Strategikon (Medieval Sandbox) Always open

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Strategikon (Medieval Sandbox) Always open

Postby Imperialisium » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:37 pm




The Year is 1018 Anno Domini

The Known World is a patchwork of Feudal domains with mighty lords dominating the land. The British Isles are dominated by various peoples and for the first time since the Roman Empire manned Hadrian's Wall is England united by the Anglo-Saxons. To their north, the Scottish tribes; The West, the Welsh kingdoms still remained independent. Across the Sea lay the Emerald Isle ruled by Irish clans. Across the English Channel the Kings of France contend with powerful local lords and duchies like Normandy and Brittany. Territories independent in all but name. While the ever looming threat of Norse raiders remains on the horizon. In Spain the remnants of the Iberian-Visigoth Kingdoms have coalesced into the realms of Navarre, Leon, and Castile. The Moors dominating the Iberian peninsula.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Europe the Holy Roman Empire is in turmoil as powerful electors and magnates vie for the title of Emperor. Meanwhile the Kingdom of Burgundy, the third successor state to the empire of Francia sits between its powerful Western and Eastern siblings. Italy itself is a battleground between Lombard, Norman, native Italian, Papal, Byzantine, and Muslim interests. But one thing is certain in Italy. The power of the Pope and the Latin Church is firm throughout Europe.

In Eastern Europe, the lands East of Poland are the domains of Pagan tribes, Norse settlers, and the growing dominance of the Kievan Rus' situated in its core lands within Ukraine. In the Balkans and Anatolia the Empire of the Romans, the Byzantine Empire, based out of Constantinople as finally subjugated the Bulgarian Empire, retaken much of Southern Italy, and is shoring up its Eastern Frontier under the leadership of the aging Emperor Basil II, The Bulgar-Slayer.

In Africa and the Middle East the Fatimid Caliphate is in decline. Local Emirs are gaining increasing autonomy while the Caliphate's army is faced with internal strife between Berbers, Turks, and African contingents. The Uqaylids in Syria already are independent while other Islamic empires claim the title of Caliphate. The Zarids in Tunis, the Umayyads in Spain, the Almoravids in North-West Africa and Ghaznavids in Iran.

The Role Play

This is an alternative history role play whereby everything is historically accurate up until the year 1000AD whereby you may diverge and make up the last 18 years of history to start out. From then on you may alter history even further as the story progresses. Is your ruler totally made up by you? Maybe it's a historical monarch, in that case, will your ruler who in real life died childless give birth to a heir? Perhaps he/she will have six children instead of three. Will your realm conquer territories it never possessed in real life? Will is fall into civil war and from the ashes something wholly new emerge? It is up to you! The role play will not have a set end point and could conceivably continue right up to the present and beyond.

Now, there is a bit of grounding to be had. Armies cannot cross the known world instantly. However for the sake of the RP certain realities are bent to fit the narrative. Writing a letter to another ruler can be received in that persons next post to keep the RP going. However, the movement of armies and navies took time and energy, especially if you need to raise levy/militia/peasant troops to compliment whatever warrior corps you already possess. I wont give a hard rule for how long this should take but I do ask players to be reasonable and fair to each other nor should anyone expect to win every battle, siege, and war. Further, there is a degree of historical accuracy in all aspects in regards to military and economics. Populations were fairly spread out and small compared to the modern period and money is not infinite. Feudalism while being self-sufficient in regards to social structure and agriculture for much of its history had lower production levels. Warfare was endemic during this period but your people will get tired of constant warring and you may find dissent among the ranks more so than opposition from the enemy.

Additionally, I, the OP will throw certain challenges at players that befits the era and situation. Playing as the Duchy of Normandy and you manage to Conquer England with a previous ruler. Now your current king starts purging nobles he doesn't like and spending frivolously to the point of endangering the financial stability of the realm? Fair chance you'll have a rebellion of land owners on your hands with angry Barons and Earls raising banners to put your head on a pike and install your younger, much easier to control, brother on the throne.

Role Play Mechanics

Passage of Time

Each IC page represents one year. Naturally during complex diplomacy, wars, and dialogue bits this will slow down the roleplay. Time skips will be used to maintain this pace of the RP. As such players should not feel rushed to go through events or challenges that should be interesting to write and read about. So as a general rule always monitor the OP's posts for dates and times which will dictate the official chronological date that the role play is currently on.

Succession Laws
An Old set of laws stemming from the Frankish Kingdom under Clovis I in the early 6th century AD. Whereby all the lands and wealth of the parent are evenly spread among the legitimate sons. Women are excluded from all succession rights. It is also known as Gavelkind law and the eldest son succeeds to the main title of the father. However, the rest of the realm is divided up into either various feudal fiefs under the oldest son or become entirely independent realms.

Oldest dynasty member inherits. This is naturally the least complicated but can become very destabilizing to the realm. As rulers naturally will have shorter reigns due to succeeding at greater age than normal and easily can lead to infighting among the ruling dynasts all vying for power.

The eldest child inherits. This style of succession was arguably the most common in Europe and came in a few variations depending on the culture of the realm in question. Agnatic whereby only male heirs succeeded. Agnatic-Cognatic whereby males had preference but in the absence of a legitimate male heir a female could succeed. Thirdly, Absolute Cognatic where male and female heirs had equal rights and it came down to whom was the eldest.

Feudal Elective
Every major ruler in the realm votes for the heir. This tends to be very popular with vassals as it gives them greater political power in the realm. However, should you prove to be unpopular than you may find your family losing the next election to lead the nation. The Holy Roman Empire starts out with this form of government and requires the Pope in Rome to officially Crown them as Holy Roman Emperor after being Elected.


Youngest child inherits. The natural drawback to this is it tends to yield younger, less experienced or straight up inexperienced, possibly even minor rulers on the throne.

Population Growth

Medieval populations are up to conjecture at best and points of contention at least. However, certain approximate population sizes can be ascertained. Such sites, Wikipediafor example, can offer aggregate outlook from a variety of sources. So I will allow some leeway for your realms starting population. Just be reasonable and I won't take issue. Since we're in the early half of the High Middle Ages and you decide to role play as England. Having a population of 2 to 3 million is reasonable. Put pushing it beyond that is largely unreasonable and something not seen in England till the end of the High Middle Ages just before the Black Death caused a sharp decline in population. A yearly population increase of 0.5% (compounded) during peacetime is the rule of thumb to follow. Additionally, realms at peace but next to realms fighting long wars may experience an immigration event adding more people and will be determined during the course of the IC at a case by case basis.

As an example: The Kingdom of England in 1150 is locked in a war with the Kingdom of France. England has a population of 3 million and has mobilized itself for war. The simulate the loss of manpower being used to form armies (and thus not home farming or making babies) the population growth will naturally decrease by 0.2-0.4 percent depending on how long your armies remain on campaign. One year. thus one IC page, will simulate a 0.2% loss of population growth which corresponds to one campaigning season historically (March to September would be historically accurate but not necessary to adhere too). Any thing longer and it doubles to 0.4% loss to also account for losses due to disease, less agricultural production thus capping growth, and replacing battlefield losses. So if the English player fights a long war with France and has to Winter his army still raised then their growth is down to 0.1%. Not accounting for other issues like famine or devastation brought about my raiding forces or disease which could cause populations to decrease up to 2% per year.

Warfare and the Economy

Warfare was endemic during the Middle Ages and naturally a well accepted fact of life. The economies of various nations could skyrocket or crash considerably depending on their successes in war and the actions of their neighbors. Warfare itself was also highly risky despite it being relatively widespread; especially, given that many conflicts were not against other nations but internecine squabbles for internal power and wealth. Pitched battles were rare and seldom devolved into a chaotic melee as most often depicted in Hollywood films. Quite frankly much of medieval warfare came down to zone-of-control via fortifications and battles of maneuver. It was quite often that a General would retreat to force a better outcome else ware or seek to outmaneuver their opponent before committing their forces to a full on battle. As most casualties typically occurred during a rout, if one was forced to retreat, all could be lost so use your forces carefully. This section however is not about the tactics and nature of warfare but a general guideline for organization. Additionally, your eligible population is different than what you can field logistically. Medieval field armies rarely exceeded 30,000 men due to the logistical strain and shortcomings of the period. Further the loss of a field army, while you may have plenty of manpower, is a heavy blow and seldom is there enough time to cobble together another force before the war is over.

The Levy

The Levy whether you're playing as nomads from the Eurasian steppe or Saharan desert, a feudal society in the Christian and Muslim worlds, or what have you. The Levy formed the bulk of every nation's army during the Middle Ages. Where as the noble classes could train for years, gird and shield themselves in proper weapons and armor, they are few and could not win wars on their own. They needed the masses of society to do the footslogging for them to attain victory. In come the Levy. Made up of farmers, towns peasants, nomadic tribesmen, etc. Equipped and armed by any means available and sent on campaign. They are not professional soldiers but as history shows if well led and cared for they can put up a stiff fight. This type of force comes in a few sub-categories due to what society they hail from:

-Nomad/Tribesmen: Nomadic and Tribal groups can call upon 15% of their population to mobilize during war time. However, the tribe/clan's economy is greatly affected as a result. A successful campaign can yield great riches and boons to your people. But a long, bitter, heavy casualty suffering campaign can cause your people's fortunes and disposition to sour greatly.

-Feudal Levy: The Feudal Kingdoms of Europe, Middle East, and North Africa can call upon 5% of their male populations to serve. This is a modifier to the Royal Levy explained below. Again these are not professional troops in addition to the fact that they take orders from their local lords. An unpopular monarch may see a much smaller than usual Levy mobilized during wartime as a result as local lords withhold their forces. Low morale and a series of defeats may also cause your Feudal Levies to seemingly melt away as they grow disheartened with your leadership and seek to just return home.

-Royal Levy: The Royal Levy is the catch all name for the peasants and/or serfs in your immediate demesne. This is the core of your levy and augmented by your vassals raising their feudal levies and marching to join you on campaign. You may raise up to 3% of your immediate demesne's population to serve.

-Imperial/Thematic Levy: This only is mentionable by the fact that the Roman Empire still exists (also known as Byzantine Empire) and was never a true feudal society. Instead after numerous military reforms over the centuries the Empire can still boast a professional army backed up by provincial forces. The provinces of the Empire are organized into Themes which have their own self contained Levy that is called up in times of defense or to accompany an army on campaign. Follows the same 5% rule as the Feudal Levy.

Mercenaries and Orders

War is business for some. Mainly for those men who choose to live by the sword for profit. Mercenaries tend to be professionals in the art of war. Otherwise they wouldn't be employed right? While their loyalty can be bought and can even switch sides while on campaign, which is their main drawback, mercenaries are a good way to augment a force were a certain skillset is lacking. Mercenary companies and guilds often have certain specializations and internal organizations that can prove useful. One Mercenary group may specialize as Heavy Cavalry while another may be adept Siege experts. Mercenaries are tough, capable, and generally competent on the field of battle. Just don't expect them to fight to the last man for you. After all, can't make much coin if you're dead?

Next there is the Orders, Religious or Secular, and are a group of warriors (typically Knights and Men-At-Arms) that are landless or tied to a specific location. While many of history's most famous military orders like the Knights Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights wouldn't appear until the 12th Century. Players can form their own Orders, hire them, or even vassalize them by giving them land. However, the catch is that an Order will only fight foes that befit its original purpose. If a player forms the Teutonic Knights in 1075AD to fight Pagans in Lithuania....they won't go to war against the Pope! So while they can provide an amazing boost of good or at least zealous soldiers to any player's military forces they are a niche formation.


What made a professional soldier was different in the 11th century than in the 21st. While the only true Professional Army at the time was the Tagmata formations of the Byzantine Empire in 1018 AD. Any nation can strive to form their own professional army if one so chooses. Though it is highly expensive and in a feudal society would probably require greater centralization and taxation. Therefore occurring immediate opposition from the nobility. But, in lieu of professional troops, many nations were able to fulfill this niche with the noble class itself. In Europe there are Knights and Men-At-Arms. Knights being nobles who are able to equip themselves with horse, full armor and weapons, and trained from a very young age of how to fight and lead men into battle. Hollywood likes to portray Knights as pompous buffoons half the time but the truth couldn't be farther from that image. Yes, while some Knights were indeed incompetent morons. Many were soon gruff, competent, grizzled veterans trained in lance, sword, and bow. Capable of fighting on horseback and foot. Executing complex military maneuvers and being knowledgeable in various aspects of warfare. They were also learned, able to read and write, many spoke more than one language and knew the art of diplomacy as well. The Islamic nations of the period while able to similarly equip themselves had their own rules and etiquettes. As such Islamic armies tended to lack a true equivalent to knights but were nonetheless able to have competent nobles leading them. A professional army is only expected to be about 1-2% of a nations population during war time.

The Economy

Medieval economies were agrarian based. Most of your people spend a lot of time growing food or performing animal husbandry. Being feudalistic or in the case of the Byzantines not being feudal but still having the social stratification. Lower classes would pay taxes either in coin or kind (food and goods) to the nobles or government in exchange for protection and administration. As such you need not necessarily defeat a players army in the field, simply lay waste to their country side, as was the tactic of the Chevauchee by the English during the Hundred Years' War against the French. However, a market economy did exist throughout the world at the time. Towns and Castles formed centers of trade were farmers would sell foodstuffs, craftsmen would ply their trade, and foreign caravans would arrive to do business. Exchange was either through barter or metal coins.

While various realms had their own coins and names for them. By 1018AD there was one currency that all are pegged too, and two prevailing systems of units. The currency in question was the Byzantine/Roman Nomisma (Nomismata for plural) or popularly known in the West and Islamic world as the Solidus or Bezant. It is a 24 karat gold coin at 1/72 a pound of gold and accepted by all medieval economies of the time.
The Islamic coin known as the Dinar is based off of this coin but of lesser quality.

In the West you'll find a second system of currency using silver and copper coins using the Pound/Shilling/Penny system. Whereby the Shilling was the equivalent of the Solidus (though of lesser quality) and valued at 12 pence/pennies. Naturally various nations had different names so I'll leave it to the players to form their own names or even systems.


1. No Godmodding or Metagaming
2. Be respectful at all times.
3. I reserve all rights as OP
4. I and possibly other Co-Ops may form events that offer challenges or boons to a player based on their actions (they will not be biased).
5. Rules subject to change.
6. Nations already accepted, when the RP is ongoing, will have their new histories take precedence over new applicants. New applicants will have to treat the new alternative history being made as canonical when making their application.

Do not go beyond Iceland, Saami, Volga Bulgar Khanate, Cuman Tribes, Ghaznavids, or Fatimids.
1.Byzantine Empire (Purple)
2. Buyids (Pale Green)
3. Kingdom of England (Red)
4.Kingdom of France (Royal Demesne in Blue with borders of the kingdom in blue)
5.Republic of Genoa (Pink)
6. Kingdom of Sicily (dark teal)
7. Kingdom of Hungary (Orange)
8. Caliphate of Cordoba (Green)
9. Duchy of Lotharingia (Light Teal)
10. Fatimid Caliphate (Yellow)
11. Canton of Schywz (Crimson)
12. Kara-Khanid Khanate (Sky Blue)
13. Kingdom of Scotland (Brown)
14. Kingdom of Poland (Lavender)
15. Kingdom of Sweden (Dark Blue)
16. Duchy of Provence (Dark Purple)
17. Margraviate of Tuscany (Metallic Green)
*Golden Lines are boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire superimposed; except, its Westward boundaries which are blue as it shares a border with France. Both the HRE and France are very decentralized states to the point that they're boundaries may shift but not the owners of the lands constituting them. As such territories may be subsumed or leave these very fractured states.

Delete everything in parenthesis)
Code: Select all
NationStates Name:
Nation Name:
Government Type: (Feudal, Republic, Theocratic, Imperial)
Head of Government:
Dynasty/Family Name:
Eligible Military Population: (total eligible males, NOT what you can field)
Territorial Claims: (These give you starting Casus Belli's over territory occupied by another nation that you view as de jure your own)
State Religion:
Dominant Religion:
Minority religions:
Religious Information:
Economy Information:
Military Information:
History: (need not be exhausting, just some details so we can get a bit of your nations past and heritage)

Ruler's Name:
Ruler's: Age:
Ruler's Personality:
Physical Appearance:
Ruler's Family Information: (describe other important family members)
Ruler's History:

Anything I should know about you player wise?:

NationStates Name: Imperialisium
Nation Name: Basileia tôn Rhōmaiōn (The Roman Empire), Byzantine Empire
Capital: Constantinople
Government Type: Imperial
Head of Government: Basileus/Autokrator
Dynasty/Family Name: Makedon
Population: 12 Million (~700,000 in Constantinople)
Eligible Military Population: 600,000
Territory: Empire in 1018AD
Territorial Claims: Syria, Levant, Northern Mesopotamia, Sicily, and Italy.
State Religion: Orthodox Christianity
Dominant Religion: Orthodox Christianity
Minority Religions: Nestorian, Miaphysite, Latin, Islam, Judaism.
Religious Information: Technically Chalcedonian Christianity but the division of East and West is already apparent. The Orthodox Church performs its activities in Greek and is headed by the Ecumenical Patriarch who in turn answers to the Emperor. Something that the Latin church in the West would not contemplate, bowing to a secular title of authority, and as such there is tension between the Eastern Emperor and the Western Papacy over who is the true Vicar of Christ on Earth. Under the Patriarch are the various Churches, Hermitages, Monasteries and shrines that dot the Empire.
Economy Information: The Empire is not a true feudalistic society. Its lower class is either landed farmers or town/city plebs that form the majority of the imperial population. Above them is a small but burgeoning middle class of craftsmen, guild members, and the military class. Above them is the patricians, the upper class, those whom bear lofty titles like Senator and high government office. The currency of the Empire is the Nomisma (Solidus, Bezant). Basil's prudent leadership and administration has led to an annual income of 7,000,000 Nomisma.
Military Information: The Army of the Empire is divided into the elite, professional, Tagmata regiments based in and around Constantinople. The Tagmata currently number 42,000 and are entrusted not only with the defense of Constantinople, but forming the core of the Imperial Army on campaign. Do to this dual role they seldom are able to take to the field with more than half their number. The Tagmata Regiments also tend to have special roles or specializations about them. Such as the 6,000 strong Varangian Guard whom form the Emperor;s bodyguards. The Heavy Cataphracts of the Athanatoi or the Arithmos who guard the walls of Constantinople.
-6,000 Varangians
-2,500 Athanatoi
-4,000 Noumeroi
-4,000 Optimatoi
-200 Heteireia
-12,000 Arithmos
-3,000 Exkoubitoi
-8,300 Scholai
-2,000 Hikanatoi

This is backed up by he 300 vessel strong Imperial Fleet headquartered in Constantinople and garrisoned throughout the empire totally 42,000 personnel.

The Empire is then divided up into various Themes or Provinces that have their own regional Thematic forces which operate like a militia levy. Regional commanders mobilizing their province during times of invasion or to send detachments to assist the Imperial Army based out of Constantinople when on campaign.

History: The Roman Empire did not fall in 476 AD, it survived in the East, well the Eastern half of the empire did. Based out of Constantinople the Greek speaking, but still Roman, half of the Empire has survived. Its history is one of ups and downs. Under Justinian I the Empire managed to reconquer half of the Western Empire under the able generals Belisarius and Narses. Yet by the mid 7th century the Empire had lost its wealthy provinces of Egypt, Levant, and Syria to the emerging Muslim Caliphate. Slowly losing Africa, Spain, and Sicily to them over the next two hundred years. While in Italy the Exarchate of Ravenna gradually diminished. In the Balkans the Empire was pushed south to just holding Greece proper and the Southern half of Thracia. The Empire seemed to be in slow decay.

Until a second revival occurred under Basil I the Macedonian and his successors. Basil II forbears. Under the soldier-emperor's of the Macedonian dynasty the Empire witnessed a great revival. John I Tzimiskes managed to curb the Bulgarian threat and secure Anatolia. His successor and nephew Basil II, succeeded in 976 AD, would go on to crush the First Bulgarian Empire in a series of wars. Restoring the Danube frontier and forcing the Croatian and Serbian Princes to become his vassals. By 1018 AD Basil II, now with the epithet: The Bulgar Slayer, has managed to secure the boot of Italy and the Eastern frontier.

Ruler's Name: Basil II the Bulgar-Slayer
Ruler's Age: 61
Ruler's Personality: Basil II is indifferent to the educated and philosophical strata of society. Though he is not ignorant and a learned man. He disdains the glamor of court life and while on campaign shares the same rations the rank and file eat. He is a soldier's soldier. A martial man who seeks to secure the empire for generations to come. This naturally makes him popular with the army. The army backed Emperor
Physical Appearance: Image
Basil is about average height, stocky, and his skin still remains largely taunt despite his age. He possesses a striking figure on horseback, with bright blue eyes, pure white hair, and long whiskers. His stern face is the visage of a soldier-emperor. His body despite his age is still well muscled and strong, his hands rough, and while he prefers simple clothing than all of the decadent Imperial garb his form is more close to that of a hardworking peasant than a soft skinned aristocrat.
Ruler's Family Information:
-Anastacia Artemisia Porphyrogenita, aged 16 (born February 25th, 1001AD) is the daughter of Emperor Basil II by his short marriage to a woman named Theophano who died during child birth. The Emperor has never remarried and Anastacia has grown up as the sole daughter to the Emperor since then. She is much like her father in spirit and mood. Playing games of Tykanion on the grounds of the Imperial palaces in Constantinople and touring the Empire while her father is off on campaign. Seldom idle to sit in luxury despite the numerous suiters that seek to bathe her in gifts so that they may secure her hand in marriage. She is slightly above average height, standing 5ft9, and athletic. Her long raven black hair and light skin that tans in the summer to a soft olive. Her sea green eyes like some ancient pagan goddess from centuries ago.

-Constantine, aged 59, is the younger brother to the Emperor Basil II and totally his opposite. Find of luxury, lax, and utterly uninterested in administrating the Empire.
---Zoe Porphyrogenita, aged 39 (born in 978), is the niece to Emperor Basil and daughter to his younger brother Constantine. She, like the Emperor's daughter Anastacia, is described as beautiful. She is adept at administration and court politics. However, she is a power hungry and manipulative woman who covets her cousin's place as the Imperial heiress. Possessing lush blonde hair and bright blue eyes she is certainly an imposing woman. Her lithe form and skin makes her out to be many years younger than she actually is.
---Theodora Porphyrogenita, aged 37 (born in 980), and a quiet woman of little repute. Possessing a plain face unlike that of her older sister Zoe. Her smaller frame and soft eyes more in the look of a servant than a woman of imperial prestige.

Ruler's History: Basil was born to the Emperor Romanos II and his wife Theophano of Laconian Greek origin. His paternal side is not well known for ancestry. Possibly of Phrygian Greek origin or Slavic. His mother was suspected of poisoning his Constantine VII and hastening the death of Romanos II. Leading to his mother marrying one of her generals, Nikephoros II Phokas, before he himself was murdered a few years later by the Empress new lover. John I Tzimiskes. John I would secure his rule by crushing rebellion and waging a successful war against the Bulgars. Ultimately when John died in 976 AD after reigning for seven years Basil II finally took the throne.

Basil was trained with all the trappings of a soldier. He was skilled in horse archery, use of spear, lance, sword, and axe. Being athletic while wearing armor and the use of tactics. Basil as junior Emperor to John I Tzimiskes would learn much from the senior Emperor and his generals. Allowing him in turn to finally subjugate the Bulgars, Serbs, and Croatians before turning East. A competent administrator though wise to entrust offices unto more capable hands. Allowing Basil to lead the Imperial military in person rather than give orders from the distant palaces of Constantinople.

Around the year 1000 Basil fell in love with a woman, also named Theophano, and were married at a small shrine near Adrianople. The couple would have only one child. Born nine months later, as Theophano perished during the birth, but the baby was saved in turn. Thus the Emperor would only have one child, and never married again.

Anything I should know about you player wise?:
Last edited by Imperialisium on Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:53 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Greater Loralia
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Postby Greater Loralia » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:23 pm

now I have to choose between two of your RPs, both of which I have yet to fully read. Damn it, man. This might sound like a compliment, but you're approaching dangerous grounds.

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Postby Imperialisium » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:04 pm

Greater Loralia wrote:now I have to choose between two of your RPs, both of which I have yet to fully read. Damn it, man. This might sound like a compliment, but you're approaching dangerous grounds.

I can be quite the femme fatale lol
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Postby Danceria » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:08 pm

Imperialisium wrote:
Greater Loralia wrote:now I have to choose between two of your RPs, both of which I have yet to fully read. Damn it, man. This might sound like a compliment, but you're approaching dangerous grounds.

I can be quite the femme fatale lol

Imp confirmed Prussian trap.

Also tag for Slavic Stomping
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Greater Loralia
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Postby Greater Loralia » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:09 pm

Imperialisium wrote:
Greater Loralia wrote:now I have to choose between two of your RPs, both of which I have yet to fully read. Damn it, man. This might sound like a compliment, but you're approaching dangerous grounds.

I can be quite the femme fatale lol

I'm gonna be the fatale and gain the power within your mind.

idk tho. I just agreed to start an RP with someone else, and became staff in another RP. :(

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Postby Imperialisium » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:28 pm

Greater Loralia wrote:
Imperialisium wrote:
I can be quite the femme fatale lol

I'm gonna be the fatale and gain the power within your mind.

idk tho. I just agreed to start an RP with someone else, and became staff in another RP. :(

Up to you. Again I’m biased and would say join my rps.

@Danceria, I can neither confirm or deny
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Postby Imperialisium » Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:29 am

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Postby Benuty » Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:54 am

This looks really cool, but can't do anything until I get back from a cruise on Saturday.
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Postby Imperialisium » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:20 am

Benuty wrote:This looks really cool, but can't do anything until I get back from a cruise on Saturday.

No worries, enjoy the cruise, and this will still be around when you get back!
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:48 pm

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Postby Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States » Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:58 pm

Looks very cool! I’m jumping in.
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:35 pm

Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States wrote:Looks very cool! I’m jumping in.

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Postby Joohan » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:43 pm

Hold on,

So, I understand that somebody already has a tag for the Slavs - but I am a little curious as to who they mean. Do they mean that they art tagging the Kievan Rus, or the Balkan slavs?

This is very important, because what I had in mind was for a Kievan Rus in a state of civil war an anarchy, spurred by the attempts of Vladimir the Great to Christianize the nation to the discontent of the numerous pagan lords of the realm. I intended to mainly play as a prince on the run after being driven out of his lands by a usurping sorcerer.

If indeed Kievan Rus has been reserved, could it be possible that I could simply play a lord of the realm and continue on with my story line?
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:45 pm

Joohan wrote:Hold on,

So, I understand that somebody already has a tag for the Slavs - but I am a little curious as to who they mean. Do they mean that they art tagging the Kievan Rus, or the Balkan slavs?

This is very important, because what I had in mind was for a Kievan Rus in a state of civil war an anarchy, spurred by the attempts of Vladimir the Great to Christianize the nation to the discontent of the numerous pagan lords of the realm. I intended to mainly play as a prince on the run after being driven out of his lands by a usurping sorcerer.

If indeed Kievan Rus has been reserved, could it be possible that I could simply play a lord of the realm and continue on with my story line?

Since they didn’t specify which Slavs (let alone which Slavic realm or polity) you have free reign to app as the Kievan Rus’ or a Prince therein.
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Postby Joohan » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:46 pm

Imperialisium wrote:
Joohan wrote:Hold on,

So, I understand that somebody already has a tag for the Slavs - but I am a little curious as to who they mean. Do they mean that they art tagging the Kievan Rus, or the Balkan slavs?

This is very important, because what I had in mind was for a Kievan Rus in a state of civil war an anarchy, spurred by the attempts of Vladimir the Great to Christianize the nation to the discontent of the numerous pagan lords of the realm. I intended to mainly play as a prince on the run after being driven out of his lands by a usurping sorcerer.

If indeed Kievan Rus has been reserved, could it be possible that I could simply play a lord of the realm and continue on with my story line?

Since they didn’t specify which Slavs (let alone which Slavic realm or polity) you have free reign to app as the Kievan Rus’ or a Prince therein.

Thank you.
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:51 pm

Joohan wrote:
Imperialisium wrote:
Since they didn’t specify which Slavs (let alone which Slavic realm or polity) you have free reign to app as the Kievan Rus’ or a Prince therein.

Thank you.

No problem!
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Postby Joohan » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:15 pm

NationStates Name: Kingdom of Joohan
Nation Name: Kievan Rus
Capital: Kiev
Government Type: Feudal
Head of Government: Grand Prince Dusan
Dynasty/Family Name: Rurikid
Population: 6.8 million
Eligible Military Population: 875,000
Territorial Claims: Then Pencheng Tribal lands of the Ukraine, and the Cuman lands of the western steppe
State Religion: Eastern Rite Catholicism
Dominant Religion: Eastern Rite Catholicism/Slavic Paganism
Minority religions: Islam, Judaism
Religious Information: Since the reign of Vladimir the Great ( 980-1015 ), the Kievan Rus has begun a period of Christianization - oriented towards the Eastern Rite of Constantinople. Proclaimed as the faith of the nation, all lords ( boyars ) have been required to kneel before the alter and profess their faith in the Christ. Though many have taken to their new faith heartily, especially those of the merchant class who now enjoy an even closer relationship with their Byzantine partners, many of society's more traditional denizens have been opposed to the introduction of this foreign faith. This resistance is led by the Volkhv ( pagan priests ) and their sympathetic boyar compatriots. Since the end of Vladimir's reign in 1015, numerous pagan revolts across the realm have killed hundreds and plunged the nation into a state of anarchy.

Economy Information: The Principality is, as are nearly all states of Europe, an agrarian realm - governed by the whims of feudal lords an rulers. The massive size of rugged wilderness of the Principality have made commerce and travel have made an interesting matter for the economics of the realm. Rivers ( most notably the Volga and it's many tributaries ) have become the favored method of commercial travel across the realm. Traveling overland is near impossible for unprepared parties, who are forced to face thousands of miles of untamed and wild forest lands; this is to say nothing of the nasty weather conditions which come during the mud season and the winter months.

By far, the Eastern Roman Empire has proven to be the Principality's greatest partner in trade. The cycle of trading the timber, ores, and fish of the Rus for the crafted wares, silver coin, and technical experts of the Byzantines have created a vigorous and profitable trade network, centered around the Black Sea. Across the Principality, every court seemingly has at least a few Byzantine architects, tutors, scribes, or priests - and the most renowned warriors among the ranks of Constantinople's imperial protectors are the Varangian guard - hardy soldiers hailing from the great wild's of Kievan Rus.

Though great amounts of wealth flow throughout the Principality, it is typically only seen by riverside settlements, where trade and transport is most common. Inland villages and townships are more removed from the prosperity found among their riverside neighbors.

Military Information: The Kievan Rus has proven to be global crossroads for the myriad fighting systems of the road. Originally founded by Norsemen little over 100 years ago, an being yet only removed a few decades from their tribal ancestors, most lords of the realm still hold true to their viking roots. The typical lord will be well schooled in the usage of small and professional war-bands to project their power up and down the Principality's labyrinth of rivers.

Above these lords though reigns supreme the Grand Prince of Kiev, who commands supreme the loyalty and allegiance of all lords and their vassals ( at least in theory ) . The Grand Prince of Kiev is capable of calling to arms the levies of his vassal lords, assembling a possible 110,000 men for his campaigns. The last campaign to be carried out to any such size had been undertaken by Vladimir the Great, who took his army of 30,000 Varangians and conquered all lands between Novgorod and Kiev. Such massive movement of arms is ( projected from country's great and mighty rivers ) is thought to be the prefered method of the Grand Princes when in time of war.

Though the vast majority of soldiers across the realm are merely peasant levies, called up by their lords, there are present also some 14,000 professional men at arms, dubbed the Varangians. These men are sworn and bound to their lords, born and raised in the brutal martial heritage and fighting styles of their viking forefathers. The Grand Prince of Kiev personally commands the loyalty of 7,000 of these warriors.

History: Following the Death of Vladimir the Great in 1015, his sons Sviatopolk the Accursed and Yaroslav ( later to be known as the wise ) would wage a brutal three year war against one another across the whole of the Principality. Thousands of men on both sides would die, but Yaroslav would prove victorious following the defeat of Sviatopolk's Pecheneg army. Yaroslav would return to his father's capital in Kiev and proclaim himself Grand Prince. He would only hold title for a year however, before being overthrown by his own people. The years of war and campaign between the sons of the late Grand Prince Vladimir, had brought poverty and misery to much of the realm. Numerous volkhv, spurred by their supportive boyars, now no longer kept under the careful eye of the Kiev Christians, began to raise support for the old gods once again, denouncing the foreign faith and worship of this Christ and all the misery his followers had brought. Upon returning to Kiev, Yaroslav would quickly find himself placed into a deteriorating situation. Most the city and countryside were on the brink of starvation, the treasury was depleted from years of war, and the volkhv's were raising rebellion in the countryside. Eventually, Yaroslav ( and numerous members of council ) would be murdered by his own guard, on the orders of rival boyar Maksim of Stelkpiov. His sorcerer, the volkhv of Veles, Neptoiov, would lead his flock in a revolt across the city of Kiev, killing or driving out the supporters of Yaroslav in a single bloody revolt. Hand in hand, Neptoiov and Maksim vie to bring to heal the whole of the Principality, under the banner of Perun ( god of thunder and war ) and the now pagan city of Kiev. Yaroslav's second oldest and only surviving son, Dusan, had managed to escape to the wilderness with his Druzhina ( personal guard ). Still in a state of shock, Dusan and company now find themselves hunted and isolated in a land they used to call home

Ruler's Name: Grand Prince Dusan
Ruler's: Age: 15
Ruler's Personality: Dusan, though still growing and full of youth, is greatly intelligent for his age - a fact which has proven both a boon and a crutch. When of clear mind and intent, Dusan is bold, decisive, and displays a courageous assuredness which others can find infatuating. However, his intelligence often will drive Dusan towards an indecisive position. Fearing to make mistakes or to miss out on a greater opportunity, he will become reclusive and distant from those around him and of his council - preferring to think and contemplate alone. His youth, vigor, and years of noble upbringing have instilled upon Dusan a fraternal love of his friends and peers, as well as a hardy and amiable demeanor to those strangers lucky enough to cross his path. Dusan posses also a deeply inquisitive side, oft emanating in his hours of pondering the nature of God and his creations ( an inquisitive nature which has been for years, fed with numerous scrolls and saga's from his father's library ). Since the death of his father, and his expulsion from Kiev, Dusan has been completely devastated, the sense of dread and hopelessness seizing him almost completely. While in the company of his Druzhina, he spends most of his time in his tent, lamenting the death of his father, longing for a return to his home, and praying to the lord for salvation. He has isolated himself from a world which he believes has but only the intention to destroy his whole family.

Physical Appearance: ( I am afraid that a description will have to suffice for the moment ) Dusan stands at arond 5 "6', being only two inches shorter than the average adult male at this time, holding up a frame of about 145 lbs, about 15 pounds lighter than the average adult male. He maintains an athletic build, were in his muscles are defined, and his shoulders taunt. His hair, light blond almost red in color, falls to the bottom of his neck. His eyes, brown almost black, are sharp and somewhat saddened with wisdom and loss. His lips are thin and pursed.
Ruler's Family Information: The whole of the Rudirik dynasty either died in the war of succession following the death of Vladimir the Great, or during the revolt in Kiev. Dusan is the last Rudirik still alive
Ruler's History: I described most of the important information in the personality section

Anything I should know about you player wise?: I'll do this later
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Postby Krugmar » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:29 pm

Tag, plus an app. Could I also suggest using the SWMH map instead? Its largest drawback is that it cuts off India, but on the plus side it's far more aesthetic and predisposed to nicer and accurate borders unlike the normal CK2 one.

NationStates Name: Krugmar
Nation Name: Buyid dynasty (آل بویه‎ Āl-e Buye)
Capital: Shiraz, Baghdad, Ray
Government Type: Feudal
Head of Government: Shahanshah/Amir Sultan al-Dawla wa 'Izz al-Milla
Dynasty/Family Name: Buyids
Population: ~6,500,000 (from some figures I found online from Angus Maddison's work)
Eligible Military Population: 120,000
Territorial Claims: Upper Mesopotamia, Eastern Iran, Central Asia. They also claim via the Abbasids the right to rule over the Dar al-Islam.
State Religion: Shi'a Islam (Twelverism)
Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam
Minority religions: Shi'a Islam (Twelverism, Ismailism), Christianity (predominantly Church of the East), Zoroastrianism
Religious Information: The religious situation in modern-day Iraq and Iran is far removed from the homogeneity of Western Europe at this time. In Iraq a threefold divide splits the populace between the Shi'ites, predominantly of Ismaili and Twelver sects, who dominate the south, Christians of the Church of the East, also known as Nestorians, who dominate the north, and Sunnis, largely centred in the areas around Baghdad and as minorities throughout the country. Iran is at this time predominantly Sunni, though to the north the Daylamites largely profess Shi'ite Islam, of the Zaydi and Twelver sects, while Zoroastrian and Nestorian minorities can be found throughout the land.

The Buyids take a very tolerant and practical approach to this religiously divided country. While Twelver Shi'ites, they have also positioned themselves as the protectors of the Abbasid Caliphate, and by extension of Sunni Islam. Buyid rulers largely prefer to keep a balance between their Sunni and Shi'ite subjects, and if unable to please either will often position Christians in high positions to placate both sides.
Economy Information: The Buyids control the heartlands of Iraq and Iran, sitting upon one of the main routes between the east and west, which provides a significant amount of wealth via trade. These lands are themselves wealthy, able to support large populations thanks to bountiful floodplains in Iraq and complex irrigation systems in Iran. Significantly unlike Europe the state is able to retain near-complete ownership of its lands through the use of the Iqta system, which grants vassals the right to collect taxes from lands but denies them actual control over them or hereditary succession.
Military Information: The military system of the Buyids is fairly standard, with muqtis (vassals) being expected to muster the amirs regular troops in return for being granted tax revenues. The elite of the Buyid military, the cavalry, is divided between the Shi'ite Daylamites and Sunni Turks, who are often at odds at each other over influence and power. In general the Turks are more numerous and favoured in Iraq, and the Daylamites in Iran.
History: The Buyid dynasty emerged out of the crumbling Abbasid dynasty, the sons of the convert Buya able to conquer various parts of Iraq and Iran under the pretence of keeping order. While one might have expected them to exact revenge upon the Abbasids for perceived injustices against the Shi'a faith, they instead cautiously positioned themselves as the protectors of the Caliphate and of Sunni Islam. Despite a strong base and control of the current centre of Islam, their existence as a dynastic confederation of three emirates, and the religious and political instability of the region, meant that a great deal of energy was spent upon internal issues and warring with each other.

The reign of Sultan al-Dawla has proven to be a reversal of the decline the dynasty has faced since the death of 'Adud al-Dawla in 983. Sultan al-Dawla has been energetic in attempting to restore the dynasty to power, intervening in the affairs of the Emirate of Ray and eventually taking it in 1016 from his kinsman Majd al-Dawla after the latter proved unable to quell a revolt by one of his vassals. In 1018 Sultan al-Dawla made one of his rare trips to Iraq and was able to subjugate the marchlands, a hotbed of rebellion and disorder, but faced an attack by the Ghaznavids and his own brother Qawam al-Dawla which saw him lose his power base of Fars.

Mustering his troops and winning the allegiance of his Turkic mercenaries, Sultan al-Dawla was able to decisively defeat his brother and the Ghaznavids, allowing him to subjugate Kerman. For the first time in their history the Buyids were united under one leader, with Sultan al-Dawla taking on the title of Shahanshah to show his dominance over Iran. He still faces problems however, with a resurgent Rome only blocked by several buffer states, internal family strife and perhaps most dangerously dissatisfaction by his Turkic mercenaries over his perceived lack of interest in Iraq and preference for Daylamites.

Ruler's Name: Sultan al-Dawla wa 'Izz al-Milla
Ruler's: Age: 25
Ruler's Personality: Strong-willed and energetic, Sultan al-Dawla
Physical Appearance:
Ruler's Family Information: The Buyids are a large and somewhat fragmented dynasty, but recent internal strife has thinned their numbers somewhat. Shi'ite but religiously tolerant, Persian (Daylamite) but Arabic minded, they represent the best of the clash and mixing of cultures that Islam has brought to the region.
Important Family Members: Jalal al-Dawla, Governor of Basra and brother of Sultan al-Dawla
Qawam al-Dawla, Governor of Kerman and brother of Sultan al-Dawla
Abu Kalijar, 10 year old son of Sultan al-Dawla
Ruler's History: Covered in State History, but tl:dr 1) Becomes Emir of Iraq and Fars in 1012 upon the death of his father
2) Seizes Ray from kinsman Majd al-Dawla in 1016
3) Defeats younger brother Qawam al-Dawla and restores his control over Kerman in 1018

Anything I should know about you player wise?:
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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:51 pm

Joohan wrote:NationStates Name: Kingdom of Joohan
Nation Name: Kievan Rus
Capital: Kiev
Government Type: Feudal
Head of Government: Grand Prince Dusan
Dynasty/Family Name: Rurikid
Population: 6.8 million
Eligible Military Population: 875,000
Territorial Claims: Then Pencheng Tribal lands of the Ukraine, and the Cuman lands of the western steppe
State Religion: Eastern Rite Catholicism
Dominant Religion: Eastern Rite Catholicism/Slavic Paganism
Minority religions: Islam, Judaism
Religious Information: Since the reign of Vladimir the Great ( 980-1015 ), the Kievan Rus has begun a period of Christianization - oriented towards the Eastern Rite of Constantinople. Proclaimed as the faith of the nation, all lords ( boyars ) have been required to kneel before the alter and profess their faith in the Christ. Though many have taken to their new faith heartily, especially those of the merchant class who now enjoy an even closer relationship with their Byzantine partners, many of society's more traditional denizens have been opposed to the introduction of this foreign faith. This resistance is led by the Volkhv ( pagan priests ) and their sympathetic boyar compatriots. Since the end of Vladimir's reign in 1015, numerous pagan revolts across the realm have killed hundreds and plunged the nation into a state of anarchy.

Economy Information: The Principality is, as are nearly all states of Europe, an agrarian realm - governed by the whims of feudal lords an rulers. The massive size of rugged wilderness of the Principality have made commerce and travel have made an interesting matter for the economics of the realm. Rivers ( most notably the Volga and it's many tributaries ) have become the favored method of commercial travel across the realm. Traveling overland is near impossible for unprepared parties, who are forced to face thousands of miles of untamed and wild forest lands; this is to say nothing of the nasty weather conditions which come during the mud season and the winter months.

By far, the Eastern Roman Empire has proven to be the Principality's greatest partner in trade. The cycle of trading the timber, ores, and fish of the Rus for the crafted wares, silver coin, and technical experts of the Byzantines have created a vigorous and profitable trade network, centered around the Black Sea. Across the Principality, every court seemingly has at least a few Byzantine architects, tutors, scribes, or priests - and the most renowned warriors among the ranks of Constantinople's imperial protectors are the Varangian guard - hardy soldiers hailing from the great wild's of Kievan Rus.

Though great amounts of wealth flow throughout the Principality, it is typically only seen by riverside settlements, where trade and transport is most common. Inland villages and townships are more removed from the prosperity found among their riverside neighbors.

Military Information: The Kievan Rus has proven to be global crossroads for the myriad fighting systems of the road. Originally founded by Norsemen little over 100 years ago, an being yet only removed a few decades from their tribal ancestors, most lords of the realm still hold true to their viking roots. The typical lord will be well schooled in the usage of small and professional war-bands to project their power up and down the Principality's labyrinth of rivers.

Above these lords though reigns supreme the Grand Prince of Kiev, who commands supreme the loyalty and allegiance of all lords and their vassals ( at least in theory ) . The Grand Prince of Kiev is capable of calling to arms the levies of his vassal lords, assembling a possible 110,000 men for his campaigns. The last campaign to be carried out to any such size had been undertaken by Vladimir the Great, who took his army of 30,000 Varangians and conquered all lands between Novgorod and Kiev. Such massive movement of arms is ( projected from country's great and mighty rivers ) is thought to be the prefered method of the Grand Princes when in time of war.

Though the vast majority of soldiers across the realm are merely peasant levies, called up by their lords, there are present also some 14,000 professional men at arms, dubbed the Varangians. These men are sworn and bound to their lords, born and raised in the brutal martial heritage and fighting styles of their viking forefathers. The Grand Prince of Kiev personally commands the loyalty of 7,000 of these warriors.

History: Following the Death of Vladimir the Great in 1015, his sons Sviatopolk the Accursed and Yaroslav ( later to be known as the wise ) would wage a brutal three year war against one another across the whole of the Principality. Thousands of men on both sides would die, but Yaroslav would prove victorious following the defeat of Sviatopolk's Pecheneg army. Yaroslav would return to his father's capital in Kiev and proclaim himself Grand Prince. He would only hold title for a year however, before being overthrown by his own people. The years of war and campaign between the sons of the late Grand Prince Vladimir, had brought poverty and misery to much of the realm. Numerous volkhv, spurred by their supportive boyars, now no longer kept under the careful eye of the Kiev Christians, began to raise support for the old gods once again, denouncing the foreign faith and worship of this Christ and all the misery his followers had brought. Upon returning to Kiev, Yaroslav would quickly find himself placed into a deteriorating situation. Most the city and countryside were on the brink of starvation, the treasury was depleted from years of war, and the volkhv's were raising rebellion in the countryside. Eventually, Yaroslav ( and numerous members of council ) would be murdered by his own guard, on the orders of rival boyar Maksim of Stelkpiov. His sorcerer, the volkhv of Veles, Neptoiov, would lead his flock in a revolt across the city of Kiev, killing or driving out the supporters of Yaroslav in a single bloody revolt. Hand in hand, Neptoiov and Maksim vie to bring to heal the whole of the Principality, under the banner of Perun ( god of thunder and war ) and the now pagan city of Kiev. Yaroslav's second oldest and only surviving son, Dusan, had managed to escape to the wilderness with his Druzhina ( personal guard ). Still in a state of shock, Dusan and company now find themselves hunted and isolated in a land they used to call home

Ruler's Name: Grand Prince Dusan
Ruler's: Age: 15
Ruler's Personality: Dusan, though still growing and full of youth, is greatly intelligent for his age - a fact which has proven both a boon and a crutch. When of clear mind and intent, Dusan is bold, decisive, and displays a courageous assuredness which others can find infatuating. However, his intelligence often will drive Dusan towards an indecisive position. Fearing to make mistakes or to miss out on a greater opportunity, he will become reclusive and distant from those around him and of his council - preferring to think and contemplate alone. His youth, vigor, and years of noble upbringing have instilled upon Dusan a fraternal love of his friends and peers, as well as a hardy and amiable demeanor to those strangers lucky enough to cross his path. Dusan posses also a deeply inquisitive side, oft emanating in his hours of pondering the nature of God and his creations ( an inquisitive nature which has been for years, fed with numerous scrolls and saga's from his father's library ). Since the death of his father, and his expulsion from Kiev, Dusan has been completely devastated, the sense of dread and hopelessness seizing him almost completely. While in the company of his Druzhina, he spends most of his time in his tent, lamenting the death of his father, longing for a return to his home, and praying to the lord for salvation. He has isolated himself from a world which he believes has but only the intention to destroy his whole family.

Physical Appearance: ( I am afraid that a description will have to suffice for the moment ) Dusan stands at arond 5 "6', being only two inches shorter than the average adult male at this time, holding up a frame of about 145 lbs, about 15 pounds lighter than the average adult male. He maintains an athletic build, were in his muscles are defined, and his shoulders taunt. His hair, light blond almost red in color, falls to the bottom of his neck. His eyes, brown almost black, are sharp and somewhat saddened with wisdom and loss. His lips are thin and pursed.
Ruler's Family Information: The whole of the Rudirik dynasty either died in the war of succession following the death of Vladimir the Great, or during the revolt in Kiev. Dusan is the last Rudirik still alive
Ruler's History: I described most of the important information in the personality section

Anything I should know about you player wise?: I'll do this later

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Postby Imperialisium » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:52 pm

Krugmar wrote:Tag, plus an app. Could I also suggest using the SWMH map instead? Its largest drawback is that it cuts off India, but on the plus side it's far more aesthetic and predisposed to nicer and accurate borders unlike the normal CK2 one.

NationStates Name: Krugmar
Nation Name: Buyid dynasty (آل بویه‎ Āl-e Buye)
Capital: Shiraz, Baghdad, Ray
Government Type: Feudal
Head of Government: Shahanshah/Amir Sultan al-Dawla wa 'Izz al-Milla
Dynasty/Family Name: Buyids
Population: ~6,500,000 (from some figures I found online from Angus Maddison's work)
Eligible Military Population: 120,000
Territorial Claims: Upper Mesopotamia, Eastern Iran, Central Asia. They also claim via the Abbasids the right to rule over the Dar al-Islam.
State Religion: Shi'a Islam (Twelverism)
Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam
Minority religions: Shi'a Islam (Twelverism, Ismailism), Christianity (predominantly Church of the East), Zoroastrianism
Religious Information: The religious situation in modern-day Iraq and Iran is far removed from the homogeneity of Western Europe at this time. In Iraq a threefold divide splits the populace between the Shi'ites, predominantly of Ismaili and Twelver sects, who dominate the south, Christians of the Church of the East, also known as Nestorians, who dominate the north, and Sunnis, largely centred in the areas around Baghdad and as minorities throughout the country. Iran is at this time predominantly Sunni, though to the north the Daylamites largely profess Shi'ite Islam, of the Zaydi and Twelver sects, while Zoroastrian and Nestorian minorities can be found throughout the land.

The Buyids take a very tolerant and practical approach to this religiously divided country. While Twelver Shi'ites, they have also positioned themselves as the protectors of the Abbasid Caliphate, and by extension of Sunni Islam. Buyid rulers largely prefer to keep a balance between their Sunni and Shi'ite subjects, and if unable to please either will often position Christians in high positions to placate both sides.
Economy Information: The Buyids control the heartlands of Iraq and Iran, sitting upon one of the main routes between the east and west, which provides a significant amount of wealth via trade. These lands are themselves wealthy, able to support large populations thanks to bountiful floodplains in Iraq and complex irrigation systems in Iran. Significantly unlike Europe the state is able to retain near-complete ownership of its lands through the use of the Iqta system, which grants vassals the right to collect taxes from lands but denies them actual control over them or hereditary succession.
Military Information: The military system of the Buyids is fairly standard, with muqtis (vassals) being expected to muster the amirs regular troops in return for being granted tax revenues. The elite of the Buyid military, the cavalry, is divided between the Shi'ite Daylamites and Sunni Turks, who are often at odds at each other over influence and power. In general the Turks are more numerous and favoured in Iraq, and the Daylamites in Iran.
History: The Buyid dynasty emerged out of the crumbling Abbasid dynasty, the sons of the convert Buya able to conquer various parts of Iraq and Iran under the pretence of keeping order. While one might have expected them to exact revenge upon the Abbasids for perceived injustices against the Shi'a faith, they instead cautiously positioned themselves as the protectors of the Caliphate and of Sunni Islam. Despite a strong base and control of the current centre of Islam, their existence as a dynastic confederation of three emirates, and the religious and political instability of the region, meant that a great deal of energy was spent upon internal issues and warring with each other.

The reign of Sultan al-Dawla has proven to be a reversal of the decline the dynasty has faced since the death of 'Adud al-Dawla in 983. Sultan al-Dawla has been energetic in attempting to restore the dynasty to power, intervening in the affairs of the Emirate of Ray and eventually taking it in 1016 from his kinsman Majd al-Dawla after the latter proved unable to quell a revolt by one of his vassals. In 1018 Sultan al-Dawla made one of his rare trips to Iraq and was able to subjugate the marchlands, a hotbed of rebellion and disorder, but faced an attack by the Ghaznavids and his own brother Qawam al-Dawla which saw him lose his power base of Fars.

Mustering his troops and winning the allegiance of his Turkic mercenaries, Sultan al-Dawla was able to decisively defeat his brother and the Ghaznavids, allowing him to subjugate Kerman. For the first time in their history the Buyids were united under one leader, with Sultan al-Dawla taking on the title of Shahanshah to show his dominance over Iran. He still faces problems however, with a resurgent Rome only blocked by several buffer states, internal family strife and perhaps most dangerously dissatisfaction by his Turkic mercenaries over his perceived lack of interest in Iraq and preference for Daylamites.

Ruler's Name: Sultan al-Dawla wa 'Izz al-Milla
Ruler's: Age: 25
Ruler's Personality: Strong-willed and energetic, Sultan al-Dawla
Physical Appearance:
Ruler's Family Information: The Buyids are a large and somewhat fragmented dynasty, but recent internal strife has thinned their numbers somewhat. Shi'ite but religiously tolerant, Persian (Daylamite) but Arabic minded, they represent the best of the clash and mixing of cultures that Islam has brought to the region.
Important Family Members: Jalal al-Dawla, Governor of Basra and brother of Sultan al-Dawla
Qawam al-Dawla, Governor of Kerman and brother of Sultan al-Dawla
Abu Kalijar, 10 year old son of Sultan al-Dawla
Ruler's History: Covered in State History, but tl:dr 1) Becomes Emir of Iraq and Fars in 1012 upon the death of his father
2) Seizes Ray from kinsman Majd al-Dawla in 1016
3) Defeats younger brother Qawam al-Dawla and restores his control over Kerman in 1018

Anything I should know about you player wise?:


And I’ll switch out the maps as soon as I can. Thanks for the good idea!
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Great Franconia and Verana
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Postby Great Franconia and Verana » Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:45 am


Edit: Can one play as the Papacy?
Last edited by Great Franconia and Verana on Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Imperialisium » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:24 pm

Great Franconia and Verana wrote:Tag

Edit: Can one play as the Papacy?

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Postby Imperialisium » Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:03 am

Map is switched out; Roster is up! and IC is in the works!
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Postby Elerian » Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:08 pm

Hey Imp, I'll see if I can't put together an app.

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Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States
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Postby Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States » Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:47 pm

NationStates Name: Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States
Nation Name: Kingdom of England
Capital: London
Government Type: Feudal kingdom, Danelaw
Head of Government: Cnut ‘the Great’ of Denmark
Dynasty/Family Name: House of Denmark
Population: 1.5 million
Eligible Military Population: 250.000 males eligible for service
Territorial Claims: Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Normandy
State Religion: Christianity
Dominant Religion: Christianity, of various sects
Minority religions: Old Nordic Paganism, Celtic faiths
Religious Information: King Cnut is a devout Christian, as are many of the nobles and the people of England. There is some lingering paganism on the frontiers, but generally, the majority of the population follows Christianity. The form of Christianity differs, however. There are problems in the Church, as always, regarding some of the finer points of the trinity. Also, the question of whether to follow the Pope in Rome or the Patriarch of Constantinople is on the minds of many bishops. Most pressingly, the Danish Christians practice a more pagan form of Christianity, one which still incorporates many of the old Nordic traditions. As such, many Danes are Christian in name but closeted pagans, although their king keeps a heavy hand in matters of faith.
Economy Information: The Danes are excellent traders, commanding many longships that sail all over the world. This trade has vitalized the economy of the coastal cities, where many forms of labour and artisanship are practiced. The Danes are excellent smiths and stonemasons, after all, as well as proper shipbuilders. The days of raiding and plundering are over, and Danish settlers are content with bartering and trading for goods. The Anglo-Saxon majority, however, favours farming in the vast fields of England, herding many herds of sheep and cattle. There is a sharp divide between the more rural Anglo-Saxons, who own much of the land, and the urban Danes, who practice most of the trade and have large sums of gold at their disposal.
Military Information: The military of the kingdom exists from two sources: Anglo-Saxon levies raised from feudal obligations, and Danish retinue raised from loyal retainers in the cities and towns. While the Danes are higher in quality as fighters, and are very accustomed to ship-borne combat, the Anglo-Saxon bands are far more numerous, and can live easily off the land, where Danish troops are too expensive for prolonged campaigns. The king of England can also call upon Danish mercenaries, although those are even more expensive than his own Danish retinue, and he will need large sums of money if he is going to pay off those troops. For small conflicts and dealing with rebellions, the Danish retinue suffices, but for longer conflicts a call has to be made upon the Anglo-Saxon levies.
History: The history of current England begins rather oddly, rather recently. Before the year 1015, but three years ago, England was ruled by Anglo-Saxon kings, who ruled over a partly Danish and a partly Anglo-Saxon population. However, the Danes were ill-treated by their king Aethelstan, and the Danes of the Denmark took it upon themselves to save their brethren. Cnut’s father Sweyn first took up arms in 1003, when he attacked the city of Norwich. Then, in 1012, he took up arms again, conquering England for himself. His rule was shaken off, however, and in 1015, Cnut returned with a mighty army of Danes, Norse, Swedes and Poles, with whom he conquered the English throne from the Anglo-Saxons. With the money thus gained he paid off his troops, and prepared to make his kingdom into a great Danish powerhouse, where the Danelaw held sway.

However, the king himself is in a dilemma, about which I will explain more down below.

Ruler's Name:
Cnut ‘the Great’ son of Sweyn, of the Royal House of Denmark
Ruler's Age: 23
Ruler's Personality: Cnut is a hard-working, almost workaholic lad. He is solemn and religious, not one to get head-long into a fight. His physical stature is imposing, but his manners are kind and inviting, and he is thoughtful rather than brutish. He has a taste for poetry and history, and surrounds himself with learned priests who advise him in all manner of issues. He is also a law-giver, and wants to implement the Danelaw over the whole of England. However, in this, he often underestimates the opposition of the Anglo-Saxon land owners and barons, who would be happy to see their Danish king removed in favour of one of their own. Cnut has no mind for intrigue, and rather deals with his enemies in the open, while his enemies don’t have similar qualms.
Physical Appearance: From the Knytlinga saga:
“Knut was exceptionally tall and strong, and the handsomest of men, all except for his nose, that was thin, high-set, and rather hooked. He had a fair complexion none-the-less, and a fine, thick head of hair. His eyes were better than those of other men, both the handsomer and the keener of their sight.”
Ruler's Family Information:
Ælfgifu of Northampton, 28, Knut’s wife
Emma of Normandy, 33, Knut’s wife, former wife of Aethelred the Unready
Svein Knutsson, 2 years old, Knut’s infant son and heir apparent, son of Aefgifu
Harold Knutsson, 2 years old, son of Emma

Ruler's History:
See the country’s history. As of now, Cnut is wondering how to improve his kingdom in marked ways. He has dreams of creating a grand Danish empire, from Ireland to the Denmark and Norway, incorporating all the lands connected by the North Sea. However, he has also read about the Roman Empire, and wants his kingdom to become prosperous as Italy. For that, he would need to focus inward. On this depends the future not only of England, but of Denmark and Norway as well, as Cnut is currently heir apparent to the Danish crown as well.
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