The Darkest of Crossroads (CLOSED; ATTN KYLARIS)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Union of Akoren
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The Darkest of Crossroads (CLOSED; ATTN KYLARIS)

Postby Union of Akoren » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:22 pm

Darkest of Crossroads
The Demise of a Nation

When did it happen? When did it start? What was the moment it all came crashing down into a tumult of violence, death and hatred? Was it when the strongman died and left in his wake a desolate vacuum, was it when the strongman was first elected, or was it when the strongman’s ear was taken by the cleric to the south? Was it when Tsabara first came to be after the Great War? Or was it when man first walked up right? Truth be told, to millions, when it came to be is irrelevant, the end is the end after all.

Tsabara was to many, the future once, a bright star and light of democracy, liberty and freedom. Peace among faiths and peoples alike, it was a land of colour and happiness; where the Atudite and Irfanic could live side by side, where the Atudite and Badawiyan lived and worked together. It was a land of music, poetry and lush coastal beauty and sun-touched arid plains. It was once a nation that stood at the crossroads between the old of Euclea and the ancient and new of Coius. Now, it becomes nothing more than battlefield between the old of Euclea and the ancient and new of Coius.

Just like every success story lies within it, the seeds of its own failure. Within the success stories of economic growth, improving living standards is the dark dismal reality that not all can benefit. As the coastal cities rose in wealth and power, the arid interior for all its oil and gas, floundered in the morass of destitution, poverty and hardship. As the coastal cities and their Atudite citizens rose in wealth, the Badawiyans of the interior languished, ever envious, ever desirable that they too could see the benefits of change. Those of the interior, though Badawiyan saw with envious eyes some of their own people, rise too in wealth on the coastal plains, though doing so saw those with money abandon their traditions and culture – their faith. When inequality between races and faiths inside a country emerges, its cracks overtime, drive the wedge wider and wider into a chasm, and from that chasm comes the forces of chaos and violence.

As the state crumbles and the peoples turn on one another, the futures, lives and destinies of millions will be determined and tested. A nation of sixty million collapsing into internecine chaos will surely produce the greatest humanitarian crisis to befall a nation in world history since the Great War. Such a crisis will surely determine the futures and destinies of nations, let alone the innocent millions of Tsabara.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:35 pm


Joseph: "The Holy Land is on the brink of sectarian turmoil, and the tension must be dealt with."
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Julio Mendez (@MENDEZJ)
26 January, 2019 | Tibernum, The Ecclesiastical State

Adunis is the Holy City for many of the world's major religions, including those that are increasing their sectarian violence in the Transtsabaran Federation.
Photo courtesy of Enrico Maxwell

Tibernum, The Ecclesiastical State -

Rising religious tensions in the Transtsabaran Federation have seen rising forces from Atudite and Sotirian Minority groups lash out against the Pan-Mumim government led by President Atwan al-Tughluq. The tensions have been on the rise since the mid 2000s, where President al-Tughluq repealed numerous religious freedom laws and laws pertaining to the secular nature of the Federation.

Numerous Atudite militias, which contain sympathies from the large Atudite minority and the smaller Sotirian minorities based on common cause, have taken to the streets in battles against security forces across the country. Whilst nothing severe has happened yet, several skirmishes have been reported near the Carcosan border, in low-income areas of Adunis and even in the hinterlands of the nation: painting a picture reminiscent to the last holdouts of General Lagarde, often called 'The Last Gaullican Functionalist'. Lagarde was famous for his unconventional tactics in the desert, harassing and assaulting the localised forces of the Estmerish mandate since their conception.

Because of the increase in violence, and potential to spiral out of control, the Pope has been reported to have made a request to President al-Tughluq. It is reported that this request was as an aid in mediation, as Joseph had done in Marirana with Occhetto and the Left-Wing Militias.

This comes after numerous sermons detailing the Tsabaran 'crisis', whereby the Pope aimed to "deescalate the situation" through reaching out to the disaffected groups and bringing their concerns to the government, in exchange for a cease in violence. He particularly aimed to speak to the Sotirian Minorities finding themselves in common cause with the Atudites, but did not exclude speaking with the Atudite Militias and finding common ground in "respect for life, love, tranquility and peace."

The Pope said he "wished to make a difference" when asked about his views on the potential threat the riots pose.

He did add that "Gaullica's solution was a deterrence for the worst. Talking to people, face to face, on the ground - that would be the ideal, getting to see them through hearts and minds."

Bittencourt, Secretary of the State, confirmed that Tibernum had "not yet received a response" to the Pope's official communique, but were "hopeful" for the possibility of assistance.

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  • Analysis: Is it time for the Pontifical Guards to trade in their halberds for more effective weaponry? [ 6238 ]
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  • The Reformation on Gaullica's Civil Service. [ 4951 ]
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Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:35 pm


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President Al-Tughluq has denied Papal calls for mediation, claiming that there is no ongoing crisis within the Transtsabaran Federation.

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Jaad al-Obeid (@al-ObeidJaad)
2019/01/28, 16:00 EST| Adunis, Transtsabara

The President declared that there 'was no crisis' on National Television, publicly declining a Papal Offer of mediation amongst the insurgents.
Photo courtesy of the State Bureau for the Presentation of the President


Following a Papal Announcement that Pope Joseph would be willing to help mediate in the ethnic and religious turmoil taking root in the Federation, President al-Tughluq appeared on state television declining the request at mediation.

The move is seen as an attempt to consolidate the government's control over the nation and the on-going crisis as skirmishes between rebellious factions such as the 'haMiflagah haIhud haLeumi', a far right Atudite Fringe Group and Political Party, and the government take place across suburbs and poorer areas in Adunis, Irbid and Arad.

Protests demanding a return to secular law have intensified recently, due to the fact that the Al-Aboud government has recently proposed legislation to politicise the independent judiciary. A vast majority of the protests stem from the Atudite and Sotirian Minorities. A poll published by the Examiner only last week highlighted that amongst both religious groups, extremely high percentages (96% and 83%, respectively) viewed that the government was "increasingly attacking their way of life" through their legislation.

Sectarian violence is at the highest it has been since Al-Tughluq first repealed the laws establishing the nation as secular.

However, appearing on television, the President dismissed the concerns of the Catholic Pontiff as "unfounded" and argued that "the international viewpoint does not understand the Federation." He would later add during the broadcast that "there were no ongoing crises within Tsabara" and that "the people are content and willing to see a return to their traditions and values."

He dismissed the Pontiff's concerns as that of a "befuddled Sotirian" who could "not understand the wishes of the Federation's majority." He concluded the televised address by declaring: "If there were a crisis in the Federation, rest assured that our security forces and armed forces would be more than capable of defending the nation and its commitments to democracy and freedom for all."

The President's dismissal of the crisis presents the nation with the idea that Al-Tughluq is inconsiderate as to the facts, or that he genuinely believes there is no issue on going in the Federation. His incredibly divisive politics has been a concern since the late 2000s, whereby his seemingly moderate stance shifted and eroded: his record includes the repealing of secular legislation, the reinstitution of secular schools and a reinstitution of national holidays that coincide with Mumin ones. His government additionally added an education reform similar to that proposed by Etruria's National Dignity Act, which forbade discussing Gaullican development in the region and several historically important members of the Atudite Community, such as Eitan haTsadiq ben-Itai (commonly referred to as 'Ethan the Pious') who was instrumental in lobbying for Community support of the first Transtsabaran Republic in addition to providing opposition against Gaullican rule of the nation.

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Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:36 pm

The Examiner's Editorial Board - 21 February 2019

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President Atwan Al-Tughluq, hard at work.
Adunis, Transtsabaran Federation - Following fearmongering of the false-totalitarian attitude of the 'National Curfew Act', many welcome and celebrate the bill’s success.

The streets of the Federation are safe, crime is low, and the police are recording record fall in crime. Biased and false reports of rioting across the urban centres of the Federation have been revealed as elaborate hoaxes and falsities. Across Tsabara, many are relieved to find that this claims are false.

The President has been hard at work securing the stability and future of Tsabaran democracy. The Movement for National Revival has implemented policies that respect the true cultures of the Federation, uplifting old traditions long thought buried by Euclean imperialists and attempts at instituting governments backed solely by foreign powers.

It is said when not at work, the President remains hard at work upholding the values of the nation - be it through prayer or social activities, such as visiting hospitals and schools to show the nation that the sick are kept for and our children can expect a prosperous and secure future.

Claims of terrorist activity in the streets of Adunis and across the nation at large have been swiftly dismissed as false as the Tsabaran military has reported 'no incidents of civic disruption or insurgent activity.'

Furthermore, President al-Tughluq has regularly insisted to the international community that "democracy is well functioning and flourishing in the Federation and thus we do not need the ICD to save it. The remarks made by the Representative and his spectacle are fringe mentalities that do not well present the true nature of the domestic politics of the nation."

At a speech earlier today, President al-Tughluq confidently made it clear: "There is nothing at all wrong within the Transtsabaran Federation. Reports of civil disobedience, insurgency and an authoritarian government are international falsities thrown to discredit us. Some global actors are concerned with a strong, united Badawiyan nation that they cannot bully anymore. The Eucleans scream at their former colonies and the Asterian populists disrespect the nation state with their internationalism; and thus their jealousy runs rampant!"

The government has reminded all citizens of the Federation that the National Curfew laws are still in place, despite the remarkable progress made with the curfew. The government spokesman said, “it is vital that the good work done continues to ensure that security in our great country is lasting for all citizens.”

He said further “let the police and military do their work, to ensure the safety of everyone.”

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Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:37 pm


An Open Obituary to the Free Press in Tsabara
The President of the Federation has illegally nationalised 'The Badawiyan Examiner'. It is now another part of his propaganda machine.
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Jaad al-Obeid
26 February 2019 | Westbrücken, Werania

A clash in the streets of Adunis.
Photo courtesy of Jaad al-Obeid.

WESTBRÜCKEN, WERANIA - I fled my home earlier this week, because I was fortunate enough to be tipped off that a detachment of soldiers would be approaching my home with warrants from the state to search my home, imprison me, or what-have-you. The authoritarian regime of Tughluq has silenced its last domestic critic; they have successfully killed the last remnant of freedom of the press in the nation. And they had the gall to use our paper to proclaim that 'all is well in the Federation.'

It begun slightly more normal than that. After we published our critique of the National Curfew Act, we were informed by the police that the article was 'not proper' and required modification. We declined, knowing well what would await us. A few days later, they returned with a search-warrant. They found 'evidence' of treasonous activity, fired the staff, and closed the paper down.

Then I received my tip off. And then I saw the article.

The President has told the nation that all is well. The curfew is in place for police precautionary measures. This is a lie. Dozens are dead, hundreds are dying in the streets and thousands are injured as they protest the totalitarian and authoritarian regime of Tughluq. They protest his laws, his attempts to change the judiciary, his silencing of dissenters.

His policemen brutally attack all on the streets, with authority to stop and search at will -- with no warrants.

A great mockery is when he was brave enough to announce on television that: ""There is nothing at all wrong within the Transtsabaran Federation. Reports of civil disobedience, insurgency and an authoritarian government are international falsities thrown to discredit us." There was -- and no one did nothing about it -- calls within the very chambers of governance for the International Community to help save democracy in Tsabara. That representative has not been seen since he was escorted out of the halls of power by the police.

No longer trust the Badawiyan Examiner: its days of independent journalism are over. The only truth to reports coming from the Transtsabaran Federation will come from the other reporters and myself who were fortunate enough to escape. The Examiner's legitimacy as a paper can no longer be held to the true standards of reputable journalism. This final act against it is another of the President's carefully calculated plans.

A law was passed, not unlike Etruria's law on National Dignity and it gave Tughluq's police-forces the power to crack down on 'treason' and 'false-truths.'

We decried it then. We decry it now. We shall decry it forever.
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:40 pm

The Examiner's Editorial Board - 10 April 2019

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The Prime Minister has openly endorsed the proposal, citing it as 'a just idea.'
Adunis, Transtsabaran Federation - Amidst a session of parliament today, notable members of the MNR's committee on Law and Order within the Federation publicly discussed the idea of 'reformation' to the judicial system.

The Federation's Court of Justice, its highest court, was enshrined in law during the 1990s in an attempt at making a 'fair and equal' representation of the 'ethnic and religious' makeup of the nation. This was praised, and is praised, by all. Many critics have decried the MNR's suggestions too quickly.

Leader of the APP and of the Opposition, Aryeh Kahlon, called it "an attempt to undermine religious freedom and bring back preferential status to Salam." He also added that "the composition of the court was made concrete in the 90s to best reflect the make-up of our nation. Changing it is a degradation of everything this nation stands for, and will open the floodgates to any leader potentially tampering with the court to suit their own political agenda."

The court, which contains 9 members, reflects the religious nature of the consocialtional society. With 1 Sotirian, 3 Atudites and 5 Mumins, the court was done at a time when those numbers reflected population demographics.

Al-Aboud, the Prime Minister, replied to the claims of Mr. Kahlon, by proving this very point. "Indeed, Mr. Kahlon." he began. "The Supreme Court was made to reflect the demographics of the nation. Yet the demographics change. There are now more Mumins in the nation than there were 20, almost 30 years ago. It is our duty to see them represented in the court, if this idea comes to pass."

President Tughluq said of the issue that "a reformation to the court was a long idea of ours -- and it is good to see it openly discussed in the House of Representatives."

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Error Generating List
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:41 pm


Westbrücken Police have successfully intercepted and thwarted a planned attack on Jaal al-Obeid, a Tsabaran journalist who fled to Werania, by another Tsabaran national.
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Jaad al-Obeid
1 May 2019 | Westbrücken, Werania

Officers were quick to secure Bleidenstraße 1-1, the street upon which the attacker was apprehended.
Photo courtesy of Jaad al-Obeid.

WESTBRÜCKEN, WERANIA - Tsabaran journalist and asylum recipient here in Werania, Jaal al-Obeid, was the target of a calculated attack by a yet-to-be-named Tsabaran nationalist, police have stated.

"This was going to be a calculated political move by a Tsabaran national here in Werania who clearly believes that Mr al-Obeid is insulting his government back home." an officer at an official press conference stated. "Luckily, however, due to the commitment of the Westbrücken Police Department and the help we received from ordinary citizens reporting things in, we were able to quickly apprehend the attacker before he could even put the pieces in motion."

Mr Jaal al-Obeid, a noted critique of what he describes as 'The Dictatorship of al-Tughluq' and author of the scathing commentary 'Tsabara's Toughluck', fled to Werania following a shutting down of the paper he worked for: The Badawiyan Examiner.

Police officers have reported that they were setting their ambush as early as 4:00 am this morning, where they had units and back up stationed across Bleidenstraße 1-1.

It was noted by officers that their 'tip-off' came from many local neighbours, who had seen the would-be-attacker 'visit the street up to four times a day', with no visible relatives or friends living in the area.

"He would come and walk up and down, sometimes taking pictures." a resident, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said.

Mrs Simone Bartram, who owns the local grocers, said "I'd never seen him before and he never looked at me, or anyone, and never spoke to anyone either."

At a similar time as the attacker was apprehended as he made his rounds of the street, police launched a raid into his home: where they uncovered numerous improvised explosive devices, two hand-guns, a large quantity of ammunition and plans upon his computer indicating he had used online satellite imagery to assist in the planning of his attack.

It is speculated that the attack was to be multi-pronged, with numerous failsafes, such as attaching an IED to Mr al-Obeid's car, and preparing to shoot him if he walked that day.

When asked about the thwarted attempt on his life, Mr. al-Obeid refused to comment, only stating briefly that "I thought I was safe from this here in Werania."
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:42 pm

The Examiner's Editorial Board - 17 June 2019

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President Tughluq announced his proposals for judicial reformation to a crowd of supporters in Adunis.
Adunis, Transtsabaran Federation - After two months of statistical analysis, population censuses relating to growth and adherence to religion, members of the MNR's 'Law and Order' Committee within parliament has concluded that "the most accurate and fair" course of action is to "increase the court by two additional members." Their spokesman, Tariq ibn Ziyad, announced that the two new judges would "best reflect the growth of the Den and Öroqic ethnic groups, both of which are predominantly Irfanic Shima."

The Federation's Court of Justice, its highest court, was enshrined in law during the 1990s in an attempt at making a 'fair and equal' representation of the 'ethnic and religious' makeup of the nation. This was praised, and is praised, by all. Many critics have decried the MNR's bill 'greatly unethical' and 'nearing a religious domination', highlighting that Irfanic Tsabara would now have '7 Irfanic Judges' out of 11.

Leader of the APP and of the Opposition, Aryeh Kahlon, has referred to the bill as "an attempt to undermine religious freedom and bring back preferential status to the Irfanic Faith." He made similar commentary during the conception of the bill, previously, in April. Again he reiterated the necessity to "respect the nation as laid out in the Constitution of 1990." He and members of the Popular Front, the reincarnation of the 'Worker's Popular Front', which ruled out Federation as a left-wing dictatorship since the mid 40s to the early 90s, have demanded the "bill be rejected by the members of the MNR."

The court, which contains 9 members, reflects the religious nature of the consocialtional society. With 1 Sotirian, 3 Atudites and 5 Mumins, the court was done at a time when those numbers reflected population demographics. The bill aims to better reflect the growing population trends, which now see Irfanic Groups nearing 65% of the population. Having 7/11 judges means that roughly 64% of the court reflects this. Indeed, Tughluq has even argued that "with the decline of Sotirians within Tsabara, it is in good faith for our society we do not revoke their own judge."

The bill is scheduled to take place this coming Wednesday 19th of June, during the longest session of parliament throughout the week, and the voting of the bill is also scheduled to be televised live across the nation.

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Error Generating List
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Posts: 13137
Founded: Jan 21, 2013
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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:45 pm

The Examiner's Editorial Board - 6 July 2019

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The Grand Mufti of Rakin, Oguz Topbas, was confirmed as the final Supreme Judge -- making him the 11th in total.
Adunis, Transtsabaran Federation - With the success of the 'Accurate Judicial Act' almost two weeks ago, the government has been hard pressed in filling the new vacancies within the judicial system,

Completing his pledge to the Den and Öroqic groups, the first named judge was Ashur-Dan -- an Irfanic Scholar and lawyer of the Den ethnic group. The President confirmed Ashur-Dan within a day of the passing of the bill, highlighting that "[he] was a great intellectual who would do well to best represent the Den within the halls of the Federation's justice." Yet, unfortunate stagnation came across the government. Security forces have confirmed this is due to the protests and riots incited by the opposition.

Aryeh Kahlon has told his supporters to "fight the governmental tyranny at every turn" and that failing to act would "extinguish the last fires of freedom." President Tughluq called the opposition leader "a traitor to his constituents" and "to all those who believe in the Federation and the equality of all its ethnic groups."

Minor clashes across major urban centres within the Federation saw the President withhold his successive announcement as he became preoccupied with speaking to the citizens about their concerns. In Adunis in particular the president traveled to the constituency of the opposition leader and aimed to explain the necessity of the increase in the court, to cheers and respect from the Atudite populace.

With some of the most rowdy of provocateurs now in prison or fined, the President announced today that the Grand Mufti of Rakin, Oguz Topbas, would fill the 11th seat on the court. Topbas, an Öroqic person, would be the first to ever sit on the 'The Federation's Court of Justice'.

When the Grand Mufti was asked 'what would be the first thing you believe you would tackle on the court?' he replied that "elements within the constitution need to be updated, as we have already seen that despite the best intentions of our founding fathers, population and demographic change was clearly not accounted for!"

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Error Generating List
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Posts: 13137
Founded: Jan 21, 2013
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:46 pm

The Examiner's Editorial Board - 17 July 2019

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Whilst El'azar ben-Ya'ir's (pictured) radical Atudite Militia 'The Lions of Asafiyah'
have not officially taken responsibility, but the government has accused them due to recent terrorist activity.
Qaa, Transtsabaran Federation - An oil pipeline and a water pipeline that originate from the city have Qaa have come under assault by speculated far right terrorists in protest of the passing of the 'Accurate Judicial Act.'

At roughly 6:19 TST this morning, monitoring systems in both Qaa and Adunis reported that there was a severe leaking of oil roughly a third of the way down the pipeline. First respondents arrived at roughly 6:33 TST, coming from the nearby military garrison of Jrajeer. They quickly performed and effective and well-drilled military sweep, before expertly deducing due to the damages at the site that IEDs had been used to destroy sections of the pipeline. They radioed in for cleaning assistance before departing due southwards, where they in fact encountered the terrorists at a water-pipeline that almost mirrors the route of the oil above.

Whilst it also originates from Qaa, the water-pipeline is focused on tapping into the immense resources of ground-water beneath the desert and savanna to the south and west of the city. Qaa's water is integral to settlements and small towns between the two large metropolises, whilst its surplus is kept as reserves in chlorinated facilities across the nation. Some of this surplus has been used to help Zorasan combat its recent drought.

Here, at roughly 7:00 TST, the first military respondents engaged in a brief skirmish around the water-pipeline. Two terrorists were killed, to no casualties amongst the military. Their weapons were foreign, but unidentified, and they had done minor damage to the water-pipeline. When interviewed, captain Amjad al-Fawaz -- who led the defence of the nation in this regard -- described the attacks as "barbaric". He added that "the terrorist cowards strike at clean drinking water and oil. They attack life and commerce, that which sustains the people and the nation."

The President has decried the attacks as "another ramping up of the extremism of certain elements of our society." He also demanded that the APP and the haMiflagah haIhud haLeumi to explain the insurrections that there members were doing. Whilst both parties denied that their memberships were involved in any way in the attacks, military intelligence suggests that the far-right Atudite Militia, the 'Lions of Asafiyah', were responsible. They are known to have links to the haMiflagah haIhud haLeumi and are suspected of being their military wing.

Aryeh Kahlon, leader of the APP, also decried the attacks. He announced proudly that "the water-pipelines were built during the nascency of our Federation, as a way of showing to our people and to the world that our conflicts had been put aside and that the commonwealth of all was our priority. This attack has no justification." He would then add that "The attack has no justification, no matter how authoritarian the president had become."

This is in obvious reference to the 'Accurate Judicial Act', which we have analysed in depth as a democratic decision previously.

Menahem ben-Asher, leader of the haMiflagah haIhud haLeumi, argued that "the government should have expected hostility due to their transgressions against democracy in the recent weeks." He vehemently opposed the idea that El'azar ben-Ya'ir's vehemently detested 'Lions of Asafiyah' were behind the attacks.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:46 pm

The Examiner's Editorial Board - 31 July 2019

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President al-Tughluq promised "fire and fury" following a terror attack
earlier this morning that saw a van filled with explosives ram into
a military checkpoint outside of Qaa.

Qaa, Transtsabaran Federation - Two weeks after an attack on two pipelines originating out of Qaa, suspected to have been orchestrated by 'The Lions of Asafiyah', a second terror attack has taken place in the central Federation city of Qaa.

At roughly 14:21 TST this afternoon a heavy lorry that was scheduled to have been arriving to the city's southwestern oil fields through the Al Jeezah military checkpoint was instead rammed through the roadblocks and detonated by the guardpost, killing seven and injuring dozens. The vehicle was suspected to have been commandeered by radical right-wing Atudite terrorists, who's activity has been on the rise this past month largely in part due to the resistance Tsabara has been showing imperialist nations such as Estmere and Etruria.

The suspected culprits are, of course and as always, El'azar ben-Ya'ir's 'Lions of Asafiyah', but the group has refrained from commentary ever since they were accused of detonating the oil and water pipelines. El'azar tweeted from an unknown location that he 'wished' he had been the individual behind such a 'beautifully orchestrated act of defiance against authoritarianism.'

The lorry, which was supposed to be empty to begin to transport from Qaa's oilfields to a nearby refinery, had had its container replaced with a compartment containing up to "twenty tonnes of improved explosive devices." The lorry's high speed and weight allowed it to barrel through the barriers and fences of the military checkpoint, a military spokesman infored us. He added that "a driver, if any, was incinerated upon impact with the checkpoint's guard tower and nearby barracks."

The President announced "full retaliatory efforts" following the attack, signalling the end to his attempts to broker peace with the disaffected Atudite extremist groups in the nation. Menahem ben-Asher was expelled from the House of Representatives today, following allegations that he is associated with the Lions group. A police report is suspected to be underway.

The Transtsabaran Military has announced "cooperation with the Zorasani" in attempts to "finally rid the nation of its cancerous terrorist elements." The government has already conducted numerous raids across the nation, arresting over 100 suspected terrorists in Adunis and other major cities.

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Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:49 pm


Claims by the Transtsabaran government that a 'rebellious force' was repulsed are farcical, as exclusive sources indicate sections of the military are in mutiny.
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Jaad al-Obeid
3 September | Westbrücken, Werania

Women of the First Recon Battalion in the hills of 'Les dents du diable', a highly contested area on the border of Zorasan.
Photo courtesy of Benjamin Shapiro.

WESTBRÜCKEN, WERANIA - Two days ago, the Tughluq Despotism announced that an assault on the highly strategic Sfira military base was repulsed by the Bedjene National Guard and its Federal Garrison. Sfira, a large military installation south of Qaa -- the largest city in Tsabara that isn't on the coast -- defends highly lucrative oil fields and pipelines, in addition to providing an ideal testing ground for military hardware and tactics in the rough desert that it is near.

Atwan Al-Tughluq pointed his finger at 'The Lions' led by El'azar ben-Ya'ir. Whilst considered a terrorist organisation by the Tsabaran government and her allies, many in Euclea and Asteria take the view of 'freedom fighters'. Many hold their actions to be in defence of the true principles that the Federation was founded on, and the only acting body that seems to be fighting for a free Tsabara. I am not writing to defend their actions.

Sources and friends of mine who remained in Tsabara and did not flee from persecution and likely imprisonment -- for journalism -- recently provided me with healthy pieces of information. Whilst the government had claimed that El'azar ben-Ya'ir''s Lions had assaulted Sfira and had been repulsed, which he tied in to their recent attacks on pipelines in the region, this is not the case.

Whilst El'azar ben-Ya'ir has fanatically denied his involvement in any attack, the government maintains that one has occurred. In this regard a far worse outcome has occurred for the Tsabaran government. Atwan Al-Tughluq's campaign for a reformed society within the Federation saw him dissolve several units within the Federal Army. His reforms earlier this year brought about the operation of what are, by all accounts, sectarian and segregated units. Whilst this was expected to tilt the army in his favour, numerous sources cite that it actually increased the recruitment from amongst Atudite communities.

His actions, I am told, have not gone unnoticed by his opponents. Nor have they been forgotten. Recent attempts to score political points in a mandated constitutional rewrite caused mass outrage amongst the major coastal cities. The Sotirian Democratic Party, which officially is an 'eternal partner' of the APP, was criticised as 'inciting revolt from coastal elites' when it encouraged the protests to see 'the people's voice heard.'

It is precisely because of his dogmatism and tyranny that Sfira was not only attacked, but occupied. And not by 'terrorists' or 'freedom fighters', but by sections of the Atudite portions of the Federal Army. Portions of the Federation who wish to preserve it for what it was. Portions who are tired of waiting for Tughluq to be voted out, or to be brought to heel. He has done this to himself.

Sfira, which is located in the Irfanic majority Bedjene region, was regarded as a 'bulwark' of Irfanic identity in the region. It hosted a fairly potent garrison, though official numbers are scarce, and was the central administrative location of the Bedjene Guard, the conscripted soldiery used by regions to maintain their own security.

Sfira falling to Atudite forces in open rebellion is a hallmark for just how far things have fallen under Tughluq, and just how far sections of society are willing to go to protest his rule. With Sfira under their belt, rebellious portions of the Tsabaran military have secured themselves a strategic position, munitions, fuel supplies, armour and access to numerous key airfields.

Tughluq can rant and rave about terrorists. Tughluq can scream into the void about how this is the plot of the international community to subvert his democratic mandate. Yet what he cannot silence, no matter how hard he tries, is the truth from arising out of the cracks he has made in society.
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
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To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:11 pm

Camille Chamoun - Elul 5, 5779 / Panjshanbeh: 14. Shahrivar 1398 /05 September 2019

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President Al-Tughluq vows to "free Sfira and crush terrorist filth"

The president made the remarks in a televised address from the Presidential Garden
Adunis, Adunis Province - President Atwan Al-Tughluq has vowed to “crush the terrorist filth” in wake of the violent seizure of the Sfira military base in Bedjene Province. Addressing the nation from the Presidential Garden, he said, “every one of those Atudite women who have spilt national blood will be punished, no longer will the government tolerate the bloodlust of Ben Ya’ir.” It comes as soldiers and tanks are reportedly being mobilised around the Sfira base.

Details around the takeover of Sfira by soldiers of the First Recon Battalion, an Atudite-dominated unit, remain sketchy. The Ministry of Defence and National Security has been restrictive with the information that it has released. A spokesman earlier today confirmed that the base had been “taken.” Telling reporters, “yesterday, mutinous soldiers of the First Recon Battalion attacked and captured the Sfira military installation in Bedjene Province. Entering in uniform, they attacked and killed the installation’s command and seized the garrison at gunpoint. They are holding base personnel hostage.” Asked how many had been killed or injured, the spokesman refused to comment.

The President this morning, chaired a meeting of the Federal Security Council where he discussed a response with commanding officers and ministers.

At midday, General Elyahu Dadon, the commanding officer of the Special Recon Group, the umbrella unit that commands the First Recon Battalion had been arrested and stripped of his command. He has been replaced by Brigadier General Aziz Ali; an officer close to the president. Dadon is accused of “collaborating with terrorist elements” according to a statement released by the Federal Army.

Request by members of the National Assembly for an emergency session were rejected by Prime Minister Yahya Al-Aboud, who tweeted, “this emergency cannot be deepened by the distraction of the government. The assembly will be addressed once this assault upon the Federation’s unity is confronted and crushed.”

Eager to reassure the nation, President Atwan Al-Tughluq took to the airwaves with a televised address from the Presidential Garden.

“These are dark times we face, where our nation and union of peoples is endangered by the bloodlust, violence and hatred of an Atudite minority. Today, sons and brave soldiers of Tsabara are being held hostage by soldiers-turned-terrorists, former comrades, now enemies” he said.

“For months now we have been barraged by vicious rhetoric, designed to divide and cause strife among our peoples. El’azar-Ben Ya’ir may wish to destroy our country, but he will fail. It is sad and criminal, that this man directed these women to attack and murder their comrades. But just like him, they will fail” he said further.

“We do not know how many of our sons and daughters are being held hostage by these terrorists. But what I do know is this. We will respond with absolute fury; we will destroy these terrorist filths and we will free our sons and daughters. These Lions will prove to be hyenas before our wrath. We will free Sfira and then we will destroy the Lions, this I promise you in God’s name” he vowed.

The Federal Government has officially issued an arrest warrant for El’ezar-Ben Ya’ir’s associates, while the government is expected to conduct a widely anticipated purge of Atudites with suspected sympathies for the Lions, from law-enforcement and the intelligence services.

Social media users in areas around the Sfira base have shared images and videos of army troops and tanks being deployed. Several users in Qaa reported hearing and seeing fighter-jets flying overhead.

Minister for Defence and National Security, Saad Jadid told reporters after the president’s address, “we’re going to retake Sfira, free our soldiers and obliterate those terrorists. No mercy, no quarter. No one attacks the nation in this way and escapes justice.”

The government’s response has come with opposition within its own ranks. The ruling Irfanic Coalition has responded with concern and with pleas for caution. Interior Minister Nazim al-Qutayni, a moderate force within the administration is reeling from his apparent isolation in regard to the planned purge of Atudites from security bodies. Officials close to the minister are reporting that the president’s decision was made without consulting with Al-Qutayni or even informing him. The move is reportedly being pushed by General Ziad Salah, the head of the Federal Army.

Six Assembly Members belonging to the president’s party have published a letter urging him to “be calm and negotiate.” The letter said further, “a tough bloody response may only enflame tensions and give Ya’ir the proof he needs to further divide and spread hate.”

Saqid al-Sadawi AM, tweeted, “If the president purges and storms Sfira, we will face a disaster. I urge the government to show restrain and negotiate.”

Yechiel Lasri, the leader of Cherut, wrote on social media, “if Sfira is stormed, if Atudites are purged from the security services, the gulf between the President and the Atudite population will erupt. The choice is his.”

We will bring updates on the situation as we receive them.

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  • Live: Sfira Incident [ 18,361 ]
  • President faces opposition over planned Atudite purge [ 5219 ]
  • Atudite Senator's office attacked with pipe bomb [ 9273 ]
  • Violent brawls between Atudites and Badawiyans reported across Bedjene [ 2471 ]
  • Protests turn deadly in Zorasan [ 4591 ]
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
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To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:11 pm

Camille Chamoun - Elul 16, 5779 / Doshanbeh: 25. Shahrivar 1398 /05 September 2019

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Sfira Base surrounded as negotiators seek peaceful solution.

Elite forces from the 3rd Infantry Division outside Sfira this morning.
Adunis, Adunis Province - Forces loyal to the federal government have taken up positions around the Sfira military base and negotiations are underway. An estimated 2,500 soldiers surround the base in Bedjene Province, the ministry of Defence has confirmed.

The Sfira base was captured by rogue units of the First Recon Group, an exclusively Atudite unit with ties to the Lions of Asafiyah. An unknown number entered the base last week, killing several soldiers and officers and taking the garrison hostage. The MoD has not commented on casualties, though it warned that, “upon entry or through negotiation we may find a tragedy.”

Elements of the elite 3rd Infantry Division have been deployed alongside Federal Police, they have taken up defensively positions around the base. While local cellular networks have been shut down alongside internet access.

Negotiations between the rogue soldiers and the federal government are being facilitated by Federal Police negotiators. The MoD has not commented on what the demands have been. However, the MoD’s spokesman when explaining the situation reiterated the federal government’s position, “while soldiers of the Tsabaran military do not shoot one another, these are dark times for your nation. The government is keen to see a peaceful resolution and return of Sfira to the federal government but make no mistake. The government will use force if deemed necessary.”

The MoD also dismissed earlier reports of gunfire and explosions, in a tweet it said, “we categorically deny reports of violence at Sfira. Negotiations under way.”

The loss of Sfira to Atudite mutineers stands the biggest loss for the federal government, though this has been followed by sporadic seizures of facilities by groups opposed to the government. This morning, Federal forces retook the Dorot supply depot, killing 7 and capturing 14. At the weekend, the 14th Mechanized Division base near Gesher HaZiv repelled an attempted attack by local Badawiyans, 9 were killed and 30 arrested.

Minister of Defence Saad Jadid told a meeting of senior generals, “this is the most profound moment in our nation’s history. Either we defeat extremism or extremism will defeat us.”

Despite the shock withdrawal of Nazim al-Qutayni’s Party for Irfanic Democracy from the ruling “Irfanic Coalition”, Minister Jadid hinted that the government will press ahead with plans to “secure the security apparatus from extremist infiltrators.” These plans aim to expel Atudites suspected of sympathies for the Lions from the intelligence services and federal law enforcement.

General Ziad Salah, who heads the federal armed forces has met with local commanders in Bedjene, where in front of news cameras was caught saying, “be ready and ready your men. We’re going to be deployed and we’re going to purge our country of terrorism.”

The latest bloodshed around bases across western Tsabara, was condemned in a fiery video posted by prominent Irfanic cleric, Faizan Salah (no relation to gen. Salah). In a televised sermon posted on social media, the so-called “Instagram Cleric” told his congregation, “the time of struggle and judgement is fast approaching. By the grace of the Merciful and the blessing of the Prophet (PBUH), we will destroy the enemies of the Truth and the tip the scales of judgement back toward salvation.”

“But we need help, I call on our president to be bold. Do not let the ignorant or the Takfiri among you turn you away from action. All Tsabaran Irfani stand with you and together we can overcome the Atudite extremism that is killing our sons” he said further.
The cleric who returned to his native Sidi Amar (Juraynah Prov) last week after two years of study at the Grand Seminary of the Martyrs in Namrin, had earlier vowed to “offer himself” in defence of Irfan in Tsabara, claiming the Atudite extremists were being driven by “Euclean powers.”

The intervention by Sheik Salah, who has an estimated 850,000 social media followers has added to the tension across Tsabara, where many have balked at the reforms of President Al-Tughluq.

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  • Live: Sfira Incident [ 58,141 ]
  • MNR crippled by loss of PID [ 5219 ]
  • President Al-Tughluq hosts "emergency cabinet meeting" over PID withdrawl [ 9273 ]
  • TOHR: 256 people killed since crisis began [ 2471 ]
  • APP: "Return of Sheik Salah oozes Zorasani plot" [ 4591 ]
Last edited by Liecthenbourg on Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
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The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:12 pm

Camille Chamoun - Elul 14, 5779 / Panjshanbeh: 23. Shahrivar 1398 /14 September 2019

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Party for Irfanic Democracy leaves MNR, following government overreach.

The interior minister and leader of the Party for Irfanic Democracy, called the president 'irresponsible and destructive'
Adunis, Adunis Province - The government's Minister of the Interior, Nazim al-Qutayni, has resigned over 'inescapable differences' between himself and the president. Al-Qutayni, leader of the Party for Irfanic Democracy, has always been regarded as an instrumental -- and early -- ally of the President, but he became increasingly disillusioned with the MNR in recent years.

Al-Qutayni told the Fédéraliste that he had been 'sidelined' by the government and the military, and had been able to 'delay the orders of General Salah' once he had learned of them. Yet increasing pressure from the President and the MNR had seen him outmaneuvered, he claimed.

Following the occupation of the Sfira military base in the Bedjene province, the government -- under the influence and direction of General Zaid Salah -- announced a systematic purge of Atudites from positions within the intelligence service and upper-echelons of the police force. Nazim al-Qutayni announced that he was "completely and totally circumvented" in this decision. He lambasted the President within the House of Representatives, arguing that he was "irresponsible and destructive". He further added that Tughluq was "inconsiderate to the issues of the minorities of the Federation" and that he had spat on the foundations of the cosocial nature of the nation. He ended his tirade within the legislature by resigning and pulling his party of roughly 43 seats strong out of the government.

During a session within the House of Representatives today, as Prime Minister Yahya Al-Aboud was delivering a speech on the 'successes of government policy on removing terrorist sympathisers from the government', the Interior Minister stood up from the Front Bench and walked across the hemicycle seating and sat within the rows of staunch opposition members such as Aryeh Kahlon - the leader of the Popular Front. This was met with immense booing and heckling from the parties still within the MNR, but in effect has left them a minority government with the loss of the seats provided to them by the PID.

Social media users within Tsabara, particularly concentrated within the coast, tweeted rigorously about the event. It was called the 'greatest showing of defiance against Tughluq possible'. Others have criticised al-Qutayni as a 'traitor' to his ethnicity and religion, arguing that he is merely playing into the hands of the Lions and their allies within the military to 'bring about an Atudite dominated state again.'

The President originally aimed on keeping this as cordial as possible, quickly announcing on the air that he understood the "differences between the interior minister and [himself] could only be kept together for so long", but quickly became more hostile once Nazim insulted his capability to govern and insinuated that he did not wish to "govern a Federation, but rule a tinpot dictatorship backed by Zahedan."

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  • Live: Sfira Incident [ 18,361 ]
  • General Elyounoussi: We must listen to the grievances of the Atudites in Sfira. Soldiers do not fire on soldiers. [ 5219 ]
  • El'azar ben-Ya'ir's 'Lions' suspected of damaging infrastructure near Sfira. [ 9273 ]
  • Attempts to curtail brawls in Bedjene through curfew fail. [ 2471 ]
  • Government denies supplying passports. [ 4591 ]
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:13 pm

Camille Chamoun - Tishri 1, 5780 / Doshanbeh: 8. Mehr 1398 / 30 September 2019

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President announces major breakthrough.

The President, during a televised speech, declared the Sfiran situation close to resolution.
Adunis, Adunis Province - President al-Tughluq has announced a major breakthrough in the negotiations with the dissatisfied mutineers that had taken over the Sfira military base. What began as an all-out assault on the Sfira military base on the 3rd of September, by numerous Atudite units of the Federal Army, turned into an occupation and a siege. General Elyounoussi captured the tension and the mood of the loyalist forces besieging the base: "soldiers do not fire on soldiers."

The government's attempts at a peaceful negotiation were criticised by members of the far-right of the government, but they were quickly silenced by the reception of acceptance by the occupiers of the base. Indeed, the reduction of the government's majority into a minority came from the moderates of Nazim, who left following disagreements over the 'systematic removal' of Atudites from positions of power within the intelligence services and police force. However, Nazim was quick to add that: "if the government reverses its silly and destructive policies, and is indeed successful at negotiations, we will rejoin the government to make Tsabara whole again."

The government, through the President, has declared a breakthrough in the talks that apparently will see military de-escalation, amnesty and a scale-back of what were argued to be 'anti-minority policies', in exchange for the location and operation of numerous bases belonging to the 'Lions'. This confirmed long-suspected theories that the terrorist organisation was working alongside, or had infiltrated, the mutineers.

Following over almost two weeks of constant negotiations, it has come as a surprise to many. Many expected, especially in the international community, that the negotiations were the last ditch efforts of 'a President clinging onto his power', especially after he lost his command of the House of Representatives.

As per the terms of the breakthrough, the President and the General Staff also announced to the families affected by the Sfiran occupation that the soldiers held hostage would be being released within three stages, a third at a time.

A spokesperson for the Party of Irfanic Democracy declared that: "if the President continues on this positive path for the country, we have no doubt we would support him again, as someone committed to the cosocial state."

Sheik Faizad Salah, Prayer Leader of the Imam Ardashir Beytol in Sidi Amar and the Leader of the League of the Righteous, an Irfanic civil society group condemned the news as a "blatant surrender of the cause. Our president now proves himself no different from any other self-interested and self-serving politician, eager to protect his interests over those of the dispossessed Irfanics and Badawiyans. The Atudites have won, now begins surely, the desecration of Adunis and the emergence of an Euclean-backed minority regime."

The international community, notably Gaullica's foreign minister, Sylvaine Lambert, suggested that "actual progress, not just words", would need to be seen before Tughluq's solution would actually work.

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Image12251 comments
  • Live: Sfira Incident [ 18,361 ]
  • General Elyounoussi: Peace has prevailed.' [ 5219 ]
  • El'azar ben-Ya'ir's 'Lions' are 'on the run.'. [ 9273 ]
  • Over 130 arrested near Sfira, attempting to disrupt negotiations. [ 2471 ]
  • Government denies supplying passports. [ 4591 ]
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:13 pm

Camille Chamoun - Tishri 8, 5780 / Doshanbeh: 15. Mehr 1398 / 7 October 2019

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Atwan al-Tughluq, a Colonel within the Communal Army,
during a Tsabaran independence day celebration during the days of the
Popular Communalist Regime.
Adunis, Adunis Province - President al-Tughluq, who had led the nation since his election as President in 2005, has passed away, a ministerial spokesman has confirmed. The news comes as a complete surprise to many in Tsabara, as just yesterday the President was seen in 'perfect health' delivering a speech to the nation in Adunis, whereby he congratulated the House of Representatives, the military and 'all the people of Tsabara' for their commitments to the 'basic tenants of civilisation and contract, the wondrous co-social state.'

The 83 year old President had a long and illustrious career in the service of both the Popular Communalist Regime, in which he rose to the rank of colonel within an incredibly secular army. His father, a noted rebel against Gaullican and Estmerish colonial rule, was one of the founders of the 'Desert Vipers', a unit of Badawiyan soldiery who joined up with Gaullican General Norbert Chapelle (known unaffectionally as 'The Last Functionalist') against the Estmerish colonial authorities post the Great War. It was this drive for independence and fighting spirit that his father instilled in him, al-Tughluq stated, on the campaign trail in 2004. "I am a fighter. My father was a fighter. Long have we fought to see a Tsabara that is true and filled with values; not the deranged plays of Euclean Imperialists. Nor the deranged mentality and anti-religious doctrine of the evil Popular Communalists."

Al-Tughluq's presence in Tsabaran politics was one of unrivaled stature. The second (and longest serving) democratically elected President of the Tsabaran Federation, al-Tughluq set the tone for the debates, laws and lives of the people in this country. Parroting the words of Gaullican monarchs, the President had once told President Lévesque of Gaullica that "l'etat c'est moi". No phrase better encapsulates the state of the country after 14 years of his presidency. Tughluq brought about a unity government that had bent to him for these fourteen years, only challenged by Nazim al-Qutayni, but a month ago over the fatal Sfira incident. And even this 'president destroying event' that the Euclean and Asterian medias proclaimed would bring about the downfall of the President, and perhaps escalate supposed infighting, was solved by 'Tsabara's Great Statesman' who announced that the negotiations with the military units in Sfira had 'concluded.' Indeed today saw the second wave of hostages released from the base, as per the negotiated terms between the government and the mutinous soldiers. Alongside opposition leader Aryeh Kahlon, head of the APP, he is seen as a key figure in the transition to democracy from the Communalist Regime.

Ministerial sources have not delved into the specifics of the death of the President, stating that the "official coroner's report" is underway. Speculation has suggested the president's cause of death ranges from a stroke, to a brain hemorrhage, a heart-attack and even some believing it was 'old age.' Skeptics and conspiracy theorists have already begun postulating that the President has been 'assassinated', with some arguing that the far-right of his coalition are behind his death. Many point to the radical Irfanic cleric Sheik Faizad Salah, once a supporter of the President, who recently called him a 'traitor' for negotiating with the soldiers in Sfira. Further still, elements of the right wing of the National Irfanic Party have blamed the supporters of the 'traitor' Nazim al-Qutayni, leader of the Party for Irfanic Democracy, who left the coalition earlier in September.

Nazim al-Qutayni has dismissed these claims as: "incredulous falsehoods" and "slander of the highest degree." He further added that "al-Tughluq was my friend. A mistaken friend, who did his best for this nation and came to his senses, it seems, just before he passed on."

A question remains on the lips of most Tsabarans: "what happens now?" The Constitution on this matter is ambiguous and unclear. In these times of crises, Yahya Al-Aboud, the Prime Minister, has declared to the House of Representatives that he will "assume both roles" as per constitutional tradition. Both Nazim al-Qutayni and Aryeh Kahlon have regarded this move as "one of a dictator" and have called on the Prime Minister to resign, saying the constitution "does not grant him that authority."

Al-Aboud has stressed it is "merely transitional." Yet his actions have left the possibility of a returning government majority close to nil, as al-Qutayni has already explicitly expressed "we shall not compromise with dictators" and refused to enter coalition talks until al-Aboud steps down from both of his roles.

Al-Aboud has not yet commented on this and has focused his commentary today on "the grief that the nation is feeling following the death of its beloved leader. We shall continue to do the noble work that the President set in motion, even if we must change the means and methods in which peace and stability will be achieved."

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:14 pm

Marilyn Albridge - 7 October 2019

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Relations between Tsabaran and the EC soured under al-Tughluq's as democracy was eroded.
Euclea - Following reports in the Tsabaran press about the sudden and unexpected passing of President Atwan al-Tughluq, a number of top Euclean officials have expressed concern about stability in the troubled Badawiyan nation and the threats facing its democratic institutions.

The 83 year old al-Tugluq has held the office since 2005 and has transformed Tsabara from a secular consociatial federation to what was effectively an Irfanic state. Throughout his tenure he eroded democracy, attacked the country's independent institutions, and ushered in an era of political Irfan, bringing new challenges to a nation built on secularism. His disregard for democracy and its institutions saw Tsabara suspended by the International Council for Democracy, with relations between the democratic world and Tsabara reaching their all time low.

In recent years, the Atudite population, which accounts for nearly one third of the nation's total population, has come under increasing scrutiny and repression by al-Tugluq and his allies. Over the past year a low-level insurgency by Atudite militias has launched, and recently an elite section of the Tsabaran armed forces seized one of the largest military installations in the country after al-Tugluq ordered the army be segregated on religious lines. The standoff lasted nearly a month, but after controversy within his own government and the exit of a key ally he changed course.

The unexpected death of Tsabara's longtime president marks the onset of a growing stage of uncertainty in a nation built around the persona of the so-called "Great Statesman". Conspiracy swirls around the nature of his death, with factions in the country pointing fingers at one another.

Prime Minister Yahya Al-Aboud has announced he plans to temporarily assume the powers of the presidency in addition to his current office. However, this has been criticized by rivals and key figures in Tsabaran politics.

The situation has been described as "deeply concerning" by EC President Alexis Walker. She has been a prominent critic of al-Tugluq and the erosion of democracy in Tsabara, but said that his death could result "in a power vacuum desperate to be filled" if the nation's democratic institutions were "not allowed to perform as designed".

"This is a deeply concerning matter, with a real potential for conflict. The worsening security in Tsabara over the past few months is testament to the volatility we could see".

The Euclean Community and Euclean governments have expressed their alarm over the situation, issuing calls for democracy to be upheld and urging the various factions in Tsabara to work together to prevent conflict.

Estmerish Foreign Secretary Anne Buckett echoed President Walker's sentiments, arguing that the issue of presidential succession"is the greatest threat currently facing Tsabara". The prime minister has gone further, however, warning that the power vacuum that was being created "could be easily filled by Zorasan and its puppets".

"We must remain vigilant, we must safe-guard democracy, and we must ensure that the rogue Zorasani regime does not place a stranglehold around a foreign nation" Reginald Wilton-Smyth said earlier today.

Sylvaine Lambert, the Gaullican Foreign Minister warned that "The Euclean Community, and the world, should be prepared for the fallout of this. We must support the institutions of Tsabaran democracy."

President Walker has announced she plans to hold a meeting of the EC's foreign ministers in Kesselbourg to discuss the situation and to coordinate efforts to "support and uphold the democratic institutions in Tsabara".

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:14 pm

Camille Chamoun - Tishri 20, 5780 / Doshanbeh: 25. Mehr 1398 / 19 October 2019

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Al-Aboud calls for arrest of Nazim al-Qutayni and dissolution of PID, claiming ties to 'Lions' terrorist group.

Nazim, a vocal critic of the President-Prime Minister, has not been in the capital since Wednesday.
Adunis, Adunis Province - President and Prime Minister Yahya al-Aboud has called for the arrest of opponent Nazim al-Qutayni and the dissolution of the Party for Irfanic Democracy, citing allegations of collaboration with terrorists in an attempt to 'undermine the authority of the elected Tsabaran government.'

Al-Qutayni, who left the Movement for National Rejuvenation over disagreements with the President and a 'circumnavigation of [his] authority' continued his criticism of Tughluq's successor, President al-Aboud. He referred to him as a "constitutional usurper" with "no authority" and declared him to his supporters to be a "fanatic who has dreamt of power and naught-else." Within the session of the House in which al-Aboud declared himself Tughluq's successor as per the constitution - a fact not accepted by any of the opposition parties - Nazim argued that he was "spineless, a puppet of Zahedan and a traitor', adding that his approach to Sfira 'would undo the great works of rapprochement done by the President."

Al-Aboud fired back, arguing that his belief in continued negotiations with the 'terrorists at Sfira' meant an undermining of the authority of the elected government of Adunis. He called al-Qutayni a "man with terrorist sympathies", adding "that is why he resigned." Members of the PID were then escorted out from the House of Representatives after one threw his podium at the Prime Minister.

The hardline against the Sfira mutineers by the government has caused concern across all forms of political, military and civilian life in the Federation. Numerous citizens have expressed concern to their news stations, with several thousand tweeting, texting and phoning 'Le Fédéraliste' to make their voices heard. One user, who wishes to remain anonymous, texted us stating that: "I live in Qaa, and I can hear the gunfire. The shelling. The explosions. The negotiations are over, it is back to fighting now."

Another said: "I fear Sfira will now only be the beginning."

Aryeh Kahlon, leader of the APP, tweeted that "the actions of this farcical government have left many Atudites with little choice. It is now a fight for the right to exist in our country, against a tyrant worse than we feared al-Tughluq could ever be."

The arrest warrant issued for Nazim al-Qutayni has been unsuccessful. The party leader and now symbol of resistance against the government has not been seen in the capital since Wednesday morning. It is speculated he has fled to friendlier territory. He did tweet, however, that "I will not comply with the directives and arrest warrants of a traitor. Let Zorasan come try to arrest me, you filth, for Tsabara is at my side."

Radical Irfanic Cleric Sheik Salah has called on for Nazim to "face justice for his crimes against the Federation." This sentiment has been echoed by many of his followers.

However, noted police chiefs who served under Nazim al-Qutayni during his tenure as the Interior Minister have been stubborn in accepting the orders from the government. One chief belayed the order, apparently granting time for the wanted-man to escape to his safe-zone.

With the increased turmoil across the Federation in reaction to the President-Prime Ministers new approaches to his inherited situations, it is yet unknown if he will be successful in reigning what he called 'troublesome politicians' who have been branded as terrorists. It is also yet unknown where Nazim has disappeared to: if a domestic safe-zone or an international one, none know but he and his close-confidants.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:14 pm

Camille Chamoun - Tishri 20, 5780 / Doshanbeh: 25. Mehr 1398 / 19 October 2019

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Sheik Salah warns of "plots and schemes" against the government in wake of Al-Qutayni arrest warrant

Sheik Faizan Salah addressing members of the League of the Righteous.
Sidi Amar, Juraynah Province - Sheik Faizan Salah has addressed thousands of supporters in Sidi Amar, where he called on “pious and patriotic citizens” to “hunt down and apprehend the traitor Al-Qutayni.” The popular cleric also denounced the national legislature as a “hindrance to the salvation of Tsabara from the evils and violence of the Lions and Atudite terrorism.”

Addressing supporters in his hometown of Sidi Amar in Juraynah province, the cleric and leader of the League of the Righteous, was stark in his warning, “we are approaching the crossroads, where the breakthrough to ensuring equality, freedom and dignity of all Badawiyans, or the traitors and their Atudite terrorist allies defeat us and consign us to oppression and dispossession.”

He also warned that the government under Yahya Aboud was facing “coordinated forces designed to bring down Tsabara and restore the racist past.” He said further, “the traitors under that Atudite puppet al-Qutayni are working with the Atudite extremists and their Euclean masters to undermine the progress made by our president. Who they killed!”

Since the sudden death of President Atwan al-Tughluq two-weeks ago, the hardliners of the Irfanic Coalition have rallied around Sheik Salah, who was swift to blame both moderates led by Nazim Al-Qutayni and the Atudites for his death. Social media accounts tied to the League of the Righteous have been circulating conspiracy theories and fact-checked lies that President al-Tughluq was eager to avoid granting further concessions, only then to be assassinated by Atudites with moderate support.

In his speech, Sheik Salah further said, “they killed him because the Atudites want to enslave us Badawiyans and pious Irfani, the traitors killed him because al-Qutayni wants power and to sell our soil and labour to the Eucleans. We must resist their plots and schemes; we must be strong and resist” receiving loud cheers from the crowd.

The cleric also reaffirmed his personal and the LR’s support for Yahya Aboud who currently holds both offices of Prime Minister and President, a controversial move that has recently escalated political tensions.

“I offer my personal support and trust in brother Aboud, who has been bold in his actions and rhetoric. I am certain that all brothers and sisters of the League back our leader as he confronts the enemies of Tsabara and progress. Because if he stands alone, we will all be cast down and oppressed” he said.

Sheik Salah emerged as a popular and influential political force in 2014 when and several other mid-ranking clerics formed the League of the Righteous, a colossal charitable organisation that runs soup kitchens, shelters, donation runs, medical care for the poorest and a series of clubs and societies. The LR’s ties to Bonyads in Zorasan has been a source of criticism, especially in 2017 when it was revealed that the LR receives funding from the Imam Ardashir Bonyad for the Dispossessed; a large body with close ties to the Zorasani military.

In 2016, President al-Tughluq formally aligned himself and his National Irfanic Party to the LR, hoping to use its vast network for votes and campaigning. In exchange, the president is believed to have made the push for his more controversial laws rolling back Atudite and minority rights. Many within the Party for Irfanic Democracy, and Nazim al-Qutayni, reportedly found Sheik Salah’s influence over the late president “disturbing.” At least 28 MPs of the NIP are also members of the LR, most of whom constitute the core hardliner faction.

The government’s arrest warrant for Nazim al-Qutayni has escalated the political crisis to all new heights, while unconfirmed reports that pro-government elements of the military are distributing weapons to the League of the Righteous have further enflamed tensions.

The LR dismissed reports of its members being armed or trained by the military as “Eucleo-Atudite propaganda aimed at dividing and destroying our country.”

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:15 pm

Camille Chamoun - Tishri 23, 5780 / Doshanbeh: 28. Mehr 1398 / 19 October 2019

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Situation in Adunis deteriorates as Al-Aboud declares martial-law.

The self-declared President has found himself in an increasing volatile scenario in the capital.
Adunis, Adunis Province - The President-Premier has found himself in an increasingly hostile environment, sources close to the government have said. Recent anti-government demonstrations across Adunis turned violent, particularly around Synagoges and Mosques. Police, who were deployed by the government in an attempt to "oversee the peaceful democratic right to protest" began to engage and brawl protesters near the Grand Assembly.

This has prompted the President-Premier, in an address to a mostly empty House of Representatives, to use his executive authority to declare the city of Adunis under a state of martial law. "Remember your curfews. Do not be out by 18:00pm. This is for your own safety. The city must be wrestled back from those who would seek to undermine the authority of this house and the nation."

Protests have entered their seventh day in Adunis. Originally beginning as a reaction to Al-Aboud's consolidation of his political power through his constitutionally ambiguous self-declaration as President, the protests soon turned into support for Nazim al-Qutayni. al-Qutayni was recently declared a criminal and terrorist sympathiser by the government, issuing an arrest warrant for him on Friday.

However, counter-protesters riled up by the warnings issued by Imam Salah. Salah, a radical and closely associated with the political leanings of Al-Aboud's wing of the National Irfanic Party. These counter-protesters disrupted numerous demonstrations, prompting an increase in violence from the anti-government protests. Calamity and confusion broke out in the Tughluq-Kahlon square. The police began breaking up the fights, yet numerous sources on the ground, viral videos and tweets seemed to be implying that several detachments of police officers and riot police proceeded to fight amongst themselves.

Speculation has arisen that the infighting amidst policing groups might be correlated to split loyalties. Nazim al-Qutayni was polled amongst the police-forces as a "popular", "understanding" and "dedicated" champion of their causes. The engagements may have arisen out of a sense of loyalty to the man who they are now legally hunting down for crimes.

More than 18,000 policemen and women are expected to be deployed to Adunis tonight, with an unspecified amount of military personnel. Al-Aboud has threatened the use of force if "demonstrators do not comply with the curfew." Projections indicate a limited number of troop movements, with individuals living in and around Qaa giving reports and testimony of 'heavy fighting' in the area.

Following the news of the declaration of martial law, Le Fédéraliste understands that all members of the APP wrote a joint open-letter to Al-Aboud, resigning their positions as Representatives and "no longer recognising the authority of the Grand Assembly and its leader." Members of the Party for Irfanic Democracy have done the same, yet supposedly independently of the orders of Nazim al-Qutayni whose location is currently unknown.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:16 pm

Camille Chamoun - Tishri 27, 5780 / Doshanbeh: 5. Aban 1398 / 27 October 2019

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Chaos across the country as simultaneous protests against government enter second week.

Individuals have painted themselves in clown or jester make-up, as symbol against the 'Jokers' in government.
Adunis, Adunis Province - Anti-government protests across the country have entered their second week, as pressure mounts on Yayha Al-Aboud to maintain order. The protests began over the President-Premier declaring himself President through a legally uncertain means within the constitution. Planned protests and strikes began on the day, with their continuation and increasing turnout in cities such as Adunis, Qaa, Zahana and others has prompted a police crackdown by the government.

Counter-protests launched by those loyal to the government have seen large-scale civilian-on-civilian violence in numerous urban centres, even as the police tried to set up zones of free protest. Tear gas, batons and even improvised barricades composed of vehicles were used to disperse and direct the crowd at yesterday's rally in Adunis, which saw violence erupt between even police and security forces.

So far, in a gesture he described as respectful to the democratic processes, the President-Premier has dismissed the use of military-grade force, citing that "it hasn't come to that." Many of his critics have decried that Mr. Al-Aboud no longer has control over the military to command them to do his bidding.

Indeed, Mr. Aboud's lack of control over the situation has prompted many of the protesters to adorn themselves in clown masks or white face-paint. The movement is seen to criticise the 'jokers' or 'clowns' in government. Aryeh-Kahlon, who has been participating in the anti-government protests in Adunis, called Aboud a "coward". He would add that "of course he's a clown! He's also a puppet, on strings plucked by radicals, zealots and Zorasan!"

During a televised address to the nation, Al-Aboud decried these brand of protesters as little more than "traitors" with little to no serious demands, merely rioting for the sake of it. He said that these are "people who wanted to watch the world burn."

A video of Nazim al-Qutayni was released online, in which he calls on the protesters to "never give up". He promised that "change was coming" and gave a short laugh, in which he waved it off and expressed that the public "wouldn't understand." His message, in which he calls out Al-Aboud for his "anti-democratic processes" has become a rally-cry and point of hope. Individuals express empathy with Nazim, who is on a government wanted list for 'treason', which many consider to be farcical. It is presumed that the former leader of the PID has fled to a strong PID constituency, such as those in the north of the country.

The infighting seen across protest movements and the general instability they have caused is mirrored almost in the rumours of skirmishes reigniting across the country, split on sectarian and ethnic lines. Several videos that the government has removed due to their 'fearmongering' depicted Atudite units of the army moving through suburbs of Qaa, exchanging fire with a yet unknown enemy. Mr Aboud decried the video as "fake news", explaining its removal as "deterring extremism on the basis of false narratives. Deterring extremism that would have happened because of these videos and movies. Needless extremism, because this isn't happening!"

The protests are expected to continue, as the government has refused to sit down to negotiate. A government spokesperson was rumoured to say that the citizens would need their "incomes soon" and then the crowd should disperse.

A spokesperson for the protesters, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "it wasn't about money. It's about sending a message."

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BShapiro · 1 hour ago
Can't we all just sit down and talk about this with civility?

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Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
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The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
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The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:16 pm

Camille Chamoun - Cheshvan 4 5780 / Shanbeh: 11. Aban 1398 / 2 November 2019

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Seven regional governments threaten implementing processes of secession if Al-Aboud does not call elections and step-down.

Aryeh Kahlon, leader of the APP and keen opposition leader to Al-Aboud,
announced he was fully behind the states' declaration.
Savyon, Gederot Province - At an emergency meeting of the Atudite People's Party in Savyon, Gederot, Aryeh Kahlon has announced that seven regional governments have put forward an ultimatum to Yayha Al-Aboud: 'Leave, or we will.'

The emergency summit between the party's leaders was called a day ago and already it seems to have reached a clear consensus. The APP controls 9 of the province legislatures, six of which it holds either in a majority or with a coalition. Two of the remaining three are held in minority governments with supply-and-demand agreements with other parties. Adunis, the third, is constitutionally required to hold an Atudite-Irfanic coalition.

The seven provinces that have threatened secession are: Yeruham (APP-PID), Karmiel (APP), Levahim (APP-E&P), Gederot (APP), Masar (APP), Eilat (APP) and Tzoran (APP). The three remaining provinces, Adunis (APP-NIP), Boukhadra (APP-NU) and Netanya (APP-NU-DE) have announced their "immense opposition" to this plan. Adunis, for obvious reasons of instability - but Boukhadra and Netanya have expressed their concerns of "abandonment" in a secession scenario, decrying it as "divisive and extremist". The local governments of both provinces declared that Kahlon was "betraying the principles of the cosocial state."

Mr. Kahlon told his opponent, Yayha Al-Aboud: "the ball is in your court now. We want you to end this farcical charade. Stop pretending the constitution allows you to do this. It does not. Call an election. Leave your appropriated office. Leave, or we will." He would add that: "You are not the president. You have no mandate. No authority. You brandish your political opponents as terrorists, traitors or betrayers. We give you this one chance to preserve the cosocial union. Look around you as protests erupt across this nation, as you worsen the Sfira situation due to your extremism. Call an election and call it now!"

Whilst the slogan "Leave, or we will." has picked up immense steam on social media and as an anti-government slogan, other opponents of the government have decried Kahlon's tactics as "holding the country to ransom." Nazim al-Qutayni called on Kahlon to "meet with [him]" to "further discuss their shared goals", suggesting that he felt secession would not solve the "issues at the heart of Tsabaran society." The Secular Popular Front, widely regarded as the heirs of the Communalist Regime, have stated that secession would "leave countless poor" on either side.

Supporters of the government have called Kahlon out as a "Eucelan traitor" who wants to "destabilise the region for their interests." Others have concluded that "secession" is not permitted under the Tsabaran union, which describes the state as 'one and indivisible.'

The government has yet to officially respond, but members of the National Irfanic Party have called out the suggestion as "more examples of the traitorous nature of the APP", whilst they applauded the legislatures of Boukhadra and Netanya for rejecting Kahlon's plans. They decried him as a "power-hungry blind man, leading assemblies of the blind."

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Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:16 pm

Camille Chamoun - 7 Cheshvan, 5780 / Seshhanbeh: 14. Aban 1398 / 5 November 2019

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BREAKING Acting President Yahya Aboud declares martial law and suspends constitution

Acting President Yahya Aboud called for unity against "separatists and terrorists"
Adunis, Adunis Province - In response to the threat of secession seven Atudite-majority provinces, President-Premier Yahya Aboud has declared martial law, suspended the constitution and dissolved the Grand Assembly. Addressing the nation, he said, “it is without question our nation faces its greatest challenge. But by being bold and fearless, we will defeat those traitors in our nation, aided and abetted by those outside it and restore Tsabara to peace.”

Following an emergency cabinet meeting last night, this morning, President-Premier Yahya Aboud decided to take the most drastic action afforded to him by the constitution. In an emotional televised address to the country, he said, “in face of the growing terrorist and traitorous threats, I have decided after much discussion with my cabinet, to officially declare martial law across the entire federation. This will also be supported by the immediate suspension of the constitution and dissolution and closure of the Grand Assembly.”

“The federal government will be suspending all state-level administrations and instituting direct control from Adunis. A national curfew will be put in place and a ban on public demonstrations will be enforced as of midnight tonight” he further said.

“This government, as with any Tsabaran government has a duty to protect and maintain the territorial integrity of the nation, when this is threatened it must take whatever action necessary. If there are those among us who seek to divide and destroy our country, to you I say, beware and ready yourselves. We will unite against you and we will destroy you” he threatened, widely accepted as a threat against the Atudite provincial governments who threatened secession yesterday.

With the constitution suspended, all protected rights and laws on law enforcement and liberty have been made void. The President-Premier explained that, “with the suspension of the constitution, we are granted the means and ways to pursue national enemies and threats and deal with them in a manner benefitting the severity of the crisis we find ourselves in.”

With the Grand Assembly closed the status of political parties stands unknown, however, the acting president hinted in his address that parties "engaged against the government and integrity of the nation, will face swift and decesive action." The government had earlier argued that the Atudite People's Party's threat to secede seven provinces broke constitutional law, making it liable for banning.

The acting president however argued that this move would be temporary, “once the situation is calmed, once those who seek to dismember our country are dealt with, the constitution will be restored, martial law lifted. Only once our country is safe, can the rights and liberties we hold dear be restored.”

The acting president then urged for unity saying, “our country has been tested in the past, the bonds that bind us as Tsabarans have remained strong. Now is the time for our bonds to be renewed in face of separatism, terrorism and foreign interference. We cannot allow the arrogant to break up our country and we cannot allow Euclea to weaken us. May our holy land and holy nation stand united and strong and together, we will overcome.”

The government has since announced that as of midnight tonight, all forms of protest will be banned, and army units will be deployed to clear the streets. A curfew of 7.30pm to 6am will be introduced tomorrow, with violations of curfew being punishable by imprisonment. Suspected members of separatist or terrorist groups will be detained without trial for unlimited period.
We will bring more information as it is received.

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Last edited by Liecthenbourg on Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.

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Posts: 13137
Founded: Jan 21, 2013
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Liecthenbourg » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:17 pm

Le Monde Online Image

Aboud announces dissolution of PID and

The self-declared President has outlawed two of his largest
rivals, amidst fears of secession.

Their outlawing across the Federation comes just days after efforts to threaten the government with secession by several Atudite majority states.



08:09 EST - 7 Nov 2019

Camille Chamoun Image

BREAKING: Videos have emerged of brawls between riot-police and the forces called in by al-Aboud. Clashes seen and expected across all of downtown Adunis.



11:45 EST - 7 Nov 19

Camille Chamoun Image

BREAKING: People have filmed and recorded, posted and tweeted about further troop movements from the north of the city. Clashes in city are mirrored by rioting and demonstrations against curfew.



11:45 EST - 7 Nov 19
Impeach Ernest Jacquinot Legalise Shooting Communists The Gold Standard Needs To Be Abolished Duclerque 1919
Grand-Master of the Kyluminati

The Region of Kylaris
I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

The Gaullican Republic,
I thank God for Three Things:
Kylaris, the death of Esquarium, and Prem <3

The Transtsabaran Federation and The Chistovodian Workers' State

To understand European history watch these: Cultural erosion, German and Italian history, a brief history of Germany.



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