A Festival of Fable and Folly! [SIGN-UPS | OOC | OPEN]

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]
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A Festival of Fable and Folly! [SIGN-UPS | OOC | OPEN]

Postby Saeddany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:11 am


An aide of yours paces through corridors, trying to get a message to you. In their hand rests an envelope sealed with maroon wax, stamped neatly with an emblem of a salamander in flames. Upon breaking the seal and opening the envelope, you find a letter within, which reads:

Dear Friends and Faschlnarren,

On behalf of the Saeddan Crown, We, Adelheid III, Queen of the Saeddans, Fürstin of Brunhavia, Margravine of Hohenwalden, and so on and so forth, extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join us in celebrating the Faschlnaat season in Saeddany. For the very first time, we are honored to welcome foreign dignitaries and esteemed guests from around the world to partake in this joyful celebration of tradition, myth, and merrymaking in our ancient capital of Erlburg.

We are thrilled to host this special three-day event, where Saeddany’s rich cultural heritage and time-honored customs will be proudly shared with our guests. It is our sincere hope that by bringing together such distinguished individuals, we will foster an open dialogue and deepen the bonds of friendship and cooperation between our peoples.

We eagerly await your reply,
Sädden Aloaf!
Adelheid III

After doing some research, you gain a deeper understanding of the core traditions of Saeddan Faschlnaat, uncovering the renowned Maskenmontag balls, the vibrant festival colors, the history of the "fifth season," and many other unique customs that define this celebration. Enchanted by the idea of a three-day bender, which can be enjoyed under the guise of a diplomatic visit, you eagerly begin packing your bags, excited to immerse yourself in the wonders of "Mother Saeddania", or as the locals affectionately call it, "The Old, Untamed North".

Welcome to A Festival of Fable and Folly! In this RP, your original characters will experience the 2025 Erlburg Faschlnaat season, marked by its impressive parades, ornate and colourful costumes and terrific masked balls. We’ll all come together for three days and two nights of jolly, festive celebrations, after which the dour fasting season shall commence, and life will go back to normal.

Though I initiall intended for A Festival of Fable and Folly! to be solely cultural event for your country’s citizens to enjoy, this RP may also serve as a courtship RP as well, as the unmarried princes and princesses of Saeddany will also be attending the festivities. Heck, maybe these festivities allow for our leaders to expand on our international ties as well? All is possible during this merry tide of fools and jesters.

As with any good roleplay, we'll need...
1. Please don't godmod.
2. Please don't be rude to each other in the OOC thread.
3. Please don't post any OOC stuff in the IC thread and vice versa.
4. You can control Saeddan NPCs if you'd like, but please ask me first.
5. This is supposed to be a fun, lighthearted cultural festival. I ask that you please keep that in mind when you create your character.
6. Please mention the words "Älburch Aloaf!" somewhere in your application so I know that you've read the rules.
7. This RP is happening in the current day (2025), so please keep things either Modern Tech (MT) or Past Tech (PT). This is not a hard rule, and I am willing to make exceptions, but please reach out to me first.
8. Please refrain from writing one-liners. I appreciate every little bit of effort you put in your posts, but I will have to maintain standards for both my own sanity and that of others.
9. Having fun is a mandatory requirement to playing in this RP. All participants that aren't having fun will be rounded up and face imminent execution without a fair trial.
10. Though this RP will be primarily character-driven, countries and organisations will get a special opportunity to send their own wagons and floats for the famous Faschlnaat parades.
11. Multiple characters are absolutely allowed! Play as many characters as you can comfortably control and play.
12. Guards and security personnel are asked not to carry lethal weapons or firearms, although exceptions can be made if discussed beforehand. They may have access to stored firearms in, say, their national embassies, but Faschlnaat is a much-cherished public holiday with plenty of public drunkenness, and that tends not to mix well with guns. Should you want your guards / security personnel to carry firearms, please mention so in the application, and we'll discuss the possibilities. Tazers, batons, mace and other non-lethal weapons are discouraged but not forbidden.

Now that that's all said and done, here are the application forms!:

Character Application:
Code: Select all
[box][align=center][size=120][b]A [color=#FF0000]Festival [/color]of [color=gold]Fable [/color]and [color=#008000]Folly [/color]Character Application[/b][/size][/align][floatright][img][/img][/floatright]
[b]Section I: Character Questions[/b]
[b]Short character description / bio:[/b]

[b]Section II: General Questions[/b]
[b]Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?[/b]: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found [url=]here[/url].
[b]Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?:[/b]
[b]Does your character intend to stay for three full days?:[/b]
[b]Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?:[/b]
[b]Have you read the rules?:[/b][/box]

Float Application:
Code: Select all
[box][align=center][size=120][b]A [color=#FF0000]Festival [/color]of [color=gold]Fable [/color]and [color=#008000]Folly [/color]Float Application[/b][/size][/align]
[b]Section I: Float Questions[/b]
[b]Appearance (Pictures would be appreciated!):[/b]
[b]Name of float captain:[/b] The person responsible for the safety on board
[b]Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it:[/b]
[b]Have you read the rules?[/b][/box]
Last edited by Saeddany on Fri Feb 07, 2025 5:38 am, edited 8 times in total.
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Postby Saeddany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:12 am

Festival Schedule*
Masked Monday | Maskenmontag (March 3rd)

09:30-11:10: Reception
11:11-11:30: Welcoming speeches and first toasts
11:30-13:30: Watching the Maskenmontag Parade
13:30-15:00: Lunch
15:00-17:00: Break (Your characters will get some time to themselves, potentially to explore Erlburg's famous Straßenfaschlnaat or 'Street Faschlnaat', full of licensentiousness and excess, or to simply lounge around and chat with the other guests.)
17:00-00:00: Masked Ball
00:00-01:00: Dinner
01:00-06:11: Masked Ball

Fat Tuesday | Dicker_Dienstag (March 4th)

10:00-11:10: Shrove Tuesday confession hours (for traditional Christians) | Mardi Gras breakfast (for others)
11:11-11:30: Arrival and speech of the Erlburg Triumvirate
11:30-15:10: "Sitzungsprogramm" (Session Programme), a festive variety show in the style of an authentic Faschlnaatssitzung, organised by the local Faschlnaatsvereine
15:11-16:45: Watching the conclusion of the famous Dicker Dienstag Parade, including the >115 floats.
16:45-18:00: Break (Your character gets a chance to sneak out and explore the city, tipsily talking to members of the many Faschlnaat associations and climbing onto their ornately-decorated wagons)
18:00-20:30: Grand Royal Banquet (Your character will find out why they call Shrove Tuesday "Fat Tuesday" in Saeddany)
20:30-22:00: Sitzungsprogramm
22:00-23:00: Final state ball before the fasting season
23:00-01:00: Final ceremony of the Faschlnaat season & Burning of the Älunwieb straw puppet
01:00-05:00: Afterparty (optional)

Ash Wednesday | Aschermittwoch (March 5th)

11:00-12:30: Ash Wednesday church services (for traditional Christians) | Anti-Hangover jog through the city (for the willing and able) | Michelchens-Theatre's traditional Puppet Show (for others)
12:30-14:30: Break (Let your character walk through the busy city streets to find out how citizens return to their ordinary lives after a week-long bender).
14:30-16:00: Traditional humble fish banquet (Meat is not consumed during Lent)
16:00-18:00: Farewell Ceremony

* = The dates on this character don't refer to OOC, real-life dates, but moreso to IC dates that are more flexible and don't subscribe to any real, tangible progression of time. In other words: The IC may, for example, start on the 15th of February and last until the 15th of March, but the IC events within this RP will only have lasted from the 3rd of March (Masked Monday) to the 5th of March (Ash Wednesday). Any correlation between IC dates and OOC dates is purely coincidental.
Similarly, the IC thread will be posted whenever there are sufficient sign-ups, which may (hopefully) be long before the (OOC, real-life) 3rd of March.

The dates associated with this festival are not tied to real-world, out-of-character (OOC) dates. Instead, they represent in-character (IC) dates, which are flexible and do not follow a strict, real-world progression of time. For example, while the IC timeline might only span from the 3rd of March to the 5th of March, this has no effect on real-life, OOC timeframes and dates, meaning that the RP may start long before March 3rd and end long after March 5th. I will post the IC either as soon as the fifth application is submitted or three days after the first application, whichever happens first.

Character Roster

Princess Dobrali Slavicek of Lanansia - The laid-back and witty maverick of the Lanansian royal family, Princess Dobrali is the chaotic and brutally honest first cousin of King Veneslava II.

Sergeant Sergei Jozef (Lanansia) - A highly skilled, seasoned member of the Sovereign Honor Guard, known for his unwavering loyalty, exceptional combat abilities, and rigid demeanor.

Chairperson Mihai Ecaterescu of Corleson - Chairperson of the People's Syndicate of Corleson and a composed, authoritative leader known for his meticulous, no-nonsense approach and quiet, commanding presence that inspires respect and stability.

Princess Adelaide Maranyon of Riessany - The fourth child and second daughter of the late Lord Vaegar Maranyon, is a bold, imperious, and spoiled princess who quickly embraced her royal role after her brother, King Berengar of Riessany, ascended the throne, and is known for her commanding presence and sharp tongue.

Princess Alara Maranyon of Riessany - The fifth child and third daughter of the late Lord Vaegar Maranyon, was elevated to princess when her brother ascended the Riessan throne; after a brief, abusive marriage to Aurelian II of Imperia and a return to Riessany, she gained fame as a model of Riessan femininity, despite her soft-spoken, pragmatic, and shy nature.

Princess Cecilie Sellander of Primeva - The younger daughter of the late King Gustav and Queen-Regent Frida, a friendly, empathetic young woman with a love for music and literature, who feels torn between her sheltered life and a deep desire to explore the world.

Princess Rona of Bessaria (Hospe) - The "hardest working Hospean royal," is a driven workaholic princess known for managing her family's finances and scheduling while maintaining a charming, witty demeanor, though some suspect her likability masks a ruthless business acumen.

Prince Daniel Fairbanks of Hospe - A Hospean prince indulged by an entire country, is a thrillseeker known for reckless stunts like street racing and base jumping, while also being the life of every party and an overconfident charmer who avoids royal duties but excels at winning people over with his charisma.

Princess Veronique of Alsatia (and her lady-in-waiting Dame Celeste) (Alzatia) - A shy, reserved princess, who spent most of her life locked in a tower, unexpectedly inherited the Principality after their tragic deaths and is now venturing beyond the castle walls. Is bringing along her well-mannered, polyglot lady-in-waiting as well.

Empress Sofija Gyldana of Horasia - Once a Horasian prodigy who finished high school at the age of 14. Sofija has been the widely popular Empress of the Enlightened Empire of Horasia since 2012, advocating for charity and women's rights.

Sir Daniel Gyldana, First Knight of Horasia - The loving but media-shy husband of Empress Sofijaa, he is less opulent than her and often appears more as an appendage than an independent force.

Arthur, Prince of Wales (Galimencia) - the youngest son of Prince Edward and Princess Frances, had a privileged upbringing, attending Eton and joining the Royal Navy, but is now known for his rebellious, arrogant nature, flaunting his wealth and breaking protocols, which has led the British government to send him as the official royal representative to a festival to repair his reputation and instill a sense of duty.

Prince Frederick "Rigo" of Royal Genes - The charismatic and flirtatious first-born son of Crown Prince Mengistu and his first wife Elisabeth, second in line to the Genoise throne, a popular playboy with a reputation for partying, womanizing, and a bohemian streak, is attending the festival for the fun and excitement it offers.

Lady Tsyon Tayezanta-Tabor (Royal Genes) - The youngest child of the Genoise Ambassador to Saeddany, a savvy diplomat with a background in political science from Prince’s University, fluent in four languages, and joined her mother on the diplomatic mission to Saeddany, where she continues her family’s legacy of international relations.

Float Roster

Naveen de Sol-Num (Lanansia) - Lanansia's float, adorned in gold, silver, green, blue, and white, features the coat of arms flanked by a sun and moon, symbolizing the twin gods Sonarus and Numara.

Drakon (Hospe) - This float celebrates Hospean maritime culture, with Doc Westman as "The Deep King" in a treasure-laden costume, accompanied by acrobatic dancers in Royal Marine-inspired outfits performing a playful routine.

Mountains of the Colemen (Corleson) - The Mountains of the Colemen captures the spirit of the Carpathian Mountains with towering peaks, lush forests, and cascading waterfalls, while performers dressed as highland villagers, shepherds, and legendary spirits, accompanied by folk musicians playing the cobza and pan flute, bring the region’s folklore to life.

Glorious Serenity (Royal Genes) - This float, adorned with vibrant green, blue, and gold feathers and Genes's national bird, the peacock, showcases the grandeur of Genes through its royal animal and features performers hired by the Genoise Embassy to captivate the crowd with dazzling dances and light acrobatics during the parade.
Last edited by Saeddany on Fri Feb 07, 2025 2:04 am, edited 9 times in total.
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Postby Lanansia » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:56 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Princess Dobrali Slavicek
Nationality: Lanansian
Gender: Female
Age:: 26
Appearance: Black hair, green eyes.
Occupation: Lanansian royalty; diplomat, royal representative to the province of Larkon.
Short character description / bio: Princess Dobrali Slavicek is the maverick of the Lanansian royal family. First cousin to the current king, Veneslava II, she's known for being highly laid back, witty, brutally honest, and slightly chaotic in demeanor.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found here: No, but we would be interested in having one.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: She would prefer nicer accommodations and the chance to interact with her hosts at the palace, but would be content with a local hotel if that is not possible.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes.
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: Dobrali would like to fly in a one-man security detail who will also act as the float captain for the festival.
Have you read the rules?:Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Float Application

Section I: Float Questions
Name: Naveen de Sol-Num.
Appearance: Lanansia's float will have a primarily gold and silver color scheme, with green, blue, and white on the top of it, with a Lanansian coat of arms on the top, a sun to the left, and a moon on the right.
Name of float captain: Sergeant Sergei Jozef
Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it: Naveen de Sol-Num combines the national imagery of Lanansia with the religious imagery of Calicism, with the Sun and the Moon present to represent the two twin gods, Sonarus and Numara. The float will be attended by Dobrali and Jozef, along with 2 other personnel accompanying them for the purposes
Have you read the rules?Älburch Aloaf!

PS: If you're allowing several characters, I can add another character description for Jozef if you'd like.
Last edited by Lanansia on Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Saeddany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:37 am

Lanansia wrote:
A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Princess Dobrali Slavicek
Nationality: Lanansian
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black hair, green eyes.
Occupation: Lanansian royalty; diplomat, royal representative to the province of Larkon.
Short character description / bio: Princess Dobrali Slavicek is the maverick of the Lanansian royal family. First cousin to the current king, Veneslava II, she's known for being highly laid back, witty, brutally honest, and slightly chaotic in demeanor.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found here: No, but we would be interested in having one.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: She would prefer nicer accommodations and the chance to interact with her hosts at the palace, but would be content with a local hotel if that is not possible.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes.
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: Dobrali would like to fly in a one-man security detail who will also act as the float captain for the festival.
Have you read the rules?:Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Float Application

Section I: Float Questions
Name: Naveen de Sol-Num.
Appearance: Lanansia's float will have a primarily gold and silver color scheme, with green, blue, and white on the top of it, with a Lanansian coat of arms on the top, a sun to the left, and a moon on the right.
Name of float captain: Sergeant Sergei Jozef
Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it: Naveen de Sol-Num combines the national imagery of Lanansia with the religious imagery of Calicism, with the Sun and the Moon present to represent the two twin gods, Sonarus and Numara. The float will be attended by Dobrali and Jozef, along with 2 other personnel accompanying them for the purposes
Have you read the rules?Älburch Aloaf!

PS: If you're allowing several characters, I can add another character description for Jozef if you'd like.

I'm happy to allow multiple characters, so feel free to play as many as you’d like! I’ve added a rule about this for more clarity.

Princess Dobrali and her fantastic float have been accepted—welcome aboard! Sergeant Jozef's role as a security asset is also approved, with the condition that any service weapons he brings into Saeddany must be checked and stored securely during the princess's stay. Princess Dobrali and her chaperone are welcome to stay at the royal palace, while any other guests can choose from the many lovely hotels in Erlburg. Hope this works—I'm really looking forward to the start of the RP and the role your characters will play in it, and I think it's great that the princess will represent her country on their Faschlnaat wagon! :)
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Postby Lanansia » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:45 am

Fantastic, here's Jozef's application then.
A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Sergeant Sergei Jozef
Nationality: Lanansian
Gender: Male
Age:: 26
Appearance: Brown hair and brown eyes, a scar on the right side of his jaw.
Occupation: Sentinel of the Soverign Honor Guard, Knight of Rostek.
Short character description / bio: Jozef is a young, but seasoned member of the Soverign Honor Guard, seeing much more action than most members of his unit, and saving the lives of the royal family more times than they can count. Doggedly loyal to the Slaviceks, highly skilled in combat, and knowledgeable, he's one of the finest soldiers the SHG has ever produced, typically very rigid, but more than happy to let loose under the right conditions.
Last edited by Lanansia on Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Your local history nerd

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Postby Saeddany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:54 am

Lanansia wrote:Fantastic, here's Jozef's application then.
A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Sergeant Sergei Jozef
Nationality: Lanansian
Gender: Male
Appearance: Brown hair and brown eyes, a scar on the right side of his jaw.
Occupation: Sentinel of the Soverign Honor Guard, Knight of Rostek.
Short character description / bio: Jozef is a young, but seasoned member of the Soverign Honor Guard, seeing much more action than most members of his unit, and saving the lives of the royal family more times than they can count. Doggedly loyal to the Slaviceks, highly skilled in combat, and knowledgeable, he's one of the finest soldiers the SHG has ever produced, typically very rigid, but more than happy to let loose under the right conditions.

Also accepted! I forgot to add an 'age' section to the apps, so I've changed it and made it so that future applications would have to add their character's ages. Do you think you could edit in an age for sergeant Jozef and princess Dobrali? If not, that's okay too! I'll add Sergei to the roster right now.
Last edited by Saeddany on Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Postby Corleson » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:11 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name:Mihai Ecaterescu
Appearance:Chairperson Mihai has sleek, brown hair that falls in smooth waves, giving off a polished and sophisticated appearance. His hair is well-kept, often styled to perfection with just a hint of natural wave. His brown eyes complement his sharp yet calm demeanor, reflecting a quiet intensity. His facial features include a fairly flat nose and a mouth with a gentle, neutral expression, which adds to his composed and no-nonsense aura.
Occupation:Chairperson (President) of the People's Syndicate of Corleson.
Short character description / bio:Chairperson Mihai is a composed and authoritative figure with sleek, brown, wavy hair and brown eyes that convey a quiet intensity. His facial features include a flat nose and a neutral mouth, reflecting his calm and no-nonsense demeanor. He has a scar from a bullet shot into his hand from the protests of the Moderate Era. Known for his meticulous and focused approach, Mihai exudes a sense of quiet authority that commands respect without the need for extravagance. He is a leader who values precision and order, often seen as a stabilizing force within his political circles.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?:Not currently.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?:National Embassy.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?:Yes. He needs a pretty fair vacation from politics.
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?:He has a personal security team, but atleast some protection from police.
Have you read the rules?:Älburch Aloaf!
Last edited by Corleson on Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
People's Syndicate of Corleson
Hello! Thanks for reading this, though I don't have anything today really, this country is based on my own views and ideology.

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Is he gone? Alright.

I got a secret message for you, but you ain't gonna like it.


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Postby Lanansia » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:17 am

Saeddany wrote:
Lanansia wrote:Fantastic, here's Jozef's application then.
A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Sergeant Sergei Jozef
Nationality: Lanansian
Gender: Male
Appearance: Brown hair and brown eyes, a scar on the right side of his jaw.
Occupation: Sentinel of the Soverign Honor Guard, Knight of Rostek.
Short character description / bio: Jozef is a young, but seasoned member of the Soverign Honor Guard, seeing much more action than most members of his unit, and saving the lives of the royal family more times than they can count. Doggedly loyal to the Slaviceks, highly skilled in combat, and knowledgeable, he's one of the finest soldiers the SHG has ever produced, typically very rigid, but more than happy to let loose under the right conditions.

Also accepted! I forgot to add an 'age' section to the apps, so I've changed it and made it so that future applications would have to add their character's ages. Do you think you could edit in an age for sergeant Jozef and princess Dobrali? If not, that's okay too! I'll add Sergei to the roster right now.

You got it! I've added their ages just below gender; both are 26.
- Your local history nerd

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Postby Riessany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:56 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Adelaide Maranyon
Nationality: Riessan
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Appearance: Adelaide is a lean woman of average height, with fair skin. She has inherited the signature long black hair and gray eyes of her family. Of all the Maranyon princesses, Adelaide is considered the most beautiful.
Occupation: Member of the Riessan Royal Family
Short character description / bio: Adelaide is the fourth child and second daughter of the late Lord Vaegar Maranyon— though she much have preferred if she were the eldest, or better yet, the only. Raised in the Der Neupalast after her elder brother, King Berengar of Riessany inherited the throne from their distant cousin, Adelaide quickly settled into her role as princess, and is not one to let others forget it. Bold, imperious and spoiled, Adelaide’s bark is often worse than her bite.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found here. Yes, planning to fill out embassy programme.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: The Riessan Embassy
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: Yes. Her brother the King has appointed a security guard of four guards to protect her and her sister as a precaution.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Alara Maranyon
Nationality: Riessan
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: Alara is a lean petite young woman with the typical fair skin if most Riessans. She has inherited her family’s signature long dark black hair and gray eyes.
Occupation: Member of the Riessan Royal Family
Short character description / bio: Alara is the fifth child and third daughter of the late Lord Vaegar Maranyon. She was elevated to the rank of princess when her elder brother succeeded the Riessan throne from their cousin. Raised in Der Neaupalast, Alara took well to royal life. At eighteen she agreed to her brother’s plans to marry her off for a dynastic alliance. At nineteen, Alara was briefly married to Aurelian II of Imperia, but was abused by his family and after a month agreed to a dissolution of the union. She was briefly technically ambassador before she returned back to Riessany amidst rising security concerns. Soft spoken, pragmatic and shy, Alara was previously cast in the shadow of her elder sisters, but since her ordeal has skyrocketed in popularity and fame, much to her own dismay. She is hailed as a model of Riessan femininity.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found here. Yes, planning to fill out embassy programme.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: The Riessan Embassy
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: Yes. Her brother the King has appointed a security guard of four guards to protect her and her sister as a precaution.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

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Postby Saeddany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:11 am

Corleson wrote:Mihai

Accepted! Thank you for adding in the age as well, sorry for the late edit in the application form haha! I'm very glad to see more ideological diversity when it comes to the festival's guests, and I 'm looking forward to Mihai's thoughts on our festival! :)

Lanansia wrote:You got it! I've added their ages just below gender; both are 26.

Thank you very much! Silly of me to forget to put it in the form

Riessany wrote:Adelaide & Alara

And, last but not least, accepted as well! Excellent to have you on, Riessany. It's about time Alara got the vacation she deserves.

I'll add Mihai, Adelaide and Alara to the character roster momentarily.
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Postby Primeva » Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:26 pm

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Cecilie Sellander
Nationality: Primevan
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Appearance: Cecilie stands at 5'0'', and has the classic characteristics of the Sellander line: golden blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, and pale, porcelain skin. While her hourglass body might be a subject of envy or desire to others, she feels acutely self-conscious about her body.
Occupation: Princess of the Royal Commonwealth of Primeva
Short character description / bio: Cecilie Sellander is the younger child of the late King Gustav and his wife, now the Queen-Regent Frida Sellander-Rosey. Her older sister Signe is the Crown Princess, one year away from assuming the throne as Queen in her own right. Cecilie is a friendly, empathetic young woman who has led a pampered and sheltered life. She is torn between a natural reserved shyness and an intense desire to see more of the world. She is a devout Lutheran and a lover of music (both listening and playing) and literature.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: (OOC, I have not filled out the form but would be fine to assume that yes, Primeva does have all the trappings of formal diplomatic relations with Saeddany).
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: Cecilie wouldn't dare to impose herself on the hospitality of the royal family without their asking first. She will be content to find accommodations at a suitable hotel, unless she is invited to stay in the palace.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: Cecilie wishes to travel as unobtrusively as possible, and there is no indication that a security detail would be necessary.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

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Hospean Border Islands
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Postby Hospean Border Islands » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:56 pm

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Rona Fairbanks (but everyone calls her Ronnie)
Nationality: Hospean
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Standing at an impressive 5' 10, Rona like many of the rest of her family has light golden brown skin and a slender yet athletic build with curly jet black hair and light brown eyes.

Occupation: Princess of Bessaria, Member of the Fairbanks Dynasty
Short character description / bio:
Described by her siblings as a serial workaholic and the press as the "hardest working Hospean royal", Rona handles everything from scheduling engagements to managing her family's vast finances which means she can constantly be found on the go with a phone pinned between neck and shoulder while tapping away furiously on her tablet.
Despite her intensity and energy however, she is highly regarded for her charm and wit, always ready with a warm smile and a friendly conversation for anyone even on the longest of days.
However, some feel her great likability is just a well honed skill to distract from her ruthless business sense.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: Sure do
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: The Embassy. There are few matters Rona would like to touch base with our ambassador on.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: That's the plan but she might have something come up have to leave earlier even if she's not supposed to be working on this trip.
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: They would be content with a dedicated Saeddan police detail trusting in good diplomatic relations with Saeddany.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Daniel Fairbanks
Nationality: Hospean
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Like Rona, he has the typical Fairbanks features of light golden brown skin and curly dark hair. At 6'1, with a broad shouldered swimmer's physique and an easy, dimpled smile, Daniel is something of a heartthrob in Hospe.

Occupation: Member of the Fairbanks Dynasty

Short character description / bio:
Doted on from birth by an entire country, Daniel has enjoyed all the luxury and wealth of being a Hospean prince with almost none of the responsibility. Despite his mother's efforts to reign him in, he is an unrepentant thrillseeker with past extracurriculars ranging from street racing in Ventura Harbour to base jumping from The Pinnacle, the tallest building in Hospe at over 400m (he forgot to ask the owner of the very privately owned building or inform the anyone that it wasn't a suicide attempt leading to general disarray across the country for several hours. He also ended up parachuting right into a roadside fruit stand which was it's own thing).
When not putting his family on the edge of their seats, he's either the mastermind behind the biggest party of the weekend or an esteemed guest and somehow still finds the energy and time to practise his many hobbies like: swimming, tennis, model boat design, playing the piano and rollerblading basketball ( a sport he claims to have invented). He has shown little interest or aptitude for being a working royal but is quite personable if a bit overconfident being able to charm almost anyone to let him have his way from his mother, the famously grouchy Queen Edith to the old fisherman down by the docks.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: Sure do.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: The Embassy because of his sister. He wouldn't have minded the other two options.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes. Unrelated, do you guys know where he can find a wingsuit?
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: He would be fine with Saeddan police.
Have you read the rules?:Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Float Application

Section I: Float Questions
Name: The Drakon
Appearance: A large fierce looking mythical sea serpent with detailed dark blue-green and silver scales surrounded by waves and ships
Name of float captain: Donald "Doc" Westman
Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it: The float represents the proud traditions of Hospean maritime culture which formed around the Hospean Royal Navy which is credited with the formation of Hospe's ties with Northern Meilluran nations like Saeddany as well as a nod to the country's nickname: "the Jarian Sea Serpent".
The float would be headed by Doc Westman who would be dressed as "The Deep King", a figure from Hospean folklore who commands all the wealth underneath the ocean so he will be wearing a costume which consists of a raggedy dark coat wrapped with several chains which end in treasure chests and anchors. The face is painted like a skull which has rivulets from a half melted golden crown pouring down his face.
Other personnel would include about four acrobatic dancers dressed in sparkly costumes inspired by the light blue hooded uniforms of the 19th century Hospean Royal Marines. Their routine would make a show of playfully challenging and running away from the Deep King.

Have you read the rules? Älburch Aloaf!
Last edited by Hospean Border Islands on Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Awesome Imperium
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Postby Awesome Imperium » Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:39 pm

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Aurelian II
Nationality: Roman
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: The Emperor is a ma of tall stature, having a light olive complexion and inheriting the trademark overwhelming beauty of the Stephanian Dynasty. The Emperor has black hair, golden brow eyes, and defines facial features,
Occupation: Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans, Sovereign ruler/Monarch absolute of the Imperial Commonwealth, Head of State of Imperia.
Short character description / bio: Aurelian, second of His Name, Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans, of the same, Sovereign Monarch and Defender of Faith, is the eldest child of the late Empress Julia I and former Prince-Consort Jonathan de Conde of Genes. The Emperor ascended to the Imperial Thorne upon the assignation of his mother, being pushed into the Imperial Throne in the midst of a period of crisis and chaos, which was only heightened after the fiasco of his failed engagement to Princess Alara Maranyon of Riessany. The Emperor is athletic and an intellectual, being extroverted and a star at court when he was a young prince, now the most eligible bachelor in the Empire with his family's net work of $4.2 Trillion and his stunning looks, his family being described as "Aphrodite's Brood", and "Venus' spawn".

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found here.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: The Saeddan Royal Palace
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: The Emperor will be accompanied by his security detail of the Imperial Guard and coordinators from the Imperial Security Bureau
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!
Last edited by Awesome Imperium on Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Saeddany » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:11 pm

Primeva wrote:Cecilie

Sounds good, accepted! For the purposes of this RP, we'll assume that Primeva has permanent diplomatic representation in Saeddany :) Princess Cecilie is warmly welcomed at the royal palace, having been invited to Erlburg as an honored guest. The Saeddan royal family would be delighted if she stayed with them throughout the festival. This arrangement not only saves her from a tipsy trek back to town after the celebrations but also ensures she doesn't miss a single moment of the festivities.

Hospean Border Islands wrote:Rona, Daniel and the Drakon

You’ve created some wonderful characters, and I’m excited to see their sibling dynamic unfold in the upcoming IC thread! Accepted! The float is also approved—though the mention of the Deep King’s “half-melted golden crown” gave me a bit of a shiver, reminding me of Viserys’s death in Game of Thrones, haha. As for Prince Daniel, the Saeddan crown isn’t quite sure whether to gift him a wingsuit after learning of his recent antics. However, he could always try reaching out to the equally eccentric Prince Karl-Georg of Saeddany—perhaps Karl-Georg has a parachute (or something similarly unconventional) lying around somewhere…

Awesome Imperium wrote:Aurelian II

Thank you for your application and interest! Unfortunately, I don’t think I can approve Aurelian’s presence at the festivities, especially given that his government blocked entry to Saeddan emergency personnel and their Viridian Crystal International colleagues following the Jan 24 attacks. Additionally, the presence of both emperor Aurelian and Princess Alara of Riessany could add an extra layer of tension to the event, one that I wasn't originally intending on having in such a lighthearted cultural festival. If you’re still interested in participating, perhaps a less controversial character—like a sports player, poet, or musician—could be a great option, and I'd be more than happy to assist you with that! I hope this doesn’t come off as rude, but my goal is to avoid any potential diplomatic issues during the three-day festival.

Wow, this RP has attracted a lot more attention than I expected! We’ve already got five approved sign-ups, which makes me tempted to post the IC thread right away, as I mentioned earlier. However, since this thread is less than a day old, I’m worried it might be a bit rushed. To help me decide, I’ll set up a poll where you can choose between:

a. Wanting the IC thread posted ASAP
b. Wanting me to take 1-3 days before posting the IC thread
c. Wanting me to wait for more people to sign up or posting the IC thread later.

Feel free to share any thoughts or advice you might have—I really appreciate the support so far and I’m excited to get this RP started with all of you! I’m currently working on more details about my royal family and will post that before launching the IC.
Last edited by Saeddany on Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Hospean Border Islands
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Postby Hospean Border Islands » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:58 pm

You’ve created some wonderful characters, and I’m excited to see their sibling dynamic unfold in the upcoming IC thread! Accepted! The float is also approved—though the mention of the Deep King’s “half-melted golden crown” gave me a bit of a shiver, reminding me of Viserys’s death in Game of Thrones, haha. As for Prince Daniel, the Saeddan crown isn’t quite sure whether to gift him a wingsuit after learning of his recent antics. However, he could always try reaching out to the equally eccentric Prince Karl-Georg of Saeddany—perhaps Karl-Georg has a parachute (or something similarly unconventional) lying around somewhere…

Thanks, much appreciated. I'm considering throwing in someone from one of my ducal houses too.

Ah, Hospeans would be pleased you found the Deep King at least a little chilling. He makes for good campfire stories as everyone knows someone who knows a sailor or lighthouse operator that allegedly saw him once on a moonless night. I really liked Viserys' half mask look as well, even though I felt bad for the guy.

And as for the wingsuit:
"Curses. It would seem the Saeddan crown is in cahoots with my mother."
Can't wait to learn more about Karl-Georg. Seems he and Daniel could be partners in crime or at least, shenanigans.

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Postby Lanansia » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:14 pm

Hospean Border Islands wrote:
Can't wait to learn more about Karl-Georg. Seems he and Daniel could be partners in crime or at least, shenanigans.

Add Dobrali in, and you’d have quite the chaotic royal trio. She was an absolute menace in her teen years, always pulling pranks on her family members, especially her 2 closest cousins. Sadly, one of them is now the King and has no time for pranks, and the other is… well… in jail for high treason. She hasn’t had much time for them either lately given Lanansia’s recent crisis, which means she might have some surprises in store.
Last edited by Lanansia on Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Alzatia » Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:32 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Princess Veroniek of Alsatia, Dame Celeste vu Drachaschtäa
Nationality: Alsatian
Gender: F
Age: 28, 56

Occupation: Monarch and head of the Principality. Celeste is her lady-in-waiting.
Short character description / bio:
(Veroniek) Only heir of Prince Hinrich and Princess Jolande, spent most of her life locked up in a tower and forbidden from going out. Unexpectedly inherited the Principality after both of her parents' lives were claimed in a hunting accident, she is finally able to see the world outside of the castle walls. Shy, reserved and somewhat distrusting at first, but quite friendly once she warms up to you. Clueless about most modern technology.

(Celeste) The Princess's lady-in-waiting and formerly governess, as well as her loyal right-hand woman. Has impeccable manners and speaks fluent Alsatian, German, English and French.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: Not at the moment, but is open to the possibility.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: On board the Princess's own personal train/aircraft.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: yes
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: The Princess will be accompanied by two traditionally dressed Alsatian Princely Guards, but their presence is mainly for show rather than protection. They are fully trained soldiers, however.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!
IC name: Principality of Alsatia
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Postby Corleson » Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:04 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Float Application

Section I: Float Questions
Name:Mountains of the Colemen
Appearance:The float is designed to resemble the towering peaks of the Carpathian Mountains, with lush green forests, rocky cliffs, and cascading waterfalls sculpted from painted foam and fabric.
Name of float captain:Mircea Petrescu
Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it:The float brings to life the folklore and spirit of the Carpathian Mountains, a cherished landmark of Corleson. Performers dressed as traditional highland villagers, shepherds, and legendary mountain spirits accompany the float. Musicians play folk instruments like the cobza and pan flute, filling the air with lively mountain melodies.
Have you read the rules?: Alburch Alöaf!
People's Syndicate of Corleson
Hello! Thanks for reading this, though I don't have anything today really, this country is based on my own views and ideology.

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Postby Horasia » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:35 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Empress Sofijaa Gyldana




Here is her article in the Horasia wiki. There are pictures and detailed information.

Horasian Empress; Head of State of Horasia

Short character description / bio:
She was once the Horasian prodigy who finished high school at the age of 14. Since 2012, she has been the widely popular Empress of the Enlightened Empire of Horasia, advocating for charity and women's rights. She is considered both beautiful and wise.


Mauri Gyldana, First Knight of the Empire





First Knight of Horasia, which is a title for the spouse of the Horasian Emporer

Short character description / bio:
Mauri is the loving husband of the Horasian Empress Sofijaa. Unlike her, he is rather media-shy and less opulent. As a result, he often appears more like an appendage than an independent force.


Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?:
Not yet, I will send an application soon though. So yes I am interested

Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?:
Since she is the empress I can imagine her staying in the royal palace

Does your character intend to stay for three full days?:

Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?:
They would have own security. I would not make them an extra charatcer though.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

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Postby Saeddany » Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:24 am

Alzatia wrote:Princess Veroniek and Dame Celeste

Both are accepted! Welcome, we're so happy to have them on board!I can imagine that Fastnacht/Carnival, a festival similar to Faschlnaat, is also celebrated in Alsatia—is that true? The idea of adding the princely guards is fantastic! I think their grand, colorful uniforms will help them blend in with the crowd, making their presence even more effective. It certainly adds more color to the festival compared to men in dull, dark suits, haha!

Just one question about the guards: Is it possible for them to carry blunted halberds? We’re trying to avoid any accidents, and while a blunt halberd may seem safer, in the hands of a trained soldier, it could still pose a risk.

Also, is there anything the Saeddan crown can do to help the princess and her lady-in-waiting feel more at home in a world of modern technology?

Corleson wrote:Mountains of the Colemen

Approved! I really love this float concept, thank you for adding it! Would you like us to include speakers so the beautiful sounds of the cobza and pan flute can be heard more clearly? Faschlnaat can get quite noisy, and it would be a shame if the festival music from the other floats overwhelmed your wonderful national music.

Horasia wrote:Empress Sofijaa

Accepted on the condition that the total security team is not armed with lethal weapons and does not exceed ten people. Lovely to have you on, I'll add the empress and her consort to the roster right now!

Thanks so much to everyone who voted in the poll! Since opinions are mixed, but the B option received the most votes, I’m planning to post the IC thread on Friday evening (about 48 hours from now). I’ll keep the poll open for anyone who hasn’t voted yet, and if there’s a significant shift in the results, I’ll adjust the schedule accordingly.

For those who still want to join but haven’t had a chance to submit their applications yet: don’t worry! The RP will remain open, and your characters can join at any time, so take your time. That said, we’ve got some exciting things planned for the welcoming ceremony, so don’t miss out! ;)
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Postby Corleson » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:12 am

Saeddany wrote:snip

People's Syndicate of Corleson
Hello! Thanks for reading this, though I don't have anything today really, this country is based on my own views and ideology.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Galimencia » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:38 am

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name: Prince Arthur of Wales (Full name is Arthur Edward George Albert) (note: Since Prince Arthur is a member of the Royal family and a direct descendant of the monarch, he does not have a surname.)
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Appearance: Prince Arthur
Occupation: Member of the British Royal family.
Short character description / bio:

Prince Arthur was born as the youngest child of Prince Edward, the heir apparent to the British throne, and his wife Princess Frances. He is thus a grandson of the reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth, and is seventh in line of succession to the throne. Arthur has had a very privileged upbringing filled with all sorts of imaginable luxury. After completing his primary schooling at Ludgrove School, Arthur was sent to Eton, being the third male member of the royal family to attend school, and only the first one to attend a normal non-military school (both his elder brothers attended a naval school). After completing his schooling Arthur entered the Royal Navy and enrolled in a course at Brittania Royal Naval College. He currently continues to serve in the Royal Navy, although is no longer on active service.

Prince Arthur is widely regarded as one of the most rebellious of the royals. But not for his hatred of the institution of the monarchy or anything. No. Far from it. He is regarded as something of an outcast due to his tendency of frequently engaging in exaggerated acts of flaunting of his wealth, often going against protocols. Arthur is very vocal about his privileged status and is determined to enjoy life to the fullest. He resides in a large country house which he personally purchased, reportedly has a huge luxury car collection, has a TikTok account (the first royal to officially have one) where he films himself doing crazy stuff like flyboarding, and is often photographed partying with celebrities. He is a very carefree individual, although not in the cute sense of the term. His carefree attitude, coupled with his abundant arrogance, have made him the perfect example of a spoilt brat. That is exactly the reason why the British government is sending him to the festival as the official representative of the crown, in an effort to repair his damaged reputation, and to instill in him a sense of duty for the country.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: Not currently, but I would be interested in having one.
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: The British government would prefer him to stay at the national embassy, although Prince Arthur personally desires to stay at the Royal Palace. Now it is up to his hosts to decide where he must stay.
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: Yes. The British government shall send an unarmed SBS (Special Boat Service) agent to act as his personal security detail throughout the duration of the event. Assistance of the Saeddan police would be greatly appreciated nevertheless.
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!
Last edited by Galimencia on Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
IC name is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

An eclectic mix of modern day technology and Edwardian sensibilities.

Basically Britain as Evelyn Waugh would have wanted it to be.

An alt history early 20th century Britain, which has managed to survive well into the 21st century while keeping hold of all it's colonies(mostly). Co-Founder of IPDA, Member of CUSP. Permanent member of UN Security Council.
A military superpower.

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Hospean Border Islands
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Postby Hospean Border Islands » Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:38 pm

Lanansia wrote:
Hospean Border Islands wrote:

Add Dobrali in, and you’d have quite the chaotic royal trio. She was an absolute menace in her teen years, always pulling pranks on her family members, especially her 2 closest cousins. Sadly, one of them is now the King and has no time for pranks, and the other is… well… in jail for high treason. She hasn’t had much time for them either lately given Lanansia’s recent crisis, which means she might have some surprises in store.

Alright! We could have ourselves a motley crew of rambunctious young nobles.

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Postby Saeddany » Wed Feb 05, 2025 3:37 pm

Galimencia wrote:Arthur, Prince of Wales

Arthur has been accepted! Unless the British government or the crown specifically informs the Saeddans that Prince Arthur should remain at their diplomatic mission, the Saeddan royal family is more than happy to welcome him to stay at the royal palace. As far as they are concerned, the Prince of Wales is an adult and has the autonomy to decide for himself whether to accept their general invitation. However, should the United Kingdom or its head of state make a specific request to the contrary, the Saeddan crown will make arrangements for alternative accommodations.

Looking forward to Arthur’s tiktoks about Saeddan Faschlnaat! Talk about great publicity, hahaha
Embassy Programme
This is Saeddany's official unofficial Faschlnaat flag! To find the actual IC state flag, look here!
With a new Faschlnaat flag comes 2025's Faschlnaat season, come celebrate it with us at The Festival of Fable and Folly!

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Royal Genes
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Postby Royal Genes » Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:19 pm

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name:Prince Frederick “Rigo” of Genes
Nationality: Genoise
Gender: male
Age: 24

Occupation: Member of the Genoise Royal Family
Short character description / bio: Prince Frederick (nicknamed Rigo) is the first child and only son of Crown Prince Mengistu by his first wife, Elisabeth Germahal, and as such is second in line to the Genoise Throne, currently occupied by his grandfather, King Frederick IV of Genes. He was born during the reign of his great-grandfather, Frederick III. Rigo and his sister Clementine were lauded for inheriting their mother’s good looks and grew up in the generation of many princelings, developing a charismatic and flirtatious character and a reputation for womanizing and being a bado dabo— a pretty but dumb man. He attended school in Genes, graduating from Barigi-Eios University where he was known as a party animal. His grandfather ascended the throne and his mother died in the same year, which sent the prince into a period of three months living in bohemian incognito.

Rigo’s playboy reputation has continued, with his love of women (and men), drinking and parties widely known. A reputation that in Genes is both expected and raised amongst its royals. He is one of the most popular members of the Royal Family and his love of good fun is why he is attending the festival.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: Yes, Ambassador The Countess of Tabor
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: If invited, Prince Rigo shall be happy to stay at the Saeddan Royal Palace, if not he shall stay at the Ambassadorial Palace of Genes (the Genoise Embassy)
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes.
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: The prince is content with Saeddan police
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Character Application

Section I: Character Questions
Name:Lady Tsyon Tayezanta-Tabor
Nationality: Genoise
Gender: female
Age: 25

Occupation: Cultural attaché of the Genoise Embassy
Short character description / bio: Tsyon is the youngest child of the Genoise Ambassador to Saeddany. She attended Our Lady of Veneration’s Academy in Genes, and received an education in political science from the Prince’s University in Genes, and followed into her family’s business of diplomacy. When her mother was appointed as ambassador to Saeddany, she accompanied her as a member of the diplomatic staff. Aside from her native Deritain, Tsyon is fluent in Saeddan, Riessan, and Lehzik.

Section II: General Questions
Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?: Yes, Ambassador The Countess of Tabor
Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?: She shall reside at the Ambassadorial Palace of Genes (the Genoise Embassy)
Does your character intend to stay for three full days?: Yes.
Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?: She is content with Saeddan police
Have you read the rules?: Älburch Aloaf!

A Festival of Fable and Folly Float Application

Section I: Float Questions
Name: Glorious Serenity
Appearance (Pictures would be appreciated!):
The float shall have a platform behind its glided tail feathers dressed either in green, blue and gold feathers; or painted gold from head to toe (as golden eggs).
Name of float captain: Dani Enafi
Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it: The float is little more than a vanity piece representing the greatness of Genes by being the national and royal animal. Performers on it have been hired by the Genoise Embassy to dazzle the crowds with dancing and mild acrobatics during the parade.
Have you read the rules? Älburch Aloaf!
_[' ]_
(-_Q) If you support Capitalism put this in your Signature



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