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Bartilian Ghost army invades French Caledonia (IC|Open)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:16 pm
by Bartilia
King Alexander III is a madman. He always dreamed of the Kingdoms of Bartilia to become a superpower and for that he did everything he could to make the country's military, the warriors, very strong every since he first assumed the throne ten years ago. He secretly funded many military projects, some of questionable ethicality which would help increase the kingdom's power projection capabilities. Some of the projects he funded included; laser weapons that were enough to direct nuclear explosions into one beam, annihilating everything in its path, telekinetic children who have big eyes, weird colored hair and abnormally big breasts and finally, the worst of all his weapon projects, a ghost army made up of soldiers with ghostly powers and undead people who were revived using scientifically aided necromancy rituals. Alexander took some time off his royal duties in order to visit the military complex at Cape Frontier which was basically just an abandoned airfield surrounded by thick defenses and lined with bunkers both in the surface around it and underground.

The ghost army were all combat ready. At least 5,000 of them were in fighting shape. They had the ability to withstand pain, to pass through physical objects and to physically hold only the things they desire. They also have the ability to instill fear by screaming which makes fear hormones like serotonin spike up in the brains of the listeners. The soldiers do not need to eat or drink but they still need to breathe. They are immune to bullets and can only be beaten by shooting bullets blessed with holy water in its liquid state. Expecting that the enemy might discover this soon, the ghost army has decided to wear NBC suits to make them immune to chemical attacks by holy water.

He saw the ghost army for what it is and was very happy so he decided it was time to test them before mass producing the techniques that made them powerful in a ghostly way. French Caledonia was the best target.

The operation started in the middle of the night with motorized canoes carrying ammunition and the ghostly armies themselves. They were divided into 8 battalions and were to land on 8 separate points on the northern face of the island.

The results were monstrously quick as the ghost soldiers were able to conquer half of the island within the next 4 hours of their landing. The rest of the island was sent into disarray as the ghost armies ravaged across what made up of the French contingent that defended the island.


Alexander III awaited for news at Enderby. He was kept in the dark by the lack of active communication between the ghost army and the homeland. The lack of communication was not because that the king was concerned about their communications being intercepted, but because the ghosts were unable to use radio communication because they always broke electronics with their EMP aura.