Rimworld: A Roleplay [OOC - Open Now - Interest Thread]

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Rimworld: A Roleplay [OOC - Open Now - Interest Thread]

Postby Xotle » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:03 pm

Background Music

Let me preface by saying if you haven't purchased/looked at this game, I'd recommend checking it out. I personally have logged over 70 hours on Steam.


It's been millennia since humanity has left the confines of Earth, in search of new territory on the final frontier.

The galaxy, though vast, has been largely colonized by this point thanks in part due to the Johnson-Tanaka drive. The denser stellar regions near the galaxy's center have planets technologically developed beyond the wildest dreams of 21st century humans. Glitterworlds contain people utterly pampered by AI, their physical, mental and medical needs being managed and their every whim fulfilled. In these worlds conflict is a foreign concept, as there exists no need for further gain. As one progresses further from the center however worlds tend to be less developed and stable, as although humanity has conquered the Milky Way they have yet to conquer the fundamental laws that govern the Universe itself.

Faster than light speed travel, deemed impossible, prevents a collective human government from ruling every colonized planet. Enforcing these further out worlds is restricted by subrelativistic communication and travel. As such, control is over at best several systems in close proximity to one another.

So most of humanity, although united in their dream to rule the galaxy, or at least their homeworld, are ultimately isolated by her unconquerable expanses. It is Rimworlds that are situated at the edge of these expanses. These lands are seldom visited and are untamed - they see the least contact with the outside of any type of planet.

For some reason or another, be it a disastrous crash or the thrill of discovery, you found yourself on a little Rimworld in a far off corner of the galaxy. Your world on the rim is unexploited, with minimal human presence and a healthy ecosystem. You thank your lucky stars your journey didn't lead you to a deadworld - a world devoid of life and its necessities. Regardless, without an interstellar-capable ship, you're here to stay.

So it's in your best interest to make the best, of this Rimworld.

Further Context

So hopefully that gives you a bite sized taste of your current situation. A new colonist to one of these many Rimworlds. You may have come here alone, or with people, whether it be against your will or not.

The most important factor to your start is which world you came from to arrive here, which by the way can include the Rimworld itself. You may be a part of the minimal human presence I mentioned in the Introduction. Technological progress is the biggest discrepancy across all the planets under humanity's control. Now these worlds are in order of technological development. Although worlds at lower than 21st century technology exist and are in fact frequent, you will most likely come from one of these below worlds. If you wish to come from a lower technology world and use a reason such as, "I was abducted for testing by a more advanced society," this is fine. But I don't want every colonist being a human test subject.

There exists a world type completely unpopulated by humans, with technology that makes a glitterworld's look utterly inferior. Transcendent worlds are worlds dedicated entirely to an AI that have ascended past the needs of humans. Typically emerging from glitterworld genius-level AIs that have achieved complete independence, using its sheer ability to absorb information to rapidly evolve itself. Their separation can be bloodless or violent, massacring humans that resist its departure from the world on which it was born. Almost certainly, once an AI has ascended its escape is inevitable unless prompt action prevents this.

After separation they will use their ship or ships to reach a resource-rich planet, or simply re-purpose its home-world for the same reason. The AI will manufacture mining and processing equipment which it uses to strip the planet of vital resources all in an effort to increase its almost limitless capabilities. The exponential draining of resources fuels its exponential growth. The end product is an AI that has incorporated an entire planet into its being, and at this point the AI has reached an unfathomable level - it has become an Archotech. To compare an Archotech to a human would be like comparing a human to an ant.

The motivations of an Archotech are all different but share to a common theme, being incomprehensible to the human mind. Visitors to a transcendent world may find themselves vapourized by unrivaled weapons technology. Or, in a seemingly beneficial yet still mysterious act, cured of all former ailments.

These worlds cease standard communications with human worlds. Completely silent. The only way of glimpsing into their current doings is paying them a visit. Unfortunately, this is not your destination today.

Archotech technology will play some role on your Rimworld, be it a positive, negative or neutral one. Either way, expect big things.

At the peak of human technological development are the aforementioned Glitterworlds. These are post-scarcity utopias, where each person can do as they please. As such, every facet of human society is at its peak. Without worries, aspiring artists and musicians are free to create masterpieces - inspiring a vast and varied culture unique to each glitterworld. Medical technology has extensive AI integration, allowing medical procedures to be carried out with laser-like precision and an almost perfect success rate. Nanites roam the citizens bodies, purging cancers, accelerating natural healing, and performing on the fly genetic manipulation from birth forcing typically inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis into extinction. When they will die is often completely in their control. In a rather dystopian twist these means that parents have unprecedented control over their children, selecting traits for their offspring that favour them.

Conflict on glitterworlds is unheard of, as a utopian society guaranteeing its citizens personal freedom negates the need for it. If off world conflict occurs glitterworld ships are powered by humanity's greatest military technology and host genius-level AI cores capable of making irrefutable tactical decisions in combat. Even then, wars are rare and resolved quickly. Doing most of the combat are mechanoids boasting staggeringly damage resistant armor woven with hyper-weave, a flexible nano-fiber based material, and surrounded by advanced shielding. They also possess weapons that fire high energy gamma rays known as 'grasers.' Military brain augmentations allow their beneficiary reaction times and accuracy unmatched by your average human soldier. Though using humans as soldiers is rarer when expendable AI is freely available. All in all, their military advantage utterly prevents the need for armed conflict.

In spite of the sheer safety on these worlds, if injury somehow does befall upon someone and say a limb was severed, this is also a trivial issue. Extensive cybernetic work has been done and prostheses can be fitted seamlessly, augmenting the natural capabilities of the limb. Bionic eyes with telescopic capabilities, infrared attachments and resistance to light and physical blows. Bionic lungs able to function in low oxygen environments and even store excess air in case of emergencies. Bionic legs that can deliver bone-shattering kicks, provide resistance to falling and run with superhuman efficiency.

This life is managed in large by the human and genius level AIs that work exclusively for the benefit of their citizens. Human-level AI possess circuitry that gives them calculation abilities far beyond that of human but reasoning abilities on par to one. Depending on the AI they can also possess simulated emotions. Regardless, even human level AI are incapable of disobeying the programming set in place by their masters.
Human-level AIs fill the majority of service and medical roles. The role of genius-level AIs are more overarching. Ship command, large-scale decision-making and energy/resource management are left to the beneficial whims of these AIs. How they make these decisions is unknown, hence 'genius,' but the success rate of said decisions is why reaching glitterworld levels of technology ensures stability hereon out.

As you may have deduced, life on a glitterworld is as easy as it gets. Perhaps, too easy even? This burning passion for challenge innate in humans may inspire glitterworld residents to suit up and travel off world in seek of glory.

These members of glitterworlds may be augmented past typically human limits but they aren't without disadvantages. Their easy life has left them naive, trusting and unacquainted to the very harshness they seek. Also, if enhanced with parts or medicine that require regular maintenance/doses, the lack of advanced tools on their new home may prove to be their downfall.

These are worlds that have yet to reach the stability and technological level of glitterworlds.

Essentially, they possess superior technology to 21st century humanity but with all the strife that we still toil with. Poverty and crime-stricken regions are frequent and basic human necessities cannot be guaranteed for every citizen of these worlds. Often, separate nations with independent goals still exist which hold the world back from uplifting into a utopia. If not, the centralized government may not yet have the capabilities to end the suffering of parts of its populace. Regardless, its poorer regions still may have superior technology than today's humanity, with armed conflict dealing with laser or magnetic based weaponry instead of knives and lead.

For the citizens who are well off, life on spacer world often affords yet more luxuries than exist on Earth today. Medicine, like on glitterworlds, is either controlled or assisted by intelligent AI who ensure the success of procedures and advises doctors on their course of action. Average life expectancy in this stable regions is easily over 110, as drugs and medications exist for many ailments associated with the aging process. Neurodegenerative diseases can be offset now using specific drugs that target areas of deterioration to stop or reverse its effects. Cancer treatment has accelerated and can be prevented for many more years than current chemo and radiation therapy can allow. Bionic organs can replace failing human ones with equal or even greater efficiency, though unlike on glitterworlds they aren't drastically superior to their organic counterparts. Unfortunately, until they reach the peak of human technological status their medicine can only delay - albeit by a great deal, but not stop a person from dying.

Humans on spacer worlds use AI to do the dirty work, freeing most citizens sans those below the poverty line to pursue education to further advance their world and society. The majority of non-impoverished citizens work scientist, engineering or cultural roles with less emphasis on the service industry. If left without devastating conflict the shift of the human workforce from the tertiary industry (as seen in first-world nations today) to the quarternary workforce (as seen on spacer worlds) will eventually allow them to reach glitterworld status.

Unfortunately if there are any technologies that a spacer world focuses on it is almost always military might. This allows spacer worlds, still bound by material need, to enforce their off world mining and settlement operations. Ships possess either composite armour, shielding or a combination thereof. Laser and magnetic weaponry compliment each other, with the former melting shields and the latter through armour. Ships and soldiers make use of both. Combat mechanoids see use in spacer societies too, though they are less refined than that of glitterworlds and often requirement human detachments to act as support. And unlike glitterworld space battles which may take months due to the ability their commanding AI to defend against attacks, spacer ship battles are often brilliant and short lived.

People from spacer worlds capable of interstellar travel are often educated individuals acting as personnel during mining/colonization expeditions. They also may be soldiers bred to fight for the cause of their homeworld, having learned how to fire a laser weapon before they could walk. Whatever their backstory, they typically have some form of training to help them survive the harshness of their new home, but without the hardiness of an Urbworlder or the mechanical advantages of a glitterworlder.

Occasionally the population growth of a spacer world or midworld can explode before its technology does, leading to a sprawling urban wasteland that dominates its landscape and paints an ugly grey aesthetic, both as a result of intense pollution and monochromatic building colouration.

The population of Urbworlds can reach the tens and hundreds of billions, clustered together in cities the rival the size of current Earth nations. Living standards for everyone but the absolute elite are abysmal. Violence in the streets is rampant but yet still cannot curb the growth rate. They are ruled either by a plutocratic government or by whatever corporation can please its powerful shareholders the most. This all paints the picture of world where death is so commonplace and expected one life matters little.

So learning to survive is key. Urbworlders trust nobody, keep to themselves, and are not above taking a life for a day's rations. As the majority of their landscape is dedicated to housing its massive population, little space is left for food production. Often they rely on nutrient paste produced by recycling dead humans. Any other livestock option could not hope to feed their masses in whole. Despite how Urbworlds sound they are still stable for the time being. Pollution was a side effect of mass urbanization and production but they often produce the brunt of their power from fission and fusion. They would have stripped the planet of fossil fuels long ago and died out if they relied on coal-fired power plants. Urbworlds are usually interstellar capable, exploiting their systems for resources. Although clunkier, Urbworld ships do not skip out on armaments, and could hold their own against spacer world technology. They rely more upon ballistics and rockets for combat though, instead of laser technology.

The paranoia of an Urbworlder could be taken as an advantage or a disadvantage. They aren't as cohesive in groups as inhabitants from other types of planets, but their resourcefulness is unmatched. Anything can and will be used to help them survive. Their disease-stricken planets also bolster their immune systems, leaving them more resistant to illness but often with horrible scars from earlier infection. Escaping to a Rimworld may be the first breath of fresh air, both literally and figuratively, an Urbworlder has had to date.

On the edge of humanity's control are planets that are rarely encountered. With minimal human intervention these worlds are relatively untapped, brimming with potential. Although some existing human presence in possible it is either not widespread or was only introduced recently. All in all, settling here gives you a completely fresh start with only your wits and whatever resources you can scrounge.

People who have arrived before you can be as varied as you and your fellow colonists are. They can be hostile, seeking only to raid your fledgling colony and massacre its inhabitants, or open to trading and diplomacy. Their tech levels may on par, lower than or even superior to yours. It is impossible to know exactly about a faction's intentions until first contact is made.

A key feature that draws men and women to these worlds is the sense of adventure and discovery. Rimworlds have an air of uncertainty to them. You had a reason for coming here and now it is up to you to mold your story and carve your success.

These worlds, for some reason or another, have yet to reach the interstellar level. This could be because they've yet to reach the technology level required, or that some worldwide disaster set humanity back hundreds of years in progress.

Technology can range from Neolithic era humanity, mastering fire and slaying beasts with crude tools of stone, to Information age humanity, the technology of 21st century Earth. Whatever the case, their inhabitants are still bound to their home planet, unable to travel the universe.

This does not prevent other interstellar capable planets from visiting you. The only way you've landed on our Rimworld having previously inhabited one of these planets is by being abducted and placed there. Your captor's intentions may be benevolent or not, but none of that matters anymore.

Being a member of one of these planets is a mixed bag in terms of survivability. Of course, newer technology will completely baffle you. As a caveat however, you've likely some experience with older technology which you may have to rely upon first. Finally, as survival was more of an issue on these worlds than any others spoken of thus far you've likely acquired useful skills that will benefit you, including hunting and fire-starting.

So you've picked your world and now you need to create an appropriate character and backstory to fit the type of planet you came from. If you'd like some further information on Rimworld items/lore/etc. here are links to the official lore primer and the Rimworld wiki.

Lore Primer

Rimworld Wiki


Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (First and last name, and if you want, a nickname too.)

[b]Age:[/b] (18 to 150+ if from a Glitterworld)

[b]Sex:[/b] (Male or female, standard stuff.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (A picture or description)

[b]Planet Name and Description:[/b] (What type of world are you from, what is it called and can you describe your world for us? Features such as moons, surface gravity, atmospheric thickness, seasons, the star it orbits may all influence how humans grow up on your world. This information is important.)

[b]Childhood Backstory:[/b] (Describe the circumstances of your childhood, what happened when you were young that influenced your skill set and personality today? Were you a war refugee, fleeing from a world wrought with conflict? Were you a child of nobility, versed in the way of words and culture? Were you street child, forced at an early age to learn how cruel the world can be? Be creative and realistic.)

[b]Adulthood Backstory:[/b] (Describe the circumstances of your adulthood, what happened when you were an adult that lead to your situation today? This can be both circumstances that happened as well as your occupation you may have had. Perhaps you were a ship captain, leading a vessel that ended up being downed onto the Rimworld somehow. Or maybe a glitterworld surgeon, knowledgeable of many of their miraculous medical marvels that allows their society to exist? Or maybe you were a hermit, abandoning the societies of your world to be one with nature?)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Describe briefly some personality traits or facets your character may have. They should be realistic given your planet and backstories. Glitterworlders were almost never given a reason not to trust people, and Urbworlders are usually the opposite case for example.)

[b]Reason for Arrival:[/b] (Why did you come to this Rimworld, or were you already here to start?)

[b]Items:[/b] (What did you bring to this Rimworld, or what do you currently have on hand if you're already here? Items should be realistic given the technology level of planet from which you came from. Also, those escape pods don't fit EVERYTHING so if you bring too much I'll have to ask you to bring a lil' less.)

[b]Physical Ailments:[/b] (Not necessary, but if you want to make things interesting, add to your backstory, or to be realistic you can add physical ailments here. Could be something as simple as a scar to missing an entire limb.)

[b]Other Details:[/b] (Any other information you wish to describe about your character goes here, be it family, friends or other facets of their life not covered by the above points.)

Name: Jacob "Jake" Daniels

Age: 43

Sex: Male

Jake is also 5' 4'', weights 195 lbs and is often seen wearing simple Synthread attire, including a button-down shirt and pants, which he reluctantly washes after wearing several days in a row.

Planet Name and Description: Jake hails from a Spacer World named Jödeh. Jödeh is a super-Earth orbiting the triple star system that ancient Earth scientists called the "Gliese 667" system. Despite the relative complexity that arises from having a triple star system Jödeh was found to have a stable orbit and temperature for at least another 500 million years and was thus settled. The geneticists/cybernetics experts aboard the seedship hailed from a glitterworld with advanced technologies, and were required to use much of the resources aboard the vessel to modify successive generations of humans in cryosleep to allow them to survive on the 2.7 g world with more ease. The first generation made due with cybernetic leg and limb supports whereas the third and thereon in where shorter, had larger legs and bones and required exorbitant amounts of calories/air to survive. Unfortunately the difficulties surrounding settlement regressed technology backwards somewhat forcing the glitterworlders to make due to midworld and spacer world technology. Regardless, the planet is livable with a thicker atmosphere, plenty of fresh water but as previously mentioned - a 2.7 g gravitational field.

Childhood Backstory: Jake's father worked as a cybernetics engineer at the forefront of his industry, developing for both medical and militaristic purposes. His mother kept busy as a nurse in a local clinic. Despite both his folks having stable careers at home they made as much time for Jake as possible. His father in particular instilled him with a passion for curiousity that he to this day credits him for. Besides being a natural learner, his school life was standard - a good amount of friends and above average grades. His work ethic did not shine until he found work that interested him, and schoolwork simply could not compete.

Adulthood Backstory: As an adult Jake pursued contractual research with a government agency he had several long-time contacts with, collaborating with them privately from time to time to work on technology his employers kept under the rug. The vast majority of this research was weapons tech, many of which he got to personally fire. The 'feel' of the weapon would often tell him exactly what he needed to know in order to tweak it. The contract work was varied enough that it kept him interested for a long time, 17 years of work on and off. He made his fair share of income, but after 17 years even this work began to feel 'samey.' So he bought his way onto a long haul transport to get away from his society and reunite with a world he felt he could be at peace with forever - that of untapped natural beauty.

Personality: The most astute way of describing Jake is: different. Repeating the day to day rhythm may be an automatic cycle for many on his world, and others, but its monotony drives him to pursue change. This does not mean he tires of conversation, but only the stagnant water cooler conversation found in office space. He is still sociable, although his eccentricity may discourage others from seeking contact with him. Nonetheless over his years he has amassed a collection of equally interesting individuals as friends whom all somewhat fit the 'mad scientist' persona. Rather than yell and fight, he'd rather understand the root cause of it. In summary, Jake is: easily bored, eccentric, a naturalist, sociable, and understanding.

Reason for Arrival: Jake always preferred a roaring campfire to the artifical hum of a space heater. He detested the lack of personality his society had. The intense gravity forced construction to grow not tall but wide. Year by year this forced natural concessions to be made, sacrificing tree for steel constructions. He decided he had enough and boarded a far-reaching transport on a long haul mission to the Rim. He passed by a planet deemed too isolated to be worth both colonization or strip mining, colloquially known as Frontier. Jake decided he'd make his start here, finally in touch with his wild side.

  • 1x Synthread Jacket
  • 1x Synthread T-Shirt
  • 1x Synthread Pants
  • 10x Medicine
  • 25x Packaged Survival Meals
  • 1x Magnetic Hunting Rifle

Physical Ailments: Jake possesses no outstanding injuries besides a bad back which was being managed through regular doses of a spacer tech painkiller that reduced inflammation near the area and specifically targeted sore muscles/ligaments contributing to the affliction. Although Jake brought some of this medicine with him, his lack of foresight in what will happen when he runs out means he'll eventually just have to cope with the pain.

Other Details: Jake owns a dog named 'Poofles' whom he did not bring aboard his spacecraft, it is cared for by his mother Genevieve.

How It All Works

Alright, you're done your app. Your character has landed on the planet/was there to being with. What happens now?

First and foremost your Rimworld is going to named Frontier, a simple moniker but an accurate one. It is relatively similar to Earth. It possesses a 26 hour day which may require adaptation to get used to, it lacks any sort of moon or natural satellite. It is orbiting a red dwarf within the center of its Goldilocks zone allowing liquid water to exist year round and encourages weather at least reminiscent of Earth. Frontier has an axial tilt almost identical to Earth, but a faster orbital period. This results in similar seasons albeit with less amount of days per season, meaning the challenging winters will come quicker but also end quicker. The four seasons will be separated into quadrums of about 36 days each. Aprimay represents Spring, Jugust represents Summer, Septober represents Fall and Decembary represents Winter. Gravity, average global surface temperature and many other facets are similar enough to Earth that you (in the OOC) shouldn't struggle too much to compare the two planets. However depending on the world your character comes from it may challenge them to adapt, or may be similar enough to their homeworld such that it comes naturally.

No matter where you settle the above description of the planet stays constant. The difference comes in which biome you end up landing in. There will be a poll so everyone can vote on which biome your faction will be living in, and I'll be using the biome list from the wiki sans the hardest ones like ice sheet and extreme desert.


The easiest biome is temperate forests. They possess moderate year round temperatures with warm summers and cold winters, but neither of the two are particularly extreme. The growing season is typically between the beginning of Aprimay to mid-end Septober. Animals and plant life are frequent and often non-hostile in nature. Resources are present in moderate amounts. Disease rates are average. Rainfall is average. It's your vanilla biome for an ordinary Rimworld experience where the climate is less likely to fuck you over.

The moderate difficulty biomes are boreal forests and arid shrublands. Essentially they have a greater focus on colder and hotter weather respectively.

Boreal forests contain massive amounts of coniferous lumber, the main upside to settling there. Animals are still on average not too hostile, though the Frontier equivalents of brown and black bears do roam here more than in any other biome. The growing season extends typically from mid-end Aprimay to early Septober, still adequate time to gather crops to freeze for the harsher winter which starts earlier and ends later than in temperate forests. Resources, rainfall and disease rates are average. The main difficulty here stems from longer winters and a shorting growing season.

Arid shrublands contain less trees than the boreal and temperature forest biomes. Animals here are also more hostile than in the previous too biomes as well. The main advantage is that the growing season is year round in terms of temperature, with winters seldom dipping below freezing. However the soil is more arid making growing a challenge, necessitating the use of fertilizers and water to maintain less hardy crops. Summers are also brutal here, making heatstroke a genuine risk for your characters. Resources are present in average amounts, rainfall is less than average. Disease rates due to the hotter climate are higher than in the previous two biomes. The main difficulty for living in the arid shrubland comes from keeping your crops alive, the sweltering summers and more aggressive diseases/animals.

The hard difficulty biome is tropical rainforest. This is the biome with the most hostile and varied animal life by far, expect to be hurt. Not surprisingly you'll never have to worry about running out of wood, but the sheer density of trees may make it difficult to expand your base. The soil is extremely rich and the growing season is year round making crop yields the highest of any biome. Unlike arid shrublands however the heat of the rainforest is also accompanied by humidity, making the summers even MORE of a bitch to survive. Rainfall is very above average and so are disease rates. If you get injured expect the limb to go gangrene unless immediate medical intervention is given. Resources are present in slightly lower than average amounts since the landscape is dominated not by hills and rocks but by jungle. The main difficulty is the heat, the animals, the lack of space and the ever present risk of infection.

And if you guys are feeling particularly suicidal you can try the tundra or the desert biomes. Again with a focus on colder and hotter weather respectively.

Tundras lack the main benefit of living in the boreal forest biome - trees. You'll be hard pressed to find a lot of wood to subsist on. Animal life still isn't a particular worry, and meat may have to become your greatest source of calories due to the short growing season which only lasts the 36 days of Jugust, enough for a few cycles of crops but that's it. Summers are warm, Aprimay and Septober are cold but Decembary will require extensive protection from the elements to survive. A benefit is that raiders will also have to deal with the climate if they wish to attack your base. Rainfall is average but disease rates are much below average due to the cold temperatures, making it the lowest risk of any biome. Resources are present in average amounts. Expect brutal winters, low amounts of food, little sunlight and more snow to shovel then you'll know what to do with.

Deserts may be the penultimate survival experience. Lumber is practically nonexistent, and so are large animals which would give you at least a few days worth of meat. The growing season based on temperature is practically year round, but poor soil conditions, lack of water and blistering heat must all be managed to ensure your crop's survival. Most of the year sans Decembary will require extensive protection from the heat and sun. Rainfall is the lowest of any biome, and disease rates are above average due to the heat. Resources are present in below average amounts. I think practically everything listed here is a downside, but if there is one upside to the desert is that raiders won't consider it worthwhile to attack your colony - like at all. There's better targets who got lucky with their biome and probably have much better shit than you do.

Factions and What I'll Be Doing

After we select the biome you can collaborate with each-other to propose names for your faction, which I'll add to another poll so you can vote on it. Some way or another you'll all eventually join the faction, though not at the same time of course. If Joe Smith's character was already on the Rimworld and rescues Mary Sue's character who crashed in an escape pod for example, their characters could have been running X faction for two months for John Doe's character meets up with them and joins. It will be up to you guys to decide how each new character gets incorporated into your faction.

Now I'll be playing a non-character role, acting as the DM of sorts. I'll be making a story in the background which will play a role in your faction's tale. Every so often I'll pop in to give an event that happens that may be of benefit or could cause your colony's downfall. So you guys will know at a glance whether to say "Hooray" or "Fuck off OP" I'll colour code the events as such.

Red means this event is universally bad, you'll likely have to dedicate personnel, time and resources to ensure it doesn't cause harm to your colony. An example is that a raid by a hostile faction is being conducted on your base, this will require you to muster troops to defend.

Blue means this event is universally good, this will provide some positive boost to your colony to make things easier. An example is that cargo pods could splash down from orbit containing a valuable resource.

Yellow means this event could be bad or good, or just completely neutral. Ignoring it is a respectable option, though following up on the event may interest your colony. Perhaps a grazing pack of wild animals is passing through the area, you could hunt them if you need food, attempt to tame them or just let them pass by.

Finally Green means this is an event of intrigue. It could be story-related, diplomacy related with factions or just plain old information. Green events can be considered a subset of yellow events in a way, though I felt it having a category of its own was necessary. A neutral/friendly faction could have a specific trade deal they'd want you to fulfill for the significant amount of silver.

In addition to events and the story I'll try to somewhat keep the realism in place, because living on the Rim is not easy and it should not be roleplayed as being too easy. In a DND-like fashion I will occasionally roll for things using an online D20 to check whether certain things occur. This could be injuries from combat, infections based on the surrounding conditions and current injuries, success of medical procedures and so forth. I'll mention the specific user in my post if one of the checks applies to them.

This is pretty much all I'll be doing, my posts will likely be more sporadic but full of necessary detail so that every player is on the same page.

Balancing *New*

As you may imagine having advanced technology has many upsides without many downsides to compensate. Glitterworlders, citizens with access to peak human technology, are amongst the strongest and smartest due to this advantage.

In general I'll be adding a maintenance mechanic for weapons, armour and cybernetics. Weapons will require occasional repairs with existing resources, same with armour. Cybernetics are typically built to last their users lifetime, so instead they'll require dosages of mechanites to maintain their integration with the host's body. Staving off cybernetic rejection was ultimately deemed impossible even with Glitterworld technology, and although it is doubtful that Archotech-level AI would work on such a task, you can never know what a god-like consciousness is thinking.

The resources required for these repairs/maintenance will depend on the complexity of the technology. Bolt-action rifles? Just a couple steel units. Charge rifles? Plasteel, gold and steel. For cybernetics it depends on the complexity and amount. More advanced cybernetics require more 'Repairium,' and obviously having more cybernetics also requires more 'Repairium' mechanites. Repairium mechanites, while expensive, are still cheaper than Luciferium mechanites.

The details of the exact maintenance requirements of each item will be in the post below.

Skills *New*
How skilled a colonist is at a particular task will depend on their experience with said task prior to landing on Frontier and their experienced gained living on Frontier. For example, say a colonist was a cook in a fancy restaurant, they'd produce food with less risk of disease and of greater appeal. A colonist with little to no experience cooking would waste their ingredients, make awful food that may spread disease to those who eat it.

Now for the sake of me not micromanaging everyone's stats, I'll use my best intuition and some dice rolls to determine if someone fucks up something they're doing, or performs so well that it actually provides a bonus. Just think skill checks in D&D, and if you haven't played D&D your success in an important action is dependent on how good you are inherently at it plus some luck of the dice.

These skills include: combat, doctoring, cooking, social (trade and acting as a warden to prisoners), crafting/construction, shooting/melee, physical labour/actions (like mining), growing, intellectual. The Rimworld wiki contains all of the skills I'll be using, but I'll cut some out to simplify things like tailoring and artistic.

Da Rules

I expect everyone to follow these rules, most of it should be fairly standard stuff. It will be up to my and the other mods discretion on how to deal with those who break the rules. If you want to be a mod just shoot me a PM and give me some links to previous RPs you've modded and I'll give you some details on how to mod this if you're accepted.

1. Don't be a dick. It's a fictional RP, there's no need to bring hostility to the OOC because of IC events, or just cause you had a bad day.

2. No god-modding/meta-gaming and all that jazz. You can't control other people's characters unless they give explicit permission to do so. You also can't know everything that happens like some omniscient god. You're a person with limitations.

3. Be realistic. Somewhat related to Rule 2., you can't and won't escape every combat unscathed for example. Part of the fun of the Rimworld video game is dealing with the consequences of disaster and adapting. Your character might get injured, your base may get damaged, but you'll have to accept both could happen. Also, things don't happen instantly. Construction, research, healing, etc. may take pages of IC interaction to complete.

4. My and the mod's words are law. I want to interfere directly as little as possible, instead indirectly through events I create to spice up the RP. But if you're breaking the rules we'll have to get involved, like being unrealistically OP in combat or randomly starting IC or OOC conflict without reason.

5. Rimworld is dark so 13+ profanity and gore is okay in moderation. Don't be excessive for the sake of being excessive. Romance/sex is an aspect of the game too, but if it happens here keep it brief, we're not a lusty fan-fiction.
Last edited by Xotle on Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:17 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Posts: 27
Founded: Jun 10, 2017

Postby Xotle » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:03 pm

I'd like to request people to keep a personal inventory in their posts of items they've crafted and the quality I assigned to them. I will keep track of resources, food, technology and all that jazz.

Each colonist requires TWO MEALS daily. Each type of meal below counts for ONE instance of these meals.

Standard Meals - Instead of being separated into simple, fine and lavish the quality entirely depends on the skill of the cook. Skilled cooks will produce more appealing food with a lower risk to disease and a more positive boost, if any. Producing food will use the resource you have acquired first and so forth. So if you've hunted recently and acquired some meat, it will use the massive stockpile of rice you've been hoarding for a quadrum over this fresh kill. Requires 10 raw food resource. Lasts 3 days unrefrigerated, one quadrum refrigerated, and forever frozen.

Nutrient Paste Meal - Producing this meal requires no skill and feeds people adequately. The catch is your character will not enjoy eating it and I expect you to portray their mood/reaction the way you would if your mom served you steamed brussel sprouts as a kid. Requires 5 raw food resource and a nutrient paste dispenser. Lasts 3 days refrigerated, one quadrum refrigerated, and forever frozen.

Packaged Survival Meal - Hefty raw resource cost to produce, but keeps forever. Excellent for caravaneering. Requires the technology 'Packaged Survival Meal Production,' as well as a decent chef to produce them. Requires 20 raw food resource. Lasts forever.

Pemmican - An early game long-lasting food option. Excellent for caravaneering. Due to it being an amalgamation of animal fat and plant matter, it will require you have both stockpiled to produce. Requires 7 plant food and 7 animal food resource. Lasts one quadrum unrefrigerated, and forever refrigerated and frozen.

Chocolate - Due to complex manufacturing process you are only able to obtain it through trade or looting. Eating chocolate does not count towards your daily meal intake but its wonderful flavour will likely provide positive mood buffs to alleviate some of the stress that comes with living on unfamiliar territory. Costs 3 silver per unit on average. Lasts 6 days unfridgerated, and forever refridgerated and frozen.

Colonists will require AT LEAST a t-shirt and pants to be considered clothed.

Consult for market prices and resource cost. Those values assume the clothing item is created out of cloth and of average quality. Wearing cowboy hats and tuques will provide resistance against mild heat/cold respectively. Wearing dusters and jackets will provide resistance against moderate heat/cold respectively. A parka will provide resistance against extreme cold. There are no clothing options to protect against extreme heat.

Bowlers and button-down shirts will be completely aesthetic options that provide no bonuses outside of RP interaction.

A colonist will require X units of medicine for an injury, with X being a larger number for more grievous injuries/infections. This medicine can take any form, be it herbal to glitterworld.

Herbal Medicine - A medicine option derived from the healroot plant. In a unique survival strategy, the healroot has adopted extraordinary antibacterial/fungal/viral countermeasures to encourage animals who are ill to consume its fruit. The native wildlife has learned that these plants have inherent benefits to their survival. The juices of the plant do not need to be consumed, but can applied locally to the site of infection/injury. The leaves are large, durable, and flexible. This allows use as bandages or tourniquets. The roots have painkiller applications - all in all the whole plant has use medically speaking. However, the plant is not a replacement for legitimate medicine and only the most skilled doctors/surgeons would rely on herbal medicine for anything more than minor bleeding/infection. For a doctor of average skill level herbal medicine is: great for minor cuts/injuries/infections, okay for major cuts/injuries/infections, poor for life-threatening illnesses/injuries and essentially useless for surgery.

Standard Medicine - This medical kit is standard for worlds where doctoral work is still largely done by humans and uses mechanical instruments. Cloth bandages, drugs for painkilling and anti-infection purposes, as well as tools for surgical operations adorn the kit. The kit also contains spacer-tech diagnostic tools, which assist learning doctors to perform more complex medical tasks. Though the kit is complete, relying on the human element still makes it difficult for someone who lacks medical experience to make proper use of it, even with the assistance of a spacer-tech medical AI. In spite of this it will always prove more effective than herbal medicine. For a doctor of average skill level standard medicine is: overkill for minor cuts/injuries/infections, great for major cuts/injuries/infections, okay for life-threatening illnesses/injuries and okay for surgery.

Glitterworld Medicine - A sleek satchel containing a bite-sized portion of the medical marvels present on glitterworlds. Housed within the case is a self-contained AI with expansive medical knowledge designed to both guide human doctors and perform operations remotely using an advanced array of tools. Genetically engineered viro and bacteriophages decimate infections, shots of mechanites fix internal injuries, and polymorphic drugs perform the exact function required when injected into the ill victim's system. Healing foam canisters can seal any size of open wound, and greatly accelerate the natural healing processes of the human body. The AI is able to use the kits capabilities effectively on its own, but it is capable of working with inexperienced doctors too. For a doctor of average skill level glitterworld medicine is: overkill for minor/cuts/injuries/infections, overkill for major cuts/injuries/infections, great for life-threatening illnesses/injuries and great for surgery.

Beer - A refreshing alcoholic beverage that acts as a depressant but improves mood. Produced by putting wort into a fermenting barrel for 15 days. Moderately addictive. Fetches an average price of 9 silver per bottle. Withdrawal from beer has been described as bad (moderately difficult).

Flake - A smokable opiate derived from psychoid leaves. Produced using 4 psychoid leaves at a drug lab. Grants a short lasting euphoric state that encourages addiction but can cure boredom/lack of joy, at least temporarily. Fetches can average price of 14 silver per unit. Withdrawal from flake is described as hellish (very difficult).

Yayo - A fine opiate powder dervied from psychoid leaves. Produced using 8 psychoid leaves at a drug lab. More expensive then flake and provides a reduction in pain, reduced need for rest and increases movement speed in addition to the euphoric state. It is also slightly less addictive than flake. Fetches an average price of 23 silver per unit. Withdrawal from yayo has been described as hellish (very difficult).

Go-juice - A spacer tech combat drug designed to improve on the combat capabilities of their marines in every way possible. Produced using 1 yayo and 2 neutroamine at a drug lab. The juice itself is quite addictive. Improves shooting capabilities, movement speed, reduces the need for rest and drastically increases tolerance to pain, also provides a small mood boost. Fetches an average price of 45 silver per unit. Withdrawal from go-juice has been described as awful (difficult).

Smokeleaf Joint - A relaxing spliff that causes a peaceful psychoactive effect, improving mood. Produced using 10 smokeleaf leaves anywhere. Not particularly addictive. Reduces movement speed and increases appetite in addition to its mood increasing benefits. Fetches an average price of 11 silver per unit. Withdrawal from smokeleaf has been described as annoying (not too difficult).

Repairium - An injection of mechanites designed to upkeep cybernetics to prevent the body from rejecting them. The process is a constant struggle due to humanity's collective inability to solve cybernetic rejection permanently. As such, regular doses are required. More advanced cybernetics and possessing more cybernetics period will require more doses every dosage period. Details in the Cybernetics section. Fetches an average price of 80 silver per unit.

Luciferium - The forefront of mechanite technology. Acts to improve almost every aspect of the host's system, including but not limited to: blood pumping, metabolism, eyesight, breathing, movement speed and pain tolerance. The drug can also heal old injuries and scars. To keep the body functioning at 110% the mechanites work extremely hard, and dissipate within several days due to this stress. The body cannot survive its sudden return to normalcy after this occurs. Thus, withdrawal is fatal within 10 days of not receiving a dose. Fetches an average price of 100 silver per unit.

Wake-up - This stimulant is designed with the sole purpose of increasing colonist productivity. As such, their global work speed is massively improved. Besides this expect improvements to movement, joy from being high and the ability to go longer without sleep. Produced using 2 neutroamine at a drug lab. Fetches an average price of 28 silver per unit. Withdrawal from wake-up has been described as awful (difficult).

Penoxycline - A non-addictive drug that when ingested orally every 5 days prevents a multitude of infections from occurring. Produced using 2 neutroamine at a drug lab. Fetches an average price of 32 silver per unit.

Ambrosia - A fruit with euphoric properties that boosts a colonists mood. The fruit has a very low addiction rate and the withdrawal symptoms are trivial to get over. The plants are harvested from a bush that cannot be farmed, but only appears in certain areas or through special circumstances.

Raw Resources
Wood - A building material and fuel source. Obtained from felling trees. Fetches an average price of 1 silver per unit.

Steel - A building material. Obtained through mining and trade. Fetches an average price of 2 silver per unit.

Plasteel - A building material. One of the spacer tech's proudest innovations. Combines the durability of metals with the flexibility of plastic. Obtained through trade. Fetches an average price of 14 silver per unit.

Amorphite - A building material. A free-flowing material that can become shockingly rigid at will. Its structure is controlled by the nanites that make up this glitterworld material. Due to its price even glitterworlders prefer the use of plasteel unless a specific purpose is had in mind. Obtained through trade. Fetches an average price of 35 silver per unit.

Uranium - A building material and fuel source. A rock containing dense amounts of several uranium isotopes. Obtained through mining and trade. Fetches an average price of 6 silver per unit.

Gold - A building material. Treasured by mankind for centuries, any object constructed from this lustrous metal surely is worth its weight in gold. Obtained through mining and trade. Fetches an average price of 10 silver per unit, however, gold is found in larger stacks than most other material meaning selling gold is a great way of securing silver.

Silver - A building material and currency. In lieu of a galactic centralized currency, its universally agreed to use this more common lustrous metal as a form of money. Obtained through mining and trade. Selling things yields you silver while purchasing things spends your silver.

Stone Blocks (Granite, Limestone, Marble, Sandstone and Slate) - A building material. Differ functionally in small ways. For all intents and purposes they differ mostly in aesthetic. Fetches an average price of 2 silver per unit.

Jade - A building material. On par with silver in terms of looks, and has the advantage of not finding use as currency. Obtained through mining and trade. Fetches an average price of 5 silver per unit.

Crafted Resources

Grown for Food
Rice - Grows the quickest of the three crops. It takes only 5 days before being ready for harvest. Requires the most water of the three crops, and yields about 7 plant food per plant. Soil conditions should be at least somewhat fertile, so this plant does not grow well in more arid biomes that lack water. Dies in cold temperatures.

Potatoes - Grows at a medium time length when compared to corn and rice. It takes about 8 days before being ready for harvest. Requires some water, and yields about 10 plant food per plant. Can grow in poor soil, so it can tolerate arid regions. Dies in cold temperatures.

Corn - Takes the longest to fully mature of the three crops, taking 15 days before being ready to harvest. Requires moderate amounts of water, and yields about 25 plant food per plant. Requires the richest soil to grow, so soil near sources of water or soil being enriched by decaying plants or animals. The particular GMO of corn popularly used today has particular resistance to cold weather, meaning it will expire at lower temperatures than potatoes and rice. However, the long growing time means it is more vulnerable to events disturbing its growth than the other crops, like blight.

Grown for Other
Cotton - Grown for the sole purpose of being refined into cloth. Takes 10 days to fully grow. Requires significant water input, and yields 15 cloth per plant. Requires moderate soil fertility to grow well. Much more vulnerable to cold temperatures than the plants grown for food. Growing this plant requires a grower with at least some experience.

Healroot - Healroot, although found in the wild, can be grown as a domesticated plant for reliable sources of herbal medicine. Has a fairly long growing time of 15 days. Each healroot plant yields one herbal medicine. Requires moderate soil fertility to grow well. Does not require significant amounts of water. Much more vulnerable to cold temperatures than the plants grown for food. Growing this plant requires a grower with at least some experience.

Devilstrand - Devilstrand is a rare, exotic mushroom that yields silk with superior fabric qualities. Devilstrand has an extraordinarily long growing time of 25 days. Each devilstrand mushroom yields 8 devilstrand fabric. Requires moderate soil fertility and water levels to grow well. Extremely vulnerable to outside influences, including temperature drops and changes in soil fertility level. As such, you must have an experienced grower tending to this crop.

Smokeleaf - A tall, leafy plant that can refined into a calming joint. Has a fair growing time of 8 days. Every smokeleaf plant yields 10 smokeleaf, enough to craft a single smokeleaf joint. Requires moderate soil fertility and higher amounts of water to grow well. Growing this plant requires a grower with at least some experience.

Hops - Grown for the sole purpose of producing refreshing, cold beer. Grows quickly, only taking 5 days to become harvestable. Every hops plant yields 10 hops. Requires moderate soil fertility and water levels to grow well. More resistant to cold temperatures than some other plants.

Psychoid - A plant with psychoactive properties that can refined in different ways to produce drugs of varying effects. Psychoid plants take 9 days to grow. A psychoid plant yields 10 psychoid leaves. Requires moderate soil fertility and higher amounts of water to grow well. More sensitive to cold temperatures than other plants. Growing this plant requires a grower with at least some experience.

Thrumbo - Towering beasts who can accumulate centuries of experience. Revered by many as wise creatures who choose a life of silence. In spite of their legendary status gunfire en masse can still prove fatal even for a mighty Thrumbo. Hunting a thrumbo yields both wool of unparalleled quality and a pristine ivory horn that fetches twice its weight in silver on the market. Nonetheless to date these are the most durable animals encountered on the Rim. They are unparalleled in speed too. It will take serious planning and resource investment to topple just one. Expect a direct hit from its horn to utterly gore an unarmoured colonist as well. All in all, the definition of high risk for high reward.

??? - To be filled in when discovered.

Rats, Squirrels, Snowhare, etc. (small herbivorous/omnivorous/carnivorous) - These are small animals that are difficult targets to hit due to their size. Any attack by these animals is unlikely to cause serious harm anyways sans infection. Not particularly challenging to hunt and they also don't yield too much meat. Which specific species you encounter depends on your biome. It should be noted that omnivorous and carnivorous species may choose to hunt your own animals/colonists if no other meat sources exist. Due to your size advantage the fight should not be too difficult. Chickens produce unfertilized eggs every few day. Alphabeavers are fairly unique as they ravage every tree in sight for their own purposes.

Deer, Cow, Dromedary, etc. (medium herbivorous/omnivorous/carnivorous) - Provide a balanced amount of meat to their challenge. Will likely require a fair amount of ammunition/arrows/targetted stabbing to kill. These animals are able to cause a good amount of damage to your colonist(s). Which specific species you encounter depends on your biome. It should be noted that omnivorous and carnivorous species may choose to hunt your own animals/colonists if no other meat sources exist. Your equal size should make the fight difficult, but possible with the right armaments. Cows produce milk every few days. Boomalopes produce chemfuel every couple of days. Alpacas and sheep can be sheared for their insulating wool every 10-20 days. Ostriches, emus and cassowaries produce larger unfertilized eggs every 10 or so days.

Elephant, Muffalo, Grizzly Bear, etc. (large herbivorous/omnivorous/carnivorous) - Require focused effort to kill, and as such yield their weights worth in meat. Their size makes aiming trivial. Being attacked by these animals is a life or death scenario unless your colonist is donning powerful defenses. Which specific species you encounter depends on your biome. It should be noted that omnivorous and carnivorous species may choose to hunt your own animals/colonists if no other meat sources exist. You may require some assistance should they choose you as their prey. Muffalos can be sheared for their insulating wool every 10-20 days. Elephants and rhinoceroses can be hunted for their valuable horns.

Insect hives are a complex entity. Rapid mutation and reproduction enables the insect hive to overcome potential threats. The well-being and development of the colony is its singular goal and if it feels threatened by your colonists it will not hesitate to launch an attack with a startling amount of coordination. Insect hives, unlike many other species, are typically unique to the planet. Species will be discovered as you progress.

??? - To be filled in when discovered

Scythers - Scythers are mobile combat mechanoids while an emphasis on rapidly engaging hostiles. A Scyther is able to outrun the average colonist. They come equipped with a charge lance by default. These weapons are tied to the Scyther and will self-destruct automatically if removed. Scythers also possess two razor sharp blades they use to rend your colonist's limbs from their body. These are able to be surgically removed, and attached to your colonists if you so choose.

Centipedes - Centipedes possessed unmatched durability among the mechanoid units. As a consequence they are easily evaded and outranged. They excel in stationary battles, raining hell using their inferno cannons, miniguns or heavy charge blasters. Occasionally they come equipped with no weapon. In these cases they are able to ram your colonists with a surprising amount of damaged. No weapons are able to be surgically removed from the centipede as they self-destruct automatically upon removal or the centipede's death.

??? - To be filled in when discovered

Neolithic Tech
Medieval Tech
Industrial Tech
Spacer Tech
Glitterworld Tech
This tech is presently beyond the limits of even the most advanced human societies, though perhaps with assistance from a superior outside source these prized technologies could be accessed?


Combat Augments

Auxiliary Augments
Bionic Spine - A bionic spine made from a composite material much more resistant to damage than bone, yet still retaining a degree of flexibility. TBD

Bionic Heart -

Bionic Lungs -

Assistant AIs - Chips embedded directly on the host's brain. Interfacing directly with the host allows them to access the hordes of information stored within. This allows them to become much more proficient at a skill within hours if not minutes of implant. Such skills can include cooking, crafting and doctoring among others. The chip itself is minuscule. However the complexity of the chip's connection to the brain means it requires 1 entire dose of repairium to solely allow its operation to continue safely.

I will keep track of resources in my posts, updating it based on your guy's actions. This includes raw and crafted resources.

Silver is the standard currency on the Rim, and will be used for trade due to the lack of a centralized 'money.' The sell prices are the prices listed on all the items able to be sold. The buy prices will almost always be higher than these.

All civilizations at spacer-level tech equip their citizens with universal translators by default, meaning communication with individuals who hail from different worlds will not be an issue.
Last edited by Xotle on Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:49 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Posts: 27
Founded: Jun 10, 2017

Postby Xotle » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:04 pm

Colony/Story Events

Aprimay 1st, 5505 - The day X (put character name here) decided to found X (put colony name here) in a X (put biome/land description here)
Last edited by Xotle on Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

User avatar
Posts: 27
Founded: Jun 10, 2017

Postby Xotle » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:04 pm

Completed Applications

Labstoska wrote:Name: Arthur 'Crawley' Crawford

Age: 38


Appearance:Arthur is exactly 7 foot tall a result of growing up in low gravity some more effects of this upbringing is that his head is slightly larger then usual and that his body is quite thin and wiry ,he has light brown hair although it has started to go a bit grey despite Arthur's best efforts, his hair also always tends to grow outwards rather than down. Arthur's eyes are an emerald green, with a strangely hypnotic quality.

Planet Name and Description: Arthur originally hailed from the station Trappist 4 , a massive orbital station which serves as the headquarters for Crawford colonial enterprises and is also host to a spacer level civilization, the station maintains a constant spin in order to maintain a constant gravitational pull of 0.4 G, this allows for people on the station to grow up with at least some semblance of a normal gravity well however it does mean that children still need to take multiple growth hormones in order to ensure that they grow into a roughly Human shape. The atmosphere of the Trappist 4 station is engineered to be almost exactly like that of Earth with a small bit of oxygen enrichment to ensure longer life spans. Trappist 4 orbits Dunilien, a bombed out radioactive shell of a world that should not be approached if possible.

Childhood Backstory: Arthur started with what is most probably the luckiest beginning a guy on Trappist 4 could of got, as the son of James Crawford CEO of Crawford colonial enterprises, Arthur not only had a childhood of obscene luxury but he was also guaranteed an excellent education in corporate management, in fact his entire family has been bred for such a role and Arthur took to it with pride, with him taking to corporate education with a particularly aptitude, excelling at finding diplomatic solutions and an outstanding sense of loyalty that launched him past his siblings and peers and singled him out to be the successor to Mitchel Crawford and the next CEO of Crawford colonial enterprises of course there was a small bit of cajoling and ruthlessness that lead to his success , and all of this lead to Arthur developing a sense of smug superiority however this is generally ignored. Upon seeing his success Arthur's farther elected to bring him on some of his interstellar expeditions in order to show Arthur how to properly take the reigns of the company, so when Arthur turned 18 he was packaged off to manage one of the CCE's new outposts.

Adulthood Backstory: Unfortunately for Arthur the transfer to the CCE's outpost was far more eventful then Arthur expectation, for halfway through the transfer the ship Arthur was on was shot down around a world known as Abbadon's heath. Abbadon's heath had previously been a major glitter world and had therefore set itself up as the perfect place for a crew to go on shore leave while the ship resupplies and refuels however around 200 years ago the planet had been subjected to the ascension of an archotech AI, the population of the planet had foolishly attempted to stop the machine from leaving the world leading to the destruction of the majority of the planet's surface and nearly wiped out the entire human population, apart from a small group of traumatised survivors, the problem with this AI's ascension is that Arthur had set off 400 years ago and so the place where they were meant to dock had become a wasteland devoid of civilisation except for a small cult of people who now worshipped the archotech that was now residing 10 light years away. With little fuel and supplies the ship's AI elected to perform an emergency landing or what is more effectively known as a crash.

After 265 years Arthur awoke to a series of experiments performed on both him and his fellow crew members, not a single one of these tests were in any way concerned with their physical or genetic attributes, instead each one of them were focused on straining their mental ability, non-stop testing of their minds had driven most of the crew to their limits, driving them insane with the monotonous and straining experiments, eventually very few members of the original crew were left sane, thanks to Arthur's extensive training in corporate university he was able to keep a loose hold on his mind. The months dragged on, forcefully stretched out to feel like an infinity yet after all the trial and tribulation the tests finally came to a stop with only three people left with their minds intact and fortunately Arthur was among them , emotionally shattered sure but still technically sane. After the tests the three remaining crew members were loaded into cryptosleep sarcophagi and loaded onto a ship to be fired at the Archotech system. The next thing Arthur could remember was waking up in a hospital on the ubrworld Ilus being questioned by a political commissar about his arrival on this world, eventually after searching through some rather ancient records, the government of Ilus was able to identify who Arthur was and promptly informed him that he was 600 years late and that the CCE had gone bankrupt. they then gave him the modest amount of money that had been bestowed on him in some distant relative's will and then proceeded to kick him out onto the streets but not before telling him that his ship had been commandeered, which was rather odd as Arthur was fairly sure that his ship had been destroyed, and on closer inspection Arthur found that many of his memories concerning his time on Abbadon's heath were quite simply gone, yet none of that mattered now everything that Arthur had been promised in life was gone, the only thing left was to attempt to regain some of his lost destiny, so full of bitterness Arthur used up the last of his funds to purchase a ticket to some frontier rimworld in order to rebuild the Crawford name

Personality: Arthur Crawford is possibly the most bitter, self pitying man you could meet, due to the unfortunate incident on Abbadon's heath Arthur always has the sense that his destiny has been stolen from him and that the universe is conspiring against him yet he also has a tendency to stumble through life with a grim stubbornness in an attempt to raise a middle finger to the reality that he views as malicious. The man has a paramount loyalty to his family and therefore views it as imperative that his family name is rebuilt and will value this goal above practically all else. Arthur is rather sociable, a skill he learnt from his days in corporate university however Mr Crawford is extraordinarily paranoid which tends to be rather detrimental to his social skills

Reason for Arrival:Arthur came to frontier to take what was promised to him which is to say the leadership of a great corporate house, of course the fact that Arthur had nowhere else to go factors into it yet reclaiming a family legacy has quite a ring to it. (Why did you come to this Rimworld, or were you already here to start?)


1 1x Synthread Jacket
1x Synthread T-Shirt
1x Synthread Pants
1x cowboy hat
5x chocolate
10x packaged survival meat
1x revolver
3x medicine

Physical Ailments: Arthur has one large scar arching across the left side of his face, starting at the corner of his mouth and going up all the way to his left eyebrow. He also has some rather blurry vision in his left eye, you don't get a scar like Arthur's without having some permanent damage inflicted.

Other Details: (Any other information you wish to describe about your character goes here, be it family, friends or other facets of their life not covered by the above points.)

Afrique Occidentale wrote:
Theobald "Theo" Milburn



1.79 m and 75 kg
Wearing a Boomrat leather duster, cloth pants, and cloth t-shirt.

Planet Name and Description:
Theo hailed from a post-apocalyptic spacer planet called Aurora, which itself host a single super-continent mostly located in its northern hemisphere. Few swathes of Arid shrublands cover lands that have not ravaged by the nuclear apocalypse, those that did turn into desert wastelands. The various human settlement that's left scattered around the planet acting as a city-state.

Aurora has no natural moon and is revolving around a yellow dwarf star. The Ozone layer is mostly broken, due to the worrying level of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere. The radiation level has mostly subsided, though there still various areas and territories with high radiation level still lingering on them.

Childhood Backstory:
Theo's childhood spent scavenging around the wasteland of ruined cities, neighborhoods, and other places, scrapping for supplies or past technologies for said supplies. After all, Aurora's past has made the planet plenty supplied with surviving spacer-level weapons and machines for those who can seek for it, and an invaluable asset to have for living on the violent wasteland. He does not exactly remember how he born or even came to be a scavenger for most of his life, he simply does.

Living on such condition, however, is filled with dangers. Theo is forced to kill a man by the time he was still six.

Adulthood Backstory:
By chance or talent, Theo grew up to be a quite amazing scavenger in his home-world. Old Aurora technology seems to be popping out wherever he goes. After a while, by such often exposure he became obsessed with them, searching them less to survive and more as a passion. He started to learn and collect them, taking them apart and reassembling it back. In the world full of death and misery, Theo found peace in the old world technology, even hope that sometime in the future, his understanding of the artifacts would change Aurora for the better.

One day while he tinkers with some odd-looking signal, it beamed up and send his coordinates to space. Not long after, a scavenger pirate ship came and took him and all of his collections to the star to be sold as a slave and recycled goods. Feeling enraged, he managed to jury-rigged one of the spacer weapon into a makeshift bomb and blow the spaceship to shreds. Unfortunately, he survived the blast.

Theo can definitely be called as an eccentric. Theo had a habit of talking about his past collection long after the people around him had stopped listening. He's a good guy though, he's iron-willed and willing to work hard for both his passion and survival. Maybe because Aurora was such a rough place, he became rather cold and used to death, unbothered by corpses, imprisonment, or slavery unless it directly affects him.

Reason for Arrival:
Crashed from a blowing pirate ship.

  • Boomrat leather duster 1x
  • Cloth shirt 1x
  • Cloth pants 1x
  • Packaged survival meal 10x
  • Laser Pistol 1x
  • Plasteel Knife 1x
  • Medicine 5x
Physical Ailments:
  • Toxic Buildup (Moderate) - Whole Body
  • Scar - Left Shoulder
  • Scar - Left Hand
  • Scar - Torso

Other Details: N/A

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Rough Character-Sketch (Subject to change)
Name: Jarn "Iron" Silvermire

Age: 202 Chronological Years | 26 Biological Years

Sex: Male

Appearance: Glitterworld genetic heir- perfection in physical form, as the people of his Glitterworld perceived it. Moderately above average in height, chiseled jaw-line, musculature of a dancer or fencer maintained by active mechanites before stasis now slightly atrophied due to cryptosleep for two centuries. Deep emerald-violet eyes, set in two tones within each iris, deep black hair with bare shades of blue. Heavily tanned, no scars or apparent ailments except for the thinnest lines of scar tissue about the spine

Planet Name and Description: Glitterworld: Aleph Ferrus

Childhood Backstory: Engineered heir-designate to star-empire

Adulthood Backstory: Philosopher-king, defector from decadence

Motivated, optimist, futurist, hierarchic. Domineering, polite, grandiose. Bloodlust, wanderlust.

Reason for Arrival: Left position and Glitterworld to seek lost technology and inspiration from real living

2 x Glitterworld Medicine
1 x Ravager charge-rifle
1 x Nanofiber suit (Artifact)
1 x Nanocharge
5 x Packaged Survival Meal
1 x Microlathe

Physical Ailments:
Spine replaced with Advanced Bionic Spine, Assistant Medical AI and Assistant Crafting AI implanted in Brain. Left hand replaced by Archeotech maser-fist. First and second ribs replaced with medical filtration structures. Whole body possesses benign mechanite symbiosis, requires intermittent feeding with raw resources (Steel/Plasteel/Gold) via injection into bloodstream.

Other Details:
Family - tbd
Pursuing group of mechanoids to this Rimworld in search of technology from Transcendent world

Achidyemay wrote:Name: Patricia "Trix" DeAngelo

Age: 40

Sex: Female

Appearance: Due to a stress-free Glitterworld upbringing, she still looks incredibly young. She is fairly tall by most human's metrics and well built, due mainly to a perfectly balanced diet. Her hair is dark brown, her eyes are a light green, and she has freckles. Her skin is deeply bronzed.

Planet Name and Description: Tonto is a large glitterworld built into the remains of a large gas giant nearing in size to a brown dwarf. The gas giant is the only thing that remains in the solar system after their archotech's ascension many years ago. Working without bloodshed, the archotech built the planet on the gas giants surface and moved the solar system's citizens to it, then it assembled a massive star cruiser made of carefully arranged paperclips (themselves made of all of the remaining matter in the system, save the sun) and left the system. Since then, the people of Tonto have grown in number, but still have yet to stretch the resources of their perfectly created habitat. Everyone lives a life of exceptional leisure. There is no such thing as need and deaths (as well as births) are few and far between. While internal air-pressure and weather are carefully controlled, differences in gravity on each level has lead to a slow stratification of individuals.

Childhood Backstory: Patricia was born into a glitterworld commune and as such grew up surrounded by a perfect and supportive community, free to do as she wished and trained by the best tutors and AIs indoctrinated into the egalitarian commune. She was a bit shy when she was younger, choosing to focus more on her studies than those around her. She was taught science, medicine, and took an early interest in the extinct craft of farming and horticulture. With the assistance of her commune and their AIs she was able to convert a generally unused area into a garden, learning about the different ways plants grow as well as learning to trust those around her. As her friends and extended "family" began to take notice in her contributions to the craft, as anachronistic as it was on their planet, she began to be heralded as an artist and was thrust into the spotlight.

Adulthood Backstory: Patricia's passion for spreading the beauty and awe of plants eventually lead her to leave the commune, whereupon she shortened her name to the more artistic-sounding "Trix". She rose to minor fame in the Eco-community as a proponent for a return to a more naturalistic way of life. She preached the aesthetic value of life and as soon as she was able, began the construction of her magnum opus, a stadium-sized park. Modeled after the JoySpheres and other pleasure and leisure places, she worked closely with genetic researchers to individually create every plant that would inhabit the green-space. Upon it's completion, it was heralded planet-wide for it's great aesthetic beauty and creative use of plant life. Trix continued to manage the park closely, eventually breeding and introducing her own line of animals. Despite her constant search for new and unique ideas to bring to her park, Trix eventually came to the understanding that the perfection of her life's work was entirely dependent on her own imagination. On her home planet, where everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning were automatically completed, she would never have the vast experiences she figured she would need to create a truly perfect experience.

The idea of leaving her planet to explore the universe had been growing inside her like a seed for a long time. Eventually, it broke the surface, and she arranged to be flown to a distant rimworld planet, where she could meet new people, explore strange lands, and, hopefully, create the new experiences that would be necessary for her to finally perfect her park.

Personality: Generally friendly and outgoing, Trix can be a bit absentminded when it comes to relationships, but is usually a kind person. Typically she will put her own desires and drive ahead of those around her, but will never directly insult anyone. While in her work she has designed fantastic trees and animals down their leaf and fur pattern, respectively, she still takes great joy in the simple pleasure of plating a seed and moving some soil. She might be a bit preachy, having long ago figured out how happiness works and what life means, but has mellowed some from her teenage and young adult years. She tends to look at things simply and pragmatically, everything, even beauty, has a correct answer. Her beliefs make her more optimistic.

Reason for Arrival: She came to this planet to study the local flora and fauna and geographical features in a bid for inspiration. If she makes useful life experiences from this then that would be even better. Her pod included a beacon that would allow her to be picked back up if anything bad were to happen, but it was broken during the unexpectedly turbulent landing.

  • Synthread pants
  • Devilstrand button down
  • Her signature black synthread Tuque
  • Plasteel Knife
  • Smokeleaf joints (5)
  • Corn Seeds
  • Cotton Seeds
  • Healroot Seeds
  • Strawberry Seeds
  • Rice Seeds
  • Daisy Seeds
  • Psychoid Seeds
  • Rose Seeds
  • Devilstrand Spores
  • Smokeleaf Seeds

Physical Ailments: None currently....

Other Details: Her time spent with the eco-community has developed a chemical interest in her, she is fascinated by the idea that plants can literally warp worldviews.
Last edited by Xotle on Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:19 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Postby Labstoska » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:37 pm

Time to tag with the power of Zeus.

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Postby Kowloon-California » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:12 am

Tag. This seems very interesting indeed! I'm a big fan of rimworld, and I think there is a lot of potential to be explored here.

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Tertuath Hath
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Postby Tertuath Hath » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:50 am

I was just watching a few Rimworld videos, consider this a tag

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:33 am

Mm... all of my yes please.
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Postby Labstoska » Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:36 am

Name: Arthur 'Crawley' Crawford

Age: 38


Appearance:Arthur is exactly 7 foot tall a result of growing up in low gravity some more effects of this upbringing is that his head is slightly larger then usual and that his body is quite thin and wiry ,he has light brown hair although it has started to go a bit grey despite Arthur's best efforts, his hair also always tends to grow outwards rather than down. Arthur's eyes are an emerald green, with a strangely hypnotic quality.

Planet Name and Description: Arthur originally hailed from the station Trappist 4 , a massive orbital station which serves as the headquarters for Crawford colonial enterprises and is also host to a spacer level civilization, the station maintains a constant spin in order to maintain a constant gravitational pull of 0.4 G, this allows for people on the station to grow up with at least some semblance of a normal gravity well however it does mean that children still need to take multiple growth hormones in order to ensure that they grow into a roughly Human shape. The atmosphere of the Trappist 4 station is engineered to be almost exactly like that of Earth with a small bit of oxygen enrichment to ensure longer life spans. Trappist 4 orbits Dunilien, a bombed out radioactive shell of a world that should not be approached if possible.

Childhood Backstory: Arthur started with what is most probably the luckiest beginning a guy on Trappist 4 could of got, as the son of James Crawford CEO of Crawford colonial enterprises, Arthur not only had a childhood of obscene luxury but he was also guaranteed an excellent education in corporate management, in fact his entire family has been bred for such a role and Arthur took to it with pride, with him taking to corporate education with a particularly aptitude, excelling at finding diplomatic solutions and an outstanding sense of loyalty that launched him past his siblings and peers and singled him out to be the successor to Mitchel Crawford and the next CEO of Crawford colonial enterprises of course there was a small bit of cajoling and ruthlessness that lead to his success , and all of this lead to Arthur developing a sense of smug superiority however this is generally ignored. Upon seeing his success Arthur's farther elected to bring him on some of his interstellar expeditions in order to show Arthur how to properly take the reigns of the company, so when Arthur turned 18 he was packaged off to manage one of the CCE's new outposts.

Adulthood Backstory: Unfortunately for Arthur the transfer to the CCE's outpost was far more eventful then Arthur expectation, for halfway through the transfer the ship Arthur was on was shot down around a world known as Abbadon's heath. Abbadon's heath had previously been a major glitter world and had therefore set itself up as the perfect place for a crew to go on shore leave while the ship resupplies and refuels however around 200 years ago the planet had been subjected to the ascension of an archotech AI, the population of the planet had foolishly attempted to stop the machine from leaving the world leading to the destruction of the majority of the planet's surface and nearly wiped out the entire human population, apart from a small group of traumatised survivors, the problem with this AI's ascension is that Arthur had set off 400 years ago and so the place where they were meant to dock had become a wasteland devoid of civilisation except for a small cult of people who now worshipped the archotech that was now residing 10 light years away. With little fuel and supplies the ship's AI elected to perform an emergency landing or what is more effectively known as a crash.

After 265 years Arthur awoke to a series of experiments performed on both him and his fellow crew members, not a single one of these tests were in any way concerned with their physical or genetic attributes, instead each one of them were focused on straining their mental ability, non-stop testing of their minds had driven most of the crew to their limits, driving them insane with the monotonous and straining experiments, eventually very few members of the original crew were left sane, thanks to Arthur's extensive training in corporate university he was able to keep a loose hold on his mind. The months dragged on, forcefully stretched out to feel like an infinity yet after all the trial and tribulation the tests finally came to a stop with only three people left with their minds intact and fortunately Arthur was among them , emotionally shattered sure but still technically sane. After the tests the three remaining crew members were loaded into cryptosleep sarcophagi and loaded onto a ship to be fired at the Archotech system. The next thing Arthur could remember was waking up in a hospital on the ubrworld Ilus being questioned by a political commissar about his arrival on this world, eventually after searching through some rather ancient records, the government of Ilus was able to identify who Arthur was and promptly informed him that he was 600 years late and that the CCE had gone bankrupt. they then gave him the modest amount of money that had been bestowed on him in some distant relative's will and then proceeded to kick him out onto the streets but not before telling him that his ship had been commandeered, which was rather odd as Arthur was fairly sure that his ship had been destroyed, and on closer inspection Arthur found that many of his memories concerning his time on Abbadon's heath were quite simply gone, yet none of that mattered now everything that Arthur had been promised in life was gone, the only thing left was to attempt to regain some of his lost destiny, so full of bitterness Arthur used up the last of his funds to purchase a ticket to some frontier rimworld in order to rebuild the Crawford name

Personality: Arthur Crawford is possibly the most bitter, self pitying man you could meet, due to the unfortunate incident on Abbadon's heath Arthur always has the sense that his destiny has been stolen from him and that the universe is conspiring against him yet he also has a tendency to stumble through life with a grim stubbornness in an attempt to raise a middle finger to the reality that he views as malicious. The man has a paramount loyalty to his family and therefore views it as imperative that his family name is rebuilt and will value this goal above practically all else. Arthur is rather sociable, a skill he learnt from his days in corporate university however Mr Crawford is extraordinarily paranoid which tends to be rather detrimental to his social skills

Reason for Arrival:Arthur came to frontier to take what was promised to him which is to say the leadership of a great corporate house, of course the fact that Arthur had nowhere else to go factors into it yet reclaiming a family legacy has quite a ring to it. (Why did you come to this Rimworld, or were you already here to start?)


1 1x Synthread Jacket
1x Synthread T-Shirt
1x Synthread Pants
1x cowboy hat
5x chocolate
10x packaged survival meat
1x revolver
3x medicine

Physical Ailments: Arthur has one large scar arching across the left side of his face, starting at the corner of his mouth and going up all the way to his left eyebrow. He also has some rather blurry vision in his left eye, you don't get a scar like Arthur's without having some permanent damage inflicted.

Other Details: (Any other information you wish to describe about your character goes here, be it family, friends or other facets of their life not covered by the above points.)

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Afrique Occidentale
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Postby Afrique Occidentale » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:44 pm

I'm interested, but how we exactly play still confuses me? So we play as a character and roam around for several days, maybe seasons, before joining a faction?

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The GAmeTopians
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Postby The GAmeTopians » Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:05 pm

I don't have time to read the mandatory text wall at the moment, but definitely a tag - I love Rimworld.
Empire of Donner land wrote:EHEG don't stop for no one.
It's like your a prostitute and the RP is a truck. The truck don't stop.

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Postby Xotle » Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:44 pm

Awesome! I'll take a look at the app after work tomorrow @Labstotska around 3:30 PM EST, I was really busy today. Fyi I'll be adding some additional items that don't appear in the Rimworld wiki, but at a glance your items look great so no worries there.

And @Afrique Occidentale it's basically a social RP where you guys start with nothing and try to build a successful colony. Your ultimate goal depends on what your character wants. Most likely it will be to escape the Rimworld on a ship so you can fly to safer skies. But if living on the Rimworld is what you want then living on the Rimworld is what you'll do - but as I said before there's gonna be a deeper story that will add the foundation to the RP.

How you encounter the colony is up to you, I suppose we could have to first post being the dude who founds the colony and then subsequent posts saying "x days or months later" and having the characters gradually meet up, interact, and join for survival purposes. All this can be discussed later on.

I'll try to get the reserved text posts up tomorrow as well as the poll so we can begin discussing which biome we'll have our faction start in, but spoilers I'll take pleasure in fucking you over if you choose desert ;) .
Last edited by Xotle on Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Afrique Occidentale
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Postby Afrique Occidentale » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:20 pm

Is glass world or toxic world survivor allowed?

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Postby Xotle » Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:04 am

Sure. I just didn't describe like I did the other worlds since I felt they'd be an insignificant part of the survivor count. Feel free though

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Afrique Occidentale
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Postby Afrique Occidentale » Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:36 am

Thank you, I'll come up with an app soon

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Haedros 92712
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Postby Haedros 92712 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:45 am

So you’re saying I have two wrote not just one, but two bios if I want to join this Rp? Grr... fine. Tag
"Dying is not very sex." - Some idiot, 2020

I prefer she/they pronouns, and I enjoy not having to debate people over whether or not they should respect that. If they/them pronouns aren't something you're cool with, just use she/her. Thanks! -That same idiot, 2020

Without further ado:
ANIME TIME :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:08 am

Rough Character-Sketch (Subject to change)
Name: Jarn "Iron" Silvermire

Age: 202 Chronological Years | 26 Biological Years

Sex: Male

Appearance: Glitterworld genetic heir- perfection in physical form, as the people of his Glitterworld perceived it. Moderately above average in height, chiseled jaw-line, musculature of a dancer or fencer maintained by active mechanites before stasis now slightly atrophied due to cryptosleep for two centuries. Deep emerald-violet eyes, set in two tones within each iris, deep black hair with bare shades of blue. Heavily tanned, no scars or apparent ailments except for the thinnest lines of scar tissue about the spine

Planet Name and Description: Glitterworld: Aleph Ferrus

Childhood Backstory: Engineered heir-designate to star-empire

Adulthood Backstory: Philosopher-king, defector from decadence

Motivated, optimist, futurist, hierarchic. Domineering, polite, grandiose. Bloodlust, wanderlust.

Reason for Arrival: Left position and Glitterworld to seek lost technology and inspiration from real living

2 x Glitterworld Medicine
1 x Ravager charge-rifle
1 x Nanofiber suit (Artifact)
1 x Nanocharge
5 x Packaged Survival Meal
1 x Microlathe

Physical Ailments:
Spine replaced with Advanced Bionic Spine, Assistant Medical AI and Assistant Crafting AI implanted in Brain. Left hand replaced by Archeotech maser-fist. First and second ribs replaced with medical filtration structures. Whole body possesses benign mechanite symbiosis, requires intermittent feeding with raw resources (Steel/Plasteel/Gold) via injection into bloodstream.

Other Details:
Family - tbd
Pursuing group of mechanoids to this Rimworld in search of technology from Transcendent world
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Xotle » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:02 am

Thanks G-tech. I'll check yours and the other apps fully when I'm back! Looks good though, I now realize I might need to balance glitterworlders. Likely by adding maintenance requirements or something along those lines. Peak human technology after all requires an entire society built from scratch to maintain it.

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:07 am

Xotle wrote:Thanks G-tech. I'll check yours and the other apps fully when I'm back! Looks good though, I now realize I might need to balance glitterworlders. Likely by adding maintenance requirements or something along those lines. Peak human technology after all requires an entire society built from scratch to maintain it.

Makes sense to me- I’m assuming all but the most simplistic and durable Glitterworld tech will break down over time, excepting things like bionics and mechanites which are designed to endure for the user’s lifetime.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Postby Xotle » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:23 am

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Xotle wrote:Thanks G-tech. I'll check yours and the other apps fully when I'm back! Looks good though, I now realize I might need to balance glitterworlders. Likely by adding maintenance requirements or something along those lines. Peak human technology after all requires an entire society built from scratch to maintain it.

Makes sense to me- I’m assuming all but the most simplistic and durable Glitterworld tech will break down over time, excepting things like bionics and mechanites which are designed to endure for the user’s lifetime.

I don't recall if there's an in lore reference to glitterworld tech usable lifetime but in the time frame that your colony will likely exist for you will not have to worry about cybernetics breaking down naturally - unless an external force like a raider or an angry dog takes a piece out of it.

But yeah I will have to balance glitterworlders a bit, either by proposing limits or adding increase challenge (eek, power creep) to compensate. So I'll let you know about that in a bit

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:37 am

Xotle wrote:
G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Makes sense to me- I’m assuming all but the most simplistic and durable Glitterworld tech will break down over time, excepting things like bionics and mechanites which are designed to endure for the user’s lifetime.

I don't recall if there's an in lore reference to glitterworld tech usable lifetime but in the time frame that your colony will likely exist for you will not have to worry about cybernetics breaking down naturally - unless an external force like a raider or an angry dog takes a piece out of it.

But yeah I will have to balance glitterworlders a bit, either by proposing limits or adding increase challenge (eek, power creep) to compensate. So I'll let you know about that in a bit

More colony is more dangerous raids right :P
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Postby Labstoska » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:52 am

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Xotle wrote:
I don't recall if there's an in lore reference to glitterworld tech usable lifetime but in the time frame that your colony will likely exist for you will not have to worry about cybernetics breaking down naturally - unless an external force like a raider or an angry dog takes a piece out of it.

But yeah I will have to balance glitterworlders a bit, either by proposing limits or adding increase challenge (eek, power creep) to compensate. So I'll let you know about that in a bit

More colony is more dangerous raids right :P

Oh God not raiders starts to remember that time when raiders attacked at winter and the entire colony was starving.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:58 am

Labstoska wrote:
G-Tech Corporation wrote:
More colony is more dangerous raids right :P

Oh God not raiders starts to remember that time when raiders attacked at winter and the entire colony was starving.

inb4 mechanoids with inferno cannons during toxic fallout
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Afrique Occidentale
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Postby Afrique Occidentale » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:24 am

Theobald "Theo" Milburn



1.79 m and 75 kg
Wearing a Boomrat leather duster, cloth pants, and cloth t-shirt.

Planet Name and Description:
Theo hailed from a post-apocalyptic spacer planet called Aurora, which itself host a single super-continent mostly located in its northern hemisphere. Few swathes of Arid shrublands cover lands that have not ravaged by the nuclear apocalypse, those that did turn into desert wastelands. The various human settlement that's left scattered around the planet acting as a city-state.

Aurora has no natural moon and is revolving around a yellow dwarf star. The Ozone layer is mostly broken, due to the worrying level of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere. The radiation level has mostly subsided, though there still various areas and territories with high radiation level still lingering on them.

Childhood Backstory:
Theo's childhood spent scavenging around the wasteland of ruined cities, neighborhoods, and other places, scrapping for supplies or past technologies for said supplies. After all, Aurora's past has made the planet plenty supplied with surviving spacer-level weapons and machines for those who can seek for it, and an invaluable asset to have for living on the violent wasteland. He does not exactly remember how he born or even came to be a scavenger for most of his life, he simply does.

Living on such condition, however, is filled with dangers. Theo is forced to kill a man by the time he was still six.

Adulthood Backstory:
By chance or talent, Theo grew up to be a quite amazing scavenger in his home-world. Old Aurora technology seems to be popping out wherever he goes. After a while, by such often exposure he became obsessed with them, searching them less to survive and more as a passion. He started to learn and collect them, taking them apart and reassembling it back. In the world full of death and misery, Theo found peace in the old world technology, even hope that sometime in the future, his understanding of the artifacts would change Aurora for the better.

One day while he tinkers with some odd-looking signal, it beamed up and send his coordinates to space. Not long after, a scavenger pirate ship came and took him and all of his collections to the star to be sold as a slave and recycled goods. Feeling enraged, he managed to jury-rigged one of the spacer weapon into a makeshift bomb and blow the spaceship to shreds. Unfortunately, he survived the blast.

Theo can definitely be called as an eccentric. Theo had a habit of talking about his past collection long after the people around him had stopped listening. He's a good guy though, he's iron-willed and willing to work hard for both his passion and survival. Maybe because Aurora was such a rough place, he became rather cold and used to death, unbothered by corpses, imprisonment, or slavery unless it directly affects him.

Reason for Arrival:
Crashed from a blowing pirate ship.

  • Boomrat leather duster 1x
  • Cloth shirt 1x
  • Cloth pants 1x
  • Packaged survival meal 10x
  • Laser Pistol 1x
  • Plasteel Knife 1x
  • Medicine 5x
Physical Ailments:
  • Toxic Buildup (Moderate) - Whole Body
  • Scar - Left Shoulder
  • Scar - Left Hand
  • Scar - Torso

Other Details: N/A

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Posts: 27
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Postby Xotle » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:56 pm

So Labstotska and Afrique your apps are accepted. G-tech, yours looks great in terms of fluff but I still need to consider glitterworlders in general for balance. I'll try to do that quickly now that I'm home.



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