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Elvarya Today News Network (Elvarya Only)

Postby Futrellia » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:11 am

Elvarya Today

Devoted to Connecting and Informing the Public

News Archives
Year 2016
Futrellian News Network (FNN) - April 20, 2016

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Postby Futrellia » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:49 am

The Federal News Network

Keeping the People Informed

Tensions Rise as South Nozza arrests Futrellian Tourist


Mr. Jonathan Geart awaiting sentencing in South Nozzan Courtroom

Tyderius - Jonathan Geart, son of parents Jayson and Milena Geart, was arrested earlier today by South Nozzan military units while he was touring the Gearijimao State Park, supposedly open to the public. During his walk with South Nozzan guides, soldiers from the 103rd Shock Corps arrived in full battle gear and aggressively pinned and arrested 22 year old Jonathan Geart. It is only until now that Mr. Geart was allowed to call his parents inside of the Gongknam Holding Facility in the Southern area of South Nozza. Afterwards, Mr. and Mrs. Geart informed the Federal Constable Department within their District of their son being arrested. The Constables immediately contacted the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, who contacted the South Nozzan Minister of Foreign Diplomacy.

"It is completely within our jurisdiction to have arrested Mr. Geart. We had received information that the Futrellian tourist had illegally smuggled a handgun within our nation, which is punishable by ten years of hard labor. Until we can thoroughly process Mr. Geart in the manner that is custom in the DPRN, Mr. Geart will stay under our custody and within the Gongknam Holding Facility." Was what the Secretary received from Minister Julo in response to the Secretary's inquiry into the possibility of a Futrellian arrested in a foreign nation.

"It is from perspective of Jonathan Geart's parents and friends, that Jonathan Geart was an activist that frequently participated in peaceful protests, arguing of Law #102-223, which made obtaining a concealed handgun license easier to any citizen in the Federal Republic. The fact that Mr. Geart may have smuggled a handgun into a nation where owning a firearm is extremely illegal is not only unbelievable, but totally false. If South Nozza believes that they can process Mr. Geart without a Federal representative present, they are very mistaken." Was a piece of the announcement the Secretary gave in response to South Nozza's actions.

South Nozzan officials have not commented yet on the possibility of a peace offer.
Last edited by Futrellia on Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Razonica » Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:53 pm

Razmanic Ways Dying Out?

Crown News

As spring begins to finally come forth, the Razman providence is beginning their most important time of the year. Traditionally, Razmanic women received new candidates into their tribe yearly at a rate that kept their numbers roughly the same. In recent times, however, women have not been joining the Razmanics as fast as they once did. For the past thirty years, in the spring, Razmanic women have scouted across the nation for young women to convince into joining the tribe. As stated before, women are now not joining the tribe, leaving the Razmanic Tribe short for the last ten years.

This year, however, Queen Túrina has considered having Razmanic women to try to recruit young men. Men, originally not allowed in the Razmanic providence, have been allowed into the providence, but are not allowed to live there. Now, however, men may be allowed to live in the providence but not join the tribe. The hope is to be able to have Razmanic women and willing males to procreate and have children. The females would be raised into the tribe and the males would be allowed to live in the providence.

Other opinions are that the women and men part ways afterword and the male offspring would be sent back to be raised by Razonican families who cannot have children. This opinion, however, has been publicly bashed for viewing men as "objects" used for creating more Razmanic women.

If this year turns out to recruit enough women, there may be no need to recruit men at all. Since this is uncertain, however, the Razmanic women are still figuring out how to go about dealing with young men.

In Other News
-Razonica Hosting first EWC meeting
-Production of manufactured goods climbs back to pre-war levels.
Last edited by Razonica on Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Renova » Mon May 02, 2016 3:52 pm

The Revolutionary Times

South Nozza becomes a member of the Elvaryan Communist Union

Czargrad- Citizens of the Revolutionary People's State received shocking news, South Nozza a Communist state on the continent of Vardes has gained membership, within the Elvaryan Communist Union commonly known as the ECU. The news of South Nozza's entry into the union comes on the eve, of the arrest of a Futrellian tourist by South Nozzai authorities. Renovan leaders are worried about how South Nozza's membership, within the Elvaryan Communist Union will affect Renovan-Futrellian relations. ECU General Secretary Erika Thompson (Newholtic Liberation State) said today in a exclusive interview "South Nozza requested membership in the Elvaryan Communist Union two moths, prior to the arrest of Mr Johnathan Geart by the South Nozzai 103rd Shock Army. This is a un-regrettable event for both the Nozzai Democratic People's Republic, and the Elvaryan Communist Union as a organization. The current state of events for the Elvaryan Communist Union, will to be more exact the Aldes Popular Liberation Movement in Transia prevents us from handing this matter at this time.".

The general secretary's comment continues to worry several important Renovan diplomats, including Supreme Leader Lin Hua and Revolutionary President Young-Il Myeong. "The Futrellian Federal Republic has been the only country in Elvarya, not openly hostile towards the Revolutionary People's State. Yes I do agree with General Secretary Thompson's comment on South Nozza's membership, within the Elvaryan Communist Union, however we can't not commend the imprisonment of a foreign tourist." Revolutionary President Myeong stated to us in a personal interview. This statement has rise many questions among the citizens of the Revolutionary People's State, if Supreme Leader Hua and President Myeong is going to negotiate the tourist's release. According to our sources a important conference is scheduled in a few days, between Renovan and South Nozzai officials to discuss basing, support, and aid.

In the News:
National: South Nozzai Officials expected in a few days for important diplomatic conference.
International: South Nozzai authorities arrest a Futrellian tourist during a visit to Gearijimao State Park .


Myeong Supporter 1
"This is not good for our relations, with the Futrellian Federal Republic."

"Who cares about the Futrellian Federal Republic? I know I don't one way, or the other let South Nozza keep their tourist."
Renovan Fast Facts
Official Name: The Revolutionary People's State of Renova
Other Name(s): Revolutionary People's State, RPS, or Renova
Capital City: Xinxing
Largest City: Shimagawa
Form of Government: Socialist State
Legislature: The People's Liberation Congress
Head of State: Revolutionary President Miyuki Kujō
Head of Government: Prime Minister Ren Chin
Armed Forces: Renovan People's Liberation Armed Forces (Strength: 2,127,300 divided into six branches)
Current Region: Elvarya
Current Alert Level: 5 (Peaceful)

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Postby Futrellia » Mon May 02, 2016 7:29 pm

The Tyderius Times

The Federal Republic responds to South Nozza's acceptance into ECU mid tourist situation


Secretary of Foreign Affairs comments shortly after an emergency cabinet session

Tyderius - After days of receiving no word on Mr. Geart or comments from South Nozzai officials, Vice President Mitherson called a President-approved emergency cabinet meeting to discuss possible courses of action. This meeting was established not only after such a long silence from South Nozza, but because of South Nozza's acceptance in the Elvaryan Communist Union, or ECU.

"The fact that South Nozzai officials can openly discuss terms of joining an international coalition, yet completely ignore the Federal Republic while they illegally hold one of our citizens on false accusations, is completely unacceptable and irresponsible from South Nozza. It is because of this that we have contacted the Republic of North Nozza and discussed courses of action with President Jiang and we have arrived at only one viable option that will get South Nozza's attention. As of thirty minutes ago, we have given South Nozza an ultimatum. Mr. Jonathan Geart will be released at an undisclosed location on the Border within twenty-four hours, or the Federal Republic and North Nozza will take strong action against the DPRN and we will get our citizen back. As for the ECU announcement, we do not hold Renova or the ECU responsible for this, but ask only that they step aside and allow this to run it's course." The Vice President had commented in front of the Presidential Building to the various news agencies and local papers. South Nozzai officials have still stayed silent as of now and we have no more information from the Federal government.
Last edited by Futrellia on Mon May 02, 2016 7:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Razonica » Wed May 04, 2016 3:11 pm

Razonica To Help Defuse Futellian-South Nozzan Tensions, Razmonic Traditions To Be Kept.

Crown News

South Nozza recently arrested Mr. Geart, a Futrellian tourist for allegedly sneaking a handgun into South Nozza. Empress Faenia has responded by suggesting a more diplomatic approach. The Empress has asked for representatives from Futrellia and South Nozza to meet in Razonica to discuss the release of Mr. Geart. The Empress has offered the possibility of having a trial for Mr. Geart but also says she will not allow "cruel and unusual" punishment. She said that if Mr. Geart is innocent, he must be returned immediately. She also said that if Mr. Geart is guilty, since Mr. Geart is not a citizen of South Nozza he would not know the laws very well and should not be severely punished. The Empress gave a short comment to the press:

"In no way I am I making a judgment of either side, but I do not want a man to suffer for a crime he did not do, or to suffer an extreme punishment for something he was not aware was wrong. I wish only for peace between both sides. However, I will deal more harshly with a side that agrees to meet with me and tries to no cooperate.

In other news, Queen Turína has announced that Razonican young men will not be needed for reproductive purposes by Razmanic women. She says that she does not wish to end the tradition of her tribe unless she absolutely has too, but also adds it is nothing against the young men. For now, Queen Turína is allowing any women from any country to join the Razma Tribe, an offer that has never been made before since the 1900s. She hopes this will bring more candidates to the Tribe to stop its depopulation problem.
Last edited by Razonica on Wed May 04, 2016 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken short cut to meet it.

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Postby Futrellia » Thu May 05, 2016 5:44 pm

Federal News Network

South Nozzai military units release Jonathan Geart in Uzamai hours before Federal military action.

Tyderius - Hours before the Federal Army's 5th Infantry Division was set to move out from Fort Mavacky to the borders of South Nozza and Futrellia, a convoy of 4 Nozzai army vehicles were spotted in the village of Uzamai, a mile from the border separating the socialist Democratic People's Republic of South Nozza and the Federal Republic of Futrellia. A squadron of soldiers secured the area from the villagers and pushed Jonathan Geart from the vehicle, and the army escort drove away. Local villagers assisted the tourist as he hobbled to the border. Thirty-five minutes later, Jonathan Geart was back in the Federal Republic. Mr. Geart was immediately taken to Northridge Regional Hospital in the city of Northridge in Northern Futrellia. While Mr. Geart suffered no broken bones or major lacerations, bruises and burn marks prove that Jonathan Geart was indeed tortured to an extent, presumably by South Nozzai officials.

"The wounds on Mr. Geart on his chest, legs, arms, and face, are clearcut evidence that he was indeed tortured, but not to the brutal extent that it usually is carried out. Mr. Geart has also commented about this and told us that several military soldiers and high ranking officials attempted to get answers by torturing him, to which he gave them nothing. South Nozza is attempting to gain knowledge on us by torturing our citizens. The Federal Republic will not stand for this and let South Nozza attempt to appear superior to us. In response, and as my right as Vice President of the Federal Republic, the 5th Infantry Division will begin blockading the border between us, issuing sanctions against them, and initiate a no fly zone across the board. I have made contact with the North Nozzai President and he has agreed to do the same. If South Nozza will not contact us by their own will, we will force them to talk with us. Let me be clear, if South Nozza, in any way, engages or inhibits Federal troop movements from our side of the border, i have been advised to return fire and begin combat engagements within South Nozza. Thank you, and god bless the Federal Republic." The shortspeech from Vice President Mitherson earlier today.

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Postby Renova » Sun May 08, 2016 2:49 am

Last edited by Renova on Tue May 31, 2016 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Renovan Fast Facts
Official Name: The Revolutionary People's State of Renova
Other Name(s): Revolutionary People's State, RPS, or Renova
Capital City: Xinxing
Largest City: Shimagawa
Form of Government: Socialist State
Legislature: The People's Liberation Congress
Head of State: Revolutionary President Miyuki Kujō
Head of Government: Prime Minister Ren Chin
Armed Forces: Renovan People's Liberation Armed Forces (Strength: 2,127,300 divided into six branches)
Current Region: Elvarya
Current Alert Level: 5 (Peaceful)

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Postby Mithmyr » Sat May 21, 2016 5:10 pm

Mithmyr Today

Tensions between Vacroaye and Razonica grow after Vacroaye settles battleships in Mithmyr's seas. According to Myran intelligence, twelve Vacroayean battleships lie in Mithmyr's seas which many assume are placed for an invasion of Razonica. Mithmyr itself wants Vacroaye out of its waters as they do not want a war beginning inside their own bays.
It's really a threat to us and all of Mithmyr. We want no part in this conflict it would only end in suffering and we want no part of it. - Miranda Summer, citizen of Khudan
Protesters in Mithmyr against Vacroayean naval occupation
Protesters are all across Mithmyr pleading for Vacroaye to leave their seas. Chancellor Julia Katahdan herself, has already requested for the battleships to be removed from Mithmyr's bays. Sultan Hakim has not responded and Mithmyr is now in fear of an invasion or being the middle ground for a now deadly conflict.
Last edited by Mithmyr on Sat May 21, 2016 7:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Razonica » Tue May 24, 2016 2:32 pm

Razonica Responds

Crown News

Empress Faenia has responded to the unwelcomed Vacroayean fleet by denouncing it as an "unneed show of force". She says that Mithmyr's waters have been violated by Vacroaye without any provoking on Mithmyr's part. She warns Vacroaye that trying to occupy the seas of an ally of Razonica is a declaration of war on the Empire.

Empress Faenia wants to point out that she does not wish to have a war over this matter, and invites both Vacroaye and Mithmyr to send representatives to Haemia to talk about this issue. She, however, wants Vacroaye to move their fleet out of Mithmyr before this meeting, otherwise the meeting may not be so pleasant. She wants to stress the fact that she wants to try diplomacy first.

In Other News
-Razonica begins rebuilding the Cathedral in Haemia.
Last edited by Razonica on Tue May 24, 2016 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken short cut to meet it.

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Postby Mithmyr » Sun May 29, 2016 3:03 pm

Last edited by Mithmyr on Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Futrellia » Sun May 29, 2016 8:27 pm

Federal News Network

Firefight erupts between South Nozzai and Federal forces after unknown shot injures Federal officer

Nunjaum, South Nozza - Before today, the Federal blockade had began to cool. South Nozzai and Federal military units had begun to evacuate after multiple sessions between General Bryan McGalvin of the 5th Infantry Division and General Jiaung Ji of the South Nozzai 13th Shock Division. Until earlier today when a sniper from the Nallashang Hotel's 54th floor fired and severely injured Major Lukas Tyvers, who was inspecting the 75th Infantry Regiment sixty-five feet from the Calvan/Qi Entrance. At once, chaos and confusion ensued as Federal and South Nozzai forces engaged in a heated and messy battle, leaving twenty-five South Nozzai and sixteen Futrellians dead before the 13th Shock Division fell back, allowing several Federal soldiers to breach the border and pursue before orders were given to fall back to the border and establish Marksman overwatch positions as F/A-37 Talons have begun intel operations in a 25 mile radius.

"We heard the shot and saw the Major collapse and cry out in pain. Without a second thought, we broke off from inspection and engaged. We didn't have time to see what the C.O. wanted, we just knew that another one of us could get hit and our training kicked in." -Sergeant James Parker, 75th Infantry Regiment.

Multiple reports from across the Border watch stations report seeing no flash or evidence that nearby South Nozzai units may have been involved. Currently, South Nozzai officials have yet to comment or retaliate for the attack, though South Nozzai units have been spotted reconing the area. For now, Federal forces have been set to Condition One (Prepared for immediate invasion from all elements) and ready to engage at any possible second.

The fact that my men fired without permission is nobody's fault besides the South Nozzai. In training, my men have it hammered into their head to return fire to the source when a friendly is injured. It's not a decision they make, it's just reflex." Commander Nathan Roberts, Commanding officer for all Calvan/Qi Entrance Garrisons.

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Postby Renova » Tue May 31, 2016 10:28 am

The Revolutionary Times

Renovan forces move into southern South Nozza

Czargrad- This morning citizens awoke to a specialized television appearance of Revolutionary President Young-Il Myeong, who then informed them of a Futrellian-South Nozzai engagement near the border region. The president then proceeded to informed them, that the 3rd Tank Regiment of the 34th Armored Division stationed in southern South Nozza, was being deployed to the Futrellian-South Nozzai border region. This announcement come just two days after a engagement between Futrellian, and South Nozzai forces along the border between the two countries. President Myeong was quoted in saying the following, during a press conference earlier this afternoon "It seems that the tensions between the Futrellian Federal Republic, and South Nozza is bordering on another war in Elvarya. This latest engagement between the two countries on the Vardes Continent only shows us, that the the problem is just going to continue. There for I have ordered the 3rd Tank Regiment of the 34th Armored Division to move south to watch the border, while our friends in ECU taskforce 10 begin setting up defenses around South Nozza for a possible war.". The president's announcement was meet with a mixed concern among top Renovan officials, which included Supreme Leader Lin Hua and Prime Minister Jae-Hwa Kang.

According to our sources in the Liberation Defense Department(LDD) several top Renovan military officers, including Liberation Commander Fu Pei supports the president's latest choice in Vardesi affairs. To some concern citizens President Myeong's declaration could only mean one thing, and that is a possible war looms on the horizon for their country. Over the past few weeks we watched a tug of war brew between South Nozza, and the Futrellian Federal Republic in the border region. Now armed with this latest information one can only, wonder how the international community will react to President Myeong's announcement. All we can do now is continue to watch the situation, and bring you all the latest news in the coming days.

In the News:
National: President Myeong calls for an emergency secession of the People's Liberation Congress..
International: Futrellian forces clash with South Nozzai forces along the border.
ECU News: Taskforce 10 arrives in Vardes, with ECU troops setting up defenses around South Nozza.
Renovan Fast Facts
Official Name: The Revolutionary People's State of Renova
Other Name(s): Revolutionary People's State, RPS, or Renova
Capital City: Xinxing
Largest City: Shimagawa
Form of Government: Socialist State
Legislature: The People's Liberation Congress
Head of State: Revolutionary President Miyuki Kujō
Head of Government: Prime Minister Ren Chin
Armed Forces: Renovan People's Liberation Armed Forces (Strength: 2,127,300 divided into six branches)
Current Region: Elvarya
Current Alert Level: 5 (Peaceful)

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Postby Razonica » Tue May 31, 2016 1:18 pm

Empress Disgusted!

People's Choice News (PCN)


Due to the movement of troops in the Vardes Continent and the looming crisis in Mithmyr, Empress Faenia made an announcement today. The highlights have been provided:

I am disgusted by the nations involved in these crises. Let's start with Mithmyr's. The Vacroayean government decided to deliberately move a fleet into Mithmyr's waters for no apparent reason. They started no concerns with Mithmyr, and did not even give Mithmyr a warning for some unseen insult. Then, when I offer to allow both nations to come to Razonica to talk this through, neither side answers my invitation.

I am horrified that the Mithmyrian government has abandoned trying to look to Razonica for help in this matter. I am even more horrified that the Vacroayean government is ready to start a war over absolutely nothing. I once again strongly suggest both nations come to Razonica to discuss their situation with me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to enforce trade sanctions.

Now to North and South Nozza. Our ally Futrellia has had trouble in the past with South Nozza. My suggestions to try a more diplomatic approach, rather than just moving troops has been ignored by both sides. And now their misunderstanding boiled over into a violent engagement, allowing Renova to get involved in this issue.

Rather than try to talk about what happened and disarm the situation, to remove troops so that misunderstandings are less likely to happen, now all four nations are arming themselves. Did we not just create the EWC? A place we can talk about our problems? Did with learn NOTHING from the Avarice War? How many more lives are the governments of them world going to surrender to petty and senseless blood shed? I am tired of war, I am sick of war, I demand all sides of these conflicts to stand down or I shall be forced to take away trade privileges.

Are we going to start another war over mindless miscommunication? What is the next generation going to inherit from this world? Ash? Corpses? More goddamn terror!? How long are the governments of the world going to let fear rule? I demand that they take charge! Our people have entrusted us to safeguard them, not sacrifice them in power measurements.

The Royal Advisers have been debating whether or not Empress Faenia was too strongly worded. They have not been able to create an official opinion. The public, however, has taken to the streets with signs. They have been chanted "NO MORE WAR!" for nearly the entire day.

In Other News

-Razmaic population stabilizes after a ten year decline.
-New cure for minor infection being researched.
-A possible next mission for the luna is being planned to create international cooperation.
-The Inter-Cultural Space Observatory (ICSO) had a minor problem with its solar panels over the weekend.
Last edited by Razonica on Tue May 31, 2016 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken short cut to meet it.

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Postby Futrellia » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:22 pm

Federal News Network

Additional Federal forces move into the Calvan/Qi Entrance despite Razonican pleas for diplomacy

Calvan/Qi Border Entrance - Today, the President has announced that select armored columns from the 7th Armored Division will be sent to the border crossing within the next few days. This move comes in response of the Renovan movement to southern South Nozza.

"It has come to my attention that Renova has indeed amassed troops in the Calvan/Qi area, as an attempt to dissuade us from our goals. They will be sad to realize that it will not stop the Federal Republic. What they do not want to admit, is that it was South Nozza that imprisoned our citizen, tortured him and released him in such an unprofessional, sloppy move that can only be labeled as childish. Talks were going on towards the end of our blockade and i had given the order for the bulk of our troops to leave the border area, leaving only a skeleton force to monitor inbound and outbound traffic. Then, one of our men, Major Tyvers, was shot from the South Nozzai side with a .308 caliber round to the shoulder. My advice is for Renova to turn their guns on South Nozza, make their leadership answer the hard questions, and make them pay for what they have been doing to us. That is my answer to both the Razonicans and the Renovans!" - Excerpt from President Vasquez's speech

While may believe the President is right in his motives, some big players are speaking out against intensifying Futrellia's role in the South Nozzai situation, including his own Secretary of Defense.

"As Secretary of Defense, i have access to some of the best intelligence equipment on Elvarya. The shot that struck Major Tyvers is not believed to have been fired by a South Nozzai army Marksman. At best, we can calculate it may have been a civilian. Even so, i don't believe it's justified to deploy the might of the entire military against such a small foe."

Some, including Presidential Candidate Jason Underwood believes it to be a powermove.

"This is nothing more than a failing President attempting to gain popularity by exploiting the Futrellian people. It just shows that no one is outside the chess board when it comes to Vasquez."

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Postby Adfrana » Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:43 pm

The Queensland

News Journal

Queen Alyssa announces support for Razonica amid Vardesi tensions

Just now, the Queen has announced that she is supporting Empress Faenia of Razonica in the Vardesi Crisis between the Federal Republic of Futrellia, the People's Republic of South Nozza, and the Elvaryan Communist Union, and the Revolutionary People's State of Renova.

"The time is now to show the world that we can look past these matters and focus on what we really need to do, which is rebuild our world, promote peace and unity throughout Elvarya. This whole situation will lead to nothing but more war and more death." The Queen was quoted as to saying during a Press Conference at the 5th Annual Parade for Peace.

The Queen has promised support for Razonican peace efforts as well as deploring the actions of the Federal Republic of Futrellia and the Revolutionary People's State of Renova for responding with military force after the recent shooting that left Futrellian Major Lukas Tyvers severely injured following a gunshot from a South Nozzai hotel.

"What the superpowers of this world fail to understand, is that if a war erupts from this, every inch of every mile of Elvarya will be scorched, and it will finish what the Avarice War had started in sending us all into a nuclear winter." The Queen was also quoted saying.

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Postby Vacroaye » Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:14 pm

Sultan Hakim Proposes Military Bases Inside Mithmyr

by Vacroaye News (VN)

Sultan Hakim has come to the public to deliver this following message:
Vacroaye's defense is our most important department. Times have been troubled recently, and Vacroaye needs eyes and ears everywhere to make sure Vacroaye is not invaded. That is why I am proposing to our one of our greatest ally's, Mithmyr, that Vacroaye can establish a military base inside their borders.

Sultan Hakim has offered 15 billion for the base and to pay 10 million every year as long as the base is still in Mithmyr. Chancellor Julia Victorine has not responded, but many Myran senators are up in arms against this.

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Postby Futrellia » Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:27 am

The Federal News Network

Keeping the People Informed

Jason Underwood Elected Federal President!


Newly Elected President Jason Alexander Underwood speaks at the Waterfront of Tyderius' Port District

Tyderius - Earlier this morning, at 8:22 am Eastern Futrellian Time Presidential Candidate of the Federalist Party Jason Underwood was sworn in as the 38th President of the Federal Republic. Candidate Underwood won the election with a final vote of 358-246 during the Final Congressional Electoral Committee's meeting. President Jason Underwood and Vice President Marissa Collins gave a speech at Golden Gate Waterfront in front of a crowd of nearly 54,000, and with millions on TV.

"My brothers and sisters, over the past four years, we have endured pain, suffering, loss. We witnessed as our sons and daughters were cheered on as they entered those Troop Transports to Vacroayae and other nations. We witnessed our sons and daughters come home not in boots, but in coffins. We watched as our son and daughter's unit handed us a trifolded Federal Flag and given the empty condolences of a wasted Presidency. And after the Avarice War, we continued to suffer. Veterans of our Federal Military came home bearing a great burden, a great sadness. Their minds stricken with the images of war, they changed from the people they had once been. They became homeless, they became alcoholics, they became murderers, they became individuals that needed their country's help but their country turned a blind eye to them! Because of that, 25% of Combat Veterans from the Avarice War are in prison because of the murders they had done when they came home. My little brother, Corporal Mason Cole Underwood, was a star football player at Goliad Federal University. He was married and has a beautiful five year old daughter, Justice Maria Underwood. In the beginnings of the War, Mason joined the Federal Army through the Extended Education Program, where he would be able to obtain his Masters after two years of service. Corporal Underwood was assigned to the 12th Infantry Division and shipped to Vacroaye, where he stayed for 8 months. Corporal Underwood was shipped home after suffering a severe wound to his shoulder. My brother came home different. He never talked, his movements were sporadic, and he turned his back on his wife and daughter for a bottle of Federal Reserve Whiskey. At 9:45 pm on of July 19, 2014, Corporal Underwood was stopped by Tyderius Police Department Officer Micheal C. Atwood. As the Officer walked up, Corporal Underwood's fear and paranoia finally snapped. My brother took out his pistol from the glove compartment and exited the vehicle. He opened fire on Officer Atwood, and the Officer drew his weapon and fired on him. Officer Micheal Atwood was shot 6 times, 4 in the chest, and two in the neck. Corporal Mason Underwood was shot three times, one in the chest, another in the neck, and another in...the leg. Officer Atwood died on the scene at 9:52 pm. He leaves behind a wife and three children. Corporal Underwood.....died at 10:09 pm on his way to the hospital. He leaves behind a wife and daughter, and a brother who misses him every day and night. Two men wouldn't have died if our Government would have put the necessary funding into rehabilitation programs and screening processes. My brother might still be alive, taking medication, going to counselors, and joining a group of soldiers just like him. His daughter would still have a father. But because of his duty to answer his nation's call, his family will forever have this scar placed upon them. His family will think about what happened every time they see a soldier, or a Police officer, or a Federal flag. On my honor as your President, i will tear down the shell of Veteran's Affairs, and i will establish a new, improved, and ready branch of the Federal Military, known as the Federal Office of Rehabilitation and Recovery. It will be run by soldiers, not government workers who couldn't care less. I promise this to you. So help me God."

This was just a single excerpt from the President's inauguration speech. President Vasquez has yet to make a public statement, but news agencies have reported to see the President begin moving out of the Presidential House.

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Postby Mithmyr » Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:07 pm

Mithmyr Today

Coming late August is the 2016 election for Mithmyr. This year is a tough one, as Julia Victorine stands behind the Nationalist party, supporting the Avarice War, supporting Vacroaye and it's extremist ideals, seeking to create a larger military, and not bothering to mend the wounds between Mithmyr and Razonica. Victorine has received harsh words over the Avarice War, however some believe she knew full well what she was doing. The Nationalist party believes the Avarice War was the stepping stones for Mithmyr to rise up and begin taking action in the world. They believe Mithmyr should become a strong and powerful nation instead of what it is now.

Senator Jefferson Lowry who is running against Victorine, stands behind the Internationalist party, seeing the Avarice War as foolish, wanting to break all ties will Vacroaye, not expanding the military, and seeking to mend the wounds caused by Mithmyr in the Avarice War. The Internationalist party firmly believes Victorine was out of her mind to aid Vacroaye in the Avarice War, as it only caused damage and chaos. They believe Mithmyr needs to return to staying small and isolated instead of taking action in world politics.

From the polls Victorine leads Lowry by a mere 1% however this can change of course. This years election can change Mithmyr entirely, if Lowry is elected Mithmyr might be able to return to how it was before the Avarice War. However if Victorine is elected Mithmyr might start becoming aggressive and take charge in things just like Vacroaye. Victorine's campaign has received funds from Sultan Hakim himself as he obviously wants her to win. Lowry's campaign has been entirely funded by the people of Mithmyr, but this might change soon.

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Postby Futrellia » Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:53 am

The Federal News Network

Keeping the People Informed

Federal Office of Rehabilitation and Recovery Shows Improvement


Combat Veterans speak together in a F.O.R.R.-mandated meeting

Tyderius - Today marks the first day that the Federal Office of Rehabilitation and Recovery fully annexes the Department of Veteran's Affairs, showing promise right away as Director Thomas Scott, a retired Staff Sergeant in the 101st Infantry Regiment of the 43rd Infantry Division, has ordered that all PTSD-diagnosed Combat Veterans must attend meetings at least once a month with other Veterans, while he ordered all branches of the Military to enforce the "Pause For The Cause" policy, which demands that all Combat Veterans both still deployed or returning, must be thoroughly screened and tested for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder once a month. The newly unveiled Policies have been received with praise, both by civilians and veterans.

The fact that i actually have people looking out for me when i come home, and that supplies something like this for me and my fellow veterans, is both miraculous and...and i'm eternally grateful for this.
Was quoted by Corporal James Rodgers, who served two tours in the Avarice War.

Currently, over 5,000 Federal soldiers have been screened and tested just today, and many more are to come.

This is exactly what i wanted when i entered this office, and to accomplish my goal just in my first month, there's no greater feeling. I don't want Combat Veterans to feel alone like my brother did. My brother was a good man, a good father, a good soldier, and his country turned it's back on him. I won't let that happen anymore. As long as i am your President, i will take care of our soldiers, i will fix our nation's infrastructure, and i will make us the Paragon of the perfect nation."
Was a quote made by President Underwood at the F.O.R.R. Headquarters in Tyderius.

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Postby Mithmyr » Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:06 pm

Mithmyr Today

Following the Mithmyr election results Julia Victroine has been re-elected as Chancellor of Mithmyr. Victorine had 51% of the votes while Lowry had only 49%. Victorine campaign was practically overflowing in funds as she received over 98$ million cavantans while Lowry only had around 28$ million cavantans. The Myran nationalist party is sure to receive more nationalist senators and house members this year. Not only that, but the Vacroayean military base is likely to get approved and construction should start shortly.

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Postby Razonica » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:35 am

Empress Condemns The Election Of Julia Victroine, Demands Vacroyean Base Is Not Built

The Obligator

In 2012 the governments of Mithmyr and Vacroaye launched a savage and unprovoked attack upon Razonica. The Mithmyrian government allowed Vacraoyen assassins to kill the Emperor of Razonican, their ally at the time. Mithmyr was once a close ally of Razonica, offering crops in return for the many fine goods of the Empire. Razonica helped Mithmyr grow economically, helped feed the people of Mithmyr by providing jobs, and protected the people of Mithmyr. They turned on Razonica then and are doing so once more. Empress Faenia offered to reopen trade with Mithmyr in 2015 in the hopes to bring the Mithmyrian people back into friendly ties with Razonicans. But now, however, they have slapped Razonica in the face. They have re-elected the murderess Julia Victroine, the woman who has committed war crimes. Julia Victroine sat back and watched as her soldiers and allies tortured Razonican and Futrellians taken prisoner, abusing women before killing them. They and their ally, Vacroaye, murdered civilians in port Dinael, in Tarbea, and in countless other places. Mithmyr bombers directly killed the people of Ayyie in Vacroaye.

The Razonican Empire demands the resignation of Julia Victroine. She attacked Razonican and gave nothing but woe to her people. She is allowing Vacroaye to build a military base in Mithmyr. People of Mithmyr, ask yourselves, do you really want the woman who attacks your allies? A woman who allow tolerates tyrants who oppress their people? Will you support a woman who allows women to be exploited and given no rights in the nation she is allowing build a base in Mithmyr? Will you support a woman who allowed her soldiers to murder children?

In Other News
-Preparations are under way for Princess Ymira's seventeenth birthday.
-Domestic solar energy on the rise.
-Man claims to have seen "Chututim" in flight over corn field.
A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken short cut to meet it.

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Postby Futrellia » Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:16 pm

The Federal News Network

Keeping the People Informed

Federal President Underwood denounces and condemns Victroine re-election

Tyderius - Earlier today, shortly after the announcement from Empress Faenia over the re-election of Julia Victroine, the woman responsible for the Mithmyrian involvement in the Avarice War, leading to a projected additional 6,540 casualties by Mithmyrian forces.

Around 1:18pm, on his way to the city of Newburg in Adfrana, the President gave an official statement towards the re-election of a known war criminal.

"It is great anger and sadness that i have to give this statement on my way to a place that is to represent a new age, a peaceful era. I am now, directly and officially condemning both the Mithmyrian government and Chancellor Victroine of this re-election. The fact that this woman can be in charge of a government that has actively endorsed the killing of Coalition forces sickens and disturbs me. Because of this, the governments of the Elvaryan Allied Coalition, will show Mithmyr that this cannot be tolerated by any nations. As my second order given, i have now cut trade lines and sanctions on Mithmyr. Thank you."

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Postby Futrellia » Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:08 pm

The Federal News Network

Keeping the People Informed

Federal Republic Readies Futuristic Autonomous Combat Vehicle, Small Drone Tank for Battle


A Tano-5 UCGV driving forward

Tyderius - The Tano-5 unmanned drone tank is set to enter military service by the end of 2016 providing Futrellia another innovative battlefield edge.

Futrellia's new Tano-5 unmanned combat ground vehicle (UCGV) was showcased at the Army 2016 military technical forum to rave reviews with the tank providing Tyderius an elite military edge while keeping the country’s armed forces out of harm’s way through technological innovation.

The unmanned tank is based on the ATC-3 infantry fighter vehicle (IFV) concept with a name that translates to "Razorblade" highlighting the hopes that the country has that their new secret weapon will be a game changer in the battlefield. The 14.7 ton self-sufficient combat system looks like something out of an action movie featuring a robotic turret that aims automatically to engage ground and aerial targets in order to protect strategic facilities and minimize battlefield casualties.

"This is a robotic system. It means, it can be either controlled by an operator or accomplish certain tasks autonomously. For example, it can reach a set destination without any human control and avoid obstacles on its own,"

Davyd Storch, deputy CEO at the Del Rekorsta-based Impulse-1 Scientific and Technical Center. The tank travels at an impressive 37MPH (60kph) on land and can even traverse through deep water. It is armed with a 30mm automatic cannon 2A72 with 500 shells, a 2000 round coaxial machine gun, and six anti-tank guided missiles. In addition to the Tano which stole the show at the Army 2016 military technical forum in January, Federal defense contractor Alliance Industries unleashed the Tano-5 tracked armored vehicle controlled remotely by an operator with a 30-milimeter cannon that can fire at the rate of 350 to 400 rounds per minute shooting highly explosive incendiary and armor-piercing munitions. The little killer that reaches a height of only about ten feet was expected to enter military service in 2017 or 2018, but reports indicate that the fighting vehicle will be ready for service by the end of this year. The Federal Republic plans to export the fireproof tank that some defense analysts worry will disrupt traditional ground war combat models boasting a heavy dose of lethality without the danger of harm to the soldier operating the system remotely perhaps sparking the first salvo in a futuristic drone war.
Last edited by Futrellia on Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Vacroaye » Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:57 pm

Sultan Ayyam crowned Sultan of Vacroaye, Cancels Base in Mithmyr

Sultan Hakim passed away September 1st, 2016. Following his demise his son Prince Ayyam, was crowned Sultan of Northern Vacroaye today in Ahmerrad. Sultan Ayyam's speech was much different than assumed. Ayyam stated that he wishes to cancel the Vacroayean military base in Mithmyr as he deems it "unnecessary" and simply a way to start another war. He also stated he wishes to reunite Southern and Northern Vacroaye peacefully. Stating that "The two nations should not live in fear that one will bomb the other. They should be proud to be Vacroayean and if it takes removing royal ties, then so be it." Many were shocked at Ayyam's speech, as Chancellor Victorine herself stated that reuniting Vacroaye peacefully would be impossible. She also added that she will meet Ayyam tomorrow following the concerns of the Vacroayean military base.
Last edited by Vacroaye on Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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