by Imperialisium » Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:04 am
by Scandoslavkostia » Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:14 am
by Honghai » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:17 am
by Parcia » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:07 am
by Greater Rostoria » Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:10 am
by The Grand Economic Consortium » Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:17 am
by Sarolandia » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:08 am
by Ovstylap » Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:20 am
by Honghai » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:26 pm
Parcia wrote:Imperial II Class ISD “Moonshadow”
Deck 34C, Stromtrooper barracks
Officer’s berths
Officer’s Country
Myran was already awake, taking the moment to enjoy the quiet start to his day with a cup of good recaff and his personal dataslate containing a good book. As she went about consuming the latest in a series of Coruscanti love novels he enjoyed so much his eyes picked up movement from his bunk, seeing the slim form of Lina, one of the unit's TIE bomber jocks, slip out and head for the shower. She blushed as she dashed for the bathroom and he smiled to himself.
His moment of reflection on the previous night’s events had only just begun when a chirp on his comlink snapped him back to reality. Tapping it, he spoke.
“Captain Dags, report.”
6 minutes later.
The large gray blast doors slid open to reveal the now fully uniformed Captain Dags enter the general quarters section of Basilisk company’s assigned barracks block and in a moment someone called out. “Officer on deck!” In a moment every person in sight snapped to attention. With a nod, he barked out order.
“We are on combat alert, full company muster in 10 minutes in briefing room 5C, full kit, gear set for EVA and boarding, lets go!” In a moment the room broke out in a flurry of movement as the combined 70ish troops dropped what they were doing and threw on their gear. Making his way through the room he made his way to the attached armory space located within the barracks and flashed his code cylinder at the Naval crewmen who nodded and reached behind him to one of the secure lockers, returning shortly with his duty holster and side arm.
“Have to say sir, haven't ever seen an IB-94 officer’s model before, beauty of a pistol you got there. Nearly as much range as an E-11, damn near as punchy as a DL-44 and more accurate than a DL-18.” Dags nodded, softening his face as he replied. “Oh yea, best purchase I ever made since getting my commission, served me well she has. I take it you fixed the resonance problem?” The naval armorer nodded. “Turns out it was just a bad buffer seal in the gas chamber, causing minute amounts of ambient atmosphere to leak in and upset the gas mix. Wasn't that it was even defective, just an old old rubber washer seal. I went ahead and had a new synthetic one fabricated in the ship’s machine shop, which should hold for another 15,000 shots at full power.”
Dags took up and affixed his duty holster, checking his weapon before securing on his hip. Next it was to the Company lockers to fit his own gear.
Hanger bay, Main
The plan was simple: 3rd Company, using the LAAT/Is assigned to them, would lift off and be escorted over by a set of TIEs to a secondary shuttle bay along the dorsal hull of the Almoera. Normally they’d be using proper shuttles, but those weren’t shielded, while their gunships were and the attackers most likely had fighters in play. Well, that and the 70 men detachment of the 1st-ISFR were considered a might bit more valuable than the average stormtroopers, who’d be riding along in more mundane TIE docking craft.
Standing with his platoon leads, Myran checked his gear one last time. He spoke with them as he did so. “Right, keep this clean and clear, Civis are possibly in play, be ready for non lethals, stun bolts, concussion and flash grenades, the like. If we can take whoever is in charge of this attack in custody it'll give us leads on to who’s operating out here…and it’ll look good on the skipper if we can bag a cell leader.”
One of his platoon leads, a Lieutenant, spoke up. “Any idea who we’re dealing with here, cap?” Dags shook his head while going over his A280, double checking the gas and power packs. “Not any idea, the brief I was given says it’s most likely pirates.” Slapping both packs back into place, he shook his head again. “Gut tells me differently, this convoy was decently armed, probably using mercs as padded defense. Whoever over ran them was packing heat and using tactics. Pass the word along, be ready to take prisoners, but don’t hesitate to put someone down if they want to be a problem.”
Letting his rifle hand on its sling, he finally removed his helmet from where it had been hanging on his belt, checked it once again, and slipped it over his head. Tapping it twice, one of hits subordinates checked his EVA seals and nodded.
“Coms check, all platoons, check in.’
“1st Platoon reads cap.”
“2nd Platoon hears you, loud and clear sir.” and so on and so forth. Speaking once again he’d address his men. “Alrighty then ladies and gents, here we go, I hope you all enjoyed your 6 weeks of RnR, got to see your folks, make some friends, enjoy some drinks, because we are back at it again. I’ve already briefed your Platoon and team leads, expect organized resistance and check fire for civilians. Take any prisoners that are compliant, if they resist, stun their ass.”
A series of affirmatives came from his men as he took the channel one last time. “Has anyone seen Major…ah hell, what was her name? She’s supposed to be riding with us. Someone get on the horn and have her report in.”
Across the ship’s internal speakers, a message would play. “Major Aslar'rti, report to Captain Dags in main hanger bay, repeat, Major Aslar'rti, report to Captain Dags in main hanger bay.
by Remnants » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:52 pm
by Remnants » Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:55 pm
Honghai wrote:[quote="Parcia";p="41351318"[/b]
by Honghai » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:51 pm
Remnants wrote:
Suddenly, the Major's helmet communication systems came to life with a crackle, and a voice said, "Hehehe looks like we found our lost Major, Sarg." The Major felt a sense of disappointment and made a mental note to reprimand the Scout Trooper for disrespecting a superior. As he looked up, he saw a Shadowtrooper coming out of the elevator, looking angry and lost. Feeling sorry for the Shadowtrooper, the Major shouted out to her, despite the disapproving looks of his fellow 98th Scout Troopers. "Excuse me, ma'am, we're waiting for the cargo elevator to come down to pick up our two mounted sections! Don't worry, ma'am, the 98th Exploration Division has got your back!"
by Remnants » Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:55 am
Honghai wrote:Remnants wrote:talking
Me'el'yssa smiled at them.
"Huh... ain't all that bad." She said to herself.
Part of her was thinking a practical joke was being played on her - the cronies in grey uniforms called her up, only for her to search around - and then get greeted by people whose military career is based-on looking and searching for stuff.
Whatever, it was a happy coincendence - but she couldn't help but laugh internally at the idea she was being pranked somehow.
by Vadrana » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:18 pm
by Honghai » Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:00 pm
Remnants wrote:Honghai wrote:
Me'el'yssa smiled at them.
"Huh... ain't all that bad." She said to herself.
Part of her was thinking a practical joke was being played on her - the cronies in grey uniforms called her up, only for her to search around - and then get greeted by people whose military career is based-on looking and searching for stuff.
Whatever, it was a happy coincendence - but she couldn't help but laugh internally at the idea she was being pranked somehow.
Ijaat heard another voice through his helmet's internal speaker. The voice exclaimed, "Hahaha, well, well... looks like the Sergeant is about to capture a Shadowtrooper." A few low whistles came through Ijaat's helmet internal comm from the other 98th Troopers. Ijaat sighed internally and removed his helmet to greet the Shadowtrooper properly. He smiled at the Shadowtrooper, scratching his burn scar before saying, "Hello, Ma'am. I am TB-697, the Mounted Section Sergeant of the 98th Exploration Division from 1st Battalion, 5th Company. So, whats a Shadowtrooper doing all the way down here and also are you in need of help ma'am?"
by Parcia » Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:17 pm
by Remnants » Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:58 am
Honghai wrote:Remnants wrote:
"'TB-' the fuck now? Don'tcha gotta real name? I'm 'ovah here 'cuz I got paged by some arrogant kark who'd thought it'd funny to play a joke on a Huttese woman like me. And yes, I do fuckin' need some help here - whaddo I look like, a Jawa or some shit?" Me'el'yssa turned her head sideways at him.
She had first liked to see the scout, but now - she'd felt slighted.
Her hands balled into fists, and she'd clench them - her anger rising to her.
by Honghai » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:40 pm
Parcia wrote:Main Hanger bay
Captain Dags was growing just a bit unpleasant with waiting for the Major. She'd find him standing next to the gunships, awaiting his newest charge.
Seeing the distinctive form of a set of shaddowtrooper armor from across the deck he raised his hand and waved. "Major, glad you finally decided to join us. Captain's assigned you to Basilisk for this op. She's placed you with me and my command element."
He'd be a rather strange sight compared to her, his gray katarn armor, modified Stormtrooper helmet and A280 rifle slung on a classic rifle sling. There was also his cape, to the floor, gray in color with a sigil of the Empire emblazoned on it.
“If you have your kit, mount up with me and mine, we're due to launch any moment now.”
by Kreigsreich of Iron » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:36 am
”A is A”
-Ayn Rand
by Honghai » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:22 pm
by Imperialisium » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:00 am
by Cilicia-Antioch » Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:00 pm
by Parcia » Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:13 pm
by Honghai » Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:15 pm
Parcia wrote: Captain Dags
They were out in a single moment, all 70 troopers hit the deck, weapons at the ready as they fanned out and secured the hanger bay before rapidly advancing for the doors.
Stacking up with his men, he patted the stack lead on the shoulder as the tech specialist from 2nd squad bypassed the door controls and forced them open.
Red blaster fire lanced down the hallways towards the advancing imperials and for a moment they paused before Dags gave the order. In a moment, a barrage of suppressing fire flew back down the hall at the guerillas as two troopers, each sporting a DLT-19 repeater, dove for the deck and provided cover for Dags, his men, and the rest of the troopers cover to advance under.
by Mediama » Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:04 pm
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