Stonkplace wrote:Full Nation Name: The Capitalist Empire of Stonkplace
Short Nation Name: Stonkplace
Nation Ideology: National Capitalism
Head of State: John D. Rockefeller II
Head of Government: Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
Important Characters with there Designation: Michael Clark Rockefeller, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Rodman Rockefeller, Minister of the Treasury.
Side Supporting: Bernskia
Reason (Official): Self-Determination, coming from Woodson’s time.
Reason (Real): To Exploit a new nation, and one destroyed from independence wars.
Aims: Help Bernskia win the war, then begin encroaching on their rights. Take advantage of both sides once the war is over.
No. of Personnel's (Limit 400,000): 275,000
ORBAT: 100,000 Footsoldiers
20,000 Tanks
5,000 Planes
200 Boats
2 Battleships
Did you read all the rules? [Y/N] Of course yes!
Your Tech Level? 80's Tech in the 60's.