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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 12:08 pm
by Harkback Union
College Greymore



HEALTH POINTS - HP for sort. You start with Max health points, which is 8 by default. Reaching 0 means your character is near-death. At 0 HP, you may no longer take any actions, and If your character does not receive any help by the end of the scene, or if your character is injured by another attack, he or she is dead, and there is no way to bring them back alive.


MANA & MAGIC POTENTIAL - Mana is short for magic energy, while Magic potential or MP is how much magic energy flow in your veins. At the start of any encounter, you will have as much Mana at your disposal as your Magic Potential! In addition, you will regain +1 mana each minute, up to your Magic Potential limit. Between encounters, you will replenish all your lost mana.


KNOWLEDGE - The spells and alchemy recipes you have in your mind. These you can cast any time without having to refer to a book, as long as you have a wand and the mana required. Knowledge also includes knowledge of the magical word that might help you avoid dangers. Knowledge is also required to pass school tests.


SPIRIT & MAX SPIRIT - Your overall physical energy gained from eating and resting. 8 By default, Which is your max Spirit. Your spirit is restored any time you sleep. Reaching 0 spirit leaves your character unconscious, sleeping on the ground until the next day. Easy to cast spells typically destroy your opponent's spirit, rather then health. Your ability to cast spells and past tests is impacted by spirit.


JOY - Your character's overall Happiness. Lost when studying, gained when playing and eating sweets. Negative Joy can cause crippling depression (which in turn can make your character more inclined to join the forces of darkness).


ITEMS - The stuff you carry around. You may at any time have up to 10 items with you.


SILVER - Silver coins are the unified currency of the realm. The more you have, the more you can buy.


CORRUPTION - The influence of evil upon your character. Difficult to get rid of. Gives you destructive magic extra power, but your healing spells become less efficient. Not to mention, corruption will gradually consume your mind, turning you into a tool of the forces of evil.


! - Time - !

Each day consists of 3 "Phases" or times of day:
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Night

During the morning phase, on weekdays, students are expected to go to classes.
During afternoons, students may do as they please.
At night, students are expected to return to their dormitories and sleep through the night.

Note, that your character may skip classes or sneak out of the dorms at nighttime, though there might be some consequences to this if you are caught.

The current time of day will be stated in the IC OP. However, this not always needs to be the time of day for your character, only the date and time you should not go past. If you couldn't post for a few days, you can always catch up. If you were missing for longer periods of time, we can come up with an explanation for your absence, such as sickness or family business. You can then return with your character at the current date.

For each Phase of the day, Each character may decide what they want to do with their time. Attending classes, visiting locations and attending events are some common options.

- Scenes -

Note that throughout the day, your character take part in countless scenes. Scenes are bits of story involving one or more characters taking place at a given location. Example scenes are visiting a store, or attending a class, or having lunch. Scenes can be very short, just fractions of a post or incredibly long, perhaps even multiple pages worth of IC. Some of the rules refer to scenes.

- Characters within line of sight and talking distance of each other are always part of the same scene.
- If a character is involved in an encounter, it can be joined by anyone in the same scene.
- You can watch over a scene to get the initiative in case something bad happens.

! - Encounters - !

During each phase, characters may have so called Encounters. Encounters are special occasions where "Time goes slower", in that each post is limited to a maximum of one minute's worth of action. This is important, so as to allow other characters to react to what you are doing. Encounters can be started by anyone at any time. All you have to do is to do an Encounter Only Action. You may only take 1 Encounter action at a time and must wait for every other character, including the overlord to respond (within reasonable time. If they do not respond within 24 hours, you may move on.).

In short, during each encounters, players take turns to do short actions.

! - List of Encounter Only Actions - !

- Cast a Spell with destructive potential that is targeted at someone or something of importance.
- Search Area. Seek out items or clues in a location. This counts as an E.O.A.
- Enter Forbidden Locations means starting an encounter as well.

Note that your character may get sucked into an Encounter started by other students, teachers or forces of evil as well.

! - List of available actions during Encounters, but things you can do otherwise as well. - !

- Cast a Spell that does not harm other characters or destroy anything or make a lot of noise.
- Hide. Hide from other characters in some place. They might be able to find you with a search action though.
- Sneak. Move slowly while trying to remain hidden.
- Transfer Item. Give someone else something you have, or make them consume an item if they are unconscious.
- Move within a location, to a cover or to an exit. If you are near an exit, move to the location where the exit leads.
- Overwatch. Stay on high alert so that if you get attacked, you will have the initiative.
- Use item. Use or consume an item from your inventory.
- Take Cover. Protect against spells by taking cover. If your enemy moves to your cover, it becomes ineffective.

The following pairs of Actions can be combined (Performed at the same time or in sequence of one another):
- Move with Cast Spell. (decreases accuracy)
- Move with Transfer Item.
- Move with Use Item.
- Move with Hide. (as in move to some place and then hide there fast)
- Move with Enter Forbidden Location.
- Take Cover With Cast Spell. (decreases cover)
- Sneak with Transfer Item.
- Sneak with Use Item.
- Sneak with Enter Forbidden Location.
- Hide with Overwatch

Special Rules:
- If you activate overwatch outside of an encounter, you will lose 2 spirit (paranoia) and the overwatch will expire after the scene.
- If you activate overwatch during an encounter, it costs nothing and will expire at the start of your next action.
- Note that you can also do pretty much anything not listed during encounters, such as talking to someone or picking up and dropping items, or interacting with the environment, these typically do not count as your action for the turn and you can do something else in the meantime, unless they require significant effort, such as moving something heavy by hand or crafting an item from ingredients.

! - COMBAT - !
Part One: Resolving Overwatch

The person who starts an encounter has the initiative and thus takes the first action, unless someone else has been on overwatch. Then, that person may carry out an action before the person who originally had the initiative. If multiple people have been on overwatch, they may all, simultaneously perform actions. If during an encounter, someone has been on overwatch and they see/hear something happening somewhere or to them or to someone else, they may carry out interrupt whatever's happening and carry out an action.

Example: Richard is walking among the Ruins. His friend, Brian is on overwatch. Richard knocks over a log, which collides with a cracked wall and the whole building comes falling down. A huge brick is falling toward Richard, but his friend Brian is on overwatch and casts a levitation spell on the rock, thus saving the life of Brian Richard.

Example 2: Adele is reading a book by the window while her paranoid friend Theodore is on overwatch. Suddenly, Vlaphior the evil arch-mage bursts into the room. Luckily, Theodore has been on overwatch and is no able to cast a fireball on Valphior before he does anything evil. The Arch-mage's counterspell fails and he is blasted out of the room, his flaming body is slammed into the walls and takes 5 HP damage. However, now it is his turn to act, before Adele could cast a spell of her own...

Part Two: Attacks

To cast a spell, simply pronounce the magic words and then describe what you are doing with the spell, or who is it aimed at. Then, deduct the cost of the spell from your mana, if possible.

Next, the target of the attack may cast counter spells. If they have the mana to do so, it can be safely assumed that it is successful and the attack is shielded against. Counter spells do not count as actions.

As long as your character or your target is not moving or behind cover and as long as you have the mana to cast the spell or the counter spell, it is guaranteed to work.

If you or your target is moving or behind cover, or if you do not have enough mana to cast the spell, it may have a chance to fail. In this case, an overlord will resolve whether the spell or counter spell was successful.

- The more mana you are missing for casting a spell, the higher chance it will fail, or even backfire, so be sure you have enough mana before casting a deadly spell.

- In rare cases, a counter spell may end up being an attack on a 3rd party. If so, then they too will have a chance for a counter spell.

- Some Spells, Such as Levitation can be counter spelled by anyone in the scene. This will be written in the spell description.

Overlord's guide
Resolving spells in case of moving targets/cover/missing mana.

STEP 1: Roll d6
STEP 2: Take the result and discount 1 for each point of missing mana for the spell
- If the result is 0, -1 or -2, the spell failed, no effect.
- If the result is -3 or worse, the spell backfired. Apply spell on caster, unless it was already cast on self, then apply it on a random person.
- If the result is positive, continue to step 3
STEP 3: Take result and add modifiers. If in the end you arrive at a positive number, the spell was successful. Otherwise it missed.
- Target is moving ( -1 )
- Caster is moving ( -1 )
- Target has cover ( -2 )
- Difficult environment (Smoke) or long distance ( -1 )
- Darkness (No light source) or extreme brightness ( -1 )
- Target has casted spell from cover last turn ( +1 )

Part Three: Chases and Resolution

Sometimes, characters will choose to leave the scene of the fighting out of fear or frustration. Any other characters may in their following 2 actions choose to chase after that person with a move of their own. If they do so, a chase begins.

During chase, characters are expected to use move actions in their turns (along with cast spell or use item). If the person being chased finds an escape his attackers cannot follow him through (find a lone broomstick, cutting the rope bridge behind you...), or if the attackers give up, the chase ends.

To end an encounter, a) all living and conscious characters (and forces of evil/overlords) must agree to end an encounter. b) The overlord can shut down an encounter in his or her territory (if they think its resolved). c) A successful escape.


A lovely magical town just a few miles south west of College Greymore. Here, you may shop for magic items and food or roam the city's streets in search of adventure.

R. Westmond's store of magic trinkets.
- Magic Wand - 5 S - A decently crafted wand. Good for replacement, In case your old one broke.
- Broomstick - 10 S. - A standard, no-thrills broomstick.
- Kindroth's Healing Potions - 3 S - Good quality potion, restores 2 HP when consumed.
- Ink and Textbooks - 1 S - A must have for students.
- Second-Hand clothes - 2 S - Something to wear in the cold.
- Candles - 1 S - Required for studying at night.

Candy Store
- Chocolates - 1 S - +1 Joy
- Taffies - 1 S - +1 Joy
- Crackers - 1 S - +1 Joy ... 54976b.jpg

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:21 pm
by Harkback Union
College Greymore



HEALTH POINTS - HP for sort. You start with Max health points, which is 8 by default. Reaching 0 means your character is near-death. At 0 HP, you may no longer take any actions, and If your character does not receive any help by the end of the scene, or if your character is injured by another attack, he or she is dead, and there is no way to bring them back alive.


MANA & ARCANE POWER - Mana is short for magic energy, which is derived from "Arcane Power" Potential or AP level. AP stands a wizard's understanding of magic and the flux of magical essence in his or her veins. At the start of any encounter, you will have as much Mana at your disposal as your AP! In addition, you will regain +1 mana each minute, up to your AP. Between encounters, you will replenish all your lost mana.

For every 3 different types of spells you have casted in your lifetime, you gain +1 AP.


KNOWLEDGE - The spells and alchemy recipes you have in your mind. These you can cast any time without having to refer to a book, as long as you have a wand and the mana required. Knowledge also includes knowledge of the magical word that might help you avoid dangers. Knowledge is also required to pass school tests and gain Acrane Power.


SPIRIT & MAX SPIRIT - Your overall physical energy gained from eating and resting. 8 By default, Which is your max Spirit. Your spirit is restored any time you sleep. Reaching 0 spirit leaves your character unconscious, sleeping on the ground until the next day. Easy to cast spells typically destroy your opponent's spirit, rather then health. Your ability to cast spells and past tests is impacted by spirit.


JOY - Your character's overall Happiness. Lost when studying, gained when playing and eating sweets. Negative Joy can cause crippling depression (which in turn can make your character more inclined to join the forces of darkness).


ITEMS - The stuff you carry around. You may at any time have up to 10 items with you.


SILVER - Silver coins are the unified currency of the realm. The more you have, the more you can buy.


CORRUPTION - The influence of evil upon your character. Difficult to get rid of. Gives you destructive magic extra power, but your healing spells become less efficient. Not to mention, corruption will gradually consume your mind, turning you into a tool of the forces of evil.


! - Time - !

Each day consists of 3 "Phases" or times of day:
[b][i]- Morning
- Afternoon
- Night[/i][/b]

- During the morning phase, on weekdays, students are expected to go to classes.
- During afternoons, students may do as they please.
- At night, students are expected to return to their dormitories and sleep through the night.

Note, that your character may skip classes or sneak out of the dorms at nighttime, though there might be some consequences to this if you are caught.

The current time of day will be stated in the IC OP. However, this not always needs to be the time of day for your character, only the date and time you should not go past. If you couldn't post for a few days, you can always catch up. If you were missing for longer periods of time, we can come up with an explanation for your absence, such as sickness or family business. You can then return with your character at the current date.

For each Phase of the day, Each character may decide what they want to do with their time. Attending classes, visiting locations and attending events are some common options.

! - Encounters - !

During each phase, characters may have so called Encounters. Encounters are special occasions where "Time goes slower", in that each post is limited to a maximum of one minute's worth of action. This is important, so as to allow other characters to react to what you are doing. Encounters can be started by anyone at any time. All you have to do is to do an Encounter Only Action. You may only take 1 Encounter action at a time and must wait for every other character, including the overlord to respond (within reasonable time. If they do not respond within 24 hours, you may move on.).

In short, during each encounters, players take turns to do short actions.

! - Encounter Actions - !

Casting spells is the most common thing to do during encounters and can be performed parallel with some other action, as long as it makes sense, like moving, talking or flying. Casting a destructive spell on someone will always start an encounter, along with a few other things listed here.

- Casting a Spell with destructive potential that is targeted at someone or something of importance.
- Searching an Area, Seek out items or clues or people in a location.
- Enter Forbidden Locations, Enter an area which is closed.

At the start of the encounter, your character receives mana (magic energy) equal to your arcane power.

Aside from casting spells, encounter actions can be anything else you can imagine. Take cover behind a pillar, fly away on a broomstick, punch someone in the face, set fire to a building, drink a potion, sneak, hide, give someone something or try to steal it, perhaps just simply talk to someone.

You can also craft items in a hurry, try to escape the encounter or watch over the scene, these can have direct impact on the game's mechanics.

! - MAGIC - !
Part One: Resolving Overwatch

Both before and during encounters you can choose to watch over the scene to make sure you see any dangers coming, outside of encounters this costs 2 Spirit and lasts only a few minutes of IC time, during encounters an overwatch action costs nothing, but allows you to do nothing else for that turn.

The person who starts an encounter has the initiative and thus takes the first action, unless someone else has been on overwatch. Then, that person may carry out an action before the person who originally had the initiative. If multiple people have been on overwatch, they may all, simultaneously perform actions. If during an encounter, someone has been on overwatch and they see/hear something happening somewhere or to them or to someone else, they may carry out interrupt whatever's happening and carry out an action.

Example: Richard is walking among the Ruins. His friend, Brian is on overwatch. Richard knocks over a log, which collides with a cracked wall and the whole building comes falling down. A huge brick is falling toward Richard, but his friend Brian is on overwatch and casts a levitation spell on the rock, thus saving the life of Brian Richard.

Example 2: Adele is reading a book by the window while her paranoid friend Theodore is on overwatch. Suddenly, Vlaphior the evil arch-mage bursts into the room. Luckily, Theodore has been on overwatch and is no able to cast a fireball on Valphior before he does anything evil. The Arch-mage's counterspell fails and he is blasted out of the room, his flaming body is slammed into the walls and takes 5 HP damage. However, now it is his turn to act, before Adele could cast a spell of her own...

Part Two: Attacks

To cast a spell, first make sure that you know the spell and that its mana cost is equal to or lower then your AP level, then simply pronounce the magic words and then describe what you are doing with the spell, or who is it aimed at. Then, deduct the cost of the spell from your mana, if possible and then wait for the overlord to resolve the spell's effects.

Next, the target of the attack may cast counter spells. If they have the mana to do so, it can be safely assumed that it is successful and the attack is shielded against. Counter spells do not count as actions.

As long as your character or your target is not moving or behind cover and as long as you have the mana to cast the spell or the counter spell, it is guaranteed to work and there is no need for the overlord to resolve it.

If you or your target is moving or behind cover, or if you do not have enough mana to cast the spell, it may have a chance to fail. In this case, an overlord will resolve whether the spell or counter spell was successful.

- The more mana you are missing for casting a spell, the higher chance it will fail, or even backfire, so be sure you have enough mana before casting a deadly spell.

- In rare cases, a counter spell may end up being an attack on a 3rd party. If so, then they too will have a chance for a counter spell.

- Some Spells, Such as Levitation can be counter spelled by anyone in the scene. This will be written in the spell description.

Overlord's guide
Resolving spells in case of moving targets/cover/missing mana. This mechanic is subject to change or simplification.

STEP 1: Roll d6
STEP 2: Take the result and discount 1 for each point of missing mana for the spell
- If the result is 0, -1 or -2, the spell failed, no effect.
- If the result is -3 or worse, the spell backfired. Apply spell on caster, unless it was already cast on self, then apply it on a random person.
- If the result is positive, continue to step 3
STEP 3: Take result and add modifiers. If in the end you arrive at a positive number, the spell was successful. Otherwise it missed.
- Target is moving ( -1 )
- Caster is moving ( -1 )
- Target has cover ( -2 )
- Difficult environment (Smoke) or long distance ( -1 )
- Darkness (No light source) or extreme brightness ( -1 )
- Target has casted spell from cover last turn ( +1 )

Part Three: Chases and Resolution

Sometimes, characters will choose to leave the scene of the fighting out of fear or frustration. Any other characters may in their following 2 actions choose to chase after that person with a move of their own. If they do so, a chase begins.

During chase, characters are expected to use move actions in their turns (along with cast spell or use item). If the person being chased finds an escape his attackers cannot follow him through (find a lone broomstick, cutting the rope bridge behind you...), or if the attackers give up, the chase ends.

To end an encounter, a) all living and conscious characters (and forces of evil/overlords) must agree to end an encounter. b) The overlord can shut down an encounter in his or her territory (if they think its resolved). c) A successful escape.


A lovely magical town just a few miles south west of College Greymore. Here, you may shop for magic items and food or roam the city's streets in search of adventure.

R. Westmond's store of magic trinkets.
- Magic Wand - 5 S - A decently crafted wand. Good for replacement, In case your old one broke.
- Broomstick - 10 S. - A standard, no-thrills broomstick.
- Kindroth's Healing Potions - 3 S - Good quality potion, restores 2 HP when consumed.
- Ink and Textbooks - 1 S - A must have for students.
- Second-Hand clothes - 2 S - Something to wear in the cold.
- Candles - 1 S - Required for studying at night.

Candy Store
- Chocolates - 1 S - +1 Joy
- Taffies - 1 S - +1 Joy
- Crackers - 1 S - +1 Joy ... 54976b.jpg

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:10 pm
by Harkback Union

- Forgotten Worlds -

It has been many eons ago when the last of the gods died... the universe they've left behind lies dormant, desolate, unpopulous. Those who remained are scattered across the many worlds of the countless stars. Their knowledge of the world before limited to but a handful of firebrand stories, told by the elders of the tribe and those few relics they've unearthed from the ruins of the past.

But even these tribes are on the verge of extinction. Ever since the gods vanished, the stars' light have gradually dimmed, the outermost worlds have become frozen wastelands, while the tropical havens and jungles of the central words are now temperate at best. Their only hope are the portals, the gateways built by the gods to quickly traverse between worlds throughout the universe...

However, the technology behind the gates are beyond the knowledge of these mere mortals, and thus they are stuck on whatever tiny rock their ancestors lived on. Most of these worlds are a few hours walk in width and can support no more then a few hundred souls. The great war of the gods have completely obliterated the larger worlds, which now form rings of asteroids around the stars, or formed moons around the remaining worlds. These moons however, radiate magical energy. The tribes were soon to discover this and have begun holding rituals to unlock the secrets of Mana. During these rituals, some of the tribe members gained insight into the world of the gods and learned how to tame magical powers. Soon, they've become the shamans of the tribe, the unquestioned supreme leaders and arch-bishops, due to their frightening dark powers and exotic knowledge, but power comes with responsibility... the world is full of danger and uncertainty, and it is the shaman's duty to protect his or her tribe and lead them to a new, brighter future.

The Laws of the Universe

Space and Time


Weeks are the base measure of time in the ancient calendars. Most planet's orbits are a multitude of weeks and man and woman count their lives in weeks.

A week is enough time for new human to be brought into the world, or for a man to build a decent hut, or for crops to grow.

Each week counts as a turn for the mechanics.


The universe consists of stars and worlds. Most worlds orbit the stars, some worlds orbit other worlds, each world has a distinct climate, terrain and biosphere.

Each world has a stargate built on it by the ancients. Operating these gates is beyond your abilities for now.

Finally, Worlds may have a number of natural resources such as Woods (Source of Lumber and Food), Mountains (source of Ore), Seas (source of Food) and so on...

Resources & Civilization

- FOOD -

Food is sustenance for your Population which spoils quickly if left uneaten. Each week, your farmers and fisherman gather food with which to feed your people. If there is enough food to meet the needs of the people, nothing happens. If there is less, those without food perish quickly to disease.


Your fellow tribesmen count as the Population under your control. Each Tribe consists of bands (or groups / families / teams / crews / gangs / phalansters / parties / cliques / sects, whatever you want to call them) of ~5 people (1 - 10). These bands live and work together and each require 1 food to survive each week.


Ore, Wood and Crystals are resources that your tribe can extract from nature, provided their world possesses these resources. They can be freely stockpiled in your towns in unlimited quantity.

Weapons, Machinery and Luxuries can be of multiple types and are also possible to store in unlimited quantity. These are manufactured by your tribe from the raw materials extracted from nature.


Energy comes in many forms. Most notably in the form of Magic Energy, but it can be also trapped inside Crystals, or flowing through metals as Electricity to name a few more.

More about these later on...


Each tribe has a village (or town, city, whatever you want to call) on the world it inhabits. Said village consists of buildings. Each village has a price in resources. Each week, each unit of population may add 1 resource from its stores to a building that is being constructed. Note that this means that 1 population with 1 wood can build a hut in 1 week.

LIST OF BUILDINGS (Will be available in the IC OP)

Hut - 1 Wood - A basic shelter for your populace. Houses 1 population safely. Your population can only breed if they have shelter. In addition, every 5 weeks, all populations without shelter have a chance to perish to storms or extreme cold or whatever threats exist on your world.

Shrine - 1 Wood - A place for your people to pray, for you that is, and make sacrifices. This increases your Mana flow. Up to 1 population may be dedicated to prayer at a time, gaining you +1 Mana flow.
Alternatively, human sacrifices can be made here to increase your mana for a week. -1 Population +2 Mana flow

Mine - 2 Wood - An tunnel to resources buried deep underground. Can only be built on a resource spot to allow mining it.

Palisade - 2 Wood or Ore, max 1 per village/town - Light defenses built around your town to protect against wild animals and cold winds... or maybe a hostile tribe... +1 Strength in a defensive battle taking place in this town.

Warcamp - 2 Wood - A place for your warriors to train for war. Each warcamp acts as shelter for a warrior class population. Upon moving here, any population immediately becomes warrior class. The warrior class may wield weapons and can receive shipments of food wherever it goes from home.

Waypoint - Free - A navigation point around which your forces can gather or patrol.

LIST OF ADVANCED BUILDING TYPES (Unlocked with knowledge)

Temple - 3 Wood, 2 Ore - A place of worship and sacrifice. You may dedicate no more then one population to this place, they will become priests. Priests worship you day and night and instruct the rest of the populace to do so as well. You can have no more then one temple in each world, earning you+2 Mana flow. As long as a world has a temple, all human sacrifices made at shrines gain +1 Mana flow in value

Library - 5 Wood - A place of learning and knowledge. You may dedicate no more then one population to this place, they will become scholars. Scholars may study ancient knowledge along with you, earning your shaman a free ancient knowledge action.


The universe consists of stars and worlds. Most worlds orbit the stars, some worlds orbit other worlds, each world has a distinct climate, terrain and biosphere.

Each world has a stargate built on it by the ancients. Operating these gates is beyond your abilities for now.

Finally, Worlds may have a number of natural resources such as Woods (Source of Lumber and Food), Mountains (source of Ore), Seas (source of Food) and so on...

Magic & Knowledge


Weeks are the base measure of time in the ancient calendars. Most planet's orbits are a multitude of weeks and man and woman count their lives in weeks.

A week is enough time for new human to be brought into the world, or for a man to build a decent hut, or for crops to grow.

Each week counts as a turn for the mechanics.


The universe consists of stars and worlds. Most worlds orbit the stars, some worlds orbit other worlds, each world has a distinct climate, terrain and biosphere.

Each world has a stargate built on it by the ancients. Operating these gates is beyond your abilities for now.

Finally, Worlds may have a number of natural resources such as Woods (Source of Lumber and Food), Mountains (source of Ore), Seas (source of Food) and so on...

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:13 pm
by The Federation of Kendor
Wow, so you use this to create OP's. Can I use it? Also, while this is for P2Tm, to be honest, I also wanted it to be used to create OP's for other RP's too, like II, F&NI, NS, etc

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:16 pm
by Harkback Union
The Federation of Kendor wrote:Wow, so you use this to create OP's. Can I use it? Also, while this is for P2Tm, to be honest, I also wanted it to be used to create OP's for other RP's too, like II, F&NI, NS, etc

Of course, I don't see why not. There is plenty of room.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:23 pm
by Yuzhou
Ayy, this is pretty useful.

Saves me from having to constantly move things from a file to here or use an old buried post for it.
Of course, it takes a way an element of surprise, but if anyone is actually watching this thread it becomes another way to garner interest/iron out flaws with potential input.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:28 pm
by Harkback Union
Its strange though how noone posted in the 2 years this thread's been in operation.

Nonetheless you are all welcome. I'm building a godRP at the moment.

I much prefer having things written down here since I can find all my old OPs in one place study them carefully to find out what makes a good OP.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:36 pm
by Yuzhou
Harkback Union wrote:Its strange though how noone posted in the 2 years this thread's been in operation.

Nonetheless you are all welcome. I'm building a godRP at the moment.

I much prefer having things written down here since I can find all my old OPs in one place study them carefully to find out what makes a good OP.

I prefer everything down on hard post as well. Previously, I've used an old post from a long dead and obsolete factbook to do it, however that means I must delete what was previously there if I don't actually bring it to another post.

There's probably multiple reasons as to why no one's posted save for one, least of which is missing the "you are free to use this too" bit, but I'd be surprised if more people didn't prefer building OPs this way.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:47 pm
by Ulls
I like the god RP, reminds me of Populous in a way.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:55 pm
by Harkback Union
Ulls wrote:I like the god RP, reminds me of Populous in a way.

It is based off it.

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:02 pm
by Ulls
Harkback Union wrote:
Ulls wrote:I like the god RP, reminds me of Populous in a way.

It is based off it.

Figured as much, what's the 5X game on the OP and Spacekrieg?

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:45 pm
by Harkback Union
Ulls wrote:
Harkback Union wrote:
It is based off it.

Figured as much, what's the 5X game on the OP and Spacekrieg?

The 4X game is superbly overcomplicated to the point that I've abandoned the Idea. Spacekrieg is a slightly simpler cross-genre Mega-RP that would require 15+ people minimum.


I made a new thread for it, but its still not finished. I might start it someday, when I'm a chrono-millionare...

An Ancient World - Out of Character

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:12 pm
by Harkback Union
An Ancient World

It was many eons ago, when the last nations of the civilized world fell. How, or why they vanished remains a mystery, for all that is left behind are the ruins of their great cities and wonders. Those who roam the earth today have a difficult time imagining how the man of the past could raise such structures, but that is not what plagues their mind often. Food, warmth, shelter, there is little time for any other pursuit then securing the basic wants of one's family. And that is no small task, for that in the last days of the glorious past, the world has changed a great deal for the worse. Rivers and lakes vanished, mountains have erupted in flames, the earth split in half, swallowing entire towns and armies, or so it is said by the elders. The knowledge of growing crops was lost, along with art of bronze working and the tradition of writing... life has become a battle for survival. The harsh weather and scarcity of resources has rendered large towns unsustainable and reduced human population tenfold. An era of darkness and torment has begun...

But the dark times were not to last forever. After many centuries, the wrath of gods have subsided. The rivers flew once more and the land turned green with lush grass around them. Mankind slowly rose from the depths of barbarism and ignorance. In some corners of the world, new tribes have emerged where good eats where easy to find and the climate was good.

These tribes however not unlike their predecessors. They are tired of their life of toil strive for greatness and glory. They wish to rebuild civilization and grow in numbers. They seek to explore distant lands and find other tribes. They thirst for knowledge and to unveil the secrets of the past. They plan on raising new works of wonder that triumph those of the past! But to accomplish all that... they will need great leaders.


Welcome To An Ancient World! A Bronze - Iron Age roleplay that will tell the story of a few hundred years of alternate history.

You play the role of an influential family of a remote tribe, doing your best to restore mankind to its former glory through whatever means you see fit. Over time, your role in the civilization you lead may change, your dynasty may die, but you will still remain control of your nation's fate.

To ensure realism, a primitive set of game mechanics have been put in place. These can be found in the book of wisdom below. Failing to understand these should not be of concern for you, for that you can always ask me to provide you with assistance in such matters.

The Crucial Rules

The World is divided into regions. Each region has a set amount of resources to be exploited and other interesting features.

- TIME -
Time is divided into Epochs (eras) and Chapters (turns). Each Epoch consists of 10 Chapters. Chapters are written in sequence, one at a time. Once a chapter is written, we move on to the next, and it is no longer possible to alter it.

At the beginning of each chapter, Tribes receives Chryssos (currency of the ancient civilizations) and resources depending on the performance of their economy and may allocate said resources to construction projects, military and trade. At the same time, they may order their armies and fleets to move between regions. Once all tribes are done moving units, battles may commence.

Each Region has a population value, representing how many thousands of people live there. Each unit of population must be supplied with 1 food, else they'll begin starving at the rate of 1 population each chapter. If your Civilization has surplus food after a turn (chapter), it may increase its population value by 1 at one of its regions.

- FOOD -
A Scarce resource that is quintessential for human survival. May have many sources, such as meat, fish or crops. All surplus foods perish between chapters, or at least that is the state of affairs at the beginning. Each region needs locally made food to feed its citizens, until trade routes are established.

Like Food, Raw Materials have many sources, most notably clay, wood and stone. These will not perish and can be stored anywhere and everywhere, but moving them between regions requires trade.

Roads and ports allow transferring resources between regions. For each point of trade capacity, a region can establish a trade route with another one. Each trade route allows 1 resource of any type to be transferred in both directions. There can be multiple trade routes between the same 2 regions.

Chryssos is the currency of the ancients. Beautiful, shiny coins, People will do anything for this stuff. Get as much of this as possible.
1 Ch in the mechanics refers to 1,000 Chryssos. You can use Chryssos to fund armies and public institutions and earn it from taxing trade and industry.
Unlike other resources, Chryssos can be freely traded in any quantity without the use of trade routes across any distance.

Military units consist of Native or Subject Populations equipped with some kind of weaponry. Units have a number of stats based on their weaponry and population type.
- Morale: Your troops will to fight. If morale reaches 0 or negative, your unit will flee the battlefield. Native Populations have double base morale.
- Strength: Your troops ability to push forward and break through enemy lines. A unit's strength never changes.
- Special: Each unit may have a special ability that allows them to do something unique on the battlefield.

Each Civilization may expand its domain by adding regions to its realm. To do so, they must simply move population into said region. The same region can be claimed by multiple civilizations. In this case, their domains will overlap.


The World is divided into regions. Each region has a set amount of resources to be exploited.

- TIME -
Time is divided into Epochs and Chapters. Each Epoch consists of 10 Chapters. Chapters are written in sequence. Once a chapter is written, it is no longer possible to alter it. Matters of economy and civilian life take priority before military actions. This means that army movements and battles occur after production/population growth/expansion takes place.

Each Tribe may take a certain amount of action each chapter, depending on how much funds and resources they have saved up. Additionally, Each Tribe receives Chryssos (currency of the ancient civilizations) depending on the performance of their economy and may allocate resources to construction projects and trade.

Each Region has a population value, representing how many thousands of people live there. Each unit of population must be supplied with 1 food, else they'll begin starving at the rate of 1 population each chapter. If your Civilization has surplus food after a turn, it may increase its population value by 1 at one of its regions. During each chapter, each civilization may assign its populations specific task, such as extracting resources, staffing buildings and taking up arms to fight in wars. Additionally, you may order your population to relocate to a neighboring province each turn, or use your trade capacity to transfer populations as if they were goods, or be gifted to another civilization as subjects. Populations born in your civilization are referred to as natives and are your citizens. Subjects populations are those living in lands you conquered with some rights, while Slaves have no rights and may not consume goods.

- FOOD -
A Scarce resource that is quintessential for human survival. May have many sources, such as meat, fish or crops. All surplus foods perish between chapters, or at least that is the state of affairs at the beginning. Each region needs locally made food to feed its citizens, until trade routes are established.

Like Food, Raw Materials have many sources, most notably clay, wood and stone. These will not perish and can be stored anywhere and everywhere, but moving them between regions requires trade.

Roads and ports allow transferring resources between regions. The Trade Capacity of each region states how many goods it may send to other regions. There is no limit on the quantity of resources and goods (or food) being received.

Chryssos is the currency of the ancients. Beautiful, shiny coins, People will do anything for this stuff. Get as much of this as possible.
1 Ch in the mechanics refers to 1,000 Chryssos. You can use Chryssos to fund armies and public institutions and earn it from taxing trade and industry.

Military units consist of Native or Subject Populations equipped with some kind of weaponry. Units have a number of stats based on their weaponry and population type.
- Morale: Your troops will to fight. If morale reaches 0 or negative, your unit will flee the battlefield. Native Populations have double base morale.
- Strength: Your troops ability to push forward and break through enemy lines. A unit's strength never changes.
- Special: Each unit may have a special ability that allows them to do something unique on the battlefield.

Each Civilization may expand its domain by adding regions to its realm. To do so, they must simply move population into said region. The same region can be claimed by multiple civilizations. In this case, their domains will overlap.

War and Politics

Each civilization has a government form, which determines how and by whom said civilization are ruled.
By default, each civilization is in a state of natural anarchy. This prevents civilizations from controlling more then 2 regions.
If an anarchic civilization has working populations in a 3rd region, that region will slowly break away, forming an independent state.

A Civilization may seize control of improvements, towns and other possessions of other civilizations by moving troops into their region. If there are no opposing forces*, walls or forts in the region, the attacker are given the following options:
- Pillage: Destroy an improvement/district, earning you 1 Chryssos in and killing all inhabitants in the process.
- Enslave: Assault an improvement/district to take control of it and enslave its population, giving you +1 Slave Population.
- Subjugate: Plant your flag over an improvement/district to take control of it and subjugate its population.
Each of your units can Pillage, Enslave or Subjugate once per turn, unless the target is protected by a fort or walls, in which case those have to be destroyed first.
Any hostile troops in the region whom seek to prevent the attackers from pillaging the region.

1. Battles occur when 2 opposing civilizations move troops into the same region and one of them decides to engage the forces of the other in battle.
At this point, the other sides may choose to withdraw its forces from the region, only if said forces did not yet move during the current turn.
Both sides may also call for reinforcements from neighboring regions, but only that have not yet moved this turn may be called in. Then, the battle commences.
2. At the beginning of the battle, both sides must line up their troops in a formation. Formations consists of 3 sections:
- Front: The units that lead the charge, or stand their ground. They form a line to protect the units in the rear. Combat width is the limit to units at the front.
- Flanks: Units that protect the army from encirclement, or seek to encircle the enemy in a swift move. They are stationed next to the side of the center line.
- Rear: Units that are left in reserve to quickly fill gaps in the line, or units that need protection from melee attacks. These are behind the center line.
3. Then, the onslaught begins! The opposing sides take turns, starting with the attacker in giving orders to their units.
- Front: Units here can be ordered to charge, reorganize or flee.
- Flank: Units here can be ordered to flee, flank or intercept.
- Rear: Units here can be ordered to fire, advance or flee.
Charge: the unit engages the enemy directly ahead of it in the enemy formation. If there are no such units, it is given the option to flank in the next turn.
Reorganize: the unit swaps its position with another friendly (or dead) unit in the front line.
Flee: Attempt to leave the battlefield. Only works if the unit is not flanked.
Flank: Flank an enemy unit, engaging it in combat and preventing it from fleeing.
Advance: A unit in the rear can advance to fill a vacant position on the Front Line, this order can be given in advance to prevent enemy breakthrough.
Intercept: Attack a unit that was ordered to flank one of your own. That unit is engaged in a separate skirmish.
Fire: Archers and siege weapons can be ordered to fire at enemies if placed in the rear.
The battle lasts unit there is only one side left standing on the battlefield.
Units that fled the battle must be moved to an adjacent region following the battle that doesn't contain enemies. If this is not possible, your units cannot flee.
Each battlefield has its own additional rules. Some may give an advantage to one side, or limit how many units can be placed on the front line, or prevent fleeing.

Your population requires food to survive, but to live a happy life and prosper, they require commodities. The populace of each civilization may consume goods of various types, and in return can be taxed for Chryssos. Each population can afford to consume no more then 1 unit of goods and no 2 populations of the same civilization may consume the same type of goods. For example, the City State of Renoir has 5 population and produces 2 Wine, It may sell 1 of the wine to its citizens, but must export the rest to foreign markets to make money. How much money is generated depends on the type of goods.

Each civilization has a culture rating based on the total amount of culture it has. Culture does not accumulate over time.
At certain levels of cultural development, a civilization may gain one of the following bonuses.
- Prospecting: You may discover a new Forest, Fishing grounds or Clay Pit (your choice) at your starting region.
- Mysticism: Allows founding a religion and provides +1 Faith, which can replace chryssos for maintaining units, cover labor costs or spread the faith across regions.
- Naval Tradition:
- Philosophy: +1 Tech Rating
- Military Tradition: up to 2 units will cost no money to maintain.
- Polytheism: Requires religion, allows building Temples (Cost: 2 Stone/Wood/Clay, 2 Labor/Chryssos, Requires: 5 local population, Provides: +1 Faith per turn)


B.A.B.Y.L.O.N. - OOC/Signups

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 3:06 am
by Harkback Union
- TIME -


Time is measured in days, and each day, the settlers must choose what they wish to spend their time on that day (See main actions).

In this chaotic and unforgiving world, Each new day brings a new season along with it. There are 3 seasons in rotation. You'll have to experience them for yourself.
- Peret- Shemu- Akhet



1. - WORK - (Fishing, Hunting, Crafting). To work, you must first find some place to work at, learn skills or build/gather tools or facilities that enable you to work. Each workplace has its own rules, for example, a forest will enable you to gather wood, and will give you 1 unit of Wood each time you perform this job. Exploring new Locations, crafting new tools and discovering new technologies will enable you to perform new types of jobs, or existing ones more efficiently.

2. - STUDY - Studying also has some requirements listed in the technology tree, along with slightly unpredictable amount of time required to learn a new technology. You may share your research progress with others at a rate of 5 RP (research points) per study Action (requires both parties).

3. - REST - You must rest at least once a day, during the night phase or else lose 1 Vitae. By default, your character will sleep at night.

4. - TRAVEL - Move to a neighboring area. Whilst traveling, you may move some resources between areas.

5. - FIGHT/GUARD - Engage others in combat in your area, preferably as part of a group, and with weapons. See combat for more details.

6. - EXPLORE - Explore a new area of the frontier. Note that to explore an area, you must first travel there, and you may encounter dangers along the way.

7. - HIDE - You must select a hiding spot in your area to hide in. Prevents others from attacking you, as long as they do not find you.

8. - LEISURE - Requires a venue that provides entertainment. May help restore via and give you other benifits.

9. - UNDERCOVER - Do something in secret. You must Telegram the OP what action you want to perform, which can be anything you'd like, even actions not above listed. You may choose to disguise this action with any of the above listed ones, however, you will not receive the benefits of those actions. For example, you can say you are resting, while you sneak out at night to steal your neighbor's goat. You will then lose 1 vitae as you would for not resting. However, you may also keep secret the lost vitae, along with the goat you now own, until either of them have an impact on the game. To continue the example, if you reach 1 vitae, it will be revealed that you have already lost the 1 vitae in the past and consequently die.

Note that undercover activities may leave clues behind for others to investigate, and people in your area may be witnesses of undercover actions if they are in some way involved.




Each day consists of 3 phases:
- Morning,
- Afternoon/Evening
- and Nighttime,

and each phase, each settler may perform no more then one of the above listed actions.

Note that some actions are unavailable at certain times of day or season.



At any time, you may freely exchange any items in any quantity with people in your area, but not with people in other areas.



The world is divided into Areas. Areas have several properties, such as terrain, climate and resources.

Each area and its resources may be claimed by its inhabitants as their property or territory. Although, this doesn't mean much on its own, maps will be created according to these claims. Regardless of who claimed what parts of an area, it will be always available for everyone to perform actions in.



Each character has 3 stats that they need to keep track of:

- Vitae - Ranges from 0 to 10. Starts at 10. Reaching 0 results in death. At the start of each day (Including the first one), each character automatically loses 2 vitae. You may consume food and drinks to regain vitae, but you may never regain more then 1 vitae from each type of food each day.

- Knowledge - A list of technologies your character has learned.

- Inventory - The things you carry with yourself. You may carry no more then 5 items at a time by default. You may always leave items lying around in your area, but these can be, and most likely will be easily stolen by others.

Notes: Raw Food can be consumed at any time without cooking, but in quantity no more then 5 per day. Also, you only receive vitae for the first unit of food consumed of the same type each day! You may choose to keep some, or all of your stats a secret. This will require you to Telegram the OP all such information for verification.



When using the fight action, you may engage others in your area in combat. All characters in the area may choose to forfeit their planned action and join the fight. Whether a character chooses to join the fight or not, they may be targeted for an attack as they are performing other actions.

Fights are divided into rounds. There are up to 5 rounds for each day phase. At the start of each round, all sides involved must decide what weapons and tactics they wish to use and on what targets during that round for each character they control. Then, damage is applied accordingly. Note that once orders are issued, they may NOT be edited, and that those who reveal their orders first may be at a disadvantage. However, if neither side issues orders for an extended period of time, the round automatically ends with nothing happening as a result.

There are 3 basic orders/tactics available to all characters, Regardless of their weapons.

RABBIT - Leave the fight and flee the area to a neighboring area. You will still receive damage from this round. If you are targeted by EAGLE, you'll receive double damage.

MONKEY - Move around swiftly to evade attacks. Reduce damage from all attacks by 1. Also gives your next attack +1 damage regardless of the target.

BEAR - Fight with your bare hands. Deal 1 damage to a target of your choice.

Damage will reduce the target's vitae in equal amount, unless they are wearing armor. Armor reduces the amount of vitae you lose from each source of damage by the strength of the armor.



You can convince wandering nomads to follow your lead work or fight for you. This will require you to pay them food, money, or other items, depending on their needs. Your tribesman will not be able to gain skill or go undercover. If you fail to provide them with what they need, they will leave you on the following day.


All of these require only 2 Research points.

May be studied on a river bank.

Using primitive tools, one can find fresh dinner long the river banks. Enables "Fishing" WORK action on river banks, Yielding 1 meat as a result.


May be studied near stone resource.

Vield the power of stone and wood! Allows for new form of "WORK": Crafting Tools. While crafting tools,
you may make one of the following items using the required raw materials.

- Stone Axe: 1 Stone + 1 Wood = 1 Stone Axe
- Fishing Rod: 1 Wood = 1 Fishing rod.
- Crude Spear: 2 Wood = 1 Crude Spear.

- Stone Axe: When chopping wood, +1 Wood Gathered.
- Fishing Rod: When Fishing, +1 Meat gathered
- Crude Spear: When equipped in battle, allows MOOSE: Deal 2 damage.

Note: You may only use 1 tool/weapon at a time.


May be studied in a forest. Study of Foraging requires a test subject (can be self). Test subject may lose vitae or die during the study of this tech.

Knowledge of edible plants and seeds. Allows searching for either vegetables or wheat seeds in forests in the right season. Yields depend on the forest.


May be studied in a forest, requires a weapon.

The art of murdering animals for food. Allows hunting for animals in forests, provided you have a weapon. Yields may vary based on weapon, season and forest.


May be studied in a field with an animal herd, requires no weapon.

The art of keeping animals alive for food. Allows domesticating herd-animals (Sheep, Cow, Goat) in forests.


May be studied only at night, outside of forests.

Insight into the world beyond. Allows for Undercover action at night: Stargazing - Observe the night sky and search for omens and secrets.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 3:08 am
by The Federation of Kendor
OOC: I remember. Is this only for P2TM RP's or can we use it for any kinds of OP's (such as non P2TM OP's)?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 3:32 am
by Harkback Union
The Federation of Kendor wrote:OOC: I remember. Is this only for P2TM RP's or can we use it for any kinds of OP's (such as non P2TM OP's)?

I don't really care. No matter what forum you make it for, it can be posted here.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:20 pm
by G-Tech Corporation
Hmm. Babylon is looking good. It reminds me of that Cyberpunk RP.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:18 am
by Harkback Union
G-Tech Corporation wrote:Hmm. Babylon is looking good. It reminds me of that Cyberpunk RP.

It already has a new name:

"Between 2 Rivers"

Apple recommended I make something similar to the pioneers this time, but with less interactions with the OP (Since me going AFK is responsible for the death of pretty much all my RPs).

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:37 am
by Rupudska
I call for a stickying of this thread.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:32 pm
by Harkback Union

Harkback Productions Presents:


- Out of Character -


Space Ambience


In the early days of the soviet union, a team of siberian miners stumble upon something out of the ordinary in an underground mine shaft. A red, solid, crystal-like substance with a mesmerising glow, hot to the touch, radiating with energy. They unearth some of the strange ore and bring it up to the surface, albeit only small chunks at a time, as they find the mineral to be very heavy. Shortly after, several miners fell ill, and are reported missing or dead, with mystery shrouding the circumstances. The mining operators inform the regional research institute of their findings and request help with the unidentified substance. Through the institute, news of the discovery soon reach the politbureau and the academy of sciences. A makeshift laboratory is built on-site while the local population is evacuated and relocated. A secret team of soviet scientists, engineers and secret police operatives are all that now remain in the remote mining town.

Intensive study of the red substance, now named Siberium, or element Sb is found to be not a conventional ore or chemical compound, but a raw element that is off the periodic table. It is incredibly dense and massive, with an atomic number that is unmeasurable and with a half life of over a billion years. Despite its long Half-life, Siberium is constantly radiating energy in multiple wavelengths, including deadly radiation.

In the following months, soviet physicists discover several methods by which the half life of siberium can be artificially accelerated, and the energy trapped within rapidly extracted. Their calculations reveal that a large chunk of siberium has a destructive potential orders of magnitude greater than that of any explosive material known to man. Some warn that such a weapon could have devastating consequences to all life on earth. Regardless, development of a Siberium Bomb is now made a priority…

But in the spirit of stahanovism, the scientists and engineers work overtime to design and build the prototype of a siberium-powered rocket, and launched it into space carrying a small satellite...

The top brass was stunned by the audacity of the team, but was also impressed by the potential of the technology. They have decided to keep the launch a secret from the general population, in fear of alerting their western enemies of the existence of siberium. Next, mines and quarries across the USSR were investigated for the presence of unusual ores, but nothing turned up. It seemed though that Siberium was incredibly rare, and the deposits in siberia were quickly drying up.

Using newly built radio telescopes, the solar system and the closest stars were investigated for traces of the unique radiation of Siberium. The search lasted several years, before a faint signal was detected in a nearby star system. By this time, the siberium reserves have almost completely dried up as construction of experimental rockets, power stations and a lunar colony have used up much of the rare element. The soviets have decided to use the remaining reserves to, by whatever means, gather more of the precious substance. At a classified location, work begun on a large spacecraft powered by a siberium reactor, with primitive life support systems, experimental cryogenics, some mining, industrial and research equipment. Many Cosmonauts, Scientists and Engineers had their records erased or reported missing and drafted into the project.

Meanwhile, war has broken out in Europe, and the USSR has made new friends and enemies, and the existence of siberium has leaked out to the Allies and the Axis, whom soon begun searching for their own reserves, although still skeptic of the reports about soviet spacecraft.

Work on the interstellar drive was soon completed and tested on a small probe, which has successfully left the solar system in a matter of weeks. However, the soviets had trouble with pretty much all other aspects of the project. Foreign experts in biology, astronomy, electronics and other fields were hired to complete the design, some of whom requested to be aboard the ship to experience space travel first hand, or perhaps to escape the war torn earth... maybe to age slower and return to a bright new future...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:43 pm
by Labstoska
Another RP from Hardback productions, I approve.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:59 pm
by Harkback Union
Labstoska wrote:Another RP from Hardback productions, I approve.

This next roleplay will be highly experimental. It might be a huge disaster... or epic fun. We shall see...

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:03 pm
by Labstoska
Harkback Union wrote:
Labstoska wrote:Another RP from Hardback productions, I approve.

This next roleplay will be highly experimental. It might be a huge disaster... or epic fun. We shall see...

Well I've never seen one of these RPs that aren't a great read or are great fun to participate in so I have my hopes up.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:28 pm
by Harkback Union
The Mechanics.

Part I.


Time is divided into Mission Years. Every mission year covers a span of 1 orbit which is about 12 months in earth time, a mission year counts as a turn in the mechanics. Every Turn consists of 3 Phases: Civilian Phase, Clandestine Phase and War Phase. Leaders have to post their turn orders in advance for each turn phase and they will be resolved simultaneously. Here is a quick rundown of how things play out:

1 - Civilian phase - Factions announce their plans for economic, social and scientific development in any order.

2 - Clandestine phase - OPTIONAL - Factions engaged in covert or overt wars encrypt their orders for their military and spies using an online encryption service, preferably - Simply write your orders into the text box and hit encrypt. Then give the encription a password. DO NOT FORGET THIS PASSWORD!
Then add the encrypted orders like this one:
...To your post. Once all factions engaged in wars/covert operations posted their encrypted orders, all factions must announce their encryption password and reveal what the order contains. IMPORTANT! DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS CONTAINING ENCRYPTED ORDERS AFTER THE PASSWORDS HAVE BEEN SHARED! IMPORTANT! Do not use the same password multiple times for encryption!

Or you can just TG me your orders for verification, If you trust me that is.

3 - War phase - OPTIONAL - The war phase has 3 sub-phases
- Advance: Units which were given secret orders move simultaneously
- Reaction: Units that weren't given orders earlier or have moves left can move now, but only to non-enemy bases (they cannot attack enemy bases), Aircraft not given orders yet can be ordered to intercept incoming enemies. Missiles can be fired at any target you are currently at war with. This is done publicly and in any order the effects of the attack are not resolved yet!
- Battles: Once everyone is done reacting, the Battle begins! Missiles hit, the Psychological, weapon and then the melee attacks get resolved in weapon order.

Part II.


There are a number of base locations on planet, each symbolized by a grey circle on the map. it is here where bases can be built. Bases are connected to one another via grey lines. These are land and sea paths. Armies and trade routes move along these paths. Every base location comes with a set number of building locations depending on what region of the planet they are on. Nope, each base can grow as large as it wants. There are a total of 5 regions on planet. Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Grey. Blue areas are covered by seas, Green by alien jungles, Orange by strange spherical coastal plants, Purple by Xenofungus and Grey areas are barren arctic wastelands.

Part III.
Economy & Bases

Chapter I. The Resources.


Food is the most essential resource to human survival. Every unit of population consumes 1 Food every turn. If there isn't enough food to feed your population in a turn, 25% of your starving population will die, rounded up. For Example, if 3 of your population goes without food, 1 will die. If 1 starve, 1 will die, if 5 starves, 2 will die. Food is produced from various sources: Hydroponics facilities, Seaweed farms and Plantations. Food CANNOT BE STORED, surplus food is either traded to other factions or is spoiled.


Metals feed your Industry. 1 Metal source "Feeds" 1 Industrial Plant. If the plant is not built at the site of the metal source, you must make sure roads and/or ports connect the plant to the metal source, or else the Industrial Plant will be inoperable! Metal cannot be stockpiled!


Energy fuels your faction's machines. Windfarms, Hydro plants, Combustion Plants, Fission Reactors and Geothermal plants and some other facilities produce more energy. Energy is used to power your base facilities. CANNOT BE STORED/CARRIED OVER FOR THE NEXT TURN! (until superconductors technology is researched and you build Hyper-capacitors)
By default, each base has its own energy grid and cannot share its energy to other bases or units elsewhere. Build roads/power lines to exchange resources!


Petrol is an excellent portable energy source used to power mechanized troops, naval units and aircraft. Petrol can also be used to supplement raw material in factories and cover any energy needs! 1 Petroleum => 1 Energy conversion may be performed any time. Petrol is a strategic resource which can be amassed in any quantity in faction's inventory, which is by default located in your capital. From there, it can be deployed anywhere on the globe without additional expenses or regard to trade connections, however, you may only add the petrol to your faction's inventory if there is a trade connection between the faction inventory and the source of petrol..


Heavy elements are mined and refined in Heavy Element facilities for use in fission reactors and weapons. Same rules regarding storage and distribution as with petrol.

NOTE: Faction Inventory (Its strategic reserves)
By default, your capital base will store the valuable resources of Petrol and HE at 0 expense and without need for any special investment in infrastructure, however you may choose to relocate the reserves elsewhere. Doing so costs 1 IP and 1 Energy for the turn and the target base must be connected via trade.

Chapter II. The other things of vaule.

AKA, Industrial Power.

Build Power Represents the might of your heavy industry which is used to build new Base Facilities, Units and Secret Projects. Build Power cannot be stored but you investment in unfinished structures/units isn't lost between turns.


Research power is produced by laboratories and is used to research techs and to build Secret Projects . Research power cannot be stored but your investment in unfinished structures/techs isn't lost between turns.


The People's faith in the Ideology you advocate. Ideological power can be used to run social programmes. Important, Ideological power cannot be stockpiled, you must spend each turn's income or else its wasted. You can get Ideological power from special facilities or from high harmony in your bases.


Produced in Civilian factories, these product help improve your people's lives and supply some types of facilities with crucial equipment. Civilian Goods can be stockpiled anywhere and everywhere, but its recommended that you keep them in your faction inventory for simplicity's shake. 1 Civilian Goods can feed 1 population for a turn in case you are running low on food.


Population is... well... your followers. Every unit of it accounts for about 100 citizens and they always live in one of your bases. You may increase your population over time. If your faction's population is between 0 and 20, you may add 1 population at the start of every mission year. This population will count as kids and will be unable to work for the duration of the turn, but it will consume food and generate disharmony as a regular population. If population is over 20, then 2 population may be added every mission year.
But beware, overcrowding in your bases can quickly disrupt your faction's integrity.

Population, aside from working at facilities and joining into military units can work as Laborers, Thinkers and Scavangers.
Up to 3 population per base can scavenge in most areas, up to 5 population can scavenge in Alien Jungle bases.
Scavengers gather 2 food per quarter.
There is no limit to how many Laborers you can have and they each generate 1 Labor.
Thinkers generate 1 RP per quarter. There is no limit to their numbers either.

After spawned in a base, a unit of population can be moved to any other base at the expense of 1 energy, as long as they are connected via ports/infrastructure.


Harmony represents the Health and happiness of your colonists as well as public order in your bases. The default value of Harmony for every base is 0.

Life on Desponea is no cakewalk. The long workshifts spent in mines and industrial hellholes, the constant fear of the unknown and the depressing sight of Desponea's alien sky is taking toll on the mind's of the populace. Harmony is reduced by 1 for each population living in a base. Low harmony leads to consequences:

- General Strike -
At -5 Harmony (or 5 Disharmony), The Population of a base goes on strike, suspending all industrial activity. No BP, Civilian Goods, spice, Petroleum, Heavy Elements, Supplies or RP May be gained from this base, not even from automated factories, Although BP produced from other bases may be invested here. If your workers strike for 2 conclusive turns, then the workers will resume work for the duration of a single turn. After the 3rd turn, the strike resumes and the cycle repeats.
The General Strike can be avoided if you manage to raise the harmony level of the base through social projects or other effects that play their role during the civilian phase. You may also order military that is present in the base to shut down the strike with violence if your faction is a police state, but doing so will reduce working population by 1 and add "Repression" effect to the base until the police state is eliminated.

- Revolt -
If a base has 10 or more Disharmony (12 under repression, 20 during purges) AT THE END of a civilian phase, 1 in every 5 population will turn into Rebel militias (1-5 pop -> 1 militia, 6-10 pop -> 2 militia, 11-15 - y 3 militia, 16-20 4 militia and so on) and rise up against their opressors. Rebel Militias will fight with the cheapest of conventional weapons against local armed forces (although covert operations can smuggle the rebels better arms) during the battle phase. If the rebels lose, order is restored and the base becomes immune to Revolts for 5 turns, however 1 facility worth at least 3 BP of the owning faction's choice must be destroyed due to the widespread rioting. If the rebels win, then they will either form a rebel faction (if there is a new roleplayer who intends to join in as rebels, he can take control of the rebels. Alternatively, they remain inactive for the time being) or they will join the faction with the highest Ideological power on the planet if there is a faction with 10 or more Ideological power (Can't be the same faction as they rebelled against!

Other sources of disharmony:
For Every unit of population that has no living quarters: -1 Harmony.
War: -1 Harmony for every base while you are at war.
Hostile propaganda and social projects.
Global events.
And the... unkown...

Surplus harmony gives your faction Ideological Power. If the NET harmony (Add together + harmony, deduct - harmony) from ALL your bases has 0-4 surplus Harmony, 0 IP, 5-9 surplus -> 1 IP, 10-14: 2 IP and 15-19: 3 IP and so on.
Basically 1 IP for every 5 Harmony.


Supplies represent munitions and equipment used up during wars. Supplies are consumed by most units during combat, those who do not use supplies often use energy instead. Build power (or industrial power) can be used to make more supplies. 1 BP -> 2 Supplies and yes, 0,5 BP can be converted to 1 supplies (does not work backwards, you cant turn supplies into BP).

Spice is a rare substance found in small quantities at Xenofungus and Arctic regions. A Unit of spice can be at any time consumed by your population to boost a base's Harmony for that quarter by 2 (Max 1 spice used per unit of population!).

Chapter III. Base Facilities.

General Info

Base facilities are built inside base locations.
Every Base facility has HP equal to their minimal BP costs (For example, windfarms always have 2 HP).

The Type E

Type E Base facilities are the bulk of the economy. In most cases, Workers and resources come here to produce new stuff while Some other Type E facilities work on their own. Their list is at follows:

Hint for reading list:s
Name - Build costs / Prerequisites - What it's useful for.


Renewable Plant - 2 BP + 1 BP for each such facility in the same base - + 1 Energy supply.
"Wind, Solar, wave farms"

Hydro Plant - 2 BP - Can only be built in Riverside Base Locations - + 3 Energy. Max 1 Per base,

Geothermal Plant - 2 BP, Requires a free Geothermal Source, Desponea Geology Tech - + 2 Energy (+1 With Geotechnical Engineering).

Coal Plant - 2 BP or 5 Labor - Extracts and Burns Coal and Biomass from the nearby environment to generate energy. Cannot be built in Deep sea bases. 1 Worker can work here to produce 2 Energy per quarter (+1 With Desponea Geology). Heavily pollutes the environment.

Fission Reactor - 2 BP, 1 RP, - By employing 1 population, The reactor can produce 20 energy per quarter from 1 Heavy Elements.

Dark Energy Node - 2 BP + 1 BP for each Node in the same base, 1 RP, Dark Energy Tech - Produces 3 Energy. Works everywhere. Scientists warn that concentrating too many Nodes in the same base could lead to... unpredictable consequences.

Hiper-capacitor - 3 BP, 1 RP, 1 Build space, Superconductors - Stores up to 20 energy.


Hydroponics facility - 2 BP - 1 Worker + 1 Energy => 3 Food

Plantation - 2 BP or 5 Labor - Only available in jungles. 1 Worker + 1 Energy => 3 Food

Algea farm - 2 BP - Produces 1 food flat and consumes 1 energy while operational.


Deep Mine - 2 BP or 5 Labor + 1 BP for each deep mine in base - 2 Worker => 1 Metal source or 1 Worker + 1 Energy => 1 Metal source. Cannot be built in underwater.

Deep Sea mining facility - 2 BP - Underwater version of the surface mine.

P.E.R.U. (Petroleum Extractor and Refiner Unit) - 2 BP, Desponea Geology tech - Can be relocated to another base at the price of 1 energy/move. Uses 1 Manpower (employs 1 population) to extract 2 petroleum every quarter from a petroleum source. By Default, 1 Petroleum source allows only 1 P.E.R.U. to extract it but with Geotechnical Engineering tech, 2 P.E.R.U.s can extract petrol from the same source. Petroleum may run out at some point.

Heavy Element Facility - 2 BP, 1 RP - Mines and refines heavy elements. Employs 1 worker and 3 energy to extract and refine 1 unit of Heavy Elements.

Borehole - 2 BP (+1 BP if built underwater), 1 RP, Borehole mining - Mines Metals on a large scale. 2 Workers and 3 energy provides 4 metal source here. Every active borehole counts as a geothermal source! Surface and Deep sea mines can be upgraded to boreholes at the price of 3 BP and 1 RP.
Very unlikely to run out of Metal to mine.


Manufactory - 5 Raw Labor - Uses 1 Metal source and 2 Workers to produce 0.5 BP

Industrial Plant - 2 BP, - Uses 1 Metal + 1 Energy + 1 Workers => 1 BP

Civilian Factory - 2 BP, - Uses (3 Food or 1 Petrol) + 1 Energy + 1 Workers => 1 Civilian Goods.

Automated Industrial Plant - 4 BP, 1 RP, Industrial Robotics - Uses 2 Metal and 2 energy To Produce 2 BP every quarter. Can work at 50%. Can be upgraded from Industrial Plant (costs 2 BP and 1 RP).

Automated Civilian Factory - 4 BP, Industrial Robotics, 1 RP - Works just like the civilian factory except for Workers are replaced by energy in the equation (1 worker is replaced with 1 energy). CAN be upgraded from civilian factory (costs 2 BP, 1 RP).

Fuel Synthesizer - 2 BP - Can Turn 5 Food or 2 Spice into 1 Petroleum, costs 1 energy extra to operate.

Commerce & Infrastructure:

Roads, pipe and power lines - 2 BP OR 10 Labor - Built not in a base but between 2 neighboring base sites. Allows them to exchange Goods, Resources and BP. Also allows (some) Mechanized units to move 2 spaces per quarter. INDESTRUCTIBLE.

Monorails - 3 BP, 1 Civilian Goods, Superconductors - Built not in bases but between 2 neighboring bases. Allows population in one base to work in another, as long as they are connected by monorails. INDESTRUCTIBLE. Costs 1 Energy per turn to maintain. Provides 1 harmony to the 2 bases it connects. Max 2 harmony per base bonus.

Network Link - 2BP, 1 RP, Information Networks - Allows your faction to exchange RP and technologies with any other Faction that also has a Network link built in one of their bases. Unencrypted exchange costs Energy 3 times the tier of the tech exchanged, so tier 1 techs cost 3 energy, tier 2 tech cost 6 energy. The energy is always drawn from the sender faction, not the receiver. Techs shared through unencrypted exchange can be stolen by Datajacks. Encrypted exchange cost the same as Unencrypted + 2 Energy on both sides.

Freight Port - 2 BP - Can only be built on Coastal and Underwater Bases. Allows this base to exchange resources, goods and BP (but not Energy, RP and PP) with other bases that also have a freight port.

Space Port - 5 BP, 2 RP - Space Center - Allows you to build space units (with weapons facility) on this planet. Lets you ship 4 Resources or 2 trooper units or 1 mechanized unit or 1 colony pod every quarter for 2 Petrol and 1BP from where it is to another moon/planet (with a non-reusable rocket).


Research Facility - 3 BP, 2 Civilian goods (goods can be invested at any point), - Employs 1 Population and 2 Energy to generate 1 RP towards any tech every quarter. Max 1 R&D building Per Faction by default.

Supercollider - 4 BP, 2 CG, - Employs 1 Population and 2 Energy to generate 1 RP. Unlocks additional Research. Max 1 R&D building Per Faction by default.

Research Hospital - 4 BP, 3 CG, 2 RP - Max 1 R&D building Per Faction by default. Employs 1 Population, 1 Civilian Goods and 1 Energy to generate 1 RP per turn. Unlocks additional Research.

Network Mainframe - 2 BP, 2 RP, 2 CG, No build space - Max 1 R&D building Per Faction by default. Employs 1 Population and 2 Energy to generate 1 RP per turn. Unlocks additional techs. Halves planning time for all your datajacks while operational.

Space Center - 6 BP, 2 RP, 1 Build space - Max 1 R&D building Per Faction by default. Unlocks Orbital and lunar construction projects Along with additional technology. Employs 1 Population and 2 Energy to generate1 RP. Lets you ship 4 Resources or 2 trooper units or 1 mechanized unit or 1 colony pod every quarter for 5 Petrol and 2BP from where it is to another moon/planet (with a non-reusable rocket).

Type C

Type C base facilities are Built to support your population and improve the lives of your civilians.

Base Core - Cannot be built with BP. Instead it unpacks from colony pods. - Provides life support and acts as a foundation for other base facilities. Without employing ANY population, the base core provides the following:
- Alien Jungles: 2 Food,
- Xenofungus: 1 Food, 1 Metal source
- Coastal: 1 Energy, 1 Metal Source
- Deep Sea: 2 Metal source.
- Barren: 1 Energy, 1 Metal source.

The Core has 5 HP and 1 Kinetic attack. Base cores use neither energy nor ammo to 'shoot'. After losing all its HP in a battle, instead of being destroyed, the base core remains operational though it cannot attack and will automatically surrenders to the last faction standing in the area!

Each type of housing provides shelter and home to 1 population.

Slums - Free - Houses your population by default. No energy maintenance. -1 Harmony

Habitation Pods (Special) - Cant be build - Can be relocated at the price of 1 Energy/move to any other base along with the population inside (no need to pay extra for pop move). 1 move per quarter. No energy maintenance. May move underwater.

Housing Projects - 1 BP - 1 Energy per turn to maintain. Cannot be built at underwater sites.

Classy Suburbs - 1 BP, 1 Civilian Goods - Houses 1 Population, costs 2 energy to maintain. +1 Harmony. Cannot be built at underwater sites.

Aquatic Apartments - 3 BP - 1 Energy maintenance

Service, Entertainment & Media

Food Dispenser - 3 - Improves quality of food consumed by the locals. Uses 1 energy or 1 spice. Provides 1 Harmony and 1 Food. Max 1 Per base.

Emergency Provisions - 3 BP, 3 CG - Immune to sabotage but destroy-able in battle (3 HP, can be activated when damaged). Destroyed upon activation. Can be activated to:
Provide 3 BP for a turn or
Provide 10 Food for a single turn or
Provide 5 Energy for a single turn.

Recycling Plant - 3 BP - Improves health by cleaning out germs from your base and recycles waste. Uses 1 energy. Improves Harmony by 1 and provides 1 Metal source. Max 1 per base. Also reduces population loss in the base from toxic attacks per turn by 50%, rounded up (If 3 pops would have died in a toxic attack, only 1 die instead...)

Poly - Clinic - 3 BP - Uses 1 Energy, 1 Civilian Goods and employs 1 Population to improve Harmony by 5 (more with advanced techs). Also reduces population loss from toxic attacks (in the base where it is) by 50% (Stacks with above facility for 100% coverage, making toxic attacks completely ineffective). Max 1 per base.

Recreational Commons - 3 BP, Psychic studies tech, max 1 Per base! - Uses 1 Energy per quarter, Improves Harmony by 2 and Lowers strike threshold for the base by 3 while operational (So your workers strike at 8 disharmony rather then 5). Max 1 per base.

Pleasure Dome - 3 BP, 3 Consumer Goods. Requires recreation commons, Improves harmony by 3, uses 1 energy.

Propaganda 'Media Center' - 3 BP, 2 civilian goods, Information Networks and Social Dynamics Tech - Uses 2 Energy and Employs 1 population when operational, Provides 2 Ideological power. Max 1 per faction.

University - 3 BP, 2 Civilian Goods - Uses 1 Energy, 1 Consumer Goods and employs 1 Population. Increases limit of research buildings by 2.

Cloning Vats - 3 BP, 2 RP, Requires Gene-engineering tech - Employs 1 population, Can spawn 1 population each turn at the price of 1 energy and 1 BP. Unlike to kids, these populations can work right away but will also need 1 food for the turn if they want to stay alive.

Terraforming Project - 6 BP, 2 RP, +10 Raw Labor per pollution level - Terraforming tech, only in alien jungle, coastal and Xeno-fungus areas - Terraforms the base location so that it has an earth-like climate and vegetation. The base core will provide 2 Metal source, 2 Food and 2 Energy instead of its old income. Additionally, the base may grow spice (if it couldn't already) and recieves +5 Harmony.

Type M

Type M facilities builds up the might of your faction and helps you keep population in check.

Unit Production and Security:

Perimeter Defense - 3 BP - Has 3 HP which regenerates every quarter unless the facility is completely destroyed. If the perimeter defense is not destroyed during a battle, then any ground unit that was inside will be shielded from all Kinetic and Thermal damage. The perimeter defense prevents the base from being captured as long as it is not destroyed. Max 1 per base.

Weapons Facility 4 BP - Can assemble up to 1 Mechanized, Air or Naval unit per quarter (You'll also need to pay the price in BP/RP) (you can carry over unfinished units for next turn). Employs 1 population.

Air Base - 3BP , Costs +1 BP and +1 RP if built underwater - Fields 3 Aircraft.

Naval Base - 3 BP Coastal and deep sea bases only - Fields 3 Naval Craft.

Missile Base - 3 BP, 2 RP, can be build in every kind of base - Fields 2 Ballastic Missiles. Considered underground by default, Has 6 HP. Auto-repairs itself after the turn its damaged. May be ordered to self-destruct when a hostile faction takes over its base.

Population control & Espionage:

Secret Police HQ - 3 BP, 1 Civilian Goods, 1 Conventional Weapons, Psychic research tech - Employs 1 population and 1 Energy and can operate in 5 modes:
Curb Dissent - +1 Ideological power and +2 Harmony In your capital.
Silence Dissent - Eliminates 3 disharmony in all bases (After you calculate harmony, if its negative, you may remove up to 3 disharmony but not use this to gain positive harmony).
Quota-based Purges - Lasts 5 turns. Reduces Population by 1 in 3 bases of your choice during the first turn, Ensures no strikes occur in the following 5 turns in any of your bases, sets riot treshold to 20 disharmony. 50% less RP gained from all sources during the effect of the purges.
Counter-espionage - 1 free sentinel operative while in this mode which can only operate in your bases.
Mobilization - Gain 2 kinetic attacks (uses supply) for the battle phase in a FRIENDLY base of your choice.
Max 1 Secret police HQ per faction.

Surveillance network - 1 BP, Secret Police HQ or Intelligence center - Costs 1 energy to run. Negates 2 Disharmony. Max 1 Per base. Sentinels defending a base with a surveillance network may hunt for 3 types of enemy covert agents simultaniously!

Intelligence Center - 3 BP, 2 Civilian Goods, clandestine operations tech - Each Employs 1 population and 1 energy to train 1 covert operative every 5 turns. Each Active Intelligence Center can support up to 3 Covert operatives and hold 3 captured enemy agents. Covert operatives come in 5 forms:
Spies, Sentinels, Propagandists, Saboteurs and Datajacks. Most of these agents need to plan ahead their operations. This is done with encrypted posts, the keys/passwords to these you can keep secret until the operation is executed. The existence of all agents and all their order can be kept fully encrypted until they first come into play.

Sentinels - Can be ordered to defend a FRIENDLY base against 2 types of hostile operative (Propagandist, Saboteur, Datajack, Spies, Sentinels). The sentinel can thwart 1 hostile operation by the target type of agent each turn, so if multiple enemy operations are carried out and you only have 1 sentinel, you must choose which one to defend against. Whenever your sentinel thwarts an operation, you can choose to kill or arrest the enemy agent. Arrested agents can be traded with other factions. IMPORTANT. Your sentinels can only thwart plans when they are executed, not when they are planned!

Propagandists - Can be ordered to forment unrest in a target base. Such an operation takes 4 turns the plan. During the clandestine phase of the 5th turn, if there is a sentinel hunting for propagandists, the operation fails and the propagandist is captured. If there are no sentinels searching for propaganists, then the target base's Harmony is reduced by 5. If this change is sufficient to start a revolt, a revolt breaks out and is resolved in the battle phase. If a revolt has broken out and the covert agent remains in place, he may smuggle 1 piece of weapons/equipment per turn to the rebels.

Saboteurs - Can be ordered to sabotage a base in 2 ways, each take 4 turns to plan and come to effect in the 5th turn:
-Chaos Doctrine: shutting down 2 facilities for a turn (cannot be operated) and damaging 1 facility for 2 HP, which is also rendered inoperable until repaired with 2 BP.
-Terror Doctrine: Targets a single facility which must have workers or inhabitants. Kills 1 population, damages the facility for 2 HP and reduces harmony by 2 for 5 turns.

Datajacks - Can be ordered to steal technology or disrupt research. Both take 4 turns to plan, 1 turn to execute. Both must target a base with some type of RP-producing facility or university. If disrupt research is successful, 5 RP is removed from an enemy's ongoing research project of your choice (you can't make him unlearn complete techs this way). If you choose to steal tech and are successful in doing so, you may learn any of your opponents technologies as long as you know all the techs that lead up to it or copy all progress on an ongoing research project (You'll end up with the same amount of RP as your opponent, don't add the RP of your opponent to your own project!)

Spy - Spies devise elaborate schemes with which to double-cross themselves and make sure everyone is too confused to forsee the plot twists coming up ahead. Spies can be ordered to Gather intelligence on other intelligence services or blend in and assume the role of an enemy agent, allowing you to change the target of said agent's plans, unless your spy was a the spy of another faction to begin with, which means... ugh...

Spy Rules have been moved to a separate post!

Hope that made sense...

Type S

You may suggest secret projects, special units and special facilites to whomever the OP is via TG for negotiating. Once approved, you may initiate their training/construction at once. You may only build a secret project once in one base. Special facilities and special units may be built any number of times anywhere (unless stated otherwise).

These units/buildings can be built by your faction only! Secret projects are built in secret, you do not have to reveal what they are (unless you want to use them or if you have been spied upon), you only have to tell how much stuff you invested in it. You may request 1 Secret project or Special facility or special unit from the start and gain additional 'slots' by researching technologies.

Special units can be created from components other then those listed in the rulebook. Units designed from parts found here do not count as special!

Part IV.
Warfare & Troops ... 1D8F10AD1E[/img]

How to War

During the build phases:
Step 0 (Optional): Prepare for war by building units, making allies and amassing munitions and fuel.
Step 1: Declare war VENDETTA. This costs you nothing and can be done whenever. You can take Step 2 In the same turn, which is:
Step 2: Attack by moving your units into an enemy base (note, units cannot move during the turn they were built, but they can take part in battles).

After the clandestine phase ends, planned unit moves are processed. Then, Before combat starts, Units that were not moved this turn can spend their movement to relocate to friendly bases (this is called reaction). Missiles and aircraft are exception. Air units can intercept incoming enemy aircraft while missiles can be fired at any enemy base, even during reaction or during the battle phase.

When 2 opposing factions are at war and have units/buildings in the same base location after the reaction takes place, combat MAY occur, if one of the sides intends to engage. This is the final part of the War phase.

Before jumping to the combat part, allow me to introduce the unit stats.

How units work

Every unit has 5 main types of property:
-What kind of unit it is. There are 8 options: Trooper (infantry), Mechanized (tanks, walkers), Air (Jets, Helicopters, Airships), Space ships, Naval ships, Naval Submarines, Swarms and Ballastic Missiles.
-If its robotic or human (made purely out of steel and electronics or if there is a crew inside...)
-How Deadly it is. (type and number of its attacks).
-How Hard is it to get killed. (Health, evasion and shield points)
-How Much it can move around on the map (Speed) and if movement costs energy/petrol.

Additionally, Some units may require resources or some structure to be operational.

Every unit has a set number of attacks of the following types:

Priority (effects apply before all other attacks):
Psychological - Takes effect before all other attacks. Uses no ammo. Cannot target robotic units. Disables the unit for the battle (it cannot attack). If it targets troopers, it also removes all EP.

Main attacks (apply simultaneously):
Kinetic (Rifles, Tank barrels) - Uses up 1 supplies. Nothing special about it. Deals 1 Damage. Does not work underwater. Works in space.
Thermal (Flamethrowers, Plasma guns) - Uses up 1 Petrol. Can only target land units and buildings. Deals 1 Damage to its targets and an additional 1 damage against swarms. Ignores shields. Does not work underwater. Works in space.
Explosive (Artillery, rockets, bombs) - Uses up 2 supplies. Deals 3 Damage to troops and buildings, 2 to aircraft, 1 to everything else. Works underwater, but there it only deals 1 damage in all situations. Whenever its used on class C base structures, 1 Population is killed (unless its shielded by bomb shelters).
Laser - Uses 1 energy. Deals 1 Damage. Ignores evasion and deals damage directly to shields and HP. Does not work underwater.
Torpedo - Uses 1 Supplies. Deals 3 Damage. Can only target naval units and deep-sea bases. Works underwater. Does not work in space.
Electro-magnetic - Uses 1 energy, Destroys robotic units. Destroys All EP of mechanized, Air, space and Naval units. Useless against troopers. Works underwater and in space.
Quantum-wave - Uses 1 Energy. Deals 3 Damage. Works underwater. Works in space

All of the above mentioned attacks are applied simultaneously to both sides during combat in most cases. However, the order of the attacks, in the few cases it matters are always determined in a way so that they deal the most damage.

There is also a special kind of attack, after all the other:
Every unit by default has 1 melee attack. Troopers cannot melee Naval, Air or buildings. Mechanized units cannot melee Naval or Air. Naval can only melee naval. Air can melee anything, except for Submarine-type naval units and underwater bases. Air units deal 3 damage if they use their melee attack but are destroyed if they do so. Naval units deal 1 Damage directly to HP with melee but also take 1 HP damage. Same rule goes for mechanized units. Trooper melee simply deals 1 damage.

Every Unit has a set number of Health, Evasion and Shield points:
- Health points represent the overall damage resistance of the unit. If all of these are lost, the unit is destroyed. For each hospital/research hospital you have, you may regain 1 population lost in a battle each turn, but not their equipment. Troopers that do not die in a battle auto-regain all Health if they move into a friendly base. Every other unit can be repaired at friendly bases for 1 BP. Buildings can be repaired too. 1 BP = 1 Health restored. EP and Shields must be depleted before attacks deal damage to HP (except for lasers, Naval melee and the likes.
- Evasion points stand for the ability to dodge incoming fire. EP regenerates after every battle.
- Shield points signal the strength of one's shields. Shields can be charged before battles commence at the price of 1 Energy. Shields only last 1 battle.

How to combat

Battles are also divided into phases. At the start of a battle phase, units are given orders as to which units they should attack. Then, all of the attacks are resolved and we move onto the next phase. Alternatively, attacks can be revealed over the course of IC. It doesn't matter who posts their attacks first, every unit will get to launch its attack and then they will get damage dealt to them from enemy fire.
0, Shields are raised, petrol is payed to ceratin non-trooper units to increase their EP.
1st, The psychological battle takes place.
2nd, The main battle with all the remaining attacks.
3rd, If both factions are still alive, they can order their units to engage in melee!

That's about it... but how do you actually build units, one might wonder...

How to make units

All unit production is done in the Weapons facility (except for Kinetic and Thermal troopers. These units need no designs). It is here where every quarter a unit can be assembled using BP, Metal, Petrol and Rare Elements.

Units consist of parts. Leaders can decide on their own what parts they use when building their units. The units stats, abilities and build costs depend on what parts they are made of. If you find unit designing too tedious, you can another faction to design the units for you.

Before a unit can be produced, it has to be designed (Thermal and Kinetic Troopers are exception! You don't have to design those! Everyone has them after researching Makeshift weapons. You can alsooó train militia and colony pods from the start!). To design a unit, first research the techs needed for the components you selected for it, then spend RP equal to the BP cost of the unit design to Design it. Once you have a design, you can produce the unit. You can share designs with other factions if you have a network link.

Parts come in 4 categories:
- Core Design (determines the unit's HP, what propulsion systems it can have and the amount of weapons and support systems it can carry).
- Weapon systems (determines what attacks the unit has).
- Propulsion systems (determines EP and how the unit moves around the map.)
- Support systems (determines SP, may modify other stats and/or give the unit special abilities.

After a unit is produced in a weapons facility, unless it is a robotic one, its not yet operational. 1 population must be attached to it to bring it into your military. The population that is called to arms still eats food but needs no housing. It takes 1 turn to attach a population to a unit. By the end of the build phase, the unit becomes operational and can fight but it cannot move during the turn it was produced. Units can also be disbanded. This can be done at any time and it does not cost a turn. The population can be put to work immediately after its freed up. Also, The Weapons and the population will be added to the base where they demobilized (And not to the faction's reserves).

The Trooper Core design is known by everyone from the start. It costs 0.5 BP. Troopers have 2 HP and need no propulsion to move around. Troopers that are not given weapons are called "militia". They only have a melee attack BUT they can be armed later on with better weapons.

The list of weapon systems:

Conventional Weapons (0.5BP, Makeshift weapons) - Has 1 kinetic attack which deals 1 damage and uses up 1 supplies. Cannot target underwater units.
Flamethrowers (1 BP, Makeshift weapons) - Had one thermal attack which uses 1 petrol and Deals 1 Damage when fired (2 vs swarms and buildings) and use Ignores shields. Does not work underwater. Cannot target air.
Artillery (1BP, Weapons production) - Has 1 explosive attack which Uses up 2 supplies and Deals 3 Damage to troops and buildings, 2 to aircraft and to everything else. Works underwater, but there it only deals 1 damage in all situations. Cannot be placed on aircraft.
Laser (1BP, High-energy lasers) - 1 Laser attack which uses 1 energy, Deals 1 Damage. Ignores evasion and deals damage directly to shields and HP. Does not work underwater.
Torpedo (0.5BP) - Has 1 torpedo attack which uses 1 Supplies, Deals 3 Damage. Can only target naval units and deep-sea bases. Works only in/underwater.
Electro-magnetic (1 BP, Wave-modulation) - Has one EM attack which Uses 2 energy and can destroy a target robotic units or Destroys All EP of a mechanized, Air and Naval target. Useless against troopers. Works underwater.
Quantum-wave disruptor. (1BP, String Theory) - Has one quantum-wave attack which Uses 2 Energy, Deals 3 Damage, Works underwater.
Coil Guns (0.5BP, Superconductors) - Has a special kinetic attack that uses energy instead of ammo. (It used to ignore EP but that rule is scrapped.)
Hydra Rocket Launcher (1BP, Self-writing code or Neural interface) - Has a special torpedo attack that can also directly attack air and ignores EP.
Plasma Launcher (1BP, Plasma containers) - Has 3 thermal attacks, each use energy instead of petrol.

List of Special ammo (carried by bombers and Ballastic missiles).

Explosive Payload (=2 ammo) - Basically just ammo. Loaded into ballastic missiles and aircraft. Deals 1 explosive damage.
Torpedo Payload (=1 ammo) - Costs ammo. Loaded into aircraft, deals 1 Torpedo damage.
Toxic Payload (Made in Chemical Plants) - Kills up to 3 civilian population in the target base (military units are immune) (Unless base has filtration & sanitation facility and/or hospital. Those reduce the death toll).
EM Payload (1BP, 1 RP, Wave Modulation) - Disables all energy production at the target base for a quarter. Requires
Atomic Payload (5 HE, Isotope Separation) - Obliterates an entire base and its population (save for those shielded by bomb shelters)

List of core designs:


Trooper - Known from the start. 0.5 BP. Troopers have 2 HP and need no propulsion to move around. They can carry 1 weapon.

Light Mechanized - Requires Weapons Production. 1 BP. Has 4 HP, 1 Weapons and 1 Land Propulsion slot.

Special Mechanized - Requires Weapons Production. 1.5 BP. Has 4 HP, 1 Weapons, 1 Support System and 1 Land Propulsion slot.

Heavy Mechanized - Requires Weapons production and Materials Science. 2 BP. Has 8 HP, 1 Land Propulsion slots and 2 Weapons Slot. Uses double fuel.

Fortress - Requires Weapons production and doctrine of survival. 2 BP, Has 7 HP. Cannot have propulsion. Has 3 Weapons slot. Counts as a building. Has to be deployed pernamently to a base that already has perimeter defenses after production. Max 1 fortress per base.

(remember, all of these use naval capacity.)

Hydrofoil - 1BP. 3HP. Industrial base. - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). Can have 1 Weapon system. If it has none, acts as a transport for either 1 mechanized or 2 trooper units.

Cruiser - 2BP, 5HP, Desponia Hydrology - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). 1 Weapon slot, 1 Support system slot.

Dreadnought - 3.5BP, 9 HP, Megastructures - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). Cannot have any EP from propulsion. 3 Weapon slots, 1 support system slots.

Submarine - 2 BP, 3 HP, Desponia Hydrology - Needs a naval propulsion system to move (1 naval propulsion slot). Gains Double EP from propulsion. Is the only "Underwater" unit. Has 1 Weapon slot and 1 support system slot. If it doesn't has a weapon, it can transport 1 trooper. Only submarines can capture underwater bases (if all other units there are destroyed.

Carrier - Costs 3BP. 8HP, reqs. Megastructures - Acts as a mobile airbase. Can carry 2 troopers or 1 mechanized unit. Needs a naval propulsion system to move. Has 1 weapon slot. Cannot have any EP from propulsion.

(remember, all of these need an airbase.)

Basic Fighter - 1BP, Desponea Flight. 2 HP, 1 Weapons slot, 1 Air Propulsion slots, 1 Support system slot.

Heavy Fighter - 2 BP, Megastructures. Has 4 HP, 2 Weapon slots, 1 Air Propulsion slots, 1 Support system slot. Gains half EP from propulsion.

Bomber - 2BP, Desponea Flight. Has 4 HP, Carries up to 1 Payload (which can also be a trooper who paradrops and takes part in the battle the regular way.). 1 Air Propulsion slots, 1 Support system slot. Gains half EP from propulsion.

Flying Fortress - 3.5BP, Desponea Flight, Megastructures. 7 HP. Uses double fuel. Gains half EP from propulsion. Carries up to 2 Payload (which can also be 2 troopers or 1 mechanized unit who paradrops and takes part in the battle the regular way.), Has 1 weapons slot, 1 Air Propulsion slots and 1 Support system slot.

Can be manufactured at space ports. Repairs to spacecraft can only be made at space ports.

Shuttle - 2 BP. 4HP. 1 Space Propulsion and 1 Support System slot. Has 3 cargo space. Each cargo space can store 2 units of any resource (including wealth and BP but not E), 1 population 1 trooper unit, 0.5 Colony pod or 0.5 mechanized unit.

Space Destroyer - 2.5 BP. 5HP. Has 2 Weapons slots (exchangable for support slots) and 1 Space propulsion slot.


Ballastic Missile - Reqires 1 Rocket Propulsion system. Carries 1 Payload.

List of Propulsion Systems:


Petrol Engines & Tracks: 0.5 BP, Available from start. Allows the unit to move up to 2 spaces every quarter on roads (Each space a base) or 1 spaces if there are no roads.

Petrol Engines & Mechanical legs: 1 BP, Mechatronics. Allows the unit to move up to 2 spaces every quarter on roads and off-roads. Uses 0.5 Petrol per spaces moved when traveling on and off-road. Has 1 EP (if halved, rounded down).

Electric Engines & Tracks: 1BP, Superconductors. Same as its Petrol powered counterpart but uses 1 Energy per space (on roads) and 2 Energy per space (off-roads).

Electric Engines & Mechanical legs: 1BP, Mechatronics, Superconductors. Sames as its petrol powered counterpart but uses 1 energy per move instead. Has 1 EP(if halved, rounded down).


Petrol Engines & Propellers: 0.5BP, Available from start. 2 EP. Uses 0.5 Petrol to move 1 Space per quarter.

Biofuel Engines & Propellers: 0.5BP, Inorganic Chemistry. Uses 3 Food or 1 spice to move 1 Space Per quarter. 2 EP.

Electric Engines & Propellers: 1 BP, Superconductors. Uses 1 Energy to move 1 Space per quarter. 2 EP.

Fission Engines & Propellers: 2BP, 1 HE, Nuclear Fission. Never ever uses fuel. Can move 1 space per quarter. Has 2 EP. If the ship has energy-powered weapons, those don't cost any energy to fire either.

Jet engines: 1BP, Desponea Flight. Uses 0.5 Petrol to move 1 space per quarter. May gain 4 EP for 0.5 Petrol during battles.


Petrol engines, Helium Ballast & Propellers - 1 BP, Industrial Base. Can move 1 space per quarter both land and sea at the price of 0.5 Petrol. Doesn't need to be stationed at airbase (but still uses aircraft cap).

Jets - 0.5 BP, Desponea flight. Must be Always stationed at an airbase. Every quarter, Jet-powered aircraft can fly to another nearby base in a 3 base radious to take part in a battle there. After the battle, the aircraft returns to its base and is available for another operation next turn. Jet powered aircraft that is not given orders during the peace phase can, during the reaction phase intercept an air attack in a 3 base radius. When intercepting, an air-only battle will take place between the 2 sides before the regular war phase plays out. Aircraft that use their attacks during the intercept cannot attack again this turn and may choose to disengage and return to base. Depending on how far planes fly, they consume fuel: 0.5 Fuel when flying 1 bases away, 1 Fuel when flying 2 bases away (return trip included).
Jets have 2 EP.

Turbojets - 1BP, Mechatronics. Same as jets but has twice the range and twice the EP boost: (4 EP).

Proton jets - 1BP, Particle Physics. Same as Turbojets but has 1 uses energy per bases flown.

Antigrav - ???? tech, 1BP, Same as Petrol powered propellers and helium ballast but moves 2 spaces per turn at the price of 1 energy.


Conventional Drive - 1.5 BP, Astrophysics. Every quarter, Conventional drives allow spaceships to travel anywhere within a planetary system from one base to any other on the same planet at the price of 2 Petrol, Can travel from a planet's surface to the planet's orbit at the price of 4 Petrol. Can move between orbits of the same planetary system (a planet and it's moons) at the price of 1 Petrol and land on planets/moons at the price of 1 Petrol.

Fission Drive - 2.5 BP, Fission Drives. Works like Conventional drives, but instead uses 1 HE on the turn when moved, regardless of the distance moved. Weapon and support systems of ships with fission drives consume no Energy if the unit moved this turn or if 1 HE is expended to fire up the reactor.

Plasma Drive - 1.5BP, Plasma Drives. Works like conventional Drives but uses 3 Energy instead of petrol.


MRBM - 0.5 BP, Solid fuel Rocketry. Has a range of 2 bases.
LRBM - 1 BP, Solid fuel Rocketry. Has a range of 3 bases.
ICBM - 2 BP, Solid fuel Rocketry. Can hit any base on Desponea.
IMPORTANT! All of the above ballastic missiles cost 0.5 fuel per base range to launch.

List of Support Systems:

Reinforced Armor: Costs 0.5 BP, Materials science. Increases HP by 2.

Visual Counter-Measures: Costs 0.5 BP, Available from start. Gives the unit 1 EP.

Electronic Counter-measures: 1 BP, Information networks. Gives the Unit 2 EP.

Robotic core: Costs 1BP, Robotics tech. Makes the unit operable without population.

How to Diplomacy

There are 3 relations that can exist between factions:
-Allied: Can only be established with mutual consent! By default, only your bases count as "friendly" for you. If you get an ally, his bases will count as friendly too.
-Neutral: You start from here. Allows trading. You can only get from Hostile to neutral with mutual consent.
-Hostile: If your units move into the same base location, battles will occur.
Relations can be changed at any time, including the middle of a battle. Moving from allied to hostile can be done without the other faction's consent and free of charge. Improving relations on the other hand costs 1 Wealth. Either faction involved can pay the wealth cost. Both positive and negative Propaganda can be aimed at any faction regardless of your relations. You can also spy on/sabotage your allies.

Part V.
Research & Technologies


GREEN - PLANET AND BIOTECH - Food production and expansion
RED - WARFARE AND WEAPONRY - Weapon systems and aviation
BLUE - SCIENCE AND INFOTECH - Boost research and espionage

Tier 1 (All cost 5 RP)
Exoplanet Geology - Allows P.E.R.U.s and Geothermal Plants to be built. Increases Fossil plant E yield.
Alien Botanics - Allows Plantations to be built.
Industrial Core - Allows Industrial Plants and Civilian Factories to be built.
Makeshift Arms - Allows building Conventional Weapons and Flamethrowers and so Kinetic and Thermal Troopers.
Doctrine of survival - Allows building perimeter defenses.
Psychic Studies - Rec commons, Secret Police HQ
Information Networks: Unlocks Network Link

Tier 2 (All cost 10 RP)
Clandestine Operations - Intelligence Center, Secret Police HQ
Organic Chemistry - Allows construction of fuel Synthesizers.
Materials Science - Unlocks Reinforced Armor support system.
Despoena Climatology: Improves yield on Plantations
Desponea Hydrology: Unlocks Cruisers, submarines and seaweed farms (or was it algea farms?).
Subterran Engineering: Allows building any base facility except for plantations and renewable plants under-ground. Each facility built underground costs +3 BP. Underground facilities are indestructible. This technology increases max number of oil extractors on a petrol source to 2. Also improves Energy output of geothermal plants.
Weapons Production: Unlocks the Weapons Facility, The Artillery Weapon system and the Mechanized core designs.

Tier 3 (All cost 15 RP)
Low-energy Photovoltaics (Materials Science): Renewable plants never cost more then 3 BP.
Superconductors (Materials Science): Coil guns, Hypercapacitors
Social Dynamics (Information Networks, Psychic studies): The Media Center.
Despoena Flight (Despoena Climatology): aircraft core designs and propulsion systems
Underwater construction(Desponea Hydrology): Deep sea colony pods.
Borehole mining (Geotechnical Engineering): Boreholes
Mechatronics (Information Networks): Walkers, Automated factories
Megastructures (Materials Science): Carriers, dreadnoughts, Heavy interceptors and flying fortresses.
Terraforming (Organic chemistry, Desponea Climate, Desponea Botanics, Geotechincal engineering): Allows Terran forests to be planted.
Particle Physics: supercollider
Information Warfare (Clandestine operations): +2 Max Agents per intelligence center


Tier 4 (All cost 20 RP)
Neural Interface (Superconductors, Mechatronics): Hydra rockets, Extra Secret Project or Special Unit
Self-writing Code (Superconductors): Hydra rockets, 1 Free Tier 1 or 2 tech, Datajacks can steal 2 techs in one go.
Quantum Mechanics (Superconductors, Particle Physics): Reduces energy use of all R&D structures by 1.
Solid Fuel Rocketry (Despoena Flight): Space exploration. Ballastic Missile production.
Nano-biology (Organic Chemistry): Doubles harmony from research hospitals and hospitals. [/color]
[color=#400040]Social Engineering (Social Dynamics):
[color=#400000]High-energy Lasers (Superconductors): Laser Weapons
[color=#400000]Wave Modulation (Particle Physics): Unlocks shields and EM weapons.
[color=#000080]Thorium Process (Particle Physics): HE mines and Fission reactors.
Robotics (Mechatronics): Robotic Support system

Tier 5 (All cost 40 RP)
Astrophysics (Solid Fuel Rocketry): Space ports
Lunar Geology (Solid Fuel Rocketry): Lunar colonies
Artificial Sentience (Self-writing Code): Information Nexus
String Theory (Quantum Mechanics): Wave-Disruptors
Gene-engineering (Nano-biology, Neural Interface): +1 Food per quarter from hydroponics. Hydroponics can produce 1 Fuel instead of producing food. +2 Harmony from every hospital.
Isotope Separation(Thorium process): Nuclear Warheads.

Tier 6 (All cost 60 RP)

Fission Drive (Isotope separation, Astrophysics): Fission Drives
Lalande System Chart (Astrophysics): Unkown
Cybernetics (Gene-engineering, Artificial Sentience): +3 Harmony from hospitals. All troopsers get a support slot. +1RP per quarter.
Dark Energy (String Theory): Dark Energy Nodes, +1RP per quarter.
Plasma Containment (Superconductors): Plasma launchers. Plasma Drives. Fission reactors produce +2E. Hyper-capacitors store 20 more E.

Tier 7 (All cost 120RP)



PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 3:53 pm
by G-Tech Corporation
Rise and Fall

The World is composed of Regions, each of which has a certain Characteristic or Biome. Biomes and Characteristics yield resources for Civilizations to harvest and make use of, and a certain Space which may be used to construct Structures. Each Civilization starts out knowing about five Regions, but more may be discovered via Exploration.

Civilizations are Rper entities, representing groups of people and citizens who labor under the guiding hand of a Leader and his or her Heir to survive, expand, and thrive in the World. The main quality a Civilization has is her Population, but other aspects like Technology, Mysticism, Resources, and so on are also important.

Each Civilization is commanded by a Leader. Leaders have several Attributes that determine how well they command their Civilization, and also a variety of other factors, like how much land each Civilization can maintain under its direct control, modifiers to Military Strength, and so on. Leaders have a tendency to die as they grow older, and are replaced by a designated and trained Heir. Each Leader may take one or several actions during each year that passes, augmenting their Civilization, their Heir, or performing other beneficial tasks.

Civilizations are made up of their citizens, their Population. Neatly grouped into units of one hundred individuals, Population requires Food to sustain itself, but also conducts all useful tasks within a Civilization such as gathering Food, generating Science, gathering Resources, refining Resources, investigating Mysticism, fighting in battle, and so on. Population naturally generates at a rate of one new Population for every five existing Population every fifth year, but this rate may be modified. Population consumes, by default, one hundred Food per Population unit.

Gatherer: Produces Food based on Biome in a region. Maximum Gatherers per Region equated to Space.
Worker: Produces 100 Labor towards a Structure or Project within the Civilization. No Maximum.
Shaman: Produces 100 Arcana towards a Mystic Art within the Civilization. 1 Maximum per Region controlled.
Naturalist: Produces 100 Science towards a Technology within the Civilization. 1 Maximum per Region controlled with a Town.
Harvester: Produces 1 x Resource Gain of a Characteristic of a Region with an appropriate building. Maximum based on Characteristic.
Soldier: Produces 100 Military Strength when deployed to a Region within a Civilization. No Maximum.

Regions compose the world. They have a Biome, which determines what sort of generic resources (Food, Trade, Science) may be gathered from a Region by Population, and Characteristics, which may allow the gathering of special Resources, the use of special abilities, or other bonuses or maluses. Regions must be occupied by a Civilization in order to be used, and each new Region requires a point of Authority to occupy on the part of the Leader. Regions may only be occupied when adjacent to Regions which a Civilization already controls, unless otherwise specified.

Desert: Gathering here yields 50 Food. 10 Space. Adjacent Riverlands produce +10 Food/Gatherer.
Arid: Gathering here yields 75 Food. 8 Space.
Temperate: Gathering here yields 130 Food. 8 Space.
Forest: Gathering here yields 110 Food. 6 Space. Buildings constructed here require 20% less Labor.
Tropical: Gathering here yields 90 Food. 4 Space. Naturalism conducted here yields 120 Science.
Coast: Gathering here yields 150 Food. 8 Space. No normal buildings may be constructed here.
Ocean: Gathering here yields 130 Food. 15 Space. No normal buildings may be constructed here. Exploring past an Ocean Region requires specific technology.
Plains: Gathering here yields 140 Food. 10 Space.
Polar: Gathering here yields 60 Food. 8 Space. Mysticism conducted here yields 150 Arcana.
Mountains: Gathering here yields 80 Food. 5 Space. +50% Military Strength for defending Soldiers.
Riverlands: Gathering here yields 180 Food. 10 Space. +20% Trade for any Merchants here.