The Old and the New (Meridia)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The Old and the New (Meridia)

Postby Taledonia » Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:09 pm

(OOC: This RP is open to members of Meridia, and will chronicle the succession crisis and noble rebellion within the Kingdom of Taledonia.)

The Old and the New
Deep within the Brackenwood
17th Day of Artias, 5th Year of the Second Era

The sky was awash in the colours of a setting sun. Hues of purple, orange and red streaking across the heavens as heralds of the approaching blues, themselves only the vanguard of the greenish aurora that would soon dance upon a field of black. The pines, towering and snow capped despite the warm spring air, stood out as dark shadows upon the celestial canvas, and threw ever growing shadows of their own upon the horsemen who rode on the narrow path between them. The ground was a mixture of muddied snow and dead foliage from the year before. It was an oppressive scene, with the wood pushing too close on either side of the trail, and the magnificence of the sky seemed more sinister than alluring. The horses, their hooves constantly sinking into the bog with every step, were becoming infuriated, deigning not to step forward until ferociously prodded by the swearing knights upon their backs, and the pop of suction as they went wore the nerves of both men and beast.

“Had we not stopped,” muttered one of them, a grizzled old man who lacked any hair on his head or face, “We’d have been next to a warm hearth by now.”

The youngest of the party, a man in his early twenties with a full head of streaming auburn hair and an almost girlish face, gave a mischievous grin. “But she was well worth the wait.”

“I don’t think her father would agree,” countered another, this one wearing his full plate armour, even the full helm. His tone was serious and bordered upon disapproval. “And I’m sure you didn’t need to parade the deed to the entire homestead.”

“Ah,” laughed the youth, “But they should all know and share in the girl’s joy! After all, how often does a common wench receive the attention of a royal prince?”

“All too often,” muttered the hairless one. “And I can’t say I’m enjoying holding back their fathers and brothers no more.”

“Times are changing,” agreed the stern one, “The lords of the realm are growing tired of the…privileges…the crown takes with their lands and people.”

“It’s not THEIR lands and people,” the young prince growled, “They are but stewards, placed there by Royal assent. Look around you. This forest, that mountain there” he pointed at the towering peak that could be seen through a break in the trees, “The mud beneath you, even. It all belongs to my father the King.”

“Hush!” commanded the bald one. “D’you hear that?”

They hushed, and across the chill dusk air could be heard the most intriguing of all sounds: That of women laughing. Immediately the grin returned to the young prince, and with a wink to his companions he set his heels into his mount, urging it forwards into a gallop despite the mud.

“He’s going to lame that poor creature,” commented the helmed one, to which his bare-headed companion gave a grunt of agreement before setting his own mount into a slow trot of pursuit. They entered the scrub, the mud giving way to snowbanks that were escaping the springtime sun in the cover of the foliage. They pushed through thick bush and branches that did their utmost to block their passage, and all the while the sounds of laughter grew louder, joined by the unmistakable noise of running water.

The knights emerged into a glen that was heavily shrouded from outside view by the tall sentinel pines and thick raspberry bushes. The stream at the center tumbled down a four foot drop into a deep pool whose banks were ringed with ice and snow, but in whose fast flowing center splashed three figures. They were young, fair of complexion and hair, the latter shimmering as it tumbled to cover their bare chests. Their eyes were large and round and otherworldly blue, and their ears were slightly pointed. The warm air was thick with the scent of lavender, and the sun had reached a point where the patches of sky that could be made out through the trees was the most brilliant crimson. The wood was silent but for the rush of water and the playful entreaties of the young girls, who had moved to the shore and where helping the prince remove his clothing; his armour long shed carelessly near where he had dismounted.

The bald knight was the first to dismount, compelled by some unknown suggestion, for the women had never actually uttered a word, only keeping up their girlish giggling and sighs that bordered upon carnal pleasure. But in their heads, they all felt powerfully compelled to obey, and stripping themselves of all garments, the royal escort joined their prince in the icy water. Each man went to a different girl, who took him into her arms lovingly and led him deeper into the stream. With bright smiles and charming looks, they plied their captives with kisses, and welcomed the touch that fondled their bodies. It did not take long for the whole party to be in the exact center of the stream, which rose to chest height on the men.

“Lay down,” were the unsaid words in their heads. “You will feel such joys as you have never experienced.”

With acquiescing smiles, the three men slowly sank onto their backs in the water, the women very gently pushing their heads under the surface. The water stung as it rushed over them and entered their lungs, but the men just smiled at the beautiful young women who held them under the running stream and smiled back at them through the distortion of the liquid medium.

The sun, finally dipping below the horizon, submerged the world into a momentary darkness before the light of the moon strengthened and lit the forest in a ghostly blue. It was silent but for the tumbling stream and the wind that whistled softly through the pines. The horses stood silently where they had been left, watching with disinterest as the lifeless bodies of their owners were slowly carried downstream. In the distance an owl, herald of the night, hooted that it was now his time; that here was the Kingdom of Twilight.

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Postby Taledonia » Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:34 pm

City of Taledon
43rd Day of Artias, 5th Year of the Second Era

"What's this all about, Ballantyne?"

Ælraed Ballantyne, 34 years old, tall, thin and graceful, had been standing at the door to the throne room of Wintan Castle. He cut an impressive figure in the snowy white breeches, matching waistcoat that boasted golden buttons, and deep navy blue coat whose tails ran to his knees and whose equally brilliant gold buttons shone with pleasure while the equally impressive epaulettes of gold-lace gave his upright posture just that much more gravitas. He stood with both hands behind his back, his bicorn tucked under his right elbow, but as the speaker approached, he turned on the heels of his brightly polished black-leather hessian boots and gave a flourishing bow; right leg forward and left arm out behind him with his cap.

"Lord Galloway, how d'you do, Sir?"

Aldus Galloway, Lord of Stone Bridge, made his painful way to the younger man. His face was wet with sweat for the effort, as he moved with a bad limp caused by an old war wound that had left his right leg a useless burden, and the lines and grief about him gave the appearance of an elder, rather than the 40 or so years he actually had. "My, what a peacock you look, Ballantyne," he growled, eyeing the man up and down with derision. "You navy fops and your pretty clothes."

With completely unfeigned civility, the younger man merely responded that it was the future. Gunpowder had made armour obsolete, and even the Royal Army was adorned similarly. To this, Aldus Galloway sneered. "The Royal Army, forsooth! Let me tell you something, Ballantyne: Men standing in a line with nothing but cloth to protect them will not withstand a charge by knights in full plate, nor will they hold the line against equally armoured men-at-arms who charge their pretty little lines with true Taledonian steel in their hands. I don't care what you say about gunpowder; two, maybe three volleys can be expended before the infantry meet, and then it will all come down to fighting skill."

"As you say, my Lord."

Jerking a thumb at the half opened throne room door, Galloway asked "What's His Majesty's mood?" His Majesty's mood was rather apparent, as the whole time shouts of anger had been emanating from within. Nothing could truly be made out, but the words "treason," "criminal," and "executed" could be made out.

"It is not for me to say, my Lord. But all the other lords of the Realm are already within waiting upon His Majesty."

"Then let us go through, Ballantyne, and put this matter to rest."

With a small cough of acknowledgement from Ballantyne, a page who had been standing at the ready within the throne room opened the door for them. As they entered the chamber, a great rectangular, double-high space whose floor was a polished dark pine with a carpet of green wool running the length of the room from the door to the dias, all in attendance fell silent. With slow determination, Lord Galloway made his way towards the throne, a great high-backed chair carved of walnut, trimmed with amber and cushioned with a pillow of silvery ermine. Ballantyne kept a respectful distance behind, ensuring that his pace never overtook his slower superior. On and on they went, passed the ranks of soldiers in their dark grey coats who stood at silent attention along the walkway, muskets held at attention against their shoulders. Past the ranks of courtiers and retainers, most in civilian clothing but some in military garb of this and previous eras. Past the assembled lords, who stood with sad but attentive eyes. And passed the ranks of glistening knights, whose steel armour caught the light of hundreds of flickering chandeliers, and who looked like silent guardians ready to loose their swords at a moments notice.

"Your Majesty," Galloway bowed as best he was able.

"Where is my son?!"

Lifting his head, Lord Galloway looked into the eyes of the decrepit monarch. King Elias II of House Icel was an old man, nearly 70 years of age, and his once strong body was but a frail husk that was lost in the grandeur and size of his throne. His throne, upon whose edge he clung and gazed with a hatred so intense that spittle foamed at the corners of his mouth. "Where is my son, you traitorous whore-spawned coward?!"

"Your Majesty," Galloway replied, his tone even but respectful, "Your son, the Prince, lies beside you." And truly, the lifeless form of the drowned youth sat upon a bed of evergreen, brought to this hearing at the orders of the King.

"He lies so because you murdered him!" spat the King, "You murdered your own prince and heir to the throne!"

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, I am as devastated at the loss of your son as you are, and I retain that I did not have a hand in his demise."

"Downed!" shrieked King Elias, "Drowned in a river! Stripped naked and drowned in a river on your lands! Who but a supposed ally could have drowned him and his guard so easily and without struggle?!"

Galloway nearly dropped his gaze, but with determination kept his eyes locked with those of his sovereign. "With respect, Your Majesty, the spirits do not like the way the kingdom is going."

"Spirits!" cried the King, incredulity and outrage brimming with every syllable. "Spirits! You would blame the spirits for your treachery?!"

A wizened man, long of hair and beard and draped in a plain cloak of brown wool, stepped out of the crowd and joined Lord Galloway before the king. "Your Majesty, the spirits must be respected. They are old, and powerful, and do not take kindly to the disrespect being shown them."

"Silence, druid!" screeched the King, "The spirits are but monsters and goblins, left from the Shadow, and deserve our scorn! My Kingdom shall forever be free from venerating these creatures ever again! I will not cling to superstition and fable, and will not accept this as reason."

"Your Majesty.." began the wise man again, but he was quickly cut off by the King, who reaffirmed his position that the Old Beliefs were a relic of an uneducated populous.

"Do you mean to say you are revoking the promise you made to allow us our beliefs, Your Grace?" asked Galloway, venom in his voice. Hushed cries of alarm ran throughout the crowd at this accusation, and a deep tension filled the room. The soldiers were now glancing about, gripping their muskets a bit too tightly, whilst the assembled knights and retainers were having to fight the urge to grip their swords. The assembled lords of the realm looked to their king in expectation.

For decades the rights of the nobility had been steadily eroded, and the old ways were being trampled. The Kingdom was deeply split, with the Crown and the urban centers pursuing a policy of modernization and centralization. Theirs was a world of science, commerce, and strong central leadership. Religion and worship held little promise for these folk. But those lords that held lands away from the capital and the large cities, those that existed in a more rural scene, knew the truth. They knew that the spirits of the world still inhabited the forests and the hills. They knew the power that dwelt in the streams and the mountain. Deeply spiritual people, the fiefs were a traditional place. They respected the Old Ways, and they did what they could to retain their independence. But while they held the numbers, and the loyalty of the knightly and spiritual orders, theirs was a force of a different age. The King held a small but professional army, armed with guns and cannons. Further, it was only the Crown that had the ability to field a naval force, and the great ships-of-the-line provided mobile fortresses that houses such firepower that would surely be the final word in any engagement.

The King sat in smoldering in fury, his old and failing mind turning over the situation. Finally, as if a light had been turned on, his face contorted in a demonic snarl. "Seize him!" he cried, "Seize him and clap him in chains!" The room exploded into pandemonium. The knights, their cloaks depicting the various colours and symbols of their specific orders, drew their blades and leapt to the defense of Lord Galloway, putting themselves between him and the royal soldiers who were now leveling their guns and attempting to keep order in the crowd.

The room began to divide itself, the Lords of the major cities and their entourages joining the royal retainers and courtiers on one side, whilst the lords of the kingdom's castles and their courtiers moved to the other. Between them, the knights of the realm faced the soldiers of the king. Everyone could taste the coming blood, and silence reigned as they all waited for the first blow. Then, after what seemed like hours, Lord Galloway stepped through the ranks of steel-clad warriors and stood once more before the King.

"I submit myself to you, Your Majesty. But I call upon all noble and just men here today to not let this injustice stand."

The assembly ended with Aldus Galloway clapped in irons and led to the dungeons by the King's soldiers, while the lords of the realm and the knightly orders retreated from the capital. In the coming days, messengers would be sent out to all those loyal to the Crown or to the various fiefs, and armies began to assemble. War had come to Taledonia.
Last edited by Taledonia on Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Taledonia » Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:52 pm

Banshee Bay
4th Day of Gildas, 5th Year of the Second Era

Stormhold was well deserving of its name. The howling gales, themselves the namesake of the great bay that ran out to the Shrieking Sea, were like forlorn cries of tormented souls and horrors unfathomable to the imagination, bringing with them frost that bit like icy fangs. It was on this desolate shoreline, surrounded by the thick conifers of the northern Maidenwood, that the citadel stood as if an extension of the Cloudburst Mountains themselves. It was an edifice of dark stone, hewn from the mountain in a bygone time by unknown hands. Tall and imposing and sitting astride the River Wraith that marked the boundary of the Kingdom. The ramparts, bedecked with ferocious gargoyles interspersed with fluttering banners of House Aidan, were patrolled by men-at-arms whose chainmail and leather armour was covered by the thick fur cloaks they wore about themselves, their heads in coonskin caps and their fur-wrapped gauntlets holding flickering torches that fought to stay alive in the breeze.

Within, the high-arching halls were silent and dark, the castle staff long since dismissed for the night. All but for the Lord's Study, a circular room in the tallest tower of the fortress, which was awash in the light of candles and the crackling fire in the hearth. Guards stood both within and without, and around the heavy circular table of stone that was built into the room as a permanent fixture stood the nobility of Taledonia. The lords of Brackenbury and Stormhold, the most senior of the gathering. The petty nobles that swore them fealty, and the grandmasters of several knightly orders. They stood over a great map of the kingdom that was spread the length and width of the table, and they silently listened to their host.

"Galloway's men will not approve any action that does not see us move to free their lord from imprisonment. Particularly as the King is keen on taking his head. But we cannot march on Taledon; its walls are too thick, and ringed with cannons. Many more than we can muster. And any assault would just be opening our warriors to their marksmen on the walls. Our strength is in numbers, and in open terrain. Our heavy cavalry can ride over their hussars and cavaliers. And our men-at-arms can cut their lines to pieces if they can close. But if they can maintain distance, their artillery and gunnery will be our undoing."

"What is it you're proposing, Lord Aidan," questioned Edward Vitalis, Lord of Brackenbury.

"Apart from the capital, we can control the countryside. The King's strength comes from the Royal Navy, which keeps Morningside and Vermillion loyal and safe. But they must keep the roads to the cities open, lest they be cut off from the capital. I propose that we move to block off the roads, deploying our forces in these locations" he pointed at various points on the map, "Effectively cutting the cities off from the capital. This will draw out the Royal Army, whom we can bring to battle on our terms."

"How does this free Lord Galloway?" the response from the Stone Bridge delegation was hostile. "We refuse to be apart of anything that does not free our lord from certain death."

Lord Aidan did not look up from the map. "Once the Royal Army is on the march, the capital will be more amenable to any sort of rescue. Not an all out assault, mind you, but a calculated strike upon the palace to free Lord Galloway and remove him from the city."

"And what is your plan for this strike?"

Aidan smiled at all around the table. "Why, diplomacy, of course!"

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A m e n r i a
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Postby A m e n r i a » Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:08 pm

Soon, word of the current conflict in Taledonia reached Aleria's coast, then the ears of the Maharaja himself. The Taledonian prince died, drowned in a lake with two of his companions. Something didn't add up. If the noble indeed murdered the prince, why did he choose to drown him instead of poisoning him or any other method? Moreover, why would he strip the prince off his clothing? There were too many questions. Concerned with peace as ever, the Maharaja sent a letter to the king of Taledonia.

A cockatoo flew to the northern continent, approaching a Taledonian soldier once it arrived. It squawked, trying to get the man's attention. On its back is a scroll, which contains nothing but an image of a serpentine being curled into a semicircle. At least that's how it looked like to people other than the Taledonian monarch himself.
Last edited by A m e n r i a on Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
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Postby Taledonia » Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:03 pm

Beaver Bay
22nd of Gildas, 2E 5

The breeze was fair, the tide steady, and as HMS Chaser came into view of Fort Brieuc, that lichen-encrusted castle which guarded the approach to the city of Vermillion with high walls bristling with guns, the first rays of the sun were illuminating the waters of Beaver Bay. The frigate, its masts bedecked in all the canvas it could manage in so loving a wind, was a noble spectacle; the envy of any artist looking for a nautical theme. As it came within long range of the fortress, it fired its salute. A full broadside of guns, fired one after the other in perfectly timed intervals, to which the fortress began its reply, firing its own blank charges. Already the water was choked with outgoing traffic. Fishing vessels and merchantmen all taking advantage of the high tide and steady breeze to escape the harbour, but they all steered to give the Chaser a wide berth as it alone made to enter the city.

"As fair a day as could be wished, if I may be so bold to say so, sir."

Ballantyne stood at the taffrail, hands clasped behind his back, and was gazing at the approaching shoreline, already a hub of activity. "A truly fine ending to this magnificent run we've had, Mr. Whessels. From Banshee to Beaver in 18 days; you've done yourself credit!"

Mr. Whessels, a short man who was built like an ox, stood at the wheel, his pinched face grinning at the compliment. "I've been master of dear Chaser for these six years or more, sir. I know what she likes and how she likes it. Two points abaft the beam."

Ælraed was about to make a comment about someone he knew who liked it a similar way, but his attention shifted to a peculiar looking bird that had the nerve to board his vessel without leave. It was large, white and tropical, with a regal crown atop its head that fanned out as it bobbed its head up and down. Looking about itself and the ship, the bird seemed to be sizing up the crew, and began waddling about the rail as if effecting an inspection. Ballantyne couldn't help but laugh as it squawked along its route, as if a spit-and-polish captain noticing the state of the blacking on the yards wasn't all it could be, or the brass of the cannons weren't catching the light just so.

"Shall we rig the grating, Mr. Parrot?" he inquired as he approached, but his amusement turned to puzzlement as he noticed a scroll had been attached to the bird. "Ah, you're a mail ship, and yet didn't make the proper signals. I should have you in a general court-martial."

Seizing the bird and removing the scroll, he thanked it with a scratch on the belly before flinging it out to sea. It flapped indignantly before taking flight and departing, leaving both the ship and Ballantyne's attention. A scroll on a bird, he said to himself, what a wonderfully queer way to start a day. And his bewilderment only grew upon opening the document, for there was naught but some doodle of an ouroboros. A very fine doodle, to be sure, but a doodle none-the-less. "Mr. Donalee," he called, drawing the attention of the young fair haired man who served as his private secretary.


"I've received a present from a bird."


"Yes, I'm somewhat at a loss myself. Still, it is far too interesting an item to be dismissed out of hand, and log me as a foul pagan but I can't help feel it has some importance. File it amongst my papers, if you please."

And there it was left, amongst various papers concerning the reconnaissance that had been produced by the unofficial trip to Banshee Bay to ascertain the intentions of the nobility that had gathered at Stormhold. It was with some annoyance that Ælraed discovered it in hand as he was giving his detailed report to the king. It caused him to pause in his dialogue, and to stare with incomprehension for a brief moment, a moment caught by the druid that stood behind the king's desk.

"A very nice picture, Admiral," the wise man commented. "If I may?"

With a tinge of annoyance, and a mental note to reprimand his secretary, he handed the sheet to the druid. There was frustration now, and incomprehension. "I can make out some form of writing here, but it is jumbled, as if bewitched by some arcane force. Where did you come by this scroll?"

"As unbelievable as it may sound, a parrot delivered it to my ship as I was entering Vermillion. I thought it a queer thing, and must have forgotten that I stored it with my report."

"Jumbled?" scoffed His Majesty, the royal attention causing him to peer at the document held above his head. "I can read it clear as day!"

Both druid and sailor looked at each other with puzzlement, but the scroll was relinquished to the monarch, whose weak eyes scanned the words again and again, each reading causing the colour in His Majesty's face to rise. "Outrageous!" he shouted, "Galloway is in league with a foreign power, who seeks to disguise their complicity with deception, platitudes, and offers of "investigators!" He read the note aloud for his two attendants, the indignation not at all suppressed. "Send the fleet, Ballantyne! Send the fleet and blast these foreign devils into oblivion!"

"Before or after we deal with the rebellion, Your Grace?"

"The...oh, yes yes. Well, keep an eye to them, man, and have our fleet ready to sail to their heathen shores as soon as we have dealt with Stormhold. Summon the Dwipantaran ambassador!"

At one time the King's mind was as fit and clever as they come. Age had not been kind to His Majesty, in body or brain, and he was but a sad shell of the former leader that had inspired the nation to such magnificent levels of progress and development. It would not be long, everyone knew, before the King was dead, and then what? His only son and heir was dead. The Royal line had ended there. Would this be for the better or the worse, wondered the druid. The people would look to them, the spiritual leaders of the realm, when the time came. They would be tasked with deciding the future of the nation, as it had been in the time before the Shadow.

As the audience was adjourned, he followed Ballantyne out into the hall. "A word, Admiral. There is no Dwipantaran ambassador, as you know very well. But as I believe Lord Galloway innocent of murder, I would suggest we take this offer of assistance at face value. I implore you to summon this investigator, and see what he can find. The war is already started, but perhaps bloodshed can be avoided if truth is brought to bear."

"Truth," Ælraed replied, "Is of little consequence to the ambitions of men. Summon the heathens if you wish, I have a navy to look after."

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Camelone » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:53 pm

Eastern Beaverwood
22nd of Gildas, 2E 5

A fireplace crackled within the confines of a nearly empty great hall with only two individuals within, the two Margraves of Eastern Beaverwood had heard of the civil war that was coming to life in neighboring Taledonia and it concerned them greatly not only because they shared a border with the fighting but also because each man had relatives of some sort in the rebellion. For the youngest of the men, Margrave Sigismund, it was a matter of protecting family as his younger sister was married to one of the lords in revolt and he could not sit idly by when she and her husband could be in danger. He didn't care much for their heathenish religion but he could not say that the lords of Taledonia lacked honor or prowess and as a man of honor himself he had to answer the call to assist his kin.

"Arthur we must do something to help our kin, without our help there is no doubt that they will be defeated. They fight with sword and lance against musketry and cannon shot, there is no way that they can be triumphant without our support. Honor demands we fight with them!"

The old man turned to look deep within the flames mulling over everything, yet it was true that honor called for him to fight alongside those who share his blood through kin and covenant but this was not a Camelonean affair.

"Sigismund you are young and foolish to think that you can just gallivant off to war for every kinsman who gives out a cry of help. Who will look after your lands? Who will care for your mother, your wife, your child? Do you think that these things will take care of themselves?"

"But my sister is danger damn it!"

"Than open your doors to her and her husband!" Arthur responded getting tired with this debate, they were talking in circles for the past hour and they have gotten nowhere. Sigismund took a deep breath to calm himself down before he continued.

"Then Arthur could you please lend me some of your forces and watch over my lands as I fight alongside a righteous cause."

"Oh what is so noble about their cause? They fight for some heathen faith, they fight against progress, and they will do nothing but bog down their nation if they seize power."

"Come now Arthur we both know you would love nothing more than to Taledonia be weaker than what it is, you want to weaken them further help me fight alongside my fellows and you will get your wish with no blood on your hands. As for their faith I have no love for it but I must concede if our beloved faith in Christ was assaulted would it not be true that a more than a million men would rise in righteous anger to defend the truth? They are misguided yes but they still fight with a noble heart that has much to respect within it." There it was Sigismund could see Arthur's face soften as he mulled over the proposal, he had him right where he wanted him. With a sigh Arthur conceded.

"What do you need?"

Banshee Bay
30th of Gildas, 2E 5

A lone rider rode hard and fast towards Stormhold he wore the military uniform of Margrave Sigismund, a dull orange jacket covered by a steel breastplate and grey trousers, and a steel helmet with two Eagle feathers on each side signified this man was one of Sigismund's elite dragoons which was all the more noticeable with the rifle the man had in his saddle that was a backscrew loading rifle and two revolvers rested on his hips next to his saber. Approaching the gates the dragoon yelled out "I am Sir Ninian and I come bearing a message from the Margrave of Darini! The wise Margrave Sigismund has offered to throw the weight of his forces behind the noble cause of this faction!" Now all there was left to do was wait and see if he was accepted or turned away.
Last edited by Camelone on Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
In the spirit of John Tombes, American Jacobite with a Byzantine flair for extra spice
I am... the lurker!
Ave Rex Christus!

Pro: The Social Kingship of Christ, Corporatism, Distributism, Yeomanrism, Tradition based Christianity, High Tory, Hierarchy, vanguard republicanism, Blue Laws, House of Wittelsbach, House of Iturbide, House of Kalākaua
Neutral: Constitutions, Guild Socialism, Libertarianism, Constitution Party, monarchism
Against: Communism, socialism, SJWs, materialism, the Democratic Republican Uniparty, material Egalitarianism
Family, Fatherland, Work

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A m e n r i a
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:56 pm

The Maharaja of Dwipantara soon received a reply. Though circumstances aren't as good as he wished, it was not unexpected. Any parent would be distressed at the loss of their child.

He sent two ships of men to Taledonia. Compared to its cousins, the ships were small, as they were only meant for patrolling, not large-scale assaults.

The ships carried people of differrent species from different provinces. One man stood on the front side of the vessel, stroking his jet-black moustache as he leaned forward, looking at the distant continent his men were sailing to. "Is this your first time?" The man turned to look where the voice was coming from. His ally stood before him, twice his height, with skin blue as the sea, decorated with stripes of a darker shade, his tail moving slowly in relaxation. "To Taledonia, yes. To the continent, no." The moustached man replied. "I hear they have guns. Nothing more sophisticated than ours though. Still, we should be wary, Angel knows their true intention." The blue man advised his leader. "Angel taught us to see the good in every man. Should they be treacherous, I'll have the army of Parahyangan come and enlighten them, to revert them to their innocent selves and rid them of whatever demon resides in their hearts." "Wise words, sir. I shall check in the rest of the crew. Serenity be with you, Captain Yudha." "Serenity be with you too, Kevin."
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:47 pm

30th of Gildas, 2E 5

The great gates of Stormhold were thick planks of weathered chestnut held together by ornate bindings of copper that had long faded to green and which ran across the dark hardwood as if vines had taken over and blocked the passage. But it was not these that opened; rather, it was the small iron door to the side of the portcullis. And it was not a soldier, knight or lord who appeared, but a girl of 18. She was tall, and the slenderness of her form was completely lost in the great fur wrap she had about herself. Her eyes were a pure blue, her hair a glossy ebony, and her skin alabaster.

"How is my dear brother?!" the girl shouted in excitement, completely forgetting all the years of etiquette and decency drilled into her as she ran to the dragoon. "Oh please, sir, you must tell me how he does? Is he well? Has he been eating? Mama always did worry that he spent too much time in training and paid little attention to his health."

Before the startled horseman could reply, there came a gruff cough, drawing attention back to the opened man door. There stood a shrewish looking courtier in fine but thin clothing that didn't seem to offer any protection from the biting wind, yet he did not seem to mind, so intent was he on fixing his holier-than-thou glare upon his mistress. "Lady Aidan, perhaps we should invite the gentleman in?"

Her cheeks flushing scarlet, the young woman dropped her gaze, bringing her emotions into check and resuming the demure bearing that was expected of her station. "But of course, Mr. Langborn, I've forgotten myself." Turning to the dragoon again, she gave a curtsy and held out her hand. "The hospitality of Stormhold is yours, Sir Ninian. Do please come in, warm yourself by the hearth, and enjoy a proper cup of tea. Or if tea is not to your liking, my husband keeps a good stock of Camelonian brandy."

Once the party was properly settled before a roaring fire in the library, Lady Clarissa Aidan seated upright at the edge of a regal armchair, the castle's steward(the shrewish man) standing behind her, and Sir Ninian seated opposite on an equally luxurious and regal chair of his own, and a tray of beverages and finger sandwiches between them, Lady Aidan set about her instructions.

"I must confess," she said apologetically, "That my husband, the Lord Stormhold, did expect an envoy from my dear brother. Your offer of assistance is most welcome, Sir Ninian, and I am to extend the most heartfelt appreciation on behalf of all the lords of Taledonia. I do hope, however, that your voyage here has been not only comfortable and satisfactory, but discrete. My lord husband has a very delicate request, once that, with God's help, will see this dreadful conflict resolved quickly."

Beaver Bay
37th of Gildas

"It would have been wiser," came the schoolmaster voice from unknown lips within the crowd of people swarming the docks of Vermillion as the Dwipantari delegation disembarked their vessel, "If you had sent only humans. While it is never wise to use stereotypes, the people of the Kingdom are not particularly known for their tolerance of other races." As if he had been standing before them the whole time, a tall, lanky, faded-green-robed man had suddenly appeared in their path. His cloak fell over his forehead, but his amber-coloured eyes could be made out beneath the bushy white brows, and while he did possess an equally bushy and white beard, it was groomed to be no longer than his chin.

"But there is no sense in lamenting what has already come to pass, is there? Please, collect your belongings as quickly as you can, for we have quite a journey ahead of us, and I'm afraid this is only the beginning of your quest. A foolish one, if you ask me, but perhaps the spirits will be kind."

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A m e n r i a
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:37 pm

The ships from Dwipantara arrived at their destination. Marvelous machines of metal amd wood, a variety of people exited the vehicle, some on deers, others on tigers.

One man on a tiger was approached by a bearded local who gave a rather racist remark. The man on the tiger calmly responded. "God willing, they will see how trustworthy Kevin Barere and my other non-human colleagues are. They are people too, whose intent is nothing but to create harmony."

With bags, strapped to their mounts, the foreigners followed the green-robed man to where he would lead them.
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

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Postby Camelone » Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:46 pm

Taledonia wrote:30th of Gildas, 2E 5

The great gates of Stormhold were thick planks of weathered chestnut held together by ornate bindings of copper that had long faded to green and which ran across the dark hardwood as if vines had taken over and blocked the passage. But it was not these that opened; rather, it was the small iron door to the side of the portcullis. And it was not a soldier, knight or lord who appeared, but a girl of 18. She was tall, and the slenderness of her form was completely lost in the great fur wrap she had about herself. Her eyes were a pure blue, her hair a glossy ebony, and her skin alabaster.

"How is my dear brother?!" the girl shouted in excitement, completely forgetting all the years of etiquette and decency drilled into her as she ran to the dragoon. "Oh please, sir, you must tell me how he does? Is he well? Has he been eating? Mama always did worry that he spent too much time in training and paid little attention to his health."

Before the startled horseman could reply, there came a gruff cough, drawing attention back to the opened man door. There stood a shrewish looking courtier in fine but thin clothing that didn't seem to offer any protection from the biting wind, yet he did not seem to mind, so intent was he on fixing his holier-than-thou glare upon his mistress. "Lady Aidan, perhaps we should invite the gentleman in?"

Her cheeks flushing scarlet, the young woman dropped her gaze, bringing her emotions into check and resuming the demure bearing that was expected of her station. "But of course, Mr. Langborn, I've forgotten myself." Turning to the dragoon again, she gave a curtsy and held out her hand. "The hospitality of Stormhold is yours, Sir Ninian. Do please come in, warm yourself by the hearth, and enjoy a proper cup of tea. Or if tea is not to your liking, my husband keeps a good stock of Camelonian brandy."

Once the party was properly settled before a roaring fire in the library, Lady Clarissa Aidan seated upright at the edge of a regal armchair, the castle's steward(the shrewish man) standing behind her, and Sir Ninian seated opposite on an equally luxurious and regal chair of his own, and a tray of beverages and finger sandwiches between them, Lady Aidan set about her instructions.

"I must confess," she said apologetically, "That my husband, the Lord Stormhold, did expect an envoy from my dear brother. Your offer of assistance is most welcome, Sir Ninian, and I am to extend the most heartfelt appreciation on behalf of all the lords of Taledonia. I do hope, however, that your voyage here has been not only comfortable and satisfactory, but discrete. My lord husband has a very delicate request, once that, with God's help, will see this dreadful conflict resolved quickly."

Sir Ninian was not expecting the reception that he got when Lady Aidan came out bombarding him with questions about Margrave Sigismund wellbeing but before he could respond the courtier recommended that they go inside, much to Ninian's delight as he was feeling rather cold in this weather. He had to grin at the offer of brandy over tea, no matter where you went in the world a Camelonean will always find a way to drink some brandy from the Fatherland. "I thank you for the offer of the brandy Lady Aidan but I sadly must pick the tea this time around, got to keep the mind clear while on duty. Your brother and I drank our full for two life times at university." The dragoon said semi-seriously as he followed the two to the library. "Though as for Margrave Sigismund's wellbeing you will be pleased that he is in good health, though your mother does need to convince him to eat not because of excessive training but from excessive denial. He has been moved by the Holy Spirit, God be praised, and has abandoned most of his sinful ways of his youth becoming a fine ruler. Your father would be incredibly proud of him."

The roaring fire was a much appreciated addition to the rather extravagant library and Sir Ninian spent a few seconds standing in front of it before he sat down in the rather nice chair. "I apologize for that but I have been riding for far to long, ordered to avoid all inns and main roads so I haven't been warmed by a fire in awhile. All to make sure that my presence would be unknown by everyone except for you. The Margrave Sigismund has a deep respect for the honor and prowess displayed by the lords of Taledonia and felt that he must assist them in their struggle, as well as to protect you as well Lady Aidan. Now what is this request that can end the war before it truly starts? Your brother is already assembling forces of the Margraves of Darini and Airgallia of rifles, cannons, dragoons, and your brothers personal guard of Winged Hussars to reinforce the armies of the cause, he has chosen green to be the colors in respect for the Taledonian druids."
In the spirit of John Tombes, American Jacobite with a Byzantine flair for extra spice
I am... the lurker!
Ave Rex Christus!

Pro: The Social Kingship of Christ, Corporatism, Distributism, Yeomanrism, Tradition based Christianity, High Tory, Hierarchy, vanguard republicanism, Blue Laws, House of Wittelsbach, House of Iturbide, House of Kalākaua
Neutral: Constitutions, Guild Socialism, Libertarianism, Constitution Party, monarchism
Against: Communism, socialism, SJWs, materialism, the Democratic Republican Uniparty, material Egalitarianism
Family, Fatherland, Work

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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:06 pm

"Diplomacy," Lady Aidan replied, echoing the words her husband had spoken to the war council. "Unless I am mistaken, your lord has not given an official declaration of hostilities, has he not? Word has certainly not reached our ears. This means that an official delegation from Camelone could be admitted to into the capital, Taledon. You see, one of our own, the Lord Galloway of Stone Bridge, is currently imprisoned there, and his bannermen are proving recalcitrant so long as he remains in custody. They fear his execution, and rightly so, but it means that we are denied full use of his armies; armies sorely needed if our plans are to be executed.

"If my brother were to send an emissary, with an appropriate guard that is logically enlarged due to the civil unrest, they might find a way to infiltrate the Temple. The Temple, of course, is the prison in which he is being held. An ancient relic of a place, overgrown with dense vegetation and crumbling, but filled with safeguards. It is a ruin from the Shadow, and it is this that keeps the prisoners within more than any amount of guards, for wandering the unknown corridors can be most unpleasant, if you take my meaning."


The Dwipantaran party was led through the busy streets of Vermillion through backways and alleys; any route, however dirty or disreputable it may be, to avoid the curious looks being cast at these strangers who rode beasts and whose varied race was appalling to the homogeneous Taledonian society. Their guide, who had revealed himself to be Cathbad, a member of the druids. Those of us who remember the old ways, and observe the spirits of the world, he explained as they went.

Cathbad apologized once they left the city gates, for both the rudeness of the crowds and the unpleasantness of their path. "But such are the times," he said, more to himself than his party. It was another five hours of hiking through the forests of Noreia before they approached a clearing. The moon was already at its zenith, having banished the sun long ago, and the night air was cool and refreshing, the sky clear and ablaze with stars. "A good night," the druid stated as he observed the sky, "most portentous."

The clearing itself was as circular as nature produces on her own, and had a diameter of roughly 30 feet. The grass was long and dark, interspersed with wildflowers. Immense stones, bone white in colour and hosting thriving patches of moss, littered the area without any rhyme or reason to their placement, but above them hordes of fireflies danced a ghostly ballet on a stage they could not consider any better suited to the purpose. In the distance some avian predator let loose its call, silencing the crickets for a full minute before their gentle hum of noise could be discerned again. It was an enchanting place, and there was a distinct feeling of other-worldliness about the whole scene, as if some supernatural force were gently caressing the souls of those assembled.

"Speak then," Cathbad bid them, taking a seat upon one of the overturned boulders. "The spirits of the world are restless and agitated, the people of this land eager to spill the blood of their brethren, and a party of mixed men from across the sea has come to offer assistance. What can you bring to Taledonia, and more importantly, what is it you want from Taledonia?"

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A m e n r i a
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Founded: Jun 08, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:36 pm

As the Dwipantaran people travelled through Taledonia, they noticed hushed voices and unwelcoming looks. "It seems they are not so keen on the idea of Unity Under God and Angel." Some of them thought.

When they start arriving at the forest, the beasts grew restless. Captain Yudha's mount, Kemboja, a tiger, growled and looked around as she sensed something she was trained to fight. Her master pats the back of her neck, trying to calm her down.

"You aren't lying about the spirits. Kemboja smells ectoplasm in the air." The captain said, explaining his mount's behaviour. The men began to draw their guns from the holsters on their hips. "Tell me, Cathbad, are you a malevolent being that causes harm and destruction upon men? Or should we protect you from the forces that do?"
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
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Postby Camelone » Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:50 am

Taledonia wrote:"Diplomacy," Lady Aidan replied, echoing the words her husband had spoken to the war council. "Unless I am mistaken, your lord has not given an official declaration of hostilities, has he not? Word has certainly not reached our ears. This means that an official delegation from Camelone could be admitted to into the capital, Taledon. You see, one of our own, the Lord Galloway of Stone Bridge, is currently imprisoned there, and his bannermen are proving recalcitrant so long as he remains in custody. They fear his execution, and rightly so, but it means that we are denied full use of his armies; armies sorely needed if our plans are to be executed.

"If my brother were to send an emissary, with an appropriate guard that is logically enlarged due to the civil unrest, they might find a way to infiltrate the Temple. The Temple, of course, is the prison in which he is being held. An ancient relic of a place, overgrown with dense vegetation and crumbling, but filled with safeguards. It is a ruin from the Shadow, and it is this that keeps the prisoners within more than any amount of guards, for wandering the unknown corridors can be most unpleasant, if you take my meaning."

"No it is true that Margrave Sigismund has not declared hostilities towards the Loyalist faction. As for the delegation I think that we would be able to do that but as for the pretense of sending a delegation I would have to discuss with your brother, I would think that the royalists would at the very least know of our sympathies towards your cause. As for the liberation of Lord Galloway I have no doubts that we will try in the best of our abilities to free him from this Temple, but do you by any chance know the nature of these safeguards and a safe path through it? Anything that has to do with the Shadow I would rather have more information than less but I have no doubt that with the strength of our soldiers we should have no problem completing this task." Sir Ninian explained, a tinge of nervousness entered his voice at the thought of setting foot in anything that was made by such unholy abominations. Though on another thought the glory that could be gained by successfully pulling this off would be immense, it would be a great boon to his houses, and his own personal, honor.

"On another note what should your brother do with the forces he is gathering at the moment? Should he begin moving them to positions to reinforce the forces or keep them within his borders until after this mission? I would take the guess that he should keep his army within his own borders until after the delegation has returned from a successful mission."
In the spirit of John Tombes, American Jacobite with a Byzantine flair for extra spice
I am... the lurker!
Ave Rex Christus!

Pro: The Social Kingship of Christ, Corporatism, Distributism, Yeomanrism, Tradition based Christianity, High Tory, Hierarchy, vanguard republicanism, Blue Laws, House of Wittelsbach, House of Iturbide, House of Kalākaua
Neutral: Constitutions, Guild Socialism, Libertarianism, Constitution Party, monarchism
Against: Communism, socialism, SJWs, materialism, the Democratic Republican Uniparty, material Egalitarianism
Family, Fatherland, Work

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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:37 pm

As the foreigners drew their guns, Cathbad merely began picking the dirt out from under his fingernails. It wasn't surprising that they would be distrustful. After all, the people of Vermillion had certainly shown them no kindness, and here he had just led them in the dark of night to a deserted forest glade. And if they had heard the words of the King...well, it was best they had not heard him. There weren't many creatures on this earth that enjoyed the idea of their nations being invaded.

"Malevolent?" he queried to no one in particular, more in conversation with his fingernail than those that had posed the question. "I shouldn't think so. We druids are but humble listeners. We commune with the spirits of the world, and we remember. Such stories I could tell you of the dark times." His eyes were far away at this point, and he paused at the recollection of what he knew. It was, for the briefest moment, possible to tell that the man was much older than he appeared to be. "Though I shouldn't need protection, least of all from you. The spirits will do as they please, as they always have. Some are malevolent, others kindly, and they can change in an instant. But you are being quite rude, and have not spoken to why you are here."


Clarissa gave a gracious smile, and bowed her head.

"I thank you, Sir Ninian. You have put my heart at ease, and when I write my Lord Husband, he will surely feel a weight lifted from his soul. Now, I am just a woman, and cannot speak to military matters, but I believe it would be wisest if you told my brother to keep his men away from the border. The King has eyes everywhere, and an army amassing in the Beaverwood will not go unnoticed. Discretion, as I have said, is of the utmost importance at this crucial stage."

Pouring herself and her guest more tea, she changed to a less conspiratorial tone, and the friendliness of her first words with the knight returned. "But it is late, Sir, and you have ridden hard. May I offer you a bed for the night, and a warm bath? I could order the kitchens to prepare you a hearty meal to restore yourself for the journey home, if you would wish it?"

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Postby Camelone » Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:44 pm

Taledonia wrote:Clarissa gave a gracious smile, and bowed her head.

"I thank you, Sir Ninian. You have put my heart at ease, and when I write my Lord Husband, he will surely feel a weight lifted from his soul. Now, I am just a woman, and cannot speak to military matters, but I believe it would be wisest if you told my brother to keep his men away from the border. The King has eyes everywhere, and an army amassing in the Beaverwood will not go unnoticed. Discretion, as I have said, is of the utmost importance at this crucial stage."

Pouring herself and her guest more tea, she changed to a less conspiratorial tone, and the friendliness of her first words with the knight returned. "But it is late, Sir, and you have ridden hard. May I offer you a bed for the night, and a warm bath? I could order the kitchens to prepare you a hearty meal to restore yourself for the journey home, if you would wish it?"

"Well you are certainly right on that, an army would make any sovereign or noble nervous when it amasses on their borders." Sir Ninian conceded as he drank some more of the tea, it wasn't till now that he actually felt his weary body manifest the signs of tiredness. Placing the tea down he covered his mouth as he let out a yawn "I will most definitely not argue against the chance to sleep in a bed tonight nor against a warm bath. I will also be most thankful for a hearty meal before I must depart back to your brother, once I return we will put the plan of your wise husband into motion and with God's grace we will prevail. Now where exactly would I be staying for the night, I do think that I will have a difficult time staying awake for much longer." Ninian said with a tired grin.
In the spirit of John Tombes, American Jacobite with a Byzantine flair for extra spice
I am... the lurker!
Ave Rex Christus!

Pro: The Social Kingship of Christ, Corporatism, Distributism, Yeomanrism, Tradition based Christianity, High Tory, Hierarchy, vanguard republicanism, Blue Laws, House of Wittelsbach, House of Iturbide, House of Kalākaua
Neutral: Constitutions, Guild Socialism, Libertarianism, Constitution Party, monarchism
Against: Communism, socialism, SJWs, materialism, the Democratic Republican Uniparty, material Egalitarianism
Family, Fatherland, Work

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A m e n r i a
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Founded: Jun 08, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:36 pm

Captain Yudha and his men lowered their weapons. "Apologies, elder. We heard that your king imprisoned a noble for the death of the prince. Judging from your words, it seems that the spirits did it. Does your monach kmow the truth? As agents of God and Angel, we are here to ensure that the conflict does not escalate, and that peace is maintained."
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:50 am

With a curtsy and the wishing of goodnight, Lady Aidan entrusted Sir Ninian to the care of the courtier who had stood silently behind his mistress for the duration of the interview. With infinite courtesy and good manner, the servant held aloft a flickering candle that illuminated their journey up two flights of winding stairs that ended in a lone tower. Within, the hard planking of the floor was covered in a plush carpet of thick wool dyed orange. In the middle of the circular room was a large bed, whose ornate posts held crisp white curtains that were tied open to allow entrance. There were three windows in the room, all looking out across the great expanse of forest towards Banshee bay, their panes covered in frost, and under the center frame stood a small wash basin, while the flanking windows had night stands; a silver platter of cheeses, smoked meats and fish, and various jams and chutneys sat atop one of them, while decanters of cool water, red wine, and a fresh tea pot that wafted steam from its spout sat on the other.

With a dignified goodnight of his own, the courtier assured Sir Ninian that a simple ringing of the bell against the door would bring a servant to his assistance, should he require anything further. And with that, the Camelonian knight was left to his rest.


"Truth?" Cathbad turned the word over in his mouth as if he were tasting a fine wine. "Truth," he said again. "Truth is a funny thing. The new faiths of the world would say truth is an absolute. But I have always maintained that truth depends on who you are. And to His Majesty, truth is that his only son and heir was found dead in the lands of a disgruntled lord whom he was riding to meet. As for escalation, I'm afraid your God and Angel possess no more power than any of the other spirits, for the situation has escalated.

"You may be wondering, then, why I accepted your lord's offer of assistance, if what you sought to prevent has already come to pass. It is because there is some underlying aspect of this whole affair that my order has been unable to discern. Something about the death of the prince which does not seem natural. I do not deny what you say. I believe the spirits were involved, but I do not know why. The monarchy rules by the grace of the spirits of this world, and while it is not unheard of that common folk go missing in the sacred spots of nature, royal blood has never been tempted. Something has changed, and I want you to find out what. Perhaps your God and Angel can lead you to the answers that are being hidden from us. Or perhaps you will meet your own fates."

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Hylia Magna
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Postby Hylia Magna » Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:26 am

"Your majesty," said the envoy, prostrating himself before King Daphnes's throne in the formal fashion, with his right hand over his heart and left behind his back, stepping forward with his left foot and allowing his right knee to touch the floor of his Liege's chamber. He did not bow his head — such was not the custom in Hyrule.

The court was not holding session, and so he, the King, and a handful of household guard were the only ones present in the room. The envoy wore the uniform of a gochō of the regular army — cadet gray shelljacket, trimmed and piped buff, with cream-coloured cap in his left hand, cream trousers, bleached white knee-spats — though they were stained an earthy tan colour close to the bottom of the shin — and scuffed black brogan shoes. He stood in stark contrast to the King's more traditional lavender robes, fur-lined hat and pile-to-pile velvet cope.

The King stood, stepped down from the throne, and with an elegant toe-to-heel walk he daintily strode along the crimson carpet, stopping before the prostrate envoy and placing his hands upon his shoulders. "You are welcome here," said the King, removing his hands and stepping back. "Stand."

The envoy stood.

"What may I ask is your business?" asked the King.

"My Liege," began the envoy, red and round faced. "I humbly present myself as a member of Gensui Hata's general staff. He sends this message with his compliments."

"His compliments are warmly received," replied the King.

"My liege," the envoy continued. "Three days prior to today, a ship arrived in the Port of Lurelin bringing grave news from the East." The envoy unbuttoned the front of his shelljacket and reached into his breast pocket, producing a small envelope with the Gensui's wax seal. "This communiqué contains the greater part of the details, so I won't say much more. But it seems we have a crisis in the lands of one of our trading partners."

The King took the envelope and, producing a small knife from his sleeve, cut the wax seal and unfolded the letter within.

"Taledonia," the King muttered.

"Yes, liege," said the envoy, who immediately became flustered as he was unsure whether he had answered out of turn.

The King looked up at the envoy, and held the letter up, waving it slightly. "I shall have to bring this before the court. These kinds of disturbances don't go over lightly." He waved for the door using his still-knived hand, and said, "You are dismissed, envoy."

"Yes, my liege," said the envoy, placing his right fist over his heart in a salute before turning upon his heels and exiting the throne room.

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A m e n r i a
Posts: 5238
Founded: Jun 08, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:24 am

Taledonia wrote:With a curtsy and the wishing of goodnight, Lady Aidan entrusted Sir Ninian to the care of the courtier who had stood silently behind his mistress for the duration of the interview. With infinite courtesy and good manner, the servant held aloft a flickering candle that illuminated their journey up two flights of winding stairs that ended in a lone tower. Within, the hard planking of the floor was covered in a plush carpet of thick wool dyed orange. In the middle of the circular room was a large bed, whose ornate posts held crisp white curtains that were tied open to allow entrance. There were three windows in the room, all looking out across the great expanse of forest towards Banshee bay, their panes covered in frost, and under the center frame stood a small wash basin, while the flanking windows had night stands; a silver platter of cheeses, smoked meats and fish, and various jams and chutneys sat atop one of them, while decanters of cool water, red wine, and a fresh tea pot that wafted steam from its spout sat on the other.

With a dignified goodnight of his own, the courtier assured Sir Ninian that a simple ringing of the bell against the door would bring a servant to his assistance, should he require anything further. And with that, the Camelonian knight was left to his rest.


"Truth?" Cathbad turned the word over in his mouth as if he were tasting a fine wine. "Truth," he said again. "Truth is a funny thing. The new faiths of the world would say truth is an absolute. But I have always maintained that truth depends on who you are. And to His Majesty, truth is that his only son and heir was found dead in the lands of a disgruntled lord whom he was riding to meet. As for escalation, I'm afraid your God and Angel possess no more power than any of the other spirits, for the situation has escalated.

"You may be wondering, then, why I accepted your lord's offer of assistance, if what you sought to prevent has already come to pass. It is because there is some underlying aspect of this whole affair that my order has been unable to discern. Something about the death of the prince which does not seem natural. I do not deny what you say. I believe the spirits were involved, but I do not know why. The monarchy rules by the grace of the spirits of this world, and while it is not unheard of that common folk go missing in the sacred spots of nature, royal blood has never been tempted. Something has changed, and I want you to find out what. Perhaps your God and Angel can lead you to the answers that are being hidden from us. Or perhaps you will meet your own fates."

A stern expression was painted across the captain and his men as they failed to prevent the conflict from becoming worse. However, peace must be achieved, and they were already in Taledonia, so it would only makes sense if they cooperated with the druid. "Alright." The captain nodded. "What have you heard from them so far? You're the one who's familiar with them, please guide us."
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

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Posts: 728
Founded: Jan 08, 2005
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:21 pm

2nd of Medraut
2E 5

And as always, my dearest husband, I hope to see your triumphant return home.

Faith and love, always.

Lady Clarissa Aidan signed the note with her characteristic flourish, placed her lips to the page, and sealed it with brown wax. With exaggerated care, the messenger took the sealed envelope, placed it in his leather pouch, bowed gracefully and took his leave. He was young, probably no older than 15, and his height had far outpaced his weight, so that the shirt of chainmail hung loosely upon his lanky form; his dark hair desperately needed a cut, Clarissa noted, as it hung over his eyes and caused him to constantly need to brush it away. Still, the young man had made good time in returning from her Lord Husband's camp, and promised that the letter would be in his hands just as quickly. The news of Sir Ninian's visit had been received with joy, and while Lord Aidan had taken care to write a personal note to his beloved wife(surely the reason for Camelonian favour), there was much to arrange. His initial reply had sent so many instructions that needed to be relayed. So much preparation for the Camelonian delegation, and all in such a short amount of time. It didn't help that Clarissa only had a vague idea of her husband's location: Somewhere in the Maidenwood, nearing Vermillion, was what the messenger had told her.

"Mr. Langborn," she called to her courtier in the corner of the chamber, her attention focused on bringing another sheet of paper onto her desk and sharpening her quill with a fine pair of shears. "I shall have this next missive written quickly. Please ensure that the messenger to carry it is prepared. It is essential that he depart with the greatest of haste."

She did not really hear the reply, but was satisfied by the courtier leaving the room to ensure the man was ready and his horse saddled. It was a long ride to the border, and even longer to the lands of her dear brother. Deep wood and Royalist patrols stood between Stormhold and Margrave Sigismund, and time was running out. Dipping her quill into the fine black ink, she began to write.
To the Honourable Margrave Sigismund of Darini,

Dearest brother, I hope this letter finds you well. I have the honour to give you my Lord Husband's most sincere thanks, and assure you of his great and lasting regard for you and yours. I pray you will forgive me for being brief, and assure you that all the customary pleasantries and news that accompany my letters will find you when I have a chance to write you as a sister rather than a diplomat.

We shall ensure that agents loyal to our cause rendezvous with your delegation in the capital. Once you have had your official audience with the King, our people shall lead yours to the Temple, where poor Galloway lingers. Look for the Holy Cross, the sign of our Lord and Savior. With His blessing, our common cause can be realized.

With infinite love, I remain your humble and dutiful sister,


Satisfied, she sprinkled the sand across the page that would capture the loose ink and prevent it from blotting into an unrecognizable mess on the page, then folded the note, sealed it, and handed it over to Mr. Langborn. She gave a sigh of relief, the important work of the day having been completed, and looked out her chamber window. It was a lovely view from her room, peering over the vast northern forests that stretched all the way to Banshee Bay. It was a clear day, and she could make out the water clearly, but there was an odd cloud forming on the horizon. Searching her drawers for the small but accurate telescope that her brother had once gifted her, she adjusted the eyepiece to bring this strange phenomenon into view. The clouds were the purest of white, in tall towers that grew thicker near the base. Small shapes, as if of birds, could be seen moving about amongst them, and as she continued to watch, it slowly dawned on her that they weren't birds at all, nor was she looking at clouds. As the objects came closer and closer into the bay, the colours of the Royal Navy could be seen at the mizzenmast.


The Beaverwood
41st of Gildas, 2E 5

The snow had long since retreated from the majority of the forest. The smells of mold, of moss and fungus, of tree sap and pine flooded the air, while the warm breeze rustled the branches and sent leaves and pine needles floating about as if a light rain of green. Hordes of deer could be seen, armies of squirrels and other rodents scrambled about, and every now and then a noble moose could be seen watching the small party as they made their way through the scrub. It had been a long journey, but Cathbad had finally led the Dwipantarans to where the bodies of the prince and his escort had been found. The stream was running quickly with the volume added by the snowmelt, and the shoreline had been driven back to the roots of trees that proved too large to be bullied by the water.

"This is where they were found," Cathbad told them, "Stark naked, with the only signs of struggle being the scrapes and bruises associated with floating down the stream and snagging on branches or rocks. I have been here before, but then, as now, I can sense nothing. This is not a significant place, and the spirits do not dwell here. It is common wood. Further up stream is another story, but I would caution, that is a place of significance, and it has taken on a queer aura. I do not know what the cause is, but something is not correct, and whatever is causing it is sure to reveal what happened to our late prince."

He shook his head and sat down on a fallen tree, exasperation overcoming the calm which normally ruled his face. "I can make no sense of it. Perhaps you can, Captain?"

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A m e n r i a
Posts: 5238
Founded: Jun 08, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Mon Mar 12, 2018 5:52 pm

The Dwipantaran tigers became uneasy again as they sensed traces of ectoplasm. The stags began to shift from one foot to another and shook their heads once in a while. After assessing the situation, Captain Yudha spoke.

"Where we come from, spirits don't usually leave their place of significance. They either can't or simply have no reason to, depending on the spirit in question. I can tell you two possibilities so far. First, the spirits who murdered the prince are very powerful and they mean whatever message they're trying to send. Second, the spirits have internal conflict within themselves and some of them decided to betray the kingdom that were once their allies. I can't tell you more for now, and it would be folly to charge into their territory. So tell me, has anyone else died here before this incident? Another innocent?"

The Dwipantaran men stroked and talked to their mounts to soothe them, and they seemed to have relaxed a bit. After a while, the foreign beasts were calm again.
Last edited by A m e n r i a on Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:03 am

Cathbad gave a sad smile. "You are clearly not familiar with our customs and traditions, Captain Yudha, for you would know that it is as common as rain that the common folk should have the misfortune of crossing an impish faerie or satyr. A young boy who jumps one fallen log too far as he plays in the forests is often never to be seen again. A girl, on her way home in the early hours of even' dusk, will often find herself courted by some alluring man-beast who clouds her young mind with arcane song and chanting. It is simply the way of the world, and you could hardly say there was anything akin to an alliance between men and myth. They are, just as we, but a part of the whole of nature. A wolf may watch a deer go by without stirring, or he may summon his brethren and pounce. We coexist.

"No, the mystery is not that they would suddenly strike. The mystery is why they would choose a Royal Prince of Taledon. Heir to the Amber Throne, which is a sacred site to man and spirit alike. If there could be said to be any type of alliance, it would be a dual observance that the monarchy was off-limits. It is a central tenant of our cultural belief, stretching back to the Lifting of the Shadow."

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A m e n r i a
Posts: 5238
Founded: Jun 08, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby A m e n r i a » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:56 pm

"Is that so? Hm..What was the prince doing here in the first place? Did he anger the spirits before? Maybe the spirits were unsatisfied with the current government? There are so many questions.."

A small, young man on a stag raised his hand. "Eum..excuse me, if I may, I brought some incense with me. Perhaps we can ask a ghost of an innocent what happened here?"

Captain Yudha looked at Cathbad. What do you think? Would this be safe to do here?
The Empire of Amenria (亚洲帝国)
Sinocentric Asian theocratic absolute monarchy. Set 28 years in the future. On-site factbooks are no longer canon. A 13.14 civilization, according to this index.
Your guide to Amenria, organized for your convenience

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Posts: 728
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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Taledonia » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:53 pm

"Incense?" Cathbad laughed, "Ghost of an innocent? Where you're from, do the spirits of the dead like to linger in place? Are they attracted to the smells of the living world? No, Captain, try as you might, you will not find a ghost here. Particularly not an innocent one, and the sweet smell of your incense might attract something you'd rather it not. Our woods are full of satyrs and fauns, who delight in toying with mortal men."

With a sigh of exasperation, the laughter left the druid. "The Prince was on his way to Stone Bridge, the home of Lord Aldus Galloway, who now lingers in the Temple awaiting his fate. It was a diplomatic visit, to ascertain Galloway's loyalty to the Crown in the face of certain grumblings that have been plaguing our land for decades. You see, since the King ascended to the throne, he has pursued a policy of modernization, expansion, and an end to what he calls 'superstition.' While this has proven profitable for the urban places, those who remain in the land are marginalized, their natural rights constantly eroded. Further, there is a complete disregard for the immaterial world, and the spirits do not like this. They demand their due, and don't take kindly to this new 'god' Christ that has spread from Camelone.

"As I see it, either Lord Galloway did indeed murder the prince in an act of treason, taking sides in a most dramatic fashion. Or, and what I personally believe, something more sinister is at play here. As I have said, it is an unspoken rule that the spirits do not harm the monarchy, for they rely upon each other, but we can see evidence of arcane influence in this affair. Something may have spurred the spirits to break the custom, and what that could be, I haven't the slightest idea. Even in the face of Christianization, it would require a tremendous event to turn them against the Amber Throne."

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Camelone » Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:14 pm

Taledonia wrote:Stormhold
2nd of Medraut
2E 5

And as always, my dearest husband, I hope to see your triumphant return home.

Faith and love, always.

Lady Clarissa Aidan signed the note with her characteristic flourish, placed her lips to the page, and sealed it with brown wax. With exaggerated care, the messenger took the sealed envelope, placed it in his leather pouch, bowed gracefully and took his leave. He was young, probably no older than 15, and his height had far outpaced his weight, so that the shirt of chainmail hung loosely upon his lanky form; his dark hair desperately needed a cut, Clarissa noted, as it hung over his eyes and caused him to constantly need to brush it away. Still, the young man had made good time in returning from her Lord Husband's camp, and promised that the letter would be in his hands just as quickly. The news of Sir Ninian's visit had been received with joy, and while Lord Aidan had taken care to write a personal note to his beloved wife(surely the reason for Camelonian favour), there was much to arrange. His initial reply had sent so many instructions that needed to be relayed. So much preparation for the Camelonian delegation, and all in such a short amount of time. It didn't help that Clarissa only had a vague idea of her husband's location: Somewhere in the Maidenwood, nearing Vermillion, was what the messenger had told her.

"Mr. Langborn," she called to her courtier in the corner of the chamber, her attention focused on bringing another sheet of paper onto her desk and sharpening her quill with a fine pair of shears. "I shall have this next missive written quickly. Please ensure that the messenger to carry it is prepared. It is essential that he depart with the greatest of haste."

She did not really hear the reply, but was satisfied by the courtier leaving the room to ensure the man was ready and his horse saddled. It was a long ride to the border, and even longer to the lands of her dear brother. Deep wood and Royalist patrols stood between Stormhold and Margrave Sigismund, and time was running out. Dipping her quill into the fine black ink, she began to write.
To the Honourable Margrave Sigismund of Darini,

Dearest brother, I hope this letter finds you well. I have the honour to give you my Lord Husband's most sincere thanks, and assure you of his great and lasting regard for you and yours. I pray you will forgive me for being brief, and assure you that all the customary pleasantries and news that accompany my letters will find you when I have a chance to write you as a sister rather than a diplomat.

We shall ensure that agents loyal to our cause rendezvous with your delegation in the capital. Once you have had your official audience with the King, our people shall lead yours to the Temple, where poor Galloway lingers. Look for the Holy Cross, the sign of our Lord and Savior. With His blessing, our common cause can be realized.

With infinite love, I remain your humble and dutiful sister,


Satisfied, she sprinkled the sand across the page that would capture the loose ink and prevent it from blotting into an unrecognizable mess on the page, then folded the note, sealed it, and handed it over to Mr. Langborn. She gave a sigh of relief, the important work of the day having been completed, and looked out her chamber window. It was a lovely view from her room, peering over the vast northern forests that stretched all the way to Banshee Bay. It was a clear day, and she could make out the water clearly, but there was an odd cloud forming on the horizon. Searching her drawers for the small but accurate telescope that her brother had once gifted her, she adjusted the eyepiece to bring this strange phenomenon into view. The clouds were the purest of white, in tall towers that grew thicker near the base. Small shapes, as if of birds, could be seen moving about amongst them, and as she continued to watch, it slowly dawned on her that they weren't birds at all, nor was she looking at clouds. As the objects came closer and closer into the bay, the colours of the Royal Navy could be seen at the mizzenmast.

Reading over the letter that his sister sent him Sigismund once again he tried his best to commit as much as he could to memory, well the things associated with his true mission within the capital of Taledonia. The guard that he had assembled for himself was much larger than was probably thought as he brought with him a small retinue of his 12 most trusted knights, including Sir Ninian who all but begged to be allowed to partake, as well as a half-banner of his personal guards of Hussars coming to 42 men-at-arms in total. He felt confident that with this force behind him that he would not alarm the king of Taledonia nor be at his mercy if everything began to fall apart, when dealing with artifacts of the Shadow always expect for things to go badly and that was his biggest worry, what was it that he would face within a building built by such a demonic race.

The capital was coming up, Taledon if Sigismund recalled correctly, and Sigismund had already planned everything that he could, the king or one of his ministers was expecting him and his retinue, and now he had to play the part as delegate. The lead tongued Margrave was better at shouting commands over the thunder of rifle fire than the eloquent speech necessary to turn a stubborn fool into a steadfast ally or to appease a belligerent neighbor without actually giving anything, no this was the reason why he brought Brother Hartmut with him. The monk was silver tongued beyond belief which would be most helpful in the first part of this mission but Sigismund needed to make sure no oath would be sworn or else he would not be able to complete the true reason for this delegation. With Firinne strapped to his hip, the familial sword infused with relics of the saints, and his ornate half-plate armor encasing the upper part of his body and the rattling of his wings gave him confidence for the coming talks. A two riders had been sent ahead to alert the royal authorities of their arrival and now they waited just on the outskirts of Taledon.
In the spirit of John Tombes, American Jacobite with a Byzantine flair for extra spice
I am... the lurker!
Ave Rex Christus!

Pro: The Social Kingship of Christ, Corporatism, Distributism, Yeomanrism, Tradition based Christianity, High Tory, Hierarchy, vanguard republicanism, Blue Laws, House of Wittelsbach, House of Iturbide, House of Kalākaua
Neutral: Constitutions, Guild Socialism, Libertarianism, Constitution Party, monarchism
Against: Communism, socialism, SJWs, materialism, the Democratic Republican Uniparty, material Egalitarianism
Family, Fatherland, Work



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