Welcome to the signup/OOC discussion thread for the Esportivan Union, a common Esportivan regional bloc for all nations of Esportiva to join. The Esportivan Union is a pan-Esportivan alliance focusing on improving co-operation between members of the region Esportiva. While, for now, a political alliance, there are plans to expand it to encompass a Common Market, and to bring all of Esportiva closer together, building a closer, more united Esportiva on the world stage.
OOC-wise, this is an effort by six Esportivans (Tumbra, The Grearish Union, South Newlandia, Damukuni, Nova Anglican Admin Zone of Esportiva and The Licentian Isles) to improve RP opportunities in Esportiva, which has long been the smallest of the four main NS Sports regions. We also hope to improve pan-Esportivan identity, and create something that might be attractive to nations new to NS Sports or NS in general. These six members will also form the OOC council; and act as moderators of the EU.
How do I join?
You must be a member of the region Esportiva, and have been a member of the region for at least twenty-eight days to sign up. The Union is dedicated to ensuring the values of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights amongst its ranks; and extends a hand of friendship to any like-minded nation in Esportiva to join its ranks. Once the update is made and you're confirmed as a member of the EU, you're free to RP about anything regarding the Esportivan Union!
I wanna join Esportiva!
It's never been easier to move your country to Esportiva! Simply click on the green region tag and then click "Move my country to Esportiva", and you'll be able to join our growing fraternity. We also have a Discord server for you to hang out in!
What is there to join?
The Esportivan Union will have several bodies for members to join; chief amongst which will be the Council of Esportiva, which functions much like the European Council, and the Assembly of Esportiva, which functions much like the European Parliament. Other bodies include:
- The Esportivan Courts of Justice
- The Esportivan Central Bank
- The Esportivan Economic Development Association
- The Esportivan Defence Bloc
- The Esportivan Free Trade Association
- The Esportivan Union Foreign Aid Commission
- The Esportivan Energy Commission
...and other bodies which may not yet have been created.
Sounds cool! How do I sign up?
Fill in the form at the bottom of this post, and paste it into your signup. Do note that you have to have been in Esportiva for twenty-eight days. Each user may sign up one main nation and one puppet.
- Code: Select all
[b]Name of Nation (full, including pre-title)[/b]:
[b]Name of Nation (short)[/b]:
[b]Population (IC)[/b]:
[b]Status of nation[/b]: Main/Puppet
Put an X within the bracket next to the institutions you wish to join.
[] The Esportivan Courts of Justice
[] The Esportivan Central Bank
[] The Esportivan Economic Development Association
[] The Esportivan Defence Bloc
[] The Esportivan Free Trade Association
[] The Esportivan Union Foreign Aid Commission
[] The Esportivan Energy Commission
The six members of the OOC Council reserve the right to reject the application of any nation; such a decision will be communicated on this thread in the interests of transparency.