The Hunt For the BlinD BEAST [FREE FOR ALL]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The Hunt For the BlinD BEAST [FREE FOR ALL]

Postby Chechilistan » Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:56 am

The Hunt For The blind Beast

Is me, Satuhamn Subhuman, mercanary who is work for them cheches. is come me from world another. We is guard the biorders with \Noskorvnitzsa. One day, 1 year ago is ring bell... EMERGENCY! DRILL! Military is train powerfull, or not...

Meand unit go in woods beyond concrete wall and wire fence. A total of is a lot people, split up to 3 batches of 3 eaches. Me is with mercanary friends Dyrven Petokrak und Koremko Pujkata, Supervisor sergeant Mathers supervise us from tower tops. he is the basel, the basest. Hone is buzz buzz HQ, "Hows like the situatiomal, [rovate Subhuman!? Private?"
Me asks the answer,
=Alls fine my duder Sir!
But then is hear shuffle in bush, big roar in woods, in t forrests. Siren screetch, unit comrade Dyrven is report on radio
"help, aaah, help me kurwaaa! : but is then silence. Where's friendy ytgybgyygttfvjkgh<. Me can't see a any thing in fog and is dark bj b time 2 succc, Dark nigh only projector make ray of light and tree from shadow.

Hear beastly roar, dark gifure figure kurwa from shadow skip to dark and behind tree trunk and woods. Only such is see, no other. Turn on is sergeant Mathers him night vision gogles. See is nothing, only darkness. Void come and take him too, only distant scream is hear. Beastly figure continue roar in bush, what happen with friends? Unit is dead. Me radio in other unit near us, that of Duplan the H :clap: man :clap: :clap: an :clapble : and the guy Alberto Kucha Mutra. 'disappear my coomrade mpeoples, where is go you? Report back and out."
Alberto answer with mutra kuchanska, -we also hear beast sounds whats happen? This is no part of mission man.
Answer is I, "I know patuchka, barluka, but I am scare,, me not want to b e d i e :'(. Then I hear gurgul from radio station thing, walkie talkie silence only buzzing sound. Then I hear munch, crunch and crying. Alberto hear is say, "forgive mother for me bang so little chicks, aaaa" and silence. Me is alone now in this sector quadrant. Report to HQ, they say me to return to HQ military. Run, but hear leaves crunch under pressure of the heavy foot. Its here, it coming. I see behind me, dragging the corpse of Dyrven is a big hairy beast, horns and teeth sharp as a cechlo. In front of my I stumple and fall. It is on the foot of soldier. I prepare rifle and open fire upon darkness figure with horns, it roars and hides behind bush. I see, foot is bleed. it was slash by beastler. And I see, I was stumble on foot,. Then I see face horrific in blood, it is it. My man Koremko Pujkata is deaded hard. Him had head rip off of body, spine intact under head. Him is dead ;-; noooo. Then I see dead corpse of Dyrven and Duplan the human fly at me. I get knock out of action, hear roar and smell approach, heavy foots on ground again. THe beast is coming. It has no eye but I can feel the stare right in soul. It is clear as projector reflect on fur and face. Has horns, sharp teeth, grin but no eyes. Only holes and fur. It is it, THE BLIND BEAST. I shoot it with my AK-47. I run away and it goes back into woods.

I report in HQ and nobody believe me but is sAY WILL investigate the occurance. Here is drawing of beast, the Blind Beast.

Taken down by chech government

A week after interrogation and questioning I am relieved from service. Now I receive cash strong and they told me to not tell to anyone this event of the Blind b|east. THey say in high command, "we will do the research and probably you hit some mushroom and got the high."

I saw the bodies, the black bags bodybags in which they been, everything. cause of death was explosivse. Fishy. Me have teories, that it is from Noskjorvnitsa secret human project, or another chech beast, or supersoldier of the noskorvians, or alien thing. Whatever it is, Satuham is coming for it.

I want to hunt this beast wthat kill my comrades. I want it destoried. So me, Satuham Subhuman is search for cooperators. You can contact me via gmail at or my phone number +434 4151 14914. Or via message. I have gun, reach out for more info. THanks.

meanwhile, general Pripoplan think of situation, him is to order the military to hunt the Blind Beast as well, the chech ministry of defence secret sector X-Chechilo wants to know what this creature is. They ready to deploy everything, even the best comandos Prashutalian.

Welcome lady and gentleman to THE HUNT FOR THE BLIND BEAST. Choose what side to join and with who to cooperate for you to find this beast, what is tis and how powerfull? One way to find out, choose with what to work. Satuham, the chech military or otehr hunters? Your choice!

Sorry for bad english , men, me is trying hard. Free for all is this RP, contact me or Noskorvnitsza first.
Last edited by Chechilistan on Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dova checha sa kravni na redin
-King President Mr Chech
Theres ones were this greating land called Chechilistan, these one lands of one prosperity and alot might
the land's of the chech, for its is sacred and soiled in cheching blood
home of many subchech speicies, magical place for the peoples,
the beauty of Chechilistans lying on the everywhere
Military, powerfull, now in warring
Times worrying, will strong
Chechilistan will overcome
Chechilistan will serve
Long life Chechilistan!

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Posts: 1
Founded: Mar 09, 2019

Postby Noskorvnitzsa » Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:35 am

A day as dark as ever this was. The sun's rays were bleeding through the thick clouds, whom were hovering as dark bodies of mass. A group of noskorvian spec ops were below then. They were deployed due to a distress call from a patrol querran unit. The noskorvians didn't quite like their human companions but it was crucial for the species to cooperate. Querrals were humans and they were quite racist, only liking their fellow noskorvians whom were the most powerful species of Noskorvnitzsa after the humans. During the last civil war, the two kinds were united and together they began dominating the other kinds of Noskorvnitzsa with a brutal fist.

Anyhow the elite noskorv commandos had to travel to an abandoned village near the border with Chechilistan. This was in the state of Łehūtïæ where many forces were saturated. The region of the village Besmüthïã was known for rebel activity from the blatnik species. They were living in swamps and abducted many civilians, especially humans. Upon arrival, commander Kodý Nadenitzsa reported into the intercom.
"Unit 737 to HQ Œrta, we see no signs of enemy activity. We are in sector A5 on the grid, 10km deep into hostile territory. Nothing attacked our two Brēnka APCs during the duration of the trip."
"Copy that. Retrieve the bodies of the querrals and investigate. Over and out."

Commander Nadenitzsa forwarded the orders to his unit of noskrov commandos. The APCs came to a halt due to the village being in front of them. The unit had to venture into the buildings on foot. Sergeant Tołöeu pulled out a tablet with the map of the region on it. They were in sector A6 on the grid, just at the beginning of the medium-sized village. Thin mist was coming out of a house nearby, fog was dropping from the nearby hill.
"Let's leave 3 people guarding. Privates Marcó and Ůgdœlo with Sergeant Benīskó will do this task."
Then the rest departed into the village, fingers on the triggers and in a formation. 17 men, 17 fates. Commander Kodý Nadenitzsa was with Lieutenant Řeço Tektôlòm at the front of the formation. The group moved down the main street and soon, a private discovered an arm on a bush.
"Holy heck! Look here!" And then he vomited. The commander whipped out a black nylon bag and put the hand in it.
"Crazy stuff. Keep your eyes set, soldiers..." Kodý said, "Those two houses are our destination. Go!"
The unit split into two and stormed the houses. To their shock and terror, they found the bodies of many civilians. Some were gutted, others had missing limbs, many had gashing wounds from big nails. There were even huge bite marks on some children's corpses. Adults were missing body parts. Most battle-hardened noskorv commandos couldn't resist and went out.
"Set up a perimeter." ordered the commander. The commandos guarding the entrances stood on watch while 4 other soldiers marched around the two houses. Lieutenant Řeço Tektôlòm took photos of the scene while Commander Nadenitzsa saw something. The fire in the furnace was still burning. "Primitive stuff..." he thought to himself. He extinguished the fire before it spread and reported to HQ.

The other house was similar in inner composition. The only difference that there was the body of a querral soldier in the furnace. They found a map in front of said furnace. After examination they spotted a circle in quadrant A7, near the swamp.
"Damn these swamp people, it was them!"
The body of the fallen comrade was retrieved and left in the house for later. They hurried to the location near the swamp, seeing a platoon of querran "Hunter" APCs and 2 IP21A jeeps. Their doors were opened and the vehicles were surrounded by blatnik (swamp people) corpses. Peculiar this sight was.
Where were the querral patroolers? The sniper of the team went into cover, the machine gunner residing in the bushes. They were ready for an ambush or something. Commander Kodý ordered the establishment of a perimeter around the abandoned APCs. The whole village was deserted as well.
"Commander Nadenitzsa reporting. We found massacred civilians as well as own forces. Both were viciously murdered. The APCs were surrounded by swamp people corpses. Something is very fishy."
Kodý was interrupted by shouting, it was comrade Ptiçê. He found the unconscious body of Commander Peter Harrinson under a pile of rubble.
"What heppend, human?!" asked him Nasenitzsa after Peter woke up.
"I... I saw him..." the human stuttered, "it is here. No eyes. Claws, dread. Death." The commander was in shock and shaking. "Destroyed whole unit just like... that" he continued.
"Wtf is he saying" wondered all present.
"Let's return back to HQ, Commander." suggested Řeço Tektôlòm.
Then a scream shattered the silence and everything became foggy. "Our sniper Eskimo!" exclaimed Kodý. That was his scream. Unit 737 drew guns ready. Two commandos readily went to the sniper's position and only his bloodied precision rifle was there. Roaring could be heard. Another private saw the moving shadow of a beastly creature running fast behind the trees, near the swampy grounds.
"HERE. IT HERE." screamed in horror Peter. The machine gunner sparked the position with endless bullets. The grunting stopped. The commandos were relieved. Captain Hūblosț went to see the creature but it was gone. Only a melted TK-74 rifle was there, along with the querran battle insignia of the patroolers. The captain didn't return.
"Quick name call!" shouted the commander. Four commandos were missing. The machine gunner wasn't in the bushes. A quick decision was made to board the nearby vehicles.

Upon entering, the soldiers were hit by a horrendous stench. The vehicles were uncontrollable. The fog's misty fingers crept through the houses, covering the group of commandos in its white shadow. Nothing could be seen beyond 10 meters.

The situation was the following: an unknown creature emerged from the woods and snatched a few comrades, others were hiding in deserted stinky APCs. They couldn't see anything. Commander Kodý used his intercom to contact the guards of their machines, privates Marcó, Ůgdœlo and Sergeant Benīskó.
"We are... khhh... un.... at... ck.... khhh..."
"What the hell are you saying, its constantly buzzing Sir!" answered Benīskó.
"Hhhhhhh... ...lpppp"

Weird screeching was heard outside the APC in which were Commander Nadenitzsa and Lieutenant Řeço along with 2 other noskorvs. After 30 minutes of waiting, they emerged out of the vehicle, hearing no scratching as well. There were huge claw marks and melted steel on the "Hunter" APC. The one beside it was burning and the querran Peter's uniform was there, no body in it.
"Report Ptiçê and Uģreşkœ."
"Bzzz zbzzz kfhhh"
Kodý was shaken, his unit was almost erased.
He decided, "We're booking it, let's go back to our rides. Fast!"
The 4 men-noskorvs started running back in the direction they came from, Nadenitzsa leading them. While in the middle of the way, a scream was uttered, along with demonic growling.
"No time to bleed, run!"
At around 69 meters before the friendly forces, the Lieutenant stumbled with the other commando. Nadenitzsa couldn't hear them from the adrenaline. While trying to get their feet out of the barbed wire, the beast itself emerged from the fog. Their TK-47 rifles went off but couldn't harm the thing. It had no eyes but could clearly walk with ease. "A BIPEDALAN?" shouted Řeço. Speaking into his walkie talkie, Řeço said:
The two noskorvians were no more. Only Nadenitzsa reached the APCs, hearing death sounds and shooting behind him.
"What happened commander?!"
"No time to explain, just go go go."
Private Ůgdœlo put out his cigarette and started the APC, Marcó jump on the back of the APC, Benīskó went inside with Kodý. The commander's head popped out of the hatch and he saw the big dark figure approaching him. It stood at over 3 meters, big horns and claws. The APC accelerated fasr and the beast started running. Markó screamed and Kodý closed the hatch.

Back at the HQ

Kodý Nadenitzsa, Benīskó and Ůgdœlo were the sole survivors. Markó was missing. Unit 737 was no more. The noskorvians were questioned by the Querran High Command and the Noskorvian Military Inspectorate. The Government was also involved. They all believed the noskorvians and it was decided that the Besmüthïã village was to be monitored by helicopters, and the sector would be cut off.

General Major Ťułłith Ťrüffērț was put in charge of all operations regarding the destruction of the village, the murder of the civilians and military personnel, as well as hunting down whatever caused this havoc. The Official Paranormal Research Organisation, a branch of the Governmental Services took part as well.
The Government itself speculated that it was a doing of the cheches since they had such creatures. Spy reports didn't indicate of any experimentation. Other suspects were Great Polytopia, Ko4land, Icewraith Industries, Aspartanlox and Great Slavyaniya. These were countries known for meddling in international politics and having reasonable competencies.

We reach out to the international community to help us solve the following case: the disappearance of 37 military operators, the eradication of 44 civilians and the deaths of 9 swamp people in our state of Łehūtïæ, Noskorvnitzsa. Contact us for further information. Information regarding our operations are strictly confidential.
-Misters Œlkœ Yůpķķer and Tompson Danielson, main OPRO managers
Last edited by Noskorvnitzsa on Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Chechilistan » Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:28 pm

For you to play don't write me an message, simply fill out form:
Place of origin:
Other facts (weapons, description etc)
Throughout story will develop your people. Know that Chechilistan me, is to play with Satuham, the chech governtment entities and other chech organisations. You can play with other severals as possible too.
So choose alignment, be it with Satuham, the chech government, the defence ministry or secret chech forces. Your nation can play as own hunt squad, align to none. You choose how to hunt the Blind Beast.

Know that the bBlind Beast is paranormales creatue and can kill easily. So dont surprise if happen is somethigg.

Have fun and play nice!!1
Dova checha sa kravni na redin
-King President Mr Chech
Theres ones were this greating land called Chechilistan, these one lands of one prosperity and alot might
the land's of the chech, for its is sacred and soiled in cheching blood
home of many subchech speicies, magical place for the peoples,
the beauty of Chechilistans lying on the everywhere
Military, powerfull, now in warring
Times worrying, will strong
Chechilistan will overcome
Chechilistan will serve
Long life Chechilistan!

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Posts: 47
Founded: Dec 12, 2016

Postby Ko4land » Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:42 am

Character(s): Ko4 Mistborn ( also named Ko4 Metal)
Alignment(s): The Chech Government, Ko4land Special Forces, Ko4landian Government.
Place of origin: Ko4land
Other facts: can use the power of metal inside his body to / or enhance his physical or mental powers. (Mistborn) Also accompanied by Special Ko4 Soldiers.

Reasons to join: Ko4land has sent special forces to help Chechlistan brothers to deal with this problem.

Ko4 Metal was being transported by the Ko4landian Helicopters, deep into the Chech territory. There he would meet with a few chech generals and present the official orders from Mister Ko4 - the leader of Ko4land.
The Ka-117 "Ko4 Gnida" Helicopters were circling around the chech military base, whose name was too hard to pronounce. Ko4 Metal grabbed his vials of allomantic metals and tucked them in his belt. The Ko4 soldiers were preparing to land and to face their chech brothers. The Ko4 - Chech war was long gone, and now the ko4es and the cheches were first friends. Many Ko4es were helping the homeless chech people by either giving them a huge amount of food or by building them houses. Also by simply offering them to stay in the ko4 houses too. All Cheches were brothers and sisters.
The time was almost for the meeting to unfold.

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Great Slavyaniya
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Postby Great Slavyaniya » Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:17 pm

The Death Trooper regiment was back in Great Slavyaniya and ready for action. The 2404-men-strong force had participated in the SATO vs NATO conflict, as well as the plan to take over and ram an Illuminati Switzerland ship into another one. Albeit the abrupt ending of actions, the Death Troopers were still used to take over Vichy Luxdonia after SATO's dissolvement. Almost no casualties were suffered during counter-terrorist strikes and specialist operations. The last batch of 113 men left Frikindie just a few months ago and were now stationed at the border with Chechilistan.

Standard operations gearset

General Lieutenant Grubsky was tasked with capturing the escaped members of Todor Todorov's unit 4412. Chechilistanian authorities only knew the people were residing in chech lands, nothing more. Extensive research was going on and a few Ksh-3044BM (based on the PT-615 chassis) and KDD-51-LL vehicles entered the lands of Chech-Ko4ilistan (the Chechilistan country). These were radar reconnaissance stations, as well as noise suppressors and INTEL stations for electronic warfare. Their task was to monitor radio waves for any and all signals regarding and from Todor Todorov.

For the Death Troopers to achieve they assignment of capturing the dissidents, they had to team up with the Troops Of Surveillance and Field Reconnaissance (TOSFR). Once the target was located, the troopers of death, second only to the Nightstalkers, were going to proceed with capturing the former slav special forces operator Todor and his friends.

Our story takes us to Kavlan Dizelov, one of the thousands of Death Troopers. He was on shift monitoring the activity of the Ksh and the KDD vehicles when they disappeared off radar.
"Dirty cheches, they are on the verge of war with us now..." he thought to himself and reported to Colonel Pateshka Sazdarma.
Having contacted the chech regional forces, the cheches denied having to do anything with the missing vehicles.
A chech official answered it could have been the Noskorvians.
"But why would they do such a thing?!" exclaimed Colonel Pateshka Sazdarma.
"Or wait be mans, say is you the thingers disapear on the road 83, 2nd rate roadster."
"Yes, exactly. It leads to your capital..."
The chech on the other line scratched his head, "Tats indeed on near to Noskorvnitzsas dude Colonels, we have similar problems near that quadrants... Our chech and ko4 bortherers are be dispatchen to fighten the problem."
"What's the problem?" wondered the confused Colonel, as if a snapping turtle bit his testicles, "Speak directly you chech!"
"careful military figure man, you is speak to man himself, Chech Major Koprivko Nivata II. Behave like death trooper or else...." the chech official warned his counterpart.
With nothing to add, Pateshka continued, "Okay, so, um, what is it?"
"Peoples and soldaters disappears mans, we send shtech brigade 3nd and no return is too, now is cross off that sector near noskorvnitsaz. They be denying doing anything and we cant risk war wit hpeoples. same with slavs, too strongs"
"I see, well then please cooperate with us. What is the supposed cause of the accident?"
"WE know NOT, but is need all help. Ko4 regimentals sent already are, you join can too. But is super sercret!"
Nodding with his head, the Colonel says, "Suuuper secret, affirmative! I will let the Government know."
"AND pelASE use THE BEST SOLDATERS PLS" pleads the chechilo.
"We will see."

Weird conversation it was but now the Government was also notified. By the rule of logic, the Nightstalkers were selected to work alongside the Death Troopers. There was a slight rivalry between the two special forces groups.

After the Ko4-Chech War had ended, tensions in the region were lower but the threat was still present. The former warring nations were now more powerful than ever, in a state of reconstruction and the goal of the chech-ko4 union was uncertain. Even the Orzhoy of Great Slavyaniya was not sure what to expect of this disappearance.

"Ah I hope we could kick their asses like we did with SATO. Dirty scumbags..." thought to himself the Colonel, missing the tension brought about by the past Cold War between SATO and NATO. What was odd though was his actual preference for cheches. He knew something that his soldiers didn't.

One thing was certain, there was something extraordinary happening in Chechilistan and Noskorvnitzsa. This something needed explanation and action. This something was The Blind Beast.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to The Hunt For The Blind Beast
This thread is free for all, anybody can join as long as they are approved by Mr. Chech himself or Noskorvnitzsa (I am but a coordinator).

You can join as whatever you want, a whole country, a military organisation, a mercanary force, a lone individual, a small group, contractors, the list is endless. Maybe even as everything works too!

The Blind Beast is yet to be discovered, there is a loose perimeter on where it has been spotted. Speculations about the cause of destruction and troop disappearance are even more loose. It is up to us to hunt down and learn the truth. Or to get eaten alive by this unknown creature of great power.
Last edited by Great Slavyaniya on Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Hail Great Slavyaniya!
Viva la Slavica!
The Private Communists vs Bourgeois braggarts: WON
Decria-anarchists war: WON
Makovik war of independence: DRAW I must note that the RP died, but it was the most interesting one yet for me.
The Second Red Crusade: DRAW(RP died)
Rossio-Moldovoskan War: WON (Rostrog surrendered)
The Coming Storm...Thread died
The Missed Shot: WON
The Nuclear Question: ???
SATO vs NATO: WON (SATO dissolved)

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Postby Gorangutania » Tue Apr 23, 2019 1:02 pm

Gorangutania closely monitors the ongoing situation.

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