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1000 Civilians Executed in Aanglandia [DIPLOMATIC | IC]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:18 pm
by Ardoki
The Official Emblem of the Progressive Socialist Labour Party of Ardoki.

Saturday 28 March 2015 CE
Landintown, Protectorate of Aanglandia

Exactly one thousand Aanglandish civilians were marched out into the centre of a massive stadium. Being randomly selected from those not loyal to the Progressive Socialist Labour Party of Ardoki (PSLPA). They had been picked up the day before, and still wore the clothes they had on at the time. They were to be executed in a "calculated demonstration of brutality,", General Secretary Alastaire Moriarty said, "in order to strike fear and terror into the Anglandish population. So the rebellion will lose the support of the fearful people, who would not risk any more reprisals against them." He sat in a box at the stadium, along with three other members of the Politburo to witness the event. 150 000 other civilians had been rounded up and forced to attend the execution, which would also be broadcast live all across Aanglandia (with the televisions automatically turning on, and staying on unless electicity is cut) to teach the Aanglandish a lesson on what happens whey they go against the PSLPA. The very party which is trying to make their lives better; giving them more progressive social rights and a higher standard of living; all the while striving toward the creation of the Unified Progressive World Republic.

As they were herded into the middle of the opening at the bottom of the stadium. A lady on the loudspeaker said: "These people you see below, are not only enemies of the Progressive Revolution, but humanity itself. They have plotted incessantly to not only deprive you all of your great and many freedoms, but to overthrow the Progressive Socialist Labour Party itself. Such counter-revolutionary and reactionary activity must not be accepted in the Protectorate of Aanglandia. These reactionary villains have been sentenced to death; for their crimes against the people of Aanglandia, Ardoki, and the world. May the Progressive Revolution triumph! Long live Progressivism!" There was a pause for a moment before a pre-recorded voice of another women was broadcast, a disturbingly cheery voice: "Remember. The Party loves you. Love it back."

Only a few moments later, the civilians down below were slaughtered by the rapid and devastating fire of machine guns. It only took an instant, before they were all mowed down. The crowd's response was delayed as it took them by surprise. However screams and cries were then heard, they went on for almost half an hour, as they were ordered out of the stadium by soldiers of the Party.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 7:29 pm
by Guadalupador
1330 Hours: Nosamo, Guadalupador. (29/3/2015)

"Mr. Yanama, if I may ask: How many times have you watched that video?" the Grand Premier's Chief of Staff asked, concerned.

Enrique paused the video clip, and looked up from his computer. "More than enough." He said, before getting up to stretch. He rubbed his eyes, and looked out on to the rain-drenched skyline of Central Nosamo. Ever since the video's release to the world, people have been up in arms about the Ardokian treatment of its ethnic minorities. This newest addition to the many human rights abuses that Ardoki had committed had only further chilled relations down to the level with which the Dorians and Cuscatlanis were currently at: in the midst of a Cold War. Yanama personally had enough of the silence that this horrible event was given, no one would speak up. Even the Cuscatlanis, who would normally rip Ardoki (and rightfully so Enrique thought,) about the Ardokian treatment of the religious did not utter one word about the massacre of the Aanglandians. Enrique took a deep breath and said to his Chief of Staff: "Set up the TV Cameras, I'm going to make an address."

His Chief of Staff nodded, and ran out of the office and down the hall.

"Three, two, one....Anytime when you're ready to speak, Grand Premier." The Cameraman said.

Enrique exhaled, and began to recite his statement from memory:
Good Afternoon People of Guadalupador. Today, in this weekly address, I'd like to call to attention the latest in a long line of heinous acts committed by the government of Ardoki.
Yesterday, the people of the Ardokian Occupied zone of Aanglandia, were forced to watch as the Ardokian army executed 1,000 of their fellow mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers in a crowded stadium. All under the watch of the Ardokian General Secretary, Alastaire Moriarty. Now I can guarantee you all, this afternoon, that the people of Ardoki and especially in Aanglandia live in constant fear of their totalitarian government, which gives them no political freedom, no freedom of the press, no freedom of expression, and especially no religious freedom. If any citizen in Ardoki even expresses an opinion, nay, even thinks about expressing an opinion that the "Progressive" Socialist Republic of Ardoki does not like, then they are sent to a variety of concentration camps, to be "reeducated."
The current state of Ardoki is very much akin to a blend of Stalin's Russia, and Hitler's Germany. It is a corrupt, and harsh government, one that, dare I say it, is more of a threat to its own people than Gran Cuscatlan. The people of Ardoki deserve better, and it is quite apparent that Alastaire Moriarty needs to step down immediately. The People of Ardoki, and the people of Aanglandia in particular, deserve the right to self-governance, the right to express any opinion without repercussion from the jackbooted thugs of their "Thought Police," and most of all they deserve to express their faith, and not get sent to a concentration camp.
Make no mistake, there is nothing "Progressive" about the vile PSLPA. They bastardize the word and twist it into their own nefarious ideology, much like the Cuscatlani Term: "La America Libre."
I must throw my utmost support behind the people of Aanglandia, and condemn the government of Ardoki for the brutal killing of innocent civilians. And now I direct my attention to General Secretary Alastaire Moriarty: Be ready for when the storm comes, and the people of Ardoki will finally, and righteously uproot and cleanse your corrupt system of government. When that day comes, you'll receive no support from us, or any other sane nation. You will be alone.

Thank You, and may Veii and the Old Gods Preserve Guadalupador.