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Leveat changes government name, tweaks constitution

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:31 pm
by Leveat
The Levian Federal Senate today has passed an amendment to the Constitution of Leveat. Among other small tweaks, the amendment, colloquially called "The Busybody Amendment" for its lack of significant changes, removes the "Great Republic" nomenclature for the simple, short "Leveat".

Of course, with a new name comes a new logo. The old government symbol contained "the Great Republic of" and is therefore now obsolete. The new logo reads simply "Leveat" and is styled on the national flag, following the recent government trend:


Government of Bazio enters into recess.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:56 am
by Bazio
The recess was approved for two weeks there bazio continue to receive telegrams from other nations and issues that come to the parliament.

Lawmakers were released yesterday (October 12, 2014) and will until the 16th of November, called 'Recess November' should last less than last month.

Day 16 when lawmakers return, the Convention Pedrescal happen that has not been disclosed by the parliamentarians.

'' - We will disclose this on the 16th, since return from recess and we will then reunuir in Pedrescal on day 20. ''

President Neil found not guilty

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:45 pm
by Leveat
In a landmark case, Levian President Upton Neil has just been found innocent of blackmail and conspiracy to murder the Ismeili Minister of Military and Defense, General F'stum. Faced with strong arguments to against him and his client, rookie defense attorney Mr. Edward Fairburn showed incredible skill in his first trial. President Neil has been cleared of charges of blackmailing Mr. Asuman Attila, Ismeili delegate to the Allied Assembly, into murdering General F'stum. Mr. Fairburn has been hired by the federal Levian government to act as their defense attorney in future cases as well. President Neil was quoted as saying, in the Defendant Lobby after the trial, "Well, Mr. Fairburn. You did really well with so much against you. Back there was an amazing trial, I tell you. I was shocked at your skill just sitting behind the table, worrying about whether I would have to go to jail!"

Court Report
Prosecutor: Mr. Kegan Vico
Defense Attorney: Mr. Edward Fairburn
Defendant: President Upton Neil
Charges: Blackmail, conspiracy to murder
Witnesses: Mr. Asuman Attila, Mr. Abbas Mujid


PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:24 pm
by Bazio
2015 will be the beginning of the construction of 'cosmodrome'.

The cosmodrome will be the first 'colony' off the ground, according to scientists Reprodukta, the station will feature a universal estalação of 312,679 km²,
equivalent area of Poland, will be built with a modern finish,
equivalent will be spending 567 billion US dollars, bazio still expects a 'support' of
other nations, for construction of the cosmodrome.

The cosmodrome will be the second of Bazio Space Station, the first station is the Mani Cooperative.

The Bazio Mail. edition of 6 (11/18/2014)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:15 pm
by Bazio

The government Bazio leaked the 'Interlink' one of the secret programs used by bazio, according to the ex-military, Myler Solvie, 'Bazio using Interlink for various purposes such as filing your telegrams, and also to read telegrams from other nations' 'in such a' filings', President of Tarazed appears.

The White president appears sending message to the Government of Daramonty, and the matter ?, Citnalta the massacre, that occurred in the war of hemispheres, when Tarazed defeated Cabense.

Below is part of Interlink leaked.



PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:57 pm
by Tarazed

The government Bazio leaked the 'Interlink' one of the secret programs used by bazio, according to the ex-military, Myler Solvie, 'Bazio using Interlink for various purposes such as filing your telegrams, and also to read telegrams from other nations' 'in such a' filings', President of Tarazed appears.

The White president appears sending message to the Government of Daramonty, and the matter ?, Citnalta the massacre, that occurred in the war of hemispheres, when Tarazed defeated Cabense.

Below is part of Interlink leaked.



OOC: Wtf is this BS?
For one; 'White President'? Way to go there, it's President [Damion] White.
And two; What civilian massacre? There was no civilian massacre - especially not one committed by my soldiers (who all took substantial precautions to avoid any civilian casualties).

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:54 pm
by New Atlantikas
We have taken all of jamica and are now a own state, Atlantikas is now sending back their tropps. But they will return and we will win again. Atlantikas are still bombning us but we will strike back soon

Sorry for my speling

Day of mourning

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:13 pm
by Aydean
Tragic news is coming from the capital territory of Mala. Queen Sasha Larek has passed today after a long battle with the Aydeanian fever (A disease that attacks the nervous system and closes off airways.this disease was first spotted in the western provinces and quickly spread throughout most of Asia. It has no cure).

She ruled Aydean with care for her people and brought better education into Aydean. She will go done as Aydeans greatest ruler after she single handily brought Aydean into a global and economic superpower. In light of this death the Aydeanian senate, royal advisers, and the high council of prophets have called of the war with Neo Rome to make sure she dies in a time of peace.

Since she has no children the role of The Monarch of Aydean will go down to her nephew. Long live king Geran Larek.

Possible modernization of Aydean?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:40 pm
by Aydean
Since the war with Neo Rome has been called off due to the death of Queen Sasha Larek; it's new leader, King Geran Larek is officially saying that in order to improve relations with the world Aydean is now stopping all forms of colonization. It was a hard decision by the senate. Colonization is a giant part of Aydeans religious belife to unify the earth under one god. But recent events have made it abundantly clear that this can not be achieved if the world sees Aydean as a barbaric nation and not as the glorious empire it is. Now instead of annexation and colonization, Aydean will now only enter conflict if Aydeanian beliefs, people, or nation is affected.

By the words of King Geran Larek said,
"It pains me to say this, but we must stop our involvment in wars. The world already knows that Aydean is the strongest and most powerful nation on earth. But if we still act as the warriors of Aydeanian past; the rest of CAS will only see us as savage and mindless".

Barboneian Freeway Bombed!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:25 pm
by Barboneia

Serving Barboneia since 1982

At 12:32 PM this morning, a part of the Barboneia 1 highway, the largest highway in the country stretching from New Charlotte to Talecton, suffered an explosion directly as a Barboneian Petroleum vehicle drove over the planted explosives. The blast sent the vehicle rocketing through the air, into opposing traffic, causing chaos. The ensuing pile-up resulted in over 201 deaths, with around 400 and more injuries. The blaze could be seen for miles around, and it took firefighters 5 hours to combat the resulting blaze. Members of the Greater Barboneian Army were sent in from the nearby New Gennistora Military Base to help assist in the rescue efforts to help free those trapped in the wreckage.

As usual, the perpetrators are unknown. However, whoever did it must have had good information to know that the BP truck would pass by at the very moment of detonation. Interesting enough, a small campsite was found in a wooded area not far from the detonation area with a detonator, a few blocks of C-4 explosives, some various candy wrappers, a half empty flask engraved the initials "R.E.", and a note written in French that read "Get groceries, pay the telly bill, call mum , blow up section of highway". This might give us an insight on the perpetrator.

As always, this has been Patrick Roberts, Barboneia News.

Aydeanian civil war

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:37 am
by Aydean
Civil unrest in Aydean
by Aydean » Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:16 am
Today the impossible has happened; several riots have broke out around Aydean calling for the head of King Geran Larek.

The new King has already done more harm than good in Aydean. He started to import cars from other nations leading to thousands of people losing their jobs. He has also raised taxes beyond the regular income of most Aydeanians. It has now gotten so bad that The indochina and Tibet territories have called for their resignation from the empire. Already 10,000 people have died in these protest and many more will if Aydean dosent reach a balance point.

Leveat amends constitution again, more usefully this time

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:25 am
by Leveat
The government of Leveat has passed another amendment to the Constitution today, reorganizing itself into a unitary state rather than a federation.

According to Ms. Eustis, "[the amendment] was passed mainly to combat bureaucracy, but also to ensure that the law was the same across Leveat. We were getting a lot of complaints from the private sector about how difficult it was to do business in more than one province, each of them having separate laws... One company ended up making two completely different products depending on which province you were in! Imagine that!"

Atlantikan Football league 1

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:50 am
by Atlantikas
This is the tabel of the football/soccer league
in Atlantikas

1. Cyroma FC, 35 p

2. AS Kadingir, GS 26, 33 p

3, FC Alonal, GS 23, 33 p

4. Falche United, 30 p

5. Valtik united, 24 p

6. Balkesh FC, 23 p

7. AS Zilmi, 22 p

8. Cyroma United, 20 p

9. Valtik kickers, 18 p

10. Cyrak FC, 16 p

11. Namek Kickers, 14 p

12. Xalem FC, 12 p

13. Kapitt United, GS 9, 10 p

14. Galech FC, GS 8, 10 p

15. AS Malik, 8 p

16. AS Takal, 7 p

17. Daloff FC, 5 p

18. Bhasy United, 2 p

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:03 pm
by Leveat
Levian elections for 2015 have begun. They will continue until 2015-01-08. Votes will be counted immediately after the polls close and the new government will assemble for the January Session the week of 2015-01-26 to -01-30.

Party information copied from the official government register of political parties, accessible at <>.
Ranked in order of relative support:

General Social Party
Views: Liberal, civil rights, social justice, liberal, secular, pro-choice

New Conservative Party
Views: Conservative, Christian, pro-choice, social justice

United Popular Party
Views: Liberal, pro-life, anti-LGBT marriage, pro-LGBT

Libertarian Party
Views: Libertarian, capitalist, social justice, abortion-neutral

Communist Party
Agenda: Establish communism
Views: Liberal, secular, social justice, pro-life, pro-LGBT

Green Party
Views: Environmentalist, grassroots democratist, Christian, pro-life, libertarian

Monarchist Party
Agenda: Reestablish the Levian monarchy from before the revolution
Views: Monarchist, libertarian, Jewish

Secessionist Party
Agenda: Separate Alsuna from Leveat
Views: Monarchist, conservative, Alsunic traditional belief

End of an era

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:05 pm
by Aydean
After seven months of civil war, King Geran Larek has finally been killed by reformist. With this the Aydeanian royal bloodline has been severed and has given up its powers. The Aydeanian council has now signed a new constitution that would turn Aydean into a federal republic with a new president being elected every 5 years. The Royal family will now have limited power and can't regulate commerce, trade, and can no longer declare wars.

Aydean has already seen giant shifts as new ideas have come about, and people now have the right of protest and speech in Aydean. The once massive military has been cut in half and compulsory service is no longer in effect. Multiple corporations have popped up around Aydean leading to a more free market society.

However: gambling, recreational drugs, and bashing religion is still illegal. And Aydean has not changed its views on religion and the church still has an impact on politics. The government also has refused to give independence to the Indonesian islands and indochina.

But right now Aydean is taking a huge leap forward in today's world.

Melanesia and Polynesia to invade Australia

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:47 am
by Melanesia and Polynesia
BREAKING: The United Socialist States of Melanesia and Polynesia have started to send troops to Australia. Sources say their goal is to defeat Australia and take over their land. Reports also say that their current dictator, Clark Brown, has asked to legally annex New Caldonia and Vanuatu. The reason for this is that they want more power and land and also become a world superpower.

Unhappy People, Unhappy Politics

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:41 pm
by Rodrenon

For the last month or so, the current Seneschal, Stomath Holm has been the target of several extremist terrorist attacks. One featuring a car bomb. The rise of the threat has made Stomath Holm question his very safety in the office of the Seneschal. Unfortunately, at the same time, the Federal Oratory is putting pressure on the current Supervisor, Narder Drysav of the Democratic Security Bureau. It was only last year when the Democratic Security Bureau was created to protect and preserve the democratic process. The Federal Oratory is enraged by the seemingly overwhelming failure of the DSB.

A few weeks ago, in the Federal Oratory Election, the Plebeian National Party took control of the Chamber of Tribunes and thus was the new Lower Prepotency. This is attributed to their party leader, Rewis Dairhaym as he gave a riveting speech on how he will dismantle the Democratic Security Bureau and put into place a stronger security policy. At the same time, the Plebeian Nationals became the leading party in the Chamber of Prelates minority thus becoming the Upper Opposition. The Plebeian National Party, in general, now held more seats than the current Seneschal's own party, the Social Union Party, which only has the Upper Prepotency, but it is a coalition with the Traditional Hope Party, and the two often disagree. Now that Rewis Dairhaym has emerged from the recent election, as the power behind the Federal Oratory, it became very difficult for the current administration to enforce it's own policies.

It became worse, when after the election, Rewis Dairhaym applied for the office of Seneschal itself. As Rewis Dairhaym had had a particularly successful term as a dukedom governor once, he was immediately inducted as a member of the Council of Governor-Perfects. It is in this council, where the Seneschal is elected from amongst this body. It was a week and a half ago, when the application was accepted and the election took place. It resulted in three consecutive ties from elections that took only two days apart. Eventually, Stomath kept his administration, but by an uncomfortably close margin. Unfortunately in Rodredt politics, it seems that the current government is remarkably divided and thus quite ineffective in passing legislation without hours of debate and confrontation.

The Results of the 2014 Federal Oratory Election

Chamber of Tribunes:
Lower Prepotency - the Plebeian National Party
Lower Opposition - the Social Union Party and the Humanist Party

Chamber of Prelates:
Upper Prepotency - the Social Union Party and the Traditional Hope Party
Upper Opposition - the Plebeian National Party

The Results of the 2014 Federal Executive Election

Council of Helms:
Stomath Holm & the Social Union Party Government

In the end, the Democratic Security Bureau is given one more chance to provide swift discovery and capture of those who threaten the democratic process, in which in this case, are terrorists attempting assassination of the Seneschal. Unfortunately, with this current gridlock in the current political scene, it seems that public dissatisfaction will only grow and that Stomath Holm's days are numbered either politically or mortally.

On the other side, a greater level of poverty and an already heavier focus on the defense budget than on the agriculture budget, has brought a various level of disdain from the people. Which lies a deeply unsettling theory that a circle of dysfunction within the political system of Rodrenon has occurred.

The President of the National Academic Organization, Professor Evewyn Hancey, proposes that the government had failed to deal appropriately with the rising poverty levels, sparking somewhat violent displays of government dissatisfaction, which led to elections that led to government gridlock. This all resulted to the government's inability to pass legislation that could rectify the previous policies on rising poverty levels all in the name of political game. Her report on this matter remained mostly ignored by the public and placed under great scrutiny by those who are more nationalistic in view.

Regardless of this matter, Rodrenon has mostly remained in this situation of political dissatisfaction. The only new activity is the rising pressure on the King to act. At the moment, the most conceivable way any piece of legislation is to be passed is through a royal decree by the King. However, it remains too controversial and the King has reportedly decided to remain neutral for the time being. But during the period of the three consecutive ties in the Federal Executive Elections, a spike in terrorism directed towards politicians, resulted in the King ordering all representatives of the state to be placed in the immediate protection of the State Bureau's Security Branch. After the final conclusive Federal Executive Election results, the representatives of the state, returned to their positions.

Rodrenon is at the moment politically dissatisfied.

Australia War Update: War already over?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:01 pm
by Melanesia and Polynesia
Melanesia and Polynesia has been successful with their attacks so far. They have captured the city of Melbourne and surrounding communities in New South Wales. They have also captured Canberra and Sydney. Melanesia and Polynesia have actually captured all of New South Wales. They decided to sign a treaty because the fighting caused many people to die. Even though the treaty was signed, Melanesia and Polynesia kept the land they captured. Australia has declared its new Capitol as Perth.

Islam Accidentally Criminalized for Four Hours

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:10 pm
by Leveat
The nations of Ismeil, Scotatrova, Leveat, and NEO Rome Republic held an impromptu meeting in a Levian government office earlier today. During the meeting, Ismeil commented that they had been sending missionaries to Leveat to attempt to convert it to Islam, with little success. A moment later, in an attempt to convert officers, he slipped a copy of the Quran down a chute. Unfortunately, the chute in question was used for the collection and processing of classified documents; when the copy of the Quran popped out of the chute and onto the conveyor belt, it was checked and stamped without anyone paying attention to what it actually was.

As a result of this, Ismeil's representative's attempt at evangelism backfired horribly. The Quran, holy book of the Muslims, was officially made a secret of the state, and all practicing Muslims immediately became criminals for possessing a copy of the book. The police arrested three Muslims before a Decree was sent out, revoking the Quran's status as a classified document and also pardoning anyone who was in legal trouble because they possessed the book. King Saverio is due to make a public statement in two hours.

The Casmaidan

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:18 pm
by Bazio
Demonstrations in Bazio ponhe at risk 'State Peace bazio'.

Began in Bazio a manifestation Counter-Cas (Confederacy of Allied States) which according to the manifestation of the leaders they want Bazio be included as' A developed country 'and' total economic independence 'which according to the protesters' Bazio is on domains that movement CAS that means Bazio is not fully independent, they send and Bazio they give the order, that has to change! ''

The nicknamed manifestation of 'Casmaidan' emerged in the city of Stonsa two weeks ago, won more forces this Friday (27) when three people were shot dead by peacekeeping soldiers in a clash in central Stonsa.

The president of Bazio manifested and said that it is an affront and says bazio is rather a fully independent country

'' This is loucurua, there is no reason for these radicals prove ofencivos now had their moments in the polls, and not demonstrated that they were powerful, now Bazio maintains its conograma. ''

The leader of the Movement Casmaidan said the idea is to take it to other countries
'' We will stop at Tarazed, Ismeil and other various nations being alienated by them, we will make a big demonstration, the Casmaidan! ''

'International Market CAS'

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:48 pm
by Bazio
'' We're opening of Bazio right now one Transcontinental Market and invite some nations to join, this will make it easier to import and export Bazio and its colonies, ask for anyone interested schedule a meeting with Human Rights Observatory of Bazio '' said Phillip Cramoni Winwers.

³ The map above shows where Bazio has '' private companies of government '' in other nations.

¹ Bazio location on this map is not the same as '' regional map '' for so according to the government of Bazio, the original location Bazio remains in Svalbard Island.
² The CAS International Market, is not a market sanctioned by 'authorities' of the CAS, that is, it is just a 'transcontinental market'.


with the request for participation of Austria Hungarnia, the government opened the Bazio 'Stock Exchange Transcontinental'.

Stock Exchange of Stonsa


PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:42 pm
by Austria Hungarnia
A new constitution for a new future

The 2nd Constitution was ratified today, March 3rd. The New Constitution, replacing the one created in 1953, has brought Austria Hungarnia into a new era of democracy. As a nation, Austria Hungarnia has been a mostly autocratic state, especially after the unification of 1867. Signed by Kaiser Franz V, the constitution promises a safe future for all under Austria Hungarnia's banner.

The Kaiser, on the way to sign the document, stated: "The New Constitution's Enactment will ensure a new age of prosperity in the reich. A new era has dawned for Austria Hungarnia, and it will be one of growth, success, and wealth for all."

The New Constitution can be read in Austria Hungarnia's Factbook "The Austrian Constitution" ... /id=378859

Taken from the Vienna Chronicle

Subway explosion in Bansberg leaves more than 57 dead.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:53 pm
by Bazio
A large explosion was heard around the 'Blue Line Station'
one of Bazio stations in the city of Bansberg, according to Police
Federal, it can deal with terrorist attack.

One of the most famous stations Bazio, the Bansberg Station
popularly known as 'Blue Line Station' was attacked
terrorist who left so far more than 57 dead and 66 wounded.

In an interview with TV channel Telelive the police Marvel Medville talked about the event - ''. We do not know how this attack occurred, but we know yet what that 37 people died, this is a terrorist attack '' he said.

The government of bazio declared a state Alert Max.


CIS Intergrates Greenland

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:42 pm
by Confederation of imperial states
there has been much debate over whether the CIS should intergrate the region and nation of "Greenland" into the CIS. after much talk and finally agreement, the CIS signed the deal with the greenland government to allow them to join the CIS' "Nordic Unity". Greenland is now happily intergrated into CIS territory.
the Region being intergrated into the CIS
the new map of the CIS

OOC: this is a news announcement of the CIS' intergration of Geenland, yes i know it isn't on the official CAS regional map, but i thought since this is a pretty important intergration it would be important enough for the CAS News Network

CIS Military Reveals latest advances

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:27 am
by Confederation of imperial states
the CIS Military, with the help of their weapons partner G4S, has created many new Military vehicles along with a new layout for CIS infantrymen: ... ootten.jpg
the new CIS tank "Shockhammer".
this tank has a vastly vaster speed, along with more traction and terrain scaling abilities, the newer barrel and machine guns allow for a hefty amount of fire power and fighting capabilities. the tank's new armor allow for maximum protection on all sides, without hindering movement capabilities. ... upqdri.jpg
the New CIS Military vehicle, the CIS armored HumV.
this new version of what was the older CIS humV has been updated and now revamped, the HumV's armor has been redesigned to be much more resistant on all sides and angles, even the undercarriage is now protected so incendiary or fragmenation mines will not be able to cause the vehicle to explode. the most notale change is the large revolving turret cannon mounted on top. this allows for the HumV to throw out a large and hard amount of firepower, now even faster than before. the turret has a switch function from cannon to machine gun. ... 1_1280.jpg
the New CIS Armored Troop Transport.
the new armored troop transport is much more advanced and reworked than the old CIS troop transport. this version includes full all angle protective plating and armor to protect troops from harm or the battlefield/combat area. the new ATT is now much larger than the previous version, being able to carry double the amount of troops it originally could, this way they can deploy less troop transports but deploy more amounts of troops. the troops transport now has a large lowering back door where the troops can simply exit and walk down the ramp instead of a drop off, this allows equipment and even future combat drones to exit the ATT easily. ... 5ozvac.jpg
the new CIS Infantyman loadout.
the CIS has given a vast amount of spending into upgrading and designing a better quality infantyman for the CIS armed forces, this is the result. the CIS now has a soldier to match it's might. the new infantry loadout includes a new and improved headset which can connect multiple calls onto one channel and now even contact grount troops to armor forces and even air forces. the new mouth piece now protects infantry from harmful toxins and substances in the air, while still maintaining a healthy oxygen flow for the soldier to breath.the new visor is now dust resistant, which allows soldiers so see clearly even in the harshest of dust storms and snow storms. the visor can now display information and even enemy heat signatures at the soldiers command through buttons on his headset. the helmet is now resistant to even anti material rifle bullets and 5.7mm rounds. the helmet protects the soldiers form some of the densest and hardest rounds on earth, while not hindering the soldier's hearing. finally the soldier's body armor is well designed to be the most resistant yet, giving the soldier protecion over all of his center of mass, whilst not hindering his movement capabilities or combat effectiveness.

the CIS would like to thank it's partners at G4S for their loyal service and will continue to work with them on even more advances for their military