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PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:23 pm
by Ralnis
Alaroma wrote:
Ralnis wrote:Well its going to be a couple series of wars as I do believe Uruk may have half of Iraq and Ur is fighting an uphill battle.

I mean even still, there’s going to be a solid amount of time before I’m ever going to be able to field legions in their full glory, though I suppose bands of 100-1,000 men maybe. However I’d like to hope you’d be done with all the violence by the time Aksum has the ability to spare 1,000 men to fight in a foreign war that’s not inherently it’s own.

What's probably going to happen is that Ur wins with heavy losses, as usual, and Uruk surrenders once and for but those that it couldn't control becomes a NPCs themselves, which is another problem for the Queendom. But they wouldn't try to fight Ur after just slugging against their greatest rival.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:25 pm
by The Orson Empire
Plzen wrote:The Orson Empire and Lazarian, if you have any issues of Commonwealth policy you wish to raise in the 42nd Regular Session of the Stórþing (winter year 21), please telegram me soonish.

We’ll do this the democratic way, although I do reserve veto power on things I find intolerably contrary to my vision for the Commonwealth.

>has democracy
>still reserves arbitrary veto power


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:31 pm
by Joohan
Europa Undivided wrote:Edits done.

Primitive firearms (muskets and arquebuss, and rudimentary ammunition)
Fireworks (and in extension, explosives)

You went from simply gunpowder and cement, to rockets and firearms? I hope you know muskets are not as simple in design as you might think, and the same goes for rockets - I speak with more than a bit of experience in both departments: Active soldier, and I've been building amateur rockets since I was nine years old.

Do you honestly, from memory, know how to accurately build both of those things?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:32 pm
by Plzen
The Orson Empire wrote::eyebrow:

I do, after all, hold the most populous Republic in the Commonwealth without interference from other authors and Clara does, after all, still have her reputation as the semi-legendary founder of the Commonwealth.

Once, and if, we have authors for Finland and the Baltics I’ll come up with a more sophisticated out-of-character voting system to decide on national policies for the Commonwealth, but since there’s only three of us at the moment, majority vote with veto for the most powerful member strikes me as reasonable.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:33 pm
by Guuj Xaat Kil
@Europa Undivided
You should've ran for fire arrows first bro, its literally just a bullet-less paper cartridge on an arrow.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:40 pm
by Europa Undivided
Joohan wrote:
Europa Undivided wrote:Edits done.

Primitive firearms (muskets and arquebuss, and rudimentary ammunition)
Fireworks (and in extension, explosives)

You went from simply gunpowder and cement, to rockets and firearms? I hope you know muskets are not as simple in design as you might think, and the same goes for rockets - I speak with more than a bit of experience in both departments: Active soldier, and I've been building amateur rockets since I was nine years old.

Do you honestly, from memory, know how to accurately build both of those things?

Hmm, just GP and the bricks then.

Guuj Xaat Kil wrote:@Europa Undivided
You should've ran for fire arrows first bro, its literally just a bullet-less paper cartridge on an arrow.

That would be the first step.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:44 pm
by Europa Undivided
Europa Undivided wrote:Author Applicaiton
Name: Nikolai Aleksandr Sapohznik (Just call him Sasha)
Age: 22
Height and Weight: 5'8"
Skin, hair, and eye description: Nikolai has the fair skin typical to people of Slavic descent, though he has the black hair that his mixed Levantine heritage grants. His eyes are a dim grey.

Prior Profession: College Student
Level of education: He finished bachelors in Psychology and was in his second year for Journalism He also had crash courses in Business Administration. It should also be noted that he knows a TON of history and practical science due to self education and YouTube.
Physique description: It can be said that Nikolai won the genetic lottery; he doesn't need to workout too much to maintain his form (which is not super impressive either, mind you). He isn't particularly a heavy lifter, but he compensates with the mind that he has.
Useful skills: He has a great stock of knowledge in practical science, which means he pretty much knows how to make concoctions, specifically gunpowder and bricks (not that he can do it himself, he just knows the procedures). He is also a pretty competent leader if the opportunity presents itself. Given enough time and a lab, he'll be producing innovations by applying all the knowledge he has, though that takes some time to do.

National Origin: American; fourth generation Russian Jewish immigrant.
What were you doing prior to falling asleep and awakening in the past?: He was writing the next chapter in his book entitled "Never Forget", a collection of interviews on multiple Holocaust survivors that he spoke to. He was making it into a novel.
Description of personality: Nikolai is a clever joker, perhaps best known for his love of memes on history and science. He has many strange interests, and is seen as strange as a result. However, he is also a flaunter of his superior intellect and looks down on those that don't understand in his level, giving him a mixed reputation. Still, he is ostensibly caring and defensive for those he sees as a friend or as equals, but other people that are not as close don't receive the same treatment, and may even be seen with contempt if they had assaulted him in the past.
Where in the world are you landing?: Near modern day Moscow, Russia.

Autobiography/Biography: Nikolai Sapohznik was born in New York City as the first child of Piotr Andreevich Sapohznik and Isabella Clark. He had two siblings after himself: Grigory and Catherine. Growing up, he proved himself to be especially intelligent in the sciences, though he was a no show in the arts (except for singing, he's a crazy good tenor, as well as the piano). He was homeschooled due to his asthmatic tendencies, and as a result finished junior high school in just two years instead of the standard four years. At age 16, he entered college in New York, where he excelled in general and finished at age twenty. It was in his second course that he met the love of his life; a girl by the name of Elizabeth Turner. What's more is that she was his first and last, and in their junior year he finally proposed to her while being surrounded by their friends and some professors, to which she said yes. It should be noted, however, that Nikolai is, for the lack of a better word, a pretty conservative person, and he pretty much forbade Elizabeth from night life. This produced some... Let's say, friction between them as they neared graduation, but Elizabeth would see that her boyfriend's thinking is for the best. As all of this went on, he spent most of his free time learning about things that most people wouldn't consider useful.

What are your intentions for this RP, what's the long term goal?: To create a unified Slav nation stretching from Russia to Poland down to Bulgaria. Never mind that they haven't migrated to most of those places yet; these lands will be ours given enough time.
What people or places are you taking inspiration from?: The peoples of Eastern Europe, of course. Oh, and the Levant.
Why did you choose to land where you did?: Düring the days of the Russian Empire, his ancestors lived within the Pale of Settlement, and when anti-Jewish persecution heightened under the czarist regime, that is when they fled to America.
What vibe should we get from your civilization and it's culture?: Take Russia and Poland and make them convert to Judaism (ala Khazar Khaganate). Also make them convert to Christianity when the time comes.
What are your character's motivations?: He knows most of the events that would eventually transpire in history, and when the time comes, he wishes for Eastern Europe to be a powerful safe haven for the Jews while the rest of the world persecutes them.
Theme Song?: One Million Voices by Two Steps from Hell
What do you wanna see in this RP? What would make it better?:

(Yes, I entered college at age 16, homeschooling has its perks)

Here (again).

Just gunpowder and bricks. Whatever he makes in the future would be the product of constant experimentation and trial and error which takes a lot of time.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:56 pm
by Joohan
Europa Undivided wrote:
Europa Undivided wrote:Author Applicaiton
Name: Nikolai Aleksandr Sapohznik (Just call him Sasha)
Age: 22
Height and Weight: 5'8"
Skin, hair, and eye description: Nikolai has the fair skin typical to people of Slavic descent, though he has the black hair that his mixed Levantine heritage grants. His eyes are a dim grey.

Prior Profession: College Student
Level of education: He finished bachelors in Psychology and was in his second year for Journalism He also had crash courses in Business Administration. It should also be noted that he knows a TON of history and practical science due to self education and YouTube.
Physique description: It can be said that Nikolai won the genetic lottery; he doesn't need to workout too much to maintain his form (which is not super impressive either, mind you). He isn't particularly a heavy lifter, but he compensates with the mind that he has.
Useful skills: He has a great stock of knowledge in practical science, which means he pretty much knows how to make concoctions, specifically gunpowder and bricks (not that he can do it himself, he just knows the procedures). He is also a pretty competent leader if the opportunity presents itself. Given enough time and a lab, he'll be producing innovations by applying all the knowledge he has, though that takes some time to do.

National Origin: American; fourth generation Russian Jewish immigrant.
What were you doing prior to falling asleep and awakening in the past?: He was writing the next chapter in his book entitled "Never Forget", a collection of interviews on multiple Holocaust survivors that he spoke to. He was making it into a novel.
Description of personality: Nikolai is a clever joker, perhaps best known for his love of memes on history and science. He has many strange interests, and is seen as strange as a result. However, he is also a flaunter of his superior intellect and looks down on those that don't understand in his level, giving him a mixed reputation. Still, he is ostensibly caring and defensive for those he sees as a friend or as equals, but other people that are not as close don't receive the same treatment, and may even be seen with contempt if they had assaulted him in the past.
Where in the world are you landing?: Near modern day Moscow, Russia.

Autobiography/Biography: Nikolai Sapohznik was born in New York City as the first child of Piotr Andreevich Sapohznik and Isabella Clark. He had two siblings after himself: Grigory and Catherine. Growing up, he proved himself to be especially intelligent in the sciences, though he was a no show in the arts (except for singing, he's a crazy good tenor, as well as the piano). He was homeschooled due to his asthmatic tendencies, and as a result finished junior high school in just two years instead of the standard four years. At age 16, he entered college in New York, where he excelled in general and finished at age twenty. It was in his second course that he met the love of his life; a girl by the name of Elizabeth Turner. What's more is that she was his first and last, and in their junior year he finally proposed to her while being surrounded by their friends and some professors, to which she said yes. It should be noted, however, that Nikolai is, for the lack of a better word, a pretty conservative person, and he pretty much forbade Elizabeth from night life. This produced some... Let's say, friction between them as they neared graduation, but Elizabeth would see that her boyfriend's thinking is for the best. As all of this went on, he spent most of his free time learning about things that most people wouldn't consider useful.

What are your intentions for this RP, what's the long term goal?: To create a unified Slav nation stretching from Russia to Poland down to Bulgaria. Never mind that they haven't migrated to most of those places yet; these lands will be ours given enough time.
What people or places are you taking inspiration from?: The peoples of Eastern Europe, of course. Oh, and the Levant.
Why did you choose to land where you did?: Düring the days of the Russian Empire, his ancestors lived within the Pale of Settlement, and when anti-Jewish persecution heightened under the czarist regime, that is when they fled to America.
What vibe should we get from your civilization and it's culture?: Take Russia and Poland and make them convert to Judaism (ala Khazar Khaganate). Also make them convert to Christianity when the time comes.
What are your character's motivations?: He knows most of the events that would eventually transpire in history, and when the time comes, he wishes for Eastern Europe to be a powerful safe haven for the Jews while the rest of the world persecutes them.
Theme Song?: One Million Voices by Two Steps from Hell
What do you wanna see in this RP? What would make it better?:

(Yes, I entered college at age 16, homeschooling has its perks)

Here (again).

Just gunpowder and bricks. Whatever he makes in the future would be the product of constant experimentation and trial and error which takes a lot of time.

Okay. This is more acceptable.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:57 pm
by G-Tech Corporation
Joohan wrote:hmm... I mention Icedonia looking to invest into medical research and G pop's off with a post about him playing doctor an hour later...

Interesting... Reminiscent of the whole cannon business no? Bort's, we did it! It's not us reacting to him anymore, it's him reacting to us!

You mentioned medical research? I’m afraid I must have missed that.

More I meant this to be the start of delving into Viktor’s relationship with his children, and thunking through where said offspring might have ended up. I also posted, like, six months ICly back about other medical matters :P

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:58 pm
by Pyrghium
Joohan wrote:Active soldier, and I've been building amateur rockets since I was nine years old.

Could it get more Prussian than this? Bismarck would be proud. :p

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:59 pm
by Guuj Xaat Kil
So yeah G no issues in my app that Joohan will press?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:01 pm
by G-Tech Corporation
Plzen wrote:
G-Tech Corporation wrote:Over time, culture, military realities, and trade will mold the Norse into a gentler, kinder people.

I am not entirely sure why you expect repeated military conflicts to accelerate this process.

Simplicity itself, really. Extinguish anyone with enough hate in their hearts to actually take uo arms and try and kill their neighbors, often enough and consistently enough, and Darwinian selection will disincentivize being Norse and warlike right out of the genepool.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:01 pm
by Alaroma
Ralnis wrote:
Alaroma wrote:I mean even still, there’s going to be a solid amount of time before I’m ever going to be able to field legions in their full glory, though I suppose bands of 100-1,000 men maybe. However I’d like to hope you’d be done with all the violence by the time Aksum has the ability to spare 1,000 men to fight in a foreign war that’s not inherently it’s own.

What's probably going to happen is that Ur wins with heavy losses, as usual, and Uruk surrenders once and for but those that it couldn't control becomes a NPCs themselves, which is another problem for the Queendom. But they wouldn't try to fight Ur after just slugging against their greatest rival.

Either way, we Aksumites May very well act as neutral nurses. (Ie set up medical facilities near battlefields) assuming there’s not a slaughter the entire enemy army mentality. If there is, uhhhh, we’ll just stick to preaching and trading. Actually this is a good time to set up some orphanages.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:01 pm
by G-Tech Corporation
Guuj Xaat Kil wrote:So yeah G no issues in my app that Joohan will press?

None that I recall - though I am old and senile these days.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:08 pm
by Ralnis
Alaroma wrote:
Ralnis wrote:What's probably going to happen is that Ur wins with heavy losses, as usual, and Uruk surrenders once and for but those that it couldn't control becomes a NPCs themselves, which is another problem for the Queendom. But they wouldn't try to fight Ur after just slugging against their greatest rival.

Either way, we Aksumites May very well act as neutral nurses. (Ie set up medical facilities near battlefields) assuming there’s not a slaughter the entire enemy army mentality. If there is, uhhhh, we’ll just stick to preaching and trading. Actually this is a good time to set up some orphanages.

Do I have to defend Aksumite Red Cross nurses? Because if that's the case then fine, at least the Near East is becoming more advanced and connected while Northern Europe is still a wartorn mess of advancement.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:11 pm
by Alaroma
Ralnis wrote:
Alaroma wrote:Either way, we Aksumites May very well act as neutral nurses. (Ie set up medical facilities near battlefields) assuming there’s not a slaughter the entire enemy army mentality. If there is, uhhhh, we’ll just stick to preaching and trading. Actually this is a good time to set up some orphanages.

Do I have to defend Aksumite Red Cross nurses? Because if that's the case then fine, at least the Near East is becoming more advanced and connected while Northern Europe is still a wartorn mess of advancement.

Sure, though ideally the rebels have an understanding we’re not their enemy either, and we’ll Help anyone. Thus a common understanding that going after the doctors doesn’t make sense for anyone.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:13 pm
by Ralnis
Alaroma wrote:
Ralnis wrote:Do I have to defend Aksumite Red Cross nurses? Because if that's the case then fine, at least the Near East is becoming more advanced and connected while Northern Europe is still a wartorn mess of advancement.

Sure, though ideally the rebels have an understanding we’re not their enemy either, and we’ll Help anyone. Thus a common understanding that going after the doctors doesn’t make sense for anyone.

I fear that Uruk would be attacking the doctors because Aksum is allied to Ur. That's just how I see it at first and you do come in as an Aksumite and not an independent third party. Now not everyone but I'm sure it wouldn't be an awesome idea for both sides as even in irl Red Cross volunteers do get fired upon.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:18 pm
by Alaroma
Ralnis wrote:
Alaroma wrote:Sure, though ideally the rebels have an understanding we’re not their enemy either, and we’ll Help anyone. Thus a common understanding that going after the doctors doesn’t make sense for anyone.

I fear that Uruk would be attacking the doctors because Aksum is allied to Ur. That's just how I see it at first and you do come in as an Aksumite and not an independent third party. Now not everyone but I'm sure it wouldn't be an awesome idea for both sides as even in irl Red Cross volunteers do get fired upon.

Smh Uruk big dumb, but it can’t be helped. That said, doctors ahoy!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:26 pm
by Ralnis
Alaroma wrote:
Ralnis wrote:I fear that Uruk would be attacking the doctors because Aksum is allied to Ur. That's just how I see it at first and you do come in as an Aksumite and not an independent third party. Now not everyone but I'm sure it wouldn't be an awesome idea for both sides as even in irl Red Cross volunteers do get fired upon.

Smh Uruk big dumb, but it can’t be helped. That said, doctors ahoy!

I wouldn't say they are the big dumb, just start hitting the medical logistics of the enemy while they have it.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:28 pm
by Alaroma
Ralnis wrote:
Alaroma wrote:Smh Uruk big dumb, but it can’t be helped. That said, doctors ahoy!

I wouldn't say they are the big dumb, just start hitting the medical logistics of the enemy while they have it.

Sounds like stay a away from enemy armies, which is fair.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:52 pm
by Khasinkonia
Well, here's the finished product. Hopefully this will be acceptable, as it's accurate save a few necessary details that could've easily happened had I conducted myself slightly differently. I took inspiration from the way Plzen wrote her app, so hopefully the pseudo-interview style isn't too difficult on the senses, as I'm a bit of a rambler. Cheers y'all!

Author Application
Name: Emmalynn Leisaghiou ar Nola(Not my birth name, not quite my chosen name, but new world, new you!)
Age: 17
Height and Weight: 5’7”, 143lbs. I’ve been trying to learn metric but my country of origin does not do well to encourage it.
Skin, hair, and eye description: Pale skin(Burning or tanning is roughly a 50/50 shot), wavy brown hair that easily gets some wispy sandy blonde streaks from sun exposure, and dark brown eyes
I’ve got a slightly stronger chin, a more aquiline nose, and heaven knows that I have dark circles under my eyes in spades, but otherwise it’s a decent approximation.

Prior Profession: Moderately Enthusiastic High School Student
Level of education: High School Education(~Thru most of junior year), note: 5 years of French, 3 of Chinese
Physique description: I’m overall lithe with a mesomorphic body type. Very proud of my small waist, to the point that I’ve written a whole sentence about it. Kinda thicc, also kinda bony elsewhere. Honest, my body’s just a tad weird, but I suppose that’s life. I will say, I’m not athletic, I hold my chest when I run, and my ankles roll like nobody’s business, so anything involving strenuous physical activity is not great fun for me.
Useful skills: I’m a whiz with languages and social studies. Notable as far as social studies go, I’ve been doing quite well in my AP Economics course(Alas, I’ll never know the end of Macro). Thanks to a rather unorthodox elementary school curriculum and years of playing and watching people play map games, I’m really good at drawing maps, especially world maps. I have a bit of background in small-scale administration, so I would say that I have an inclination towards putting together bureaucracies. Otherwise, I have a decent base in biology thanks to a childhood full of BBC and National Geographic, a good bit of knowledge about digestive health and other reasons for abdominal pain due to lots of gastroenterologist visits, and a good bit of lagniappe theoretical knowledge from my pathological wikipedia reading that may prove useful here and there. As an easy example, although I have no chance in hell of even figuring out how to forge the boiler, I know the rough mechanics of a steam engine, so if someone sorted the metallurgy part, I might be able to help put it to use.

National Origin: United States
What were you doing prior to falling asleep and awakening in the past?: I was napping on the bus. Frankly, I was really looking forward to a snack and a cup of tea.
Description of personality: I’m a very contradictory person in a few ways. I blame my upbringing. I’m naturally timid, but I’ve been working for a while on being bolder, and so sometimes I’ll speak my mind and then immediately curl up and hide, figuratively. I fancy myself smart, but at the same time I like to make a conscious effort to remind myself about the Dunning-Kruger effect whenever I think I’m getting good at something. I’m pessimistic by nature, but years of verbal abuse and counselling(not at once) have left me in an odd position where I can see the bright side but feel more comfortable assuming the worst. I’ve been told I’m tough on myself. Maybe it’s a mixture of perfectionism, maniacal tendencies, and a bastardised sense of vanity, but I definitely do have a tendency towards brutal judgements both towards myself and towards others. For politeness’ sake, I don’t voice them, but I often can’t help thinking. Also I can be pretty hard-headed, sometimes scarily oblivious, a bit impatient, and have occasional bursts of mania where I’m just busy as a bee.
Where in the world are you landing?: England, Rainham Marshes Nature Preserve, right on the banks of the Aerbaker

I was born a bouncing baby boy in New Orleans. My original name is something I plan on forgetting eventually, so why document it? During my early childhood, I was privy to multigenerational living arrangements, as I was the 6th generation to grow up in the family home, and lived with not only my parents and younger brother, but my great grandparents as well. My mom and dad married fresh out of college and in college respectively, so we were not particularly in a great position financially, which led to my dad working long hours. He did his best to be present by coming home for dinner and stuff, but it was tough. My great grandma did a lot to help raise me until she passed. Before she did, though, we had to live through Katrina. Some of my earliest memories come from that time. But, back on track. I was homeschooled for elementary school, and my mother was functionally a single mother for a while when my dad was up at seminary for a year. She ran depressed, and I had to pick up some of the slack as a result, which as you can imagine left me in an awkward mental position.

Moving on to the second era of my life, my dad’s time in seminary put strain on my parents’ marriage, as I understand, so my preadolescent years had a bit of an upheaval as my parents divorced and I got sent to a private school, kudos to an endowment for the children of ordained ministers. To be clear, my father and I are Anglican, not Catholic(Though I was baptised Catholic). Middle school saw my mother remarrying, then my father doing the same in my 8th grade year. My mother’s husband, I’m afraid, was not great for my mental health. He figured I was a gay boy, and didn’t recognise my damage mental health as a problem. He really was a garbage parental figure, to be frank. He and my mother made us of numerous authoritarian parenting techniques that did far more harm than good, which left me with longstanding trust issues.

In the summer between 7th and 8th grade, I had a real shakeup as far as self-image went, because at summer camp I found out I was trans. (Fun Meta Fact: I actually figured it out in large part courtesy of NS). I’ve never been one to be patient, and I estimated that my mother would not at all be supported, so, after due research, I stole an exacto-knife from my science teacher’s, got a zip tie, and engaged in DIY surgery. It left an ugly scar, and severely complicated any theoretical prospects of SRS, but it achieved the goal of slamming the breaks on the male puberty that had just recently began for me.

Of course, readers may note that removing one set of gonads won’t immediately compel the body to switch tracks to a different puberty, which is where the next part of our story leads. I often helped my great grandfather with a variety of tasks. Notably, I helped him write out a lot of his information for tax purposes, which meant that I had access to a checking account that was relatively infrequently referenced. So, I took advantage of that, and funded my illicit acquisition of hormonal treatments via regular small transferrals into a paypal account. It was a lot of work, and a lot of stress, but I succeeded at it.

Baggy clothes and, after a while, ace bandages kept the physical changes out of question, since my voice had dropped early, and I made a point of feigning masculinity as much as possible to keep them from suspecting anything serious. Between the end of freshman year and the beginning of sophomore year, though, shit really hit the fan, as, although I kept my treatments a secret, I did end up getting dragged out of the closet by one particularly nasty line of questioning from my stepfather. Strong tensions started getting even worse, and, after they tried to pry into a section of my personal life I was especially keen on not bringing to light, I decided to run away to my dad’s to live full time.

Since I was nearly 16, they couldn’t really do anything legally, even though CPS wasn’t involved, I got my way, and stayed at my dad’s full time. We tried to address some of the affairs in front of a psychiatrist, but really I don’t think anything came of it other than a guarantee that I’m not bipolar. So that leads me to my last year in the modern world. Although the great grandpa gravy train was no longer funding me, I had managed to get a job with the church nursery that provided just enough monthly income to foot the bill. In addition to new housing arrangements, I transferred schools. It’s a funny story as to how I ended up going to the best school in the state. My dad sent in an application for me in semi-jest when I complained about how slow my school’s curriculum was moving, and thanks to a set of decent PSAT scores, some good grades under my belt, and, I assume, a great stroke of luck, I was accepted in. I made a lot of good friends, and, really, for probably the first time in my life I was doing pretty well. I had plans to head to Memorial University of Newfoundland and leave America, but I guess the universe had a cheekier way of sending me abroad.
What are your intentions for this RP, what's the long term goal?: Survival at the moment, perhaps setting up an education system and building a functional life in the future.
What people or places are you taking inspiration from?: Qing Dynasty, Bourbon France, Communist Romania, Japanese Empire, Joseon Dynasty, Huey P. Long, Jimmy Smallwood, Antonio Salazar, St. Olga, Joseph Stalin
Why did you choose to land where you did?: I’m afraid I left myself to the mercy of
What vibe should we get from your civilization and its culture?: Hopefully something nice and industrialist. Steampunk is a pipe dream, but it might come to fruition eventually.
What are your character's motivations?: At the very least, finding a social niche to occupy. At the most, helping steer humanity towards global domination as one people. Another pipe dream is seeing my transition to proper “completion,” as I define it.
Theme Song?: Jalousie, Hei Haloo, Disobedient, Battle of Wuhan. Maybe I’ll keep adding and make a personal playlist.
What do you wanna see in this RP? What would make it better?: I’m eager for what’s already there, but if I think of anything notable, I’ll definitely bend your ear.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:59 pm
by Europa Undivided
Joohan wrote:
Europa Undivided wrote:
Here (again).

Just gunpowder and bricks. Whatever he makes in the future would be the product of constant experimentation and trial and error which takes a lot of time.

Okay. This is more acceptable.

No more issues then?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:01 pm
by Plzen
IC post is up! This is the first of what might be two or three posts covering the timeskip.

Response to Turner's letter is written, and as per arbitration the war in Slesvig grinds down to a stalemate. Considering what Saxony-Brandenburg's ruled in favour of, I guess G-Tech also submitted a fairly cautious and defensive strategy for the Imperium.

As usual, commentary and feedback would be welcome.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:03 pm
by Joohan
Europa Undivided wrote:
Joohan wrote:
Okay. This is more acceptable.

No more issues then?

You're accepted

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:05 pm
by Plzen
Khasinkonia wrote:I took inspiration from the way Plzen wrote her app, [...]

...someone actually read my revised application? Huh. Guess that does occasionally happen from time to time, after all!

Welcome to the North Sea area! We're all a bit bloody at the moment, so do your best to keep up and not get ground into the front. :p