The Commonwealth of Socialist States 2.0 (MT Alliance, OOC)

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]
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The Commonwealth of Socialist States 2.0 (MT Alliance, OOC)

Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:51 pm

The Commonwealth of Socialist States (CSS)




The Commonwealth of Socialist States is a mutual defensive alliance of state socialist and Marxist-Leninist nations seeking to provide collective defence for all of its members. The CSS is loosely organised, which allows for both a swifter response than many other major alliances, and also provides for more respect and concern for the welfare of individual nations. Basically, the CSS is led by it's Commanders, consisting of the founding members of the CSS, who are the nations who set which RP’s we participate in, and which wars we fight. Ultimately however, the CSS exists for the protection of its members. An attack on one nation belonging to the CSS is an attack against them all, and thus nations who belong to CSS can be sure of collective security in the event of aggression from foreign nations. In certain other circumstances, such as when one CSS nation attacks another non-CSS nation, or if an unrelated conflict breaks out, the CSS may also choose to intervene, but such decisions are taken on a case-by-case basis by the Commanders.

Ultimately, the Commonwealth of Socialist States is a mutual security alliance that seeks to allow all members the right to national defence and self-determination. Diplomatic and Economic ties between nations are encouraged to foster friendly relations, but not mandated. Our final goal is to develop a collective security pact for Socialist and Communist states threatened by Capitalist, Fascist or Imperialist aggression. OOC we seek to help develop good RP skills and create a friendly and cooperative environment for RP’s.

We hope you will agree to join us.

Rules for the CSS:

1: CSS members have automatic rules of non-aggression towards each other, once you are in the CSS, you put aside any differences you may have with other CSS states.
2: Whilst we allow and encourage open debate on contentious issues and policies, once the decision is made, all members should respect and abide by the alliance as a whole.
3: If you attack a CSS member, than you attack the CSS as a whole. Such an action will result in a declaration of war and a response from other CSS nations.
4: The alliance has a ‘report-in’ policy of once a month. On the first of each month, each member is expected to report for duty on the thread so that we know that they are still active. If you cannot report in, then you are expected to Telegram one of the Commanders to inform them. Failure to report in or notify the Commanders will result in your removal from CSS.
5: We seek to encourage and foster the development of good Role play skills, if you have any questions, please ask, but please make sure you take on board suggestions of those who are trying to help you.
6: Diplomatic and economic ties and cooperation between CSS nations are encouraged, but not mandated by this alliance.


  • People's Republic of Cedoria (Commander)
  • United States of Unfreedom (Commander)
  • Workers Socialist Federation of Elepis
  • Democratic Republic of Rissolton
  • People's Republic of Venuzaela
  • Socialist Republic of Daritii
  • Interplanetary Empire of the New Roma Republic
  • People's Republic of Balgariva
  • People's Federation of Rostogovia
  • The United Socialist States of Caracasus
  • Ardoki
  • People's United States of Tuva SSR
  • The New Greek Republic
  • The Confederacy of Arbitrary Humans
  • The Imperial Socialist State of Victores
  • The Soviet Bearian Union of Unibearia
  • The Union of Yugoslavian Socialist Republics
  • People's Republic of Esterlea
  • The Imperium of Allancia
  • The Kingdom of Mizialand
  • The African Socialist Empire of United States Kingdom
  • Imperium of Tanith
[*]The Democratic People's Republic of Aktosha
Nations with Observer status:


Code: Select all
[list][*] [b]Full nation name[/b]:
[*] [b]Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS[/b]:
[*] [b]Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high)[/b]:
[*] [b]Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature)[/b]:
[*] [b]Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force)[/b]:
[*] [b]Current human rights situation? Give some details[/b]:
[*] [b]Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc)[/b]:
[*] [b]Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?[/b]:
[*] [b]Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there?[/b]
[*] [b]RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited)[/b]:[/list]
Last edited by Cedoria on Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:57 pm, edited 12 times in total.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:51 pm

The People's International Defence Army


The People's International Defence Army (PIDA) is the spearhead international rapid response force of the Commonwealth of Socialist States, capably of rapidly deploying to trouble spots around the globe in order to respond to crises, contribute to the deterrence posture of the CSS, and enhance regional and global stability. Comprised of forces and equipment donated from CSS member nations, PIDA acts as a rapid response force under the leadership of the CSS Commanders, and is commanded in situations where the Commanders deem a rapid response necessary to defend CSS member nations or interests. It can be deployed either independently or in close coordination with the regular forces of member nations in situations where it is required.

The PIDA current PIDA force compositions and bases are listed below:


1st Expeditionary Corps

1st Expeditionary Armoured Division

- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)

- Self-Propelled Artillery Brigade (100 Self-Propelled Artillery Systems - 400 Crew)
- Multiple Rocket Launcher Brigade (100 Multiple Rocker Launchers - 400)
- Surface-to-Air Artillery Battery (25 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 75 Crew, 5 Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 20 Crew)
- Attack Helicopter Battalion (50 Attack Helicopters - 100 Crew)
- Utility Helicopter Brigade (100 Utility Helicopters - 300 Crew)

- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Reconnaissance Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Electronic Warfare Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Signals Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- CBRN Defence Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Material Support Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Maintenance Battalion (500 Soldiers)

2nd Expeditionary Armoured Division

- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)

- Self-Propelled Artillery Brigade (100 Self-Propelled Artillery Systems - 400 Crew)
- Multiple Rocket Launcher Brigade (100 Multiple Rocker Launchers - 400)
- Surface-to-Air Artillery Battery (25 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 75 Crew, 5 Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 20 Crew)
- Attack Helicopter Battalion (50 Attack Helicopters - 100 Crew)
- Utility Helicopter Brigade (100 Utility Helicopters - 300 Crew)

- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Reconnaissance Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Electronic Warfare Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Signals Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- CBRN Defence Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Material Support Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Maintenance Battalion (500 Soldiers)

3rd Expeditionary Armoured Division

- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Tank Brigade (100 G4 Series 2 Main Battle Tanks - 300 Crew)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Mechanised Infantry Brigade (315 Infantry Fighting Vehicles - 945 Crew, 2500 Infantry)

- Self-Propelled Artillery Brigade (100 Self-Propelled Artillery Systems - 400 Crew)
- Multiple Rocket Launcher Brigade (100 Multiple Rocker Launchers - 400)
- Surface-to-Air Artillery Battery (25 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 75 Crew, 5 Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 20 Crew)
- Attack Helicopter Battalion (50 Attack Helicopters - 100 Crew)
- Utility Helicopter Brigade (100 Utility Helicopters - 300 Crew)

- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Reconnaissance Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Electronic Warfare Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Signals Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- CBRN Defence Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Material Support Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Maintenance Battalion (500 Soldiers)

1st Expeditionary Motorised Division

- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)

- Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion (100 Self-Propelled Artillery Systems - 400 Crew)
- Multiple Rocket Launcher Brigade (100 Multiple Rocker Launchers - 400)
- Surface-to-Air Artillery Battery (25 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 75 Crew, 5 Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 20 Crew)
- Attack Helicopter Battalion (50 Attack Helicopters - 100 Crew)
- Utility Helicopter Brigade (100 Utility Helicopters - 300 Crew)

- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Reconnaissance Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Electronic Warfare Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Signals Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- CBRN Defence Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Material Support Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Maintenance Battalion (500 Soldiers)

2nd Expeditionary Motorised Division

- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Armoured Car Brigade (100 Armoured Cars - 300 Crew)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)
- Motorised Infantry Brigade (160 Infantry Mobility Vehicles - 480 Crew, 2500 Infantry)

- Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion (100 Self-Propelled Artillery Systems - 400 Crew)
- Multiple Rocket Launcher Brigade (100 Multiple Rocker Launchers - 400)
- Surface-to-Air Artillery Battery (25 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 75 Crew, 5 Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems - 20 Crew)
- Attack Helicopter Battalion (50 Attack Helicopters - 100 Crew)
- Utility Helicopter Brigade (100 Utility Helicopters - 300 Crew)

- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Anti-Tank Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Medical Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Reconnaissance Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Electronic Warfare Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Signals Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- CBRN Defence Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Material Support Battalion (500 Soldiers)
- Maintenance Battalion (500 Soldiers)

1st Cedorian Rapid Response Division:
100'000 infantry soldiers, including infantry, medics, engineers, saboteurs, snipers, cooks, etc
2000 H-18 tanks
5000 KJ-15 IFVs
1000 LJ-112 Artillery Batteries
Stationed at: Valensis Military Base

1st Peoples International Expeditionary Corps
1st Peoples Expeditionary Division -
1st Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen,
2nd Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
3rd Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
4th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantry Men.
5th Mechanized Brigade - 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 25 Krokodil Engineering Tanks, 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters, 5,000 Infantry Personnel
6th Armored Brigade - 125 LY4A2 Wolfhound Main Battle Tanks, 50 Donimat Heavy tanks/howitzers
7th Artillery Brigade - 25 LY300 'Manticore' Multiple Rocket Systems, 250 RS175mm Self Propelled Howitzers,

2nd Peoples Expeditionary Division -
8th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen,
9th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
10th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
11th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantry Men.
12th Mechanized Brigade - 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 25 Krokodil Engineering Tanks, 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters, 5,000 Infantry Personnel
13th Armored Brigade - 125 LY4A2 Wolfhound Main Battle Tanks, 50 Donimat Heavy tanks/howitzers
14th Artillery Brigade - 50 LY300 'Manticore' Multiple Rocket Systems, 250 RS175mmSelf Propelled Howitzers,

3rd Peoples Expeditionary Division -
15th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen,
16th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
17th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
18th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantry Men.
19th Mechanized Brigade - 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 25 Krokodil Engineering Tanks, 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters, 5,000 Infantry Personnel
20th Armored Brigade - 125 LY4A2 Wolfhound Main Battle Tanks, 50 Donimat Heavy tanks/howitzers
21st Artillery Brigade - 50 LY300 'Manticore' Multiple Rocket Systems, 250 RS175mm Self Propelled Howitzers.

1st Brigade, Peoples Red Guardsmen (Independently Operating.) - 5,000 Special Forces Personnel, 50 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 50 250 RS175mm Self Propelled Howitzers, 50 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters

1st Cedorian Rapid Response Taskforce:
1 aircraft carrier Spearhead
4 battleships
6 cruisers
6 frigates
12 gunships
6 submarine squadrons, comprising four subs each
200 troop and vehicle naval transports

1st International Carrier Strike Group
RNS Osvobozhdeniye Molotok Class Aircraft Carrier. Aircraft Carried- 75 LY910 Shadowhawk Advanced Air Superiority Fighters, 25 Z18S Strategic Stealth Bombers, 15 Ozornik Attack Drones.
RNS Razyashchyy, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile Cruiser
RNS Mezhdunarodnyy, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile Cruiser
RNS Kaminski, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile
RNS Storozh - Glaz Class Electronic Warfare Cruiser
RNS Razyashchyy, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile Destroyer
RNS Zasada - Zmaya Class Nuclear Attack Submarine
RNS Krasnyy - Zmaya Class Nuclear Attack Submarine


1st Expeditionary Fighter Wing

1st Expeditionary Fighter Squadron

- 20 V-50 Stealth Fighters

2nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron

- 20 V-50 Stealth Fighters

3rd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron

- 20 V-50 Stealth Fighters
Stationed at: Clonmel Military Base

1st Cedorian Rapid Response Air Wing:
1 wing of J-19 strike fighters, (comprising 8 squadrons, of 4 pilots each)
5 B-68 Bomber squadrons
5 M-118 Interceptor squadrons
6 S-123 AWACS (serves aboard the naval carrier)
1 TI-190 Stealth Fighter Squadron (four planes)
Stationed at: Valensis Military Base


1st Peoples International Air Corps
1st Air Superiority Wing - 50 LY910 Shadowhawk Advanced Air Superiority Fighters
2nd Air Superiority Wing - 50 LY910 Shadowhawk Advanced Air Superiority Fighters
1st Strategic Bomber Wing - 50 Z18S Strategic Stealth Bombers
1st Ground Strike Squadron - 25 Okhotnik AIr to Ground Attack Aircraft

Base Locations
Clonmel Military Base: Ardoki.
Valensis Military Base: Cedoria.
Rakovo Rapid Response Base: Rostogovia.
Eiger Mountain Complex: New Roman Republic.
Fort Torkwagii: Daritii
Last edited by Cedoria on Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:10 pm, edited 20 times in total.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:52 pm

In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:52 pm

In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:53 pm

In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:53 pm

In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Postby Cedoria » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:54 pm

Posting on this thread is now open! I shall begin setting up the People's International Defence Army soon.

This is our new thread now comrades! Let's make it our home.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

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Postby Ardoki » Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:49 am

Please remove my puppet, Confederated Socialist Republic, that won't be active. I'll be using my main nation now, which is currently only an observer.

  • Full nation name: Ardokian Republic
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Liam O'Brien
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): Primarily Post-Industrial Economy, with Strong Industrial and Decent Agricultural Sectors. Very High HDI.
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): Mixed Economy
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): 0.48% of population as part of the Ardokian Republican Army.
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: We are a liberal democracy, which subscribes to progressive values.
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): Unitary Directorial Constitutional Democratic Republic
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?: Yes.
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there? Yes, all three. We have quite a lot.
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited): You know me.
Greater Ardokian Empire | It is Ardoki's destiny to rule the whole world!
Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Republic

Head of State: Grand Emperor Alistair Killian Moriarty
Head of Government: Grand Imperial Chancellor Kennedy Rowan Coleman
Legislature: Imperial Senate
Ruling Party: Imperial Progressive Party
Technology Level: MT (Primary) | PMT, FanT (Secondary)
Politics: Social Democrat
Religion: None
Personality Type: ENTP 3w4

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New Roma Republic
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Postby New Roma Republic » Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:47 am

Hola, estoy aquí
IC call me NRI, Novus Romanum Imperium, or the New Roman Imperium; OOC call me Roma or New Roma
NRI General Information | NRI Military Overview
Proud Member of the INTERNATIONAL FREEDOM COALITION! | #ValaranSoFab

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Postby Cedoria » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:25 pm

New Roma Republic wrote:Hola, estoy aquí

Hello comrades

And sure thing Ardoki, I'll remove the CSR and put you in it's place. That's fine.

Anybody who wants to donate forces to PiDA or bases, please post a list of the forces you are donating, or the location and capacity of the base you are donating. Please try to be as specific as possible in listing the numbers compositions and capabilities of the of orders you are donating.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Postby Ardoki » Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:01 pm

CSS Base Application

Name of Base: Clonmel Military Base (Near the city of Clonmel; population: 5 million)
Location: 2000 Kilometres from Ardea (the capital of the Ardokian Republic)
Climate: Temperate
Type: Multi-Purpose (Can support Army, Air Force and Naval units)
Capacity: 10 000 armoured vehicles (MBTs, IFVs, APCs), 300 aircraft (Capacity for maximum of 20 strategic bombers), 60 ships (Capacity for a maximum of 2 aircraft carriers), 12 submarines. Can be expanded if necessary.

CSS Force Application
Name of Force: 1st Ardokian Rapid Response Corps
- 1st Rapid Response Armoured Division (5000 Infantry with 630 Armoured Fighting Vehicles, 300 Main Battle Tanks, 100 Self-Propelled Artillery, 20 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems)
- 1st and 2nd Rapid Response Mechanised Infantry Divisions (20 000 Infantry with 1260 Armoured Fighting Vehicles, 200 Main Battle Tanks, 200 Self-Propelled Artillery, 40 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems)
- 1st and 2nd Rapid Response Motorised Infantry Divisions (20 000 Infantry with 625 Infantry Mobility Vehicles, 50 Main Battle Tanks, 200 Self-Propelled Artillery, 40 Short-Range Surface-to-Air Missile Systems)

Name of Force: 1st Ardokian Rapid Response Wing
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Rapid Response Fighter Squadrons (60 V-50 Stealth Fighters)
Last edited by Ardoki on Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Greater Ardokian Empire | It is Ardoki's destiny to rule the whole world!
Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Republic

Head of State: Grand Emperor Alistair Killian Moriarty
Head of Government: Grand Imperial Chancellor Kennedy Rowan Coleman
Legislature: Imperial Senate
Ruling Party: Imperial Progressive Party
Technology Level: MT (Primary) | PMT, FanT (Secondary)
Politics: Social Democrat
Religion: None
Personality Type: ENTP 3w4

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Postby Rostogovia » Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:56 pm

I'll post my contribution to the rapid reaction force tomorrow.
NS's Resident PETA Nut
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★Comrade of the Commonwealth of Socialist States (CSS)★

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New Roma Republic
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Postby New Roma Republic » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:53 pm

Rostogovia wrote:I'll post my contribution to the rapid reaction force tomorrow.

Same here
IC call me NRI, Novus Romanum Imperium, or the New Roman Imperium; OOC call me Roma or New Roma
NRI General Information | NRI Military Overview
Proud Member of the INTERNATIONAL FREEDOM COALITION! | #ValaranSoFab

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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Cedoria » Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:09 pm

Thanks guys, I'll copy Ardoki's contribution to PIDA and post my own when I get home and can copy and paste for my computer.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

Abolish the state!

Ni Dieu ni Maitre!
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Postby Caracasus » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:07 am

  • Full nation name: United Socialist States of Caracasus
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Commander Keynes
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): Manufacturing/post industrial High
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): Complete worker control of means of production - Mature
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): This is tricky. Caracasus attempts air and naval superiority and maneuverability in most conflicts. Comparatively small volunteer army with a high degree of professionalism and training. Technologically advanced battle-suits and general equipment and vehicles. Orbital weapons platform and something on the moon.... The main thing about Caracasusian armed forces is that every time Caracasus decides to go to war, individual platoons, ships and squadrons vote on weather or not they wish to partake - making it difficult to fully gauge Caracasus's armed forces in any given conflict. This is only revoked if Caracasus is invaded or is in danger of invasion. Caracasus focus Currently supporting communist rebels in Sovendia viewtopic.php?f=5&t=347005.
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: Very good. Aside from making a profit or committing violence against another, Caracsusians can do more or less as they please.
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): E-Democracy. Citizens spend a portion of each day voting on referenda that affect them. Politicians debate merits and downsides live on television. Technically a one-party state as there are no strict political parties - although occasional shared interest groups form. Fairly free political freedoms, although the current socialist economic model is more or less enshrined in law now.
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?: Yes
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there? We have tactical nuclear warheads, and long-range intercontinental nukes. We do not currently use biological or chemical weapons.
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited):
As an editor I seam to spend an awful lot of thyme going threw issues and checking that they're no oblivious errars. Its a tough job but someone's got too do it!

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Postby Pohjonen » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:36 am

  • Full nation name: The Republic of Pohjonen
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Vidkun Packajarri
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): industrial, high
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): developing
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): 5,000,000, professional
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: high civil and political freedoms
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): democratic socialism
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?: yes
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there?: yes, aprox. 50 nuclear capable mid-range missiles
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited): viewtopic.php?f=4&t=342791

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Posts: 7342
Founded: Feb 22, 2014
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Cedoria » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:59 pm

Caracasus wrote:
  • Full nation name: United Socialist States of Caracasus
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Commander Keynes
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): Manufacturing/post industrial High
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): Complete worker control of means of production - Mature
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): This is tricky. Caracasus attempts air and naval superiority and maneuverability in most conflicts. Comparatively small volunteer army with a high degree of professionalism and training. Technologically advanced battle-suits and general equipment and vehicles. Orbital weapons platform and something on the moon.... The main thing about Caracasusian armed forces is that every time Caracasus decides to go to war, individual platoons, ships and squadrons vote on weather or not they wish to partake - making it difficult to fully gauge Caracasus's armed forces in any given conflict. This is only revoked if Caracasus is invaded or is in danger of invasion. Caracasus focus Currently supporting communist rebels in Sovendia ... 5&t=347005.
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: Very good. Aside from making a profit or committing violence against another, Caracsusians can do more or less as they please.
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): E-Democracy. Citizens spend a portion of each day voting on referenda that affect them. Politicians debate merits and downsides live on television. Technically a one-party state as there are no strict political parties - although occasional shared interest groups form. Fairly free political freedoms, although the current socialist economic model is more or less enshrined in law now.
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?: Yes
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there? We have tactical nuclear warheads, and long-range intercontinental nukes. We do not currently use biological or chemical weapons.
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited):

You don't need to apply comrade, you're already in:)

Pohjonen wrote:
  • Full nation name: The Republic of Pohjonen
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Vidkun Packajarri
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): industrial, high
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): developing
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): 5,000,000, professional
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: high civil and political freedoms
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): democratic socialism
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?: yes
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there?: yes, aprox. 50 nuclear capable mid-range missiles
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited): ... 4&t=342791

I'm sorry, but we cannot accept you with that RP sample, if you have another one that contains more than just one-liners, feel free to present it too us.
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Postby Victores » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:13 am

  • Full nation name:Imperial Socialist State of the Victores
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Darius Esylius
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): High Post Industrial
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): Very Mature
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): We are involved in a conflict with the GDR which we still deny is a country, Military 60 million personal, 70,000 armored vehicles of all types, 521 ships of all types
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: Good, fee press, freedom of religion, etc. All non-capitalist political parties allowed
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): Democratic Socialist
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?:Yes
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there? Yes for all three, the Government has 230 nuclear missiles, 900 chemical shells, and can produce biological weapons
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited):CAJ Conflict

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Postby Cedoria » Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:03 pm

Here is my PIDA force application

Force Application
1st Cedorian Rapid Response Division
100'000 infantry soldiers, including infantry, medics, engineers, saboteurs, snipers, cooks, etc
2000 H-18 tanks
5000 KJ-15 IFVs
1000 LJ-112 Artillery Batteries
1st Cedorian Rapid Response Taskforce
1 aircraft carrier Spearhead
4 battleships
6 cruisers
6 frigates
12 gunships
6 submarine squadrons, comprising four subs each
200 troop and vehicle naval transports

1st Cedorian Rapid Response Air Wing
1 wing of J-19 strike fighters, (comprising 8 squadrons, of 4 pilots each)
5 B-68 Bomber squadrons
5 M-118 Interceptor squadrons
6 S-123 AWACS (serves aboard the naval carrier)
1 TI-190 Stealth Fighter Squadron (four planes)

And my base application

Base Application

Name of Base: Valensis Military Base, Northern Cedoria
Location: 3000 kilometres from the Cedorian capital, Poras, on the country's northern coastline
Climate: Temperate, getting towards sub-tropical
Type: Multi-Purpose, can support Army, Navy and Airforce units
Capacity: Facility is currently in the process of being upgraded and expanded to accommodate for more forces.

Please post your donations to PIDA in this thread. If you aren't offering a base, then please state in your application where you would prefer the forces to be based. Or if you have a specific request that your forces be based elsewhere, then please put it in your post.
Last edited by Cedoria on Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Cedoria » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:11 am

Victores wrote:
  • Full nation name:Imperial Socialist State of the Victores
  • Representative Ambassador of applicant nation to be sent to the CSS: Darius Esylius
  • Economic development levels and projected Human Development Index, (agricultural, industrial, post-industrial, low, medium, high): High Post Industrial
  • Current stage of socialism, (early, developing or mature): Very Mature
  • Current military situation, and any wars which you may currently be involved in. (approximate military size and expertise, conscript, mixed or professional force): We are involved in a conflict with the GDR which we still deny is a country, Military 60 million personal, 70,000 armored vehicles of all types, 521 ships of all types
  • Current human rights situation? Give some details: Good, fee press, freedom of religion, etc. All non-capitalist political parties allowed
  • Your Current political system? (dictatorship of the proletariat/one party socialism, democratic socialism etc): Democratic Socialist
  • Do you agree that you have an understanding and acceptance of the rules and principles of the Commonwealth of Socialist States?:Yes
  • Is your nation nuclear, chemically or biologically armed? If so, how many weapons are there? Yes for all three, the Government has 230 nuclear missiles, 900 chemical shells, and can produce biological weapons
  • RP Sample, (Unless I know you, or you have been invited):CAJ Conflict

You are accepted comrade, please make yourself feel at home in the Commonwealth of Socialist States.

Again, those who wish to contribute forces to PIDA, please do so. We should have a new RP or two up soon.
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Postby Ardoki » Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:31 am

Cedoria wrote:Here is my PIDA force application

Force Application
1st Cedorian Rapid Response Division
100'000 infantry soldiers, including infantry, medics, engineers, saboteurs, snipers, cooks, etc
2000 H-18 tanks
5000 KJ-15 IFVs
1000 LJ-112 Artillery Batteries
1st Cedorian Rapid Response Taskforce
1 aircraft carrier Spearhead
4 battleships
6 cruisers
6 frigates
12 gunships
6 submarine squadrons, comprising four subs each
200 troop and vehicle naval transports

1st Cedorian Rapid Response Air Wing
1 wing of J-19 strike fighters, (comprising 8 squadrons, of 4 pilots each)
5 B-68 Bomber squadrons
5 M-118 Interceptor squadrons
6 S-123 AWACS (serves aboard the naval carrier)
1 TI-190 Stealth Fighter Squadron (four planes)

And my base application

Base Application

Name of Base: Valensis Military Base, Northern Cedoria
Location: 3000 kilometres from the Cedorian capital, Poras, on the country's northern coastline
Climate: Temperate, getting towards sub-tropical
Type: Multi-Purpose, can support Army, Navy and Airforce units
Capacity: Facility is currently in the process of being upgraded and expanded to accommodate for more forces.

Please post your donations to PIDA in this thread. If you aren't offering a base, then please state in your application where you would prefer the forces to be based. Or if you have a specific request that your forces be based elsewhere, then please put it in your post.

I'll update my contribution shortly, as I've improved my ORBAT.
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Postby New Roma Republic » Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:45 pm

So I was thinking, not all nations have space programs, so not all of them have satellites, both civilian and military. Well, SACTO gave me a great idea, they have a system of satellites that is used by the members of SACTO. I was thinking we could have a similar thing. We could even make it part of the Rapid Response Force we are creating. What are your thoughts?
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Postby Rostogovia » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:06 pm

At long last, here's my contribution comrades.

1st Peoples International Expeditionary Corps
1st Peoples Expeditionary Division -
1st Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen,
2nd Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
3rd Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
4th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantry Men.
5th Mechanized Brigade - 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 25 Krokodil Engineering Tanks, 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters, 5,000 Infantry Personnel
6th Armored Brigade - 125 LY4A2 Wolfhound Main Battle Tanks, 50 Donimat Heavy tanks/howitzers
7th Artillery Brigade - 25 LY300 'Manticore' Multiple Rocket Systems, 250 RS175mm Self Propelled Howitzers,

2nd Peoples Expeditionary Division -
8th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen,
9th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
10th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
11th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantry Men.
12th Mechanized Brigade - 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 25 Krokodil Engineering Tanks, 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters, 5,000 Infantry Personnel
13th Armored Brigade - 125 LY4A2 Wolfhound Main Battle Tanks, 50 Donimat Heavy tanks/howitzers
14th Artillery Brigade - 50 LY300 'Manticore' Multiple Rocket Systems, 250 RS175mmSelf Propelled Howitzers,

3rdnd Peoples Expeditionary Division -
15th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen,
16th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
17th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantrymen
18th Expeditionary Brigade - 5,000 Infantry Men.
19th Mechanized Brigade - 250 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 25 Krokodil Engineering Tanks, 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters, 5,000 Infantry Personnel
20th Armored Brigade - 125 LY4A2 Wolfhound Main Battle Tanks, 50 Donimat Heavy tanks/howitzers
21st Artillery Brigade - 50 LY300 'Manticore' Multiple Rocket Systems, 250 RS175mm Self Propelled Howitzers.

1st Brigade, Peoples Red Guardsmen (Independently Operating.) - 5,000 Special Forces Personnel, 50 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, 50 250 RS175mm Self Propelled Howitzers, 50 50 LALY-215 'Reaver' Attack Helicopters

1st Peoples International Air Corps
1st Air Superiority Wing - 50 LY910 Shadowhawk Advanced Air Superiority Fighters
2nd Air Superiority Wing - 50 LY910 Shadowhawk Advanced Air Superiority Fighters
1st Strategic Bomber Wing - 50 Z18S Strategic Stealth Bombers
1st Ground Strike Squadron - 25 Okhotnik AIr to Ground Attack Aircraft

1st International Carrier Strike Group
RNS Osvobozhdeniye Molotok Class Aircraft Carrier. Aircraft Carried- 75 LY910 Shadowhawk Advanced Air Superiority Fighters, 25 Z18S Strategic Stealth Bombers, 15 Ozornik Attack Drones.
RNS Razyashchyy, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile Cruiser
RNS Mezhdunarodnyy, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile Cruiser
RNS Kaminski, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile
RNS Storozh - Glaz Class Electronic Warfare Cruiser
RNS Razyashchyy, Lengrazev Class Guided Missile Destroyer
RNS Zasada - Zmaya Class Nuclear Attack Submarine
RNS Krasnyy - Zmaya Class Nuclear Attack Submarine
Last edited by Rostogovia on Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pohjonen » Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:05 pm

New RP examples if you'll still consider:



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Postby Cedoria » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:35 pm

Pohjonen wrote:New RP examples if you'll still consider:



Second one is MUCH MUCH better, Approved and accepted, Welcome comrade.
In real life I am a libertarian socialist

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