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The Global Parliament (OOC/Signups [OPEN])

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 2:53 am
by Adriatican
The Global Parliament
For Us All
What is the Global Parliament?
The Global Parliament is a multi-jurisdictional legislative body, made up of Delegates sent by admitted signatories of the Global Pact for International Prosperity.

Signatories are entitled to one Delegate each. In turn, each Delegate is; empowered to propose legislation to the Parliament, entitled to serve in the Parliament's leadership, entitled to participate in debate regarding legislation being considered by the Parliament, and vote on all legislation being considered by the Parliament.

Created to foster international cooperation and dialogue, especially around socio-economic injustices, inequalities, and developmental deficits, the Global Parliament is the only remaining; voluntary, international, legislative body of its kind and scope.
What is the Global Pact for International Prosperity?
The Global Pact for International Prosperity is the founding charter and voluntary partnership agreed to by each nation, as a condition of joining the Parliament. By binding Member States to one another, economically, socially, and to some degree, financially and militarily, the Pact assures all Delegates to the Parliament represent nations vested in embodying and realizing the organization's motto "For Us All".

It is detailed below:

The Global Pact for International Prosperity

We, the undersigned nations of the world, do hereby agree to embody, adhere to, and enact, the following principles and guidelines, in the name and interest of our mutual prosperity;

• To follow the rulings, legislation, and policies set forth by the Global Parliament and its leadership, as chartered, and within the jurisdictions provided to it by this Pact and its signatories;

• To act in the best and communal interest of the signatories of this Pact, when proposing legislation to, and advocating within, the Global Parliament and its jurisdictions;

• To embody the principles of; community, brotherhood, empathy, compassion, and united prosperity, embodied in the Pact's motto; "For Us All", in all things;

• To never act in contravention or in bad faith, to the spirit or letter of this pact.

Sign Up Requirements & Form
The Global Parliament is open to all nations, of any; size, type, etc. so long as they voluntarily agree to sign the organization's Pact, and adhere to its text for the duration of their membership.

We invite you to join the Parliament by filling out the short form below:

Code: Select all
[box][b][color=#004080]The Global Parliament[/color]
[size=85]Membership Application Form (MAF-001)[/size][/b]
[b]Nation Name:
Name of Delegate:
Do you agree to the pact, and henceforth agree to become a signatory of said pact, for the duration, and as a condition of; your continual membership? (Y/N)?: [/b][/box]
The Parliament is led by a core leadership, elected from amongst its Delegates on a monthly basis. Delegates are not term limited.

At its head, the Parliament is administrated by the Speaker, who sets the Parliament's legislative agenda for the month, as well as coordinates the priority of the organization's legislative considerations.

From a policy perspective, the organization is administrated by a series of Delegate Ministers, one for each jurisdiction allowed to it by the Global Pact for International Prosperity, or as created by the Parliament itself, and renewed continuously on a monthly basis.

The following is the Parliament's Leadership Group for the May - April 2020 Term:

• Speaker: Adriatican
• Delegate Minister - Treasury & Finance
• Delegate Minister - International Affairs:
• Delegate Minister - Development
• Delegate Minister - Defense:
Member Roster
• Anne Pierce - Adriatican

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 2:55 am
by Adriatican
• Applications to the Parliament Are Now Open •

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 5:22 am
by Tinhampton
Not an application.

I should assume that the Pact is simply a mild attempt at formalising the values of mateship, prosperity and a fair do? Will the Parliament always be in session once it opens ICly, and is this an attempted attack at the WA and what you have previously perceived to be its inaccessibility to new nations?

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:01 am
by Adriatican
Tinhampton wrote:Not an application.

I should assume that the Pact is simply a mild attempt at formalising the values of mateship, prosperity and a fair do? Will the Parliament always be in session once it opens ICly, and is this an attempted attack at the WA and what you have previously perceived to be its inaccessibility to new nations?

What I hope it will take shape as, is a robust legislative body that can build on, but not erase, what the W.A's record has already achieved.

However, though I am the initial Speaker of the Parliament, I intend to allow the members of the body to decide the Parliament's direction, at least initially, in the interest of member autonomy.

Secondly, you're correct in your assumption that, once the Parliament is in session IC'ly, it shall perpetually remain open for members to contribute to during the month long term (largely due to the fact that I'm assuming we're all going to be in different timezone IRL), that will remain the case save for the 24 hours succeeding an election, when there will be a day long recess to allow new leadership to gather themselves, or re-elected leadership, time to solidify an agenda.

So, in conclusion, no, I don't intend this to be an attack on the World Assrmbly, a body I still retain my voting membership in, but rather, an auxiliary body, dealing with issues that, whilst complimentary, will be largely independent of any agenda, positive or otherwise, the W.A may be pursuing, now, or in the future.

I hope you consider joining, I'd love to work with you! :)

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:34 pm
by New Edom
The Global Parliament
Membership Application Form (MAF-001)

Nation Name: The Holy Empire of New Edom
Name of Delegate: Josias Nimrod
Do you agree to the pact, and henceforth agree to become a signatory of said pact, for the duration, and as a condition of; your continual membership? (Y/N)?:

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:37 pm
by Adriatican
New Edom wrote:
The Global Parliament
Membership Application Form (MAF-001)

Nation Name: The Holy Empire of New Edom
Name of Delegate: Josias Nimrod
Do you agree to the pact, and henceforth agree to become a signatory of said pact, for the duration, and as a condition of; your continual membership? (Y/N)?:


PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 12:32 am
by Munkcestrian RepubIic
The Global Parliament
Membership Application Form (MAF-001)

Nation Name: Munkchester (short); Munkcestrian Republic (long)
Name of Delegate: George Fenwick II
Do you agree to the pact, and henceforth agree to become a signatory of said pact, for the duration, and as a condition of; your continual membership? (Y/N)?: Yes

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 12:38 am
by Adriatican
Munkcestrian RepubIic wrote:
The Global Parliament
Membership Application Form (MAF-001)

Nation Name: Munkchester (short); Munkcestrian Republic (long)
Name of Delegate: George Fenwick II
Do you agree to the pact, and henceforth agree to become a signatory of said pact, for the duration, and as a condition of; your continual membership? (Y/N)?: Yes


PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:18 am
by Adriatican
The IC chamber of parliament, where members may propose, debate, vote on, and amend legislation, is now live.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:44 am
by Mordka
The Global Parliament
Membership Application Form (MAF-001)

Nation Name: The Empire of Mordka
Name of Delegate: Prince Moxuous Mordon VIII
Do you agree to the pact, and henceforth agree to become a signatory of said pact, for the duration, and as a condition of; your continual membership? (Y/N)?: yes