Trade Wars aren't Cheap (IC/CFN+INV ONLY/MT)

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Trade Wars aren't Cheap (IC/CFN+INV ONLY/MT)

Postby Zeljunaar » Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:41 pm

Heedaj at ðe Dajbladmeetung ðear Griemhof
Ðoa Tursisce and egleacisce Ambichtes bestaðijen ðon Readijnes for ðear Cheape
Sot Deykraan (@SotDey) (HD Egleacisc)
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12 Diistmaas 635 7.00 | Greimhof, Egleacland

Griemhof, EGLEACLAND (HD) — For ðear Endunge heres Eavenland–Tryndelgang heeld ðe Fremdambicht Hud Oldoz heedaj in ðear Burgh Griemhof tosamen mid ðear egleaciscen Fremdambichte Æþelwin Wadsun eanen Dajbladmeetung ymbe eaner allmeast ywißen and ymbflitenen Cheapþavunge betweex ðeam Turslande and ðeam Egleaclande. Ðoa beejen Ambichtes bestaðijeden ðon Readijnes heerer Doomwieses, ðon Toolcræftcheap wiðer to forþsetten, æfter ðe Afscipung ðear Digitale Wardunges ðear Doomes ðear Leeddoomes bescytten warþ, ðe ðon allen Cheap mid ðear Digitaltoolcræfte alsoa eaner Wiðerdeede to ðeam Egleaclandes Internet–Betychtend af ðeam Jear 628 forbyeteþ.

“Eanen lange Wud ðear Freecheapes havþ uncer Doomwies,” sajde ðe Fremdambicht Oldoz Dajbladgumem. “And wit havden in uncerer Tiemloare neanen greateren Yneat ðear Cheapes alsoa uncere egleacisc Brooðres, af ðoa uncit wit glædloocen, wiðer mid hem to cheapen.”

“Ðes Foreanbearung can ousere Bindungen and ouseren Sicorhoad eanliec furðor starcen,” feejde ðe Fremdambicht Wadsun eac.

Ðoa Dajbladgumes seajen ðon Bemarcung ðear Wadsunes alsoa ean Betoacenung, ðæt ðe egleacisce Doomwies jyet strange Betychtungen ðear Internetfreehoades þurghsetten biþ, newiþstandend ðear allþeediscen Forordoalunge.

Ean Stevenung ðear willfulen Nytennses werþ þurgh Fremdambichte Oldoze yforstarced, ðe eanem Frijne overlooced, ðæt fram ðe United Press ðeerover yfrujnen werþ, how ðe tursisce Doomwies to ðon niewliecen Anhaldung ðear egleaciscen for-leeddoomiscen Aktivistes Ecgwin Guðlafsun wiðerdeeded. Guðlafsun warþ lætesten Vensul anyhalded, æfter he ean Jear lang fram ðoa Reevem yfleed was. Ðe egleacisce Doomwies wreejeþ Guðlafsun ðear Samenswerung to ðe Spionage – alsoa it in ðear Egleaclandes strangem Doomem ydefinired is.

Ðe Digitale Wardung ðear Doomes ðear Leeddoomes

In ðeam Jear 628 havþ ðe egleacisce Doomwies æfter over eanem Jeartyen relativer Freehoade strange Betychtungen ðear Internetganges inyfared. In ðeam Turslande coam it to eaner þeediscen Upproarunge, ðe ðæt Þeedmoot eac fororsaced, ðe Digitale Wardung ðear Doomes ðear Leeddoomes in Cræft to setten.

Alðeagh self ðoa Reeves on ðæt Forbode ðear Doomes for ðear Cheape mid Toolcræfte soa allsoa ðoa Receneres and ðoa Seeftwar bemiddelen, havþ ðe Doom eac ðæt Tosamenworc betweex ðeam Turslande and ðeam Egleaclande in ðear Felde ðear Cybersicorhoades to eaner Stoppung ybrungen.

Sieþ ðoa Betweexforcheesunges is ðe Foorsitter Kenlikkran ean hloudstarce Jejnstander ðear Doomes and flieteþ, ðæt ðe Doom eanen ðear eldesten Bandyneaten ðas Riece ne wietneþ, ac him feendliec jejnstandeþ. “We standeþ sieþ moar alsoa eanem Jearhundred to uncerem Brooðrem in ðeam Egleaclande!” Foorsitter Kenlikkran havþ ðon Jejnstandung beforen tweam Wicem in ðeam Leedmoote choad. “We habbeþ ne jejn hye ywyrced, yfochten, and ybleeded, ac besieden hem! Neanen leasen Feenden mooten we macen!”

Kritikeres, inhaldend ðe Leader ðear jejnstandenden gumrieciscen Koalitiones Noþward Yolsun, sind evenliec onjejn eanen Afscipung ðear Doomes. “Mann moot wood wesen, ymbe to ylyeven, ðæt it heer eanliec ymbe ðe Freecheap geaþ,” sajde Yolsun ðeam Haveniscen Dajblade. “Ðis biþ ouseren Cybersicorhoad orhyechþeþ, inðeam ðoa egleaciscen Burgherrichtes furðor ynarowed been. All ðoa Sicorhoadsstellelses, ðe ybylded wurden, wurden sicorliec jejn ðoa egleaciscen Burgheren yneeted beeþ.”

Alsoa ðæt Ambicht ðear Fremdintinges ybeden warþ, self to ðeam Outsecgunge to outsecgen, andsared it ne.

Ðe endliec Afstevenung ymbe ðear Afscipunge ðear Doomes scal heedaj tieden, hwar yforwached biþ, ðæt ðæt Witermoot for ðear Afscipunge stevnen biþ.

UPPDAJ: At 7.32 Ytiede afstevened ðæt Witermoot mid 87 to 45 Jea-Afsteven, and at 7.62 Ytiede orheeld ðe Afscipung ðon Samenafstevenung.

Sot Deykraan af ðear Haveniscen Dajblade havþ to ðissem Bewrietung bieydraged.

    © Havenisc Dajblad 635

Today at the Grimehof press conference:
The Tursaal and Egleakish foreign ministers affirm their readiness to trade
Sot Deykraan (@SotDey) (HD English)
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4 October 2018 4:48 P.M. | Greimhof, Egleakland

Grimehof, EGLEAKLAND (HD) — For the end of his tour of Europe, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Hud Oldoz held a press conference today in Grimehof alongside Egleakish Foreign Ambicht Athelwin Wadsun about the almost certain and controversial trade deal between the Zeljunaar and Egleakland. The two officials affirmed the readiness of their states to resume technological trade following the soon-to-be voted on repeal of the Digital Protection of Democracy Act, which forbids trade of digital technology with Egleakland in response to the state’s 2011 restrictions on the Internet.

“Our state has a long history of free trade,” Secretary of Foreign Affairs Oldoz told reporters. “And we have had no greater trading partners in our history than our Egleakish brothers, whom we look forward to trading with again.”

“This agreement can only further strengthen the bonds and security of our two states,” Foreign Minister Wadsun added.

Reporters saw Wadsun’s remark as a sign that the Egleakish government will still enforce heavy restrictions on Internet access, despite international condemnation.

A tone of willful ignorance was reinforced by Secretary of Foreign Affairs Oldoz ignoring a question asked by the United Press about how the Tursaal government was responding to the recent arrest of Egleakish pro-democracy activist Edgwin Guthlafsun. Guthlafsun was arrested last Friday after fleeing authorities for a year. The Egleakish government accuses Guthlafsun of conspiring to commit espionage – as it is defined in Egleakland’s harsh laws.

The Digital Protection of Democracy Act

In 2011, the Egleakish government implemented severe restrictions on Internet access after a decade of relative freedom. Public outcry ensued in the Zeljunaar, leading the Parliament to enact the Digital Protection of Democracy Act.

Although officials are focusing on the law’s ban on the trade of technology such as computers or software, the law also ground the cooperation between the Zeljunaar and Egleakland to a halt.

Since the midterm elections, President Kenlikkran has been a vocal opponent of the law, arguing that the law doesn't punish but antagonizes one of the realm’s oldest allies. “We have stood by our brothers in the state of Egleakland for more than a century!” President Kenlikkran chided the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies two weeks ago. “We have worked, fought, and bled not against them, but beside them! We should not make enemies where there are none!”

Critics, including the leader of the opposition Republican coalition Nothward Yolsun, are just as opposed to a repeal of the law. “You have to be mad to believe this is just about free trade,” Yolsun told the Havenish Dayblade. “This will increase the cybersecurity of both of our states at the expense of the rights of Egleakish citizens. Any security systems that would be developed would certainly be used against Egleakish citizens.”

When asked for comment on Smith's statement, the Department of Foreign Affairs did not respond.

The final vote on the repeal of the Act is due to occur tonight, where it is expected that the Senate will vote to repeal.

UPDATE: As of 5:34 P.M., the Senate has voted 87 to 45 in favor, and as of 6:17 P.M., the repeal received Joint Assent.

The Havenisc Dajblad's Sot Deykraan contributed to this report

    © Havenisc Dajblad 2018
Last edited by Zeljunaar on Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Furbish Islands
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Postby Furbish Islands » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:48 am

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building
Furby City, Furby Island

9:00 PM 4/10/2018

Foreign Minister Bart Elley sat down in his office and turned on his computer. The office in the building was a small room in the Foreign Affairs Ministry building. The room was mostly covered by Elley's desk, with his computer and stacks of papers. He chose to have a standing desk in the office, like the significant majority of Furbish government officials. The familiar Windows 10 logo shown up on the screen as it was booting up. The day was uneventful, but just a few minutes earlier, Elley heard about a meeting between the foreign ministers of Egleakland and Zeljunaar, and how Zeljunaar repealed an act and can now trade digital goods with Egleakland again. Elley knew this was a bad idea. He messaged several government officials about the matter, hoping to hear their opinions and a possible plan of action. His computer booted up quickly, significantly faster than an computer he had before. He hoped officials would respond. The Furbish ambassador to Zeljunaar, Thomas Harloff, was the first to pick up.

Harloff: "Good evening. Is there anyone else you wanted to talk to?"

Elley: "Thank you for calling. I did want the ambassador to Egleakland and one MP to pick up-"

Daniel Moore: *Joins call* "Did I miss anything important yet? God, it's pure hell down there."

Harloff: "So normal day at Parliament?"

Moore: "Pretty much. Right now debates are on some unrelated bill, but most arguments seem to be on more China tariffs."

Elley: "Speaking of China and trade wars, I think we're going to start another one."

Harloff: "Is it something to do with the recently removed legislation in Zeljunaar?"

Elley: "Exactly. Zeljunaar imports Furbish computers. The bill they just repealed bans exports of electronics to Egleakland. I think we can all see where this is going."

Elliana Cherry: *Joins call* "My apologies for being late, did I miss anything important?"

Elley: "Just in time. I think you know what happened."

Cherry: "Something to do with the fact that Zeljunaar can now trade computers with Egleakland. An authoritarian regime that will more likely use them to spy on its own citizens."

Moore: "So what are your plans for dealing with this?"

Elley: "Mr. Moore, you're going to need to get a tariff bill ready, and present it to Parliament if anything major happens."

Moore: "On Egleakland?"

Elley: "And Zeljunaar."

Moore: "Zeljunaar? Why Zeljunaar?"

Elley: "If anything happens, we will strike tariffs on both nation and will not back down until either Egleakland stops their internet censorship, or Zeljunaar stops trading computers."

Harloff: "I'm going to point out the elephant in the room. Commonwealth of Free Nations. If I recall correctly, there is legislation preventing us from doing so."

Elley: "There is a loophole. Human rights are at stake here. But worst case scenario, we will battle this out in court, and it could be protracted long enough so that it will damage both countries."

Cherry: "Are we the only ones going to put tariffs?"

Elley: "I am sure other CFN nations will support the cause. This is really a question of human rights."

Moore: "Fighting two trade wars at once? I'm not sure it is a good idea. But I will get a tariff bill ready. Any goods I should add, besides electronics?"

Cherry: "I think it would be best to keep it at that for now. Escalate more if and when they fight back."

Elley: "We will survive."

Moore: "But the committee phase. That will take too long."

Elley: "The committee phase isn't required for bills. It could just as easily be submitted for debate if enough MPs want to start it."

Moore: "I will begin drafting. It should be ready soon, and presented as soon as anything major happens."
Ðe United Provinces and Territories of Ðe Furbiſh Iſlands
Sic semper tyrannis!
Population: 283.503.325
GDP: $10,095 trillion
Currency: Furbish Guilder, ƒ1 = $1,9655
Monarch: Willem van Orange-Nassau
Stadtholder: Adjoa Iſamaan
Prime Minister: Arthur Trudeau

A social liberal Pacific island paradise, formerly a
Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish colony.
Computer science major and stereotypical nerd.
Russian, born in Israel, currently in
Massachusetts, the best state in the US.

This country is mostly based on my RL beliefs.
FBC News: Dover Man Charged With Assault With Deadly Weapon After Throwing Alligator Through Denny's Drive-Thru Window | Three New High Speed Rail Corridors Clear Environmental Review

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Founded: Dec 26, 2017

Postby Zeljunaar » Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:34 pm

Egleakish government cracks down:
Days after the arrest of Guthlafson, mass raids and new laws
Sot Deykraan (@SotDey) (HD English)
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7 October 2018 7:00 A.M. | Greimhof, Egleakland

Grimehof, EGLEAKLAND (HD) — A little over a week after the arrest of pro-democracy activist Edgwin Guthlafson, correspondents in Egleakland report that the government appears to be engaging in a massive crackdown. UP reports that domestic security forces are conducting multiple raids within the capital city, although the government refuses to comment on what the nature of this activity is.

Some human rights observers speculate and fear that Guthlafson, who is one of the most prominent agitators for democratic reforms, may have had or been around materials about a support network that the Egleakish government is now using.

“You always know at least a few others,” Byrtferth Caddason, an Egleakish political exile now living in the Zeljunaar, told the Havenisc Dajblad. “I don't think Guthlafson would be foolish enough to keep anything on him, and there's not much the Egleakish government could do to him to get his network. My guess is he was arrested alongside someone else who might not have been as wise.”

Nelhah Monahzund, a cybersecurity expert working with the technology company Kreinqo, has other beliefs. “The recent repeal of the DPD act, although it is almost certain to cause harm in the long run, does mean it's more likely that activists could get their hands on software that could be used to help protect their identities. It's more likely that the Egleakish government had infiltrated Guthlafson's network already, and the repeal forced their hand.”

Although the Egleakish government is remaining silent on the nature of the ongoing raids, it has not been entirely mute. This morning, the office of the Lawspeaker announced that Tursaal tech companies wishing to return to the Egleakish market will have to allow any data they collect in the country to be accessible to the government. Although not unexpected, both Mr. Caddason and Ms. Monahzund assert that the way the law is worded implies that the government intends to at least partially surveil foreign citizens.


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The Havenisc Dajblad's Sot Deykraan contributed to this report

    © Havenisc Dajblad 2018

Egleakish Activist Dead:
UP reports Egleakish activist now dead
Sot Deykraan (@SotDey) (HD English)
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7 October 2018 9:30 A.M. | Greimhof, Egleakland

Grimehof, EGLEAKLAND (HD) — The United Press reports that an anonymous source within the Egleakish security services has confirmed to them that Edgwin Guthlafson is dead. Mr. Guthlafson reportedly was found dead in his cell in Grimehof yesterday morning, and it is unclear whether this was the result of foul play or suicide.

“It would be unlike the Folkward [the Egleakish secret police] to do this,” the source told the United Press. “Killing figures like [Mr.] Guthlafson is prone to make them martyrs. Guthlafson would be the only one to gain from his death. But Mr. Guthlafson also went from just being an antagonist when he published his essay last year.”

The essay in question being referred to is a manifesto authored by Mr. Guthlafson last year which, beyond detailing the process by which freedoms have been lost multiple times throughout Egleakish history, directly compared the office of Lawspeaker to that of the Roman Caesar, the Soviet General Secretary, and a king, statements which already would have landed him in trouble with security forces.

However, the final part of the essay reportedly personally angered the Egleakish Lawspeaker, Athelwolf Grimson. “It is a shame that the office which once was created to safeguard the liberties of those who lacked power, and to ensure the state did not become a monarchy is now the oppressing king. But every successful democratic movement, whether the one of 1827 or 1923, has made the same mistake – they have proven themselves incapable of governing and allowed the Lawspeaker's ceremonial role to expand once more. There can be only one solution – however radical it may seem – because each democratic movement has only served the purposes of the Lawspeaker, which is why democracy is allowed to be discussed, if quietly. We must confine both the king and his court to the dustbins of history.”

The Lawspeaker has been a mainstay of Egleakland's state throughout its history, being the only institution to have been continuously retained.

The Havenisc Dajblad's Sot Deykraan contributed to this report

    © Havenisc Dajblad 2018

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Postby Zeljunaar » Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:20 pm

FISS confirms breach:
No official suspects; leaks suggest Egleakish
Sot Deykraan (@SotDey) (HD English)
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29 December 2018 10:34 A.M. | Furby City, Furby Island

Furby City, FURBY ISLAND (HD) — Following yesterday morning's leak to the Furbish Broadcasting Corporation about a potential breach into the Furbish national intelligence agency's network, the Furby Island Secret Service officially confirmed today that a breach of security occurred Wednesday morning at a press conference.

“At 12:27 A.M. local time, an agent or agents working on behalf of a currently unknown organization breached the security of the networks of the Furby Island Secret Service,” James Erkens, a spokesperson for the FISS stated. “The Service managed a quick response to the attack, and is working to investigate the currently unknown source of the breach.” When asked for comment on what the nature of the breach was, Mr. Smith did not provide comment.

Anonymous sources within the FISS, according to the FBC, are telling a different story. The Service is internally referring to the attack as a “smash and grab” that “may involve Egleakish hackers.”

Nelhah Monahzund, a cybersecurity expert at Kreinqo, is inclined to think the same way. “The repeal of the DPD [Digital Protection of Democracy Act] in October re-opened the door for Egleakish intelligence agents to collaborate with the [Tursaal] government. You can't be certain as to what has resulted from it, but it's unquestionable that the sophistication of Egleakish cybertechnology has increased.”

[continue reading...]

The Havanisj Deilief's Sot Deykraan contributed to this report

    © Havanisj Deilief 2018

Hofkahsejun, Lotbelur

The door to “The Booth” opened and shut as middle-aged woman of European heritage, stepped in. Not a second later, a folder of papers carrying a large “classified information” warning in both Kruziikvul (“Soven Frahzogin!”) and Gomlish (“Yahoum Tlowliecj!”) landed on the desk.

As she set her coat on the hanger kept in the booth, Adgith Rothulfdoytar silently went over its contents.

Classified espionage development program with the Egleakish leads to a hack on the Furbish we were never told about. Whose brilliant idea was this?

Like most citizens of European descent in the Zeljunaar, Adgith was descended from the Egleakish colonists that had occupied Monahven for the better part of the 19th century. And, needless to say, Adgith wasn't particularly fond of her ancestor's home country.

Adgith pulled out the chair, sat down, and glanced at a note left on the desk by the interpreter she was switching out with. Written out in Gomlish for her, no less.

Baydind yayt sind mid ðuom Duomsprekra wit tu sprekan.

Adgith ever-so-slightly frowned. She'd been doing interpretation work for the Office since 2009, and the Egleakish dictator rarely, if ever, delayed speaking with one of the few allies he had.

Pushing that thought away from her mind, she donned her headset, and opened up the folder she'd set down. Moments passed. Adgith had just finished going over a memo from the Office of National Intelligence expressing concerns about the potential use of developing technology for surveillance in Western Europe when an all-too familiar baritone came through.

“Sijæs esmō wesítin!”

May you be excellent!” Adgith repeated the phrase in Kruziikvul.

Although not surprised, she slightly winced at the sound of the President's clearly antagonized voice. “I want to know what the fuck is going on. I wake up this morning, and find out on public television that a ‘leaker’ is telling the entire planet that the Egleakish are ‘suspected’ to be involved in the FISS hack!”

Although she couldn't hear them, Adgiþ waited just a few seconds for her counterpart in the Atlantic to finish. On cue, the Lawspeaker responded - though she had to wait for each sentence to finish before she could properly translate.

I have been under the impression, Kenlikkran, that our two governments have a relationship of great mutual benefit to the both of us. It is a belief which I hold still.

“Mutual benefit? Is that what you call hacking the Furbish? Without even a hint that you are going to use our tools to do it‽”

The voice of the Guiding Light came through, speaking to the Lawspeaker directly in Egleakish. What is this, Atalwulkwa?

This is a wolf hunting prey. An opportunity presented itself, and we took it. For that, we and you have been rewarded.

“How could we possibly be rewarded by you dragging us outside a kodaav's den and then banging rocks together? Tell me, I am really curious how we could ever potentially be benefitted by our implication in your act against the Furbish?”

What if I was to tell you I have before me not only the electronic espionage systems that the FISS uses on either of us, but a great deal of intelligence they have collected on you?

Silence reigned for a moment. For neither the first nor last time, Adgiþ remembered that she never wanted to be a politician.

“For what?”

Why, Kenlikkran, I think this is but a gift on my part. Especially considering how the FISS saw fit to give us images of cats instead of intelligence on us before shutting us out. Or how our own intelligence systems would have been destroyed by a Trojan were it not for our own countermeasures. Or how the agent we'd built up for years is now almost certainly in their hands. I have done all the work.

“Answer the question.”

I don't want anything from you. Not anything beyond what we already have: our mutual relationship and understanding. We stand before you, and you stand before us. As you said, you are already implicated in this matter – I can only hope that you shall remember who it was that stood by your side before the British and the Japanese.

Silence again.

“That you did, Atalwulkwa. That you did.”

Department of National Affairs Building

“So, how'd the call with the Emperor go?”

Hardly had Adgith settled back into her office at the Dominion Language Services Office when the other Egleakish interpreter, Fost Tinvok, appeared in her doorway from seemingly nowhere.

“We have a mutual relationship.” She rolled her eyes.

Fost leaned out into the hallway. “You owe me lunch, Keala!” Adgith quirked her brow, and the man shook his head. “Keala and I were betting over what it was going to be. She said it was going to be ‘mutual gifting’, but I had a feeling it was going to be ‘mutual relationship’.”

“Well, I am glad you got a lunch out of it.”

He frowned, and walked in to take a seat across the desk. “What's your feeling on how we’re going to respond to the Furbish?”

“You will know better than I do, Fost. You are one of the English interpreters.”

English is not so different from Gomlish you know. The man teased in the language which was still closely enough related to her own native language that the words always tantalized the edge of comprehension.

“Unyalaycj yanoy is it vor mi.” The only reason she knew what he was saying was because he'd been saying it for almost a decade. “Kruziikvul was hard enough for me - I would rather not learn another language where placing something in different places completely changes meaning.”

“Says the woman who has to say ‘I did it do’ instead of ‘I do it did’.”

“Oh screw off.” Adgith tried (and failed) to contain a smile. “So what's your take on this whole mess again?”

“Told you this morning.”

“Well, obviously the calls have been made now.”

“My take is that we have a ‘mutual relationship’. They're the overly aggressive pitbull, we’re the owner that usually doesn't mind it when it acts up so long as it's for our benefit.”

Fost emitted a low chuckle and shook his head. “You know, they used to teach in schools that this sort of stuff was a thing of barbaric history. Granted, it was sort of glossing over the intrigue that happened in the government, but still.”

“Simpler times.”

“That they were.”
Last edited by Zeljunaar on Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Furbish Islands
Posts: 1257
Founded: Oct 11, 2016

Postby Furbish Islands » Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:26 pm

Furby City, Furby Island

12:00 28/12/2018

"I have important news regarding Egleakland!"

Robert Drachmann shouted over his microphone to get the attention of the rest of Parliament. Many stopped talking, but various side conversations continued. Most of the attention went to Drachmann. He had his tablet in front of him, with notes of a report he received yesterday. A FISS agent contacted Drachmann, himself a former FISS agent, and sent a report on the recent Egleakish hack. The hackers stole various files, possibly containing surveillance software, and intelligence on Egleakland and Zeljunaar. The agent told Drachmann to inform Parliament about an attack and hopefully prepare to retaliate against Egleakland. Little did both of them know that it would be prepared quicker than they expected.

Drachmann: "An agent from our Secret Service, who prefers to remain anonymous, has given a report on an Egleakish hack two days ago. They attem-"

Drachmann did not get a chance to finish his word before discussion broke out. Hundreds of questions were asked, but were the same few phrased differently. Drachmann sighed, and looked back at the report.

Drachmann: "If all of you will be quiet, I will your questions."

As the chaos died down, he continued.

Drachmann: "The Egleakish hackers attempted to steal surveillance software and intelligence on themselves and Zeljunaar. The former is what is worrying. Egleakland has had plenty of human rights problems, including the recent incident of a human rights activist arrested then killed. The FISS believes that this is possible due to a recent lift of a technology embargo by Zeljunaar. The FISS recommends that-"

Chaos broke out again, but this time over what should be done with the Tursaal and Egleakish. Some are calling for sanctions and tariffs, and some diplomatic sanctions. Several are pointing out a hypocrisy, and point out human rights abuses in many other countries, and their own allies turning a blind eye. Most point at Saudi Arabia and the US. In one part of the building, a younger MP, Daniel Moore, attempts to get the crowd's attention.

Moore: "I knew an incident like this would have happened sooner or later. I have a bill proposed, to place economic sanctions and tariffs on Zeljunaar and Egleakland."

Just as many expected, the arguments continued. But the speaker quietly switched the bill showing on each MP's monitor to Moore's tariff bill. In the chaos, debates began over whether to keep the bill, and to add amendments. But there were many arguments against it, including that Furby Island was already fighting a trade war against China, the fact that the bill may be illegal under the laws of the Commonwealth of Free Nations, and the hypocrisy of placing sanctions on Egleakland and Zeljunaar leaving other countries like Saudi Arabia with a slap on the wrist.

31/12/2018 13:18
It has been three days since Drachmann reported the hack and Moore proposed his tariff bill. Debates continued, but there were no more proposed amendments. The MPs agreed to begin a vote. Moore pressed the aye button on his desk, waiting for it to scan his fingerprint, then register the vote. Drachmann, surprised that the process would be this quick, also held his finger on the aye button. The results were soon tallied up. About four hundred voted in favor, three hundred against, and fifty abstained or were not present. Two hours later, Prime Minster Thomas Norup signed the bill, and a spokeswoman announced it. The tariffs will go into effect at midnight, beginning the new year with a new trade war.
Ðe United Provinces and Territories of Ðe Furbiſh Iſlands
Sic semper tyrannis!
Population: 283.503.325
GDP: $10,095 trillion
Currency: Furbish Guilder, ƒ1 = $1,9655
Monarch: Willem van Orange-Nassau
Stadtholder: Adjoa Iſamaan
Prime Minister: Arthur Trudeau

A social liberal Pacific island paradise, formerly a
Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish colony.
Computer science major and stereotypical nerd.
Russian, born in Israel, currently in
Massachusetts, the best state in the US.

This country is mostly based on my RL beliefs.
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Posts: 21
Founded: Dec 26, 2017

Postby Zeljunaar » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:28 pm

Monahven, the Zeljunaar


Deyjaan Uftpelniir stared at the sign above the door of the restaurant, trying to discern by memory what it meant. After a moment of frustration, he glanced through the glass door and windows. A small sigh of relief escaped him, seeing (albeit artificial) wooden tables and chairs scattered about rather than the booths and benches that seemed near universal (from what admittedly little he'd seen of Monahven thus far). None of those that the seats held were who he was looking for.

He pulled out his phone and glanced at the text conversation again.

11:30 at “Dat Minister-Presidentum” (“The Prime Minister”), south a block from thon city hall. Look forward to thee again seeing.

He huffed after noticing it was 11:49 already, and slipped the device back into his shirt's front pocket. “I should really bettren attention in secondarien school paid have,” he muttered.

He pushed open the glass door, and walked in. The sound of various conversations (and faintly that of a kitchen) first greeted him. He took another look around for his friend, but only caught sight once more of the various people currently patronizing the venue, as well as a familiar small bar in front of the wall he assumed separated this area from the kitchen. Standing behind it was a young woman who looked to be about university age.

He walked over. “Peace of the fire and sky upon you,” he greeted.

“Peace of the fire and sky upon you.” Her reply was marked with a thick northern accent.

Oh please know the language.

“I'm looking for a Prethik Rathgosvah,” he said. “He should have arrived here about twenty minutes ago, and...”

The woman stared blankly at him. He sighed, and pulled out his phone again. He went to open up the Erish translation app when a familiar voice came from his right side.

“There you are, I was starting to wonder if you'd gotten lost.”

A smile spread across his face, and he snapped up his phone. He turned to look, and sure enough, his friend was standing but a handful of paces away. Clad in a rather too-casual t-shirt and shorts, Prethik's tired-looking face had changed a bit since the last time he’d seen him, but it was recognizable nonetheless.

“Peace of the fire and sky upon you, my friend!” Deyjaan partly laughed.

“Hello to you too, Deyjaan.” The two gripped one another's elbows and shook. “It's been far too long.”

“Bit of an understatement.”

His friend briefly glanced towards the woman. “Hi is mid mi.” He then gestured towards a table and two chairs by the windows. “Come. We've got catching up to do.”

The two started towards the place. “You said you were doing financial work for Public Welfare now?”

“Sort of. I do asset counseling for UADS.”

“Asset counseling?” The two reached the chairs, and Deyjaan took a seat. “You mean for when people want to withdraw from their emergency fund?”

“Yup.” Prethik took his seat.

“I don't envy you,” Deyjaan chuckled.

“It's not as bad as you think.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Sure, I have to deal with the rare kid who not only doesn't understand that they don't need to withdraw from their fund, but also does it. But generally speaking, I'm usually advising people over 35 on how they can make the best use of it given their circumstances.”

“I remember I wanted to use mine for some inane thing years ago. I'm glad I got talked out of it. Don't what I would have done otherwise when my house burned down seven years ago.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. Anyone hurt?”

“No, thankfully.”

“Did you have homeowner's insurance?”

“Yeah, but we wouldn't have gotten by.”

“Well, it's always good to hear about a ‘success’ story like that. What are you doing these days? You didn't really make it all that clear.” In the corner of Deyjaan's vision, he caught sight of what appeared to be an employee walking over.

“Oh, well, I'm lucky enough to have gotten into the tech-”

“Andschuldig mick, will du elshwat have tou drinke?”

Deyjaan paused, and looked upwards to see that the employee was now standing beside the table. His jaw slightly tightened, as comprehension failed him.

He's asking if you want something to drink.

Deyjaan looked back at Prethik, then at the table, where two glasses of water sat. He took a breath, tried to remember his terrible Erish as best he could, then looked back at the waiter with a smile.

“Neiner. Neiner tanke du.”

The waiter looked confused for a moment, but then awkwardly smiled and left without responding.

“It's not ‘Neiner tanke du’. It's ‘Nein, tank di.’ You just said ‘None thanks you.’”

The correction flew past Deyjaan's ears. “They have waiters here?” he hissed.

“Yes...?” Prethik scrunched his brow in confusion. “That's normal around Monahven?”

“That's ridiculous! How could anyone even entertain the idea of having such a demeaning job?”

Prethik sighed and put a hand to his face. “If anything, Deyjaan, to a lot of people around here, being a janitor's far more demeaning. Let me tell you, when I scrubbed sh-”

“Oh please, you can hardly equivocate the two. When you were a janitor, the only person you had to listen to was your boss and co-workers, and you had an actual function.” Deyjaan vaguely pointed towards the kitchen wall. “Being a waiter means doing something that a customer should, by every account, do themselves.”

Ick schold witted have, dat wi scholde tou enen McDonald’sen gaie.” Deyjaan heard Prethik mutter. “Look, Deyjaan, it's just something that's normal around here. Nobody thinks about it the way people do from the desert onwards.”

He nodded his head. “That's utterly preposterous. That sort of ‘job’ should be-”

“Please, don't start an insanely hypocritical ‘Northie’ rant. People here aren't looking to be lectured about some mundane thing like being a waiter. The past has passed, and people have a different approach to things now. Nothing, barring a Conservative takeover, is going to ever change that.”

“I might not have anything near a decent grasp on Erish, but let me tell you, it's ‘mundane’ things like that that hinder Unity far more than different languages.”

“I could make this exact argument in reverse. Maybe people need to not be demeaning to the poor, tired customer who has a whole host of other things to do than wait around and get their food.”

“The difference is, we weren't taken from Monahven, Monahven was taken from us.”

Prethik scrunched his eyes, and took a breath. “Deyjaan, I had forgotten all about how we used to argue about Unity. Can we please just talk about something else? Like how you were going to tell me what you do now?”

Deyjaan took a deep breath. He too had forgotten about these arguments. “I work as a marketing strategist for HiChip.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.”

He furrowed his brow at his friend. “What do you mean, 'I'm sorry’?”

“You know, about the whole trade mess.”

“...Oh.” Embarrassment caressed Deyjaan's shoulders. “Well, I can't say HiChip was ever on board with the President. Even if people don't care about the ethics, something was eventually bound to happen. I'm out here to talk strategy with the Monahven branch, actually.”

“You guys happy about SorenCo's CEO getting arrested?”

What?” Deyjaan spoke a bit too loudly, drawing a couple of glanced.

Grimeshof, Egleakland

Amidst the bustle of a city being pressed down with the omnipresent snow, a man stared out through the window of an old-style manor. Though the air howled outside with wind and bustle, the only thing breaking the silence within was the constant ticking of a grandfather clock.

Atalwulkwa Kilðasonu glanced at the tool, noting the time. He had been warned a few times that it was better to not have the thing inside his office. It was always some nonsense about devices, but the fact was that the office was constantly checked, and he could not stand silence.

4:15. It should be any minute now.

What he couldn't stand more than silence, however, was waiting. Specifically, waiting after a set time. The fact that he didn't know when the event he was expecting to happen would happen ground on him like sandpaper. Some might have attributed that sort of dissatisfaction to an overbearing compulsion for control; Atalwulkwa, though, always knew it was the sort of mindset a Doomspeaker needed.

Delegating the great responsibilities of the office had never worked out at any point in Egleakish history. The Doomspeaker's burdens were what had kept the country stable for centuries. A Doomspeaker did not just lead, but keep the state of affairs under control.


Without so much as a second thought, he broke away from the window, stepped to his desk, and pressed a button on the phone.


“Yukarove is in custody for distribution of socialist materials.”

“Good. Do not let anything happen to them.” With that, he ended the call. He knew he didn't have to say anything more than that.

When Guthlafson had killed himself, the man who had been stupid enough to accidentally give him the means had been punished severely. No one outside of the government, of course, believed that he'd suffered for anything other than some artificial gesture.

Everyone else, though, had become much more willing to follow orders.

He dialed another number. A couple of rings later, another voice came into the room.

“Excellence find you, Atalwulkwa.”

“Where are the Victoresians with Mr. Rathulf?”

“They’ve officially made the decision to extradite him.”

Perfect. Thank you.”

He clicked off the phone again, a smile on his face.

Although he had never met him nor had any person interact with him on his behalf, Atalwulkwa had wished he could profusely thank Robert Rathulf since he had first heard about the arrest the prior day. Not only had he and his company violated the sanctions upon the Zeljunaar, but he had gone to just the right country at just the right time for whatever pointless business he had as well.

Atalwulkwa's plans had been a couple of years in the making, but it was little things like that which aided him. Instead of Victores merely viewing the arrest of Yukarove as an act of a rogue ally of an ally, this could now become his revenge on another's behalf.

“Democracy,” he quietly laughed. “Don't they remember that's what brought us to them all those years ago?”

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Furbish Islands
Posts: 1257
Founded: Oct 11, 2016

Postby Furbish Islands » Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:36 am

FSA Headquarters
Furby City, Furby Island

Morning, 1/25/2019

Bolder walked to his office while drinking a cup of coffee. In his office, a small group of agents were tasked with enforcing the newly placed sanctions on Zeljunaar and Egleakland. Bolder was placed in charge of the group. As he neared the door, he heard some conversations, and wondered what new information was discovered. Maybe it was something about ReckonTech.

Not too long after Zeljunaar lifted a technology trade ban, a company known as ReckonTech has been created and been buying various technologies. The company is a shell company of unknown origins. It has been investigated by Bolder's group. The technology bought was smuggled into both Zeljunaar and Egleakland. The FSA have raided the company but are still unsure of its origins.

Bolder opened the door as another agent, Straatman, opened it from the inside.

Straatman: "Good morning. I was about to begin looking for you. We have found information-"

Bolder: "Please, let me have a seat. Is this anything about ReckonTech?"

Straatman: "Yes. We have linked it to the CEO of SorenCo, Robert Rathulf."

Bolder: "Interesting. I believe it should be shut-"

Straatman: "Not only that. He as of now is in Zevl Seleste, in Victores. This may be a good time to have him extradited."

Bolder: "Is anyone else aware of all of this?"

Straatman: "No, it's just us. I think you should send an extradition request to Victores for Mr. Rathulf."

Bolder: "I will send a request. While I am waiting for a word from the Victoresian police, I want you to find anything else you can about SorenCo, and the destinations of everything their shell company bought."
From: Federal Security Agency
To: Zevl Seleste Police Department
Subject: Extradition request

To whom it may concern,

It has come to our attention that Robert Rathulf, the CEO of SorenCo, is in your city. Not long after Furbish sanctions were placed on Zeljunaar and Egleakland, SorenCo, through the help of a shell company known as ReckonTech, has bought Furbish technology and smuggled it into his country. All technology bought by this company was banned from being sold to both countries under the recent sanctions.

We therefore request the arrest of Mr. Rathulf, and his extradition to the Republic of Furby Island, where he will stand trial for violating Furbish sanctions. We hope you will send him here as soon as possible.

Dan Bolder, Officer of the Federal Security Agency
Ðe United Provinces and Territories of Ðe Furbiſh Iſlands
Sic semper tyrannis!
Population: 283.503.325
GDP: $10,095 trillion
Currency: Furbish Guilder, ƒ1 = $1,9655
Monarch: Willem van Orange-Nassau
Stadtholder: Adjoa Iſamaan
Prime Minister: Arthur Trudeau

A social liberal Pacific island paradise, formerly a
Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish colony.
Computer science major and stereotypical nerd.
Russian, born in Israel, currently in
Massachusetts, the best state in the US.

This country is mostly based on my RL beliefs.
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Postby Victores » Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:28 pm

Zevl Seleste International Airport
January 25th, 2019

Zevl Seleste was the second largest city in Victores, and the Western counterpart to the capital and largest city, Nevi Seleste. Its name meaning literally the “Eastern Center”, it has historically been a center of Victoresian commerce around the bay of Iona. In the present day, it was a large industrial city that served the Victoresian war machine, or rather was a large industrial city. Most of heavy industry now lay abandoned, given the economic regearing to light industry and manufacturing. The city center remained bright and modern however, especially around the harbor. Beyond the harbor on a small island off the coast of Zevl Seleste laid Inar Zykeriacho International Airport, the largest in Victores. It had been built there to reduce noise pollution over the actual city.

The airport was quite massive, taking up the entirety of what was formerly called “July Revolution Island” and quite a lot of reclaimed land. The airport’s cavernous terminals were filled with passengers; some rushing to make connecting flights, and those with time on their hands relaxing in the small restaurants that dotted the area. Most of the travelers were Victoresians leaving the country on various trips and excursions or visiting Aridians. Very few people foreigners visited Victores, most people still had the image of a dystopian military dictatorship in their mind from the cold war. That was exactly why it caught some attention when an oceanian man made his way through the crowd, especially when he opened his mouth and began speaking English; Turassals were even rarer than the average foreigner in Victores. This man in particular was Mr.Robert Rathulf who was at the moment traveling to Victores to attempt to make an investment agreement. In order to protect Victoresian workers, all foreign investment had to be done through a Victoresian branch to ensure that funds aren’t simply sucked out of the country. While many people considered this system rather outdated, it was still the way things were, and foreigners just had to deal with it.

One of the Victoresians who’s attention Rathulf drew was Vzakash Iorave of the JAV. He had been looking for Rathulf, although he wasn’t his business partner. Iorave strolled up to Rathulf dressed in the rather smart uniform of the JAV’s 11th Directorate. He was accompanied by some airport security just in case the Turassal man chose the mistake of attempting to resist Victoresian Public Security. Iorave approached him and grabbed him by the arm.

“Good morning Mr. Rathulf, could you please come with us, I advise you not to resist” said the officer”

Rathulf quickly turned around to face his assailants and upon noticing the overwhelming superiority in numbers and firepower, chose not to resist. The small troupe of security forces led him towards the small complex at the corner of the terminal labeled Ministry of Public Security or “Jagasa Avatha Viktos” are rendered in the native Victoresian language. It consisted of a series of rooms with blurred glass walls. Iorave slid one of the doors open and led Rathulf into the room. The room was rather minimalistic. It rather simply contained a table that separated a pair of facing chairs and a desk in the corner. There was already a person in the room, another JAV Vzakash; this suddenly alerted Rathulf’s attention. It was not too rare for foreign businessmen, especially from countries with right-wing regimes, to be detained momentarily. However if there was already a person waiting for him, likely an interpreter, that meant that the JAV was after him personally.

“Now Mr. Rathulf, could you please sit down. My name is Comrade Iorave. You are being detained for violation of sanction laws set by a member of the Commonwealth of Free Nations and a wanted criminal in Furby Island. Before we question you. We will begin by asking you some questions” said Iorave through an interpreter. This seemed rather a cause of concern given that being “detained” in Victores could mean anything from a few hours to a few months.

“Do I not have a righ-” mumbled Rathulf before being cut off by Iorave, who took the lack of physical resistance as consent to being detained. “Your detainment has been noted and forwarded to the People’s Commissariat of Justice. Once it has been processed, your fate will be decided at that point. A decision to extradite you will arrive within 24 hours”


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