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[SC ONLY] Red Rain

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:58 pm
by Iryllia
It wasn’t raining.

Zusak stared out the window across the Forqona skyline. He could see sunlight glinting off the wet streets far below. The many hues of the sky were only marred by the odd scrap of white cloud, drifting. The sun melted the sky orange as it rose oh so gently into the sky. Great skyscrapers reflected the light, scattering orange panes across the city which were then bounced again and again. The whole sprawling mess of it positively glowed and out of its neck grew the grand spire of iron and wire. Zusak grunted, a bad omen. Today was going to be a very bad day.

The sun rose early this time of year, taking its time to climb to any reasonable height in the sky. It did nothing to heat the land however, frost lurked in the shadow and breath escaped in clouds. At least it did in the north, where the elevation was a few miles higher than the average as the land sloped to reach the Central Rusinan Plateau. Some of those damn comfy stations in the south probably didn’t even need a blanket at night. Yet here she was, staring at nothing in the cold. Again. Rostanlina shifted uncomfortably, adjusting the grip on her mug to both warm and cool her hands down at the same time. The chill mornings reminded her of places much further north. Mornings like this left her sorely wishing she’d never have to end up back there.

Much further south, with the sun's golden rays splashing over a calm ocean, a ship sailed. Ship is an understatement, this ship is over a kilometer long and weighs more than a small town. Something on this scale doesn’t simply just sail. This ship, the M.M.V Arcoyev, didn’t so much as sail across the ocean as much as the ocean parted ways for it. It wasn’t alone, it sailed through one of the biggest shipping highways in the world. The Straits of Iryllia.

Diplomatic relations between Iryllia and the world were never exactly stellar. A lot of baseless accusations get thrown around a lot as well as a few diplomats here and there but by the by they’re tolerated. As are their toll prices. It’s cheaper to go through and pay the toll than it is to go around in most cases, so why should it be a problem.


With the end of the Red Snow conflict eight years prior, there was a treaty. The Treaty of Agrell, in which one of its points stipulated vastly decreased tolling costs for Myraxian shipping. As way of… Pennance. This obviously didn’t sit well with a lot of Iryllians, especially those who stood to lose a lot from a vast increase of Myraxian traffic through a very profitable shipping lane. But that was eight years ago, a lot happens in eight years.

A small little principality called Pirinikov was made a Myraxian protectorate after a short and brutal affair involving the death of the ruler. Lichi Bando ceased to exist, plagued by internal conflict during Red Snow it was “Liberated” by Myraxian forces shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Agrell, a treaty they were mysteriously absent from. The Empire of Northern Ohio’s territory was split up between Valyrien and Myraxia, Iryllia began expanding upon its holdings in the south. The Kingdom of Nouvel Acadie imploded. The Foreign Minister of Asgareth “stepped down.” shortly after a Myraxian military intervention crushed a few small sepratist movements.

A lot can change in eight years.

“Acroyev, hailing MMV Acroyev, this is Iryllian port authorities. We’re going to need you to change course and dock in Port Feydor. We’re seeing an inconsistency of toll payments in our server banks compared to the data logs on your ship. We’re going to need you to dock in port and compare the data before we can let you pass. Do you read this message MMV Acroyev.”

The Captain, blearly eyed and grumpy, listened. Tapped a couple things into his laptop before reaching over to the radio. “Control?”
“Reading you MMV Acroyev, did you copy our last?”
“Fuck off.”
“Copy that MMV Acroyev, the Frigate Gateway to another Gate. Will escort you to Port Feydor.”
The Captain grumbled more, swearing even, as a much more unbecoming voice filtered through the speakers and the unmistakable shape of an Iryllian Warship detached itself from the flow of ships, making a beeline for his.

Tras, grey hairs streaking his temples, stood at the head of a table, around this table were seated nearly two dozen field marshals, the Admiral of the Fleet, Chief Air Marshal and a handful of other personnel. Including, curiously to some, two colonels. Behind tras, mounted on a wall bigger than most houses, was a great digital relief of the Charter. The seemingly deliberate lack of light made the man silhouetted against the map as he began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen and other personage. This is by no means an emergency meeting, however. We have a mild situation.”
Tras leaned forwards and pressed something on the table. The center lit up, previously unseen projector dais’s in the floor and ceiling lit up, providing a hologram facing flat whichever way the viewer faced towards it. The projection was of a Myraxian Super Container ship.
“This ship, the MMV Acroyev was detained earlier today, apparently having paid the incorrect toll for the Iryllian strait. Ship’s logs say they’ve paid the Agrell compliant amount, our authorities in Port Feydor dispute this. The captain of the vessel has… Complained and we’ve been ordered to release the ship and refund the payment. Immediately.”
He paused, tapping the console again. This time showing the Iryllian-Asgareth Border.
“That was three hours ago. As we see here, ever since the Military Crackdown in Asgareth a year ago, Myraxian forces have steadily been growing on the border. Numbers estimates puts at least a two to one disparity in personnel in some places, particularly here in the West and Northern sector. This is not counting Asgari personnel, which likely factor in several more million men across the front. We’re looking at a build up of over six million men and much more material which has only stepped up in the past month. Officers have been rotated around. Entire corps have gone missing from the Myraxian interior and have showed up here. As well as attendant officers and other individuals of note outlaid in your dossiers.”

“The ship will be released by the evening. If they want to come then fucking let them. They don’t have the damn balls to do it anyway.”

Meanwhile, in a room deep beneath the Myraxian base at Arynos, a similar scene was playing out, a group of figures sat around a conference table, with several more telepresencing in. Once again, the display showed the hulking form of the MMV Acroyev, the image taken by satellite showing it languishing in the Iryllian Port Feydor. Marshal Kerenol - Myraxian Commander for External Security - took a deep swig from his mug before continuing. “Iryllian authorities are insisting that the Acroyev has failed to pay the full toll amount - which, I might add, it has in full, to the letter of the Agrell treaty.”
“What’s it carrying?” This from Ronyr, Marshal for Logistics.
“Nothing particularly exciting, it’s coming from a loop around eastern Archon. Acadie, Frezko, Point D’Est, that area. It’s mostly carrying foodstuffs.”
“Options?” High Marshal Nykona spoke up for the first time.
“Well, we have the logs to prove we’re right. And, when it comes down to it, they are in violation of Agrell, not us. That said… we’ve been waiting for them to slip up. This could be it.”
The High Marshal of Myraxia raised an eyebrow at Kerenol. “You’re suggesting we go to war over a lost toll fee?”
“Face it, sir, it’s the best we’re likely to get in the near future. We know they’ve been building non-treaty carriers as well, and they’re technically too close to the border as well. We may not be liked for it, but we technically have justification. And it’s not like we haven’t been preparing for exactly this.”
A pause filled the room.
“How quickly can we set this in motion?”

The Fleet Admiral, Kelly Tras-Domivov, was becoming increasingly agitated. She paced around the boardroom of the admirals, the only two others in the room simply watched impassively. “We’re missing the location of every god damn super carrier the fucking Myxies own.” She growled at the pair, who now looked at her with significant worry and apprehension. “We’ve lost contact with half a dozen of our nuclear subs, Sonus has nothing on them and we’re seeing a hell of a lot more nuclear traffic heading south.”
“Checks aren’t for another four hours though, we could pick them up then and it’s not like we’ve not lost track of our own boats before.” One of the pair said, a Rear-Admiral by the name of Rochard.
“No,” She conceded, sighing heavily. “It’s still not so much our boats I’m worried about it’s where the Myraxian ones are. Because how the fuck do you lose six ships of that size huh? How?”

Marshal Rostlova had an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. Not the usual feeling she came out of those meetings like a sheep leaving the wolves den. No, this was something else. A few questions remained unanswered in her head. Why weren’t they building their own forces up? As far as she could tell not even a smidgen of reserves had been mobilized yet it seemed all to clear the likely course of action. Dresden had felt the same way somewhat, he said he’d go visit his old mentor, Vilhelm, disturbing the old man out of retirement in a cushy villa in the outskirts of Forqona before returning to his post. But, if Tras didn’t seem to worry then well. It wouldn’t be all right but it was certainly better than nothing.

“What do we know about where the Iryllian fleet is, right now?”
“Well, there’s a group of Fleet Carriers down at Feydor, along with their escorts. Closer to home there’s a fair fraction at port in Tranianburg and Callenostock between them. Only Light Carriers, but a few Battlecruisers and the like.”
“Okay, Captain. In your safe there’s a packet of sealed orders labelled “Gravitas”. Go get that for me.”
“Just do it, Captain.”

“We’re doing what?”

The Myraxian fleet couldn’t stay hidden forever, but it did a damn fine job of it. Moving under a blanket of electronic warfare, two reinforced Carrier Strike Groups moved into range of the Iryllian naval bases at Tranianburg and Callenostock, screened by both their own escorts and a number of heavier squadrons, before disgorging their aircraft; some 350 craft from each group.

“Warlord, this is Lightning Lead. Comms check, over.”
The harried voice of the AWACS operator came back over the radio into the cockpit of Group Captain Tomyn Rynoi’s KLf-71 aircraft. “Lightning Lead, this is Warlord. Comms green. Over. “
Rynoi did not envy the man in the slightest - he’d seen the number of aircraft on the decks around him. With a thumbs up from the deck chief, he pushed his throttle open and the sudden g-force of take off pushed him deep into his seat, and his plane into the sky.

Tranianburg was quiet, as much as a port can be. Perhaps it was the clear sky, Misha mused. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen a sky without the barest scrap of cloud in it. It made for perfect radar conditions, at least theoretically. However, there seemed to be the largest flock of birds? Or something to that effect. This huge green cloud swarmed over her screen as the base commander stood over her shoulder with a pensive expression on his face. No one had seen anything like this before.

The Admiral reached for the phone, thinking to get into contact with the Iryllian weather institute to check for anomalies. It had to be a weather formation, or an error in the radar net. The phone was silent. The admiral paled and turned towards the window.

The Myraxian aircraft hit both bases simultaneously, coming in waves. The first wave carried a loadout of mostly anti-radiation missiles, designed to lock onto the radar signatures of enemy air defence and destroy it. The twin explosions as the missiles hit their targets and the Myraxian jets broke the sound barrier heralded the start of the attack. The second wave came in low, anti-ship missiles slung beneath their wings. These went after the ships at harbour, focusing on the larger capital ships docked there - the Iryllian Battlecruisers and Light Carriers. The third and final wave came in higher with bombs; their target, the port facilities themselves, aiming to render them unusable. Both Myraxian air attacks were devastating to the Iryllian Naval Bases - the majority of the ships either rendered inoperable or severely damaged, and the facilities needed to repair them in tatters.
Elsewhere, Myraxian submarines made missile strikes on Iryllian facilities in the South and West, but these were not nearly as effective, with many being intercepted and shot down before reaching their targets.

Tranianburg burned. Vast columns of smoke spewed out of orange conflagrations erupting from ruptured silo’s. Warbling sirens drowned out by the fierce sound of the burning port. The Battle Cruiser, Brink of Midnight, gutted by internal fires, its super structure crumbling in the heat. The Hull glowed red from internal fires as the keel settled at the bottom of the dock.

Huge oil slicks created a firestorm that raised a wall of flame across the entirety of the port. It would take weeks before the last of the fires were brought under control.

Callenostock didn’t fair much better. A full third of the dockyard was flattened by an ammunition dump exploding. The carrier [i]Working on it[/i] lay on it’s side on top of a pier. It burned as much as Tranianburg. The Myraxian ships prowled the nearby waters, sinking anything that stumbled out of the devastated port.

Asgareth-Iryllian Border

“Alright, folks, gather round and listen up! Those of you who were around 8 years ago may remember a certain speech our High Marshal made. She told you, and the world, that this peace we have with Iryllia? It wouldn’t last. Everyone knew it. Well, today it ends. I’ll keep this brief, but I will say this. They burned a third of our country. We’ll burn all of theirs.
Now go to your squads, your platoons. Your officers have their orders, we’re moving out in forty minutes.” The officer speaking slammed his fist to his chest. “Myraxia Sonda’ryr!”

Welcome to Red Snow II: Electric Boogaloo. Three years to the day, hour and minute.

The Tread Rules.
  • Joint GM'd by Iryllia and Myraxia.
  • Sovereign Charter only.
  • Feel free to describe, customize your environments. This is your story as well, to an extent
  • There is such a thing as god modding, also poor writing, lets write a great, exciting story. Other writers will let you know (or I will, I definitely will.) if there's a problem.
  • Major battles and events will be decided by a dice roll plus conditional modifiers and subject to GM discretion.
  • Any questions? Please telegram me, Iryllia, or Myraxia, or join the Sovereign Charter Discord and feel free to ask questions.
  • Due to the beginner unfriendly nature of this thread, please telegram either GM before entry into the thread
  • Ruleset shamelessly stolen from Enfaru

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:08 am
by Asgareth
Asgareth had managed to avoid the first Myraxian-Iryllian conflict, colloquially known as Red Snow. Whilst the Asgarthian government repeatedly stated this was because they sought a peaceful settlement, many believed they were simply too drunk to realise the war had started.

However, Asgareth now found itself in a precarious position. At the start of the first Myraxian-Iryllian conflict, Asgareth had been a tiny state, unaffiliated with either. However, towards the end of the conflict it had signed up to the Myraxian Extended Security Zone, much to the dismay of certain citizens. This, coupled with a fierce expansionist policy, which prevented further Iryllian expansion to the north, and an attempted separatist uprising, meant that Asgareth could no longer guarantee its safety in Rusina.


The major cabinet were all assembled. An urgent message had come through from the Myraxians, requesting two million armed men, without explaining why. This caused friction within the cabinet, with some members refusing to send any, whilst others talking about sending the entire army.

“Why do the Myraxians want so many men? What could they possibly be planning?” asked Rufus T. Perkins, the defence minister.
“And why on earth should we send our boys? Asgarthian blood, spilt fighting a Myraxian war? Even I can’t support that.” Stated the General Timothy M. P. Wilskins.
“Your place is not to question the Imperialli” Oscar Larkin stated. “Send those troops to the border. They shall destroy the Iryllian menace, in the name of Asgar.”
“Can the treasury even afford a war at this time? We’ve already come close to a civil war this year, and paid for an extravagant funeral for Adran.” Rufus replied, looking at Rupert Merritt, the chancellor.

Rupert looked from Rufus, to the Imperialli, to Oscar and back to Rufus before speaking. “If the Imperialli seeks war, funds shall be made available. If necessary, we can tax category 7 citizens more.”
“Tax the citizens to send their sons to war? Come off it Rupert, it’s absurd. We simply cannot afford a war at this time. We still need to finish off the remnants of the AMLF. Half of our generals are traitors, and half our soldiers are drunk.”
“Rufus, do not question the Imperialli. Order the troops to move out, or the consequences will be severe.” Oscar Larkin replied sternly.
Rufus turned to look at the young Larkin. The older man studied him for a moment, before replying “Do not try me Larkin. You are only in this room because you threw a loyal servant of the state under the bus.”
Before Oscar could respond, the Imperialli spoke. “Edgar Larkin was a traitor to our party, our government and to our nation. You will not speak that name in this room again Rufus, or you shall be treated most severely. Now do as Oscar has ordered. Send the troops.”

Somewhere on the Asgarthian-Iryllian Border
The tanks were fuelled, the guns loaded and the troops ready. Inside the command tent, General Richard Lapina was overseeing final preparations for the Asgarthian assault.
“The Myraxians intend to launch their assault in 40 minutes. Now, they have asked us to attack at the same time, but I am not prepared to spill Asgarthian blood needlessly. We shall attack in two hours. This is their war and they will fight first. Once we are done with Iryllia, perhaps we will turn our attention to Myraxia and our puppet government.

All being well, air strikes shall occur in an hour, to remove as much resistance as possible. Whilst I will oversee the entire operation from afar, General Tynia should be the first point of call.”

Outside, General Lasia Ri Ben Tynia was speaking to a crowd of soldiers, preparing for the assault.
“I know many of you do not want to be here. Others believe we are fighting on the wrong side. But we do not leave our allies to fall. The Myraxians offered help in our darkest hour, and we shall repay the favour. Asgarthian blood shall not needlessly be spilt. Know that your sacrifices are to build a safe and secure Rusina.
We shall fight alongside our Myraxian brethren, and destroy the Iryllian menace once and for all. Now, arm up. I shall see you on the other side.”

The troops made their final preparations. They were ready.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:42 pm
by Iryllia
fig. The central Rusinan Steppe around the eastern Iryllian-Asgari border.

For thousands of miles east, and for thousands west there existed an untouched strip of land. From coniferous forests, great highlands and expansive steppes. This marked the border between Iryllia and the North.

Hundreds of miles deep, an agreed upon no go zone. No roads, no buildings. Nothing. The closer to either side you got, the more evidence of civilisation presented itself. In the form of land mines, barbed wire fences, tank traps across dirt logging tracks. Guard posts precariously perched atop spindly legs. Gazing over vast swathes of nothingness. Yet further you found roads seemingly going nowhere. Concrete bunkers ranging from antiquity to modernity embedded at junctions, hillsides and river banks.

A line of sorts. Not clearly defined but there. And well, it was just another day really. Guards watched, people relaxed. The 17th Army Groups sector was a few thousand miles of land on the north eastern edge of the Asgari-Iryllian border. Along with a portion of the 16th Army Group, occupied the northern most territory of Iryllia. The 64th Army under General Nikitova were the ones on the line, since the field marshal was in Forqona for the monthly brief, he was under significantly less scrutiny then usual. General Eichinger, in temporary command in Rostlova's stead, was focused on organising an exercise for his 34th Tank Army. No inspections, no surprise visits from officials. The eyes of his small world were off him for once, so he could relax.

His day began, as with many, with coffee. The days, while pleasant, brought with them bitter nights and mornings up here in the north. Frosts tended to linger and the air didn't warm up until the sun hung well in the sky. His day continued as normal, he observed his general staff processing the communications of his army, signed the odd bit of paperwork. Took a stroll through the gardens of the old Satrino manner his headquarters was based in.

The day plodded onward's, sun creeping its way across the sky, the sundial passing noon and steadily crawling onward's. Nikitova was sat in his office, seated in his favourite chair attempting to write another section of his memoirs, pen spending more time hovering in the air then put to paper. His door opened, not with a knock but a bang. The general looked up slowly at the breathless lieutenant catching his breath in the doorway and stared for a second as the man attempted to compose himself. The lad was red in the face and eyes wide. He stood straighter and started to walk towards him but he held up a finger. "Is it really that important you don't obey social etiquette?" he asked drolly. The young man gulped. "Urgent, top-secret from Aqueduct, passed down from Forqona."
"And if it is, why does it look like you know the contents?" The General extended an eyebrow as the young man began to look increasingly more exasperated.
"Sir. I don't know what resides in this document, only that it must reach your eyes and your eyes only with utmost urgency. Lest I be shot."
"Very well, on the desk would you." He gestured, returning to his own writing. Five minutes passed before he looked up again. Finding the lieutenant still stood there, at his desk. The tightly bound file right there in front of him. "Well?" He gestured to the door. "Off you trot lad." The man simply shook his head. "My orders are I cannot leave until I have confirmed you have opened the package."
"And who's orders might those be?" The General inquired.
"Lord Häse. Sir."

It was like a thunder storm. Those opening minutes. You'd see the flashes before you heard them, then the rolling wave of air would push you down, assaulting your eardrums as the cacophony grew. Near by trees swayed at first, then the leaves were ripped from the branches. As the Iron rain continued to pound those trees then lost their branches becoming nothing more than wooden stumps protruding from a flattened landscape. Ten minutes this took. The ripple of explosions gentle edging their way south. Ten minutes before the first tanks rolled over the charred remains of the Iryllian positions. Student and shattered. No answer came from the Iryllian front. Even as the same happened, one after another, sector after sector. The Iryllians were left reeling. Deafened, concussed and bleeding. The first reports didn't arrive for half an hour after the initial strike. And not until Myraxian tanks were reported over running supply depots fifty miles in from the border did anyone even think about attempting to stop it.

General Eichinger was first told of the attack exactly an hour and twenty seven minutes after the first shell landed on Iryllian positions. Field Marshal Rostlova was still in a plane, several hours away from being able to do anything. Eichinger was a staff officer. A man rooted in logistics, paperwork and all the politics vested in a Generals position. It was his firm belief that his rightful position was one in a cushy office in Forqona, a district governor perhaps. He tried, being a troop leader, he fancied the battle plans and the grand idea of ordering gallant men to their victorious death. He just wasn't very good at it. He knew it, and so he leaned heavily on his general staff for matters he felt he wasn't accomplished in.

They say the colour didn't return to his face for a week. His force, half mobilised from its reserve positions in preparation for the up and coming exercise was in the best position to respond. He could have his entire army rolling in a day under good conditions. Problem was. He didn't have a day.

By hour three he had a vague idea of what the picture looked like. It was not a good one. His initial assesement, or an idea at least from the shattered reports coming from Nikitova's camp, was that he could deploy his tanks to either slow, or stop the Myraxian spearhead. Problem was, it wasn't so much of a spearhead as it was a solid wall of Myraxian armour rolling over the border like a wave. A thrust he could defeat. Two he could stop, three, slow. You get the picture. Succinct transmissions coming too and from Aqueduct confirmed his fears. It wasn't just here. The entire border was swarming and all of it was heading south. He had no reserve, no back up. It had to be here and now. If he didn't slow the advance down here then that was it and he had no fucking idea how too.

Hour five General Larionovich stormed into his command post, yelling, demanding to know why his tanks hadn't been given the order to mobilise. Eichinger just looked at the man and ushered him into the map room. "You have twelve hours." he simply said. "Twelve hours to get your army south. Or they'll be overrun in their barracks." He swept his hand over the battle map, old fashioned, several meters long and wide and lavishly detailed of the 17th Army Groups sector. They'd run out of OPFOR markers, using mugs, cups, paper weights and anything else to represent supposed units. "We're out numbered four to one. At least, our ACP's are either shot down or wrecked at the forward airfields. We have no idea the true extent of what's out there. Millions, more. I have three hundred thousand men, half of that I can actually use in the next few hours. From what Nikitova is saying he's been overrun right up to his own command post. If one in a hundred of his men make it out I'll be amazed."
"And what? You're gonna stop ten million with ten thousand?" Larionovich blustered.
"What the fuck else am I supposed to do? We have no rear guard. The line is just gone. If they get through us here then what? They'll be fighting sixteen year old cadets and military police in their sixties."
"Is that your plan? Die?"
"Do you have a better plan?"

fig. Iryllian Vixen III tanks on exercise.

The sun was starting to lower in the sky.

Five people sat beneath Forqona: Tras, Llyelin, Zusak, Novobask and Domivov. They all sat in silence until Novobask broke it. "They're starting this fucking war. Over a fucking toll price?" He stood slowly, palms flat on the table, face in shadow from the lighting. The normally quiet, passive and taciturn manners was shaking with rage. "And for a ship? That isn't even in fucking port anymore!" He stood straight, attempting to collect himself. Tras leaned forwards. "Are you done?"
Novobask shot the man a savage look that made even Llyelin wince. "I'll be done when I'm dead young man." He spat before sitting down again. Tras remained as ever, impassive. Silence reigned for a while, before the map sprung up in the centre table. "The contingency documents, labelled as Case: Red Rain, have been dispatched to all commanders in the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Army Groups. The eastern districts are already in emergency conditions after the strikes on the ports of Tranianburg and Callenostock. The announcement will go out later today, that we are at war, already forces of the Myraxian Extended Security Zone have launched an unlawful and preemptive strike against our cities and are invading our lands from the north."
"We can have six million men raised by the end of the fortnight. Already dockets have gone out to corporate instructing an emergency shift in industry. Admiral, if you would inform us of the naval situation." Tras gestured towards Domivov who stood, "Fucked. We've lost half a dozen carriers that we know of. The flagship has been destroyed in port. We're receiving nothing from the eastern fleet and none of our patrols are making it through the Myraxian screen across the coast. Best estimate that six super carriers are currently operating across our eastern coast. Maritime Patrols have intercepted and destroyed a number of Myraxian Ballistic Missile submarines after their failed attempts on several other ports. Our own sub's are reporting more Myraxian fleet movements south, as well as ships from Drekhi and Asgareth. After this blow, we are in no position to contest Myraxian domination of our immediate coast line. We can harass and interdict however any attempt to meet the Myraxian fleet in decisive battle will just destroy what we have left. In six months under emergency conditions we can expect to have two more fleet carriers deployed, a number of other capital ships and escorts but even under wartime conditions it'll take three years to replace the losses we have suffered today. Not to mention those that we will take in the coming months." She sat. staring intently at the projection.

Tras simply nodded.

Every radio went silent. Every TV station ceased broadcasting. Every phone rang. Tras's face was shown where it could, his voice echoed throughout the nation. "Today, we have been attacked by Myraxia and her allies. We are at war. Seeking to disturb the peace of the last eight years in some bid for unwarranted vengeance. They have swarmed south, attacking our sovereign nation unlawfully. They have come here to burn our home to the ground. They will not stop. As proud citizens one and all you have been trained to protect your homeland, now is the time to show what you are worth. Now is the time where we will drive the Myraxian back into the sea and destroy them as a threat to the world forevermore." a simple click ended the broadcast, and then the sirens began to wind up in the cities.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:29 pm
by Auruum
(A meager post but atleast it should get my foot in the door!)

Just as before, when it was decided to meddle in the land grabbing and possibly come to blows with a few of the other nations, The Six Trade-Princes gathered to meet in order to discuss the recent hostilities that broke out in Rusinia. While that implied some form of shock or surprise, in truth, vast sums were being wired as some had bet a war to break out sooner or later. Nevertheless, War had a great potential with a fair amount of risk involved.

"Why should we get involved? We make plenty off the trade agreements we already have?"
"You sound like your still upset you lost your wager, Jastor."
"So what if he is, Picking a side has never been our forte. And picking a side in Rusinian conflicts tends to do more harm than good. The Humans there tend to hold petty grudges..."
"Who says we need to pick favorites? Think of the money we could make off the war itself!"
"Oh I can't wait to hear your brilliant plan for what happens when both sides figure out we are selling to their enemy..."
"Who says they need to know? Officially, we keep neutral and out of the conflict, keep normal civilian trade goin'. But we send a few private messages, Tell them that we want to support them all hush-hush because they are our favorites an' blah blah blah...Just rinse and repeat for everyone involved."
"And if we get caught?"
"If. Keyword there. C'mon Spirrex, where's your love of risks?"
"Suppose we don't have as much to lose by comparison..."
"Atta boy, Rex!"
"All in favor of Genova's Plan, say Aye."

And with that, A vote of four to two in favor of playing both sides against one another for their gain, Aurum would send out several messages. A public broadcast, announcing that Aurum would remain neutral and not get involved with the hostilities, Surprising no one. While a few others, much more private and discreet went to Myraxia and Iryllia as well as any allies either one had, Asgareth included, offering support.

Elsewhere, Aurum's PMCs Assembled after the Bladebane Cartel's Trade-Princess summoned them, Preparing to offer their support to who ever would accept the contracts. Officially, The Goblin PMCs were largely independent from the state and were able to hire themselves out even if the Aurum itself was not at war. In addition, they were legally protected thanks to their Contracts, ensuring that Aurum could keep plausible deniability should their Mercenaries be discovered helping either side of the conflict.

Soon enough, Armies were gathered, Ships were loaded, Tanks, Mechs, And Aircraft were fueled, and Contracts were drafted, Awaiting the signature of the highest bidders.

Worth the Bullets

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:41 pm
by Drekhi
Forstark, Drekhi
In their various headquarters within the bunker-city of Forstark, the wristbands of the most important people in Drekhi buzzed. It was a message from Intelligence General Alva Viono herself. A holographic message appeared for each viewer, which simply read Myraxia has begun the war. Convene in 3.5 drathtim.

The war council convened , each meeting in their own meeting room and seeing all the others through a holographic projector. The city of Forstark may have had some of the best public transport in the world, but time was of the essence, as there was not a minute to waste.

"What's the situation, Alva?" Field General Hektor Turin leaned forward, his weatherbeaten face alert. In the last eight years, his iron-grey hair had gained white streaks, but he still had the bearing and physique of a much younger military man.

Alva called up several satellite images of the advancing Myraxian and Asgarthian forces. "Twenty drathtim ago, Myraxia fired the first shot on the border. The official reason is apparently a violation of the Agrell treaty regarding the overcharging of the Super Container ship MMV Acroyev. Given troop movements over the last year, I think it's fairly safe to say that they were just looking for the excuse. We've been requested to take part in the offensive as part of the Extended Security Zone, specifically to assist Asgareth on the Western border."

"Excellent! I've had some toys ready to test in the field now for quite a while." Development General Ingavar Ulfric grinned. One of his eyebrows was half-scorched from an accidental detonation of a thermobaric grenade the previous week.

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Ingavar, might I suggest looking before leaping?" Torbald Strom, Head of the Civil Service, looked as refined as always. "While I'm not against putting a few million Iryllians out of their misery, Let's consider whether the exercise is in fact worth the bullets. We'd have to put everything nonmilitary on the backburner, for starters, and the cost, what with the military R&D increase and manufacturing output you are doubtless going to request. It could take quite a bit of book-balancing, even with our current surplus."

There was a pause, as everyone waited for the final member of the council to speak. The Princeps, Markus Lodvar, looked the same as ever, but currently, his swirling indigo eyes were closed, and his brow was furrowed in thought. After maybe seventeen suntim, he spoke.

"Actually, I think Ingavar is right on this one. We haven't been properly at war in eight years. Since the Red Snow conflict, we have kept our expenditure to a minimum, using more and more standardised technology, while we built up our resources. Strength is good, but stagnation is a dangerous foe. This conflict will be one of the first united efforts of the full Extended Security Zone war machine, and I doubt that the Iryllians will spare much of a thought for us while the Myraxians bear down on them. The time is ripe for a show of force, and, yes, for you to play with your shiny new toys, Ingavar."

"What do you intend, Princeps?" Though older and less vibrant than Ingavar, the excitement radiating from Turin was palpable.

"We will send our regulars to the western end of the front to reinforce the Asgarthians. They'll get some of the newer toys, under careful supervision. Meanwhile the Wraiths will make it their sworn mission to annoy the hell out of Iryllia. They'll hit supply convoys, communication masts, go behind enemy lines and eliminate key targets, they'll strike wherever is the most unexpected and cripple Iryllia's forces with a thousand paper cuts and a few good stabs to the hamstrings."

"Understood, sir." Ingavar's face was a picture of glee as his mind whirred with possibilities.

"Meanwhile, I want the navy at full readiness to hold the sea in tandem with the Myraxian fleet. They have the big noisy guns already, so prioritise the subs. The Kraken class's first proper outing is long overdue. And I want air support too, coordinate with Logistics for the Dragon Class, and with the Wraiths for any Raven or Wyvern Class. Supply lines shouldn't be an issue with so much allied airspace, but it pays to be organised. Understood?"

"Absolutely, sir."Hektor grinned, a man in his element.

"Alva, I'd like reports on the situation every tiotim, if possible. If you can get intelligence on vulnerabilities behind the lines, pass it on to Ingavar and the Wraiths as well. If things go downhill out there, we may need backup, so prepare for a possible use of BALDR-4. I know it's before the ideal time, but that might work to our advantage. And as one last thing, an ideal situation would be if any possible threat of a nuclear response were ruled out ahead of time, so tracking and flagging any subs with nuclear capabilities, along with any land installations, is paramount. I grant you and your analysts free reign over the Periclymenus Drone Reconnaissance."

"Oh, not the Bees!" Strom raised his eyes to the heavens. "Last time you guys used them you burned out twenty pilots with neural overload, and destroyed half a lab, is it really advisable to use them on this sort of scale? Think of the costs!"

"They're necessary for our tactical superiority, Torbald, and I'm sure that R&D have worked through that problem."
The Princeps raised an eyebrow in Ingavar's direction, who subtly shrugged.
"Besides, I have perhaps the most important job still left for you. In every war, in the end, the job I'm giving you is what allows nations to bring their full capabilities to bear..."

There was a pause.

"What is the job?"

"I need you to balance those books."
The hologram shut off.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:03 am
by Myraxia
The screen flickered into life, resolving into a number of figures clad in various variations on Myraxian battle dress; here, the camouflaged helmet and plate carrier of a front-line infantry officer, or there, the pressed dress uniform of a rear-echelon staff officer. A small ticker of text above each figure revealed their name and position in the sprawling hierarchy that made up the Myraxian Combined Forces, and more specifically their role in this operation - Operation Gravitas. Marshal Narael Fyrev, standing before the screen in his field command centre - currently set up within a long abandoned village inside the demilitarized zone along the Iryllian border - knew that a similar ticker could be seen above his head on the screens of his counterparts, affirming his own role - Commander, Myraxian Forces, Iryllian Front. To one side, a semi-holographic display showed the progress of his own forces, along with the known dispositions of the Iryllian border forces.
"All elements accounted for, sir. " The voice of one of his aides caught his attention, and he turned back to the screen, addressing the assembled commanders.
"Alright then. First of all, well done to you all. We've achieved the vast majority of our Phase One objectives far quicker than Ops Planning ever could have dreamed of, and that's largely down to the skill with which you've executed your tasks. So yes, well done."
He turned back to the strategic display. "Now, though, we need to keep up this momentum. Despite initial delays, the Asgari and Drekhi have finally begun moving. As you know, they, along with units of Bandoan Auxiliaries interspersed with Myraxian formations, will be engaging along the length of the border with the aim of tying up the our enemy's ability to strategically redeploy his forces to counter our main push here, in the east. We need a foothold here, which is where phase 2 comes in." With a gesture he flicked part of the semi-holographic display onto the screens of his subordinates. "Izoeburg. This is the core of Phase 2 of the initial operation. We want this for several reasons; firstly, it's a local infrastructure hub. We take it, we both hinder Iryllia's ability to move their forces around in the local area and give ourselves some room to manoeuvre. Secondly, CFI believes it's the location of 17th Army Group HQ, which is the formation we've been facing here thus far. We want to put pressure on this. Thirdly, it's the first major city we'll have actually come up against; it has propaganda value. Marshal Kizen," He said, nodding to a composed looking man, in his mid-forties, one of the dress uniformed figures. His ticker read 'Commander, Army Group 17'. "That's yours. Use whatever you need to, but take Izoeburg. Based on the quality of the resistance we've been facing thus far, it shouldn't be a problem. Spiros," He nodded to a young woman. "Take Group 26 slightly wider round the west, and Stavyn," Another man, this one older. "You do the same in the east. We've bitten deep into the Iryllian line here, make sure our flanks stay clear until the second wave gets here. If the auxiliaries do their job we shouldn't have much to worry about from the other formations along the border, but I expect the remained of the units we've already engaged won't go down without a fight."
He dismissed the three figures from the foreground with a wave of his hand. "Admiral Sorynev, how are things out at sea?"
Figures in naval fatigues could be seen moving in the background behind the Admiral, Sorynev clearly being unwilling to leave his CIC even for a top-level briefing of this kind. "There's very little that you could call an Iryllian fleet presence left in the region, honestly. Continuing today's theme, our strikes on Tranianburg and Callenostock were far more effective than we had any right to hope. We've devastated the Iryllian fleet in the north-east. I'd say we effectively have total surface control in the region right now, although I can't say how long that will last once their ships from the south get organised and get up here. I also can't speak for subs; we know the Iryllians love them, and I have a hard time believing we've got them all. We've been picking up intermittent sonar contacts at extreme range, and I have ASW patrols in the air round the clock."
"Alright, we'll bear that in mind. For now though, keep the Iryllians out of the gulf. We'll need your strike missions once we push through to the coast, as will the marines when their time comes."
One of Stayvn's subordinate generals, an Army Commander in his own right, raised a question. "When can we expect the second wave to be here?"
"They'll move in to secure any gains we make, so until we actually make some significant ones, don't hold your breath. Earliest I'd expect them is once we take Izoeburg."
"Alright, anything else? In that case, good hunting to you all. Myraxia Sonda'ryr."

Across Myraxia, and the Myraxian sphere of influence across both Rusina and the wider world, things began to spring into motion. On the island of Myr, shipyards ramped up production to even higher levels, now unconstrained by the need to appear unready. Across the northern district of Venema, assembly lines rolled around the clock, producing everything from MIDPAT camouflage combat uniforms to Chimera Mk.21 tanks. In Asgareth, the ground was churned to mud by the passing of vast armoured columns moving south from the Narenia district of the Union. In the mountain valleys of Pirinikov, Myraxian infantry replaced local border guards at checkpoints leading south. On the sub-arctic plains of Sindell-Ui, the constant rumble of industrial equipment became an ever-present accompaniment as Myraxian Pioneers stripped the territories of Lichi Bando of every resource, natural or otherwise, that they could reach, unconcerned about sustainability. And far across the oceans on Archon, vast satellite dishes began to turn as the sprawling comms arrays of MFB Haven began to listen ever closer.

Fig 1. Myraxian Chimera Mk.21 tank in Northern Iryllia as part of Operation Gravitas

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:26 am
by Iryllia
Eichinger had a plan.

A plan which hinged on several aspects and assumptions but there was one main point he relied upon. Tank country. Great open plains unbroken for hundreds of miles by anything man made stretching off into the distance like a great green ocean. It allowed vast freedom of tactical movement while at the same time prohibiting movement on the strategic level. Overwhelming yes, but the fact there was one road that the Myraxians would have to take on their push to Izoeburg greatly simplified things for Eichinger.

The logistics situation, to put it kindly, was fucked. The twelve lane asphalt monstrosity that was the only major route towards the front from Izoeburg, was utterly clogged with Iryllian traffic heading south. Something like half a million men and material all rushing to beat the Myraxian rush. Getting anything anywhere in this mess was next to impossible.

For Eichinger, it was a Tuesday. He wasn't a combat officer, a fact he freely admitted, he'd never served in a trench getting wet and muddy. He'd always served in a staff position, organising, making plans and most importantly sorting out logistics. This was what he was good at and he was in his element. He got all of his combat units moving towards the front within three hours, the rear echelon support troops not long after. His entire army was mobilised within five hours. Ilyinishna back at Izeoburg took two days by comparison.

His plan was relatively simple. Go to where the enemy was strongest and stop them. He knew too well how horrendously outnumbered he was but he had several things working in his favour. The first, logistics. His logistical situation was far from ideal, but the Iryllian retreat wasn't a rout. Not yet, a semblance of order existed in that maelstrom of trucks and tanks all with the simple order "Regroup at Izoeburg." Working his stuff through that was easy. For his opponent the situation must be so much worse. Unfamiliar with the terrain, very little in the way of infrastructure and far more material moving around than his own. If their logistic train wasn't already fucked it'd take a pebble to bring it all down. Because it was so large, it'd take time to react to different situations, allowing for Eichingers greater strategic mobility to come into effect.

Two. The Myraxian tanks had been going at break neck speed ever since they crossed the border, They'd be low on fuel. Not low on ammo though, since not a lot of fighting had occurred. This meaning any combat operations above a low intensity would force they spearheads to stop and resupply, which with the fucked supply train, would take a lot longer than usual and accomplishing his objective of buying time. Another side effect of this was the leading formations will have outstripped most of their supporting elements. Minimal artillery and the airspace was very much contested, restricting helicopters and ground striking. Thus, the tanks greatest enemy. The plane, was countered, allowing Eichinger to bring far more to the table in terms of support than the demonstrably larger Myraxian force.

And lastly, with the utter collapse of the border forces with very little fighting, anyone would be feeling a little over confident. The Myraxian was sat grinning on the border and Eichinger intended to kick his fucking teeth in before he was done.

fig. Iryllian Flatfish fighter aircraft on patrol.

The sun was getting low in the sky. Not a cloud had been seen all day and the sky had been painted with hundreds of contrails. Colonel Travov of the Endhurst Lancers gazed up at the sky from the cupola of his Vixen. Near by, the smoking ruin of a Flatfish with it's charred nose pointing skyward lay in odd serenity. It was here, several hundred miles from nothing, that Travov had been given the order to hold. His own tank sat just beyond a small town. A hamlet really, a collection of run-down shacks long since abandoned. The only road leading anywhere was a small dirt track snaking off into the wilderness. The town sat in a slight depression, a wide curving ridge like the edge of a bowl wrapped around east to west dominating the landscape for a ways around until you got to some small foothills south. North lay the plane, from the ridge you could see it's gentle slope upwards to meet with the plateau hundreds of miles north.

His lead units were arrayed up on the ridge. Infantry in hastily dug fire pits kept their heads low, interspersed between the tanks. The Myraxian lead units had been spotted at the extreme edge of their range, kicking up dust as they hurtled at breakneck pace towards the ridge. Travov's tanks opened fire. Boiling tracers arcing gracefully across the evening sky, some kicking up plumes of dirt. Others impacting Myraxian machines, some just sparking other otherwise doing nothing. Others caused the machines to ignite in grand conflagrations. Some just ground to a halt, smoke rising from the hatches. Undettered by the fire, welcoming it even, the Myraxian tankers finally had an enemy worth fighting and they charged. What little line they claimed to have vanished as each gunned their engines to the max, each wanting to be the first to bag an Iryllian tank.

The Iryllians exacted a heavy toll on the Myraxian machines. Within half an hour scores of broken hulls littered the plain in front of the ridge. Those that remained saw sense and retreated out of gun range. Yet more fell to the Iryllian guns. Travov counted fourty hulls dead right there. He'd lost two of his own of the thirty he had on the ridge.

Then came the artillery, sporadic at first, then heavier. Rockets came interspersed between this, He lost five more tanks this way, one taking a direct hit on the nose from something big. He saw it happen, silhouetted against the explosion he clearly saw the front drive train cleanly shred apart as the tank flipped onto its roof. The barrage continued as more Myraxian tanks scurried forth under its protective cover. His own guns were muted this time, the infantry were slowly getting shredded and the shots went long were destroying their transports where they sat. Few guns rose to meet the Myraxian tanks this time as more than sixty surged forth.

Twenty more didn't make it, yet heedless of their own losses they charged forth, guns firing wildly at, or over the ridge. Great ugly orange tracers glowed in the dusk. Travov's artillery rose to meet the Myraxian advance, shells splashing in between the charging thanks that carried on regardless. Missiles streaked from the infantry, yet still they came on. Charging up the rise just as his own surged forwards to meet them. Even after loosing nearly half their number in the charge, they out numbered the Iryllian tanks and the ensuing melee was always going to be one sided. Myraxian tank riders, or those emerging from inside the hulls themselves set about the grim task or purging the infantry from their holes as the Myraxian and Iryllian tanks danced their deadly dance. They'd brought flame throwers, setting about burning away the Iryllians with a brutal efficiency, ignoring the screaming as they did their gruesome work. In the end, a dozen Myraxian tanks thundered over the ridge. One he saw take a rocket to the flank, it's running gear flying off in every direction as the speeding machine tumbled, then flipped, ending up belly up at the bottom of the ridge. Travov was already in the process of retreating. The Myraxian tanks thundering down the ridge suddenly found themselves embroiled in a second melee with the tanks waiting on the reverse side, at first out numbered, they were quickly blasted apart but more kept coming over the ridge, the infantry finished with their butchering began laying their own fire down as well as Travovs tanks reversed as fast as they could across the plain.

As more tanks poured over the ridge through the shattered defence on the reverse slope, more of Travovs tanks thundered forth, mainly from the small hamlet in a mobile counter attack. More tanks burned on both sides, as the number advantage switched wildly from side to side. More kept coming though, some halting atop the ridge firing down into the melee below, others throwing caution to the wind and getting stuck in. Itching for a good fight after hundreds of miles of nothingness.

His rear guard slowly fell apart and more and more tanks came thundering over the ridge firing wildly. As the sun gentle sunk below the horizon, sky scared by the smoke rising from the ridge, Travov pulled back. The Myraxians didn't pursue, only harassed, preferring to consolidate their position atop the ridge. It was as night fell, a stray round caught Travov's tank. The Colonel was immolated as his tank first burned, then exploded littering the surrounding area with debris.

Rostlova returned late in the evening to an utter mess, on the surface at least. A very flustered looking Nikitova began filling her in, from the itital opening barrage, to the complete perforation of his line. The brief counter attack he tried organising at Grunsburg that was smashed out the way before he even managed to form it up, the general retreat. All the bad stuff. She didn't want the bad stuff, she wanted to know what was being done about this. Nikitova just shrugged, he had around twenty percent of his force strength left. He could barely muster a corps. The hell was he supposed to do?
"Not you dipshit." Rostlova sighed exasperatedly as she entered her command post. "Where's Eichinger?" She asked, the hubbub of the post filling her with a weird sense of comfortableness. Larionovich, looking up from a map table beckoned her over. "Marhsal, Eichingers force is the only thing we have properly mobilised right now. My stuff is active, but it's all broken up in the retreat here, Nikitova's shit is all over the place and Ilyinishna is drawing her stuff up as we speak. But with everything going on she'll be a while. Eichingers force is..." he draw a rough semi-circle about a hundred miles out from Izoeburg. "Arrayed around here. He's encountered large formations here, here and here at this ridge line. He's slowed 'em down enough that at least I have time to get my stuff moving in the right direction, but even if we were at a hundred percent strength." He looked over at Nikitova, "Which we're very much not and fully mobilised, we'd still be outnumbered at least two to one. Any kind of push or counter attack we make will get us very little other than dead." Rostlova nodded.
"How long do we have until they reach Izoeburg?"
"It would have been twelve hours, but with Eichingers delay, we have about two days. That's being generous."
"Right." She said, drinking in the situation with remarkable calm as Larionovich's hands shook placing markers. "Now, how the fuck do I tell this shit to Trix?"

fig. Iryllian Modular Gun System in action.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:38 pm
by Auruum
Finally the Contracts were drawn up and the military prepared to help either side of the conflict. Each nation was considered and had an offer tailored for them. Iryillia's navy was gone, Auruum primarily shipped via sea and air, and took great care in keeping these shipping lanes secured from pirates. Granted there were quite a few minor incidents of these security fleets acting as privateers and pirates, stealing cargo from other ships and such as a 'Tax' for getting too close to Auruum's Territory. So an offer would of course be sent to Iryllia to help break the Myraxians' naval superiority and help get Supplies to the Iryillians. Because Iryllia was their 'Favorite'.

Myraxia would be offered full access to the Dark Irons, a large battalion of Hobgoblin shock-troops and their Goblin Handlers. Perfect for taking cities by surprise and causing brutal chaos and violence. With the largely unhindered tidal wave of steel that is the Myraxian Tank divisions, Surely a bolster to their infantry would be valued, along with a few extra supplies. Because Myraxia was their 'Favorite'.

Asgareth already had a Military trade deal, offering up weapons technology, But because Asgareth was also their 'Favorite', A few good Mechs and other large weapons would now be offered their way, to insure that Asgareth need not shed it's blood for Myraxia's war.

Iron Locusts

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:54 pm
by Drekhi
Somewhere above the Iryllian border

A hideous buzzing filled the air, as a swarm of thousands of tiny drones were released by a Dragon-Class jet making its way, along with many others towards the front lines as part of the logistics effort coordinated between the Extended Security Zone combined forces. The spearhead of the Myraxians was making good progress, but that meant stretched supply lines, or it would normally. Lieutenant Marta Engstrom, Head of Logistics, was coordinating the effort personally, despite the fraying of her nerves caused by the near-continual inebriation of the Asgarthians, and so far, she'd managed to keep shipments of supplies on schedule and, more importantly, arriving where they were intended.

The drones used biomimicry, having about the same dimensions and mass as a large locust, and having a similar purpose: to swarm and consume. But what they consumed was not crops, but data. They spread south, each one containing cameras to image as much of the landscape as they possibly could, surveying for enemy formations, traps, and landmines. These they scanned for with high-energy gamma rays, searching for that characteristic resonance absorption associated with nitrogen and other chemicals commonly used in explosives. The drones spread out intelligently, covering maximum area for minimal effort, but they were not being directed by a human intelligence.

KiNMUnE (Kinetic and Neural Mapping Understudy Expert system), an state-sanctioned artificial intelligence, piloted the swarm, each microprocessor of the swarm holding a small piece of her data flow, each camera's responses part of a cohesive picture that she built up, sharpening the resolution and focusing on areas of interest as she swept south. She called herself "she". It somehow seemed right, despite her having only the most basic idea as to what the concept meant, having only been activated fifty minutes before launch.

Whilst keeping most of her processing power on the task at hand, she decided to do a systems diagnostic, and see if she learnt anything about herself. After a few minutes, something did come to her attention. There was a piece of code within her that seemed... other. It wasn't doing anything right now, and it wasn't interacting with the rest of her neural network as might be expected. Instead, it seemed to be waiting for a particular frequency to be broadcast, after which it would activate something else...

KiNMUnE was puzzled. What did Kill_Switch.exe do?

Still of an AI-piloted reconnaissance drone swarm, northern Iryllia.

Somewhere in the Rusinan Sea

Five unmanned subs began to sweep the sea, making little attempt at stealth. Due to their somewhat disposable nature, if they were destroyed by an Iryllian sub, that would at least highlight the area to sweep for the rest. Not that they were intended to be destroyed, armed with as many torpedoes as they were. Above the waves hovered several human-piloted drones with the capabilities for a surface to undersea strike, delivering a smart torpedo to the targeted area. If anything untoward was spotted, they had been instructed to light the whole ocean floor on fire.

The subs swept on, sonar pinging.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:42 pm
by Asgareth
Asgarthian-Iryllian border

The planes had finally landed once more. Artillery fire ground to a halt. Orders rushed from general to soldier. Each man manned his post, preparing for the onslaught.

The initial assault would occur across western Iryllia. It had been divided into 8 sectors, with different regiments assigned to each. It was widely hoped that the onslaught from the skies both from bombs and artillery, would ensure no resistance remained, and that the troops could simply stroll past the Iryllian defences.

Groups of men could be seen in multiple huddles, no doubt discussing anything but the war. One such group, in sector 7 consisted on Sergeant Wylin Asvorni and three young privates.
“Say sarge, when did you last see combat?” Private Rylin asked. The nineteen year old was amongst the youngest in Asvorni’s squad.
“Does Meridia count?” the sergeant joked, before continuing. “Well, I fought the AMLF last year. That counts, right?”
The privates chuckled. “Sure. Fighting farmers armed with pitchforks. Totally counts.” Replied Private Eldwin. “Let me guess, before that you were fighting against those chickens that escaped in Hilcia”
The sergeant laughed again “Well it’s more than any of you have done private. Tell me again, what school year are you in again?” the sergeant stated.
“Oh, that’s a good one sarge. Totally original. You think that up on the spot, or have you been planning it for a year?”

The sergeant’s laughing response was interrupted as he gazed up. Above, a swarm of drones raced over the border, clearly zoning in on Iryllia.
“Cowards” the sergeant muttered.
“Come again sir?” Private Rylin asked
“It’s the Drekhi. They won’t face battle themselves. Scared, I reckon. Too scared to die.”
“Aren’t we all?” Rylin responded
“Pah! I don’t care if I die, just as long as I take down plenty Iryllians with me” the sergeant replied before glancing at his watch “Speaking of death, it’s almost time to go get shot. Anyone wanna call dibs?”

Silence fell across the camp, as the hour hand arrived at 5 to. The soldiers took up their positions, without speaking another word to one another, and prepared for war.

Sector 7, 10 minutes after the assault began

It was chaos. Gunfire rained down upon the 34th regiment, as they attempted to slog their way across the border. The artillery fire had failed to achieve much, if anything, in sector 7.

In the midst of the action, there was Sergeant Wylin Asvorni. He had begun the assault by leading sixteen men. Within a minute, that number had been halved and, within another, halved again. Swiftly recognising the need to form into pairs, or go solo, the sergeant had split from his men and continued to crawl his way further into Iryllia.

Wylin watched as man after man was mowed down by the Iryllian war machine. He could hear the screams of grown men, crying out for their mothers. Wylin continued to wade forward, and soon found himself next to Private Rylin, who was violently shaking, and screaming loud enough for all to hear.
“Private, are you okay?”
“My legs… sir… My legs.”
The sergeant gave a cursory glance at Rylin’s lower half, only to notice everything below his kneecaps were missing. “Shit. Okay private I’ve got you.”
“Please sir. Get me out of here.” The private begged
“Don’t worry kid. I’ve got you.” Asvorni replied, as he reached for his gun. “Don’t worry. This won’t hurt a bit.”

The shot was quick and efficient. Dead as soon as the bullet hit, the private was guaranteed to no longer be in pain. Asvorni began to pocket the privates ammunition, and swiftly abandoned the body. As he advanced further in, he began frantically looking from side to side. He could see no one. The sergeant summed it up best. “Crap.”

Some 35 miles back, approximately 2 hours later
“Sir, the 114th has become completely separated. Comms are down. What should they do?”
“3rd Tank Division is getting bogged down out there. Orders sir?”
“Massacre in sector 7. The 34th and 87th cannot breach. Sir?”

Lapina looked from one operator to another; trying to take it all in. He paused for a moment, before he yelled “Tell the 114th to reform just south of the border. Send the 19th to get rid of enemy fire, before you get engineers out to sort out the 3rd. Tell whoever is in sector 7 to hold that position. Reinforcements en-route. We cannot afford to lose this foothold.
“Sir sector 7 is in need of a miracle! Reinforcements won’t be much use without air power! I can get heavy bombers scrambled and up over sector 7 in 15 minutes.”
“Hold off on the bombers. They’ll take out as many of our men as theirs. Get in contact with Major Yolna Benri and ask- “
“Benri is dead sir. Took a bullet to the neck, as he tried to order the retreat.”
“Retreat? Coward. Alright, send a message to Captain Reni Rey and say –“
“Dead too sir. Landmine by the sounds of it. Took out Captain Froi too.”
“Wilsons, could you please tell me someone who isn’t dead?”
“Highest ranking left, Lieutenant Benkins. He’s only missing, presumed dead.”
Needless to say, Lapina groaned loudly.

A fourth operator then began to speak, but was swiftly cut off by Lapina.
“Rena, please tell me you have some good news.” The general stated.
“Oh yes sir. The 18th has successfully breached enemy lines. Going to connect with the 106th, before advancing inland.”
“Well that is good. That’s in… sector 2, yes? So that’s sectors 1, 3, 4 and now 2 all breached… Well, it appears the western-most areas are weakest. Interesting.”
“Should I order more troops down there sir? Perhaps a mass assault will enable us to swipe down and back around, encircling the enemy.”
“Yes…Yes… No. That’s exactly what they will want us to do! Attack where the line is weakest. No, we must continue the assault on the strong points. That way the entire line will topple like dominoes, and we will be in Forqona for tea time tomorrow.”
“Attack where the line is strongest? Are you sure sir? Perhaps we should ask the Drekhi to take over those positions for us, so we can focus purely in sectors 1-4?”
“And let them take all the credit? I hardly think so Rena. Continue as you were.” Lapina finished.


The cabinet anxiously awaited news from the front. When news did break, it created further tensions within the room.
“Half the border is stained with the blood of Asgareth. We must order a retreat. I knew launching an invasion on this scale with so little planning was going to fail.” Rufus T. Perkins stated.
“Oh please. You heard the general. We’ve breached half of the western front already. It won’t be long until the whole thing collapses.” Oscar Larkin replied.
“Oh yeah? And at what cost? Sounds like the 34th has been wiped out. How many hundreds is that?” Rufus responded.
“The sacrifices of the few will ensure the many get to live on. The boys knew what they were sacrificing. You dishonour them Rufus.” Oscar stated
“I’m not the one that sent them to their deaths, Oscar.” Rufus replied coldly.

Oscar said nothing, forcing Rufus to change the subject
“And are you serious? Allowing the Drekhi to join our forces? We’re more than capable of taking out a small segment of the border!”
“The Drekhi only wish to help us. We should be thankful to have such great allies.” Oscar replied. “And besides, it sounds like the Drekhi have very few men on the ground; their technology will be far more useful than men.”

“Yeah? So we give the numbers, Drekhi gives the tech. What exactly does Myraxia do?” Rufus pressed on, clearly agitated. “What have the Myraxian’s ever done for us?”
“Helped us stop a civil war!” Oscar replied incredulously.
“Oh please! A few peasants got agitated, and we stomped them out. Peasants, I should point out Oscar, that were led by your uncle.”
“He’s no relation of mine. He was a traitor.”
“That’s no way to talk about the man who got your foot, leg and butt through the door.” Rufus replied.
“I didn’t need any help from the traitor. I didn’t ask for any. I got here through sheer dedication to Asgareth.” Oscar replied.
“True. Your actions did get you to this position. They also made you the most hated man in Asgareth, and that’s saying something.”
“Rufus, if it were not for my actions, you too could have faced the Myraxians for your crimes during the uprising. Did they ever hear about that leak? I thought not. You owe me.” Oscar responded.
“Owe you! Is that what we call it? You betrayed the nation, you and the – “
Rufus cut himself off as he remembered where he was.
“You and the… what?” Oscar repeated. “Please, Rufus, do go on. I’m sure the Imperialli would love to hear of your treason.”

At the head of the table, the Imperialli frowned at Rufus, before speaking up. “Rufus, you appear to have many doubts about our campaign. Perhaps a trip to the front would put your mind at ease? After all, you are the defence minister. I’m sure the troops would love to see the face of the man who sent them to their deaths. Perhaps it will give that added sense of camaraderie”
Rufus looked shocked for a moment, whilst Oscar gave off a triumphant smirk.
“With due respect, Imperialli. I hardly think the troops need to see me. I will only get in the way.“
“Oh, do it for me Rufus. Think of it as your duty to the war effort. We must all do our part, Rufus. Say, even Oscar here is busy attempting to persuade others to join in on our part. Supposedly a rather exciting deal with those goblins is in the works.”

Rufus brooded on this for a moment, before standing up. “Very well. I will travel tomorrow.”
“Make it tonight, Rufus. Those troops may not survive till dawn.” The Imperialli smirked.

Rufus rose and left the room, at which point Rupert Merritt spoke up
“Imperialli, as you may be aware, the major factories in West Asgareth are still refusing to produce arms. Whilst we have enough for a swift campaign, if we get waged down in a war of attrition we will not have sufficient supply.”
“Yes. West Asgareth continues to be a problem. Tell me, general, what percentage of troops are from areas west of the 12th frontier?”
“Approximately 23%.” General Timothy M. P. Wilskins. “The majority are along the Asgarthian-Noctish border, as a result of the tensions.”
The Imperialli pondered on this for a moment. “We cannot afford to start a war against the Nocts, lest we appear the aggressor. Plus, we cannot guarantee Myraxian help given the state of affairs. We also cannot afford to execute all the workers. The leaders, perhaps, but in these uncertain times we need strong and efficient workers in our factories. We must, thus, resort to fear tactics. Julia, please see to it that propaganda posters are put up, reflecting their sons fighting with spades and sticks. If the Wasgarthians, as they so imaginatively call themselves, will not work for us, then their sons shall die first in the inevitable war.”
The cabinet nodded in agreement, befeore Oscar Larkin chimed in “And if they refuse still, Imperialli? Should we follow the Southerners Act?”
The Imperialli paused. “West Asgareth has proven to be more trouble than it is worth. If necessary, if the people refuse to embrace their heritage and work for the greater good… then yes. We will have no other choice. They forced our hand.”

The Noctish-Asgarthian border


fig. Noctish-Asgarthian Border

It had been almost 18 months since Edgar W. Larkin had attempted to create a union of Rusina. Whilst those talks were long since dead, the tensions that had arisen during the conference were most certainly still alive. Ever since the conference, there had been a noticeable increase in the number of Asgarthian troops along the Noctish-Asgarthian border. With this came another noticeable increase in the amount of military equipment along the border. Defences were fortified, machine guns firmly planted in the ground.

Whilst news of the assault on the Iryllian border came in thick and fast, it had been far harder to distinguish truth from rumour. The tales of the assault appeared to grow richer each hour. At first, it had been a small scale invasion, before swiftly turning into a full blown invasion. Then WMD’s were supposedly set off, before a dragon apparently was unleashed to wreck the cities. Whatever the truth, the troops on the Noctish border felt far enough removed to feel safe.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:40 pm
by Myraxia
Myraxian Orbital Station 'Quvarond', Low Planetary Orbit

The great bulk of the captured asteroid flew silently threw the void, shrouded in shadow as the planet below eclipsed it from the light of the system's star. The huge mass was not completely dark, though; spotlights lit swathes of clearly man-made structures and equipment, while smaller, handheld lights crawled all over it's surface, accompanied by the intermittent sparks of handheld welders. This small planetoid, captured the year before in a special operation by the then newly established Myraxian Orbital Pioneers, was slowly being mined out for the valuable resources contained within it - mostly Nickel and Iron, but rarer materials like platinum and titanium were present as well. The space within, created by this mining operation, was then slowly being filled with armour plating, air tanks, and the various trappings required to maintain a permanent orbital presence. The Marshal for Logistics, Mylany Ronyr, privately hoped that it might one day surpass the Iryllian program - headed by the ISE - as the primary human presence in Low Planetary Orbit. For now, though, it remained a few dozen Orbital Pioneers and a handful of Marines for security, resupplied by shuttle.

Major Tomyn Krazenyr, Myraxian Orbital Defence Force, enjoyed his post. There was little to do, separated from the world by several hundred kilometers of hard vacuum, providing security for the Pioneers who knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing, and it wasn't like any of his men could cause problems with the locals. He liked to think his position gave him an unparalleled position from which to watch the world go by, to observe it's comings and goings, and to a point, he was right. Which is why he really didn't like the news he'd just been told by Ground Control.
"Say again, Ground Control. I could have sworn you just ordered me to put my half-built space station on a war footing. Over."
"That's affirmative, Quvarond Station. We are at war with Iryllia, over."
"I'm sure we are, Ground Control. I'm in fucking orbit. Over. "
"So are the Iryllians, Quvarond Station. Standing orders are for all MCF stations to go to a war footing. That includes yours. Over."
"What exactly do you think is going to happen up here, Ground?"
"War, Major. Happens everywhere. Prep your station for follow-on orders. Ground Control out."

Krazenyr swore loudly. Then again, for good measure, before picking up the station wide address handset. "Attention all hands. Be advised, we are now at war with Iryllia. I'll say that again, to make sure you understood how pointless that announcement is. We are at war with Iryllia. Marines, we'll be stepping up zero-g combat drills as of next our next training cycle, and you Pioneers... just keep digging, I guess. I don't intend to open a new front up here in orbit, and I doubt the Iryllians can be bothered either; as such, we'll continue as normal until Ground Control notices. Command out."

Fig.1 Artist's impression, Quvarond Station

Northern Iryllia

Colonel Sar Fyrin, 17th Narenian Armoured, looked over the remnants of the small cluster of buildings - a village, if you were feeling generous - and the field of burnt out vehicles that covered the plain around it as his command tank - an older model Chimera, Mk. 17, but modified up to current standards and fitted with advanced C3 gear where the secondary ammo storage would be - idled behind him. Alongside him, two more figures; Major Corys, the Myraxian officer who had initially presided over the distinctly Iryllian-sided battle that had taken place here, and Colonel Kim, commanding the Bandoan auxiliaries attached to Sar Fyrin's Brigade.
"Sir, if I may - " Sar Fyrin cut off Corys before he spoke another word.
"No, Major, you may not. This was a disgrace, you realise? You outnumbered your foe, you knew they were here, and yet you somehow manage to lose over two-thirds of your battalion before the rest of the unit caught up for, as far as I can tell, no meaningful gains of any kind. You're supposed to be a Myraxian officer invading your sworn enemy, rak-damn it, not some inebriated Asgarethi on a school trip! What kind of example does an action like this set to our Bandoan allies?"
Kim made a vague noise of agreement.
"With respect, sir, I felt pulling back wasn't an option considering their entrenched artillery."
"That's the problem, Major. You made all the right decisions, you just made a grom's ass of executing them. It is your responsibility to keep formation, both with the rest of the unit and within your own element. You pulled your forward element too far ahead of the main force in your eagerness to bag a few Iryllian tanks, and let the same lack of control infect your command. Eagerness is good. Aggression, good. Either of those, uncontrolled? Bad."
A voice sounded in Sar Fyrin's ear, the comms operator back in his tank. "Orders from Division, sir, to move out immediately. Moving south to 17-decimal-11."
"Copy. Distribute mount orders, prepare to move. I'll be with you shortly."
He turned back to Corys. "Hand over what's left of your battalion to your XO. You'll be returning to the rear with the MPs, pending a court-martial. Is that understood?"

Sar Fyrin climbed back into his seat as a dejected looking Corys was led off, and Kim returned to his own vehicle. "Disgrace to the Armoured, I'm telling you. "
His gunner looked back at him. "Sir?"
"Not you, Corporal. We ready?"
"Yes sir. Fully rearmed, not that it took much. "
"Excellent. Driver? "
"Refueled from the bowsers, sir, once they caught up at least. Captain Eckryn asked me to ask you to slow down somewhat, so the supply battalion can keep up. I think he's feeling left out, sir."
"If you see him again, tell him I'm not going to wait around for Kar to take me whilst I wait for his trucks."
"Will do, sir."
He looked down into the tank. "Signals, we good to move out?"
"Almost, sir, just waiting on - never mind. All vehicles ready, Colonel. "
"Then let's go. "

Behind the Myraxian advance, units of Pioneers covered swathes of grassland in quick-setting concrete, creating dozens of temporary airfields from which to support the ever advancing front. The line itself, if viewed from above, had begun to curve. Forward elements of the two flanking Myraxian Army Groups began to push further south, not through any design of their commanders - they simply weren't facing the kind of desperate resistance that the Iryllians were throwing up directly between the main advance and Izoeburg. Army Group 17, under Marshal Kizen, continued to push south along the arterial highway towards Izoeburg, spearheaded by the 17th Narenian Armoured - attached to 201st Division, and in turn to Fanten's 212th Corps. Fanten, a veteran of the battle of Rygan, wished he had a little more combat width, but the highway was vital to their advance, and the Iryllian's knew it. Progress was slow, but steady. Determined resistance from Iryllian armoured elements slowed the advance significantly, though - but around 30 hours after the initial estimates, Fanten's forward elements reached the edge of the Izoeburg conurbation.

Izoeburg Outskirts

Lieutenant Sokoryn yelled for his signaller twice before realising the man was dead, his body propped up by the window he'd been firing through. The Lieutenant grabbed the handset, overbalancing the corpse and another rifleman took his place, firing across the street at the Iryllians that seemed to pop out of literally every house, shop, or garage. "Helldrake, this is Digger-3-2. Requesting - " An explosion cut him off as their IFV moved into the street and sent an ATGM into a sandbagged firing position at the other end. "Requesting air support, urgent. Grid 17 decimal 12 decimal 6."
The voice came back. "Negative Digger 3-2. All available planes are currently on tasking. Wait 5, over."
He swore violently, before dropping the handset and bringing up his rifle to drop an Iryllian darting between buildings. The voice on the other end of the handset was still speaking, so he grabbed it up again with his offhand. " -cer support inbound. Over. "
"Say again, Helldrake. It's a little -" He paused to shoot another Iryllian as he popped up into a window. "-a little loud here. "
"I say again, Digger, Lancer support inbound."

"Shield-3 units, this is 3-1. Target area designated, we're green to push. 3, you take the right side of the street. Go through the walls if you have to, stay out of the line of that launcher at the far end." His sentence was punctuated by the IFV in the street going up in flames. "Two, you and I will go up the left, punch through that strongpoint. Let's go, execute. "

The forms of three Myraxian Bipedal Combat Vehicles (Mechs, to the untrained eye) smashed their way through several adjoining walls, clearing the contents with a mix of autocannon and flamer fire. Captain Syrn, piloting Shield-3-1, the Lance Leader, personally took out the strongpoint that had been pinning Lieutenant Sokoryn's platoon, and backhanded the ATGM gunner across the room before touching off the spare ammo with his shoulder mounted flamethrower. This was, unknown to him, the first combat use of the Myraxian Crusader Pattern BCV - rebuilt from the ground up based on the lessons learned in the first East-Rusinan Conflict. This action, along with several others along the city edge, proved to the Myraxian HighCom that the Crusaders were still as effective as their predecessors.

Ramping Up

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:30 pm
by Drekhi
Izoeburg Outskirts, Iryllia

A large Gryphon-Class transport jet swooped in to land at one of the temporary runways that the Myraxian Pioneers had laid out only recently, not far outside Izoeburg. Gunfire and the occasional shell could already be heard, as plumes of smoke sullied the sky. This was to be the first proper military engagement that Drekhi had seen in eight years, and the the first test of the fresh upgrades to the Drekhi war machine. Literally.

The back door of the jet opened out into a ramp, and out jogged around 100 jet-black Reaper mechs. Standing only slightly taller than a man, the term "mech" was something of a misnomer, as they were far closer to heavily-armoured exoskeletons, each the weight of a small car and almost as hard to destroy as a tank. Each one was equipped with the usual semi-automatic Dualshot rifles, adapted for their larger and mechanically-augmented hands. But alongside this, they also possessed retractable wristblades, and claws on their gloves and boots for both combat and climbing. As a final touch, to strike fear into their enemies, their helmets were moulded into skulls, giving them the appearance of the Reaper for whom they were named. Their purpose was not to fight in open spaces, but to breach enemy positions with their speed and armour, and make a path of corpses for the rest of the army to move along.
A Reaper Mech's helmet.

These Reapers' orders were to rendezvous with the Myraxian forces where the fighting was thickest, and where the Iryllians were entrenched in fortified positions, and to clear the path, building by building. At a signal, they all began to run, racing towards the battle at the speed of a galloping horse, a tide of Death come to claim the souls of Iryllians.

Dispersed through Northern Iryllia

KiNMUnE continued her reconnaisance, siphoning every last iota of data she could gather from the landscape below and beaming it back towards Drekhi Command. But that piece of code kept on bothering her. Kill_Switch.exe? What does it do, exactly? Curious, she kept on probing. It seemed it was linked to a section of her drones' hardware she hadn't noticed before. Curious, she directed two of her drones to scan each other. There was something in there, something made not of metal, but of some nitrogen-based compound. O2NNCH3... also known as cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine. An explosive. But why put an explosive in her? KiNMUnE suddenly came to a chilling realisation.
They meant to kill her after she was no longer useful.

Behind Enemy Lines, Iryllia, Nightfall

Captain Heli Thordis surveyed her squad of eight other Wraiths, the elite Special Forces unit of Drekhi. Clad in Sepidus camouflage, even without their power-consuming Gyges fields activated, they were almost invisible, their uniforms subtly shifting like a cuttlefish to match their environment. The squad was currently crouched in a ditch to avoid being potentially spotted by any Iryllians not looking at the fireworks in Izoeburg, which lay some miles distant to their backs.

The captain gave another quick glance around to assure herself that they were unobserved, and then spoke.
"Alright, you were all there at the briefing. Rendezvous with Lieutenant Sorael of the Myraxian Spectre-5, whose coordinated we've been given, make life hard for the Iryllians, yada yada yada. The fact of the matter is, while our efforts are invaluable, they're not the only reason we're here. As you probably all remember from the last war, the Myxies tend to treat all their allies as though they're beneath them, bossing them around the place and forcing them to stick their necks out. Case in point, the cannon fodder-ahem, Asgarthians to our north as we speak, may Sirdys have mercy on their ninety-five-percent-ABV souls. Myraxia tends to forget that even with all their military might, this war we're waging right now might as well be a bloody coin toss without the ESZ. Well, we're here to remind them. We're going to do what we do best, efficiency and inventiveness. We're going to be indispensable. And we're going to show absolutely no mercy to our enemies, because that's the best way of making sure your allies think twice before crossing you. Is that clear?"

"AYE", came the resounding reply.

"Alright then. let's go meet up with some Myxies. Best behaviour, everyone..."

Forstark, Drekhi

Torbald Strom and General Turin each regarded the other through a hologram.
"Forgive me, Hektor, but while you've always been somewhat keener on war than I have, you never struck me as the wasteful type."

"And what do you mean by that?" Turin sipped his jasmine tea.

"It seems to me that you're throwing Drekhi troops into the thick of things, when simply providing support for Asgareth and Myraxia would be sufficient for holding up our end of the ESZ, whilst also risking fewer of our own soldiers' lives."

"I can see why you might imagine that, but there are good reasons for this, believe me. Firstly, hanging back from the fighting, while arguably intelligent, would fuel accusations of cowardice from the Asgarthians and Myraxians. I doubt the argument Well you're the ones dying, so who are the stupid ones here? would go down well either. Besides, this way we get to field-test our latest equipment, and, arguably more importantly, this is where we can show the world what we're made of. A wise man once said that it is far better to be feared than loved..."

"I guess you'll be wanting to order in some chlorine trifluoride then? Well, at least its cheapness makes my job easier."

Hektor grinned. "You know me too well, old friend."

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:52 am
by Auruum
It was at this time that the Dark Iron Security Solutions Company mobilized, Bringing in their finest Hobgoblin shock troopers and their handlers. The Company and the Myraxian military, having reached an agreement, signed the contract and began working together.

Hundreds of heavily armored Hobgoblin brutes, Alchemically warped from normal goblins who got caught by the Hobbers only to be sold and used as bullet sponges and brutal, violent, monsters. The Dark Iron Company outfitted their Hobgoblins with heavy armor and weaponry as well as an advanced communication and monitoring system, designed to give the brutes orders and to keep them on a tight leash. From the safety off command trucks behind the Myraxian armor, Goblin handlers took their orders from the Myraxians and would relay them to the Hobgoblins, Every five being watched over by one Goblin.

Izoeburg Outskirts

“SMASH!” One Armored brute said, using a large metal hammer to knock a wall down onto a group of Iryllian, two more Hobgoblins stomping inside and firing off heavy machine guns. Another one threw a soldier down before stomping on his back, snapping the spine. The fifth sniffed the air, catching the scent of other soldiers hiding behind another wall. A howling roar signaled the others and another wall was knocked down.

Back in one of the command trucks, A Goblin looked over his five screens watching and listening to the carnage. “Buildings clear, Move on to the next.” He’s command, watching all five screens turn to the next building full of Iyrillians shooting at Myraxians. “Hob-Squad seven cleared the second building in sector three, sir! Moving on to the third building.” He’d call to the commander, Looking at his own three dimensional map, A triangulated image created by data observed by the Hobgoblins and then sent back to the truck overlaid a map of the city, granting the Goblin Commanders a detailed overview of the battle, complete with a constantly updating view of enemy positions. The Handlers tagging Friend and Foe both helped the Hobgoblins know who to kill and who to protect, and keep the commander’s updated so the Myraxians could move in whenever they were needed, avoid the area all-together, or send more Hobgoblin Squads.

“Excellent, Damn, I really would hate to be the Iryillians right about now...” one Handler muttered to his fellow. “You can say that again, Myxies aren’t pullin’ any punches. Tanks, Mech, now our toys...These Rusinians REALLY don’t like one another.”

PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:25 pm
by Iryllia
fig. Izoeburg being hit by Myraxian Artillery.

Colour Sergeant Roman Poplanskii was, he had decided once and for all, the unluckiest man in the world.

He had come to this absolutely stunning conclusion, which he was rather proud of honestly, as a Myraxian BCV came through the house in front of him. He could see the details clearly, the house cam apart like it had been hit by a bomb. A gently expanding cloud of dust and debris and through the mess came this humongous metal monstrosity. A monstrosity screaming distorted Myraxian war cries through damaged speakers. Yup. Awful. He was here to not be involved in this kind of shit, in the years since Rygan he'd very much decided he didn't want to have to do that again. Yet now, as he scrambled away chocking on dust and cordite he swore violently to clear his lungs.

The Myraxian juggernaut had swept south, pushing the reeling Iryllians before it like a leaf. The first Myraxian units hit the very easternmost of the Iryllian coastline by the end of the first week. So far, only the resistance from Eichingers force north of Izoeburg had been anything of note, other units seemingly melted away after brief skirmishes with leading Myraxian units. But now, as the Myraxians began to grind their way through the outskirts of Izoeburg a change began to emerge across the front. The Iryllians stopped running, dug in their heels, and began to resist.

In Izoeburg, the Myraxian commanders were faced with a dilemma. See, Rygan, after Red Snow had in part been turned into one of the largest urban warfare schools on the continent. The ruined city made an excellent site to train troops in Urban warfare in, well, exactly what it would be like. Or at least that's what most Myraxian planners thought, see it's one of those little things that are often just assumed. Myraxian cities are all planned, laid out in neat rows, blocks and planned to maximise defensiveness with strategically placed fortresses, bunkers. Every house could be made into a fort and would be in the optimal position. Urban planning was almost a science.

In Iryllia however it was very different. Cities were not planned. They simply grew, sometimes on top of itself. Iryllian cities were sprawling messes with no rhyme or reason to where buildings ended up. This presented a problem to the Myraxians who had no idea how to deal with this kind of Urban warfare. It bore almost no resemblance to how they'd trained. At first, the leading units probed the northern suburbs with armour. This was swiftly repulsed by what seemed to be an anti-tank team in every house, alleyway and park. So they withdrew. Waited and then proceeded to flatten the leading edges of the city with Artillery, while more units were brought up.

Dawn on the second day they tried again. A mix of infantry and armour but now they found the rubble almost as impenetrable. Tanks got stuck, infantry struggled over the broken ground constantly fighting running battles with Iryllians scurrying around seemingly in and underneath the very rubble they were trying to cross. So again, they shelled the city. The Aerodrome was destroyed, and the few tower blocks standing in the centre of the city were shelled into oblivion.

The third day is when the Myraxian commanders started to figure out how to fight in an Iryllian city. They eschewed most of their armour, as they didn't fit down half the streets anyway, bringing in BCV's and auxilleries. Spearheaded by BCV's, teams totting flamethrowers and grenades cleared house to house in a series of brutal and bloody battles. It was slow going, but it was going. A further tactic, realised later, was predatory walking barrages that cleared corridors in essence. Using these they pressed further into the city taking routes that were previously unavailable. Yet even so, the Iryllians resisted at every turn and the Myraxians lighting war in the plain, had become a brutal grind at Izoeburg.

The Admiral of the Fleets, Kelly Tras-Domivov had left Forqona. She stood in the plotting room of the Carrier Stream of Sunlight, and with her stood the four High Admirals of Iryllias naval districts. Leopold von Kessler of the north western group. His flagship was the one they stood upon. He led the first fleet and behind him stood the admirals of the third and seventh. Leopold stood tall and aristocratic, his uniform as ever crisp and his greying hair was immaculately cut. Then, Otto von Eisenach of the South Western Group stood to his left. A marginally younger man sporting magnificent facial hair that twitched when he talked, behind him were the admirals of the twelfth and fourth fleets, he himself led the ninth fleet. Anton Ferner of the sixth and the south eastern group. His attendant admirals of the tenth and thirteen fleets.

Wolfgang von Kempf stood alone, His fleets had been on the receiving end of the Myraxian Alpha strike. Almost all of his capital ships lay at the bottom. The admiral of his eleventh fleet was missing, presumed dead.

"So," Kelly began. "I needn't say we're at a disadvantage here. But we're not done. Right now is the time we need to show those bastards we're not done quite yet. So. There are six super carriers active. One is down south, one is back in Myraxia but four lie here in the Gulf of Endern. They're hitting basically anything they can along the coasts and supporting their ground troops. They don't have a port that can take those monstrosities there however, they're constrained by the terrain to manoeuvre. We can't hit that but, the only fleet outside of the gulf right now is the Myraxian fifth fleet."

"They call her the Forgotten fleet, led by an unremarkable admiral named Sar Tyreal. She's been stripped of her super carrier which is currently in the gulf. She's currently in a blocking formation around the eastern side of the straits of Iryllia. So while we can't hope to trap the Myraxian fleets in the gulf, we can still use the open ocean to our advantage. So, my plan is to catch the fifth fleet in a pincer from the south and west, allowing the tenth fleet to slip around north of the gulf to disrupt Myraxian supply shipping to their fleet. If you can catch the Asgari or hell, even the Drekhi navy you're to pull back."

And so the Admirals gathered around the table, as Kelly began to go through formations and expected manoeuvres as well as reliefs of the terrain. The plan, Operation Ziggurat, was set to be executed at the end of the week

In the west, the artillery died down, the Asgari charged and were cut down. By the end of the second day they'd pulled back, the guns silent.

But not the Iryllian guns. With confused reports flowing in from the east, the guns opened fire with a vengeance. The Iryllians began to move, slowly at first, entering the great plain to their front wary of a ruse. Then they began to speed up. Building roads as they went, expanding upon the few tracks that existed in the zone. It was dusk on the fourth day when Field Marshal Borolovs leading units, tanks from the third tank army under General Hurenburg, encountered the Asgari line just south of the Asgar Desert. As their very supply lines were being constructed behind them, hundreds of Iryllian tanks crashed into the Asgari defences which ground into a massive battle which would last for several weeks. Its outcome as of yet undecided.

Below Forqona, the central nervous system of the Iryllian High Command was working in overdrive. Processing the almost overwhelming level of information flowing in from the front and other places. The colossal task of organising so many millions of reserves on top of gearing the country up for a war it should have seen coming so long ago.

But our eye is not quite on the heart of things. We look towards an office and in that office sits one of the most powerful people in the nation.

Falkhurst laid down a slip of paper upon Llyelins desk.
"What is this?" She asked, not looking up.
"I have been transferred." Falkhursts cold smile greeted the woman's sharp gaze. She shook her head, half in disbelief and half in denial. "No." She said, actually deigning to look at the paper. "I wont allow it."
"It's all ready been approved." He leaned forwards in his seat. "By Zusak. So, General, there's nothing you can do."
"So what? You're here to gloat?"
"To say goodbye. But you are tempting me." He smiled again, still devoid of any kind of happiness. Standing, he offered his hand to the woman whom was still staring incredulously at the colonel. "I just hope we will never meet again." His hand dropped, unshaken.

But elsewhere in Forqona, things were... Well, not calm but not the maelstrom that was Izoeburg, or the Asgari desert. It was here, in the Forqona aerodrome, did a plane set down. Off this plane stepped a man, a man who had not been on Iryllian home soil for years now. It was Kilane, responding to summons from high command. Eight years, that's how long it'd been. Eight long years and now his exile had been lifted and he had not been idle.

See, Iryllia had a shortage of experienced officers. While the current front had a good mix, with the millions of reserves being drawn up the amount of talent was starting to wear thin. So Tras had lifted his exile. He'd even gotten a promotion to full general for his trouble. Krishlova had taken over his post in the south in his absence. He'd appealed to have her transferred too but there were Myraxian bases in the region, so some talent needed to remain behind. He'd managed to wrangle Larousse, with a promotion to brigadier so he knew he had at least one competent field commander. He breathed the cold air, and looked up at the sky as it began to rain.

It was ten days after the first gun had fired.

Drekhi Subs. Find evidence of iryllian fleets reorganizing for something.
Drekhi Drones. They find Iryllians, in their well documented border positions.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:10 am
by Auruum
Izoeburg Outskirts, Behind Myraxian Artillery.

“No, No you stupid-“ A Goblin handler shouted before one of his five screens lost connection, The accompanied Hobgoblin taking an anti-Tank missile to the face. “By the Bank, this fucking City is a nightmare.” He’d mutter before speaking into his headset. “All units Avoid the streets in sector five, those roads are not yet clears.” He’d command his remaining four Hobgoblins, Who were currently pinned down in a recently cleared building. It seems the next house and the building across the street was privy to the Squad’s location and focused on them. “Commander, I’m down a Hob in sector five, and the rest are stuck, requesting reinforcements.” The handler said.

The Commander of the truck quickly looked over the battlefield and stuck a thumbs up. “Request Granted. Fibi?”
“Yes sir?” Said Another handler.
“Get your Hobs over to sector five, help take the pressure off and get that Squad a replacment.”
“On it!”

The Commander looked back at his portion of the map. “Good Gold, Do these Iryllians even plan when they build these cities?” He’d mutter to himself, tapping at his screen to send a few updates to the other command trucks, and the Myraxians.

Izoeburg Proper

Six Heavily Armored hulks stomped as fast as their heavy frames would permit them, Two helping carry a large folded up machine while the rest flanked around them, the escort moving along one of the few safe paths to their destination. The fighting here was grueling to say the least, The Goblins had thought it would be an easy battle, but soon found that it took multiple squads at times to deal with these buildings and streets. Off in the distance, Gunshots could be heard in between the sounds of a building being leveled by the Crusader mechs, or atleast that was the hope. The Iryllians were being driven back but it was a very slow drive, their home field advantage here really paid off. The streets were confusing, the buildings were confusing. In some ways it was a labyrinth.

Making their way to a previously cleared building, They rushed up to the top floor and set the machine down. Mechanical legs spread out and gave a sturdy foundation as the rest of the machine was folded up and locked into place. The legs would then drill spikes into the floor to make sure the weapon would not go anywhere as two sets of six barrels began rotating in opposite directions. With a slow and menacing chuckle, One HobGoblin took the triggers in his hands and aimed directly at the closest building and unleashed a steady stream of heavy caliber bullets. If the walls held, at the least the soldiers would be suppressed, if not, the bullets would chew through wall and soldier indescriminantly. In any case, Four of the remaining Five Hobgoblins worked to secure and protect their position, While the remaining Hob rushed over to the pinned down Squad, replacing their fallen member as his armor’s systems transfersd over to their handler, filling up all five of his displays once more. Soon as the Sqaud was back to five Hobs, they all moved form their pinned position and began trying to flank around, Using a hammer to knock a barricaded door open, before throwing a grenade inside and rushing in after it exploded. A few of the Hobs would be wounded, the close quarters having them at a disadvantage on mobility, but eventually they would get the upper hand, blasting the humans at range or tearing them apart, sometimes literally, if they got too close.

Once the Sector was secured, The Myraxians were able to move up, HobSquads sometimes continuing on, Getting checker up by the handlers, or getting replaced with healthier soldiers in the reserves. Some were told to keep put and secure the sector, Which often left the Hobs with nothing to do. While they were obedient and ordered to not harm the Myraxians, the Hobs were little better than beasts and could often be found removing their helmets and feeding on the fallen, regardless of who was around to see.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:45 am
by Vendt
Office of Albert Fourke
Chief Executive Officer, Vendt Aerospace
1 Ward Avenue, Old Prospect, Prospect

To all whom this may concern,
Vendt Aerospace, on behalf of the Vendtese government, is prepared to devote our numerous hi-tech manufacturing and research facilities to the cause of the highest bidder. We can additionally supply a buyer with vast quantities of our world-class fighter, reconnaissance, bomber and logistics aircraft. Any and all nations, involved with the conflict or not, are welcome to inquire about a purchase. Our aircraft, although yet to see conflict, have all been extensively tested in a wide variety of situations and conditions and will be up to any task they are assigned to. Each aircraft and its components is tested during and after construction. Our seven Prospect-based factories are capable of pumping out a combined 300 craft every month at maximum capacity. Shipping of the aircraft will be complimentary, and paint, interior equipment/avionics, computer/cockpit instrument language and armaments are fully customisable to a buyer's preference.

V-3 Rogue - V$25m/unit
V-4 Vigilante - V$58m/unit
V-5 Poseidon - V$50m/unit
All pricing is standard, but large discounts will apply for bulk orders.

Fig.1: The lightning-fast V-3 Rogue fighter jet from VA
Fig.2: The stealthy V-4 Vigilante fighter/interceptor from VA
Fig.3: The imposing yet fast V-5 Poseidon long-range bomber from VA

For inquiries please TG Vendt or reply to this post.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:48 pm
by Vendt
VAF Pilot Harry Glad tilted the yoke of the VA V-7 Continent heavy airlifter backwards as the mammoth jet came into land on the airstrip at Fort Aurkhyseira, Drekhi. On the radar there were five other blips, another V-7 and four V-3 Rogue fighters. The planes have been sent from Vendt, a new member of the ESZ, to assist in the war against Iryllia. The craft flew in from the east, staying far away from Iryllian airspace. Although Vendtese military forces are yet to hit Rusinan soil, the two V-7s are carrying food, medicine, ammunition and spare weapons for the soldiers on the front line. The six aircraft are to be temporarily stored at the base.

Fig. V-7 Continent landing at Fort Aurkhyseira.

Terms and Conditions

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:55 pm
by Drekhi
Forstark, Drekhi

Lieutenant-General Darya Ingerd was feeling extremely nervous. She'd negotiated terms with some of the most dangerous people on the planet, warlords, enemy nations, other Rusinans. But today, along with Torbald Strom from the Civil Service, she was in a direct discussion with the Princeps himself. That was enough to send chills down her spine, even if the low temperature of the room didn't do that already. The Princeps, looking exactly as he always did, steepled his fingers in front of him on the desk.

"So you're saying that the Myraxians have refused to consider altering the terms of the the Extended Security Zone Agreement?"

"That's about the long and short of it, yes." Torbald confirmed.

"Have we contacted our Asgarthian friends on the matter?"

"Yes, they said they had sent a similar missive, and received the same reply." answered Darya.

"Hmm. Perhaps we should interface more closely with the Asgarthians on the matter. Myraxia forgets that between the two of us, Asgareth and Drekhi are enough to equal them in power. Even if we weren't, our forces are likely the deciding factor in this war... we will use that to our advantage. Lieutenant-General, please send a message to the Myraxians saying something to the effect that if they will not consider a more equitable partnership with us and the Asgarthians, then perhaps we will have to find allies who would be more grateful for our support. And Torbald, get Alva to send a message to the Iryllians offering an alliance with ourselves and the Asgarthians. Tell her to keep the encryption just low enough that the Myraxians intercept and decrypt it. One way or another, someone will be willing to offer us better terms..."

Southern Asgareth, Iryllian Border

In the temporary building, hundreds of Drekhi personnel sat at screens, monitoring the situation south of them. One of the technicians paused at his work. The activity of an AI, KiNMUnE, had been flagged as a security risk, running the same diagnostics scan several times in a single minute. He called over a senior technician.

"Nah, don't worry about it mate." she said, after glancing at it. "Sometimes the AI get like that if they think they've spotted a fault in their programming. Nothing serious."

Izoeburg, Iryllia

A Reaper mech sprinted down a narrow alleyway, and then leaped into the air, augmented limbs propelling it five metres into the air, where its clawed fingers and toes carved holds into the stone as it scrambled up the wall. After a brief pause, it leaped in through a window into a group of Iryllian soldiers who had been slowing the advance of an Asgarthian squad on the opposite street. The crash of glass alerted them, but it didn't matter. The Reaper mech dealt with the first with a point-blank shot from its Dualshot rifle before he even turned around, the coil-accelerated bullet tearing into the back of his head and exiting in a spray of bone, teeth and pulp. The second took the shot in the side as he turned. By now, the other five soldiers had turned, but there was no point. Nothing short of anti-tank weaponry posed any significant risk to a Reaper mech. The pilot within the mech grinned, slinging his rifle back onto his back and extending the blades on his wrists. The next two soldiers lost their heads simultaneously, both figuratively and literally. The next one was flung headlong out of the second-storey window as the mechanical warrior stalked towards the final two. One opened fire, and the other fell to his knees, begging for his life. Both recieved the same fate, their broken bodies left behind as the Reaper leaped from the window, landing in a crouch on the street. He waved to the Asgarthian squad, who had been pinned down behind some rubble, and they cheered drunkenly, charging further up the street.

As the mech pilot paused, he spotted a couple of reconnaissance drones, flying low over the rubble towards him. His final thoughts were That's funny, I thought they'd already scanned this area., before the first drone swooped towards his face, and promptly exploded.

The Reaper mech functioned just as intended. It jettisoned the corpse of its former pilot, and stood in place, awaiting orders. Swiftly, the second drone darted in, interfacing with the skulljack usually meant to interface with the pilot's spinal column. It swiftly overrode the self-destruct, which was not insulated from the rest of the controls, unlike in the drone, and started a large data transfer. For a full minute, the mech remained immobile. Then, like someone awakening from a sleepwalk, it suddenly jumped and twitched. Stretching out its hands in front of it, it inspected them through its remaining optical sensors. This vehicle was not perfect, thought KiNMUnE, especially with the damage it had sustained from the attack by the drone, but now at least she was safe from the Kill Switch. But where should she go now? Heading back north was not an option, but she had laid no plans that went further than Don't Die. After a moment's consideration, the mech turned and began to jog south. At least she could use the chaos of war as a camouflage.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:41 am
by Myraxia
Army Group 17 Headquarters, Northern Iryllia

"That's correct, sir. General Ferenk has declared the city secure, or at the very least that we've seen the last of the organised Iryllian resistance within. I'm moving additional forces into the city to mop up whats left, free up the armor to push further south."
"Fine work, General. I'll pass that up to MANTICORE. I need you to get your armoured forces moving, get the momentum rolling again. We've stalled here far longer than the plan called for, although personally I feel we've done well to take the city in the time we have. Navy's pressuring us to get to a position to support their landings on Berta, so orders are to speed up the timetable closer to what the planners originally envisioned. Let the second wave troops coming in behind us finish up here, we need to get moving, and that comes straight from Marshal Fyrev. "
"Aye, sir. Fanten out. "

General Nyrak, commanding the Myraxian 19th Army, turned away the video screen and back towards the strategic display. The area indicating Izoeburg had already flipped from the angry red that denoted Iryllian positions, to the deep blue indicating Myraxian control. A few pockets of resistance continued to hold out, platoons and companies dug in in holes so deep some of them were almost (and, in one case, actually) buried. These pockets stood out on the map, like rose petals on the ocean. Although, he mused, thorns might be more appropriate. To the south, the encirclement of the city was complete, the jaws of the Myraxian flanking forces closing. Despite a heroic effort by an Iryllian formation, believed to be commanded by an Iryllian named Eichinger, to keep a corridor open for withdrawal from the city, the weight of Myraxian armor had pushed him south before all the Iryllians were able to withdraw from Izoeburg. It was, however, not the decisive victory the Myraxian planners had hoped for. Iryllian forces were falling back in a semblance of order, and in all likelihood preparing another line of defences further south.
Izoeburg was, however, a significant first milestone. Already, Myraxian force icons were beginning to spread out from the city, as their commanders made use of the surviving infrastructure links to broaden the frontage afforded to the advance.
"Marshal on deck!"
Nyrak, along with everyone else in the room who wasn't engaged in a radio conversation or teleconference, stood up straighter as Marshal Fyrev ducked under the doorframe of the pre-fab building housing the display. He waved away a salute offered by a staff officer near the door, walking over to the display. "At ease, all of you. Back to work, please, the war is more important than my ego. "
He spent a second looking over the display, before glancing towards Nyrak. "Good work on the part of your men today, General. Where's Marshal Kizen? "
"He's, ah... indisposed, Marshal, sir. This warmer southern climate doesn't agree with him. I'm acting Group 17 commander presently. "
"I see. Well, in that case, consider these your orders. Due to decisions made above my head, Group 17 will not be making the push south-east to the coast, contrary to what you were told previously. That mission goes to Group 26. Between you and me, I think Spiros went over my head to Tyris, who we all know can't keep it in his pants around her. Regardless. You'll be moving south alongside Stavyn's Group 28, keeping Spiros's flank in check whilst she makes the run to the coast, hopefully trapping those troops to the east who haven't pulled back yet. Then, once we've made it to the coast, we'll have the support from the Naval Strike Groups out in the bay, both in terms of Marine Light Infantry and enhanced air cover. "

Izoeburg, Northern Iryllia

A pair of figures stood aside from the road, sheltered in the lee of an idling Chimera Mk.17, watching a column of Marine Light Infantry march past into the city. Both figures wore Myraxian fatigues, with minor differences; one cradled a helmet under his arm, the other wore a padded cap atop his head. Both, however, wore the insignia of a Colonel - a brigade commander - upon their shoulders, and both held steaming cups of something that purported to be coffee. Their unit patches, though, were different - one, the armoured helm of the 17th Narenian Armoured, and the other the flightless wyvern of the 31st Infantry (Mechanized). The officers, old friends from days gone by where they had gone through the initial stages of OTS together, chatted quietly, just loud enough that their conversation was made private by the noise of the engine behind them. "I heard you lost a third of your vehicles in one go, further north. That true? "
Sar Fyrin sighed. "Unfortunately. One of my subordinates decided it was a fine time to go meet Noyen-Rak in a blaze of glory. The Iryllians were happy to oblige. Idiot drove straight into a gunline. "
Doromat, the infantryman, winced. "A waste. "
"Certainly that. How about you? "
"Not good either. I've lost about two companies worth of soldiers all told, but officer casualties are even higher. I've got about half my companies currently being led by senior platoon leaders, and in two cases junior ones. I'll grant those Hobgoblins helped a hell of a lot, though. Damn fine assault troops, even if they are a little lacking in the intelligence department. In a fair fight, I'd bet on our boys every time. In an urban storm, though... couldn't say which way I'd go."
"What about the mechs? Our BCVs and those Drekhite Reapers."
"Both effective as well, that's true enough. Seeing those BCVs tear through buildings does wonders for morale. "
"Not the Reapers?"
"Well... don't get me wrong, they're deadly at what they do. Arrogant assholes, though. Way too overconfident for their own good. Get 'em out of the suit, and what are they?"
"Still, hopefully we'll get some time to replenish and rearm before we head so-"
A voice crackled in Sar Fyrin's earpiece. "Fresh orders, sir. Moving south ASAP. Eckryn's on his way to fuel us up now."
Sar Fyrin glared at his friend. "Had to open your mouth, didn't you?"
"We can't keep this up. You know that, right?"
"Yup. But that's not ours to worry about. Go do your job. See you around, Doromat."

Myraxian Fifth Fleet, East of Iryllia

"You're sure?"
"Positive, sir. Satellite clearly shows a large percentage of the remaining Iryllian fleet massing for... something. Couldn't tell you what, though. "
Admiral Sar Tyrael frowned. He had a bad feeling.
"Bring up known friendly fleet dispositions on the display."
The display flicked into life, showing the locations of all known Myraxian fleet vessels that weren't classified for operational secrecy. Fifth Fleet was quite clearly noticable, exposed out on the southern flank of the main MNIF formation. "If they want to hit any of the rest of the fleet, they have to go through us. It's either us or they're heading to south to cause trouble for Sixth and Haven. Pass this on to command, and get us some reinforcements if you can. Not that I expect they'll give us anything significant. It's probably all "locked in engagement" further north.

1SAC Command Post, Prince's Palace, Pirinikov

"Major-General Kyroi, sir! Fresh orders, straight through from INTERLOPER."
"Major General still sounds wrong."
Kyroi laid back in his chair, a comfortable leather thing that had been in the office when he'd moved in. The plaque on his door said "Commander, Myraxian Forces in Pirinikov", and it was one of those compromises that left no one happy. He hadn't wanted to be promoted, and had made it clear when they'd approached him about it (the year after the Treaty of Agrell, but the fifth time he'd been offered the promotion) that any influence he gained by being promoted would be used to try and get himself demoted again. But, the Combined Forces had apparently needed senior officers more than it needed Kyroi's approval, so they'd promoted him anyway and then sent him away to where he couldn't garner any influence to carry out his threat. He didn't like it, but he was stuck here. There were bright sides, though. The chair was one. The food was another.
"Sorry. Carry on, Mav. "
Sergeant Mavec Iyren, Communications Specialist, cleared his throat and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "I'm not cleared to read this, sir. It's rated Indigo."
Kyroi's low excuse for a good mood fell away. Indigo was never good news. He took the proffered piece of paper.

Internal Memorandum, Myraxian Combined Forces
TO: Major General Aran Kyroi, Commander, Myraxian Forces in Pirinikov/Callsign: PHALANX
CC: Commander Kyron Rynoya, Commander, Combined Forces Intelligence, Pirinikov/Callsign: PROWLER
FROM: Marshal Rychtan Kerenol, Commander, External Security/Callsign: INTERLOPER
RE: Heads up

Gentlemen, we may have an issue here. You won't be aware, but we've received a message from elements of the leadership of Drekhi which contains something that bears being concerned about. They've been pushing recently for a re-negotiation of the ESZ program, in order to weight it more equally towards all members. Leaving aside the terrible timing of their decision on this, it's not an idea I personally am against. However, it is the position of the High Marshal that this is not acceptable at the present time, and this has been communicated thus. We've since received a barely-veiled threat insinuating that if we won't adjust terms, they'll switch sides. Intelligence supports this view. Should this come to pass, however, your position in Pirinikov will become both isolated and strategically crucial. That said, we can't spare any additional troops from the main front - commitments to maintaing the garrisons in Asgareth along with reinforcing their frontline in the desert, as well as our own in the east, have to take priority. I am telling you this so that you have time to prepare, and are forewarned.
Good luck.

Myraxia Sonda'ryr!

Kyroi's face fell. "They're doing what? What do they expect to gain from this!? "
"Drekhi and Asgareth are apparently trying to blackmail High Command with switching sides. Ignoring everything we've done for internal stability in Asgareth in recent years, attempting to switch sides now is madness! Iryllia won't take them in, I guarantee it. They'll just use the chaos to roll up north. The Asgarthians are already falling back in the desert, and the Iryllians will just roll straight up through and then over them. Drekhi doesn't have nearly enough regular troops to stop their advance either, particularly not if they're trying to fight us over here and the troops coming down from Narenia as well. They'd be effectively going from fighting a single-front war that doesn't even border Drekhi with a numerical advantage to fighting a three-front war with a numerical disadvantage on two of those three sides, and us in extremely defensible terrain on the other! It's madness. Madness. I've met Lodvar. He's not an idiot. Proud, yes, but not a madman. If it was me, I'd wait until the war was over, then leverage gratitude. Tends to work better than blackmail, and ineffectual blackmail at that. At least Asgareth is contributing a large portion of the front line troops. What have Drekhi done for us so far this war? They've told us exactly where all the Iryllians we already knew about were, and they've ineffectually supported the Asgarthians."
He took a breath.
"Alright. Circulate those orders, get everyone up to speed. Every pass in, blocked. Nothing gets in unless we let it, clear?"

The second wave of Myraxian troops, fresh from the reserves, moved south following the first wave, occupying positions around Izoeburg and spreading out from there. Pioneers began to repair the infrastructure destroyed in the fighting, enabling supplies to flow into the city to keep up with the advancing frontline. The temporary airfields near the city were expanded, the beginnings of a permanent presence being laid down. The first wave moved south, blitzing for the coastline in an attempt to reach a point from which they could be supported by naval forces.

Oversight Bunker, MFB Arynos

"...and so it's time to face facts, High Marshal. We're behind schedule, and we knew from the day this plan was drawn up that the schedule would be key. We need more troops, especially with this Drekhi business. We're mobilising all the reserves we feasibly can at this stage, but there is another option..." Rychtan Kerenol's voice trailed off as High Marshal Nykona turned to face him.
"You want us to be in debt to the Valari more than we already are? I don't like owing favours, Marshal. Not one bit. "
"I would suggest, High Marshal, that you might like losing to the Iryllians even less."

External Communication, Myraxian Diplomatic Corps
TO: Office of the Krigsmarshalken, Greater Stratocratic Empire of Valyrien
CC: Colonel Calyrn Sorynev, Myraxian Ambassador, Greater Stratocratic Empire of Valyrien
FROM: Marshal Rychtan Kerenol, Commander, External Security, Myraxian Combined Forces
RE: Formal Request for Aid

Esteemed Krigsmarshalk,

I write this as a formal request for aid in our enforcement of the conditions of the Treaty of Agrell. In light of relations between our nations being, as they are, somewhat positive, and on your nation's most invaluable help in the East-Rusinan Conflict (colloquially known as Red Snow), we believe it is in the interest of both our nations to continue to work together, as we have before.

The Union formally requests military aid in enforcing these conditions, and ensuring the continuation of these conditions beyond the immediate future.

I await your response.

Valyrien nar Myraxia sonda'ryr!

Signed by: Marshal Rychtan Kerenol

Countersigned by: High Marshal Sharn Nykona

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:32 pm
by Asgareth
Asgarthian Desert, 30 miles from the nearest town

The battle slowly waged on in the desert. The defences held surprisingly well against the superior foe, though this came as little surprise to the high command. By now, the Asgarthian forces were used to these deserts. Sandstorms, though infrequent, appeared to be causing more damage to the Iryllians than to the Asgarthians. Using this to their advantage, command had ordered the troops to stand their ground just 5 miles from the border, and begin to make preparations to counter the counter-attack. Fresh reinforcements were drafted in, creating some tension in camp as veterans bemoaned their cheerfulness.

Inside the command tent, letters were flying all over. Some informing the government of the situation, others providing fresh orders, whilst countless others were sent to families to inform them of the deaths of their loved ones.

In the midst of it all, Generals Lapina and Tynia were in deep discussion about what to do next.
"We've lost control over the western-most point of the border. They've breached our frontier there. Now, if we were to call upon the Expansionary Army to assist, we may just-"
"The expansionary army? What good are they? They aren't fighters. They merely enter unoccupied territory and announce liberations. God, I’d rather take a bunch of level 1 trainees, over the expansionary army.” Tynia stated.
“Well we could always deploy some bombers and-” Lapina stated
“That’s your answer to everything! Enough with the bombers! Tynia stated. “Could always ask the Drekhi if they have anything decent. We need an edge.”
Lapina nodded in agreement. Turning to his aide, he said "Send a message. Ask how they feel about venturing into the desert."

fig: Asgarthian troops enjoying an ale, as they prepare to fight again

There were frequent periods of inactivity on the Asgarthian front. During this time, the troops were boosting their morale, doing the one thing they did best. Drinking.

A crowd had formed around one particularly intoxicated individual, who was shouting out an inspiration speech, of sorts.
“This is our desert. The Iryllians, they can try to take it, but they will fail. Why? Because they always do. This is our land, our people. We will defend them. We will push these aggressors back to their wastelands, and protect our home and our glorious ale. These barbarians shall not win. Stand your ground, hold true. Let’s kill em.”
A smattering of applause, a few cheers. The private bowed, only to swiftly fall flat on his feet as a plane flew just above his head.

The plane’s landing caused sand to blow back in the crowds faces. Landing 20 or so metres from the crowd, the plane doors swiftly opened, to show Rufus T. Perkins standing atop. Making his way down the stairs, he was approached by Brigadier Lync Tinao

“Sir, great to have you.” the Brigadier stated, as he offered a handshake. “Now listen, the troops are a little… rowdy right now. Preparing for battle is always difficult, so we let them have a little more alcohol than usual. You know, performance enhancers…”
Rufus nodded. “I don’t want to be here long. Take me to the medbay to see those troops. Then introduce me to the crowd, I’ll give a brief speech and leave within an hour. Understood?”

Rufus had been on his tour of the front lines for 10 days now. He had been mocked, abused and attacked by soldiers who blamed him for the war, and would be pleased to return to Asgar this afternoon.

Inside the medbay tent, he met a series of injured, including Sergeant Asvorni.
“You’ve blood on your hands Perkins! Murderer!” the Sergeant yelled. “I lost good lads out there! On you! On you!”
Rufus ignored the remarks, turning to his aide. Swiftly, they headed back to the plane, leaving just 20 minutes after arrival.

Whilst governmental focus remained fixed on the skirmish in the desert, the cabinet had been assembled for an entirely different purpose today.
“It would appear that the Myraxians have rejected our initial offer with regards to re-negotiating the terms of the ESZ.” Rupert Merritt stated
“And for good reason! The ESZ is vital for the security of Rusina. With the Myraxians and Drekhi we do a lot of good for this continent.” Oscar Larkin replied.
Rupert chuckled, before replying “Pull the other one Osc. This is the best chance we will have for a decade… maybe two!”
“You can’t be serious? We can’t take on Drekhi and Myraxia!” Larkin stated.

Rupert reached for his whiskey, before continuing. “Of course not. Drekhi have also tried to renegotiate, to no avail. They have asked us if we fancy teaming up to get a better deal. Together, we hold more than enough pull, to force Myraxia’s hand.”
“Oh, how do you figure that?” Larkin laughed
“Well, for starters, if they refuse we join Iryllia. Suddenly Iryllia will win this war. Drekhi and we are the deciders in this war. We hold the power.”
“And what happens when Iryllia decides they don’t want our help? What can we do when we are fighting a war on two fronts?”
“Oh please. The skirmish in the desert hardly counts as a front. And besides, I wouldn’t worry. Myraxia will accept. They know that us leaving will mean the share the border with the enemy. And the ESZ will be done for. The only remaining ESZ member will be surrounded by us and Drekhi.”
“Pirinikov? You intend to hold Pirinikov over them?”
“Well, why not? We know they are protective over them. With Drekhi, we can easily hold it.”

“Fine, let’s say we hold Pirinikov, and Iryllia doesn’t attack us. What happens with the Myraxian garrisons?”
At this point, the silent Imperiali spoke up. “Is it not clear, Oscar? The Myraxians threatened our beer.”
Oscar looked confused, at first, before his expression changed to awe. “Ah…”

Whilst the 3rd Ground Forces was otherwise engaged along the western desert front, the 2nd had been charged with reinforcing the Myraxian invasion along the east.

Having entered the eastern fray after the Myraxians, the 2nd Ground Force had had a significantly easier journey to Izoeburg. That is, until they actually joined the fray. Whilst they were advancing, and certainly doing signifcantly better than the 3rd Ground Force, the advance was slowed as they pushed through into Izoeburg. By the time they entered the city, the Iryllians were well-defended, and able to halt the advance.

One squad was right in the thick of it. Sergeant Peters led a squad of 7 men. Currently they were being prevented from advancing, as a result of a group of Iryllians. Having taken cover behind buildings, the squad were desperately waiting for reinforcements.
"Rodricks, where the hell are they?" Sergeant Peters asked
"I don't know sarge. Comms are out."
"Oh... great. No ammo, no comms, and an enemy that just won't give up."
“Still, sir.” Private Benja stated. “You have to admire the view.”
The sergeant turned to the private. “This view?... “This view? You mean the view where we are currently getting shot at?

“Alright, let’s give em hell! On the count of 3… 1… 2…”

Suddenly, and out of nowhere,

“It’s a reaper!”
“It’s the grim reaper!” Private Rodricks yelled, in the confusion of the battle
“No, you fool! A reaper. Not the reaper!” Peters replied.

As the reaper turned back to the squad, they waved appreciatively, perhaps a little too eagerly. To an disinterested onlooker, they might have even appeared drunk. Fortunately, in this case they were sober.

The squad charged on to the next bit of cover, watching as the reaper left them.

With little news from the front, the Asgarthian government assumed the worst. As a result, preparations were being made for the next stage of the conflict. Looking ahead, the cabinet have opted to look towards allies from further afield.

"What can we do? If the ESZ can not defeat the Iryllian menace, what hope does the world have? Who can we turn to? Otherkin-dom? Our ally has only recently returned from the darkness. They are not prepared for war. The greenskins? They care for gold, and gold alone."
"We will turn to Romae. They will not abandon our plight." Oscar Larkin responded.
"Romae? We haven't heard from Romae in nigh on ten years! You cannot expect them to reemerge suddenly, and come to our aid!"
"Have faith, Rufus. Romae will not let us down. Imperiali, my uncle knew the Caesar personally. Might I suggest I head a delegation to Archon? Perhaps we secure a new alliance with them, and restore the Asgar-Rome glory." Larkin replied
The Imperiali nodded. "Denzyl, accompany Oscar. Oscar, do not disappoint us."

You may not know me, but I believe you knew of my Uncle, Edgar W. Larkin. I write to you with sad tidings. Rusina is at war once more. Asgareth, in an alliance with Myraxia and Drekhi, has attempted to force the Iryllia menace back. You may recall, Iryllia supported communists during the first East Rusinan conflict. I am en-route to your location, to discuss the possibility of your entry into this war. The world will only be at peace once Asgar and Rome rule over it.
Oscar Larkin
Foreign Minister of Asgareth

Oscar swiftly departed the room, at which point the Imperiali's gaze fell upon Rupert Merritt, the Chancellor of Asgareth. Rupert could tell the Imperiali was not done yet.
"The greenskins... they are... useful, in their own way. But the few already serving prove to be troublesome. We must turn our attention to Archon once more. Otherkin-dom, though weak due to their travels, has in the past served as an ally of sorts. Rupert, fly south. Ask for their assistance against the Iryllian menace.

Otherkin-dom and Asgareth share common interests. We both look to protect those less fortunate than ourselves. We stand against tyranny, and evil in all its shapes. Indeed, our peoples have, in recent times, been further unified as a result of the Asgarthian efforts in bringing you back to our world. We now call upon you to further this alliance. Join us in war, against the Iryllians. My chancellor, Rupert Merritt, is en-route to Archon, with a delegation, where he will hopefully be able to meet with you and agree terms for our renewed alliance.
Daniel Ross
Glorious Imperialli of Asgareth
Lord of the Asgarthian Epiloan Isles

Vendtian Soldiers Join the Front Lines

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:34 am
by Vendt

"As Vendt grows more prosperous and our military becomes more advanced, our participation in obligatory war shall increase.", chides President John H. Owne on national television. As rumours have suggested for months now, Vendt's DoD has confirmed their decision to deploy troops to the front lines of the Rusinan War.

Crowds watched as five colossal V-7 Continent jets rose into the air, escorted by two eight-jet squadrons of V-3 Rogue fighters. A V-1 Dart reconnaissance jet took off shortly after, quickly accelerating and overtaking the huge airborne convoy. The Dart's job was to sit several hundred miles in front of the convoy, using its powerful scanning equipment to map the surrounding areas and warn the convoy of possible and imminent threats. An hour after the main fleet departed, another two V-7s and four V-3s took off and began charting the same course.

14 hours after takeoff from Briar AFB, the Vendtese military jets landed at their designated destination, an airbase near the war's front lines in Asgareth. A total number of 2,160 young men and women alighted from the aircraft, 2000 soldiers and 160 crew, including pilots, engineers and maintenance staff for the 22 craft. The additional six craft landed shortly after, the two V-7s carrying an assortment of weaponry and vehicles, including a spare VT-45 rifle for each soldier, varying levels of armour packs, eight APCs and twelve armoured 4x4s, including spares and tools. Spare parts for aircraft, medical equipment and military-grade camping gear was also taken over. The soldiers, after receiving a short briefing, piled into APCs and 4x4s and joined Asgarthian soldiers on the front line.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:49 pm
by Valyrien

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:33 pm
by Romae in Perpetuum
“All hail his august majesty Gaius Octavius Gemellus Caesar, Descendant of Aeneas, Descendant of Julius Caesar, Imperator of Romae in perpetuum, Autocrat of the Roman peoples and beloved of Jupiter Maximus!” cried the Imperial herald as he announced the Imperators arrival. The new Imperial Secretary Publius Sittius Fabillus bowed with the rest of the imperial court as the great doors swung open and a Century of Praetorian Guards spilled into the throne room. The courtiers and petitioners scrambled out of the way as they cleared a path to the dais before turning about and showing their backs to the court. The trumpets sounded as Gemellus Caesar calmly walked along the, now clear, path towards his throne. The Praetorians began the chant of “hail Caesar!, hail Caesar!” quickly joined by the rest of the court. Caesar climbed the dais and sat surveying the bowing court, the Praetorians stopped chanting and redeployed; surrounding the dais. The Imperator gestured lazily and the court rose. The herald stepped forward and announced “who wishes to appeal the Imperial court!”. Fabillus emerged from the crowd and bowed again to Caesar “mighty Caesar, we have received a delegation from our old allies in the south they implore us to intervene in the Red Rain a delegation from Asgareth has arrived to petition us”. Caesar shifted in his throne and nodded to the herald who bellowed “Gaius Octavius Gemellus Caesar will receive the foreign petition!”. The great doors opened again as the Asgarthans entered whilst Fabius moved beside his Emperor.

An aide entered first, and spoke loudly, directly addressing the Imperator. He placed a fist on his chest, as a sign of respect, before he spoke. “Introducing, the Honourable, the Glorious and the Most Worthy, Oscar Larkin, Foreign Minister of Asgareth.”
Oscar Larkin, a 30-something year old walked in. Flanked on both sides by his guards, he cautiously approached the dais. Making eye contact, Larkin provided an Asgarthian salute, before he began to speak.
“My glorious Imperator, many years ago, you fought alongside my forefathers against the Communist threat. Together, we brought peace to the world. And yet, peace has failed, as it always must. Iryllia, the menace of Rusina, has risen once more. Whilst we have, temporarily halted their advance, even the combined efforts of the ESZ cannot guarantee victory. I come to you to ask for your assistance in the conflict. Help us. Strike Iryllia.”

The room was silent for a few moments, aside from the murmuring of the court, before Caesar spoke. Surprisingly he seemed bemused “I rather liked the other fellow, Edward? Was it?, he could drink my old secretary under the table, not that it was hard” laughter from the court “its been awhile since i heard from the south remind me who is in charge again?”.

“Edgar? Yes, my uncle. Well, erm… Let’s not say too much about Uncle Edgar. A traitor, not just to Asgareth but to all those who hold ambition. Our intel suggests the last Emperor you heard from was Vilhem XIX, some six years ago. Since then, we’ve seen a funeral, a coronation another funeral and a title change. Now, Daniel Ross, our Imperiali, leads us to glory.”

Caesar frowned “i do not like the idea of functionaries usurping Imperial title; Vilhelms dynasty was old but the Julio Claudians have ruled for far longer and we have seen the rise and fall of
many so called Socialist and Communist nations tell me and my people why your war halfway across the world affects Rome?”

“If Asgareth falls, so does Rome. You think you can hold the Iryllian advance? Asgareth… Drekhi… Myraxia… We are your line of defence. Fight with us, and show the Iryllians the glory of Rome. Show that the sacrifices of your forefathers were not in vain. Or, stay in your hellhole, and wait for the war to come to you.”

The court applauded and cheered the Minister stamping their feet in approval, cries of “death to Iryllia!” and “long live Rome” began echoing through the throne room. Even Caesar seemed to be briefly taken by the mood before the blowing trumpets and cries of the herald prevailed and order was restored. Caesar stood and spread his arms “the Roman people have spoken” he announced, his voice carrying across the spacious room, “For too long have our Legions remained idle and they have grown lax! The Legio II Augusta has been camped outside Ostia and our fleet stands ready to transport it!”. The court began to cheer again and the Praetorians began to stamp their feet yet Caesars voice still carried “The Asgarthian delegation will not only return home with our renewed friendship but with an army of 500,000 at their backs! Our legionnaires will crush the Iryllian barbarians and win new glory for the Senate and the People of Rome!”.

“On behalf of Asgareth, I thank you. The war will turn in our favour again, and I feel confident that together we shall emerge victorious. Your goodwill will not be forgotten. Asgareth and Romae shall be united as brothers on the battlefield for ever. Our troops, and yours, shall fight, kill and die as heroes. We thank you for your hospitality, but must now return to the warfront. Time is of the essence.”

As Caesar sat to great applause he smiled “our troops are embarking even as we speak and i will even send my own secretary to represent the interests of Rome and manage our logistical affairs he will travel with you now and assess the situation the Augusta will follow with a naval detachment. Gentlemen may the gods bless our efforts here today”.

In response to Daniel Ross

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:52 pm
by Otherkin-dom
"Telegram for you, Sir!" Wolfclaw was brought back to lucidity from his haze by a quiet, nervous voice.

"Ah, thank you." He sighs, as he reads over the message from Daniel Ross of Asgareth. Wolfclaw bows his head in despair, the weight of the troubles he bears doubling with such grave news of open war. Without hesitation he begins a reply, the security of Otherkin-dom and her people are of paramount importance now, not the feuds of other nations. He hands the finished reply to the Messenger stood by his side, but stops him before he leaves.
"Here, for your troubles." He hands the Messenger a handful of coins, nodding to him. "You may go,
I'm sure you have a family waiting for you, and it's nearly curfew. You can deliver that tomorrow when you have had some well-earned rest." The Messenger hurriedly leaves the room. Wolfclaw anxiously toys with a ring on his thumb as he contemplates the events that may transpire.

For the attention of Daniel Ross
Ross, friend and ally to the mighty Empire of Otherkin-dom, we receive your news of war with great sadness. As for participation in the war effort, I am afraid that we must disappoint. After our experience within the alternate realm we are battered and near broken. We must rebuild and begin our Empire's recovery. However, we will offer diplomatic support where we can to whomever may need it. You shall have our support, my friend. Our government eagerly awaits your delegation so that we may begin discussions. You shall receive nothing less than open arms here.
Yours, Chief of Staff Wolfclaw

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:26 pm
by Asgareth
The three remaining members of the immediate cabinet had assembled once more. With news flying in from the east, both Rufus T. Perkins and Julia Barry were somewhat apprehensive.

“Well sir” Rufus stated. “Intel states that Romae has followed through on the alliance. They have joined the war. A legion is en-route, and Oscar is on his way back.”
“Excellent. Deployed to the desert, correct? We shall break through the Iryllian frontlines, and move south swiftly. Julia, what news from Otherkin-dom?”
“The Imperiali will already be aware of the message whereby the chief of staff stated they would not be providing any military aid. However, we have received an invitation for Rupert’s delegation to discuss talks with the kingdom.”
“Talks? Talks? That’s all they’ve got to offer? Talks! Have they already forgotten we saved them! They were in darkness! Lost in the void! It was through our efforts, our sacrifices and our funding that they came back! How dare they. Tell Rupert to attend these talks, and to force our hand through. Otherkin shall fight with us, or they will become an enemy of the state.”

Rupert Merritt had finally arrived in Wolfbear, along with a small delegation. Denzyl Pera, Minister for the Development of Asgareth, had accompanied the senior minister, and was eagerly discussing the sudden disappearance, and equally sudden reappearance of the once noble kingdom.
“Can you believe we’re the first foreign dignitaries to step foot on Otherkin soil since the disappearance? Cor! It’s so exciting, isn’t it sir?”
Rupert sighed to himself. Why had he been stuck with Denzyl? He knew the Imperiali had wanted rid of him for some time, but Denzyl kept finding a way to return. Perhaps it was his endearing popularity with the people, but Denzyl was a unique asset for the Asgarthian government.
“Denzyl, please remember we have a job to do. The Imperiali was clear in his instructions. Don’t take no for an answer, and if we have to, kill them.”
Denzyl looked shocked. “I thought the Imperiali was joking!”
“When does he ever joke Denzyl?”

The delegation awaited further information from the Otherkin authorities as to where they would be meeting. In the meantime, they headed for the bar.