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Islamic Caliphate (Alliance of Muslim Nations, Open)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:24 am
by Killerustan
Official Communique of the Holy Empire of Killerustan

As Salaamu Alaykom Rahmantuallah wa Barakatu,

Brothers and sisters of our great family of Islam, today we stand in a world where oppression of the Muslim is a common occurrence. A world where our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters are slaughtered by infidels. Where Muslims are placed into concentration camps, deported from their home lands and subjected to every type of inhuman depravity.

While our people are murdered and oppressed Muslims, so called Muslim states sit by or worst beg the infidel two legged dogs like they are themselves four legged dogs begging for scraps from the dinner table. This has resulted because Muslims have grown weak in their disunity. In the Holy Q'uran Allah states "Oppression is worst than death." This oppression of Islam must stop and it must stop now.

How dare you allow any state to put Muslims in concentration camps and I denounce any so called Muslim speaking to any such regime with anything but the sword of Jihad. How do you believe your prayers are clean while Muslims are oppressed so?

I, Ayatollah Mohammed Askari, in the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most gracious call for all Muslim nations to come together and reform the Islamic Caliphate of the Rasollullah. I call for the resurrection of the Caliphate as an alliance forming our Islamic nations into one ummah and one military force.

There must be a few conditions that come to exist for Muslims to be successful and for our Caliphate to be reborn. First, Allah says consult with one another and take what is best. Therefore, our Caliphate must be based on consultation and mutual agreement. I would therefore, say that each country joining send one representative to the Shurah Council. That representative will have an equal voice with every other member and will as a body form our body of rules and regulations but also elect a Khalifa to lead. Once chosen the Khalifa would run the military and appoint those necessary to facilitate various Caliphate duties.

Second, we must understand and not fear picking up the sword of Jihad against these Shaitanic regimes. Allah has commanded us to fight when necessary and as such each nation joining will agree to tithe 10% of their nations budget to support of the Caliphate. These funds will go to developing our nations, our technology, and advancing Islam but they will also help us develop a common state of the art military, the Sword of Allah, to defend our nations and when necessary to destroy any nation oppressing and murdering Muslims.

Third, our nations must stop competing as if we were enemies and start cooperating based on common interest as commanded in the Q'uran. All member states will form a free trade zone waiving tariffs against each others goods and services. We must drop barriers between ourselves with regards to travel, technology, even weaponry. If we can not conduct commerce peacefully together than how do we suppose we will be successful in anything else? If we do not support our muslim brothers and Sisters than who will?

Killerustan makes the first effort and we place our entire nuclear arsenal, our army, navy and airforce at the disposal of the Caliphate for mutual defense. Who will join us in the name of Allah?

Ayatollah Mohammed Askari

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:17 pm
by Killerustan
Muslims please join our forums at

We will be discussing the election of Khalifa and the regulatory structure of our alliance. Please register under your nations name.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:31 pm
by Patoma
Fellow brothers and sisters in islam, we the democratic republic of patoma are happy to aske to be a memeber of this group.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:42 pm
by The Parthians
Official Parthian Government Statement

SAVAK watches this organization closely for signs of terrorism. Such is the inevitability that an organization that calls itself the Caliphate shall give rise to terror and war. We cannot stand by while nations of theocratic leanings strive to create a unified House of Islam to make war upon the rest of the world.

Be mindful, lest you provoke the wrath of our nation and the wrath of Ahura Mazda.

-Shah Khosru III

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:57 pm
by Killerustan
The Parthians wrote:Official Parthian Government Statement

SAVAK watches this organization closely for signs of terrorism. Such is the inevitability that an organization that calls itself the Caliphate shall give rise to terror and war. We cannot stand by while nations of theocratic leanings strive to create a unified House of Islam to make war upon the rest of the world.

Be mindful, lest you provoke the wrath of our nation and the wrath of Ahura Mazda.

-Shah Khosru III

Official Communique of the Holy Empire of Killerustan

We are mindful only of Allah and his messenger. As should you be for what is inevitable is your death and the day when all souls shall be called before their lord to answer for their lifes in this world. What will your record show on that day Shah Khosru III? Will your record be one of oppression of the poor and the weak? Will your record be worst then the infidels on that day which you have no power to avoid?

Your actions speak loudly for the need of Muslims to unit. Repent of your evil ways and accept the truth that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger. Stop your walk with the Shaitan and come together with us as Muslims. War has been declared on Islam by infidels and it is time for Muslims to defend themselves.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:29 pm
by Killerustan
Patoma wrote:Fellow brothers and sisters in islam, we the democratic republic of patoma are happy to aske to be a memeber of this group.

It is with humility that we welcome you to the Islamic Caliphate. Be sure to participate in our Shura Council meetings.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:03 am
by Killerustan

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:09 am
by Pavaro
The Parthians wrote:Official Parthian Government Statement

SAVAK watches this organization closely for signs of terrorism. Such is the inevitability that an organization that calls itself the Caliphate shall give rise to terror and war. We cannot stand by while nations of theocratic leanings strive to create a unified House of Islam to make war upon the rest of the world.

Be mindful, lest you provoke the wrath of our nation and the wrath of Ahura Mazda.

-Shah Khosru III

Intelligence Agents from Pavaro will be working over time for months watching this new organisation.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:17 pm
by Killerustan
Pavaro wrote:Intelligence Agents from Pavaro will be working over time for months watching this new organisation.

Intelligence agents from Killerustan have launched a new program supporting, financing, arming and training resistance groups in Pavaro.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:25 pm
by Islamic Phillistines
To: Ayatollah Mohammed Askari
From: Kaseem Nahral, Chairman of the Disputed Territories of Islamic Phillistines

We are a Disputed Territory and are constantly under the threat of attack from Hebrew Judah, but we will triumph. We will, Insha'Allah, become a strong nation. We ask that you allow us to join this mighty and righteous alliance. Allah hu Akbar!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:40 pm
by Toopoxia
General Announcement of the Toopoxican Corporate Republic

Toopoxican Military Intelligence, Straznuk Storma, will be continuing to keep their own observation on this Alliance, Ayotollah Mohammed Askari is suspected by the Storma of incensing racial hated and financing Terrorist Organisations in several Toopoxican Allied Territories and several of its neighbours. The Holy Empire of Killerustan itself is not immune from this suspicion, believed to be responsible for disrupting Toopoxican trade in the region. The Storma will be investigating the truth behind these allegations and the role of this Alliance in targetting Toopoxia's allies and trading partners.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:45 pm
by Killerustan
Islamic Phillistines wrote:To: Ayatollah Mohammed Askari
From: Kaseem Nahral, Chairman of the Disputed Territories of Islamic Phillistines

We are a Disputed Territory and are constantly under the threat of attack from Hebrew Judah, but we will triumph. We will, Insha'Allah, become a strong nation. We ask that you allow us to join this mighty and righteous alliance. Allah hu Akbar!

It is with humility that we welcome you to the Islamic Caliphate. Be sure to participate in our Shura Council meetings.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:48 pm
by Ramalabad
The Kingdom of Ramalabad officially announces it's desire to join this holy alliance.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:53 pm
by Killerustan
Toopoxia wrote:General Announcement of the Toopoxican Corporate Republic

Toopoxican Military Intelligence, Straznuk Storma, will be continuing to keep their own observation on this Alliance, Ayotollah Mohammed Askari is suspected by the Storma of incensing racial hated and financing Terrorist Organisations in several Toopoxican Allied Territories and several of its neighbours. The Holy Empire of Killerustan itself is not immune from this suspicion, believed to be responsible for disrupting Toopoxican trade in the region. The Storma will be investigating the truth behind these allegations and the role of this Alliance in targetting Toopoxia's allies and trading partners.

Official Communique of the Holy Empire of Killerustan

Allah in the Holy Quran teaches us "Mankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you might come to know each other. The noblest among you in God's sight is that one of you who best performs his duty. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware" and yet you come over here and make lies about racism from Muslims. Your enmity as well as ignorance is apparent and as such we are proud to stand with those who resist your oppression and aid them with weapons, training, and support. Furthermore, you are urged to repent of your evil before the day that the hell Fire is bought before you.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:58 pm
by Killerustan
Ramalabad wrote:The Kingdom of Ramalabad officially announces it's desire to join this holy alliance.

It is with humility that we welcome you to the Islamic Caliphate. Be sure to participate in our Shura Council meetings. With your addition to our Caliphate the Caliphate now exceeds a population of 1 Billion Muslims.

Continue to strive for unity and Allah will insure that we grow strong and rich of his bounty. Come together without fear of the sword of jihad. Oppression is worst than death.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:00 pm
by Ervine

“At least they’re peaceful about it. I think.”

“You think?”

Anthony Forbes was busy grilling a particular Osborne over an antique telephone, sipping his latte sporadically throughout it. Osborne was, in her unawareness, was trying to go with the flow of international relations and befriend everybody, whether they be anticommunists or religious fundamentalists. Forbes did not like either of them, especially the latter, being the deviant atheist he was.

“Yes. At least, obsevership.”

Forbes sighed. “Why?”

“The Caliphate could become to be the voice of Islamists around the world and may protect us from terrorism.”

“Fine. Do your thing.”

* * *


Chequers House
ET15 1BV

The Islamic Caliphate,

Despite being a secular state, we would like to request observer membership of this Caliphate. We have a growing population of Muslims in our country who, as surveys prove, be pleased with membership of a worldwide Islamic organisation. Out of respect, we would allow only Muslims to represent us in the Islamic Caliphate.

We are confident you will permit us observer membership and let relations between Ervine and the Caliphate soar. Thank you for reading this.

Anthony Forbes.
President of the Republic of Ervine.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:37 pm
by Killerustan
We will grant the Republic of Ervine observer status with our alliance. Such status shall not allow voting rights on alliance issues but your representative will be welcome for debate.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:22 pm
by Shaff
The Sultanate Of Shaff would like to join this great alliance.
Yours Truley,
Shafeer Khan
Sultan Of Shaff

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:31 am
by Killerustan
Shaff wrote:The Sultanate Of Shaff would like to join this great alliance.
Yours Truley,
Shafeer Khan
Sultan Of Shaff

It is with humility that we welcome you to the Islamic Caliphate. Be sure to participate in our Shura Council meetings.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:32 am
by Killerustan
The Sword of Allah armed forces now exceed 30,000,000 members. Allah u Akbar

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:46 am
by Chernobl

To: The Islamic Caliphate.
From: Supreme Commander Mael Radic.

I demand that this alliance of devil worshipers disband before I force you to. Chernobl will not allow the Muslims to unite. Should you refuse, I promise you that you, your people, and your nation will burn. This is your one and only warning. Should you refuse to comply, you will not live to see the next sunrise.should you disband as requested, we shall tolerate your evil beliefs for a small time longer. I eagerly await your reply.

Supreme Commander Mael Radic.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:04 am
by Killerustan
Chernobl wrote:snip

Official Communique of the Holy Empire of Killerustan

The only orders we observe are those of Allah. Your ridiculous and empty threats are not worth the paper you wasted printing them on. You are yet another example of why Muslims must come together to resist evil tin horned dictators like yourself. My advice to you little man is to repent of your evil ways before the day when every soul will answer before its lord Allah for its deeds.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:10 am
by Chernobl

To: The Islamic Caliphate.
From: Supreme Commander Mael Radic.

Then you have made your decision. The Fascist State hereby declares war on The Islamic Caliphate and all of its members.

Supreme Commander Mael Radic.

((OOC: PM a map, all of your info. I'll make a thread.))

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:00 pm
by Killerustan
Chernobl wrote:snip

Official Communique of the Holy Empire of Killerustan

You don't have permission for that. When we get to the same population as you, you will be the first shaitanic country we attack. Until then have a nice day.

Ayatollah Mohammad Askari

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:03 pm
by The Yukon Confederacy
OOC-There's just one problem-he's already at several billion, whereas you are only at 115 mil. There will never be a time when you two are at the same population. So that means either A) you'll never attack or B) you'll have to fight with a larger opponent

Might as well throw in a quick IC message

IC-The Yukon Confederacy, God's earthly bastion and the sole protector of His light, does hereby announce that as of now any nation which joins this alliance of heretics shall have nothing to do with the Confederacy, which in simpler language means no IT ships shall visit your ports.

Isaac Prophet Fitzpatrick
Consul of the Yukon Confederacy