. I've ordered all Helicopter out of the city and the pilots to listen only to my instructions to ensure he has no way out of the city. I will Meet with the king but Im going to bring my forces and storm the palace and capture him. We will hold the palace and I will contact you when i have dont so. Then you and your militia will storm the TV station and other media outlets we will broadcast live that now it the moment we sieze control. During this time the Military will set up road block and storm parliament and arrest all the politicians. There families are also to be eliminated. Do not tolerate any dissent. I want blood and by the time this is over no opposition to the new path Iriat will take will exist in the nation" General Fatih and his entourage left the basement and drove off in military jeeps for the center of the city

The militia also filed out, armed up and loaded thier guns.

Akrams Story

Akram reached the TV station the time was now 9:00am

Jouranlists and other assistants and workers were diligently at work. Akram stood and watched 2 TV presenters a man and a women sitting behind a news desk both were attractive and were about to go live for the Morning News. The man wore a smart black suit he was called Nabhan and the women wore a smart red dress and she was called Rana.

"Akram how are you today?" asked a man walking up to him
"Im fine Abbas, just another day in our small kingdom" replied Akram
"Hows your family?"
"Well you know water restrictions dont make life easier do they but apart from that were all fine"
"Your still up for dinner with my family at my place on Monday right?"

"Ok your live in 5, 4, 3....."

Nabhan spoke up "Good Morning, Your with Nabhan"
"And Rana and your watching the Morning News" said Rana
"Today we look at the current state of the world with our main story about the recent civil strife in Rhuar"
"We look at recent oil prices and what that means for the average Iriat"
"Then we will bring you the weather, But unfortunatly Rana those water restrictions will remain in place" finished Nabhan

General Fatih's Story

9:10am 14th May
The military jeeps passed up the "Square of the Iriat Kingdom" and drove up the Royal Boulavard. Fatih saluted the royal guard as his jeeps passed and the Royal Guards saluted back. They then approached the Royal Palace

more and more Military jeeps began to converge around the Royal Palace. one jeep a man stood up speaking through a megaphone
"Join us or die a traitor! join us or die a traitor!" Some Royal guards drooped thier weapons and fleed, others aimed thier guns but were shot down and some began chanting
"Under Fatih to victory!" and ran alongside the military jeeps. Regular citizens were banned from walking and driving around this elite area and so even though the coup had begun normal civilians had no idea of what was about to happen.

The Military stormed the palace killing indescriminatly. Royal servants, members of the royal family and guards were all shot they were not expecting this.
A few servants and some other palace staff fleed, escaped and some hid.

"General one of the pilots has been ordered to fly in and evacuate the king" said one man holding a radio walking alongside Fatih
"Get the pilot to find out the exact room the king is in and remind him to stay loyal to the new path or he will be punished under the new system"
The man spoke into the radio and after a few seconds the radio replied
"He's in the main chamber but he's heading to the rooftop with his entourage"

The military sifted through the palace one floor at a time making thier way up.
Finally they reached the rooftop. The king and his entourage were surrounded. he was wearing his royal robes they were blowing in the wind. They all raised thier hands to surrender and dropped to thier knees. The military dragged the members of the entourage and lined them against the walls with thier backs to the soldiers and shot them. The king wailed as his wife was one of the people shot.

The king was escorted down into the palace then Fatih spoke into the radio
"Give the signal. The cleansing will begin"

Akrams Story


Akram was filing some reporst when he heard gun shots and some screaming. He was on the 4th floor. He ran into the corridor and looked out the windows. 4 jeeps were blocking the road. Men dressed in black with thier faces hidden with baleclavers where shooting arbitrarily into windows of nearby buildings and chanting
"Under Fatih to Victory!" and some shot into the air. A number of civilians were beaten or shot if they got in the way. and the citizens scattered in all directions. Akram knew he had to get out of the building
He began running towards the back of the building to the fire exits and he made his way down the stairs. some people were running past him
"Are you mad? thier down stairs!" said one frightened journalist
"But there's no way out up there!" he replied

He was now on the 2nd floor but was forced run into some offices as men dressed in black came up the hallway. The lights were turned off in this office and he was trying to make his way in the darkness
"Oh my god dont kill me" begged some lady. It was Rana
"Im not one of them, listen be quet we have to get out of this building" said Akram
They slowly went into some sort of monitor room and down another hallway
"Theres a fire escape a on the west wall he had to get there"
They made thier way through more offices. Screams and gun shots were heard in a distance then a TV monitor came to life in the office Rana and Akram were in
On the TV was a group of 8 men in the black militia uniform standing with thier guns
"Goodmorning Iriats! General Fatih is sweeping away the cprrupt regime of our foriegn puppet king Madani. Now is the time to Clense the nation of filth to Cut down the traitors of Fatih's Path!" then the 8 rebels chanted
"Under Fatih to Victory!"

Rana and Akram made thier way to the fire escape and quickly ran down it to the alleyway on the side of the building. shooting in the distance could be heard as well as screaming and some explosions

"Its chaos out there" said Rana in disbelief with tears streaming down here face
"Get to your house and stay safe"
"Wait your not going to leave me are you!? Where are you going!?"
"I have to get to my daughter and my wife and get my family safe"
A militia man shot into the air and screamed
"Hey you two get down on the ground!"
Rana screamed and Akram grabbed her hand and they ran down the alley and jumped around the corner missing the rebels bullets as he fired down the alleyway
They made thier way down a tangled network of alleyways.
The sights they saw were horendous like Hell on steroids

Anybody was a target for the violence. citizens were lined up aginst walls and shot, women were raped. Militia broke into houses in wealthy areas and helped themselves to possessions and shot whoever was unfortunate enough to be inside. Barbed wire and tanks were also begining to block roads and the military were just as violent as the Militia

"Please stop, I have to take a break my legs are going to die" pleaded Rana
just then the sound of shooting was close by, Akram dropped to the ground and so did Rana, but she had blood all over her dress and she wasnt moving.
Akram cralwed across the ground.
He crawled slowly and cautiously out onto the street. bodies and empty cars were all over the place. Posters of Fatih were being stuck up on walls by Militia
"Hey you! get up!" a Militia ran over to Akram with his gun

Akram stood up, he was sure he was going to die, but he needed to live
"Wait, Under Fatih to Victory!" He said the Militia padded him down for any weapons
"You support Iriat's new path"
"Ofcourse" said Akram quickly
"It that it?" said the Militia man impatiently. More Militia were walking over to Akram aiming thier guns
"Um, well I need to know what is happening with the school, my daughter is there"
"Fatih has it under control, you just shut up and go to your home" said the militia
"So my daughter is safe?" he was punched by the Militia man, a car drove by. Militia were driving it and some women were tied up in the backseat looking terrified at what they saw around them
"You go home now and dont look back ok?"

Akram was released. He ran as fast as he could and then heard shooting. But he quickly realized it wasnt him they were shooting at, they were shooting into the air and laughing to themselves
He continued his arduous treck across the city passing through stores and alleyways to avoid the carnage and then reached his house. He knocked on the door
"Hanan open the door its me, its me, open!"
The door opened and Akram ran in
"Oh my god Akram I was so frightened!" wailed Hanan
"Where is Asil!?" he asked
"The radio said children will be returned after the King is fully Deposed"
"Please Akram dont try anything we just have to stay here" pleaded Hanan
The kitchen window smashed as more Militia sped by in the jeeps shooting arbitrarily into the windows.

Meanwhile at the school Militia and Military had taken control of the place. All children were ordered into the auditorium where they were kept watch of. One at a time each child was interviewed. They were forced to give thier address, name of thier parents and where they worked and then had to tell the militia what thier Parents thought of King Madani, if they were very loyal to him or did not like him or they did not know and other questions about thier parents views. If a child talked about how their parents were very loyal to the king and loved him the child would be taken outside and shot and the Militia and Military would turn up at the parents house to drag them onto the streets and kill them. If they gave the correct answers they were returned to the auditorium and would be returned to thier families later on.

The Current time is 11:25am, at this time about 45,000 people have been killed around the country and unknown amounts injured

(OOC: if you cant be bothered reading this here is a quick summary. General Fatih has formed an underground militia using arms illegaly imported. Stormed the royal palace and have captured the king and killed everyone else in the palace. The militia have captured the TV stations and gave a signal to the military and Militia in other c ities to rise up. The military have set up road blocks and barbed wire barricades and the Militia patrol the streets killing all who are in their way, shooting at cars and into random windows and apartment also breaking into wealthy homes and killing wealthy people. Children are being detained at schools and interviewed on thier parents beliefs. if their parents do support the old regime the child would be shot and military would turn up at the childs house to kill the parents too. Basically its total anarchy and its all part of General Fatih's plans to install fear in him and rid him of dissent. After a couple of days of this chaos no citizen will dare oppose General Fatih)

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Agzenzia » Thu May 14, 2009 1:23 am

Once we know the current number of troops we will respond.
Sincerely, Supreme Dictator Fenagz. Economic Left/Right: -1.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.26

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 1:38 am

Iriat has a population of
16.5 Million

Major Population centers
Nayev: 2,480,000
Kada City: 2,120,000
Azymon: 1,650,000
Tadaq: 1,110,000
Heyfa: 850,000

Militia numbers are unknown but estimates are put at 50,000 possably higher
Regular Soldiers are put at 250,000 but not much is known about how many are Loyal of King Madani

The Coup began at about 9:14 and by 11:25am atleast 45,000 have been killed

The Militia kill Indescriminatly while the Military have priorities and they are
1: The Royal Family
2: Government ministers and Politicians that worked for the Monarchy
3: the Politicians Family
4: People who are loyal to the King and outspoken critics and leaders of independent groups
5: Wealthy citizens (Although many just have thier possesions confiscated) and anybody who is standing in the way of thier goals

The Militia have siezed control of all Telecommunications buildings and TV station and have begun broadcasting the goals of Fatih and new orders to supporters. Military have set up road blocks and have ordered all citizens to stay in the house and have banned travel and sealed Iriats borders with its neighbors

By the end of this RP I want General Fatih to be in complete control and a brutal dictatorship installed because Dictatorships are much more fun to RP

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 4:03 am

General Fatih's Story
2:00pm May 14th

Fatih was admiring some of the extravagant possessions of the Palace. King Madani was currently being detained in his bedroom. His son and daughter were being held up in a Villa near Kada City. The Military had surrounded it an hour ago.

"General Fatih everything is ready" said some military man.
Fatih made his way down the hallways and into the main chamber. Fatih's flag was raised over the old royal emblem and camera's were set up to broadcast live from the palace

"Today is a great day! We ahve overthrown the corrupt monarchy! We are not subserviant dogs to the foriegners anymore! We cast off this extravagant regime to install true rule of the people! Our path is the path Iriat will pursue. Anybody who wishes to opose this new regime is welcome to come out onto the streets and voice thier concern but we warn you, your opinion will not be welcome in our new society. We must declare five days of death, This is nessasary to clense the nation of opposition. To install social harmony this is a nessasary step and we ask all citizens to comply and co-operate with the Military and the Fatih Path Militia. We have the king and the monarchy has been toppled. Make sure to watch later where we show images of the Fatih Path Militia topple statues of Madani. A Military council will put the ex king on trial where he faces the death penalty"

On the streets all around the city massive street fires were made as Militia and Military burnt Madani portraits and literature that would not fit in this new Society Fatih was creating the killing did not cease. by this stage civilians had cleared out the streets and now only Militia and Military occupied the streets. Millitary were however leading columns of citizens. They were dissident civilians, outspoken journalists that "Could" cause problems in the future and family members of government ministers were forced out of thier houses and led out onto the streets, lined up against walls and shot. Women who were caught on the streets were just raped and beaten by Militia but the military did not stop these acts and some got involved.

The Politicians were all rounded up and taken to the Iriat National Stadium and at 2:15pm military stationed all around the stadium moed them down with machine guns. All these events were filmed and taken back to the TV station and broadcast on the Fatih controlled media.

The TV station was still under the control of the Militia and the workers still held hostage. They were all forced onto the top floor and forced to sit with armed Militia to look over the group to makesure no one caused problems. The heat was incredable but they were denied water. At least in the schools the children were permitted water and the Military handed out paper cups of water but did not permit toilet stops. The ordeal was traumatising the children.

Akram's Story

It was now 2:30pm the sound of gunfire was getting more distant and further inbetween but now smoke columns was rising over the city
Hanan looked out of the broken kitchen window "What are they burning?" she asked
"I dont know. Anything that is against what they stand for" replied Akram
"They will take care of Asil wont they, they wont hurt her will they"
Akram was quiet he feared whatever was to happen
"Did the water turn on?" asked Akram
"They announces water would only turn on in esential buildings like the school, police station, govermnent buildings..."

As of 2:30 estimates put the death toll at 105,000 nation wide with 58,000 deaths in Nayev

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 5:02 am

Akrams Story


Akram and Hanan were watching the TV. it showed footage of the hundreds of goverment workers being executed with machine guns in the stadium and footage of citizens being shot against walls and footage of the city scape, Then is showed the military set up cranes and showing them tearing down Madani staties. The greandoius monuments were toppled and crumpled on the ground. Some Militia found it hard to restrain themselves and began blasting rounds into the statues head. Akram turned the TV off

"So what does this mean for our life, our future in this country" said Hanan
"I guess life is about to get harder, as long as we keep our heads down we should be ok, dont worry about it"

By 6:00pm the city was dead quiet except for some scattered bullet sounds. Akram knew nothing of what was happening in other cities but guessed the situation was probably just as bad. The Power was cut at 6:30 and Hanan lit candles. Both Akram and Hanan set up a bed in the lounge for its central location. They didnt want to be near any windows incase Militia's stray bullets would shoot through like they did with the kitchen window.

by 7:00pm its estimated 120,000 have been killed

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 2:31 pm

Akrams Sotry

It was 6:30am 15th May

Dawn was breaking over the nation to deadly calm but there were still faint scatters of Gunfire
Hanan and Akram could barly speak.
"My god I am so thirsty" said Hanan faintly
"Do you think they turned the water back on?"
"Water is returned at 9 every day maybe at 9 they will turn it back on"

Akram headed over to the TV and turned it on. Fatih's forces had been repeating yesterdays images all night but now it just showed Iriat's flag with a message saying "Live Update on Fatih's revolution at 7:00"

There was a knock on the door. Hanan and Akram were not sure if they should open it until they heard a voice of one of thier neighbors
"Please Akram and Hanan open the door" said a voice of the man

Akram opened the door
"Bilal, what can I do for you?" said Akram to the man
"We came to see if you had any water, our family are dehydrated, please" pleaded Bilal
"Im sorry we dont have any water either"

General Fatih's Story

The General was driving around in his jeep through the deserted streets. burnt out cars and dead bodies strewn all over the streets. Militia were already moving bodies into largle piles and burning them. They knew that in a couple of days in the Iriat heat these corpese would begin to feaster, rot and smell and become a major health hazard. The General arrived at the TV station. The King was in the back of the jeep tied up.
The General arrived and had the studio set up for his arrival and live broadcast.

A number of TV Station staff had passed out due to dehydration but some remaind and were forced to pee in thier pants as toilet stops were not permitted by the Militia on guard. There had been stuck in one position on the floor for almost an entire day with no water in the Iriat head and no toilet stops it was extremly uncomfortable and frightning. You were lucky if you were ordered to tend the monitors and operate TV equipment because it meant at least you were able to move your legs and stretch out

King Madani was forced to stand infront of the camera's and at 7:00am the Camera's started rolling and what was going on in the TV station was broadcast on the radio's as well.

"Dear Citizens of Iriat. I former King of Madani recognize General Fatih as the legitimate rule of Iriat and I condemn my father and my grandfathers rule and my own rule as tyranical and insulting to the nation. I recognize the charges brought against me by General Fatih and I plead guilty to undermining national soverignty, Undermining the national Economy and crimes against the people, Thankyou" said the King. He was reading of a peice of paper that was obviously not written by him

The Footage then cut to some of yesterdays footage of Madani statues being toppled

"Very good Madani" said General Fatih
"So now you will allow my Daughter and Son to leave the country in peace?" asked Madani
"Im sorry...."
"NO! NO! you said If I pleaded guilty and accepted the coup you would guarentee thier safty!" wailed Madani
"Who am I to seperate you from your family and so its only fair they join you in the afterlife" said General Madani with a smirk on his face
"YOU CANT....." Madani was interupted by a blow to the face and dragged out of the room

General Fatih then stoob before the Camera's and they started rolling again
"Dear Citizens the King has accepted his crimes and so he deserves some understanding from the people. It would truly be insulting to the Iriat people to continue his existence and so we call for nothing less then the death penalty. Madani will be executed in the new Iriat Peoples Square before the new Presidential Palace on the 16th of May, All other members of the royal family have also been sentenced to death and will be executed today at midday. Any member of the Royal family who have not yet been caught are now fugitives and any citizen has the duty to hand them over to the Militia or Military. On another note water will be cut off from residential area's and non essential buildings until 18th May. Until then you must get all your water at the Military Checkpoints that are handing out water to citizens"

Akram's Story

"Hanan we must get the buckets and get as much water as possable" said Akram
"I am not stepping foor out of this apartment Akram"
"I can only carry 2 buckets of water Hanan! Do you think we are going to last long on only 2 buckets of water!?"

They grabbed 2 buckets each from the bathroom and made thier way out of the apartment. Other residents were rushing past with thier buckets and bottles. Akram could see what sort of situation was about to develop
When they got to the street it will rapidly filling with panicked citizens with thier buckets and bottles
"We must get in first!" yelled one voice up the road
"Hurry Hanan" said Akram grabbing her hand and they ran down the street to the nearist military checkpoint

They ran down a few streets but the crowds were getting worse and Akram even witnessed a women get trampled under the mob, the sound of gunshots once again filled the air nearby and more screams

A water supplying truck with a tank of water on the back was being surrounded by citizens. The Military were beating the people back and firing into the air
"Order! Order!" yelled the man in charge

after about 10 minutes of confusion and panicking the military restored some system of order and water was being distributed amoungst the people. Impatient citizens taht tried to steal buckets from other families were shot dead by the military.

Akram and Hanan had thier two buckets full of water and quickly made thier way back to the apartment.
dehydrated and desperate people would follow people will water around the corner out of the militaries view and then beat them for thier water. Luckily that did not happen with Hanan and Akram and they made it safely back to thier apartment. When they returned the TV was showing images of the Nayev school and a voice of commenting

"All children are safe and are being taken care of by Fatih's good men. They are provided with water and food supplies from the school caffetaria. When the streets are safer they will be returned home, Do not worry your children are safe" Hanan and Akram were filled with relief but were still uneasy. Akram just wanted his family in once place so he knew where they where and could wait out this chaos

It was now 9:00am and the deathtoll was estimated to be at 162,000

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 5:58 pm

at 11:00am the staff at the Nayev TV Studio that were being held hostage were now permitted toilet stops, water and were moved to a room that had seats and 2 couches but they were instructed the could not return home as they may be needed to operate TV Studio equipment for the Militia and Fatih's broadcasts and updates. News papers had not printed since the 14th.

The Prince and Princess were still being detained at the country villa. The Military read them the crimes put against the royal family and found them guilty then led them down to the bottom floor of the villa, made them hand over all valuables they had on them and then driven into a nearby forest in the surrounding hills. The drive took 5 minutes. Then they were led out of the vehicle and made to stand before a pit dug for thier bodies. They were shot in the backs where they fell into the holes. Photo's were taken of thier bodies and faces so they wwould be easily recognized then one bullet each was planted into thier heads to make sure they were dead. The Military then set up a makeshift base of operations in the villa and other dissidents from nearby villa's were processed here, interrogated and then executed in the forests and burried in pits

The King was not told of his childrens death's. He knew it was going to happen but he had no idea when. He was also not shown the photo's and not permitted to see the TV's or listen to radio braodcasts.

By this stage children that had passed the Militaries interrogation tests were being returned to thier houses on buses.

Akram's Story

At 11:45am the military ordered Hanan and Akram open thier door. Akram did so quickly, he was terrified
"Your child has now been returned safly and we ask you stay indoors unless heading to military checkpoints to pick up water" ordered the soldier
Asil ran into her parents arms and Akram and Hanan cried with relief and joy
"Thankyou thankyou!"

The Military then left. Akram locked his door. Asil was in such shock she was glad to see her parents but being held hostage for over 24 hours with militia and military, interrogated had left her traumatized

"Mother, Father is was so scary! The men with guns made us answer questions about what you thought of the king and some of my friends were led outside and I heard gunshots!" cried Asil

"Its ok Asil you must get some rest, lie on the sofa with us and I'll make you something to eat" said Hanan reassuringly

Hanan looked out the broken kitchen window. Military on the street below were leading a column of civilians and forcing them to stand against the wall then aimed thier guns
the sound of gunfire filled the immediate area and the bodies lying against the wall fell to the ground lifeless the military then checked the bodies and then moves on leaving the mess up to the Militia to clean up and burn the corpses.

The dead bodies were mainly transported in massive trucks to the Iriat National Stadium and put in a huge pile for burning. The smell of death, burning flesh and burning rubber was all across the city. Akram wished to phone his parents in Kada City to see if they were alright but phone calls were impossable as Fatih's men controlled all telecommuications buildings and had cut all connections and would only re-activate it when General Fatih was securly in power

General Fatih's Story

General Fatih stood in the Royal Parliament building. It was to be renamed the "Military Council Building" and would act as a new parliament that would play an advirosry role to General Fatih who would be the unquestionable leader in this new regime that was being constructed.
He was assigning roles to top commanders and Generals and thier place in the new government. At only 49 years old Fatih was the youngest general. All the rest were in thier 50's and 60's.
"If I can reach my 80th Birthday I will lead this country for 31 years, even reaching my 75th birthday will give me 26 years to make all the changes I want to make in this country"
"General, I have a proposal" said a military man in his 50's
"Lets hear it" said Fatih
"We want the nation to know who is firmly in charge and so I think its only right we litter the nation with hundreds of monuments and grand statues of you so that when the good Iriat citizens go about thier business and they see their monuments they will KNOW who is in charge"
"I like that Idea, Portraits would be good too and the emblem of our movement should go up around all public places in the nation" continued Fatih

As of 12:00pm 15th May the death toll is at 183,000

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Thu May 14, 2009 8:48 pm

May 15th 2:30pm

The Streets were cleared once again. The Media announced only "Militia, Military and People who want to die" are the only once permitted on the streets.
Massive crowds of cheering Militia were standing around the Iriat Square of the People. Posts had been erected in the middle of the square for people to be tied up on and shot. at least 50,000 Military and militia were standing around the square.

6 people were tied up on the 6 poles and publicly excuted. They were surviving palace staff and other members of the old regime and some randoms that had been picked off the roads. The Kings brother in law was next. He was tied up along with 5 other palace staff. The Militia were all chanting "Under Fatih to Victory!" then the soldiers aimed thier guns and shot. A makeshift brick wall was erected behind the poles to stop any stray bullets.

The Kings brother in law slumped and dribbled some blood out of his mouth as life quickly drained from his body. The crowds erupted into tremendous cheers when the victims were killed.

The situation was much better elsewhere in the nation. All the major cities saw intense lockdown and arbitrary killings

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Founded: May 14, 2008

Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Fri May 15, 2009 3:17 pm

10:00am 16th May current death tollis around: 323,000

It was onto its 3rd day of bloodshed and takeover the country was being cleansed with brutal efficiency.
On the Fatih controlled TV it was now ordered that citizens must tie a red cloth or bandana either around thier arms on head to show the patrolling Military and Militia you were on the side of Fatih's new government or you would be taken away and executed or atleast brutally interoggated

The TV also reported Water would now be supplied to residential zones between the hours of 9am - 10:pm. This was a change in policy as the Military founhd it hard to restrain huge crowds and it led to more deaths and confussion and panicking. Huge flags with Fatih's symbol were also going up all over the city while the old Madani statues were being broken down into small chunks and given to Militia as souvenars to prove the part they played in this "Glorious Fatih Revolution"

By this time Madani was the only major member left of the old Royal family. His children and immediate family were killed as well as extended family. There were not many more people left of the old Regime to kill.

Madani was awaiting his execution. It was 2 hours away. The square was being prepared and Militia and military arrived early to get a good view of the execution of the king. Madani was dessed in a pure white robe. and waiting for guards to collect him in 2 hours time. He spent this time looking over his capital city that was no longer his. Smoke columns rising, distant gun fire (As militia fired into the air for fun and some arbitraily into apartment windows) and the sound of Militia and Military chanting Fatih's name. A massive Madani statue that was once in clear view of this room was now a crumbled heap of stone on the small square it stood. But some broken legs still stood on the stone pedestal as the rest of the statue was on the ground.

Madani wept, he had no idea that this would occur and cursed Fatih and disloyal Millitary.


Militia led the ex king out of the Palace and stood him up on a jeep. Military were lining the huge boulavard leading up to the Palace from the square. All were chanting "Under Fatih to Victory!"
The drive was only 2 minutes long.
The king was taken out of the jeep and led into the square where he was made to stand against the post. A microphone was before him. General Fatih walked over
"Any last words Madani?"
Madani looked into the microphone and began to speak
"The Blood that has been shed in the last 3 days and the blood that is still to be shed will be on all your hands. Iriat did not disserve this..."
By this time the crowds of Militia were booing down the king
"....All I can say now is... History will not look on you kindly"

The microphone was hauled away and King Madani was tied against the pole. General Fatih loaded his gun and walked 2 meters away and shot 3 times in the Kings chest and one shot to the head. It was captured on TV and would be shown on Iriat TV on loop. It was a symbolic death of the monarchy. No one was left in the country that could claim the throne now as they had all been executed.

This moment caused a massive flood of Militia onto the streets in a mass celebration. Jeeps sped through the streets as Militia fired triumphantly into the air and chanted "Death to the King! Death to the King!"

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Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Sat May 16, 2009 3:53 am

It was now 10:03pm on the 16th May. The death toll around the nation currently stands at 411,000
The king had been dead for 10 hours.

General Fatih's new Military Council was now fully formed. The Elite residences had been taken over by the high ranking military leaders. General Fatih had occupied the Royal Palace which would now be the General's Palace.
The Military Council met for the first time at 5:00pm, 5 hours after the king died to discuss the cleansing of the nation and the future path that will be set for the nation. The Constitution was abolished and a new Military Constitution was adopted.
It called for General Fatih to be the official head of the nation and government for life
For the Military to be guarenteed a leading role in the nations affairs and the most important rule called for
The Military council to issue as many edicts as they wanted without having to go through the normal processes a democratic government would go through
General Fatih was sworn in as the Nations Leader but his Title would still be "General Fatih" and the position of president had been abolished

So far the international community had turned a blind eye to the bloodshed and had not commented. There was also a lack of press from the outside as well as the new sealed borders the world was saved the news of the genocide and mass killings. Instead it would just appear there was sume kind of disorder and a military coup. General Fatih announced on TV that normality would return on the 19th and that the 18th of May would be the last day of cleansing.

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Posts: 48
Founded: May 14, 2008

Re: Brutal Coup and Anarchy in Iriat, somewhat open

Postby Iriat » Mon May 18, 2009 1:47 am

It was the 18th May the death toll was over 500,000, deaths still grew but it was slowing down.

It was suposedly the last day of the national cleansing. General Fatih was firmly in power and virtually no opposition existed in the nation. 5 days ago Iriat was a stable authoritarian monarchy with 16.5 million citizens. Now a new Iriat has emerged. A nation traumatised by the genocide, bloodshed and civil disorder. This new Iriat was now a harsh military dominated one man dictatorship with a population of only 16 million.

General Fatih's first program was to fill the nation of hundreds of statues and portraits to let the people know who was in charge of the nation


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