An aide of yours paces through corridors, trying to get a message to you. In their hand rests an envelope sealed with maroon wax, stamped neatly with an emblem of a salamander in flames. Upon breaking the seal and opening the envelope, you find a letter within, which reads:
Dear Friends and Faschlnarren,
On behalf of the Saeddan Crown, We, Adelheid III, Queen of the Saeddans, Fürstin of Brunhavia, Margravine of Hohenwalden, and so on and so forth, extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join us in celebrating the Faschlnaat season in Saeddany. For the very first time, we are honored to welcome foreign dignitaries and esteemed guests from around the world to partake in this joyful celebration of tradition, myth, and merrymaking in our ancient capital of Erlburg.
We are thrilled to host this special three-day event, where Saeddany’s rich cultural heritage and time-honored customs will be proudly shared with our guests. It is our sincere hope that by bringing together such distinguished individuals, we will foster an open dialogue and deepen the bonds of friendship and cooperation between our peoples.
We eagerly await your reply,
Sädden Aloaf!
Adelheid III
After doing some research, you gain a deeper understanding of the core traditions of Saeddan Faschlnaat, uncovering the renowned Maskenmontag balls, the vibrant festival colors, the history of the "fifth season," and many other unique customs that define this celebration. Enchanted by the idea of a three-day bender, which can be enjoyed under the guise of a diplomatic visit, you eagerly begin packing your bags, excited to immerse yourself in the wonders of "Mother Saeddania", or as the locals affectionately call it, "The Old, Untamed North".
Welcome to A Festival of Fable and Folly! In this RP, your original characters will experience the 2025 Erlburg Faschlnaat season, marked by its impressive parades, ornate and colourful costumes and terrific masked balls. We’ll all come together for three days and two nights of jolly, festive celebrations, after which the dour fasting season shall commence, and life will go back to normal.
Though I initiall intended for A Festival of Fable and Folly! to be solely cultural event for your country’s citizens to enjoy, this RP may also serve as a courtship RP as well, as the unmarried princes and princesses of Saeddany will also be attending the festivities. Heck, maybe these festivities allow for our leaders to expand on our international ties as well? All is possible during this merry tide of fools and jesters.
As with any good roleplay, we'll need...
2. Please don't be rude to each other in the OOC thread.
3. Please don't post any OOC stuff in the IC thread and vice versa.
4. You can control Saeddan NPCs if you'd like, but please ask me first.
5. This is supposed to be a fun, lighthearted cultural festival. I ask that you please keep that in mind when you create your character.
6. Please mention the words "Älburch Aloaf!" somewhere in your application so I know that you've read the rules.
7. This RP is happening in the current day (2025), so please keep things either Modern Tech (MT) or Past Tech (PT). This is not a hard rule, and I am willing to make exceptions, but please reach out to me first.
8. Please refrain from writing one-liners. I appreciate every little bit of effort you put in your posts, but I will have to maintain standards for both my own sanity and that of others.
9. Having fun is a mandatory requirement to playing in this RP. All participants that aren't having fun will be rounded up and face imminent execution without a fair trial.
10. Though this RP will be primarily character-driven, countries and organisations will get a special opportunity to send their own wagons and floats for the famous Faschlnaat parades.
11. Multiple characters are absolutely allowed! Play as many characters as you can comfortably control and play.
12. Guards and security personnel are asked not to carry lethal weapons or firearms, although exceptions can be made if discussed beforehand. They may have access to stored firearms in, say, their national embassies, but Faschlnaat is a much-cherished public holiday with plenty of public drunkenness, and that tends not to mix well with guns. Should you want your guards / security personnel to carry firearms, please mention so in the application, and we'll discuss the possibilities. Tazers, batons, mace and other non-lethal weapons are discouraged but not forbidden.
Now that that's all said and done, here are the application forms!:
Character Application:
- Code: Select all
[box][align=center][size=120][b]A [color=#FF0000]Festival [/color]of [color=gold]Fable [/color]and [color=#008000]Folly [/color]Character Application[/b][/size][/align][floatright][img]https://i.imgur.com/5bdPrCn.png[/img][/floatright]
[b]Section I: Character Questions[/b]
[b]Short character description / bio:[/b]
[b]Section II: General Questions[/b]
[b]Does your country have an ambassador in Saeddany? If not, would you be interested in having one?[/b]: More information about Saeddany's embassy programme can be found [url=https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=561340]here[/url].
[b]Would your character stay at the Saeddan royal palace, their national embassy, or a local hotel?:[/b]
[b]Does your character intend to stay for three full days?:[/b]
[b]Does your character need a security detail? If yes, would they fly in security staff or would they be content with Saeddan police?:[/b]
[b]Have you read the rules?:[/b][/box]
Float Application:
- Code: Select all
[box][align=center][size=120][b]A [color=#FF0000]Festival [/color]of [color=gold]Fable [/color]and [color=#008000]Folly [/color]Float Application[/b][/size][/align]
[b]Section I: Float Questions[/b]
[b]Appearance (Pictures would be appreciated!):[/b]
[b]Name of float captain:[/b] The person responsible for the safety on board
[b]Short description of your float's theme as well as the people on it:[/b]
[b]Have you read the rules?[/b][/box]