Great United States wrote:Full Nation Name: OOC: Great United States IC: Continental Free United States
Short Nation Name:America/Columbia
Nation Ideology:(Ideology:Cascadian Democratism/Government System: Federal Constitutional E-Democracy)
Head of State:Ernest Jeremy
Head of Government: William Hill (Interim CFUSVP)
Important Characters with there Designation:
Squadron Leader James Ben
Side Supporting:Neutral (Peacekeeping)
Reason (Official): To help and evacuate civilians
Reason (Real): to spectate the situation and make themselves look good
Aims:Evacuate civilians,help heavily injured soldiers from either side and establish camps to feed and house civilians whose homes have been destroyed
No. of Personnel's (Limit 400,000): 10,000
×10 CFUSPHF Airships
×20 Food Distribution Drones
×30 Medical Evacuation Blimps
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