Witness to Your Death [FT - Closed]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Witness to Your Death [FT - Closed]

Postby Achesia » Tue May 08, 2018 10:33 pm

It was a loud thud, the kind that reverberated through your ear drum for several moments after you felt the impact in your bones. This thud however had an almost electronic twang to it, one that only the harshest of energy weapons could issue as it impacted the ground. The dust would be what came next, as it blew with the wind as it was pulled from the ground by the munition, a thick cloud of hate that circled in the air. The thuds and electronic twangs would continue as the very ground shook beneath their feet, but in the midst of that dusty cloud they were not thinking of stopping short of the loading ramp of the shuttle.

“Common, get that stretcher onboard!” A young female with dust covered skin and dust colored utility uniform cried. She waved her arm in circles as a few like-dressed figures, one human and another of a race of bipeds known as Ba’ali, carried a littered woman between them sprintied for the dust covered shuttle. The engines were but a low hum compared to the thuds of energy weapons impacting the surface just meters away from them, yet the screams of those wounded and terrified around them trumped all of the noise.

Around the female bearing the dust covered rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade was dozens of civilians clamoring to get on the shuttles that were flying in and out as fast as they filled. But even this ferocious rate did not satisfy the tide of passengers seeking refuge from the fighting on Abeyl III. Humans and other bipeds dressed in white armored covered in thick grey dust pushed back those who refused to step back voluntarily from the landing area, a continual game of containment as the men and women bearing the emblem of the Nakada Foundation sought to save as many from the war raging around them as they could.

“Calabash Calabash, come in, status on the remaining transports, over?” The female officer yelled into her communicator over the comotion surrounding her as she adjusted her dark green dusty field cap atop her dusty short red hair. “Step back! Step back!” She screamed while pushing a obtuse crowd of natives back with a few of the white armored Nakada Guardsman.

“Ember-two-seven, transportation is black, we are at capacity, begin extract of your team now, over.” The muffled response came in her earbud as the shouting of the civilians around her grew. It was like they could almost sense that the chance to escape this hell was drying up, and with the uptick in the frequency of the energy bursts near them, the panic was beginning to grow.

“Calabash, I have hundreds of non-combatants here that just need transport out of this area, get me transports to do it, over.” She leaned over just in time as a few scrap items were hurreled over the guardsmen’s heads. Her voice horse from the dust and screaming as she pleaded with her superiors for the chance to do something for these people.

“Negative Ember, remove your group now, hostile militias are moving in close proximity to the refugee center from the north, transports have limited window to move without risk of being brought down. Orders are to withdraw immediately.” Her earbuds continued to argue with her.

Her mouth twisted, not happy with the support she was getting from her superiors. Looking at the crowd of V’boyn people frantically crying for salvation, the young officer felt wrenched to followed the orders she had been given, but she knew also that no amount of transports could save Abeyll III from this war it imposed on itself.

“Ember group, withdraw to transports. We have done all we can do here.” She said defeated. A few of the other Nakada personnel, the Fleet personnel in the green utility uniform and the guardsmen in the white armor, exchanged glances coupled with a moment of hesitation as the refugees still flocked to the point which they had advertised as an evacuation zone.
“That wasn’t a suggestion, orders are in, lets MOVE!” She used her large lungs to project her orders into the communicator. It certainly put a pep in the group’s steps as almost instantaneously they began to double back to the transports, the guardsmen keeping a defensive line as to not cause a stampede of angry and afraid natives who only sought to leave this battlezone safely with their families.

LTjg Heather Kendall stood at the foot of the ramp on the Augustine Class shuttle as she watched each of her personnel board the ships, the line of guardsmen still holding. On her wrist-screen an indicator kept automatic track of how many personnel had boarded the ships and how many were still planetside. When she confirmed that all but the guardsmen, who were holding back an increasingly frustrated crowd, had boarded, she gave the order.

“Withdraw!” She yelled, holding her blaster tight in her hand as she prepared to defend the ships from rushing refugees. But to her surprise as the guardsmen fell back and boarded the ships, there was no stampede of angry civilians, but certainly a look of betrayal focused on them, piercing her as the white armored soldiers ran up the ramp.

Nakada had failed them that day, and as Heather entered the cabin of shuttle and the ramp was retracted, she did not feel like a it was a victorious day, despite the hundreds they had saved. As the shuttles lifted off the ground, their humming changing to a droning, LTjg Kendall watched out the window at the crowd below who now stood hopeless and without possibility of safety. Those families, mothers, fathers, women, men, children, were as good as dead.

The nose of the shuttles oriented towards the heavens as they floated above the surface, and with a stiff jolt they accelerated skyward, towards the safety of the orbiting Nakada Foundation Fleet ships above.

On the ground, the hostile militia closed in on the former Nakada Humanitarian relief center, all too aware of its wealth of defenseless innocents.
Last edited by Achesia on Wed May 09, 2018 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Gestalt of Malixut
Posts: 1
Founded: May 01, 2018

Postby The Gestalt of Malixut » Tue May 08, 2018 11:43 pm

Fleet Of Sublime Truth

Tyrant Of Sublime Truth had held a great many iterations of the object he held now, as always the fist sized orb was smooth in his weathered palm, as always it buzzed with bridled energy. However, every time prior when he held one of these spheres it had been a singular entity, alone and isolated like the vastly greater place it stood for in effigy. Now, this particular orb was accompanied by a swirling string of others, few enough that he could count on one hand. Despite their numbers the addition of these seemingly insignificant spheres represented an immense moment for his people.

Slowly, steadily he clenched his fist closed and pressed his fingers through the sphere. He watched the short claw on the tip of his middle finger press through a continent, his thumb split a sea, and when the fist was closed the whole planet he held in his hands crumbled to dust and slipped between his fingers. A moment later the swirling worlds that had seemed to wait in anticipation for the fate of their comrade followed suit and dissolved into a fine metallic powder. The Tactile Display before Tyrant Of Sublime Truth sat motionless for a moment before long lines of shimmering powder snaked and contorted into suspended images of the Fleet of Sublime Truth. In the center of the wide display was the Altar Ship, Xapacqutins Crown. It’s vastness had once faltered his confidence, how could an individual divine the will to lead such a vessel, much less the vessels that followed in its wake. That confidence had been cast in steel in the decades at the head of the Fleet Of Sublime Truth, and the worlds burned to ash at his command.

He had not stepped foot on the Homeworld for many years, it’s cold air and whipping wind now a distant memory in the controlled atmosphere of his vessel. Indeed it had been many years since he had set foot on any world forged by gods, his own or those of heathens. When he was a youth, when the Fleet was as young as he, the capture of a heathen craft or station had prompted days of festival on the Homeworld, by the time he had taken the Fleet Of Sublime Truth under his guide and greyness had crept into his hair, the gods had grown lustful for the spirits of others and the Hlthisnult demanded cities worth of worthy slaughter. Now, in his old age they demanded Worlds.

To fail the gods was worse than a dishonorable death as a coward, it was to doom those who drank of your blood and ate of your flesh to live in contempt of righteousness. Tyrant Of Sublime Truth knew his days drew to a close and soon his beloved lineage would taste of his soul, his skull would be filled with gold and hung at the top of his family shrine in Cezaqutl, a place as distant now as the world his fleet hurdled towards. If this gathering and purification, the greatest endeavour yet mandated by the gods, was a success his family would be venerated for centuries. A glory not seen since Malixut himself bled the world pure would grace his name, no doubt his bones and the spirit within them would rest upon the Great Mountain. He dared not lose himself in glory yet to be earned however, these heathens knew war.

Indeed, most of the heathens bled to the gods had been well honed in war, the vastness of the stars meant that conflict sprawled like a hungry vine through the galaxy. Tyrant Of Sublime Truth knew this world was embroiled in conflict, but the righteousness and purity of war was poisoned by interlopers. All heathens would suffer the same fate in the end, but this particular tribe of white clad fools had profaned and transgressed against the Sublime Truth his very fleet was named in honor of. Now he raised his fist and let it erupt into an open palm, the tactile display before him whipped immediately from a diagram of his fleet to a live view of the battle touched world of Abeyll III and the spacecraft surrounding it. The Fleet of Sublime Truth had torn into realspace close enough to the worlds moon that it had torn a vast swath of its crust away and sent it hurtling in a disintegrating cloud towards the planet below. The entry was a favorite tactic of Tyrant Of Sublime Truth, grandiose and as violent as the process to follow.

Now the heathen craft shifted their trajectory, as if to face down their doom. For a moment, Tyrant Of Sublime Truth would let their apprehension fester into fear and then panic, for it was in moments of animalistic panic that the Sublime Truth he had come to show them made itself most clear.

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Founded: Sep 26, 2009

Postby Achesia » Sat May 19, 2018 7:01 pm

High above Abyell III the Augustine class shuttles climbed farther and farther out of the reach of the planet’s gravity, angling their hulls for the remainder of their flight through space. Through the small windows on either side of the cabin of the shuttles there was nothing by the hazy blue ozone of Abyell and the blackness of space. Yet as the picture turned with the banking of the shuttle’s hull, three specs in the distance appeared, growing closer and closer.

“Calabash, this is Ember-one flight, request clearance to enter the security zone.” LTjg Kendall listened to the pilots sitting forward of the ship as they radioed in to the small collection of Fleet ships.

“Ember-one flight confirmed, keep at heading 0-8-0 and begin preparations for capture.” The call came back.

The large ships began to grow larger as the shuttles banked around the curvature of the planet. They were each different classes, varying in size and purpose. The first was the Alcestis, an older Noranda class destroyer, much smaller than its two companions. It featured four nacelles that housed it’s FTL drive and a large saucer (like most Nakada ships) where most the ship’s weapons, crew quarters, and command systems were located.

The shuttles passed below the Alecstis’ large saucer, the grey hull looming with its long shadow over them as the few lights of its windows shined at the shuttle passengers as a reminder of their own rest to come. Just beyond the Alecstis the shuttles began to shift to the left, their course adjusted to account for the passing larger ships and the orbit of their destination. To their right drifted the Maidstone, always an amazing sight to see as it’s white and black hull which was a unique feature to newer ships in the Nakada Fleet. The Verity Class Battlecruiser family to which it belongs is said to be some of the most advanced ships in all of the fleet.

The whole of the shuttle suddenly became still, the engines ceasing their hums as the shuttle almost felt like it was in a gentle drift. However knowing the Fleet procedure the Nakada personnel on board were all too aware that the Calabash’s tractor beam had locked onto them, a safer way to ensure the small ships arrive in the hanger without incident.

Kendal watched a few of the civilians flinch at the sudden eerie silence and stillness of the ship, the already spooked refugees unsure of their fate as they were brought into orbit by the strange and improbable coalition of different species.

“Don’t be afraid.” Kendall said in a soothing voice that she rarely visited on duty. “The bigger ship is just bringing us in to safety.” A small V’boyn clenched on to her mother… or father, the junior officer could not tell, but her face was full of fear as the typical sounds of spaceflight flowed around them. Many of the V’boyn who had managed to catch the last flight from the doomed refugee center had never been on a space craft, their eyes full of wonder and dread as they ascended. Kendal had wondered how they would handle the light headedness and overall sensation of spaceflight.

The same V’boyn girl perked up for a moment, her rather triangular brow arching upwards in her bemusement with the starboard side window. For a flash Kendal turned her head and caught a glimpse at what had turned the girls attention from fear to amazement. Of course, it was a familiar sight to Kendall, it was home, the NFS-Calabash. The Whitshed-Class Battlecruiser had it’s rear turned to the shuttles, as the main hanger bay was located in the aft portion of the ship. It’s four nacelles much like the Alecstis were positioned at the sub-light speed configuration, with both sets of FTL engines together at the ship’s side. A large bright blue box shown at the back half of the superstructure just below the rear of the saucer; an entry way of sorts to the massive hanger bay that the Whitshed Class was built around. Primarily designed to carry troops, smaller craft, and various other equipment as an assault ship, today the Calabash was the lead ship in the humanitarian mission to Abyell III, part of the many missions Nakada does pro-bono.

The blue rectangle grew closer as the Augustine class shuttles prepared to be captured by their home ship. LTjg Kendall stood up and grabbed a hand harness latched to the ceiling before addressing many of the huddle refugees.

“Alright everyone, we are coming in to the Calabash, there will be a few bumps, but when we land it is imperative you follow us as directed, we will be able to direct you to where your friends or family are located in one of our improvised refugee centers on the ship.” The refugees before her were a mix of emotions. Some grateful for their rescue from the war raging below, others in despair at the loss of those consumed by the conflict, and some angry, be it at the situation or Nakada she could not tell. As an officer it took a stiff upper lip to not let that affect her, not everyone liked that they had to leave so many to die on the surface, but little choice did she have that day. It was above her pay level to decided who lived and died.

“Calabash, prepare to slave to ship’s controls.” The ship’s flight controls would soon be absorbed by the control center on the ship, who would guide any sort of minute maneuvering needed to ensure there was a happy landing. “Ember-flight, you will be arriving hanger-starboard, immediately offload your passengers to the control area. Ember-two-seven is to report to the command deck.”

The pilot looked back to LTjg Kendall casually, while she could not see his eyes through the massive flight helmet he wore, she knew he was looking for an acknowledgement. She nodded her head, turning to a Chief Petty-Officer sitting next to where she was standing.

“Called to the carpet.” Her mouth twisted.

“Can’t be too bad Ma’am, you followed your orders.” The wrinkled olive skin of the man twisted with every word as he braced himself against the bulkhead as the shuttle jolted.

The three Augustine shuttles of Ember Flight passed through the blue entry way and all of light of the stars and planet below disappeared. They floated through what was a massive hallway-like hanger bay that was flanked on either side by shelves of parked shuttles, fighters, mecha, and other craft. Below them many more craft were arranged on a large flight deck and above overhead mag-cranes sorted equipment to a configuration best for current operations.

Turning right the craft were gently guided to their own shelve where after a 180-degree twirl, they all three touched down on the grey deck, their wingtips turning up to the landed configuration. The blue lights in the cabin of the shuttle flickered on, painting the passengers, both Nakada personnel and refugees like with the melancholy color. It was not long before the rear ramps of the shuttle were lowered, and the greeting party of flight operations crew and officers were outside to greet them.

Kendall disembarked first, receiving salutes from several of the non-employed enlisted men and one Ensign assigned to command this bay.

“Ma’am, will these refugees be assigned with the others?” He dropped his salute upon receiving her return.

“Yes, the guardsmen will escort them to the storage bay, I need to get to the bridge.” LTjg Kendall turned one more time to the open shuttle, the dozens of V’boyn people timidly disembarking the ramp as they peered around the cavernous hanger bay of the Calabash. The girl she had reassured was still in arms of her parent, clinging tightly to the multi-colored robes of the one safety she still recognized. Kendall reflected on the refugees on Abyell they had left behind, with no safety at all.

“Welcome aboard the Calabash. Please follow the guardsmen to the refugee bay, single file line please, the passageways are often crowded! You will first be scanned in for accountability and then we will move you on.” One petty-officer projected to the crowd of V’boyn, ushering them to their temporary refuge in the stars. Just before the door to the corridor a sailor would be accounting for each refugee or Nakada personnel that entered the ship on a small tablet, ensuring it was always known how many personnel were aboard the Calabash.

The young officer had another destination however, not her cabin for rest or the mess hall to fill her stomach for the first time in eighteen hours, but instead to the bridge where the captain had summoned her for an unannounced reason. Kendall’s mind could race to speculate what one of those reasons could be, but the majority of them did not sound very good. Instead the LTjg dreaded this visit as she passed through the very utilitarian, grey, and riveted corridor. It would be a bit of a jaunt before she found an electric-lift to bring her to the command deck. Not much to look at on the Nakada ships built to be more practical than easy on the eyes. But stepping into the small compartment, tighter than the average elevator, she selected the command deck, and took a deep breath to ease her mind.

After a swift climb the doors would open and reveal the bustling neurocenter of the Calabash, a hive of Nakada Fleet personnel tied to monitors, sensors, digital boards, and control stations. The activity at any given time would be considered chaotic to the unaccustomed, yet this was but an average day of operations. The entirety of the bridge was quite large, a single level deck that was shaped in a rectangle Three of its sides lined with control and monitoring stations, and the fourth front side with a large screen that was split into several data panels. Throughout were rows of more stations, digital tables/boards, and the large helm station which sat just behind the simple command stool that the skipper would often sit on if he ever had time to sit. If you ever asked him however he did not have such time, often pacing between control stations and desks to get the latest information on the spectrum of ship’s systems, missions, and departments.

LTjg Kendall looked around, trying to find where the Skipper was hovering. There were too many grey and blue uniforms flying around to spot out just a single man, but as luck would have it, he found her.

“Lieutenant…” The average height man dressed in utility blues called out in a mildly annoyed tone. The tone was quite normal for him, a pinchy face captain that often was the punch line of the junior officer’s ward’s jokes. He had a perpetually frustrated expression about him at all times, and usually when he calls you to the bridge its not to ask how you are doing.

“Sir” She snapped too, some of the grey dust still on her uniform flying off into the air.

“Front and center.” Captain Oswald Ralph was presently standing over a partition that separated a series of desks from the rest of them. Formally known as the Intelligence booth, it was often called the spook-hole, a semi-private area for the intelligence personnel to carry out their work without any prying eyes. Kendall moved around the partition as she was beckoned by the skipper, his utility cap leaning port-ways as his five hashmark ranks pulled it down near his eyebrow.

“Do you have a problem following orders?” The captain asked in a sarcastic and additionally condescending way.

Kendall never felt like he had a lick of respect for her, staff and officer meetings being but another time to be demeaned.
“No sir.”

“Play it.” The skipper told the intelligence sailor sitting down next to him at a screen. “Watch this Lieutenant.” The captain nodded to the screen.

On the screen an orbital image of the grey Abyell III landscape that Kendall was all to familiar with. Three Augustine-class shuttles on the ground with a horde of refugees surrounding them in a “U” shape. She knew this all to well to be her team circa thirty minutes ago at the doomed refugee center. As the tape went on an even larger horde began to descend upon the small “U” shaped one, clearly the Tuban Armed Front forces closing in for the kill on them.

“That was how close they were Lieutenant. Not miles, but meters.” The skipper got closer to the young girl, who stood chest height from the brown-haired man. “When I tell you to move your forces, you move them. No if ands or butts. I can clearly see how many refugees you have on your hands, just like you. But unlike you I can also see the horde of hostiles closing in to kill you, the refugees, and your team.” His annoyance level reached its peak as the vein on his forehead bulged. He was so close to her face that she was surprised he was not choking on the Abyellian dust that floated from her uniform.

Behind him the video kept playing and was truthy the main thing that Kendall was focused on. As the orbital footage continued their three shuttles departed with haste, but the refugees they left behind stood hopelessly in the field, until the horde of Tuban Armed Front enveloped them.

The young female officer held back a tear as she turned her gaze towards her commanding officer. Her eyes were glistening with moisture, and the captain clearly noticed.

“Are you fucking starting to cry lieutenant? Christ…. You ever want to rise above your current station you better grow a fucking pair.” He got even closer to her face, the sailors in the spook-hole nervously looking at their desks as they listening to this ass chewing LTjg Kendall was being dealt. “The fact of the matter is lieutenant…” The condescending roll of the way he said her rank a metal swab to her ear “… is I am I charge of this ship, and one day if you hope to be in charge of a ship and not some half-baked shore command, you better learn to…”

“Captain! I have hundreds of signals approaching at light speed.” A shrill voice from the other side of the command deck called.

Captain Ralph stopped mid-sentence and shoved passed Kendall who stood eyes still glistening.
“Hundreds?” He shot back in disbelief.

“Hundreds sir, they will be dropping out of FTL in seconds.”
“What the fuck is this….” The skipper shook his head, taking his place at the front of the bridge where he could see the sensor readout real time for himself. It didn’t look good, no amount of craft massed in such a number for a peaceful reason.
“Man battle stations. Alert the Alecstis and the Maidstone. Raise our shields.” Ralph ordered calmly. The true intentions of such an Armada yet to be seen. “Send a signal to Fleet headquarters and appraise them of the situation.”

The bridge of the Calabash bustled even more than it had a few moments ago, the klaxons droning its warning in the background as the entire ship came to life.

“Sir they are coming out now.”

“On screen.”

A video of the fleet dropping from FTL appeared front and center of the large viewing screen. And just as it did a drawn-out gasp echoed from the entire bridge crew as they witnessed a large chunk of moon being torn from the rest of Varadlimon.

“Jesus.” Someone blurted at the sight.

“Get our weapons on line now.” The first officer barked as the captain stood staring at the hunk of rock crashing towards the surface. This was not a band of tourists or traders, these were hostile.

“Do we have ID on these ships?” The skipper called back.

“Negative sir!”

The Alecstis and Maidstone each pulled in front of the Calabash, forming a “V” to show strength in the face of overwhelming numbers. The unidentified craft closing in on their position.

“Sir unidentified craft nearing the exclusion zone.”

“Hail them.”

“Aye Sir.”

A signals petty officer opened the broadband channel for all ships in the vicinity to hear.

“Unidentified craft, this is the Nakada Memorial Foundation Fleet, you are entering controlled space, and are encroaching on our position. This will be taken as a hostile act, reverse course or we will fire as allowed by galactic law.”

The call went out, and then was repeated. Yet they neared without pause…

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