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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:44 am
by Europa Undivided
Harak Helstran
The Gem

Harak was eager to get off the ship for once, especially with a friend with him in tow. The piracy and the battles might have been fun, but ultimately, much of the time was spent in the quiet luls in betweene each raid and engagement. He tried to busy himself by constantly watching over the engine of the Misguided Faith, perhaps in the hopes that it won't end up the same way as the Eternal Storm. That whole deal with the destroyed engine section of a rather hefty battlecruiser had cost him his whole life, and whatever ounce of respect those former Corsairs might have had for him. Even if the court eventually absolved him from that case as evidence eventually pointed to the dissidents of the Order of the Black Sun as the true culprits, Harak was forever marred.

And yet, even here in the Gem, he could almost feel the crowds avoiding him due to him being Jokari. Many believed that his whole race, not just the Sorcerers of the Order, were psykers that could cause a lot of pain and trouble should they be slightly annoyed, so they kept their distance. Even at the bar he could see how the bartender's gaze were placed upon him; those were eyes of suspicion and a tinge of fear. This wasn't aided at all by those so called Fate Seers that scammed the guillible off their money with bogus prophecies.

At least some of the crew weren't like the rest of the general population, including the one that had accompanied him all this way.

"Harak Helstran," a voice said to him from behind as he was just about to down the final shot. "We must speak."

The engineer recognized the language, if not the voice. The man was speaking in the croaking tones of the Jokari Lexicon, accompanied by all the hand signs and mannerisms that the more advanced concepts took. And, judging by the badge he was showing, he was of the Office of Secret Intelligence, the spy agency of Grand Jokarium.

"What is it that you want?" Harak hissed. "I told you agents before. I am not returning to Grand Jokarium. Those Corsairs and Voidborne will start speaking stories of me when I even dare to show myself."

"No, we do not ask you to return, we know that much, as you have refused us previously," the OSI agent answered, his eyes almost glinting in the colorful lighting of the bar. "I simply wished to inform you that your dear siblings, Ildran and Talok, have gone to the Milky Way."

Harak's eyes narrowed. "Since when?"

"By now they would have gone to the orbital stations above what the humans call Mars," the agent answered. "From there they will certainly join the rest of the Targani in their migration to the colony world of Rashu'gun."

"And... why do you, an OSI member, bother to tell an exile this?"

"Helstran, believe it or not, they asked the Office to tell you specifically. Under normal circumstances we would not, but they submitted a formal request."

Harak was silent for a moment, taking in the news. So, the rest of the Helstrans had all gone to the Milky Way to found a new civilization of their kind, away from the chaos of the shards of the former Command? That movement must be picking up its pace...

"You should join them," the OSI agent said. "Look around you. Our kind is feared here. They do not dare look upon you as an equal, but as a threat."

"All because of the propaganda that you, the Office of Secret Intelligence and the Holy Inquisition, had spread across the Zone," Helstran bit back. The engineer took a moment to sip down the remants of the shot before looking back at the informant. "You speak of our kind being feared for the terrible gifts of the Sorcerers when you are the ones that spread that fear."

"It was for the interest of national security," the agent answered. "Now, will you join the other Helstrans on Rashu'gun? I cannot return to them without an answer." And of course, he was being well paid to do that, too.

Harak simply scowled. "I will consider it," he answered. "But you do understand that I have a life here now that I cannot simply leave-"

"Oh please," the other Jokari shook his head and chuckled. "Petty piracy and the black market? You, once the chief engineer of the flagship of the Eighth Fleet, reduced to this? I do not understand you, Kanorite. You have such low aspirations compared to the rest of your kin."

"Are you Karveli not our kin as well?" Harak asked. The agent seemed taken aback, and quietly fumbled his hat at the question.

"Yes... yes you are. We are one people."

Harak shook his head, yet again. "So it is settled. Simply them that I am... considering it. I suppose they'll pay you well if only to relay that."

The agent nodded, and began getting ready to leave. "I see. I'll tell them that. Oh, and by the way," the cloaked Jokari said as he turned away. "Your ex-wife is in the Gem too. If you don't want to have your ass beat the next time you take your shore leave, I suggest that you get ready."

Harak cursed. Now that was truely horrifying...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 5:26 pm
by Demencia
Captain Aurelia Lorcan

As the intercom came to life, Aurelia had her teeth buried in the femoral artery of a female kiel­—one of a number of her personal attendants, whom she insisted were 'Voluntary Female Companions' despite the fact that they were all technically slaves that had been seized during previous raids. The captain sat up, visibly annoyed at being interrupted. "She has the worst timing, I swear." she muttered to herself. "Here, take this." She handed the kiel a kerchief to press onto the wound that was starting to bleed, and the vampire turned her head to avoid looking at the pointless waste.

"I'm sorry, mistress." the woman said, her head falling a little.

Aurelia glanced at her then stood up in frustration. "Bah, it's not your fault. But if she thinks I'm having any meetings hungry, she's sorely mistaken. Hurry up and put a bandage on that; don't waste all your blood, it's too delightful to let it run out for nothing."

The kiel nodded, "Yes, mistress." and applied a quick dressing to her leg before readjusting the skirt on her maid uniform. "It's done."

"Good, now come with me." Aurelia said, grabbing her by the wrist. "I hate being bored in meetings, and your job is to make sure I'm not, darling." she said as she began leading the woman down towards Ashann's office.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:17 am
by Bingellia
Aurellia and Thellemnia Ashann of Erdunre
Cowritten by Demencia and Bingellia

Aurelia pushed her way into Ashann's office, not stopping to knock or give any warning of her arrival. "This had better be worth it!" she called, towing her Companion behind her. "I'll have you know I was in the middle of something important!" The dark-haired kiel behind her kept her eyeline low, avoiding direct eye contact with the much higher-born second officer of the ship.

"Good afternoon to you as well, Captain Lorcan," Thellemnia grumbled low as she finished entering some notes on her console. The noble gave her nominal superior's companion a glance before sighing. "I see that drinks are unnecessary. Now, please, have a seat."

"Now don't be jealous, you've been so busy cooped up here with that disk that there's hardly time for drinks." Aurelia cooed. She flopped down into a chair, pulling the kiel into her lap. "Maybe once we're rid of that thing you'll have time for the world around you again." she said, tracing a hand along her companion's cheek. "So don't keep me in suspense, what did you drag me all the way down here for? To tell me you missed me?" she asked raising a cocky eyebrow.

Ashann was thoroughly unamused with the woman across from her, slightly recoiling from the display. "Even without this disk," she said as she retrieved it from a drawer in her desk, someone still needs to actually run this ship and coordinate with our Captains."

She cupped her hands and offered a faint, faux smile at the other Kiel in the room. "Instead of concerning herself solely on vapid pleasures."

"And," she turned her attention back to Aurellia, "this is about business and not solely regarding the disk, but that will wait until Tzeraspnir arrives. It won't be too much of a wait, at least for us with even an ounce of patience."

Aurelia leaned forward a little. "Vapid?" she asked amusedly. "I don't believe I've ever been accused of that before, and I've been accused of a lot of things. But," she moved aside the kiel's hair from her neck. "If you're so disinterested, we can sit here in silence for the rest of the time." Knowingly, the kiel leaned her head to one side to give more access to the vampire who leaned down and deftly sunk her teeth into the side of the woman's neck. She gently put her hands on the captain's shoulders to steady herself as she felt the blood run out of her.

After a minute or two Aurelia withdrew from her, wiping a small trickle of blood from her lip. The kiel laid her head on Aurelia's chest now feeling weaker from being drained. "Now darling, don't tell me you haven't been bored these last few days just sitting in this office doing nothing?"

"Gods help me," Ashann groaned as a frown worked its way through her facade."I planned on finding a race while we are here, but I do have responsibilities."

She paused for a second, she was half tempted to send the parasite out already, but Tzeraspnir would likely be here in a minute or so.

"Some of them even take me out of this office," she sarcastically added.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:16 am
by Tesserach
“So, in summation this was, all told a successful drill. Tzeraspnir, anything to add?” The newly minted Chief Daara looked somewhat anxiously towards Tzeraspnir ahead of about a dozen seated crew on her rotation who had unhappily discovered their last shift – one they’d largely expected to be duty free – had been scheduled for yet more training drills. Taking things apart, putting them back together, diagnosing issues.

It was clear she, and the rest present, expected another of his 'ruthless' talks through every misstep that has been made.

Tzeraspnir stood up straight, nodding while he collected himself. This duty-crew had become a dumping ground for undesirables from other shifts. Usually given the nights with the least, least important things to do. Daara had been a decent mechanic, and in proper service she'd have had basic training on running a duty shift team before getting thrown to the wolves. By all accounts Chief Theiran before her already had one foot out the door before the whole Dindriann fiasco and hadn't had the stomach to work in the new arrivals.

Harrak ran a tight shift, but he couldn't be everywhere and this lot hid had been going out of their way to hide in the shadows. If anything important needed work it had fallen on Daara herself and one or two decent others. 

But, ever since the manifold blow-out incident, they'd all been wound up on Tzeraspnir's shitlist. They all knew it.
They knew what was coming.

“Now I know I been a crusty cunt with you lot the last leg of this trip. Slapped some sense into a few of you, I hope. But you lot made real progress. I don't have to set my alarm for the wee hours and polish my arse kicking boots to see things are getting done. Some of you have learned some things about maintaining a ship you didn't know before.

I get it, you're twelve doing the job of twenty: we're working on that. But look at yer chief here. You not see a little bit of the light coming back into her eyes? That's progress."

He was interrupted by the chime of a PA broadcast about to come through. "I think that's a sign I'm done."

Bingellia wrote:"This is Ashann," she took on a warm tone, "I'm happy to announce that we are starting a three-day rest. You all know the rules, stay in pairs outside our district, don't cause too much trouble, and the ship gets its take for any extracurriculars you may get up to on your own. I also need Aurellia and Tzeraspnir to meet me in my office."

Everyone started to stand up as Daara gave the nod for people to go, which was abour as formal as things got now.

"On my way." Tzeraspnir spoke into his datalink before calling after the people anxiously filing out of the briefing room. "Now while you're spending all that hard-earned cash, remember to tell your mechanically inclined friends: Gem's got plenty of soft outfits, but if they wanna run hard and fast with the ass-kickingest ship in this quadrant, come see us!"

Packing up her things, Chief Daara shot him a look as though to say "what the hell was that?"

Tzeraspnir waited until they were gone. "We're still feeling our way on Gem. If we're lucky I scared off the shitters and word'll get to those looking for a tight ship that ain't afraid to mix it up for the big prizes. It'll get better."

Until the locals got tired of their talent getting scalped.

Bingellia wrote:
"Gods help me," Ashann groaned as a frown worked its way through her facade."I planned on finding a race while we are here, but I do have responsibilities."

She paused for a second, she was half tempted to send the parasite out already, but Tzeraspnir would likely be here in a minute or so.

"Some of them even take me out of this office," she sarcastically added.

Tzeraspnir entered the office in his customary fashion, looking in a hurry offering a salute to the captain so crisp and precise that Ashann could clearly read the disrespectful dig at Aurellia's love of austentation.

"Captain Lorcan. Lady Ashann. Reporting as ordered."

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:27 am
by Danubian Peoples
Orau sat in her quarters, body hunched like a curled shrimp, upon a large mat that separated her from the hard flooring below. Her six appendages deftly tended to a mix of various belongings. A lengthy blaster that packed a powerful punch, connected to a large battery pack by a sturdy yet bendy coil. A high-quality suit of for-Xaroan armor, with a square-shaped depression at the top. Closer inspection of it would reveal it was a slot for the aforementioned battery pack. A few knives of various sizes, grips optimized for the Xaroan grasper. Each and every one bore a small logo in stark white. That of the old Andus Company.

Orau took note of whatever damages, kinks, dents, she spotted on the equipment. She let off a quiet, yet celebratory expression as she found none. Repairs seem to be holding up, she thought. Opening up the battery pack with a few tools, she confirmed her prior confidence. Worked good enough in the test range earlier today, replacement parts seem to be holding up just fine. Orau did not bring these out too often, but she had to often enough that rigorous inspection and repair like this was necessary. It was something she didn't particularly enjoy, whenever they needed repairs it often ate into her balance, and the memories they brought were none too pleasant.

Some in particular, she could do without.

She spent a moment, contemplating, feathers glowing purple, waves of psychic power. Pain from the inside of her mind, flashes of terrifying majesty. A superior's secrets revealed, and a dishonorable discharge.

Orau returned to the present, and neatly returned her belongings back to storage. There was little she could do to take her mind off it, substances took away her skills too much for her liking, and she was never one for companionship, much less a trip to a therapist. Such action could potentially compromise her mission's secrecy, and she reasoned it was unlikely anyone onboard the Gem or the ship had counseling for psychic encounters anyway.

But Orau did have one thing, the job. Sure, the deadline was enormous. She knew full well she was a pawn in a feud between immortals, the scope of which was far larger than anything most could fathom. But, contractors always paid higher for punctual jobs, and it was something in the future, something to keep her mind from the past. And so Orau prepared herself to leave the ship and start looking for leads. Drab clothing of a generic purpose, hiding light body armor. A small blaster and some multispectrum goggles. Being a Xaroan made her stand out regardless, but the multispecies morass that was the Gem she hoped could mitigate this somewhat. All suited up, she departed the ship.

Unfortunately there was the caveat that she had to travel in a pair with another crewmember. She did have one very particular idea for who to join up with, however. Thought it made her insides churn, Orau opted to pair with Harak Helstran. Better, Orau figured, to keep tabs on potential threats. The two of them moved across the Gem for some time, Orau gathering information at various establishments. Her eyes darted across the scene, scanning for figures of interest. She did however, make sure to keep her prejudices quiet.

There was this one individual in particular, dressed in bright, garish colors that stood out even against the dizzying array of patrons the Gem hosted. Not easy to miss. Orau had been monitoring their habits for some time now, on several occasions in the past she'd spotted the individual in this part of the Gem. With garb like that, they're certainly got deep pockets, and perhaps connections. Orau reasoned. Her conversation with the patrons also backed this up, many claiming this person was an upper-class fountain of stories and currency. "Very generous with both," one said. "Say did you hear one about the criminal Kiel? After they told that one they paid everyone's tabs!"

Asking for elaboration, Orau got the patron to divulge more about this tall tale, revealing an individual that was a rather close match to her target, or perhaps one of their close associates. This certainly piqued her interest. Asking for where this fountain of stories and currency went, she was told they'd retired to their suite. "Very far from here, guy's upper-class after all, certainly they live far away from these docks. Don't have an address though, if you want to see this guy for yourself it might be best to wait out their return. Can't say I blame you for being interested though. I think you're the fifth, sixth guy who asked for this dude?"

Orau expressed her approval, and then departed. A proper lead, she thought. Just have to meet this guy and I could be one step closer to the target.

Her train of thought was interrupted however, as she watched Harak get pulled aside by another Jokari. She momentarily expressed silent relief when the other Jokari suggested Harak depart, only for that to dissipate as Harak shot the offer down. Not going anywhere, are you? she thought. Feeling uncomfortable, she pulled away as the conversation continued, keeping her ears closed and her mind quiet. It looked like it was something important anyway, so if Harak prodded she could pass off her distance as respectfulness on her part.

At last when the conversation reached its end, Orau returned to Harak, hearing him curse about his partner. Apparently he needed to drop whatever he was up to and greet them-quickly. Now this, Orau wondered, could be an opportunity.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:59 pm
by The Imarian Monarchy
Cowritten by Khasinkonia and Myself
The buddy system required for going beyond the local district could by most metrics have cramped Dila’s style, but it didn’t seem that she ever had trouble getting someone to come along with her. Today, she had her eyes set on the Leader of the Void Jumpers. Dila knocked on the frame of the door of Maelamiory’s quarters. “Mae, do you have business now?” she asked. "Not particularly Dila? I was thinking about going to seek some entertainment. Would you like to watch some fights?" Mae replied. Dila chuckled and smiled. “You already know what I think! But maybe we can even participate?” "I'm not going to leave it off the table, but I'm going to hold of on making plans until after we see the competition Dila."With a nod, Dila tapped her bedazzled body armour and exclaimed, “We are winners, and I know we defeat all foes! You are dressed or need time to dress?” "I'll need a moment to put it on my armor but it won't take me that long." The marine turned around and grabbed their chest rig, fastening it. "Alright, I'm ready." Dila stood outside the room bobbing her head from side to side. When Maelamiory indicated she was ready, Dila threw her arms up and exclaimed loudly, “BATTLE BATTLE!”

As they walked out, Dila said, “If we don’t fight, we must certainly bet!” "Oh absolutely, why would we miss out on additional fun? The thrill of a return or the heart-crushing loss. It's all exciting Dila." Mae replied “Loss!” Dila exclaimed as she knocked Mae’s arm playfully, “Maybe you lose, but I am without fear of loss! The enemy hears the music and I win, every time!” "I love your confidence Dila" Taking the chance to return the knock. "It makes it so fun to be on shore with you." “But that is not what makes being on shore fun, eh? I prefer skull cracks and to see tears of defeat!” Dila replied. Maelamiory let out a nice hearty chuckle, "Oh Dila, never change, that's exactly what I mean. Like I couldn't do this with Tzeraspnir. The old bastard is too cautious to do anything fun." Dila nodded, and added, “That is why he cannot have our fun. He lets his heart become old and his ambition shrivel!” "Certainly, also I think we're coming up to the place now." Maela noted.

The roar of the crowd from the stadium area made it difficult to hear. Although there was a match ongoing, there was still a crowd around. For the outlaws that visited frequently, gambling on competitors was an immensely popular pastime and it showed. Looking to the crowd, Dila said, “I want to find food first. We should not battle with empty stomachs! You see anything good?” "Hmmm. I see a bunch of leisure food, sandwiches, sausages and the such. Not really anything I'd like to eat before fighting, but there might be something I am not seeing." Mae replied. Dila’s eyes darted around. Suddenly, she removed her bandana and made a beeline towards a nearby stall. “Over there!” she exclaimed, “Hot and fresh; they have shredded meat on buns—with gravy!” "Better than what I was seeing Dila, would you like to find some alcohol?" Mae replied. With a wide grin, Dila said, “It’s not a real game if you have sobriety! For Dok, sometimes we play while high.” "Sure thing, any preference of drink, I'll even search for other substances if you'd like, though it might be the same person selling it." Mae replied. “We get something strong and it is all fun,” Dila agreed. "Sure thing, I'll keep my eye out for a vendor." Maelamiory said before splitting off.

Maelamiory shuffles their way through the crowd, it didn't take her long to find a bar within the stadium, "Hello what sorts of spirits do you have?" The bartender replied "Your standard spread. Maelamiory gave her order, "I'll take 4 shots of what ever whiskey you have, and one of the strongest spirits you've got." "That will be 55 credits." The bartender replied. Mae grabbed the tray and made her way back to the food stand. Meanwhile, Dila had grabbed several buns and was waiting eagerly with them, already stuffing one in her mouth. Maelamiory returned to Dila with the tray of shot glasses in her hand. "Alright, let's find a set of seats for now. I'd prefer something in the middle rows." It didn’t take Dila long at all to spot a few gaps in the heat, and she pointed in a few directions. “Best view is where?” Dila asked. Scanning the room Maelamiory found a pair of seats while not her ideal. They were a bit close for her. "Follow me Dila, and Maelamiory started leading her to the seats. Dila nodded eagerly and slipped ahead of Maelamiory to cut off a few people she saw beelining for the same seats. With a bright expression, she began eating another bun and held the second seat by placing her hand in it.

"Thanks, Dila" Maela said before sliding into the seat, grabbing her share of the food, opening up a bun with a knife and loading some of the meat and gravy onto it. "So Dila, if you mind me prodding into your past, what brought your parents to Ferahel?" She asked. "Ferahel?" she repeated, "Shipping is their business, so they must move between Ferahel and Láimāk. They continue this today, but they do not like to trade with the general, so they tell me they search for different routes." Dila paused for a moment, and then said, "Your people, they are Ferahel natives, yeah? Do you speak with them still?" "Yeah, my parents are natives. most of my family are too. I kept in contact until the damned Marshall took over." Maela pauses speaking for a moment, as tears well up, "I'm still trying to find wisps of information from the surface, I hope they're fine." She leans her head onto Dila's shoulder trying to maintain composure. "May one of the Saints led them to safety." Maela mumbled.

Dila gingerly wrapped some of her tentacles around Maela in a sort of embrace, though she continued to look on towards the sights before her with eagerness."If they are warrior people like you, they can thrive," Dila said, "Marshal cannot defeat them if they fight well like you." "I hope so, my parents are up there in age, but they've got training from being reservists in the past, and they're a bit too old to be put in hard labor. My siblings are the ones I'm most concerned about. I'm the only one who enlisted, the rest are young and able-bodied. I hope they aren't enslaved, especially Kellic. He was a troublemaker before the Republic collapsed, he is crafty though." Maela said with a sigh. Dila nodded solemnly. "He is crafty, so he can find his own victory. Sharp brains are good in battle, but not all battles are fights. The others? I can say nothing. They are not known to me, but I think they can win if you and they are nearby in the head!" "Yeah, I hope so." Maela replied, before taking a bite of her sandwich. "I miss them, especially Kellic, he snuck into my barracks just before my first orbital deployment to share shots of Exarch, I still think he stole the bottle, I am not sure what he does as work." “I think he can find good work for him,” Dila reiterated, “I think he is safe.” "Hopefully." Maela replied just before the crowd went wild and the bell rang.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:24 am
by Europa Undivided
Harak Helstran
Vaquel's Gem

At last when the conversation reached its end, Orau returned to Harak, hearing him curse about his partner. Apparently he needed to drop whatever he was up to and greet them-quickly. Now this, Orau wondered, could be an opportunity.

Harak was still wondering how to deal with the vengeful wife should they encounter each other when he saw Orau, the Xaroan member of the crew. He remembered that they had been made to pair with one another as the pirates of the Misguided Faith tried to relax in the shore leave that they had been granted. Not that he could get himself to rest that much when Inquisitors, intelligence agents, and ex-wives were wandering the same station as he was. He could never get used to it.

Now, Orau had always been somewhat elusive; around him at least. He couldn't figure out just what it was that made her seem to have such a fixated avoidance, as he hadn't interacted with her before the Misguided Faith had fled from Ferahel and whoever ended up there becoming a pirate crew. Surely it wasn't because of the propaganda that Grand Jokarium's Senate and Supreme Chancellor have been promoting so avidly?

"Ah, Orau," Harak greeted, dropping his previous demeanour, "Did I keep you waiting? Sorry about that. We should head back to the ship, unless if you wanted to get something…?"

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:52 am
by Danubian Peoples
And there it is, Orau thought. The opportunity. She prepared her words, trying to prod at Harak as best she could, hoping to play well to his psyche, and hoped he wasn't prodding at hers.

"You know, this former wife of yours," she began. "If she really wanted to slap you silly like you say, then she'd probably be intercepting you at the Misguided Faith. I'd suggest we stay away from it for the time being. It is a rather high-profile vessel after all."

Would that work? she wondered. Was it even necessary? The Jokari did float the idea of letting me run an errand.. No.. can't trust their words so easily like that... Wait! Quiet mind, quiet mind..

Orau let out a nondescript exclamation as she steeled her thoughts to the best of her ability. Returning to normalcy, she continued.

"And there is something I need to get. Some components for weaponry. Checked all of the vendors around here, they don't seem to have what I need. Considering a trip to elsewhere in the Gem." She gestured in the direction of a transport depot. "I could probably ask directions over there, and if something good came up, ride to there."

She watched the movement of flying vehicles rushing to and from and building, riding high above the urban sprawl below. A few graced the very ceiling of station, while others plunged beneath the skyline to visit subterranean locales. Her attention zeroed in on one fast-arriving vehicle in particular.

In truth, her equipment had been holding up, and needed no new components. What Orau was really after was the trail of her lead. Besides their drinking habits, Orau also watched their commute, and knew that at this time, they'd be heading for that depot, and taking that shuttle in particular. And if she and Harak made good time, they could perhaps catch them and request a story or two with spare funds. Orau heard drunken blabber about something like that, blabber she was willing to gamble on. And better yet, they could perhaps follow this lead to their destination, and hopefully bring Orau closer to her target.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:13 am
by Europa Undivided
Harak Helstran
The Gem

"You know, this former wife of yours," she began. "If she really wanted to slap you silly like you say, then she'd probably be intercepting you at the Misguided Faith. I'd suggest we stay away from it for the time being. It is a rather high-profile vessel after all."

"And there is something I need to get. Some components for weaponry. Checked all of the vendors around here, they don't seem to have what I need. Considering a trip to elsewhere in the Gem." She gestured in the direction of a transport depot. "I could probably ask directions over there, and if something good came up, ride to there."

Harak simply nodded. He was no psyker at all, unlike those that escaped the fall of the old republic aboard the titanic city ships and avoided being genetically modified to the ends of the Ragon conquerers. Orau had a point there, too. If there was one place that the ex-wife might be waiting, it would be near the ship that she knew he was posted in. Maybe if he delayed long enough, she will get bored and leave...

"Okay then," Harak answered as he too looked towards the nearby transport depot. Maybe there was something he might fancy getting on the way, such as a souvenir, or a book he could read over in his spare time. He had some left over, after all, and it's not like he was going to put these in savings. He'd already put the allotted funds in there.

"Pray tell," Harak asked, "What exactly are the weapon components that you require? I might I know someone in here who has those."